☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Once the drama cools down a bit, want a timeskip?

Yes, skip to when the FIRST army is arriving at the Sanctuary. But have the other armies arrive pretty quickly after the first.
Yes, skip to when the LAST army finally arrives at the Sanctuary.
Total votes : 10

Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby darcy_jensen » Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:03 pm

l i l y // a l l i n g t o n
power // teleportation crush // rowan tagged // regina and eden

lily threw a genuine grin at the new girl, who introduced herself as Regina. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Lily," she answered, "And I too find baking rather therapeutic." At the mention of cooking something else, she turned away and began to rummage through the pantry, searching for cocoa powder. At hearing another new voice, she turned back to see a young boy standing, smiling at her. "We sure are baking," she laughed, handing the boy a cookie, "would you like to help?"
Last edited by darcy_jensen on Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby hellb0und » Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:08 pm

» [➳] name;;jennifer dire/tag(s);; xia and gavotte/crush;;gavotte/power;;accuracy and fire manipulation/location;; the sanctuary

Looking over at Xia again she shook her head, "You're perfectly fine Xia, I'm just glad you're alright. And yes, I'm Jennifer. Nice to meet you, but feel free to call me Jen." Smiling she looked at her for a moment, "Anything I can do to help you?" The heavy armor which covered her looked rather uncomfortable, she couldn't begin to imagine how tough that must've been. Turning her attention back to Gavotte she answered his question, "It's beautiful!" Noticing the moon which somehow managed to break through the clouds, it'd given the area a rather lively glow. Even if it had been a small amount. "Would you guys like to go look around?" Jennifer asked.
Last edited by hellb0und on Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby Pistol Annie #1 NPC » Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:11 pm

The Sanctuary

Rowan really did love hugs. Everyone in the Adamson family could literally not survive without hugs. It was one of their basic human needs, because of who they were all descended from.
"I know," He said softly. "I could sense it. You are always welcome for hugs."
Now that he was blind, he could actually see what he needed to see much better.

Cilantro had no idea where Eden just ran off to. That energetic kid was probably going to get in trouble... or not. This place was blessed by Cilan's father Luno, and besides, there were plenty of mature people to supervise the kids.
"That sounds fun!" He told Mallory when she suggested trying a brother. He had a ridiculous grin on his face. "We could go skydiving together... but I'd have to bring him a parachute!"

Gavotte smiled and nodded in agreement. He wished he could be a bit more talkative, but he still wasn't fully recovered. He held up his hand at Jen's offer.
"One moment," He whispered as he took deep breaths. It was highly uncomfortable, but after a while it got easier. He sat up, then rose to his feet.
"I'd love to come exploring with you. Just as long as you handle the tasks involving physical strength..." He chuckled.


Capital City

Ivana honestly loved Amber. They did make a perfect team. Despite having mostly the same power, they somehow balanced each other out. "Alastair's guards have horrible fashion sense," Ivana quipped. "Dark green and dark red... like Christmas during a power outage!"
As usual, Solara obviously did not get the joke. "... There is someone in the prison who called for me," She told Amber.
A prison? Ivana could certainly negotiate them inside. She didn't have as much destructive power as the others, but she sure could use everything to her advantage. With her high status, she could manipulate the guards. Ivana secretly wanted to ask Solara to walk a little faster. The Timekeeper heiress couldn't wait to order more people around.
"I believe we need a plan, Alpha puppy," Ivana commented. She looked to Amber, since 'rip off the door and tear the bars off the cells' would not be a good strategy. Probably effective for their ridiculously strong companion, but not for the Timekeepers. It was better to be safe than sorry. Besides, Amber knew the most about both her comrades. Ivana used to be the smartest in her school until she showed up!


Celestial Tower

Clotilda was just lounging on the couch when some idiot barged in without knocking. She leaped to her feet, ready to throw the nearest dangerous object at the rude intruder. When she found out it was Jonah, she decided not to attack right now. He was too busy freaking out about something.
"Hey!" She yelled as he ran out of the room. "You can't just..."
He had already left.
"Ugh!" Clove shouted as she ran after him.


Celestial Spire

Juniper was entirely aware of the issue at hand. He was locking down the upper floors of the tower, and preparing to head to a meeting at the top. Just as he locked the last door, Jonah surprised him from behind and started shouting about Conlan and Agatha. Juniper simply listened to the horrified teenager, then hugged him.
"Shh," He murmured. "I know."
Before he could continue, Clotilda ran up the stairs and burst into the hallway. "What's going on? You left without me, you big churlish oaf!"
Juniper closed his eyes for a moment, focusing. He then let go of Jonah.
"I think you two best come with me."


Celestial Pinnacle

Vulcana had finally arrived after a life lesson involving her daughter, which she wouldn't elaborate on. The council was almost fully gathered in the white room atop the tower, where Solara had stayed before her revival. Now the floor had been newly renovated with wood planks, and the walls were painted blue like the sky. A few soft patches of white remained, like fluffy clouds. Obviously someone did not like boring pure white rooms. And that 'someone' had crazy artistic skills. The clouds on the walls were actually moving. Zelkova was honestly very impressed.
Albina stared distastefully at the colorful room. "I preferred the old look... this is too jarring. The brown does not go well with the blue-and-white." To punctuate her point, she made a disgusted expression at the wood floor.
"THE FLOOR IS A PROBLEM," Vulcana commented. She was wearing the most embarrassing bunny slippers... except they were made out of metal. She had to create them herself, since no other shoes would fit her feet. She was obviously not allowed here without proper protection. Not for her, but for the floor. If she touched it, she would immediately ruin the new wood planks.
"Father spent much time renovating this room," Mariana scolded. "Show some respect and stop complaining."
"Evan is not my mother," Albina retorted.
"You don't have to be so cold, you old geezer!" Aeliana burst out laughing in her face. "How do you think Papa would feel!"
"No more fighting." Terentia stood up and placed her hands firmly on the table. This, fortunately, got the other elemental sisters to stop nagging at each other. Zelkova and Livius looked at one another, and breathed a sigh of relief. Terentia sat down and shot a stern look towards her sisters.
The door opened, and Evan entered the room. Aeliana began applauding until Mariana tugged on her arm to get her to stop. Evan was fidgeting with some kind of Hesenian technological device. It was flat, and it mostly consisted of a big screen. Below the screen was a single circular button, with a rounded square symbol on it.
"Ada's not coming," Evan laughed as he took his seat at the table. Now almost all the spots were occupied. Ada's spot at the far end of the table was empty, and there were still three unoccupied seats in the middle. The five elemental sisters sat on one edge of the long rectangular table, and Livius was on the same side. Across from him, Zelkova sat alone on the other edge. The five seats to Zelkova's right were unoccupied, since nobody wanted to sit with Death. Evan pressed some kind of button on the device's edge, and the screen lit up. It read 'Grapefruit iPad'. The logo was a big grapefruit with a bite taken out of it.
"My favorite fruit," Livius said brightly. He was always so proud the Grapefruit company named itself after him. The symbolism was that their devices would someday be incorporated into everyday living.
Zelkova chuckled. "I prefer pomegranates."
Of course, no company named itself after her. They did not want their brand name to 'die' since their products would stop selling. Apparently Zelkova was considered very unlucky by living Hesenians.
"And blackberries!" Livius added. "Don't forget blackberries! Remember last week, when I threw them in the air and you caught them in your mouth?"
Everyone at the table burst into laughter then. Vulcana's laugh made the entire room shake, and Albina's giggling was barely audible. Aeliana was pounding her fists on the table and there were tears in Mariana's eyes. Zelkova just stared at them, and then at Livius, her cheeks starting to burn. He had actually joined the laughter too. He just loved to embarrass her!
Someone opened the door. Zelkova recognized the brown hair and bright green eyes of Tacet Tenuto, the First Gentleman of Windwoods Village.
"Hello," Tacet said brightly. "Thank you all for inviting me."
Aeliana, Mariana, and Terentia just laughed harder. They had been the ones to invite him to the meeting, when Evan asked them to invite a mortal. It was their inside joke, because they made a bet against Vulcana and Albina. The triplets' hopes were riding on Tacet hero-worshipping Solara during this meeting. Whoever lost the bet would have cleaning duty in the Underworld.
"A pleasure to have you here," Zelkova told him with a smile. "Come sit down beside me."
Tacet looked very nervous. "Thank you ma'am, but I will have to decline." He went to the far edge of the table, and sat down in the seat closest to Ada's unoccupied chair. Now he was four empty seats away from Zelkova. She didn't blame him. She had only recently come to claim him.
"There we go," Evan said as he turned the device around. It was attached to a stand, and now it was upright without him having to hold it. The screen displayed a live video of General Ada's furious face. She was sitting on her throne, and Zelkova could hear the background noise of condemned souls groaning.
"That is an awful noise," Albina sighed.
"Agreed," General Ada said. "Give me a moment."
Evan turned the screen around. Zelkova could hear Ada shouting at someone, "SHUT UP OR EXTRA DISHWASHING FOR EVERYONE!" And Evan made a very concerned face. He turned the screen around. Ada was back on her throne, looking as grumpy as ever.
"When is the meeting going to start?" Aeliana inquired impatiently.
"When all the chairs are filled," Mariana told her.
Zelkova shook her head. She had asked about the meeting ahead of time. "No, Mariana. Juniper is the last member we are waiting for. Three of these chairs will remain empty, because Solara, Luno, and Conlan are in the living world-"
The door flew open as a furious Conlan stormed inside. "You were saying?"
"ZELKOVA!" Everyone groaned. "You jinxed it again!"
Zelkova stared at him in utter confusion. Since he was one of the legends, she didn't have to pick him up herself. So it was all the more surprising when he did show up.
"What happened?" She asked the enraged warrior.
"Agatha dropped him off a cliff," Mariana explained. "She won the fight, since he was so tired."
"You knew about it..." Zelkova squinted at the trident wielder. She was beginning to grow exasperated...
"I know we knew," Aeliana snickered. "But we love to blame you anyway!"
Zelkova shook her head in disbelief. Livius gave her a sympathetic look, even though he was hiding a laugh.
Conlan scowled at the triplets, then looked at Evan. "Where should I sit?"
"Take my seat," General Ada said over the audio before Evan could respond. "You have much to give to this meeting. So give us your all."
"Yes, Grandmother. Thank you." Grumpily, Conlan marched over to the head of the table and sat down, now facing Evan. He looked a little uncomfortable to be in that position. Zelkova didn't blame him.


Mayne's Room

Timpani looked down at Mayne with an expression of both contentment and concern. There was something about him that made it impossible to get angry. Without her typical anger, she felt much different. It was a good different. She thought of her mother, and unexpectedly was plunged into a memory that wasn't her own.

    The rhythmic clanging of metal against metal rang throughout the great volcano. The dark figure of a giant was hunched over a forge which glowed with blazing light. Brows furrowed in rage and effort, the blacksmith brought her hammer down upon her creation, over and over again. With each strike, the fiery glow from the surrounding magma dimmed and brightened; the volcano's depths seemed to pulse like a heartbeat. Day and night, Vulcana devoted herself to this one project. She considered it her greatest undertaking.
    Yet it needed something more to make it complete.
    Above, the mouth of the volcano opened to the dark sky. It was nighttime, but the moon did not shine. This was a time before the sun and the moon ruled the skies.
    A figure emerged at the edge of the volcano. At his arrival, Vulcana set down her hammer.
    "COME IN."
    He nodded silently, then climbed over the side. Vulcana sent a plume of lava towards him. It cradled the visitor, then lowered him to the floor gently. Juniper was immune to fire; it was his element too, although he embodied none of its destructive powers. Only its comforting warmth and light.
    Vulcana let the volcano's glow brighten, so she could see him better. The firelight illuminated the bruise beginning to form around his right eye. A rumble sounded from deep within the volcano as her anger flared. That had not been there at his last visit, which was only two days ago.
    "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" She demanded, taking a step forward.
    He limped towards her, clearly favoring his left leg. It seemed to pain him whenever he took a step. Vulcana was about to erupt with rage, but she kept it together for his sake. The rumbling from the volcano stopped. She took a deep breath in and out, then gathered him into her arms. She held him like she would hold a fragile clay figure, created by Hesenians with their cold hands, not yet fired in Vulcana's forge.
    The mortals would throw their clay creations into the volcano sometimes. If she approved of them, she would heat the clay to strength it, and leave it outside to be collected again. If she disapproved she would simply melt the clay down for her future projects. But never for this project. Only the strongest metals could go into this creation, for Juniper's sake.
    "Conlan got into a fight with Agatha again and ran away from home," Juniper confided quietly. He pressed himself into her embrace, trembling despite her warmth. "I tried to go after him-"
    "SAY NO MORE." She already knew what had happened. That dastardly Agatha. Trying to prevent a father from searching for his son. There would be punishment for her cowardice. Agatha had never challenged anyone more powerful than herself, because she was thoroughly despicable.
    Vulcana picked him up, very carefully. She had to control her strength around him. No matter what, she would not allow herself to harm him. She brought him to her forge, where the creation had finally taken its shape. It was the rough figure of a baby girl, made from the strongest metals in existence. Bronze from the bottom of the Underworld and gold from the leftover materials used to build Celestial Tower, blended with steel painstakingly created in Vulcana's own forge.
    "She's beautiful," Juniper murmured.
    He stepped forward and stood by the anvil's side, closing his eyes in concentration. After a while, he finally spoke again. Vulcana loved to hear his voice.
    "Will you let me hold her?"
    Vulcana nodded. "I WISH YOU WOULD."
    She watched as Juniper gently picked up the motionless girl made of metal. He cradled her so tightly that she was completely hidden in his arms. "She is very warm, just like you," He commented fondly.
    Juniper looked down at the ground wistfully. "Vulcana, I don't know what to say but... thank you."
    She smiled, her normally-stern features softening. But the moment was quickly gone as she remembered her error. "SHE IS MISSING ONE THING."
    "What is that?" Juniper asked her.
    Juniper only smiled, and held out his arms. Now he held a living daughter, plump and rosy-faced. She opened her eyes, and light illuminated the volcano, brighter than any fire. She had deep russet eyes which matched her father's.
    Babbling, she reached her tiny fingers up at her father.
    "Hi, Sunny," Juniper cooed at her. "Say hello to mommy."
    "GOOD MORNING, SOLARA." Vulcana greeted her newborn daughter. She was alive, so full of life. That was what was missing, and Juniper had provided exactly that.
    The baby looked at her in awe.
    "What is a morning, Vulcana?" Juniper asked her.
    She smiled. "COME WITH ME."
    A current of magma slowly lifted them up to the surface. Now that she was above the mouth of the volcano, she could see the sky. Vulcana stood beside Juniper as the eastern horizon began to brighten.
    "What is happening?"
    A golden light emerged from the edge of the world, and gradually climbed up the sky, illuminating all of Hesenia. It brought light to everything it touched, turning an once bleak grey landscape into a colorful paradise. Vulcana smiled with pride as the light fell on them, too.
    Still holding Solara with one hand, Juniper reached his hand out. "Light from the sky- and it is so warm," He breathed. In his arms, Solara yawned.
    "Don't-" Juniper started, but due to his superhuman empathy, he couldn't help but yawn too.
    Vulcana looked at him with furrowed brows.
    "Oh, I'm sorry." Juniper smiled. "I was trying to tell Sunny not to yawn in your presence."
    "WHY?" Vulcana was completely perplexed.
    "I just thought it would be impolite."
    Vulcana laughed, a sound that made the ground itself shake. "RIDICULOUS," She told him. "NOW TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF MY GIFT."
    "No words can express how much I love this," Juniper told her. "If you don't mind, can I name sunrise the 'dawn?' It is a combination of the words 'don't' and 'yawn'. It will make much sense as a name; this light makes me have much more energy. So I am not tired and have no wish to yawn. The humans must feel the same."
    "YES," She told him with a chuckle. "AND THINK OF ME WHEN YOU SEE THE DAWN."
    With his free hand, Juniper leaned in and gave Vulcana a hug. She wrapped her arms around both him and the tiny girl in his arms, who was now peacefully asleep. He only responded when she had released him.
    "I will," Juniper promised, gently breaking free from her side. "But now I must go."
    She paused.
    "I wanted to tell you, but you told me to stop," Juniper said. "I found Conlan last night. He is safe with your sister Albina, in the north. Agatha will be coming home soon, and I should make her the first meal after sunrise. I will call it 'breakfast' because I must leave this place quickly."
    "NO. DO NOT LEAVE ME," She told him.
    "Agatha will find me eventually," Juniper whispered.
    The rumbling from the volcano began anew. "BUT I WILL PROTECT YOU FROM HER."
    Juniper shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry. She... can defeat anyone. Even Governor Evan."
    Vulcana was running out of time- he had already stepped off the magma flow and was backing away. She looked him in the eyes, no longer angry, only heartbroken. "BUT I LOVE YOU. STAY WITH ME FOREVER."
    "I am sorry, Vulcana. I love you too, but Agatha is my soulmate." Juniper bowed his head, but the tears had already begun to fall. "We were created for each other, just as you were created for your forge."
    Vulcana held out a hand. "I WILL LEAVE MY FORGE AND COME WITH YOU."
    "I could never do that to you," Juniper told her. "But I really must go. Goodbye, Vulcana."
    He turned his back and walked away, and she watched him until she was gone. And then she let the lava lower her back into the depths of the volcano, where she sat by her forge in silence.
    The sound of metal striking metal was not heard from the volcano for a long time.
"Why are you showing me this?" Timpani asked her mother once she regained her senses. "And why now?"
She looked at the boy in her arms. The boy who had apologized, thinking it was impolite to yawn in her presence. The boy who she felt so protective over. It was him Vulcana was speaking about.
Fury kindled in her heart- the same rage she shared with her mother.
And what if I refuse either of those choices, mother?
She thought about it for a long time.
That is what I will do, Timpani said. Thank you, mother.
With that, Vulcana's voice in her head was gone. But Timpani could feel her approval. She wouldn't let her down.
She looked at the boy she still held in her arms.
She wouldn't let him down.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby artemis, » Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:40 pm

Mallory laughed when he mentioned skydiving. "I think I'll watch from the ground," she said. Basically everyone knew she had a really bad fear of heights, and whenever she had to climb something high she just tried not to panic. Speaking of.....

    "No! It's not funny!" Said 6 year old Mal, half laughing half panicking. Cilan, who stood there laughing like your typical 6 year old, didn't know exactly how bad her fear was. She was standing wobbling on the thin branch. "Jump down, scaredy-cat.... Or I guess I have to come and get you," He said, his high-pitched voice yelling from the base of the tree. Soon, he climbed the base and was already on the branch. "No, no, no ,no. I can jump myself.." she tried, but he was near her anyway. "Now you jump," he said, tapping her shoulder in a forward gesture. That simple movement made her jump forward, and she landed, stumbling forward some. She knew Cilan didn't mean it, but she told her mom she would be sparring. "You're gonna pay for that, you little...," she barely finished her sentence when she turned into the scrawny wolf she could become and jumped on him. She was all play, however, and was actually happy as she did so.

Eden brightened up a bit when she handed him a cookie. Deciding to save it for later, he wrapped it in the nearest napkin and put it in his small bag. He kept his blades and a ring that didn't fit his fingers inside of it. He didn't know where he got the ring, and he had yet to ask his sister. When she offered for him to assist, he got excited. "Yes, of course!" He exclaimed.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby hellb0und » Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:59 pm

» [➳] name;;jennifer dire/tag(s);; gavotte (and xia a bit)/crush;;gavotte/power;;accuracy and fire manipulation/location;; the sanctuary

Remembering he'd been out of breath she sat down next to him and gently rubbed his back, hoping to make him feel a bit better. "I should've gone back and helped, I'm so sorry." She chuckled a bit at his comment, "Yes of course, do you want me to carry you?" Grinning her tone was teasing. Still keeping her hand intact with his she patiently waited, clearly both Xia and him were struggling. Although Jen was unable to pinpoint exactly why Gavotte had been out of breath, his endurance was always high. "I do know there's a large lake, we could visit there and you could get a drink?" She offered, hopefully it'd help at least a bit.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:34 pm

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Rowan

"It means a lot." Flynn murmured, feeling bad he was hogging Rowan. He leaned out of the hug reluctantly. "You need to go help others. I'll be fine. Thanks." He smiled.

Location: Meeting Room
Tagged: Everyone and Clove

Jonah was shocked to find that Juniper knew, but then again, and he shouldn't have been that surprised. He heard Clove, but he just wrapped her in his arms and held tight. He knew this wasn't going to be pretty.
"Agatha just won a battle." He murmured quietly in her ear. He then grabbed her hand and practically dragged her into the meeting room. He looked around, only to find some empty seats. He went over to Zelkova and sat next to her, pulling Clove into the seat next to him. His head was swiveling around so fast, until he saw General Ada. He just stared at her, and then listened to everyone.
"Excuse me for interrupting, but I still have family down there that I am still very protective over, as well as you all. I'm pretty sure you have family you love too." Jonah started, not even feeling that bad about interrupting. He had a fierce need to protect everyone. Without even thinking, he grabbed Zelkova's hand, trying to show unity.
"We know Agatha is the worse villain out there. We need to stop her. The only way to do that is to be united, and to show our living family the way. How are we going to do that?" He asked, needing to get the ball rolling. As his family put it, it was the Alpha in him.

Location: On the Road
Tagged: Ivana and Solara (and Mal and Cilan)

"It wouldn't surprise me if Agatha was behind those colors. Isn't she represented by a rotting apple? Those are the colors of a rotten apple!" Amber smiled, giggling.
"A plan? That's easy. We have to flirt with the guards, then Solara will go in and get them." Amber smiled, already having 3 different back up plans if that doesn't work.
"I'm kidding. Both of us can overpower the system and make the lights go out. Solara can go in and grab the people who need help." Amber actually stated. She remember always coming up with a plan to help people.
Especially Cilan.

Amber looked up from her book only to find Mal and Cilan playing. She rolled her eyes, and continued reading. It was for school, and they weren't even doing their homework. She tuned them out until she heard a growl. Amber looked up just in time to see her shift and pounce on Cilan. Amber was up and running before she was even thinking. She barreled into Mal and went tumbling with her.
"Don't you hurt Cilan!" She growled when they separated. Amber put herself between the wolf and Cilan. She was secretly jealous that Mal could shift into a wolf, but that didn't make it okay to try and hurt him
"If you hurt Cilan, you'll be dealing with the real Alpha here." Amber practically growled. She was so mad, she was shaking. No one was allowed to hurt Cilan, even if he deserved it.

Amber jumped back into reality, already feeling herself get angry all over again. She needed to protect Cilan, it was in her blood. She would start by protecting the people they would rescue.
"You ready to go?" She asked, smiles all gone and now with a serious face.

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for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby ~Rue~ » Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:48 pm

"Oooh carry him!" I laugh. I don't know why Jen left Regina in a hurry, Jen hates her for some reason! Maybe they are long lost enemies! I guess I will stay away from Regina if Jen doesn't trust her but I don't think there is anything wrong with her.

Soon I wake up and Jade is still there. "Thanks for staying." I tell her. It's nice to have someone that cares. I stand up and look around. This place is starting to feel like home even though it is not my home. "What should we do?"

I look at everybody, the two boys with red hair, and the 3 girls. "Well just follow me, I will take you to the right place." I say and turn around. I take 1 step and then I collapse to the ground. I catch myself with my arms but I can't even hold myself up with my arms, so I just lay down on the ground groaning. My tiredness has caught up to me now, I can hardly breathe. I am starving and I can barely move. If I can just get sunlight I will be fine but if not, I think this is the end for me...
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby Pistol Annie #1 NPC » Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:25 pm

[Wow Cilan is a huge jerk in that flashback... and said something pretty silly. XD I do recall you telling me you wouldn't make him say anything in the post. He would not behave like that for real. To make it accurate to his character, mind editing your post so he helps her get down or something? That would help a lot. ^^]

The Sanctuary

Cilan had almost forgotten how much Mallory hated heights, since she was really good at climbing stuff. Back in the Capital City before they left, their conversation consisted mostly of Mal bragging about climbing redwood trees. Cilan would be too scared to try that before, but now that he knew he was a phoenix...
"Yeah, just make sure I don't smack into you!" Cilan told her with a laugh. "I'd probably fall as fast as... umm... someone who Governor Evan kicked out of Celestial Tower!"

Gavotte chuckled and decided to go along with it. "You want to carry me? Go right ahead, I'm perfectly fine with that," He told her with a flirtatious smile. "Groom style preferably."
It was called 'bridal style' in some other places, but Windwoods they called it groom style. That was because the bride would carry the groom in their culture.

Rowan could sense something was amiss, but he wasn't the type to disobey a direct order. "Any time," He told Flynn softly. He could sense that Lily was occupied by two other people. One was the newcomer, the other was very young. Lily was probably helping them to get settled in. She was like the team mother, making everyone feel at home. It warmed Rowan's heart.
He knew they were making something, and he loved surprises. He also made a note that he would cook the next meal. Rowan walked outside and took a deep breath, wondering where he was needed. Maybe he wasn't needed right now.
"Wrong," Luno said from beside him. Rowan hadn't even noticed him, despite him being in plain sight. It was because Luno's energy was all over this place. "You're always needed. Everyone needs each other, Rowan."
"What should I do?"
"Whatever your heart tells you to do."
Rowan didn't need to think about it. "I think I will head to the kitchen. Thank you, Luno."


Capital City

"I actually didn't know that," Ivana said when Amber mentioned the rotting apple. Ivana did not like apples, even when they were fresh. She was completely revolted by even the thought of a rotting one. Of course, it suited Agatha. Rotting apples disgusted Ivana thoroughly; Agatha disgusted Ivana thoroughly. It all made sense.
She was beginning to take Amber's flirting plan seriously until she said she was kidding. Ivana laughed, not wanting to admit she was considering the plan as an actual thing. She was not as gullible or as literal as Solara.
Amber suggested they make the lights go out. Now that was excellent.
"That plan is even better because it will be dark," Ivana commented, "And Solara will be bright. They will find her easily. And if the guards find her... less guards for us to take care of."


Celestial Tower

"WHAT?!" Clotilda was completely enraged, from the instant she heard Agatha had won something. Ohh that idiot was going to pay. Clove could not stand that someone was a better fighter than her, especially when it was some crazy old grandmother who thought she was so amazing! Just because she was immortal, and more powerful than Governor Evan, didn't mean she was better than everyone. That was just stupid.
She didn't know where Jonah was taking her, but she was so mad at Agatha, she couldn't even be mad at him. Clotilda was definitely surprised when they re-entered the room Solara had used, except now everything looked awesome. Even the door was fixed and was made out of gold, inlaid with an intricate silver pattern. There was a dedication on the door, but Clove didn't look long enough to figure out who it was dedicated to. She just glimpsed a signature that meant General Ada had made it in the Underworld. It had probably taken her a long time. Ada was better at destroying things than making them.
She stared at everyone in shock, and didn't even speak when Jonah pulled her into the seat. On his other side was Clotilda's ancestor, Zelkova Adamson- also known as death. But Jonah just started talking, and she even grabbed the Grim Reaper's hand. He was just going. They were two mortals, sitting in a room of Hesenia's immortal legends, and Jonah was just talking like he owned the place. This was a rare time Clove was thankful she was already dead.
"What is this? You interrupt our meeting and act like you own the place." Albina said coldly, fixing the two teenagers with her icy stare. Clotilda glared right back. How dare that disgrace talk like that to Jonah! Clove didn't care she was immortal or had created the ice element; she just knew she hated this freak. This was so rude.
The triplets were also just staring at him, although they were not harsh like Albina. Conlan just sulked. Vulcana's expression was unreadable, Zelkova was the epitome of calm, and the other men were just smiling as always.
"HE ONLY SPEAKS THE TRUTH," Vulcana rebuked her sister. She then made direct eye contact with Jonah. "I VOTE HE STAYS AS LONG AS HE IS RESPECTFUL."
"Agreed," Zelkova and Livius chimed in. (Clotilda was surprised that Death and Life were agreeing so perfectly.) The triplets were also nodding, and so was the green-eyed mortal who Clove didn't recognize.
"Ada?" Evan prompted.
"Let him stay. We need more mortals," The General said. She brought out some device and started shouting into it. "BENJAMIN AND KELLY SOARE. THEIA AND ONILLE ELIANUS. GINGKO AND CEDAR ADAMSON. REPORT TO THE MEETING ROOM IMMEDIATELY, AND BRING YOUR CHILDREN."
"She usually threatens to snap someone's neck at this point," Livius quipped.
"I almost forgot," Ada said, then started shouting into the pager again. "OR I WILL DRAG YOU TO THE UNDERWORLD AND SNAP YOUR NECK WITH EVERYONE WATCHING!"
"You know mother, if you threaten that enough, people stop taking it seriously." Albina laughed.
Clove was really not liking this jerk.
"Show some respect because I'm on the verge of incinerating you," The General snarled.
Juniper had been standing there the whole time. Clove knew his type... he never wanted to offend anyone with the 'disruptive noise of his footsteps' or some disgrace like that. But now he walked up to his chair, and didn't yet sit down. He just stood there. "Thank you, Jonah. Now as we all know, my daughter is still out there fighting for us. I will ensure she acts as a liason between us and the living world. In the meantime, anyone who can return to Hesenia should do so immediately following this meeting."
"Awww!" Aeliana whined. "Does that mean the bet is off?"
"Shut up, air head!" Albina snapped at her.
Unfazed, Evan continued speaking. He wasn't at all bothered by the banter. "That means the five of you," He gestured to the elemental sisters, "Must take responsibility."
He emphasized the word 'responsibility'.
"Yes, father," the triplets echoed. Vulcana simply nodded, and Albina grudgingly followed suit.
Clotilda looked over at the door as it opened silently, not even creaking. The invited mortal parents were finally here... and judging by the sound of Olive's high-pitched voice, so were their children.
"You might be wondering why I invited you," Ada now began to speak, once the mortals were in the room. "You are needed to spread the word to your families. Any chance you can get a hold of them, such as dreams, tell them who is the true enemy. They cannot waste their energy fighting Alastair; even Alastair is needed to fight Agatha if Hesenia is to survive."
"We should also warn Alastair himself," Livius suggested.
"That's a stupid idea," Albina criticized.
Oh, Clove was going to give her a piece of her mind! But before she could lunge across the table, Zelkova stood up, still holding Jonah's hand. The triplets gasped when they realized someone was actually touching Zelkova.
"No it is not," She said firmly, her normally-soft voice darkening with fury. "And if you have any objections you can leave. Livius is right. We need to let the Sanctuary's threats know who they should truly be targeting. We must work together, all of us." To accentuate her point, she raised the hand that was locked with Jonah's.
"All of us." Evan echoed.
Ada wasn't just satisfied with this. She seemed extremely disappointed that not everyone had repeated her granddaughter's words. "Now I want to hear it from you! ALL of us!"
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby passione » Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:45 pm

Reidun «Xia» Olsen
◍Aɢᴇ: 17
◍Lᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Tʜᴇ Sᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴀʀʏ
◍Pᴏᴡᴇʀ: Aᴜʀᴀ ᴍᴀɴɪᴘᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
◍Mᴏᴏᴅ: yes
◍Cʀᴜsʜ: Sɪʟᴀs

"Thank you, Jen, but don't worry about me. I'll be just fine."
Xia sat up and removed her chest plate, setting it down on the grass beside her.
She then stood up— It was much easier now than it would have been before, her chest plate did weigh a good deal.
Picking up the piece of armour, she tucks it under her arm as if it had been a helmet of some sorts.
She took a deep breath of fresh air, the first she's had in ages, admiring the serenity of the place.

"I would be carrying Silas, but he seems to be completely fine,"
Xia said with a chuckle, sneaking glances at the ivory haired boy behind her.
That feeling was getting somewhere that hit quite close to home. She called out to him with a dying breath,
that meant something no matter where you stood.

"If you two lovebirds would like some alone time, I'll be off."
Xia smiled politely, shifting her gaze between Gavotte and Jen.
Last edited by passione on Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.


yo. i'm xia. gone from cs but never
forgotten. find me on fr!

i like jjba, lunch club and bts.
suffering from jschlatt brainrot.

they/them pronouns please

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby darcy_jensen » Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:46 pm

l i l y // a l l i n g t o n
power // teleportation crush // rowan tagged // regina and eden

letting out a gentle chuckle as the boy tucked the cookie into his bag, lily teleported from the bench where they stood, over to the sink where she proceeded to clean the dishes they needed to make their next dish. "So who are you then?" she questioned, looking over to the boy, "are you someone's sibling?" the throbbing in the back of her head told her that someone was either thinking about her, or was reading her thoughts. this new, weird ability to enter the room of darkness was giving her a consistant headache, and lily was honestly sick of it. groaning and rubbing at her temples, she ate a cookie in irritation, its warmth and sweetness making her smile.
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