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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 009 ──

Postby direwolf. » Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:30 am

[ ninth post ]


    blossompaw joined her mentor, crowfall, on a patrol today. the young apprentice was eager to become a warrior, but she could not stop thinking about the apprentice from tumbleclan. the clans were not allies nor did their border each other. the young she-cat sighed, wondering how much longer she would have to wait to meet him again. secretly, she hoped that the tom known as bleakpaw did not find a mate as soon as he became a warrior. she was still hoping that there was a chance.

    bristleclaw was accompanied by the two white-furred sisters, cloudwatcher and snowmouse. the tom seemed rather tense since his mate, chestnutstar, was back at camp kitting. "she'll be alright, bristleclaw. chestnutstar is strong." cloudwatcher spoke, trying to reassure to tom. however, the deputy huffed and flicked his ear. "i know she is. i'm going to catch her something to eat." he insisted, pushing forward and leaving some distance between himself and the sisters. the two she-cats looked at each other and smiled while shaking their heads. cloudwatcher was still overjoyed by the fact that the deputy had found her sister. they had been a part for far too long.

[ patrol: crowfall, blossompaw // hunting: cloudwatcher, bristleclaw, snowmouse // herb hunting: ---
training: hawkeye teaches frecklepaw to swim // kitting: chestnutstar
the clan consumes 3 servings of crow ]


    Bristleclaw picked up his catch and hurried back to join Cloudwatcher and Snowmouse. The two she-cats were sitting together, talking happily, their catches resting at their paws. "Ready to head back?" He mumbled around his catch. The sisters nodded and got to their paws.
    "Crowfall and Blossompaw passed by a bit ago, they were heading back to camp." Cloudwatcher mewed before picking her catch up. Snowmouse picked hers up and led the other two back to camp.

    As soon as Bristleclaw and his hunting patrol returned, Bristleclaw dropped his catch and dashed across the clearing to the nursery. "Did I miss it?" He mewed worriedly, poking his head inside. Bristleclaw pouted sadly when he saw that Chestnutstar was curled around four kits already, sad that he had missed the kitting. But his sadness immediately disappeared and he hurried over to greet his kits.

[ while hunting, bristleclaw, cloudwatcher, and snowmouse caught a 2 crows and a water shrew
crowfall and blossompaw's patrol passed uneventfully
while training, frecklepaw learned the swimming skill
chestnutstar gave birth to four kits ]
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 010 ──

Postby direwolf. » Thu Feb 09, 2017 10:21 am

[ tenth post ]


    hearing the news that echoclan would be attacked by streamclan, bristleclaw rallied up three other cats - crowfall, cloudwatcher, and snowmouse - to join him in helping out their ally. chestnutstar had seemed rather disappointed that she could no join in on the fight, but she had to care for the new litter of kittens. palenose stayed behind to gather more herbs and keep watch over chestnutstar and the kits while hawkeye and frecklepaw patrolled the borders and kept an eye out for anything. secretly, blossompaw was a little upset that they had to postpone her ceremony due to the attack, but she promised to keep an eye on chestnustar. besides, the kittens were absolutely adorable! she would enjoy watching over them whenever chestnutstar needed a short break.

    the four felines from obsidianclan arrived when streamclan made their attack on echoclan. the deputy and warriors ran in to aid their ally in fending off the enemy. in the end, echoclan and obsidianclan had the victory, and streamclan was retreating. releasing one last hiss, bristleclaw looked at the warriors from obsidianclan to see if everyone was okay. after he checked up on them, he went to squirrelstar to speak with her about the fight. cloudwatcher found herself standing near a tom from echoclan, blazefur. "have you and streamclan been enemies for a while?"

    hawkeye and frecklepaw patrolled the borders together. they were patrolling near the east border where the territory met with swiftclan's border. while they were walking, he wandered a bit away from the tom to see if he could spot sweetpaw. it had been several moons since they last saw each other, and he was curious to see how she was doing.

    after everyone had returned from the attack, they held a ceremony for blossompaw. she had been waiting for this all day!

[ aiding echoclan: bristleclaw, crowfall, cloudwatcher, snowmouse
patrol: hawkeye, frecklepaw (east border) // hunting: --- // herb hunting: palenose
training: --- // ceremony: blossompaw becomes blossomstep
the clan consumes 3 water shrews ]


    blazefur looked over at cloudwatcher, panting heavily. "ripplestar and squirrelstar have never got along but squirrelstar hasn't done anything to provoke them like this." the ginger warrior mewed. he looked over when he heard a squeal, stiffening when he saw tiny hurricanekit peering out of the nursery, looking for his mother. blazefur looked over to see smokespeck leading the kit's mother, mossvine, into the medicine cat den, droplets of blood dripping around her. the echoclan tom growled slightly, furious that streamclan would stoop so low as to attack a queen.
    "i'm blazefur by the way."

    squirrelstar shook blood from her flank, turning to bristleclaw when she noticed him coming towards her. "thank you for coming to help." she mewed, bowing her head in respect. "echoclan is in obsidianclan's debt, anytime you need us we will be there to help you."

    chestnutstar ducked out of the nursery, shooing her litter back inside before making her way across the clearing to take her spot on the gathering ledge above her den, calling a meeting. "i, chestnutstar, leader of pbsidianclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. she has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and i commend her to you as a warrior in turn. blossompaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
    "i do."
    "then by the powers of starclan, I give you your warrior name. blossompaw, from this moment on you shall be known as blossomstep. starclan honors your kindness and speed and we welcome you as a full warrior of obsidianclan."
    "blossomstep! blossomstep! blossomstep!"

[ echoclan is grateful for the help!
blossompaw is now a warrior
while herb hunting, palenose found coltsfoot and feverfew ]
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 011 ──

Postby direwolf. » Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:13 pm

[ eleventh post ]


    blossomstep walked proudly in front of the rest of the warriors, her tail swaying in the air. she had recently become a warrior, and she was thrilled to have the title. she was distracted from her proud stride when her mentor, crowfall, playful swatted a paw at her. "don't be so cocky, blossomstep. it's not a good look for you." mewed the she-cat, a chuckle escaping her. the two sisters - cloudwatcher and snowmouse - giggled as they watched the two. "i'm a warrior now, crowfall! i'm just proud, not cocky!" she insisted, flashing a smile back to her former mentor. the young she-cat felt giddy to have such a title. she felt more important to the clan now.

[ patrol: bristleclaw // herb hunting: palenose
hunting: crowfall, cloudwatcher, snowmouse, blossomstep
training: hawkeye teaches frecklepaw how to hunt
the clan consumes 3 servings of crow ]


    "are you a clan?" the brown and white rogue asked, its eyes wide in awe. bristleclaw chuckled slightly, nodding his head to the young cat who couldn't be that much younger than Ffrecklepaw and blossomstep.
    "yes, I'm the deputy of obsidianclan." bristleclaw mewed.
    "c-can i see your camp?"

[ while on patrol, bristleclaw found an apprentice
while hunting, crowfall, cloudwatcher, snowmouse, and blossomstep caught a rabbit and a shrew
while training, frecklepaw learned the hunting skill ]
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 012 ──

Postby direwolf. » Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:48 pm

[ twelfth post ]


    "how did i wander so far from home.." blossomstep murmured to herself, wandering through unknown territories and trying to find spots that seemed familiar to her. she had seen a rabbit and thought it would be perfect to bring back to the clan. however, she shortly realized that she was nowhere near home. releasing a huff, she tried not to freak out too much about being lost.

[ patrol: cloudwatcher // herb hunting: palenose // hunting: crowfall, bristleclaw
training: hawkeye and snowmouse teach frecklepaw and oatpaw how to climb
blossomstep got lost! [ maybe near tumbleclan? ]
the clan consumes 3 servings of duck and 1 serving of water shrew ]


    "oh dear..." cloudwatcher whispered, staring at the grieving kittypet that was sprawled out in front of her. the kittypet raised her head, staring blankly at cloudwatcher before curling protectively around her dead kits. "here, come with me." Cloudwatcher mewed, stepping towards the queen.
    the queen stiffened, hissing at cloudwatcher. "we can take your kits back to camp and we can help you bury them." cloudwatcher mewed.

    "i should find herbs for the queen..." palenose muttered to himself as he left camp to search for herbs that could help the grieving queen that cloudwatcher had brought back to camp.

    frecklepaw snorted, pushing oatpaw further up the tree. "move faster, you slow poke." the tom mewed. oatpaw looked over his shoulder and stuck his tongue out at frecklepaw before pushing himself further up the tree.

[ while on patrol, cloudwatcher found a grieving queen
while herb hunting, palenose found parsley and chamomile
while training, frecklepaw and oatpaw learned the climbing skill ]
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 013 ──

Postby direwolf. » Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:09 am

[ thirteenth post ]


    as hawkeye and crowfall were patrolling the area, crowfall noted how.. different the tom was acting. "what's wrong with you?" the she-cat inquired, watching as the tom paused and looked to her. "oh, um.. about that." the tom began, swaying his tail in a nervous manner. "i wanted to ask if.. you wanted to be my mate." he spoke rather quickly, her ears tilting back as he waited for a response. a relieved smile appeared on his maw when the she-cat silently accepting seeing as she was quite surprised by the offer.

    "so your name is bella, yes?" palenose questioned softly as he examined the grieving queen after they had buried her kits. the queen nodded silently, her gaze staring at the wall. "that is an unusually name for a clan cat. soon you will be given a new name after you proved yourself. our leader, chestnutstar, will happily give you a new name." he released a soft sigh when the she-cat did not respond. when the clan buried the stillborn kits, they had given the kits warrior names to honor them in their death.

    oatpaw really admired his mentor, snowmouse. she was so patient and kind to him. he could not remember a time where someone cared so much about him. he quickly snapped out of these thoughts when snowmouse's quiet voice reached his ears. looking embarrassed, he quickly followed the she-cat to their next training session: hunting. the young tom was excited to learn this.

[ moonpool: bristleclaw goes to the moonpool in place of chestnutstar to ask for a warrior
patrol: hawkeye, crowfall // herb hunting: --- // hunting: cloudwatcher, blossomstep
training: snowmouse teaches oatpaw to hunt // warrior ceremony: frecklepaw ➡ freckleheart
the clan consumes 4 servings of rabbit ]


[ while on patrol, hawkeye and crowfall found a warrior
while hunting, cloudwatcher and blossomstep caught a rabbit
while training, oatpaw learned the hunting skill
frecklepaw is now a warrior! ]
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 014 ──

Postby direwolf. » Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:23 am

[ fourteenth post ]


    chestnutstar seemed to examine bella as she nursed her four kits. the new member had lost two of her kits, but she remained in the nursery den until today. the leader was still trying to think of a suitable name for the she-cat. "bella.. your warrior name will be silvermoon. wear your new name proudly." she spoke, nodding her head to the newly appointed warrior. bella - no, silvermoon - nodded her head and left the nursery den. she gazed at a group of cats going hunting, and she quickly hurried over to join them.

[ patrol: freckleheart (east border) // herb hunting: palenose
hunting: cloudwatcher, blossomstep, hawkeye, bristleclaw, silvermoon, flintburr
training: snowmouse teaches oatpaw to swim
the clan consumes 2 servings of fish and 2 servings of black squirrel ]


    "And what is this?!" the brown tabby squealed excitedly, running up to an oak tree and sniffing at it. freckleheart paused for a moment to look over at the kittypet, his whiskers twitching in amusement.
    "It's a tree." freckleheart laughed. the kittypet nodded, it's eyes still wide in awe before hurrying after freckleheart as he ducked into camp.

[ while on patrol, freckleheart found an apprentice
while herb hunting, palenose found yarrow and heather nectar
while hunting, cloudwatcher, blossomstep, hawkeye, bristleclaw, silvermoon, and flintburr caught a duck, trout, and black squirrel
while training, oatpaw learned the swimming skill ]
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 015 ──

Postby direwolf. » Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:20 am

[ fifteenth post ]


    bristleclaw watched as hawkeye seemed a bit nervous on their hunt. he knew that crowfall, his mate, was having their kits today. "relax, hawkeye." the deputy commanded, and hawkeye sighed with a nod of his head. "crowfall will be fine. make her proud and bring something back for her to eat. kitting is very tiring, and she will appreciate the meal." he added. "you're right. i'll do that." hawkeye smiled and preceded on the hunt with the rest of the clan. silvermoon and freckleheart were behind them, not really conversing.

    cloudwatcher laughed as she watched her new apprentice and her sister's apprentice fight. oakpaw was larger and had more experience, but hoppaw was fast and dodging out of the way whenever he tried to tackle her. it was clear that the older apprentice was growing embarrassed and annoyed with this training session. "relax oakpaw. i believe in you." snowmouse's sweet voice reached the apprentice's ears and made him blush slightly and nod his head. the tom wanted to look good in front of his mentor and crush.

[ patrol: flintburr, blossomstep // herb hunting: --- // kitting: crowfall
hunting: hawkeye, bristleclaw, silvermoon, freckleheart
training: snowmouse and cloudwatcher teach oatpaw and hoppaw to battle
the clan consumes 3 servings of duck and 1 serving of rabbit ]


[ while on patrol, flintburr and blossomstep caught scent of a loner
crowfall gave birth to two kits
while hunting, hawkeye, bristleclaw, silvermoon, and freckleheart caught 2 ducks and a shrew
while training, oatpaw and hoppaw learned the battle skill ]
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 016 ──

Postby direwolf. » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:20 am

[ sixteenth post ]


    after catching the scent of the alone, flintburr reported it to chestnutstar. now he and blossomstep were going back out onto a patrol to see if they could find this loner and offer them a home in their clan unless, of course, the loner decided to take them. they were to either chase off this loner or accept them into the clan; it was their choice.. basically life or death.

    chestnustar watched with pride as she looked upon her four kits who would become apprentices today. her kits would soon become warriors and grow their clan. no other clan would want to face obsidianclan. she knew that her four kits would become strong warriors. however, before she could have the apprentice ceremony, there would be the warrior ceremony for oatpaw. stepping onto a rock, she began the ceremonies. earlier that morning, she had gone to the moonpool to report to the ancestors and ask them for a warrior to join their clan. they were going to need plenty of warriors if they were going to train all these apprentices.

[ moonpool: chestnustar requests a warrior
patrol: flintburr, blossomstep // herb hunting: palenose // hunting: hawkeye, bristleclaw, silvermoon, freckleheart
training: cloudwatcher teaches hoppaw to hunt // warrior ceremony: oatpaw ➙ oatcatcher
apprentice ceremony: duskkit ➙ duskpaw, tigerkit ➙ tigerpaw, bramblekit ➙ bramblepaw, smokekit ➙ smokepaw
the clan consumes 4 servings of duck ]


[ starclan has sent you a warrior
while on patrol, flintburr and blossomstep found an apprentice

((the warrior and apprentice are littermates))
while herb hunting, palenose found catmint and fennel
while hunting, hawkeye, bristleclaw, silvermoon, and freckleheart caught a rabbit and a small fish
while training, hoppaw learned the hunting skill
oatpaw is now a warrior!
duskkit, tigerkit, bramblekit, and smokekit are now apprentices! ]
Last edited by direwolf. on Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby direwolf. » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:22 am

[ cats attended: chestnutstar, bristleclaw, palenose, blossomstep, freckleheart, cloudwatcher, duskpaw, bramblepaw, smokepaw ]


    chestnustar did not interact with anyone
    she will have echoclan's back in the possible war
    she accepted the alliance with ivyclan

    bristleclaw interacted with smokespeck
    they talked about mossvine and his kits

    palenose searched for maplestar from petalclan but did not see her

    blossomstep interacted with bleakpelt
    she's totally head-over-heels for him and just wants to make him smile from now on

    freckleheart interacted with sweetpaw
    he admitted that he really liked her and suggested meeting again once she receives her warrior name

    cloudwatcher interacted with blazefur
    she's very interested in the tom and wants to see him more
    they talked about tips for being a mentor and their allegiance

    duskpaw, bramblepaw, and smokepaw interacted with mistlepaw from soulclan
    bramblepaw really liked her ribbon and now she wants one
    mistlepaw did not seem to like duskpaw because he reminds her of someone else
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ● 017 ──

Postby direwolf. » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:27 am

[ seventeenth post ]


    "food is becoming more scarce." chestnutstar spoke, briefly looking over at her mate and the new warrior cat that starclan had sent her. bristleclaw nodded in agreement and released a sigh. "looks like we'll have to start eating each other." leopardtalon mused, but his ears tilted back when chestnutstar and bristeclaw glared over at him. "it was a joke, don't worry. i don't like the taste of cat." he said weakly, giving a light chuckle. boy, these obsidianclan cats did not have a sense of humor.

    brr, it's so cold!" newtpaw mewed, hopping out of the river and shaking his fur. hoppaw mewed in agreement and hopped out of the river after their training session. cloudwatcher gave a chuckle and smiled at the wet apprentices. "it seemed to wake you up, newtpaw. silvermoon was telling me that you looked ready to fall asleep. besides, even in this weather, we have to train." she added, giving a brief smile to silvermoon. the other mentor seemed amused to see newtpaw blush in embarrassment at the comment.

[ patrol: --- // herb hunting: --- // hunting: chestnutstar, bristleclaw, leopardtalon
training: hoppaw and newtpaw learn to swim; dustpaw, tigerpaw, bramblepaw, and smokepaw learn to hunt
the clan consumes 2 servings of small fish and 3 servings of big fish ]


[ while hunting, chestnutstar, bristleclaw and leopardtalon caught a trout
while training, hoppaw and newtpaw learned the swimming skill
while training, dustpaw, tigerpaw, bramblepaw and smokepaw learned the hunting skill ]
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