♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {discussion thread}

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♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {discussion thread}

Postby sel » Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:47 pm

    B R I G H T C L A N
    home of the mountain-dwelling warriors

    long ago, there was a group of cats, led by the fearless and loving former clan cat known as Brightsong and later Brightstar. The homeless band of loners, half-starved and defenseless, travelled the land in search for a new place to call home. Armed only with her wits and the knowledge of clan life she had learned from her home clan, Brightsong persisted in the face of many harsh winters across a cold, desolate land. When all seemed just about lost, the came across the land now known as Brightclan territory. The land was a rich beauty, unique and special in it's own way and perfect in the eyes of the Brightclan cats. Consisting of a tall mountainous region, that wraps in a wide half-moon shape around a small lake, and a wide field at the mountain base. The far border of the territory is shaped by a pine forest, one that seemingly completes the circle started by the mountains; it also shields the paradise of Brightclan from outsiders' view. Being the only clan in the area, Brightclan has a vast territory that includes all of the previously mentioned geographic assest; to travel from any one point of the border across takes a total of half a day and should not be done alone. The camp itself is situated at the bottom of the mountains, where a large hollowed out cave with smaller branching tunnels, perfect for dens, lies just a short walk up the mountain side.
    Even though the land is always cold, and the warm days are far and few between, the cats of Brightclan thrive. They have adapted to have thicker coats, and only few possess the short-hair trait. Their only fault is that they often struggle for food in the snow season, when eating two times daily like they do will leave the freshkill hoard barren and sad-looking. But never fear, they survived so far without a hitch and will continue to live on. Each cat who calls Brightclan their home are proud of their clan's secluded life and are more than happy to hunt and defend it.
    The question is... will you?

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    feel free to make your own form! this is just for those of you who would prefer to fill in a pre-made one
    Code: Select all
    [left][img]http://i.imgur.com/2J3GrhK.jpg[/img][/left][list][color=#7e6a6a][b]CURRENT NAME[/b]
    [size=85][b]- [ current position ] - [ gender ] - [ age ] -[/b]
    [size=80][b]past/future names:[/b] answer here
    [b]appearance:[/b] answer here [url=url here]link to image[/url]
    [b]desired rank:[/b] answer here
    [b]positive traits:[/b] answer here
    [b]negative traits:[/b] answer here
    [b]skills:[/b] answer here
    [b]likes/dislikes:[/b] answer here
    [b]mother:[/b] answer here
    [b]father:[/b] answer here
    [b]siblings:[/b] answer here
    [b]crush:[/b] answer here
    [b]mate:[/b] answer here
    [b]kits:[/b] answer here
    [b]other:[/b] answer here
    [b]your activity level:[/b] answer here[/size][/color][/list]
Last edited by sel on Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:57 am, edited 2 times in total.


hello, my name is sel! i see you've found me!
i love art, but if you stick around long enough
you might get to witness me eating
my entire drawing tablet out of frustration.
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Re: ♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {discussion thread}

Postby sel » Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:48 pm

    - [ leader ] - [ male ] - [ 29 moons ] -

    past/future names: Benny - Wolfpaw - Wolftuft
    appearance: Wolfstar is a muscular, fluffy, handsome white tom cat with patches of very pale grey and cream dotting his pelt. Though he does have a plethora of stripes in his coat, they are very faint and hard to see anywhere other than his face and feathery tail. He has tall ears, a long feathery tail, and round hazel eyes. link to image
    desired rank: achieved, leader
    positive traits: Wolfstar is a very quiet, observant guy. He doesn't like to speak to anyone outside of his clan and luckily he doesn't have to very often. He is very defensive of his clanmates and believes they all should be treated fairly. In most situations, he is a very fair leader. Wolfstar is a courageous spirit and, due to his fighting skill, is able to lead his clan into a successful battle at ease. His tall ears provide keen hearing.
    negative traits: He is too big for his own good which makes him a lousy hunter. His pawsteps fall to heavily for him to sneak up on anything. Wolfstar can sometimes get caught up in defending others, and becomes too rash in his decisions.
    skills: Wolfstar has always been good at battle planning/tactics and putting them into practice. He has a quick mind and therefore able to think fast in any situation. He has a good memory, unlikely to forget anything important.
    likes/dislikes: Wolfstar loves to listen to sounds around him. He likes fishing and swimming, and lounging in the sunshine. He has a hatred for being under the trees, and would prefer to run in the fields of Brightclan territory. Surprisingly, he doesn't much like being in the caves either. Wolfstar's least favorite prey is bird.
    mother: Dorset
    father: Bean
    siblings: Snowbell, Blue, Pickle
    crush: open, he's a lovable guy
    mate: x
    kits: x

    - [ warrior ] - [ male ] - [ 20 moons ] -

    past/future names: Pinekit - Pinepaw
    appearance: the only natural difference between Pinefall and his sister is his short-furred coat, as well as his amber eyes instead of Russetbreeze's green. He is tall, thin, and lanky, he never really grew into his frame. In addition, he has more scars than any cat in the clan. On the day that both his parents died link to image
    desired rank: achieved, warrior
    positive traits: his once fiery ambition gone, Pinefall has more time to dedicate to being a well-rounded warrior. Instead of focusing on being the best of the best, he only focuses on being the best he can be. He's a good fighter and a decent hunter, he has powerful back legs for leaping, which come in handing when catching prey. Pinefall is also a strong climber.
    negative traits: Pinefall can be lazy, with no ambition at times. The realization that hi family is gone will sometimes take the light out of him at random moments. Other than that, he's not a good leader in the slightest, as he has constant flashbacks to the bager attack. He is niether good at fishing or swimming and is said to fear water.
    skills: answer here
    likes/dislikes: Likes little more than climbing and sunshine. He dislikes badgers with a burning passion, and will not fight one even if it means his or someone else's life is at risk. Among his other dislikes are swimming, fishing, and dishonesty.
    mother: Dovewish
    father: Tigerstripe
    siblings: Gentlepaw, Darkpaw, Russetbreeze
    crush: x
    mate: x
    kits: x
    other: Pinekit was born into a seemingly normal family. His mother, Dovewish, and his father, Tigerstripe, had been blessed in their love with litter of four healthy kits. The exception being Gentlekit, who had been deaf in one ear at birth. Though his mother never picked favorites, and loved each of her four kits equally, Pinekit and his father had always had a special connection. Perhaps it was because the two were almost identical, in appearance and personality, or perhaps it was because Pinekit was the only male in the litter. From an early age, the brown tabby knew that his father had high expectations of him, and always did his best to rise and meet them. They say it was one of the proudest moments of Tigerstripe's life when Pinepaw was apprenticed, and that very well might be true. It was obvious that his father's passion for battle had rubbed off onto Pinepaw, as well as his parents affectionate and loyal attitude towards the whole clan. As Pinepaw grew, he became more and more like his supportive father, almost a spitting image had they been the same age.
    But all good things must come to an end. In the 4th moon of the litter's apprenticeship, there was a terrible badger attack. Everyone was hit hard, but when the dust finally cleared, and the battle had been won, Pinepaw was hit with a terrorized shock to find that only Russetpaw, his sister, of his once elated family had survived. The young male blamed himself for their deaths and took it hard. How could he have been so caught up in defending himself that he hadn't even thought to check for his family? They must have died early-battle, Pinepaw thought, for he had not caught the slightest of glimpses of them the whole battle.
    Pinepaw slowly became disinterested with his initial goal of becoming the best Warrior he could be. What was the point in that now? The only cats that would ever be proud of him were gone, and who would even care if he finished his training? But on one fateful night, Pinepaw snapped. Yes, it was true that his family was long gone, but they could still see him from the Stars. How disappointed, they must be in him, the tabby male thought guiltily. All Tigerstripe had ever wanted was for Pinepaw to finish his training; why stop now?
    Much to the surprise of his mentor, the young male was wide awake the next morning, with a new found strength. Pinepaw finished his training two moons later, and earned the full Warrior name of Pinefall.

    - [ warrior ] - [ female ] - [ 20 moons ] -

    past/future names: Russetkit - Russetpaw
    appearance: answer here link to image
    desired rank: deputy/leader, but fine as a warrior for now
    positive traits: Russetbreeze is bubbly and always full of energy. From a young age, she devoted her time to learning the techniques of a great hunter, and soon became one herself. She's good at diffusing tension between cats and has a calming aura around her at all times.
    negative traits: Her attitude can sometimes come off as annoying to those who don't like her as much. Russetbreeze isn't a skilled fighter either, and detests battle. She is argumentative and brash at times.
    skills: Powerful legs for leaping at prey. Russetbreeze is a terrific hunter and respected for it. To go along with it, she also has a good sense of smell for sniffing out prey.
    likes/dislikes: she likes thunderstorms and water. Loves the thrill of the chase and running. She hates battle and will do all that she can to avoid it. She also has a hatred for badgers.
    mother: Dovewish
    father: Tigerstripe
    siblings: Gentlepaw, Darkpaw, Pinefall
    crush: open
    mate: x
    kits: x
    other: Russetpaw was not hit as hard as her brother by the death of their whole family. Sure, it was bad, but she had been one of four in her litter and never received the special treatment that Pinepaw had from their father. She had grieved, but moved on quickly, taking her warrior name a moon before her brother.

    - [ apprentice ] - [ male ] - [ 6 moons ] -

    past/future names: Tallkit - Tallstorm
    appearance: a long-legged smokey dark grey tabby with a thick pelt. He has a thin frame and blue eyes. link to image
    desired rank: warrior then leader
    positive traits: When he's not in an angry mood, Tallpaw is a kind and polite natured young tom. He is respectful and content to take orders. Due to his small size, he is incredibly fast, making for a great hunter. The only thing that he has pride in is his hunting skills, and if he's in a good mood, he's always happy to share his prey. For all his anger, Tallpaw would never strike out physically at anyone, even in his rage he knows the difference between right and wrong. In a good mood, he is an excellent teacher, he hopes that when he grows up into a warrior, that he will be given an apprentice of his own. Tallpaw is definitely a good leader and would be a good mentor.
    negative traits: Tallpaw's mood can switch on a dime, just about anything could set him off. He has an angry outer shell, and an arrogant ego to boot. While he is capable of being kind and a decent cat, there's always a possibility that something someone else says can make him angry, so cats tend not to talk to him unless necessary. Which is a shame because he's a loud spirited tom who loves to talk. One of the things that can set him off is talking about his size, a constant topic of discussion is his poor strength due to him being so sickly as a kit. When he's mad, Tallpaw becomes forgetful which only makes him more angry at himself and only adds fuel to his fire. As he gets older, he might grow out of his anger, but only time will tell and until then he will remain the same loose canon that he is.
    skills: speed and hunting
    likes/dislikes: He likes talking with friends, though he doesn't have many. Tallpaw always enjoys training as he hopes to one day grow in strength and be able to fight just as well as he hunts. Speaking of hunting, Tallpaw greatly enjoys hunting, he will always be the first to volunteer for a hunting mission. He loves to teach and give advice to those who are struggling. /// Tallpaw doesn't like it when he's being ignored, and will often raise his voice to be noticed. He doesn't like the heat, preferring to stay out of the sun. Obviously, Tallpaw harbors a deep animosity for comments about his size/strength or those who question his ability to serve the clan. Even with his disadvantages, Tallpaw feels perfectly capable to serve his clan through hunting.
    mother: Stormcloud
    father: Blizzardheart (npc)
    siblings: Whitewater
    crush: x
    mate: x
    kits: x
    other: x
Last edited by sel on Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.


hello, my name is sel! i see you've found me!
i love art, but if you stick around long enough
you might get to witness me eating
my entire drawing tablet out of frustration.
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♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {crowtail}

Postby noir, » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:38 am


meet crowtail, a likable young tom of
twenty-two moons. he's quite respect
ed in his clan due to his devoted dem
eanor to his duty. he is always in sear
ch to better his clan or assist in anyw
ay possible. crow aspires to be the b
est warrior he can be, as well as bein
g some kind of role model to his siste
r. although he can get very hostile or
impatient, he is familial and sweet..

────────────── ────── ──

i. crowtail ii. cismale, tom
iii. brightclan warrior iv. t
wenty-two moons v. swift'
s older bro vi. scent is of h
eather & lavender vii. no c
rush viii. bisexual bby boy
ix. capable, subtle, ration
al, devoted, subtle, famili
al, impatient, brash, prote
ctive, secretly softhearted

────────────── ────── ──

Last edited by noir, on Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {fawncloud}

Postby noir, » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:39 am

┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓

meet fawncloud, a thirty-six mo
on old warrior from brightclan.
this molly is a very calm cat; sh
e holds a patience that is well a
ppreciated in times of crisis. wi
th a steady mind, fawn is talent
ed in soothing others in shock o
r stress. although this warrior c
an spark easy conversations, sh
e is somewhat of a daydreamer.

┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛
┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓

fawncloud !
female, girl
thirty-six m
mountain w

┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛

words words words wo
words words words wo
words words words wo
words words words wo
words words words wo
words words words wo
words words words wo
words words words wo
words words words wo

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♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {juniperpaw}

Postby noir, » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:43 am


meet juniperpaw, the thirtee
n moon old medicine cat app
from brightclan. juniper is a
cat who's fascinated with the
art of medicine. he is very de
dicated to his role in the clan
and takes it seriously. he is o
ften found murmuring herbs u
ses to himself or out identifyi
ng the ruffled leaves and soft
petals of plants along walks..



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
juniper is a big ol' nerd wh
en it comes to healing; on
ce you bring up the subjec
t, he's lost in a passionate
rant that's difficult to rid.
overall, juniper is a very
sweet and composed cat.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {applepaw}

Postby noir, » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:46 am

┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓

meet applepaw, a curious molly of
ten moons. she is most known for
her optimism and contagious ener
gy. applepaw is a very sweet gal t
hat easily makes friends due to he
r adaptable and easy-going nature.
however, apple is quite stoic, stub
born, and not to mention sensitive
so she's talented to hide her feelin
gs. yet it's easy to tell when she is
upset because she is an open book

┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛
( applepaw ) ( will be appletail ) ( molly ) ( brightclan ) ( bi )
coding done
by user noir
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text text text text text text text te

━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
Last edited by noir, on Sat Oct 22, 2016 1:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {discussion thread}

Postby sel » Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:39 am

    are Crowtail, Fawncloud, and Juniperpaw completed forms? c:


hello, my name is sel! i see you've found me!
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♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {discussion thread}

Postby noir, » Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:03 am

      yes, they are completed! i will
      work on swiftpaw's right now!
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Re: ♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {discussion thread}

Postby sel » Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:06 am

    alright c; the first three are accepted


hello, my name is sel! i see you've found me!
i love art, but if you stick around long enough
you might get to witness me eating
my entire drawing tablet out of frustration.
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Re: ♛ ʙ ʀ ɪ ɢ ʜ ᴛ ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɴ ♛ {discussion thread}

Postby fall out boy, » Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:12 am

    - Ambereyes - molly - 36 moons -

    past/future names: Amberkit Amberpaw
    appearance: Ambereyes has a deep orange and off-black pelt with a creamy white underbelly that often gets dirty from hunting. She has amber eyes [ yeah, you guessed it ] with flecks of green and gold. Ambereyes has a black splotch masking half of her face, medium long fur, and a long tail that is usually wrapped along her paws when she isn't hunting. xxx
    desired rank: deputy
    positive traits: intelligent | open-minded | determined | motherly
    negative traits: very shy | arrogant | occasionally aggressive | holds her feelings in | sensitive
    skills: very skilled hunter | loves kits
    likes/dislikes: kits | hunting | compliments | water // being alone | crowds | being left out | humans | heat
    scent: pine needles and dirt
    mother: Moonstreak
    father: Crookedtail [ rogue ]
    siblings: Snowkit Silverkit Bramblekit
    crush: slight crush on Wolfstar
    mate: n/a [ pm me! ]
    kits: none yet
    heat stage: stage 2

oh, i'm a loose bolt of a complete machine
what a match, i'm half-doomed and you're
semi-sweetx xgif credits to quicksilvcrr.

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