( ♛ -- five crowns disc. !!

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( ♛ -- zeph's relations. !!

Postby lykos brethren » Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:17 pm

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            house of vipers

            micah shields [ positive/neutral ] "critisise me when you are at my level, until then, admire me "
            when zephryne first heard about this prince, she had an instant dislike to him. More
            because, he was the next king and he was the eldest son to the king. And well, zeph
            definitely dislikes the king. However, after she heard rumours about him wanting/pl
            aning to kill his father. It intrigued her and made her neutral respect him. adding to
            that, she heard about his personality, and in some ways they do have similar traits.
            they both seem uncommitted and major flirts. They both would definitely have flirts,
            but it is very conflicting on if would actually mean anything. However, she does find
            him attractive but won't openly admit it, only if it is flirting cx

            evander shields [ positive ] "we're all damaged in our own way. Nobody is perfect"
            okay okay, as much as zephryne would not like to not admit it, but she does have a
            major interest in evander. If she were to meet him, she would flirt with him and al
            most taunt him. She will be even more sarcastic to him and almost stir him up. Des
            pite this, she feels a small amount of sympathy for him. Especially with his brother,
            and the rumours she hasn't heard about him being adopted. zeph knows of his jerk l
            Ike nature, however, feels no offence by it and understands why he is like that.

            ezekiel shields [ neutral ] "not all those that wonder are lost"
            zephryne finds the younger male to be quite almost annoying. Well at times. honest
            ly, finds it a bit strange that he is so nice. Especially since his brothers seem comple
            telly different to him. However, despite all this, she will find it amusing to prank the
            prince and tease him. She would definitely be the person to get a spider and put it o
            n him or something. zephryne finds him to be rather too nice and can definitely see
            her sarcastic or blunt nature offending him. However, she wouldn't care, it is just wh
            o she is.

            terrowin shields [ neutral/positive ] "every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future"
            if zephryne actually got to know terrowin in person, she can definitely see them bot
            h getting along and being good friends. just both their love for art is what would ma
            ke them first click as friends. despite everything that she has heard of the prince an
            d how he had a tantrum that killed people with his power. She has no fear of him, a
            nd in fact in some ways helps support him subtly. as a friend she would be more ope
            n to him and not so blunt and impulsive like she is to others. but she still would be,
            just not to the point that she is to others. zephryne would love to take to him about
            art and her drawing, and getting suggestions or ideas from him.

            house of hallow

            lucille harlow [ negative ] "the less I care, the happier I am"
            first things first, zephryne definitely does not like Lucille. In fact finds her rather a
            nnoying and irritating and always seems to get under her skin. She hate she that Sh
            e is a perfectionist and it only makes her want Lucille to stuff up. zephryne thinks o
            f being some sort of snob that would be think they are better than everyone else. so
            for this, zephryne would be very witty and sarcastic to her. Not only that, but would
            n't even think of her as a human being with the way she acts so high born and better
            than everyone else. It only stirs zephryne up. The only thing they have in common is
            that they are both very protective of Marie.

            marie harlow [ positive, close friends ] "having a coffee and talking, is the best therapy against my demons"
            okay despite everything that she has against her sister. Zephryne adores Marie and i
            s very much protective of her. they may have completely different personality aspe
            cts about them. But somehow they make it both work out and they get along swimm
            ingly. Sure they may have the occasional bicker, but that is only normal. They will us
            ually soon forgive each other and carry on being close friends. zephryne, understand
            s how she is protective of her sister and won't actually say anything to Lucille while
            Marie is around, in terms they both wouldn't. But as soon as Marie was out the pictu
            re and Lucille somehow triggered zephryne. There will be stopping zephryne from s
            peaking her mind.

            house of frozen

            aurora winters [ negative, enemies ] "just strangers with some memories"
            instant hate was developed between these two. Is that a surprise? No. as soon as ze
            phryne found out about aurora having control over water, her instant instinct was to
            hate her. It is only natural with the two being polar opposites of elements. But not o
            nly that, but zephryne's father and auroras mother had an affair together. Which onl
            y made zephryne hate aurora even more. So now, whenever these two are around e
            ach other, it is like being careful not to step on egg shells. At any moment, these tw
            o could go off at each other. zephryne tries her best to keep the whole affair a secr
            et and not let anyone know of it. More for her pride and to not have anymore rumou
            rs spread about.

            novalie winters [ neutral ] "smile at a stranger, see what happens"
            despite what happened with their parents, zephryne may dislike aurora but she act
            ually doesn't mind Novalie. As much as it may be hard to admit, She knows it isn't a
            any of the girls fault for their parents affair. But it hurt her and she needed an excu
            se to cover up her pain. when she looks at novalie, she sees bits of herself within he
            r and at times when they talk, zephryne actually enjoys talking to her. in ways they
            are very much similar and zephryne wouldn't mind getting to know her better.

            house of verano

            valarie solis [ positive, siblings ] "who needs a superhero when you have a big sister"
            ah, here is her dearest little sister Valerie. zephryne would do anything for her siste
            r and finds hat she can be to the point she is over protective of her sister. But knows
            when to back off. they may fight and bicker, but what siblings don't? It is only norma
            l and they always seem to resolve their fights anyways. zephryne can see a lot of the
            ir mothers looks in Valerie and sometimes gets very distant. It has been like this ever
            since their mothers death. while zephryne takes after her father in a lot of aspects,
            with the dark hair and eyes. However, zephryne is always there for her sister to supp
            ort her through thick and thin.

            house of blossom

            celeste rose [ positive, close friends ] "thanks for being my unbiological sister, so others don't have to deal with my crap"
            when zephryne first heard about Celeste's rumour, she couldn't ever believe it. In h
            er eyes, celeste didn't seem like that type of person. However, she definitely saw h
            er a mother figure for all the younger girls. while zeph would keep her distant, not
            being much a social person with girls especially. she is glad that celeste is also ther
            e to help Valerie as she knows that Valerie can be hard to convince not to do certai
            n things. there is where celeste steps in. Which she is very grateful for. Actually ack
            nowledes celeste as a close friend and one that she would gladly call a sister.

            emma rose [ negative/neutral ] "your mind will quit a thousand times before your body will. Feel the fear and do it again"
            to be completely honest, zephryne doesn't understand why emma dislikes her so m
            uch. In the end, it did cause confusion but zephryne then began to developed a dis
            like towards her. Finding those little things that would annoy zephryne. In all realit
            y, the two seem have similar traits, not all exactly but a few here and there. So why
            did they dislike each other? Who knows, it is all up for debate. even zephryne, does
            n't knows herself and is very much conflicts on her views of emma. One mind, is oka
            y around her, the next dislikes her.

              i────────── ─────────
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( ♛ -- youngest son. !!

Postby mercenary » Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:08 am




meet terrowin shield, the y
oungest prince
of vipers an
manipulator of natural disa
. as the youngest, he's
eighteen years old. identif
─── ─────── ───
ying completely as cismale,
his sexuality is said to be h
. he prefers to
go by his full name.


anyone. he is extrem
ely hard to gain the t
rust of because he fe
els everyone either w
ants to hurt or get r
d of him. like the rum
ors, he had and some

the most notorious for his hot headed
personality, terrowin is extremely diffi
cult to get along with. if he doesn't get
his way, expect consequences and dis
aster to follow. ever since he was youn
g he was scorned for his abilities, crea
ting a very sour and bitter child which
led to the terro most have come to kn
ow. a man who dislikes people, wantin
g to have absolutely nothing to do wit













times still struggles to fu
lly control his abilities an
d hurt or killed others in t
he process. this riddles hi
m with unendless guilt, of
ten burdening him with sl
eepless nights. however, t
errowin tries to hide any
and all of his weaknesses
or feeling from others ou
t of fear for getting scorn
─── ─────── ───
ed like in his youth. he ha
s an air of aloofness abou
him, as if nothing matters
. thus, he tends to be qui
te selfish and careless of
the feelings of others. he
doesn't admit it but he'll
often regret his anger get
ting to him and speaking
before his mind can actu
ally process it all.



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( ♛ -- relations. !!

Postby mercenary » Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:08 am

    ────────────────────────xx feel x guilty x for x being x alivex ──
      house xx of xx blossom ─────────
      another kingdom with a child interested in one of the arts, it'll take a toll on terrowin to keep his
      mouth shut about his appreciation about it. the most interaction that'll go on with his permission
      would be to casually listen in on her piano playing through the walls of another room. but even
      then, terro feels its a big risk to be taking and certainly not worth some girl.

      EMMA F. ROSE. neu/neg
      what terrowin would've given to of had such a simple and beautiful power as plant manipulation,
      instead he was given something so disastrous. he's become a firm believer that her power
      couldn't possibly hold any kind of harm, making him grow quite envious. this being enough for
      him to of created a mild hatred for her, which he feels entirely guilty over.

      house xx of xx verano ─────────
      terro could come to enjoy the company of zephyr as a friend, he could use some good comedy in
      his life and her capabilities of outwitting just nearly anyone is certainly amusing to him. and did
      someone say she could draw? how many kingdoms have daughters who too can come to
      appreciate the arts, someone get him a chair because terrowin is going to be at psychological
      warfare with himself.

      too caught up in his own melodramatic world, terrowin lacks the insight of noticing that valerie is
      similar to him in the sense that he is hot headed and she has her tantrums. because of this, terro
      might actually find her tantrums exhausting and irritable, only causing him to get fussy as well, it
      tends to be rather hypocritical.

      house xx of xx frozen ─────────
      aurora is the type of person that terro feels he could confide in if he would ever express his
      feelings, he's appreciative of her kind hearted nature. however, he has naturally become skeptical
      over the years and fears that this "trait" is merely a ploy to hurt him and he tries to distance
      himself from her, not only that but lashing out at her whenever contact is attempted. her
      stubborn demeanor doesn't settle this, only causing more bickering when she defends herself.

      talk about a strange character, terrowin isn't sure what kind of emotion strikes him when he's in
      the presence of nova, but he feels it's not a good one. whatever it may be, it makes him feel as if
      the seemingly optimistic self could be hiding something much more. he doesn't want to get on her
      bad side, let alone her good side, he'd rather just stay away from all of the "candidates" at this
      point, he's always secluded himself anyways.

      house xx of xx hallow ─────────
      seems like a completely relaxed person to be around, for the most part. terrowin could come to
      appreciate this, he's never been fond of strong or forceful characters in others. throwing him into
      situations has always made him confused and angry. but as far as that goes, he doesn't seem to
      have a stronger opinion of lucille.

      MARIE HARLOW. pos
      she's shy and doesn't seem like the type to approach anyone. perfect. probably the best thing
      terrowin could use in this selection, some distance. the only thing that's caught his eye about the
      girl, not that he'd ever admit any sort of interest in any of the kindom's children, is her passion
      for books. him having his own enthusiasm for the arts, he has to keep himself from pondering
      about favorite novels and discussing literature.

      house xx of xx vipers ─────────
      out of all the brothers, terrowin may just despise his eldest the most. nothing gets him more than
      a cocky, full of him/herself attitude, especially when all the other can do is drool over him. he's
      dealt with him for eighteen years and he's certainly had more than his fair share of "brotherly-
      love", which basically is micah gloating over himself and flaunting it. but he is still his brother and
      so he has to love him, even if its still a love-hate relationship.

      they both know that they've received a similar hatred from the people of their kingdom which
      gives them a certain kind of a special relation with one another. a mutual understanding if you
      would. because of this, terro will claim that evan is his favorite brother though, like with all the
      others, he'd never come out to admit it. he's always hated that evan was labeled "second-best" in
      comparison to their eldest, micah. who'd choose someone like micah to be number one? he never
      could understand that.

      who doesn't like this kid? you're probably lying or an anarchist. of course, he's got the heart of gold
      which naturally makes him a favorable brother to terro. but no one knows that and he's damn sure
      not going to tell zeke it. if anyone has ever shown him kindness during his struggles through his
      youth it was zeke, and he's extremely thankful and appreciative of it. but in the end, he only
      wishes he could've maybe turned out more like him, another one gaining an envious hatred.

    & FACTS

    facts about terrowin.

    ⋄ terrowin has a deep app
    reciation for the arts, no
    matter the media. it coul
    d be art, music, photogra
    gry, literature, you name
    it. secluding himself for
    all this time, he needed a
    hobby and that left him d
    evling into the library.
    ⋄ terro has a terrible fear
    of water and the ocean. h
    is largest incident that de
    alt the most damage to t
    he kingdom was unleashi
    ng a small tsunami, envel
    oping several houses and
    people, including him.
    ⋄ his favorite animals and
    maybe thing in existence
    are birds, particularly the
    bohemian waxwing and t
    he black shouldered kite.
    if you find this out, bless
    you. he's found trust.
    ⋄ absolutely hates mushr
    ooms, don't even talk to
    him about them
    ⋄ terr's a very hateful per
    son, give him one reason
    to dislike you and you m
    ay never see his friendly
    side again.
    ⋄ don't try to give him a f
    lower crown, he's really n
    ot into that.
    ⋄ if you hadn't noticed, te
    rrowin is one to punish h
    imself over and over wh
    enever he does somethin
    g wrong and will pity him
    self for hours on end feel
    ing incredibly guilty.
    ⋄ kind of hates the whole
    selection thing set up by
    his father but kinda likes
    it at the same time, he s
    senses something good c
    ould come out of it.
    ⋄ can fall asleep any plac
    e, any time, of course ex
    cept when the normal ho
    urs of sleeping are.
    ⋄ lowkey a shy guy, has n
    o idea what to do when
    it comes to romance or f

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Re: ( ♛ -- five crowns disc. !!

Postby AshRain22! » Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:55 am

Are there any open characters left
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Re: ( ♛ -- five crowns disc. !!

Postby heartless, » Sat Jan 21, 2017 4:56 pm

      A lot of you need to to back and read
      the rules because a lot of characters
      seem too much alike and I would like
      some uniqueness please c:

      I don't want this to come off as mean or
      anything but so far all the girls seem wild
      and fiery and I was hoping to have more
      of a variety of characters

AshRain22! wrote:Are there any open characters left

      all spots are currently taken
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Re: ( ♛ -- five crowns disc. !!

Postby haru ; » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:40 pm

        Don't worry c: I am having Novalie be cold and classy, mainly because of her unhappiness with the Selection and worry of her mother's wellbeing and safety.

        More details to come in she and Aurora's history ^^
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Re: ( ♛ -- five crowns disc. !!

Postby feather_light_flight » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:42 pm

;;and celeste isn't firey at all. she's a complete pacifist.
plus she's a huge nerddddd
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Re: ( ♛ -- five crowns disc. !!

Postby charmie » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:54 pm

      I've pmed you my certain plans but yeah if you have a problem with them please feel free to tell me, I won't be offended and I'm open to many things especially if it makes my character or myself better in ways.

      anyways if anyone has ideas on relations or what not please pm me, I'm open to hating people or loving people etc. cx
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Re: ( ♛ -- five crowns disc. !!

Postby lykos brethren » Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:17 am

      i fixed up zephryne, but she is still kind of fiery as i thought it would only make sense as she has the ability to fire bend. If you still want me to change her, just let me know c:
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Re: ( ♛ -- five crowns disc. !!

Postby haru ; » Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:59 am

        Nova's form is completed on the second page c:

        If anyone would like relations with her, feel free.
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