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Re: ✖【 Freed's Storage】 ✖

Postby XLOVEr » Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:09 pm

𝖗𝖕 𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘

➵ follow all cs rules
➵ all sexualities are welcome
➵ No godmodding
➵ you can make drama but please, not too much
➵ At least five sentences
➵ Good Grammar!
➵ In your character forms, I will accept or decline depending on your activity.
➵ your characters can be any age between 15-31
𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖊 𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘

➵ no more than two children
➵ ALL children with powers MUST be reported
➵ no one can leave after sundown
➵ children suspected with powers many be sent away
➵ a full moon is a time for a gathering
➵ no one shall harm anyone! EVER!
➵ everyone must gather food and water
➵ every young man or woman must choose a path
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Re: ✖【 Freed's Storage】 ✖

Postby XLOVEr » Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:31 pm


𝕳𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘/𝕲𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖗𝖘 - Normally hunt in the forest both at night and at day. Since numbers are so big in the tribe, there is a higher demand for food. At night, bigger and more dangerous animals come out to hunt other prey they wouldn't normally find in the daytime. This is the most dangourous of the jobs/roles of any tribe. Men and women do this.
𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 - These people normally get traps woven from the weavers and set them up along with bait to attract smaller, and quicker animals. Trappers usualy check traps every hour and an half. Men and women do this.
𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘 Traders trade. They trade items to weavers and sell it unfortunate families who have no engery to do much. Men and women do this.
𝖂𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 - Weave traps, and clothes. Without these guys the whole tribe would be in some trouble. Normally women do this.
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Re: ✖【 Freed's Storage】 ✖

Postby XLOVEr » Thu Jan 26, 2017 9:45 am

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Re: ✖【 Freed's Storage】 ✖

Postby XLOVEr » Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:59 pm

Avatars + Banners By Me
[do not take]



Please don’t hate me, I swear i’m not always angry at myself for no reason. I can be quiet and smile even though I want to punch something til I cant feel.
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: ✖【 the rebel 】 ✖ :

Postby XLOVEr » Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:13 am





: 【 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕝 】 :
played by .Alice




{name.} Jasper Micheal Cage

{nickname(s).} Jerk, ha just kidding

{gender.} male

{age.} 25

{sexuality.} homosexual

{role.} the rebel

{+ traits.} adaptable, dynamic, innovative.

{= traits.} ambitious, experimental, competitive.

{- traits.} envious, hostile, blunt, intense, devious.

{personality.} Jasper isn't one to try and trick, he can and will always figure it out sooner or later and will never hesitate to get revenge. He is very sagacious, making him a hard one to trick and one you don't want to get revenge on you, he can always come up with the most crafty and surprisingly effective ways of revenge to anyone who tries to trick or manipulate him in any shape or form. Though he hates others doing it to him, he can be very devious at any given time, even in the worst possible times and quite frankly he loves doing it, it’s a sport to him along with annoying others by ignoring rules. But being so manipulative all the time tires him out sometimes and if you can catch him in the mood he could be a decent person. When not projecting his normal illusion, Jasper isn’t too talkative and is kind of grouchy but can give great advice, and help around if asked [nicely mind you]. When he’s not in a good mood it’s best to stay away from him, keep your distance he can be quite aggressive and explosive when he’s been ticked off or anything of the sort, which is easily. He's like a soda can, shake him up and he'll explode when opened. During this time he usually distances himself from the group until he’s cooled down or has forgotten why he was mad in the first place and normally during this time he will refuse to engage in any attempt at conversation with him.

Although it may not seem like it, when not being manipulative or angry he doesn't hold up conversation well. He’ll either walk away from anyone instigating it or will tell them to leave him alone, he isn’t good when talking to people it makes him awkward, which is the reason for him to always hide behind his alter ego who can be quite annoying. Jasper can also be very cautious in a new place, he doesn't trust new surrounding or strangers they freak him out. Being impulsive doesn't help his situation with strangers either, his first thought is to not trust and be a complete jerk to keep them away. This behavior normally results in the newcomer to view him quite harshly and keep their distance, as this was what Jasper was aiming for. It's not that he doesn't like them, it's just he doesn't want them to distract him from his two main goals; annoying the leader with his rule-breaking and trying not to die throughout this whole ordeal. But the bigger reason for him to act this way is because he can get quiet jealous and competitive, even if the other party has no desire to compete with him over his group.

Jasper sometimes can just think himself into a bad mood or into small periods of time which he calls 'fits' of depression over his friend. he hates himself for it and hates ever becoming a solider, which is his main reason for being rebellious besides the fact that it's fun. Some days he will try to be heroic and some he can be a completely different person, though he dose not have bipolar he can sometimes change his moods and emotions in the span of five seconds and sometimes keep himself from sleeping at night with his thoughts.

{history.} All of anyone’s personality comes from their past experience, and affects them long-term and Jasper is no exception to this. All up’s and down’s of his personality and behavior come from his past which isn’t pretty and he will never repeat more than once to anyone, if you haven’t heard it then you may never hear it from him. Don’t get him wrong, he loved his mother and father, they just didn’t love him, to put it bluntly. He always came home to food, warmth, and shelter, but safety was never included. Most everyone in his house sported pocket knives and liked to inhale awful stolen toxins that kept Jasper away from home, see Jasper has asthma and breathing in smoke was not good for him or anyone else that was there. His parents also decided that instead of just getting an actual ashtray that they already had one at home and didn’t need to buy another one, you could probably guess who was the ashtray.

Besides when with his family, Jasper was normally out with friends causing havoc around the neighborhood and manipulating his peers who were considered 'popular' into getting things for him and inviting him to parties. He had a great number of friends throughout high school and middle school. Since being very impulsive he went along with whatever his friends told him to, the group would always be doing something illegal or reckless and stupid. He didn't care though, home was boring and he'd rather not get cigarette burns ever hour so he opted out for sneaking around and having the time of his life. But after turning 19, all the recklessness stopped for the group, they had one night been sneaking around the neighborhood like normal but that night wasn't a normal night, it had been the fourth of July. One of his friends had decided that he wanted to go around scaring people, which didn't turn out well whatsoever for him.

While sneaking across the street, a firework and been set on fire and was shooting fireworks out of the box it was in. Unfortunately for his friend he had not been paying too much attention and in avoidance of the firework in the road to his left he had sprinted across the street just as a truck had turned the corner. He attempted to avoid it too but tripped over himself and was unfortunately hit by the car. Though worst way possible, this taught the group a lesson, after that day they decided that sneaking around was definitely not the best idea. Jasper was hit hard by this accident since it had been his best friend who was now paralyzed and couldn't become the solider he'd always wanted to become. As a some sort of resolution Jasper heard of this group that was making soldiers, though he didn't completely understand it he took up the offer. Though it was originally for his friend it slowly became more about himself, which drives him crazy sometimes and sends him into little fits of depression and anger. To this day he hates himself for making this about him and tries everyday to make it more about his lost friend and fails miserably, this is what normally causes his bad moods.

{other.}Jasper is also scared of silence, though no one but him knows about it he always tends to have something like chimes to help him fall asleep or keeps something of the sort on him at all times. He doesn't necessarily know when or what cause him to be this way. He just one day started freaking out of the sound of silence and was so overwhelmed for some reason and found that sounds kept him calm, and has never sat in silence for long since then.

{mental disorder(s).} PTSD and Impulse control disorder (ICD) is a class of psychiatric disorders characterized by impulsivity – failure to resist a temptation, urge or impulse that may harm oneself or others.

{health issues.} Asthma, though it's not too bad anymore.



PM me if you think I should change anything on my form.
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{ BOYS // BOYS \\ BOYS } | rp

Postby XLOVEr » Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:53 am





A group of thirty young men/boys ages 15-21 are in a plane going from The Americas to one of the most effective boarding school in the world. This is a privet Jet that they are flying in, courtesy of the school for sending more students. These boys know nothing of the school and have never heard of it until their parents gave them the news that for the entire summer they would be sent to this school since they couldn't handle them, or because they were leaving for the summer to travel around the world without them. The boys board the Jet on a Sunday morning, the first weekend of the summer. None of the boys know each other, and some make friends, some keep to themselves. But they're all going to the same place. And what the boys don't know, this isn't a normal boarding school, this is a school for only the fittest, the fearless, and the fiercest of the boys. The ones who can survive and make it to the top. The ones who can make it to the school without dying first.

But how will the boys react to their new situations they are put through? What relationships will form? Who will survive, sacrifice, and save themselves? What measures will the boys take to live to the next day, week, and month?

On the way to the school the boys will be put to the test to see who is worthy, with people watching their every move of course. They will be tested to see how they treat each other, how quick their reflexes are and how easy it can be to break them emotionally. This is a test, and for those who pass, they will always be tested, and for those who do not, well lets just say they shouldn't be that upset.. or can't be..

who will live?

who will lead?

and who will lose?


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Re: ✖【 Alice's Storage】 ✖

Postby XLOVEr » Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:17 pm





{one.} all cs rules apply, post forums [url ]here[ /url].

{two.} only male characters please

{three.} characters may be gay, bisexual, and heterosexual(remember this is a group and school with just boys).

{four.} 6+ lines in size 85

{five.} daily or weekly posts please

{six.} no going 3+ pages without me

{seven.} pm if you are leaving the rp

{eight.} pm me if you will not be able to roleplay for a while

{nine.} drama and relationships are allowed in roleplay, I will not tolerate any arguments that are not in the roleplay.

{ten.} fade to black as needed


Last edited by XLOVEr on Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ✖【 Alice's Storage】 ✖

Postby XLOVEr » Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:50 am


﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥

﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥
﹤name ﹥﹤age ﹥﹤sexuality﹥

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Re: ✖【 Alice's Storage】 ✖

Postby XLOVEr » Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:20 am



{pg 2.}boys start by getting on jet
{pg 4.}
{pg 6.}
{pg 8.}
{pg 10.}
{pg 12.}
{pg 14.}

Last edited by XLOVEr on Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ✖【 Alice's Storage】 ✖

Postby XLOVEr » Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:26 am



he likeshim
he likes him﹥✿﹤he likes him

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