[ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ closed]

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[ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ closed]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:14 am

well done. the hardest part
is over and you have saved
the modern world. howeve
r, nobody can be allowed t
o remain privy to your exist
ence. so please, come with
us and enjoy your curtain c
all. you've earned it - act v
but now's our

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[ ━♟ ] Synopsis [ ♙━ ]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:43 am

curtain call is an after her
o all inclusive... retreat fo
r those who served act v
the only thing you need to
do is... umm, stay within t
he boundaries and well, be
hind the curtains of course!
seriously. dont run away...
but now's our


its been three years of fighting, dying, and bleedi
ng for an organization called act v in order to save
the world. your reward? the six of you are locked
away. but will your dif. views split you all apart?
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[ ━♟ ] With Act V [ ♙━ ]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:55 pm


he was more or less born into act v.
noboby but him and anybody he choo
ses to tell knows his background. but
one thing is sure, he's loyal to act v.
his powers were honed from a young
age, so the leader is hecka powerful.
male ;; gabriel - 23 ;; cyborg
element - master of earth
special - super strength, plant manip

she agrees that powers should be clos
ely watched. but she has a much more
relaxed way of viewing this whole 'cur
tain call' deal, being the chill person in
the team. she was a support character
in battle, her powers used to restore.
female ;; age: 18-23 ;; dreamer.
powers ;; pick 1 element, 2 special

harsh and deadly, this one follows orders.
why? because this character experienced a
wretched loss for going off orders. it was
because of that reckless move that they
lost the person they loved. an expert in all
types of combat w/ mastery of an element
male ;; tobias - age ;; res
element - master of electricity
special - violence inducement, intuitive apt.


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[ ━♟ ] Questioning Loyalty [ ♙━ ]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:00 pm


nvr got along w/ leadr when they'd act
ually been fighting, despite that they
had a more complicated relationship.
where he's been action, she was thou
ght. next to his, nobody can match h
er levels of competence w/ powers.
female ;; celestia - 21 ;; lykros
element - master of fire
special - telekinesis, sensory deprivation

oml, this guy is great. he's such a me
ss of head space thats filled to the brim
with endless mental capabilities. but a
a head like that leaves a person who m
ight as well just try to give up on conn
ectin' w/ ppl. he's taken no real side tbh.
male ;;robert - 20 ;; bushranger
element - master of air
special - telepathy, consciousness separation

probably the one that went through the mo
st development, he always has something
to say and somebody to annoy. though, th
ree years does a lot to change somebody.
he's come a long way. let's hope the thief
doesn't revert to his old destructive roots.
huxler - 20 ;; atom.
element - master of void
special - cosmic speed, luck absb.


Last edited by Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. on Tue Nov 01, 2016 5:09 am, edited 7 times in total.
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[ ━♟ ] Rules [ ♙━ ]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:05 pm

my rules: i be respectful
ii one char. per person
iii post forms here and in
clude the powers you want
iv 2-3 posts per week. pls
v pls pm me for res. 48 hrs
vi semi-lit 2-3+ paragraphs
vii try not to repeat somebo
dy elses power. be diverse.
but now's our


act v rules: i curfew is 1am - you're adults. act l
ike 'em. ii girls will share the the bottom floor be
drooms. boys will sleep in the cots provided on 2nd
iii the island is yours to explore. do not leave it.
iv respect and obey all faculty. respect each other.
v you may use your powers here. any property de
stroyed or stolen will result in strict punishment.
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[ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ ]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:13 pm

[ discussion ]
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[ ━♟ ] Huxler [ ♙━ i.]

Postby Aᴛᴏᴍɪᴄ. » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:02 pm

      [age: twenty // nname: hux] - [location: lighthouse balcony] - [tags: open]
          Hux was playing a game of pool by himself. Usually he'd have company wherever he went, but he was avoiding people today. He was going to go crazy if he had to stay here much longer, and it had only been a week. The woman that came every now and again to check up on the group ensured them that things would only go up from where they were. He didn't see how that was a thing that was actually going to happen. No way, man. Huxler Washington was determined on being a pessimistic a**hole for as long as he could get away with being one. You know what? He was so through with all of this. Hux hit the ball and shouted out a rather loud and obscene word when the 8 ball ricocheted across the green felt and into the side hole. "Oh my God, kill me. Somebody... kill me," he shook his head in defeat and walked away, dropping the pool cue with no regard for its inanimate emotions. That's right, Hux bowed to nothing. Ha. See? Irony.

          No, the man left the rec room where and how it was, waving his hands around to step into the void and step back out of it and onto the balcony. You know, he was never careful enough with his void powers. They were dangerous, and only people as stupid as him messed around with it as their element of choice. But come now, he was a thief. How could he not steal things from the void as if whatever had been lost there was his? He wasn't particularly good at using his element to fight, but he'd soon realized just what could happen when he messed with the element too heavily. Pulling half of somebody's face off and forcing into the void was not a particularly pleasant sight. Neither was replacing somebody's lungs with the absolute nothingness that was his element. Yeah, not his cup of tea. He'd stick to using it as a way to get from one spot to nothing by opening up a tiny hole in between the element's dimension and his current one. It was no good for getting him any decent amount of distance, but popping from once side of a wall and onto another was as easy as stretching his arms in a wide gesture and manifesting the power of belief.

          He'd been expanding how far and how much he wanted to test this new ability, and moving from the bottom floor of the lighthouse's main room to the light's balcony through a void rift was about all he'd risk. Awful things happened to people who spent more than a minute inside a vacuous dimension such as his element. The kleptomanic leaned against the railing, staring out at the ocean with furrowed brows. There would probably be a pretty nasty storm coming. And he wasn't just talking about the weather. His knuckles were white, and sometimes he felt like having a tantrum or two. But he wasn't the same kid that had been taken into Act V all those years ago. His tantrums were actually dangerous now, especially when he felt like dropping semi-trucks out of the void just for laughs. He wasn't about to drop a truck on his friends in the lighthouse, though. To be honest, he didn't want anything to do with them all over again. Celestia and Robert seemed to share his views on the real intentions of ACT V now that they had been given a world to reshape. That was a lot of power that had been abused before. People had died to protect a world and save it for what? A new dictatorial figurehead calling the shots? Huxler had disagreed with Gabriel before, but at least they'd both had the same enemy. Was Act V the enemy?

          What was really going on while the six of them were stuck in Curtain Call? These were answers he couldn't answer so the void user sighed and simply jumped up to sit on the railing. His hands held the rails just as tightly as before and he threw his neck up to stare aimlessly at the cloud stained sky. A drop of rain water fell on his cheek before he straightened his gaze. You know, at some point he'd go back inside and bother somebody with some good old fashioned Huxler initiative, but for now he was thinking hard about himself and things in general. He supposed everybody was thinking hard, though. Well... whatever. At least the ocean was still a pretty damn neat sight to look at. With a whistle, he snapped his fingers and the air ripped apart, allowing him to grab the book that he'd stolen from one of the Actor's luggage earlier. He couldn't remember whose it had been. Probably Robert's. Unless he was wrong and it was Tobias' book. Could that moron read? Probably not. Whatever, neither could Huxler. But he liked to pretend that he could so he opened the book and stared blankly at the pages.
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Celestia [1]

Postby lykos brethren » Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:01 pm

( nname ) blaze, winters & snow xxx ( role ) co-leader xxx
( power ) pyrokinesis elemental and, telekinesis and sensory deprivation

      a sigh, heavy and empty, most important fed up with everything. The young female rolled onto her back and turned her head to look out the small window in the downstairs bedroom, which she shared with Deborah. The sun was evident outside and it's rays filtered in through the yellow stained window, showing the age of the lighthouse that the small group are staying in. For how long? Celestia had no clue. It has been over a week since they first came her and she still didn't like it here. It didn't feel right to her and she always felt uneasy, like she was being watched or someone could be right around the corner. Maybe she is just being paranoid with everything. It would be understandable after everything that has happened, especially the war that happened. Squeezing her eyes shut, she frowned, i don't want to remember that she thought shaking he really head at herself. However, as much as she tried to push the thoughts back in the dark corners of her mind, they persisted. Before she knew it, the memories of those dark times flooded her.

      Hearing screams from innocent people and children crying, the worst was hearing the kids crying and some lost unable to find their parents. Boy, did that break celestia's heart. As much as she tried to help them, she could save nor help them all. Blood streaked faces and arms, as she burned her victims and crushed their bodies with her mind. At least she could block out any pain for the innocent with her sensory deprivation, then they wouldn't feel nor hear anything when they were killed. The killing of her victims with twenty or so of her fellow comrades didn't bother her, it was the children. The innocent. Fighting for act v didn't feel right to her, it felt wrong. Like she was only a pawn to them, they would use and dispose of them as they pleased. With that thought it always angered her, and made her dispise act v. Especially with evie's death, and the way Tobias changed abruptly, and began to fear act v. not only that but with the way they all have been dumped on an island as their "prize". Wow, what a prize. She rolled her eyes. Her mood completely changed from horror of past memories to anger at act v.

      The petite warrior sat up and stretched her lanky arms before clambering out of her bed. Swiftly changed into a set of clothes which consisted of; jeans, a loose fitting shirt that was way too big for her and slipped off her shoulder leaving it bare as the rest of the shirt bunched at her thighs. She pulled on a pair of black combat boots and tied her hair into a big, voluminous braid. Once she was finished turned on her heel and walked out of her and deborah's room. She didn't mind the other girl, she was a bit cautious of her as Celestia didn't really know how to be around other girls. However, after a week of being around her, Celestia actually didn't mind her. Sure they had their moments of arguing but that was only normal.

      Yawning loudly, she rubbed her silver blue eyes before walking to the small kitchen that was downstairs. She was admittedly glad no one was up yet, but then again surprised since it seemed like it was quite late in the morning, either way she didn't mind nor care. Flicking on the kettle, she began to make a coffee and sat on the bench with the mug in her hands. Her gaze staring into space, why where they here? Sure, it was for a so called prize but why did they have to hide here as this woman that visited would say, nor would she say anything about what was happening outside the world. Why couldn't they go to living normally? Why was act v holding them here? All these questions only hurt her head and only made her more suspicious of act v. She was glad she wasn't the only one with her, huxler and Robert. So far she hasn't only decided to keeping to themselves as she knows how loyal some of the others are to act v, especially Gabriel. Or Gabriela as she would say to mock and annoying him sometimes. Something she would say when they were together as a joke.

      Without knowing, her hands warmed and small flames flickered over her white knuckles that clenched the cup. Closing her eyes, she felt her breathing slow and become even again. Thoughts of what her and Gabriel has only made her angry at how he had reacted and pushed her to that. But it wasn't all anger at him, more at herself for being afraid. She reacted out of fear of falling for someone and actually caring, and loving someone. Admittedly, she does feel a small regret for ending things between them but then again, he didn't seem to be upset about it. She overall, she is on the fence about it. Sighing, she gently blew on her knuckles and the flames went out. Sipping at her coffee, she silently sat there thinking to herself quietly as small flames flickered over her fingers. Why was everything complicated? Well, things hopefully can't get any worse.surely not.
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Re: [ ━♟ ] Curtain Call [ ♙━ closed]

Postby Bushranger » Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:21 pm


    Name: Robert Alexander Floodxxx

    Nickname - Rob
    Gender - Male
    Role - The Brains
    Crush - Celestia


                  Robert sat on the small bunk in the lighthouse male bunk room. At first he had thought it was odd that they had a lighthouse to live in for the time being, but he had eventually grown used to it. Before everything had gotten out of control, Robert had lived in simple home with simple family, and he lived a simple life. Things, of course, were far from simple now. Now he was sitting in a bunk own by a secrative organisation, living in a lightnhouse that sat on an island in god-knows where. He didnt want to even think about the weird sounds they had been hearing at night. Some strange animals they had here, that was for sure. But he had to deal with things. Life was far from simple now, and Act V only made things more complex. Their motives arent exactly crystal clear, and Robert has been suspicious since the beggining. Even more so now that they are on this island.

                  Sighing robert sat up and hopped off the bed. The bunk room was small, and the floor was old and wooden, and it would creak every so often as he walked across it. He wasnt sure where everyone else was at this hour, as he had been reading in his bed for some time. Finding his bag, he put his book away. It was about psychology and human nature, somthing he had been trying his best to observe recently. Packing the book away, he noticed one of his books was missing. Sighing, he stood up. He knew exactly who was to blame for that. Hell, he wasnt even that angry. Now it would just be a chore to try and get the book back from Huxler.

                  Robert ran his hands though his dark hair, and stretched his arms. He had gotten dressed earlier, before the sun had rissen, so he didnt bother changing again. He wore some simple woolen cardigan and some grey pants. Bland, he knew, but it didnt bother him. With a silent yawn he walked downstairs, towards the kitchen. He hadnt seen the others yet, and personaly he didnt mind. He was usualy quite reclusive anyways. Heading into the kitchen with a heavy step, he saw Celestia by the wooden bench, coffee mug in hand. He didnt expect to see her there, and he almost got a bit of a fright. With a slight smile, he greeted her. "Morning" he said, as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He took a seat at an old wooden table in the centre of the kitchen, and looked out the window. It was stained a light sepia, with a light haze produced by the salt from the ocean. Lots of the buildings had a small layer of salt on them, and it gave the lighthouse an odd smell. Turning back to Celestia, he decided it would be best to start some conversation before things got awkward with the silence. "Sleep well?" he asked quietly. He hoped he didnt sound creepy or anything. He started to go red and he sighed heavily and put his head in his arms. He was usualy alright talking to the group, but with Celestia he always fumbled. He really hoped he didnt make things worse for himself from here on out.

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    [ ━♟ ] yay post 1 [ ♙━ closed]

    Postby the dreamer. » Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:03 am

    ...'the support' mentioned Celestia and Robert tags open

                  Debs had been up trying to find something to do. Even though she was bored completely out of her mind she had someone managed to find a way to pass the time... and of course, this meant using her specialty...darkness. They had been there a week, though the time had passed a lot slower in her mind. It had felt like an eternity already, an eternity of expecting something bad around each corner. After about the fourth day something clicked in debs and she decided to just confine herself to the shadows, where she was comfortable. Its funny to think, but growing up she was afraid of the dark..that which she now finds the most comfort. Luckily the lighthouse that they got thrown into had many dark spots.

                  Debs sat in the corner of their room as Celestia got ready and left. Though she had no problems with her they had not done much talking in the week that they had been there. In fact, debs had barely spoke at all. There were emotions inside of her yet she did just not know how to express them. the only emotion that she could see clearly was anger...better yet hatred. Debs didn't want to be a possession or a pawn, definitely not a prize.. debs didn't want her friends to be possessions. She would never go back, she had already promised herself that...and silently made herself promise to persuade the rest of the group as well. In that department, she had her work cut out for her.

                  Debs had hated act v from the beginning, she never wanted to help them or work for them or do a single freaking thing for them. she definitely doesnt want to be on this island, in fact for the past week she had been planning her escape. How far could she travel with darkness? Could she wait until night time and just go anywhere? To her, she saw this as all a game. They were the mouse and act v was the cat. Debs eyes flicked around the now empty room, only slivers of light had reached the place and she had sat huddled comfortably in a dark corner. Though sitting on a pillow for four hours wasnt the most comfortable move, she had been awake long enough to think. Everyone was confused, nobody knew what 'the powers that be' were planning or if they had an ulterior motive. Possibly they could just have felt bad for the other 10-15 people with powers like theirs dying. This island was supposed to be a reward yet it felt more like a 12-year-old being grounded to their room. There were creatures that she could hear each night, the time when she felt the safest. Why put them on an island with grotesque monsters. Was this all a test and there was something else in store for them?

                  That was enough thinking for debs, she stood up and the rays of sunlight hit her. She was wearing a pair of light acid wash skinny jeans that had a few too many holes from heavy use, a pair of black vans, and a maroon sweater that was baggy but comfortable enough that she did not care. Her hair was down, and hadn't been brushed in about two days but also was not a problem for her. She exited the room and trotted down the steps, into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. While pouring her cup she looked over at Robert and then glanced at Celestia who was holding onto her coffee cup like it was the only thing keeping her grounded at this moment. Debs felt awkward... like you could cut the tension with a knife. Her eyes flicked between the two one more time and she shot a slight smile to Celestia then she exited the kitchen before she could get stuck in an awkward conversation.
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