Aritsa. (A very lame story included.)

"Aritsa. (A very lame story included.)" by agent 48

Dressup entry

Aritsa. (A very lame story included.)

Postby agent 48 » Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:34 pm


Time flies by in space. You don't know when it's time to wake up, go to bed, or eat. The only way I tell time is by the light of earth. I live in space. It's peaceful and it's full of surprises. The Canis think that aliens don't exist. HA! How wrong they are. There are many planets containing beasts of all shapes and sizes. I went to this planet called Amirti once. It was filled with a species called Felin, small and nimble creatures that were said to have nine lives. They seemed to dislike me, for when I walked, they quickly shuffled out of the way and made this strange noise called "Hissing". Apparently, it is a sign of discomfort or aggression. Fierce little beasts. Almost tore me apart! There were so many that I barely got away in time.
Then there was this one time where I went to this planet called Seitrio where enormous creatures roamed the lush fields. I believe they called themselves Equitas. Though they were much bigger than a Canis and Felin combined! Though, you shouldn't think that because of their size that they are slow. It's quite the opposite actually, they are incredibly fast. And their legs are so strong, if it put enough strength into it, it could kick me so hard I'd go flying! Luckily they were peaceful.
I could go on and on about the different planets and beasts I'd found, but that would take ages, years even! And I don't have the patience to write for that long.
I am a Canis myself. But I've lived in space for as long as I can remember, but I've never really tried to go back. I have no idea what my own kind is like, how disappointing. I can go to other planets and meet beasts that are a wide range of cultures, shapes and personalities but I can't muster up my courage to go visit my own home!
It seems unnatural to me. I've been living by myself for years yet-
Wait. I think there's something wrong with the ship. It's making this strange rumbling noise and- WHAT THE HECK? WE'RE ENTERING EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?
I can see flames from outside. Ouch, I think my ears just popped. No worry, this happens a lo-
Oh great. One of the engines broke down. Now I feel like this is a scene from some random sci-fi book!
I'm going to try to land in the water. AND THE STEERING IS DOWN!. GREAT. CURSE MY LUCK!
*As the ground rushes closer and closer, Aritsa tries a last resort. Flinging her small body against the back of the ship, she forcefully pushes the door to the ground. She grabs a single parachute that hasn't been opened in 12 years. She pushes her body against the back wall of the small room and tears open a tiny hole. It's barely big enough for her to fit through.
She silently whispers a goodbye to the home she has lived in for the first 12 years of her life. It was so suddenly taken that she hesitated for a moment, and in that moment, the ship lurches dangerously and she is thrown off balance, half in and half out the hole. The ground sways beneath her dangling paws and she shuts her eyes right before pushing the other side of her body through. And then she's flying through the air, the small ship sailing towards the peaceful city down below. She opens her eyes for a second, the air stinging her face and making her eyes water. She opens the parachute and she stops suddenly and falls gently into the water below.*
I open my eyes to water. Salty blue water that stings my throat as I accidentally inhale some of the water. I jerk suddenly, feeling a burning sensation in my lungs and I realize with a feeling of dread that I never learned to swim. The parachute isn't meant to stay in water and sinks lower and lower, pulling me down with it.
I Un-clasp the parachute and kick my legs feebly. Oh how I wished I had learned...
But I was not done yet. I continued to kick my legs, with each push I felt myself lifting higher and higher into the water, until I finally break the surface.
Sputtering, I struggle to keep my head above the water while coughing up random prices of gunk. Salt water, sea weed, the works.
I take a look around me. There is a large city in behind me, with a rather large flaming crater in the centre of what looks to be a pathway.
It's what's left of my ship, burning and torn apart.
A rather impressive crowd has gathered while I was under the salty water. Even from a large distance away, I could hear their barks of curiosity.
"What do you think it is?"
"Maybe it's an alien!"
"As if."
"Maybe there's loot!"
"Let me take a look!"
The wind carried their voices to me. Sounds of awe and curiosity filled the crowd. I could smell the anxiousness to look inside from miles away.
I started swimming back, a hard task that made me go back under the water numerous times.
By the time I had reached the end of the water and could stand in some kind of soft, wet dirt, the crowd had grown ten times bigger. I scowled in annoyance. I couldn't inspect the damage.
Oh well, it's already beyond help now. At least all my personal stuff was burned, so that the boat Canis couldn't use it to do experiments on.
Sometimes I seriously hate my kind. Nosey vultures...
Oh yeah. I forgot that the Vultures were still out there in space, and not some mythical beast that children find in fairy tales.
After dragging myself onto dry land, I promptly collapsed I into the strange grainy dirt. As I panted, another Canis approached me, unnoticed.
"Hi there! Oh my, you look like you're half drowned!"
Thank you, captain obvious! I said inside my head. As most people could tell, I wasn't in the mood for talking.
Yet, as I turned my head slowly to quint up at the female Canis, I couldn't help feeling as though I should be nice to her.
"Hello, my name is Akitra! I go to that school over there, Prembridge academy! It's a cool school, but I think they just wanted it to sounds official and important. You seem like you're my age! I don't normally see people my age around here! Are you-"
Yep kid. Keep telling me all your personal information. I said sarcastically. In my head, of course.
She talked non-stop. Asked me random questions.
And then she smiled at me, flashed me a wink and handed me a towel.
"Here! I brought it to the beach, in case I wanted to swim. But the waves are so big that if topple over!"
"The b-beach?" I asked. I didn't notice how cold I was till now.
"Yeah. The place you are right now." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Did you swallow that much sea water?"
It was at that moment that I almost smacked the girl. I somehow managed to keep my anger in check and put on a peaceful expression. "Yes, I belive I did." I said.
She smiled at me again and wrapped the towel around my shivering body. "Hey, do you want to stay at my place? If your parents are fine with it. Where are they anyways?"
"M-My parents?" This time I almost choked on my words. What should I say?
Fortunately she took that as me shivering. "Yeah. Are they away somewhere or something? If so, that's cool. Maybe you can come over anyways!" She said loudly. Now more people were walking towards us.
I studied my options. Stay at a random girl's house or wander the streets hungry and alone.
"Y-yeah, sure..." I pretended to shiver.
"Okay then!" She looked up suddenly. I stared in her direction and saw three more figures coming towards us.
"Hey Mom! Hey Dad! Hey Josi!" She yelled in their directions. I squinted but they all looked blurry. I hadn't realized it before, but my glasses were missing!
She looked at me strangely, and then pointed out each blob. I could see slight differences in Color and size.
She dragged me so that I was partially sitting, partially lying on the soft dirt.
"Hey Mom! Can she come over for a little while?" Akitra called out to the medium blob.
"Who is she?" Biggest blob asked.
"She's a friend from school! A few others came and threw her into the water while she was still wearing her regular clothes. Her parents are also out of town, so I was just wondering if she could stay over. Just until her parents come."
I was surprised by how easily that lie rolled off her tongue.
"In that case, sure. I don't think it would be safe to leave her all alone at home." She said "Do you have any siblings? What's your name?" She asked, turning her attention to me.
"U-um my names Aritsa. I don't have any, um, s-s-s-"
"Siblings?" Akitra finished. "Anyways, she swallowed a lot of salt water. Must have messed with her brain." She declared, flashing a winning grin.
"You poor thing. Come on, let's get you some dry clothes." Her mother said, still focused on me.
Akitra dragged me up from my spot on the soft golden dirt and raced after her mother who was already a large number of meters away. Man these guys are fast.
I struggled to catch up, tripping over my soaked dress and shivering even though it was hot out.

By the time I made it to the house, I was too exhausted to talk, much less walk another step.
They had a huge house. Huge everything.
And a massive staircase.
That led to a massive bathtub.
That I was expected to climb up to take a bath.
I moaned silently and started up the stairs where Akitra's mother had already started the bathtub. Warm water gushed out of the silver faucet and into a massive bathtub.
She turned it off once it reached a certain point and left the room, allowing me to get out of my soaked dress.
While I had privacy, I lifted up my paw and sighed with relief. My bracelet was still there.
And then I heard a certain little alien voice coming from outside the window.
A small, fuzzy puffball levitated outside the window looking really ticked off.
The blue puffball is named Levi. He's been my protector for twelve years or my life. And I kinda forgot about him when the ship caught fire. Luckily, he has a terrible fear of water. Which is kinda why he refuses to enter the bathroom. That, and he's locked out.
"Can't. There's water." I muttered.
He quickly backed up. "Nevermind, it's peaceful out here..." He squeaked.
I rolled my eyes at him before promptly leaping into the bathtub.

I'm probably going to make this into an actual story on the share your writing boards. It's not very good but.... Meh.
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agent 48
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