➼ Clouded Castle ➼ ➳ {Closed}

For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.

➼ Clouded Castle ➼ ➳ {Closed}

Postby caspar. » Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:22 pm



The kingdom of Snowden has been thrown int
o chaos as the news of the king's death has re
ached all corners of the land. Snowden's enem
ies sharpen their swords and ready their soldie
rs in preparation to overtake this once mighty
kingdom. And where is their prince? Their pri
nce that has suffered with the people, that ha
s wept and mourned with them. Why has he a
bandoned them in this time of need? Will thei
r beloved prince ever come back? Or are they
doomed to succumb to the higher power that
is raging towards them. Only time will tell.

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Postby caspar. » Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:22 pm


1} All of Tess's rules apply.
2} Minor cussing {Damn, hell, etc} is allowed.
3} Fade to black when necessary.
4} This is a medieval/fantasy roleplay, so
treat is as such.
5} No killing without permission.
6} Drama is highly encouraged, but run it by
the recipient first. If it's a major plot twist,
run it by me first.
7} This roleplay has a bit of a dark theme.
Keep it like that.
8} 400 word minimum per reply. Writer's
block happens. If so, wait until your
block is over before replying.
9} Use correct grammar, capitalization, and
spelling. This is a semi-lit roleplay. And disable
your signatures whenever you post. Whether
on the roleplay or discussion. Let's keep it
10} Please be active. Post at least three
times a week. If you will be gone, pm me.
11} Pm me to reserve a spot, and I will
see if you meet the literacy standards.
12} All forms and discussion goes in the
Discussion + Form board.
14} No god-modding or gary/mary-sues.
Nobody is perfect. Keep your characters
15} Three characters max per person.
I don't care if genders aren't even. Just write
what you want.
16} Forms do not need to be fancy,
but they do need to be neat and easy to
read. But please, no mythical animals. We
are humans, that's it. And no, there are no
special pets {Unless you count a horse, but
keep that realistic.}
More to come???

Last edited by caspar. on Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:06 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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{Discussion + Forms}

Postby caspar. » Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:24 am


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♛ Accostal Scents ♞

Postby caspar. » Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:52 pm

▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

twenty-three|| cold hearted || everything wrong || ♞ || tagged; Ila, Samuel

        ”No, no you idiot. What are you- That’s not the right way. Theo- Oh my god.”

        A soft thud accompanied by a small groan met the ears of the company of four. “Help me, brother. I’m lost,” a timid voice pleaded with the owner’s sibling. Valerie sighed heavily, mumbling a couple curses under his breath. He stepped over the mossy log his younger brother had tripped over and to where the boy’s thin body lay. He stooped down and clasped his hand tightly around his brother’s wrist pulling him up to his feet. “Thank you,” he received from Theodias.

        ”Just hold my hand, alright?” While Valerie may have come off as feeling indifferent or frustrated with his younger brother, he cared deeply for the boy. And hated to see any harm come to him. But Theo wasn’t careful, even considering the fact he was blind. He was careless and flirted with danger. He was such a handful. Theo held onto Val’s hand, letting his brother guide him over the rocky, slippery terrain. Samuel and Ila forged ahead of them, giving Theo plenty of space to trip if he felt necessary. But luckily that didn’t happen again. At least, not until they reached their destination.

        It was a small village going by the simple name of Hill. Ironically named, since it was positioned on a flat swamp. But it was quiet and away from all other neighboring kingdoms. They would be safe there. People wouldn’t know them. They would stay there until it was safe to return to Snowden.

        They entered a tavern there, already bustling with a large crowd. Most were drunk and babbling nonsense, but there were some who were just being introduced to the wonders liquor provided. It smelled of alcohol, obviously, and vomit, assaulting the group’s noses. They were used to the clean, pure smell of the castle. Not this sickening accostal scent. By the smell, Theo was glad he was blind. The going ons of the tavern were no more pure and wholesome than the scent. ”Keep a tight grip on your coin bags,” Val whispered to Ila and Samuel, taking the lead and pulling his brother to the counter.

        He pushed Theo into a chair, Ila taking a seat by the prince. ”I’m going to get us a room. I know it’s a less than appealing living situation, but it’ll do.” He gave Ila Theo’s hand, the boy’s fingers responding immediately and intertwining their fingers.

        “Where are you, Samuel?” His soft voice barely punctured the rabble of the crowd, but it got the little boy’s attention. He wanted to make sure the boy was by his side. By the sounds and smells, it was a very impure place. And he doubted the people would balk at the thought of hurting a child, or a lady for that fact.

{Meh. It's a bit rushed, but something. 489 words.}
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Postby Celliur » Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:13 am

Samuel, the younger half-brother of the two princes, yet he did not know he was the illegitimate third heir of the throne since he was never told so walked inside the tavern. The putrid smell of vomit and alcohol didn't mix well in the stuffy tavern filled with drunk people acting like fools. He covered his nose, not use to this nasty smell, he didn't get why people drank alcohol since it seemed like all it did was make you smelly and act stupid. He heard Theo speak and he walked closer to the male. "Over here. This place is disgusting. I think I rather sleep outside than here." The fourteen-year-old boy spoke, glancing at his sack of coins to make sure no one stole it. There were not a lot in his small bag of coins if anyone tried to steal his coins; he'd slice their fingers off. He stood by Theor's side, glancing around the dingy tavern. He saw people gambling, some arguing, and drinking till they dropped like flies. He disliked the atmosphere of this place, it seemed like they wouldn't hesitate to smite them and put their heads on display.

"I really don't like this atmosphere, it gives me a bad feeling." The boy spoke. He was the youngest in the small group which Samuel hated because everyone treated him like a child. He could defend himself if it came to it, he couldn't always be protected by everyone. "I can sneak around and see if I can hear any rumors we need to know. I don't think they'll pay me any attention unlike you two." Samuel spoke, he didn't think any of the crowds would bother him with their stupidity. "How are we doing sleeping arrangements anyway? Will you and Val share a room or something?" He asked, he didn't want to sleep in this sinful place. It probably didn't smell very good either, he rather rest outside than the stuffy room Val was renting out fort hem.

"Val better hurry, some people are staring at us and we do really stand out you know..." He spoke and he glanced behind him, seeing some stare and mutter about them. He sighed and he held on the small knife in his pocket, ready to defend Theo and Ila. The tavern was dark, musty, and full of sin, something Samuel wasn't use to at all.
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Stranger in the Crowd // Post 001

Postby Black.Fire. » Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:34 pm

ILA IRVETTE // Tagged: Samuel, and Ena // Twenty-One // 683 words
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬( talk to me now )▬▬▬

Ila’s nose wrinkled as the stench hit her nose, knocking all other first impressions out of her mind. She delicately raised a hand, bringing it up to subtly cover her mouth and nose. “Oh..” She swallowed down the reaction to wretch, the smell overpowering her. It was smoky, the putrid smells of vomit and stale ale mixing together with the smell of human odor. The worn wooden floor covered by a layer of grim. Manure, tobacco stains and mud gave the floor a good inch layer of filth. The tavern itself was dimply lit, the poorly vented chimney lending its smoke to the room, making it hard to distinguish the facial features of those around the small party.

Ila herself was an oddity in the tavern, a lady rarely seen in those parts. Probably why she drew such stares as she slid into the seat next to Theo, obediently taking his hand in hers. “Samuel. Stay close, we’re far from home.” She said softly, as if the boy had intentions of wandering off. She listened to his worries, agreeing wholeheartedly. The place was exactly what she pictured the scum of the earth to congregate in, the thieves, murderers, prostitutes and lowlifes. She slid her hand down to press against her purse, safely tucked into a fold of her dress.

Her eyes widened as Val moved off, leaving the three of them alone in the throng of drunken rowdiness. She had to admit that she felt far safer with Valerie at her side. He carried the air of calm assertion which Ila could really use right about now. “I am not sure what the plan is.” She murmured under her breath. “But I am not sure I’d like to spend the night in this establishment. I’d prefer the ceiling of stars.” Ila could almost guarantee that the beds upstairs would not be pest free. The bedbugs and vermin would be plentiful, and she didn’t fancy an infestation. “This place is really filthy.” Used to the clean sheets and soft feather mattresses of the castle, Ila hadn’t experienced true hardship yet. But she wasn’t foolish enough to assume the journey they were embarking on would be easy.

She knew that it would mean days in the saddle, frayed nerves and long days. But if it meant staying close to the people who meant the most to her in the world, Ila would gladly sacrifice everything. Idly her finger began tracing soothing circles on the back of Theo’s hand, glad that she had something comforting to hold on to. “Where are you, Val?” She murmured under her breath, searching the crowd for his tall frame. At that moment, she felt someone brush against her, a stranger pushing their way in between Theo and herself. “Excuse you?” Ila pulled back, Theo’s hand slipping out of her own.

It took the woman a moment to realize her mistake, pulling back. “My apologies, my lady.” She swooped low in an over exaggerated bow. She had an impish face, dark eyes matching her thick brunette curls. “It’s quite alright..” Ila said slowly, distrust evident in her voice. What had Val said? Not to trust anyone. Even if they had long eye lashes and a laughing smirk. “You’re strangers here..” The girl held out her hand to Ila, the blonde shyly taking it. “My name is Ena, and I am willingly at your service.” Ila relaxed, a small smile passing over her freckled features. “Ila.” She introduced herself. “This is.. Theo. And Samuel.”

However, unbeknownst to the small party, Ena’s other hand was slowly traveling behind her, traveling down Theo’s side to where his coin purse hung unattended. Survival of the fittest, and although Ena wasn’t proud of the fact, she would willingly prey on the blind. Her nimble fingers edged down, still smoothly carrying on the conversation with the travelers. It was knotted to his belt, which provided no challenge for experienced fingers like her own. A girl needed to eat, and by the weight of the contents inside, she would be able to eat for weeks with wealth like that.
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♛ Deal, Thief? ♞

Postby caspar. » Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:40 am

▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

twenty-three|| cold hearted || everything wrong || ♞ || tagged; Ena, Samuel

        ”Thank you, sir. We will be out of your hair as soon as we can.” Val swept his cloak around him, turning on his heels and picking out his group amongst the drunkards. It wasn’t difficult to spot them. They were all well groomed and adorned in clean cut, neat clothes. However, there was a stranger in the middle of the group. A woman with thick, dark hair. She appeared harmless to the naked eye, but Val knew her type. He spied her fingers skillfully undoing the tight knot on Theo’s coin bag.

        Val stalked around the drunkards and to his group, where the stranger was making idle chat with Ila, her fingers busying themselves with the coin bag. But not for long. Val seized her wrist tightly, pulling her from between the middle of Ila and Theo. His other hand clasped around her other wrist, drawing it to the small of her back. The girl was completely incapacitated, Val keeping her exactly where he wanted her. ”And what is your name, thief? He snapped, his face set hard.

        ”What did I say? You can’t trust anyone here. No matter how pretty their face may be.” His anger was evident in the way he spoke and his harsh eyes. She took advantage of his brother’s disability and Ila’s trusting nature. She took advantage of his friends and family. That was something Valerie didn’t tolerate. ”I wonder how the guards would feel about her? I doubt her pretty face would get her out of the severe penalty they would give her for robbing a prince.” Valerie spun the girl around, holding her wrists to her back. He had every intentions of turning her in. After all, they deserved justice. He didn’t care how severe the penalty was, only that she was dealt with.

        But as Val started forcing her to the door, a soft voice piped up. “Wait, brother. Stop.” Theo slid out of his seat, attempting to take a couple steps by himself, but found it useless. He would not be able to navigate this foreign ground. He found Samuel’s small hand, grasping it firmly. “Take me to them, please,” he asked. The boy carefully led Theo to his brother and girl, Theo then reaching out his other hand and resting it on Val’s shoulder.

        “I am sure she only wanted money for food. I have more than enough, I would be happy to share.” His lips turned up into a gentle grin, slipping his hand out of Samuel’s and finding his coin bag hanging by his side. “Five coins should be enough.” The boy tugged the burlap bag open, pulling it off his belt. “Your hand?” The girl opened her hand, reaching it out. Theo felt for her hand, his fingers finding her skin and deciding now where to pour the money. He tipped the bag, several coins spilling out. Carefully, Theo counted the coins in her palms, before retracting his hands. “She only wanted a bit of money, brother. She didn’t mean any harm. I shouldn’t be selfish and keep it all to myself when there are people who need it more than I do.”

        Valerie could not believe his brother’s generosity. He knew how caring and unselfish Theo was, but giving money to the thief who just tried to rob him? He was impressed. He would never have been able to do that. However, he was also impressed with her skill. Since Theo was blind, he was incredibly sensitive to touch. Even the slightest nudge. She would have been able to get away with her crime if it hadn’t been for Valerie. She could come in handy. Val was above stealing, but her slight of hand could definitely be useful. ”How about a deal? I won’t turn you over to the guards, if you join us. We’re a small group, seeking to remain hidden until we can return to our home. If you help us, I offer you protection, food, and…” He glanced at his brother, who gave him a small nod. Theo knew exactly what Val was preparing to offer. ”A large sum for your troubles. Deal?”
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Postby Celliur » Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:35 am

Samuel watched Theo give money to the thief which made him feel angry inside. He then felt Theo's soft hand grab his smaller hand as the older boy stepped forward. His eyes widened when the older male began to count the coins and hand it to her like they were nothing! He couldn't believe Theo was giving the coins to her when they could use it for important stuff than feeding some poor person who tried to pickpocket her. "Theo! What are you doing, idiot!? Don't give her those coins! Are you stupid or something!?" He shouted at Theo without thinking, not caring if he would be scolded for speaking out of turn or a slap. He didn't care if he was calling the prince stupid and an idiot in front of his face. He just couldn't believe that Theo would willingly hand out money like it was nothing but little pieces of candy. If anyone witnessed Theo giving free handouts to her, they would be robbed off all of their precious coins. It wasn't like Samuel wasn't charitable, he rather give it some child beggar than a lady who could easily find a job as a waitress or any other small odd jobs out there.

"Val! We could've used those five coins! I am not against charity, but this stupid hag can easily find a job!" The boy spoke with discontent. He didn't want this woman hanging around with them. She could easily rob them at night while they slept and leave! What were the two dingleberries thinking? "I concur! I don't want a thief among us, Val. She might take all of out stuff while we sleep and escape like a thief in the night!" The younger boy complained, crossing his arms. If she did join their small group, he'd ignore her and treat her like she was a ghost. He would also keep his money in a safe spot, the money he worked hard for doing small odd jobs for Val and Theo when he was their servant. "I am not letting this peasant horrible thief join us." The boy grumbled, trying to think of good insults for her.

"Let's just go to the rooms we rented. I am sleeping with Val and Theo. Not with the thief." He spoke, not caring if he was being rude. But it was rude to steal from someone, especially one who couldn't even see. It was just horrible stooping down to a low level. He would refuse to acknowledge her as a member of this party. "Let's go Val and Theo. I can't stand to be among a crowd of sinners." He told the two and Ila. He hated the smell of beer and vomit, his clothes would stink too. He didn't have enough coins in his sack to buy new clothes, but he could ask to borrow money from Theo. If Theo allowed thieves to take his money, then he would willingly give it to anyone.
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You Think I am Pretty?//Post 002

Postby Black.Fire. » Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:21 am

ENA BROOKER// Tagged: Samuel, Valery, Theo, and Ila // Twenty-Two // 1,028 words
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬( you can't stop me )▬▬▬

Things were going to plan, until she felt a grip like iron on her wrist, yanking her back and away from the small group. She winced slightly, a frown passing over her features. Surprisingly, Ena remained calm in the situation, staring back defiantly into her captor’s eyes. He was tall, over a foot taller than her, but Ena had learned that height and weight held no advantages in the field of hand to hand combat. Of course, he would have the benefit of pure muscle strength, but Ena was quick and if worse came to worse, she had several knives hidden throughout her wardrobe. He asked her name, glaring down at her from his lofty heights. “Ena.” She answered simply, with no title to produce. “And, why, sir. I am flattered that you think my face is pretty.” Hmm.. He didn’t seem to take that well. She decided he must not have a sense of humor. And that was a failing indeed since Ena had come to realize that much of life was humorous, depending on the circumstance and point of a view.

He continued to growl at her, reminding Ena of a very big dog, his pale eyes searching her face with distaste obvious on his face. The guards? Ena swallowed, refusing to show any sign of weakness in front of these strangers. Of course, she had her run ins with the guards, on multiple occasions. And although she had been fortunate enough to escape, she was sure her luck would not hold out much longer. She felt a painful twinge in her shoulder as he twisted her arm behind her back, pulling her into his chest. It must have been obvious, the panic in her eyes, since the victim of her crime spoke up softly. Oh wait. He was blind. So why was he stopping her inevitable punishment? Ena tensed, swallowing as his soft voice carried to her ears.

He made his way over to her, gently making excuses for her wrong. It was true, Ena would have only used the money for food. Living most of her life on the streets, Ena was used to sleeping in doorways or haystacks. Lodging bothered her little, but food was a never-ending necessity that demanded attention. And since she was an unbetroth woman, with no family or connections and a soiled past, there was no work to be found besides the work in the brothels or allies. And Ena hated to stoop so low. So, she resorted to stealing from those who could spare some coins, and although she felt terrible for attempting to rob a blind man, she also could justly say that he could afford it. After all, a prince?

He asked for her hand, Ena slowly reaching on and uncurling her fist. Her hands were small and dirty, grim coating her nails and cracks in the skin. Yes, she knew that he could afford to give her a few coins, but.. Why? His generosity touched Ena’s cold heart. It was unbelievable that he would offer his money to someone who had just tried to steal from him. Ena felt an unfamiliar tightening in the back of her throat, as he gently counted out the coins and retracted his hand. “Thank you, sir. I don't deserve such kindness.” Ena whispered. The man in front of her, had earned her respect, unlike the boy beside him who burst out with a high pitch. Ila’s eyes widened at Samuel’s impudent language. “Samuel! Hold your tongue! Do not address your elders in such a fashion!” A tiny smirk spread over Ena’s face as she watched the boy fidget with agitation.

The man behind her began to speak again, his grip still incredibly tight on her wrist. A deal? Ena cocked her head, listening as he purposed his trade. A large sum? Ena immediately brightened, nodding enthusiastically. With coins in her purse, the opportunities were endless. “Deal.” She said firmly, twisting back to look over at him with a nod of her head. “But we need to trust each other.. To some extent.” She pulled back and away from him, but he still didn’t let her go. “And it would also mean that you’d have to let go of my wrist.” Just then, the boy, who had been struggling to keep silent burst out again, his voice carrying his displeasure.

Stupid, Old hag? Ena raised an eyebrow, almost amused by his innocence. Did he really assume she could just.. Get a job? What jobs were to be had? Most woman stayed at home, well protected and provided for by their husbands or fathers. Ena had neither. And the jobs to be had were incredibly degrading and humiliating. You could only imagine the horrors that awaited poor women on the filthy streets. “I don’t remember anyone asking you for your opinion, little girl.” She said quite pointedly, her eyes flashing. Yes, she had purposely called him a girl, just to subtly mess with him. And Ena knew she had hit a sore spot, when a tiny smile passed over Ila’s features. The blonde lifted a hand to her mouth, hiding the smile from the perturbed child. “You are very high and mighty for a child barely learned to think for herself. I would watch your mouth, little girl. You’ll be spoiled by the filth around you if you keep it up.” It was a threat, left hanging over Samuel’s head as Ena turned her attention back to the adults of the party.

If you have rooms, I’ll be fine sleeping outside in the stable.” She said simply, shrugging. Of course, she didn’t blame them if they didn’t trust her to escape under the cover of night. But it was up to them. “I-I could share with her..” Ila piped up, slipping off the stool to stands beside Theo. “I trust her. And Val, don’t call me naïve. I know what I am doing.” She cast him a quick look, before her soft smile settled on Ena again. “And.. I like her.” Ena flushed slightly, unsure as to why this girl, who was obviously above her on so many levels was accepting her into the party.
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Postby Celliur » Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:31 pm

Samuel glared at Ila when she had scolded him to hold his tongue. Which he scowled, crossing his arms. "I don't want a stupid woman in this group!" He stated, not caring about his words. He was usually sweet, but he was harsh at times towards people he didn't like which often got him in trouble. He shot an icy glare at Ena, not liking her at all. He watched her male the deal until he heard the stupid girl call him a little girl which he curled his hands to a fist. He raised his fist in the air as if threatening to hit her, he wouldn't hesitate to punch anyone even an old lady or man or a child. If they angered him enough like Ena, he would punch them which he even had punched Theo once and tried to punch Val before which didn't go very well. "Shut up, stupid hag! I'll have Val hang you at the gallows!" He spoke, acting quite childish for his age and he walked over, trying to punch the annoying girl who was calling him a girl. How dare she call him a girl just because he had a feminine appearance. He then tried to kick her and punch her with his other hand, not caring he would be beaten up by Ena which was a possible choice or Val shoving him away from her and getting a harsh scolding. "I'll murder you if you call me a girl again! Be ready 'cause I won't hesitate!" He shouted, crossing his arms as he pouted softly. He pouted softly to himself like a badly misbehaved child and he turned his back on her. "Theo, don't be stupid, she'll rob us and leave like a thief at night!" He pouted. Angry at the three because they weren't listening to him at all nor responding to him. "I am keeping an eye on her, though. I won't hesitate to slice off her fingers if I catch her stealing from us." He muttered, crossing his arms quietly. He puffed and he crossed his arms, sighing.

(Sorry this is short!! I'll be longer in my next post! xD I wonder how Val will react to Sammy's outburst xD)
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