☞ The Wizarding Discussion Thread ☜

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☞ sen & anna's relations ☜

Postby leta » Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:16 pm

s.o. pansexual
crush/es. ???
dating. no one

greyson. ( pos ) sen rather enjoys the company of greyson, although they are not
in the same house, they are quite similar in certain ways particularly their interest
in different aspects of the dark arts.
charlie. ( neg/pos ) sen is definitely not a particularly big fan of mr fancy here, with
the snobbish vibes he gives off and the rather close-minded view towards foreigners
that he possesses. charlie seems like the stereotypically rich high school jock of hog-
warts. sen does find this rather amusing though, and actually doesn't hate him.
amisi. ( unsure )
piper. ( pos/neu ) they have bonded over their mutual interest in potions. however,
he doesn't really like her bluntness towards some people. he does appreciates the
fact that she is the kind of person who will always be there for you if you're down.
olivia. ( pos ) he doesn't have anything against olivia and likes her presence because
she seems like an overall very positive and friendly person. he admires her for her
creativeness. i would say they are fairly good friends?
walter. ( pos ) firstly, sen believes that his attitude and views towards walter sh-
ould not be biased due to the fact that his owl is a bit... rude... not to mention
absolutely terrifying?!! anyway, sen finds walter to be a decent guy and his hard
working nature is incomparable. walter is probably one of sen's best friends ???
arlotta. ( pos ) sen really likes arlo, 'pleasant' would be an understatement to des-
cribe her personality. she's one of the kindest people he knows, and although she
can be quite mischievous he finds that it makes her all the more interesting to
be around. they are pretty close friends ??
noel. ( unsure )
marlene. ( pos ) marley doesn't seem at all unpleasant from their previous conver-
sations, they are borderline friends/acquaintances though sen would like to get to
know her better. he actually finds her owl pretty funny although his own owl, yuki,
definitely doesn't seem to be clink's biggest fan.
adrian. ( neg ) adrian seems to have a blatant opinion on the fact that sen has dabb
-led in the dark arts. it's fine for sen that they don't have many classes together, as
there seems to be an air of cockiness surrounding adrian that sen would much
rather avoid.
davi. ( neg ) there has not yet been much of a reason for them to talk to each other
and again sen can feel that there is some opinion against his personal interest in
a particular branch of potions. he also dislikes davi's dishonesty and arrogance.
alistair. ( neu ) sen hasn't interacted much with alistair but being in the same house
as one of his sisters, sen has heard a bit about him and his family. to be honest he
wouldn't mind becoming friends with this guy.

s.o. bisexual
crush/es. ???
dating. no one

Last edited by leta on Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Arlottas Relations.

Postby Saxhleel » Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:51 am


    xxxr e l a t i o n s h i p s ➳ | Bisexual |❤ - Pos love interest

        ➸ Greyson; [Neg] Arlo might not be very smart but she tends to have good instincts, and her instincts tell her Greyson might be one to steer clear of. She is under the impression he thinks himself too good to be here. She would be civil towards him but would not go out of her way to speak to him.

        ➸ Charlie ; [Neg] Charlie is, well, she would not say in polite conversation. But she dislikes his nature. Perhaps because they're too similar to get along without butting heads. But she does not view his pig headed-ness as charmingly as she does her own, and looks unfavorably upon the rich.

        ➸ [France]

        ➸ [Poland]

        ➸ Armina; [Pos] Her strength of character is admirable. She has respect for the older girl and would think twice before crossing or teasing her too much. While she doesn't play and supports her own house team more, she would enjoy watching this ambitious young girl in quidditch.

        ➸ Booker; [Pos] Arlo has patience for the introverted, well, her own form of patience, I don't imagine they talk too often but she would be noticeably more careful around Booker.

        ➸ Amisi; [Pos] Oddly I can see Arlo having an affinity for Amisi if they grew close as her calm, observant personality is reminiscent of a Mother's and that is a figure who has been absent for much of her life, given the chance I imagine Arlo finding comfort in her presence.

        ➸ [Greece]

        ➸ Piper; [Pos] Whilst I imagine Arlo likes Piper she is probably rather intimidated by her enchanting good lucks and style of makeup (though her own is quite similar). I can see how Piper may not return those sentiments however, with her clashing nature. They both like animals though. ❤

        ➸ Olivia; [Pos] Should Olivia be willing to put up with the occasional dumb question or silly antic I can see her and Arlo getting along pretty well, perhaps not close friends but friendly enough. Arlo loves to watch her get really into any class debates,

        ➸ [Spain]

        ➸ [Danijel;] [Neu] Danijel is clever and I can quite easily see him talking circles around poor Arlo, not that she wouldn't stand her ground, physically if need be. But I cannot see them disagreeing or not getting along either. Arlo probably quite likes him.

        ➸ Walter; [Pos] Arlo remembers Walter in their first year pretty well, she's sure almost everyone does, especially the hufflepuffs. But she can look past his bird, because she asks that people look past her choice in pets. Actually she thinks he himself is rather sweet, A boy she could take home to her father. ❤

        ➸ [Delilah;] [Pos] Arlo knows Delilah as quite a mousy, nervous creature and doesn't imagine her booming russian voice is much comfort. But she is sure to try to make her as comfortable as possible and endeavors to win her approval.

        ➸ Cameron; [Pos] Also someone rather similar to Arlo, from their background to their hair colour (even if Arlos is dyed) and I think they'd get along really well? perhaps even be close friends, if not, I still think Arlo would adore her and would try hard to understand her native accent. ❤

        ➸ Noel; [Pos] Noel is understanding, patient as a saint and honestly rather beautiful. If he could tolerate her loud, extroverted personality and mothering she would make it her duty to befriend him and protect him.

        ➸ Sen; [Pos] I can see Arlo and Sen getting along quite well given they are pretty similar and have tendencies towards mischief and fun. He's not unkind either, knows when to stop which she views as an admirable trait. ❤

        ➸ Marley; [Neu] I don't know if Marley and Arlo have too much in common to hang out or anything, but Arlo has no problems with her as of yet.

        ➸ Anna; [Neg] Their similarities end after 'born in the same country' and Arlo would prefer it stayed that way. But Anna is tall, pretty and intelligent, and could almost definitely try to win her over if the need ever struck her.

        ➸ Adrian; [Pos] Arlo probably likes Adrian from afar, I dont imagine she takes his moodiness too seriously probably to his chagrin and would unwittingly bother him by attempting to bring him around.

        ➸ Davi; [Neu] Why anyone would want to spend that much time in water is beyond Arlo. Davi is exotic, sure, but not really her cup of tea, too smart and conniving for her taste.

        ➸ Alistair; [Pos] Arlo probably picked up the word 'posh' pretty quickly and would describe him as that. I can't imagine she dislikes him though, he probably reminds her of one of her older brothers and she respects a close knit family like her own. He's probably smart enough to take advantage of that though.

        ➸ Lyric; [Neu] Lyric, Ironically, reminds Arlo of a snake, she's pretty and interesting to watch but it should be done through a glass wall, preferably a bullet proof one.

Last edited by Saxhleel on Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ☞ The Wizarding Discussion Thread ☜

Postby Saxhleel » Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:54 am

    I think thats everyone so far?? please tell me if
    I forgot you!! and if you have any ideas or wan
    t any changes you can PM me.
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Re: ☞ The Wizarding Discussion Thread ☜

Postby shimmerstream » Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:51 am

    Greyson - neu/pos; Acquaintances, they aren't in the same house or year. They happen to have very similar patronuses, which is interesting. I think they would get along well enough together, but there isn't any reason for them to be real friends.
    Armina - neu/pos; They might get along well, potential friends possibly. Marley appreciates her independence and intelligence. Though unless you feel that Armina feels particularly inclined to be close to Marley, Marley herself isn't outgoing enough to make friends with a Gryffindor.
    Cecylia - neu/pos; Marley respects Cecylia. They have likely never spoken to each other, however, she'd be more likely to sit next to Cecylia than some others.
    Booker - neu; Nothing, he's nice enough, but they've probably only ever spoken a couple words to each other in class.
    [France] - neu;

    Amisi - neu; Marley has a strained relationship with most Ravenclaws, for personal reasons. For Amisi specifically, I'd like to hear what you have to say about it more.
    Olivia - neu; I think Marley might find her occasionally irritating, I'm not sure exactly by what. However, I do think that they could have a blast together in charms, since Marley loves learning and performing any manner of spells.
    [Greece] - neu;
    [Spain] - neu;
    Piper - neu/pos-ish; I agree that they do really seem to have different interests and goals. But it wouldn't be surprising for Marley to deliberately sit next to Piper in potions, which Marley despises, so that she can follow what Piper's doing.
    Danijel - neg; She finds him really irritating, he annoys her to no end. She hates his guts, and mostly his words. She's not bad with wit and comebacks herself, but Danijel is just so must better, and she can't stand it. What makes it even worse is that she's certain he enjoys it too.

    Walter - neu; Okay, so Walter and Marley likely just be acquaintances, but I bet Clink and Crow would get along well. Crow is more of a bully, but Clink would enjoy being a sort of sidekick in his exploits.
    Sen - neu/pos; I'd say their sort of friends, joking around with each other. Though because of their difference in houses and years, they only see each other occasionally.
    Delilah - neu; Fragile and nervous, Marley is afraid to break her. Because of this she avoids her.
    Arlotta - neu/neg-ish; Perhaps dislike is too strong a term, but Arlotta is just too, "big" for Marley to really like her. Big as in personality, bright, loud, motherly and confident. None are bad things, but just too much. Marley's more likely to keep her distance.
    Cameron - neu/pos; So I think there's the vague possibility of friendship here, but like most people, unless Marley ends up, or has ended up, in a circumstance where they've had to spend a lot of time together, she wouldn't try to herself.
    Noel - neu; They're just really different. I could see them getting along, sure, but not really close at all unless Noel tries hard to be, which I sort of doubt.

    Davi - pos; They're friends. She likes him, and is comfortable with him, but I'm having trouble coming up with an exact reason why. I could see the possibility of a crush here, but haven't decided yet.
    Anna - pos; Marley likes her, she's laid back and curious. Plus, they've shared a room for the past six years, it's be hard to not know each other well after that. They're different, but with similarities too. If your okay with it, I think they could be friends.
    Alistair - pos; We've already talked it over, and they have a weird sort of friendship. One where if you didn't know any better, you might think they hate each other. Like how Marley always calls him "Al," even though he doesn't like it, just to get on his nerves. But you can often find them together, especially since Alistair doesn't have a great track record for getting along with others.
    Adrian - pos; A comfortable sort of relationship. Doing subtle things just to get a bit of a rise out of each other.
    Lyric - neg/pos; Marley is hesitant about Lyric. Over the years, they've had an off and on friendship. They'll become close, get each other into some sort of huge trouble, then Lyic would abandon her, usually for a boy. Marley would be bitter towards Lyric for several months. Eventually the cycle would start again. Every time, Marley swears it won't happen again, but it always does.

    Other - Marley has two close friends outside of school. One, is a boy who attends Ilvermorny in North America. She's never actually met him, they're pen-pals. He lives in western Canada, and they have written to each other since they were ten. It was part of a national attempt for the magical community of Canada to communicate more with each other. Since then, they've become rather close through writing.
    The other is arguably her best friend. Marley routinely writes to the girl who lives across the street from her. They've been friends forever, but unfortunately, Faith is a muggle. This makes it much more difficult on Marley's side, since she has to keep her magical life a secret. She's told Faith that she goes to a British boarding school, which isn't a lie, and that they don't allow email. As a backup, Marley also has enchanted letters that blot out any distinctly magical words. If only her pure-blood housemates knew she was consistently corresponding with a muggle, it wouldn't go over well.

    Greyson - neu; Charlie's cool with him. Though he does watch him a little closer than the others in his house for rule breaking, and consequently the loss of points.
    Armina - pos/likely crush; Charlie really likes Armina, she shares many of his better qualities, they even have the same wand wood. Hopefully they can be good friends, but even if they can't, it doesn't change his feelings about her.
    Cecylia - pos; Charlie feels like a big brother towards Cecylia. He doesn't have any siblings of his own, so it's a new thing for him. He's very protective over her, though it's behind her back in a way. Yelling at people who were mean to her while she isn't in the room.
    Booker - neu; Charlie's not sure what to do about Booker, he always feels like the 7th year doesn't want to talk to him. Charlie occasionally tries to get to know him more, but usually to no avail. I'm not sure when Booker's brother died, but if it was while they were at school, Charlie would likely try to be nicer to him because of it.
    [France] - neu;

    Amisi - neu; Even though Charlie doesn't like that foreigners are taking over his school, that doesn't mean that he automatically hates Amisi because she's Egyptian. If anything, he dislikes the school for sending her the letter. It's true that Charlie wouldn't understand why she gave up her money and privilege, he also comes from a rich family and enjoys being able to buy whatever he wants.
    Olivia - pos; Something about their shared country draws them together. They're close friends and Charlie really enjoys talking to her. They likely also practice quidditch together often.
    [Greece] - neu;
    [Spain] - neu;
    Piper - neu; He mostly overlooks Piper. She seems to avoid him, and he's fine with that. He's not really a big fan of the goth look she portrays anyway.
    Danijel - neu/pos; Danijel is a keeper, which automatically earns him respect from Charlie, since that's also his position. He appreciates Danijel as a competitor and an acquaintance. The kind of person he's more likely to talk about, than to however, unless you'd like them to be closer.

    Walter - pos; Charlie really enjoys Walter's company. They've know each other since they started school, it's not like either of them were very subtle. Considering most owls hate him, Crow doesn't bother Charlie as much as some others, and he's always the first to catch the bird and return him to Walter when he gets into the Gryffindor dorms. Honestly, it's more like a game at this point.
    Sen - neu/neg; There's something that just creeps Charlie out about Sen. Maybe it's the past use of dark magic, but even though Sen seems perfectly nice on the outside, Charlie always feels like he's lying about something.
    Delilah - neu; I really don't know what to do with Delilah.
    Arlotta - pos/neg; I feel like they have a bit of a rivalry going on. They butt heads often, however, Charlie respects her. He appreciates what she does for others, particularly for her housemates. In fact, he rather enjoys their rivalry, and it usually doesn't get out of hand, considering Charlie tends to be a little bit of a stickler for rules.
    Cameron - neg; Charlie's not a particularly big fan of this hufflepuff. He can feel her distain for him, and he feels like she's judged him before getting to know him. More than that, they never seem to agree on anything, ever.
    Noel - neu; Noel's nice, and Charlie would probably like him enough. But there's a possibility that Charlie doesn't even know who he is, since they to tend towards very different social tendencies.

    Davi - neu; In general, Slytherins seem to not like Charlie, not surprising really. So, mostly Charlie just ignores them, which is what he does to Davi. He doesn't really care about the Slytherins one way or another. It's only really cheating and lying that bothers him.
    Anna - neu; He really doesn't care about Anna, in fact, all he knows about her is that she's a chaser, so he interacts with her, but only to block her shots.
    Alistair - neg; The two boys very much have a rivalry between them, but unlike with Arlotta, he doesn't respect Alistair at all, he hates him. Charlie hates his guts, and the Slytherin gets on his last nerve. They've jinxed each other countless times, always started by Alistair of course, though Charlie usually can't help but retaliate, he really doesn't like to back down.
    Adrian - neu/neg; No, Charlie does not like his cat. He's not impressed by Adrian's moodiness and "loner" attitude either.
    Lyric - pos-ish/neg-ish; Charlie doesn't know what to make of her. There's something about Lyric that he just doesn't trust, and he tends to have his gaurd up around her. But in a way he feels bad for her, he doesn't know her that well, but he's met a lot of people and he's pretty observent, and he thinks that perhaps something is wrong that Lyric is trying to hide with a big personality and impulsiveness.
Last edited by shimmerstream on Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ☞ The Wizarding Discussion Thread ☜

Postby ..cosmos.. » Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:22 am


      greyson: tba

      charlie: tba

      (france): tba

      (poland): tba

      armina: tba

      booker: tba

      (greece): tba

      piper: tba

      olivia: tba

      (spain): tba

      danijel: tba

      delilah: tba

      cameron: tba

      arlotta tba

      noel tba

      marley tba

      adrian tba

      davi tba

      alistair tba

      lyric tba


      greyson: tba

      charlie: tba

      (france): tba

      (poland): tba

      armina: tba

      booker: tba

      (greece): tba

      piper: tba

      olivia: tba

      (spain): tba

      danijel: tba

      delilah: tba

      cameron: tba

      arlotta tba

      noel tba

      marley tba

      adrian tba

      davi tba

      alistair tba

      lyric tba
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☞ birdie relations ☜

Postby swords up » Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:32 pm

┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓


┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛
⇉ 1.9 meters tall, dark hair, green eyes. fc. matt daddario.

i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm t
i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm t
i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm t
i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm t

i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm t
i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm t
i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm t
i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm talking i'm t
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Re: ☞ The Wizarding Discussion Thread ☜

Postby Heda » Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:00 pm

    Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Withcraft and Wizardry
      - Professor Minerva McGonagall
    Core Classes
      - Professor Neville Longbottom
      - Professor Filius Flitwick (head of ravenclaw)
    Defence Against the Dark Arts
      - Professor Blaise Zabini (head of slytherin)
    History of Magic
      - Professor Yerdet Kiyre
      - Professor Damon Lockhart (head of gryffindor)
      - Professor Hyde Boa

    Electives (two per student)
      - Professor Septima Vector
    Care of Magical Creatures
      - Professor Rubeus Hagrid
      - Professor Charity Burbage
    Study of Ancient Runes
      - Professor Dan Valebat (head of hufflepuff)
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Re: ☞ The Wizarding Discussion Thread ☜

Postby chick magnet » Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:02 pm

    ahhh, all the relations are looking so neat so far. really excited.
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☞ cameron's relations ☜

Postby chaein » Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:37 pm

cameron reid
♡ - possible friendship ♥ - possible love interest
    greyson lupa - norway ; neu
    - she doesn't have many chances to interact with this boy but
    isn't scared that he went to durmstrang, an infamous school to
    her, and practiced some dark arts. she's sure he's a nice guy but
    just feels weird at starting conversation with him.
    cecylia sówka - poland ; neu ♡
    - cam would probably describe cecily as reserved and demure as
    she hasn't heard her talk a lot. however cam appreciates that she
    definitely has skills in quidditch, which is pretty good and
    something that they could possibly connect over.
    charles kingsley - england ; neg
    - charlie is, in her view, a stuck up boy. as someone who had to
    grow and raise her living, she doesn't like someone who thinks
    everything he asks for should immediately appear, therefore
    consequently she doesn't particularly like charlie.
    armina santos - brazil ; pos/neu ♡
    - cam is definitely jealous of how outgoing mina is and how
    little it seems that mina doesn't care about much. she kind of
    wants to be friends but strangely is kind of scared. also, it might
    just be her, but cam thinks mina is really pretty.
    name - france ; pos/neg/neu
    - [ page 2? ]
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    booker frye - america ; neu ♡
    - cam knows about his twin brother so she is more careful about
    what she says when she's around him than other people. however
    she feels like he could be a good friend if they talked a bit. they
    have had some short conversations previously, but that's about it.
    amisi husain - egypt ; neu ♡
    - cam hasn't interacted with amisi much, mostly because they
    are complete opposites. a little farm girl and a prim and proper
    girl who carries herself with pride. although cam thinks she
    would be fun to be friends with.
    olivia starling - england ; neu ♡
    - cam feels as if they could be friends, but as they are both
    quite bad at small talk they haven't really conversed yet. maybe
    cam could join olivia on a jog one day since cam just lazes
    when she's at hogwarts.
    name - greece ; pos/neg/neu
    - wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    name - spain ; pos/neg/neu
    - wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip wip w
    piper ritter - germany ; pos/neg/neu
    - piper generally avoids hufflepuffs and as cam is a hufflepuff,
    she is also avoided though doesn't know the reason why.
    therefore she keeps a distance from pipe, although not to far
    that she can't occasionally marvel at her stunning eyes.
    danijel dabo - croatia ; pos/neu ♡
    - danijel is good at quidditch and a good rival for her to compete
    against. however off the pitch he is good at words, something she
    is not particularly good at and though it is fun to talk, she is
    usually confused and easily learnt to laugh off her inferior wit.
    walter pillay - south africa ; pos ♡
    - she finds that his personality is quite agreeable and since she's
    used to living on a farm and animals waking her up, crow
    screeching at her doesn't bother her as much as maybe some
    others. sometimes she even finds it funny.
    sen ishikawa - japan ; pos/neu ♡/♥
    - being a hufflepuff, she sees sen quite often and doesn't see the
    fuss over the dark magic that he used before. didn't even the
    good guys in the war use illegal potions and spells? anyway, the
    only reason she's afraid of him is to her this boy is freakishly tall.
    delilah donavan - england ; pos
    - as dellie is younger than cam and quiet in personality, cam
    feels relatively protective of her, almost as if she was a little
    sister that she never had. being both hufflepuff girls, they would
    often see each other around since they share a room together.
    arlotta novikoff - russia ; pos ♡/♥
    - arlo is someone who she feels relaxed around. through their
    similar upbringings comes a form of understanding, though cam
    still can't fully figure out why she has a rat as a pet. she envies
    how confident arlo is and hopes to be like her someday.
    noel devereux - france ; pos ♡/♥
    - cam may have a small crush on noel, not helped by unearthly
    looks. seriously he is beautiful, she is constantly in awe. anyway,
    she adores his accent and finds his personality is really likeable.
    early quidditch practices are better now as they both are chasers.
    cameron reid - scotland ; pos/neg/neu
    - ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    marlene garner - canada ; neu
    - although these two are in the same year, they just haven't
    talked much or spent time together since circumstances haven't
    called for it. however she is not averse to making friends with
    marley and would happily chat with her.
    davi costa - brazil ; neu
    - she doesn't talk to him much, and if she did she probably
    wouldn't know what to say. but this doesn't mean she wouldn't
    talk with him, who knows, she might even learn how to surf
    since that is the main thing she's heard of him for.
    anna orlovskya - russia ; pos/neu ♡
    - anna is a very laid-back soul, calm and friendly which cam
    likes. if the chance arose, she maybe would like to be friends.
    however as she is in slytherin, cam thinks that she also has a
    cunning side to her, which has put her off of approaching the girl.
    alistair cromwell - germany ; neg
    - alistair has made it fully clear that he does not like cam,
    although she has no clue why. therefore she just avoids him and
    talks as little as possible to him, which seems to lessen the hate
    somewhat. she's a bit scared of him to be honest.
    adrian rudaski - poland ; neu/neg ♡ - through lila
    - cam will talk to adrian however his somewhat chilly way of
    speech bugs her and therefore she prefers to just sit in
    comfortable silence, occasionally and secretly luring and
    playing with adrian's cat lila whom she adores.
    lyric perez - america ; neg
    - cam's view on the world is that everyone should work for their
    position, and she is very much a feminist. therefore lyric irks her
    as she relies on boys and is somewhat manipulative. so cam tends
    to keep her distance from this person.
Last edited by chaein on Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ☞ The Wizarding Discussion Thread ☜

Postby swords up » Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:27 pm

    oh i forgot to mention. if anyone wants to discuss relations between our characters don't be afraid to hmu!

    also, should we have passwords for the houses' common rooms?
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