Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

SpruceClan | 07

Postby ponz » Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:01 pm

clan population: 13 | next starclan visit: april 15th (today) | servings: 03 | mod: katrione | pebbles: 50 | previous: x | archive: x

Heathersong was the first one to notice the sound of unfamiliar pawsteps, echoing somewhere outside the cave entrance. "Hey, Sparrowstar," she said, springing to her feet with an alert, nervous look in her eyes. "I think someone's coming." The tom paused in his grooming of a squirming Ravenkit, while the nearby Greycloud stilled, drawing Thistlekit in close to her chest with a protective paw. He leapt to his feet as the SpruceClan cats sharing tongues all ceased, while the rumpled Ravenkit skittered over to his mother for safety.

"Got it," he said coolly, "I'll go see what it is." Heathersong nodded as she, Nightfang, Smokestep, and Cricketpounce all moved to stand in front of Greycloud and her kits defensively. He didn't get far. Sparrowstar had taken only a few steps before an unusually tall white tom with large, black ears stepped out from the shadows of the cave entrance. SpruceClan's leader let his lips curl back, threatening, before he spotted the limp golden bundle clutched in the warrior's jaw.

"Are you done posturing?" the tom drawled, a strange, foreign edge to his words as he set the kitten down on the stone floor. "Because I've got a kit here that could use some milk in its belly, and your StarClan cats seemed rather insistent I come here to help you... Sparrowstar, was it?" Sparrowstar stilled immediately, while the unfamiliar cat just smirked. The golden kit between his legs blinked up at the leader with tired eyes. "Does the name Marshstar ring any bells for you?"

"I..." he murmured, blinking slowly. It took everything in him to keep his hackles from rising. There was something distinctly unsettling about this cat. "Yes, of course, she was the leader before me."

"Well, thank the stars I wasn't hallucinating," the cat sniffed. "My name is Thorn. Marshstar insisted you all needed to grow in number, so here I am." Slowly, Heathersong and Nightfang relaxed, no longer feeling threatened. Thorn gave the small group a once-over, his one black ear flicking. "You don't seem all that weak, or all that small, for an organized rogue group. Why are they so concerned that you repopulate?" Thorn narrowed his eyes slightly. "Now that I think of it, Marshstar was oddly... desperate. Something happened to you, didn't it?"

Sparrowstar's hackles raised, this time. Heathersong grimaced, while Nightfang and Cricketpounce shared a distraught look. Only Smokestep and the kits seemed completely out of the loop. "Something happened?" the young warrior murmured, glancing to his mate with worry-softened eyes. "Nightfang..."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sparrowstar growled, no longer making an effort to keep his voice level. Thorn raised a brow, still wearing that infuriatingly smug grin. "I don't know what you think you've heard, or what Marshstar told you, but—"

"You're right, Thorn," a voice called out. It was Greycloud, stepping forwards and shouldering past Cricketpounce. "Something did happen to us, and I think it's high time we stop pretending that everything's normal, like it was before. It won't be. It can't be, and it never will." She glanced to Sparrowstar, equal parts righteous and apologetic. "So if you won't be honest about it, I will. My kits deserve to grow up knowing the truth, Sparrow. They deserve to know more about their father." Sparrowstar's eyes closed, but he dipped his head, allowing her to carry on. So Greycloud, young and angry, stared down Thorn and opened her mouth to explain.

"My name is Greycloud, and I am a cat of SpruceClan. But I'm not from here, and neither were any of the cats you see around you. SpruceClan used to be from the forests at the base of this mountain. We were a great clan, a powerful clan, under the rule of proud Marshstar and her noble deputy, Dapplefur. But there were cats who weren't content, cats whose ambitions were too powerful and cats whose thirst for power made them vulnerable to the manipulations of the Dark Forest. Led by a cat called Sharptalon, half of our warriors and our apprentices turned on us, attacking by night. They killed Marshstar, Dapplefur, and countless others. We won, in the end, but it was brutal. I lost count of how many cats gave up, lost their faith in StarClan after watching their own friends and family murdering their mates, kits, closest allies. My mate Blackpatch, the father of my kits, was one of the cats who left us. We were in shambles, Thorn. But Sparrowtail— Sparrowstar— saved us. He refused to give up on our clan, said it was stronger than the wrath of undead, scorned warriors. And it was. So here we are, Thorn. We're vulnerable, and small, and missing half our number, but we're alive. You're here to help us keep it that way."

Greycloud's tirade ended, the frantic energy of the story seeping from her suddenly. The grey queen just looked small and tired. But she held her head high, and walked over to where Thorn was standing, scooping up the small she-kit from between his front paws. "Honeykit," she decided, giving the golden tabby a swift lick. "I'll take good care of you." She padded off towards the nursery, pausing only to motion with her tail. Ravenkit and Thistlekit came running after her, too shocked to give even a squeak of protest. Thorn watched them, just happy to see the kit in good hands. He turned back to Sparrowstar, intrigued by the pain on the tom's face and the horrible sympathy on Smokestep's, and raised an eyebrow in invitation.

The leader looked away sharply. "Greycloud has told things as they are. As it is our custom to give our cats proper warrior names, we will call you Tallthorn." This was all Sparrowstar could muster up the strength to say. "Clearly StarClan has already given you its blessing." He stalked off, unable to stop the prickle of shame beneath his skin and the all-too-familiar grip of sorrow. The rest of the clan broke off into quiet murmurs as the leader of SpruceClan retreated to his den, needing time to grieve. A concerned Heathersong followed after him. The newly-christened Tallthorn watched the leader disappear around a corner of the stone tunnels to what was certainly his den, followed closely by the pretty red tabby. Once they were gone, he glanced down at his front paws with a slightly-offended snort.

"Tall-thorn? Are my legs really that long?"


It was barely visible, but Briarmask knew. She could feel it in the slight unsteadiness when she walked, the gentle sway of a soft curve that hadn't been there before, in the nausea that had been nagging her when she awoke that morning. She'd been lying awake in her nest for hours, unable to sleep as guilt and panic gnawed at her mind. "Cricketpounce," she rasped, clambering out of her nest to go shake the slumbering tom fiercely. "Cricketpounce, stars above, please wake up!" With a groan, the stocky black-and-ginger tom stirred, blinking up at her tiredly. Even through the haze of exhaustion, he could see the fright in the younger molly's eyes.

"Mmmrruh? Briarmask?" he grumbled, stretching out and sliding out of the nest. "What's the matter?" The she-cat's lip trembled.

"I— I— oh, StarClan, Cricketpounce, I don't know what to do," she whimpered, before the SpruceClan deputy burst into tears. Cricketpounce blanched as the distraught tabby buried her face in his chest, sniffling quietly. Still uncertain as to what was going on, but fully awake now, he ran a paw down her back in an attempt to comfort. Briarmask continued to babble softly, shaking violently. "I can't— I can't, I'm not ready to be a mother, I don't—!"

Cricketpounce's gentle pats froze immediately. "A mother?" he croaked. 'Briarmask, what?" She looked up at him, eyes blurred with tears, before burying her face in his chest again. It didn't take a genius to understand; Cricketpounce could easily recall her pleased purrs about a handsome tabby tom from the last moon's Gathering, and a cold feeling settled in his stomach. "Oh, Briar, sweetheart, what have you done?" A pained gurgle from the she-cat in question, whose face was still buried in his fluffy chest. Cricketpouce scrambled to correct his mistake. "Um, well, I could always pretend to be the father? Would that help?"

Briarmask pulled back, green eyes full of despair in a way that Cricketpounce was sure would haunt him. "No," she rasped. "Cricket, you don't even like mollies. Everyone will know the truth, and if they don't already figure it out, they will once they see the kits." The tom bit his lip. She was right, of course, as Briarmask usually was. "Thank you, though," she murmured. "For trying. For not being mad."

Cricketpounce sighed softly, giving the tabby a lick across the forehead. "Of course, Briar," he murmured. 'We'll figure it out together, alright? I'll help you hide it for now. And in the meantime, I'm sure Applefall will know what to do. He tends to be smarter than me about these kinds of things." Briarmask didn't speak, but the sound of her quiet purr was thanks enough. Cricketpounce stayed curled up besides her for the duration of that night, trying to comfort as best he could.


The underground river current wasn't very strong, but it was deep enough that even lanky Tallthorn's ears couldn't have breached the surface if his paws were on the river's bottom. Ivypaw stood over the edge, only trembling a little bit. It was a testament to how much she'd grown since her trek up the mountain that her fur, fluffed up with nerves, looked less like a grey dandelion and more like the coat of a real cat. "Do I have to do this?" she whined, claws digging into the loose rock at the shore.

"Yes," came the synchronized reply from her true mentor and her unofficial mentor. Both Nightfang and Smokestep grinned at one another, all moony-eyed and gross. Ivypaw grimaced, but obediently dropped one paw into the icy water. Of course, it was freezing, and way too wet. She yanked the paw right back out, teeth chattering and tail spiked.

"I can't do it. I can't. It's not happening." Ivypaw glanced over at her mentors with the most pitiful gaze she could muster up, but Nightfang wasn't even looking! She was too tied up in making doe-eyes at Smokestep as he slid into the water with the grace of a swan. She looked to Smokestep next, who was always more of a sucker for her pleading looks. "C'mon, Smokestep, please? Do I really have to? We drink out of this river!"

Smokestep ignored her, kicking gently against the current to stay in place. "Comin' in?" the grey tom purred. "The water's real nice!" NIghtfang rolled her eyes, following behind him and allowing the water to support her weight. Smokestep, it seemed, would not stop purring. 'Whatever Smokestep and Nightfang talked about after his naming ceremony turned them both into saps. Gross.'"Ivypaw," the former called, "your turn! Hop in here, silly furball."

She stayed completely still in defiance, not even budging at Nightfang's mischevious smirk. For a moment, she almost thought she'd won the battle. But then, Ivypaw's eyes went wide as she was yanked off the shore and pulled underwater roughly by a black paw. Everything was dark and cold and wet, from her ears to her tail tip. Ivypaw's head burst up, spluttering and coughing, while Smokestep and Nightfang paddled around her in circles, laughing at her. Smokestep flicked water at his junior with a tail. She hissed as the droplets hit her face, bobbing up and down as her legs thrashed ungainly, but Ivypaw managed to stay afloat. "You guys are mean," the apprentice whined, but she was smiling anyways.


SpruceClan consumes 1 bird


[ Sparrowstar asks for a pale or cream warrior from StarClan this moon ]

Rank Changes & Newcomers
[ Tallthorn and Honeykit are welcomed to SpruceClan ]

[ Nightfang, Smokestep, Tallthorn, Heathersong, and Ivypaw hunt ]
[ Briarmask and Cricketpounce patrol ]
[ Applefall searches for kitting herbs ]

Apprentice & Skills
[ Nightfang and Ivypaw train in swimming ]

Kitting & Healing
[ Applefall practices his skills ]
[ Briarmask's kits are due in two moons ]

* Please do not kill any cats marked with a ☾ symbol.

          Sparrowstar | 42 moons | male | x
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          ☾ Briarmask | 32 moons | female | x

          ☾ Applefall | 37 moons | male | x
          Skill Points: ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

          ☾ Nightfang | 29 moons | female | x
          Cricketpounce | 37 moons | male | x
          ☾ Smokestep | 28 moons | male | x
          ☾ Heathersong | 40 moons | female | x
          ☾ Tallthorn | 25 moons | male | x

          ☾ Ivypaw | 12 moons | female | x

          Greycloud | 30 moons | female | x

          Ravenkit | 2 moons | male | x
          Thistlekit | 2 moons | female | x
          Honeykit | 1 moon | female | x

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]
    Alder Bark (1) | toothache
    Borage (1) | eases fever, produces more milk
    Broom (1) | broken bones
    Catmint (2) | cures greencough & whitecough
    Chervil (2) | bellyache, infection, kitting
    Cobweb (0) | binds a wound, stops bleeding
    Fennel (1) | eases pains
    Goldenrod (1) | chewed into poultice for wounds
    Honey (1) | infections, sore or damaged throat
    Horsetail (1) | infection, stops bleeding
    Marigold (1) | infection, inflammation, stiff joints
    Yarrow (1) | extracts poison or toxins

    Snow Hare | x 3 | 3 servings
    Bird | x 1 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x 2 | 2 servings
    Ermine | x 1 | 2 servings
    Frog | x 0 | 1 servings
    Mouse | x 0 | 1 servings

    Nightfang | Ivypaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle

    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Deaths

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Re: [3]

Postby Euthymios » Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:37 am


POPULATION - 04 | MAIDENS - 01 | BRUTES - 03 | SERVINGS 006 [needed 002] | MODERATOR - katrione



    paragraph“if summer is this cold, how bad is the winter?” frostshade asked his lord as the two set out one early dawn morning for a hunt near the silver waterfall that flowed in the more verdant side of the elysian territory. he had pushed aside any worries about the colder temperature earlier in his eagerness to explore more of the territory, but presently, he could see why he would’ve rather stayed in his warm nest. the ubiquitous cold, despite his earlier expectations, had a swift and very unpleasant bite. his bright jade-green eyes were narrowed as they battled against a particularly resilient gale. the sky above the trio, for cardinalgaze accompanied them, was a pale downy grey streaked with baby pink and lavender.
    paragraph“winter is cruel at times.” borealstar replied to his huntsman evenly, meeting the black bicolor tom’s pale jade optics with his own, “however, by winter, you would have survived summer and autumn.” frostshade had hailed from a lone peripatetic caravan from a desert past the forest, so the cold temperature was not in his favor. “the cold will not have conquered you.” borealstar’s voice and demeanor were cold as a fang to your jugular, and he had a reclusive nature. he was a brute honed and trained in both survival and combat; one that commanded authority. cardinalgaze, the ginger tabby that had arrived one sunrise before him, was a different matter. despite being a stickler for rules, frostshade found that he was more amicable than normal. the black bicolor had the faintest notion that cardinalgaze had tired of his antics days though he couldn’t be sure. the royal advisor had a way of masking his emotions in favor of diplomacy. however, it was clear that he had taken frostshade under his wing.
    paragraphcardinalgaze dropped back from his place of honor next to the lord’s side and put his tail tip to frostshade’s shoulder. “if you survived the desert, you can survive here.” he said firmly, “the gods do not lead those who are unworthy of us here.”
    paragraphthe gods. right. frostshade tried to keep his snort of exasperation silent. ever since he’d sworn himself in to the rank of a huntsman, cardinalgaze had brought up the dynasty’s religion on a constant basis. enough to make frostshade want to stuff moss in his ears. everything tied back to the holy molly, and her various incarnations. the only gods he was familier with, was the gods of his old home, the gods he had prayed to when he’d called himself vættr. right as cardinalgaze had opened his maw to reply, borealstar cut into their thoughts. his voice was much more cordial this time, and if not somewhat curious. “i assume you have never done fishing before, frostshade?”
    paragraphcaught off guard, the black and white tom shook his head. to be frank, he had never spent much time near very large bodies of water before.
    paragraph“i’ll have to teach you.” borealstar shook out his pelt nonchalantly, “fish makes up a considerable amount of the prey.” he turned to cardinalgaze, who was standing expectantly at attention beside the bicolor tom. “i assume i can trust you to be sent out on a solo patrol?”
    paragraph“yes, my lord.” cardinalgaze responded promptly.
    paragraph“very well. we will meet up again here at mid-day.”

    paragraphthe sparse foliage of the tundra thickened and the smooth earth soothed cardinalgaze’s pads as he made his way north-west. the pebbles and grass gave way to a lush, dense woodland. now that he realized it, he had never quite gotten time to appreciate the simplistic beauty of the woodland that surrounded the tundra. it was not anything extravagant, per sé, but it was something. despite himself, cardinalgaze was unable to stifle a sound yawn that parted his jaws wide. embarrassed, he snapped his jaws shut with a click. a quick scan of his surroundings reported no prying eyes. thank the mother nobody saw that. he thought sheepishly. borealstar would be disappointed, to say the least. the thought of reporting this to the tom’s piercing viridian gaze had him moving again.
    paragraphunnoticed by the tom’s cursory gaze, a young molly crouched in the underbrush. she was about similar in age to the high lord. clever baby blue eyes scanned the clearing before she glided silently from view. this molly, named aquilla, was clever. like ruhn, she had lived her entire life in this area. aquilla was taught by a cat whose name she had long forgotten. even in the vast plains of her old home, aquilla remained somewhat invisible. unnoticed. but that was what happened when you were the youngest daughter in a family of five. she had remained in the shadow of her older sisters and brothers for practically her whole life until she found herself all alone at the age of two years. turns out that twolegs had taken her family away in her sleep. aware that she had been staring, aquilla quickly moved away.
    paragraphunfortunately, that was where her lucky streak ended. the muscular ginger tom must have caught her scent or heard her, who knows - because he adopted a tense on-alert stance and said loudly in her general direction. “you’re currently trespassing on elysian territory. explain your purpose for trespassing or leave.”
    paragraphstraightening up, she delicately picked her way out of her little observational perch, meeting the tom’s gaze as steadily as possible. she was aware that he could pounce at any moment, so she attempted to keep her voice light. “my apologies.” her tail was twitching, betraying her anxiety at being caught. “is the elysian dynasty a clan?”
    paragraphthe tom gave her a deadpan look as if to say obviously, but his gaze was courteous enough to mask any irritation as he nodded. he certainly didn’t seem about to attack her, but she kept her guard up. “it is where i hail from. we live in the tundra to the north.” he furrowed his brow slightly in curiosity “why did you come?”
    paragraph“i’m seeking a new home after twolegs took away most of my family.” the words were out before she could stop them and aquilla mentally rebuked herself for being so stupid.
    paragraphthe ginger tom sighed, gaze softening, “i have to bring you to the high lord for judgement. court law demands it.” aquilla’s stomach sank at his words. whoever the lord was, she had a distinct feeling that this talk would not be diplomatic. seeing her expression, the ginger tom added. “oh, he’s not as bad as he sounds. not unless you threaten us that is.” he turned on his heel, waving his tail briskly to her, the indication to follow him obvious.
    paragraph“my name is cardinalgaze. and you?”
    paragraph“aquilla.” she responded evenly, mother said it means dove.

    paragraphthe sun was approaching its midday peak when cardinalgaze rendezvoused with frostshade and borealstar with aquilla in tow. frostshade was grinning with a plump salmon in his jaw. another lay in his paws. clearly, the fishing lessons had been somewhat of a success if frostshade had been able to catch not one, but two salmon. the black bicolor turned his jubilant face to cardinalgaze, but it dimmed as he took in the cat who accompanied the royal advisor. cardinalgaze’s heart skipped a beat at the look. borealstar spoke at the same exact time. “i see you have picked up a guest.”
    paragraphthe ginger tabby gulped as though taken aback. aquilla could see why. the high lord, that was the lord she assumed, was intimidating. his voice, though quiet and velvety smooth, cut through the air like a knife through hot butter. three seconds, and he’d had her attention. three seconds and he’d cowed her.
    paragraphthe silver brute turned to her. “what is your name.”
    paragraphcardinalgaze attempted a response before words came to her mouth, “my lord, her name i—.”
    paragraph“i asked her cardinalgaze.” borealstar cut him off effortlessly, stoic expression not wavering in the slightest. “she will speak for herself.” the ginger tom bowed and stepped back from aquilla’s side, bowing his head in deference with a murmured apology. aquilla found herself facing the high lord alone.
    paragraph“well?” borealstar prompted.
    paragraph“my name is aquilla, sir.” she spoke quickly, hoping that the addition of a title would help her avoid a fight.
    paragraph“how come my royal advisor found you?” borealstar asked the pale silver tabby, “or perhaps a different question, why are you here on our territory.”
    paragraphaquilla found herself shifting again anxiously, suddenly uncomfortable under the silver brute’s gaze. cadinalgaze’s tail swished over the grass behind them, the sound strangely comforting. speak, for god’s sake. “i’m lost.”
    paragraphthe tom eyed her curiously, pursing his lips as if he was unused to such a response. behind her, cardinalgaze had moved on to speak to the slender black and white tom in low voices, possibly congratulating him on the successful hunting trip. “you need a new home. perhaps that is the reason that my royal advisor, cardinalgaze brought you here.”
    paragraphan uncomfortable silence weighed between the two, to which aquilla quickly broke. “are you the ‘high lord’?”
    paragraph“yes.” borealstar confirmed her earlier reckonings. “my name is borealstar.” his voice became more serious and formal. “we have space in the castle and clan to take you in. the oath you must take is a sacred one, unbreakable by any means.” he stood up at last, and waved his tail to the two other subordinates, “we’ll patrol again together at midday. come with us now to the castle. you will swear yourself in beneath the eyes of the Emperor.” aquilla found her breath come back when she saw cardinalgaze flash her a glance. he’d been right; borealstar was not as intimidating as she’d initially believed. heads and tails high, the quartet made their slow meandering way into the sacred tundra of the Elysian Dynasty.

servings consumed
00/06 (fasting 3/3)

- borealstar accepts aquilegapool and appoints her to the battalion.
- borealstar requests a high priest


infirmary visits

hunting patrols
- borealstar, frostshade, cardinalgaze, aquilegapool

border patrols
- borealstar, frostshade, cardinalgaze

— may I recieve f2u images until i can apply for lineart?
— title and logo font are from 1001 Fonts

      ` high lord
      borealstar | 27 moons | ♂
      9/9 ★★★★★★★★★

      ` high consort

      ` royal children

      ` royal advisor
      cardinalgaze | 30 moons | ♂

      ` high priest

      ` priestesses

      ` celestial understudies

      ` sable shrike

      ` blackguard

      ` battalion
      aquilegapool | 27 moons | ♀

      ` huntsmen / huntresses
      frostshade | 26 moons | ♂

      ` hunter understudy

      ` dames

      ` initiates

      ` young

      ` veterans
herb storage
herb - #

fresh kill
♛ chipmunk, 00, 01 servings
♛ shrew, 00, 01 servings
♛ trout, 00, 02 servings
♛ ibex calf, 00, 02 servings
♛ hawk, 00, 03 servings
♛ salmon, 02, 3 servings

soldiers and initiates
sold. - init. (skill) [#]
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Re: the fallen|005

Postby salvation. » Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:30 am

salvation. wrote:
|population total:009;mollies:004;toms:005|serving size:003|pebbles:025|next request:2-28-20|mod:duplex|

─darkheart talks about one to dappleheart
─kestrelfall tells emberfoot about her past
─smokefur and one chat about the future of the fallen
─warblerkit plays with snowstep and goldenotter

─1 fish and 1 vole
new arrivals:
─kestrelfall (warrior)
─smokefur(medicine cat)
mod notes:
─after my fifth post i would like line art. Thanks! :)
─snowstep, emberfoot, darkheart, and kestrelfall go hunting
border patrols:
─one, emberfoot, goldenotter, darkheart, and kestrelfall patrol the borders
apprentice training:
rank ceremonies:
herb gathering:
─smokefur goes herb gathering

─one|29 moons|tom|
─darkheart|30 moons|tom|
medicine cat:
─smokefur|22 moons|tom|
mc apprentice:
senior warriors:
─emberfoot|27 moons|molly|
─goldenotter|24 moons|molly|
─snowstep|26 moons|tom|
─kestrelfall|22 moons|molly|
─dappleheart|31 moons|molly|
─warblerkit|3 moons|tom|

─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
the deceased:
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
prey pile:
─mice|1 serv.|x1
─voles|1 serv.|x1
─rabbits|2 serv.|x0
─squirrels|2 serv.|x0
─small fish|2 serv.|x0
─pigeons|3 serv.|x0
herb storage:


reposting because i think this was skipped?
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highgarden ♕ twenty-four

Postby eagle, » Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:44 am

      total 67
      servings 11 (+70)
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods n/a
      pebbles 104
      archive xx
      font credit x x

working on catching up with writing hehe

adenium talks to merlinsong ft. bluetcrest and sagecloud in recovery

smallheart, swiftheart, and flickersky talk and smallswift Rise

hornetshade and warblercry have a moment

clovershine talks to birchflame. he's rejected because birchflame is struggling and then it's betonyclover time

erasmus' trial and the aftermath of the highgrove situation

[ added cats ] hollandkit
[ consumption ] highgarden eats x5 rabbits and x1 vole
[ rank changes ] daisypaw holds off on receiving her full name until briarpaw has passed her assessment
briarpaw takes her final assessment. if she passes, she and daisypaw will be renamed briarbranch and daisypetal
hawthornkit, bramblekit, and snowykit are old enough to become thorns
[ patrol 1 ] softglow, yewbloom, betonypetal, smallheart, iguanaspots, warblercry
[ hunt 1 ] birchflame, bassflow, leopardsun, charredbreeze, hornetshade, rabbitrace
[ hunt 2 ] hurricanejaw, tulipstream, foxspark, lyrewhistle, wolverinesnap, daystrike
↪ wolverinesnap has applicable powers
[ hunt 3 ] clovershine, obsidianwing, wolfhowl, direfang, sandstrike, katara
[ hunt 4 ] mapleshadow, maplelily, newtmask, riverfoam, kitechaser, tanagercall
[ mates ] ferretwhisker becomes mates with nightfur of bearclan and they try for kits
betonypetal and clovershine become mates and try for kits
[ training ] elkpaw, quillpaw, and dewpaw learn swimming
beechpaw and harrierpaw learn fighting
adenium learns agility
[ herbalists ] bluetcrest rests 2/2
[ herb hunt ] merlinsong and spencer (priority for kitting herbs)
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xo

    tawnyrose, 42m, ♀
    the wayward queen
    - mate: birchflame
    - kits: hawthornkit, bramblekit

    softglow, 44m, ♂
    the lost king

    name, age, gender

    bluetcrest, 46m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 49m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 44m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 78m, ♂
    direfang, 74m, ♂
    charredbreeze, 66m, ♀
    sagecloud, 60m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 58m, ♀
    hurricanejaw, 54m, ♂
    maplelily, 52m, ♀
    bassflow, 52m, ♂
    newtmask, 51m, ♂
    dippernose, 51m, ♂
    arcticblink, 49m, ♂
    ferretwhisker, 47m, ♀
    pythoneyes, 47m, ♂
    tulipstream, 43m, ♀
    birchflame, 43m, ♂
    yewbloom, 42m, ♂
    betonypetal, 41m, ♀
    clovershine, 40m, ♂
    smallheart, 40m, ♂
    wolverinesnap, 38m, ♂
    riverfoam, 38m, ♀
    kitechaser, 34m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 33m, ♂
    jaytalon, 31m, ♂
    smokemane, 30m, ♀
    sunglow, 30m, ♂
    tigergaze, 29m, ♂
    sandstrike, 27m, ♀
    (3) hornetshade, 26m, ♂
    privetears, 25m, ♀
    katara, 25m, ♀
    tanagercall, 24m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 23m, ♂
    racoonslip, 23m, ♂
    foxspark, 23m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 23m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 23m, ♀
    warblercry, 23m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 22m, ♀
    leopardsun, 22m, ♂
    daystrike, 20m, ♂
    stagscorch, 16m, ♂
    seedspring, 16m, ♀
    rabbitrace, 16m, ♀
            briarpaw, 14m, ♀
            daisypaw, 14m, ♀
            elkpaw, 10m, ♂
            beechpaw, 10m, ♀
            harrierpaw, 10m, ♀
            quillpaw, 10m, ♂
            dewpaw, 10m, ♀
            adenium, 7m, ♀

            flickersky, 40m, ♀
            - mate: stormshroud, shadowed kingdom
            - kits: cirruskit, tsunamikit, tornadokit
            swiftheart, 36m, ♀
            - mate: smallheart
            - due: 2m
            ayalla, 31m, ♀
            - surrogate: axel, crossroad demons
            - due: 1m

            hawthornkit, 6m, ♂
            bramblekit, 6m, ♂
            snowykit, 6m, ♂
            cirruskit, 4m, ♂
            tsunamikit , 4m, ♀
            tornadokit, 4m, ♀
            hollandkit, 2m, ♂

            erasmus, 56m, ♂

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x146
            mouse | x13 | 1 serving
            vole | x10 | 1 serving
            small fish | x12 | 2 servings
            squirrel | x6 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x12 | 2 servings
            big fish | x10 | 3 servings
            finch | x11 | 3 servings

            jaytalon, briarpaw, 4
            sunglow, daisypaw, 4
            pythoneyes, elkpaw, 3
            obsidianwing, beechpaw, 2
            dippernose, harrierpaw, 2
            tigergaze, quillpaw, 3
            arcticblink, dewpaw, 3
            otterfur, adenium, 0


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
Last edited by eagle, on Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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HazeClan | Post 68

Postby NightWolf950 » Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:02 am

Writing Archive: x - includes link to actual archive
Number of Cats: 180 (91 males | 89 females)
Next Ancestor Tree Visit: Jan. 3rd
Servings Needed: 27 (180-187)
Pebble Count: 248

Font Credit and Divider Credit




{Hazeclan consumes x21 shrews and x6 mice

Request: n/a
Ceremonies: Brightkit and Cicadakit are ready to become apprentices
Other: Jacobinkit is taken to BearClan to live with his father
Kinkpaw joins - won here

Medic Info: n/a
Kitting Info: Marshpool is due in 1 moon
Lightningstrike is due in 2 moons
Cherrybranch is due in 2 moons
Rabidfall is due in 2 moons
Deaths: n/a

Gathering herbs: Darkflower and Cloudynight
Hunting: Wolfpelt, Flintnose, Amberbloom, Tansystem, Poppypetal, and Tealfeather
Hunting: Spurcebelly, Fernflank, Coldtooth, Cranestalk, Monarchdawn, and Flintfang
Hunting: Ploverwing, Whitemoon, Larksong, Ripplesong, Cardinalwing, and Almondfall
Hunting: Wraith, Newt, Sedgeling, Rosethorn, Heavystep, and Fallowpelt
Hunting: Meadowbird, Splashstreak, Cougarshadow, Beetleclaw, Charcoalpelt, and Cinderflame
Patrolling: Fangsnap, Fawnlily, Petalthroat, Mottlesplash, Hickorysmoke, and Orangesky
Patrolling: Azaleacurrent, Mousestep, Swivelspear, Swiftfeather, Weaselheart, and Seedpatch
Patrolling: Ghost, Haunt, Slatestone, Brightgaze, Whispcloud, and Rowangaze
Patrolling: Skull, Patchpad, Dappledwillow, Koisplash, Bearclaw, and Gorseheart

Hunting Training: Kinkpaw and Jaypaw
Stealth Training: Lycan and Smokypaw
Offensive Training: Spiderpaw and Lizardpaw
Defensive Training: Topazpaw and Fishpaw

Mod. Note: Extra pebbles are from 5 pebbles every post, since I never did it since it was installed.... honestly I forgot lol.
All hunting and border patrols are good for super high risk kill rolls. Thanks =D
Color Code: Red = Kill-able
Note: Shout out to all the CAC Mods for the color-ins

In the Nursery
Lives: ★★★★

Starlingflight | 54 moons | Male | x

Jayfur | 62 moons | Male | x

Medicine Cats:
Darkflower | 93 moons | Female | x
Cloudynight | 24 moons | Male | x

Inkfire | 69 moon | Male
Batwing | 62 moons | Female
Oakfang | 83 moons | Male
Emberspark | 60 moons | Female
Ghost | 68 moons | Male - missing left ear
Haunt | 75 moons | Male | x
Adderstrike | 59 moons | Male
Slatestone | 56 moons | Male
Tansypetal | 51 moons | Female
Maplebreeze | 51 moons | Female
Brightgaze | 68 moons | Male
Turtledove | 100 moons | Female
Heatherflame | 76 moons | Female
Whispcloud | 51 moons | Male
Sandfire | 53 moons | Male
Honeypool | 48 moons | Male
Rowangaze | 46 moons | Male
Ploverwing | 43 moons | Male
Whitemoon | 44 moons | Male | x
Larksong | 42 moons | Female
Driftsnow | 39 moons | Male
Dunebreeze | 39 moons | Male
Ripplesong | 39 moons | Female
Hazelwing |38 moons | Female | x
Tallwhsiker | 57 moons | Female
Cardinalwing | 57 moons | Female
Almondfall | 37 moons | Male
Elmbranch | 36 moons | Female
Icepetal | 36 moons | Male
Leafbreeze | 36 moons | Female
Wraith | 35 moons | Female | x
Newt | 35 moons | Female
Jack | 35 moons | Male
Sedgeling | 39 moons | Male
Rosethorn | 38 moons | Male
Chestnutblaze | 32 moons | Male
Flarefeather | 32 moons | Male
Faintcloud | 32 moons | Female
Heavystep | 61 moons | Male
Fallowpelt | 56 moons | Male
Skull | 35 moons | Male | x
Hornetwhisker | 32 moons | Male
Sycamoretooth | 32 moons | Male
Cinnamonberry | 32 moons | Female
Lightleap | 30 moons | Female
Patchpad | 30 moons | Male
Pineshade | 76 moons | Female
Dappledwillow | 92 moons | Female
Koisplash | 61 moons | Female
Bearclaw | 100 moons | Female
Gorseheart | 50 moons | Male
Meadowbird | 56 moons | Female
Splashstreak | 30 moons | Male
Cougarshadow | 71 moons | Female
Mockingjay | 26 moons | Male
Beetleclaw | 26 moons | Male | x
Peridotgaze | 26 moons | Female
Charcoalpelt | 52 moons | Male | x
Cinderflame | 66 moons | Male | x
Splashshade | 64 moons | Female
Tawnythroat | 25 moons | Female
Cindermask | 25 moons | Male
Zipperfang | 24 moons | Male | x
Puddlestream | 49 moons | Female
Wollypelt | 67 moons | Male
Hailstorm | 49 moons | Female
Seedpatch | 52 moons | Male
Weaselheart | 45 moons | Male
Sootwing | 32 moons | Male
Twigscratch | 24 moons | Female
Wrenwillow| 24 moons | Female
Swiftfeather | 22 moons | Male
Beetlecrawl | 22 moons | Male
Swivelspear| 69 moons | Female | x
Echoripple | 47 moons | Female
Mousestep | 34 moons | Female
Azaleacurrent | 46 moons | Female
Orangesky | 64 moons | Female | x
Hickorysmoke | 57 moons | Female
Mottlesplash | 43 moons | Female
Petalthroat | 22 moons | Female
Tigereye | 22 moons | Male
Mothtuft | 21 moons | Male
Boastrike | 59 moons | Male
Lotusbloom | 43 moons | Male
Willowshine | 24 moons | Female
Wildflame| 21 moons | Male
Sunsetpool| 44 moons | Male
Finchflower | 19 moons | Female
Foxwish | 37 moons | Female | x
Sorrelfang | 16 moons | Female
Shiverstone | 34 moons | Male | x
Radishpatch | 29 moons | Female
Ivorypelt | 19 moons | Female | x
Riddelripple | 16 moons | Male
Diamondgaze | 16 moons | Male
Fawnlily | 16 moons | Female
Fangsnap | 16 moons | Male
Gustwhisper | 16 moons | Male | x
Flintfang | 16 moons | Male
Sharpeye | 16 moons | Female
Pansypounce | 16 moons | Female - twisted front right paw
Burrowmouse | 16 moons | Male | x
Monarchdawn | 16 moons | Female
Flurrybreeze | 16 moons | Female
Websnout | 16 moons | Female
Cranestalk | 16 moons | Female
Coldtooth | 16 moons | Female
Pikeleap | 16 moons | Male
Smallminnow | 16 moons | Female
Fernflank | 16 moons | Female
Sprucebelly | 16 moons | Male
Tumblefang | 16 moons | Male | x
Piperpounce | 16 moons | Female - twisted back left paw
Hillrunner | 16 moons | Male
Bubblemist | 16 moons | Female
Streamnose | 16 moons | Female
Bluepoppy | 16 moons | Female
Drizzlecloud | 16 moons | Female
Tealfeather | 16 moons | Male
Tortoisewatch | 16 moons | Male
Poppypetal | 16 moons | Female
Icedusk | 16 moons | Male
Tundrapool | 101 moons | Male | x
Brackenlight | 15 moons | Male
Briarsnout | 15 moons | Male
Tansystem | 14 moons | Male
Tinypuddle | 15 moons | Male
Amberbloom | 14 moons | Female
Fleetclaw | 14 moons | Male
Cariboutuft | 41 moons | Female | x
Flintnose | 29 moons | Male | x
Laurel | 31 moons | Female Powers
Egret | 31 moons | Female Powers
Wolfpelt | 50 moons | Female
Mudpuddle | 15 moons | Female
Pumpkin | 35 moons | Female | x - mute
Solarlullaby | 30 moons | Male | x

Topazpaw | 16 moons | Male
Spiderpaw | 13 moons | Male | x
Jaypaw | 8 moons | Male | x
Smokypaw | 8 moons | Male | x
Lizardpaw | 8 moons | Female | x
Fishpaw | 8 moons | Male | x
Lycan | 7 moons | Female | x
Kinkpaw | 6 moons | Male | x

Butterflywatcher| 27 moons | Female | x
Pantherstar | 52 moons | Female | x
Cinnamonbreeze | 39 moons | Female | x
Sunsplash | 36 moons | Female
Dragonflyflight | 92 moons | Female
Marshpool | 62 moons | Female | x
xx ↳ Donor is Crownose of IslandClan
Rapidfall | 22 moons | Female
xx ↳ Father is Popeiicall of Cold Watch Syndicate
Cherrybranch | 22 moons | Female
xx ↳ Father is Hornetshade of Highgarden
Lightningstrike | 38 moons | Female
xx ↳ Father is Hollymist of RavenClan

Cicadakit | 6 moons | Female | x
Vaporkit | 5 moons | Male | x
Lionkit | 4 moons | Male | x
Mumblekit | 4 moons | Male | x
Swallowkit | 4 moons | Female | x
Brightkit | 6 moons | Female | x
Weedkit | 3 moons | Female | x
Dovekit | 3 moons | Male | x
Siriuskit | 0 moons | Male | x
Aquilakit | 0 moons | Female | x
Cruxkit | 0 moons | Male | x
Caniskit | 0 moons | Male | x
Lyrakit | 0 moons | Female | x
Pyxiskit | 0 moons | Male | x

Sootpelt| 117 moons | Male
Runningbrook | 129 moons | Female
Comfreystrike | 140 moons | Male
Lavenderbreeze | 113 moons | Female
Badgerstrike | 70 moons | Male | x
Shadowheart | 109 moons | Female
Rookwatcher | 107 moons | Male


App. Skills | hunting, stealth, offence, defense
Med. App. Skills | healing procedures, recognizing herbs, herb storage, understanding omens/prophecies

Ghost | Topazpaw | 3
Hazelwing | Spiderpaw | 3
Solarlullaby | Lycan | 0
Cariboutuft | Kinkpaw | 0
Adderstrike | Jaypaw | 0
Tansypetal | Smokypaw | 0
Maplebreeze | Lizardpaw | 0
Turtledove| Fishpaw | 0


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x0 | 1 serving
Shrew | x0 | 1 serving
Rabbit | x13 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x11 | 2 servings
Stoat | x0 | 2 servings
All Birds | x6 | 3 servings

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 4
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 1
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 1
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 2
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 3
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 1
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 0
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 2
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 5
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
Chickweed | treats greencough - 4
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 1
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 1
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Deadly Nightshade | x - 4
Deathberries | x - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 3
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 1
Fennel | helps hip pain - 3
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 2
Foxglove seeds | x - 0
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 3
Goldenrod | helps healing wounds - 0
Hawkweed | like catmint - 3
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 0
Holly Berries | x - 1
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 4
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 2
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 3
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 4
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 3
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 2
Mint | hides scent of death - 2
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 1
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 1
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 3
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 4
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 2
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 1
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0
Sorrel | x - 2
Stick | x - 2
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 3
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 2
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 4
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 1
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 5
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 3
Water hemlock | x - 3
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
Willow Bark | eases pain - 1
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 1
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 2
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 2
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ravenclan - xxii

Postby inky. » Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:29 am



Number of Cats: 18 toms ; 21 mollies ; 01 other ; 40 total| Next Starclan Visit: whenever | Serving Size: 7 | Mod Notes: please no deaths atm! (unless it is for stillborn kits)


Weaselstar strutted into camp. Droserathorn was the first one to spot him. Blinking in surprise, the toms just stared at each other. “Hey-” The leader started, but he was cut off by Droserathorn leaping to him. “Where have you been?” He cried “I missed you! I-I mean we all did.” He cleared his throat, backing up sheepishly. Weaselstar chuckled and pulled his best friend into a hug. “I was in TwistedClan! They decided to let me stay after helping out Marsh, but it was time to come home.” More cats started to emerge out of their dens due to the comotion, and soon the whole Clan was surrounded around the new leader. “Oh thank the guardian you’re back!” Kitewhisker shrieked, eyes wide “There’s no way I can be a leader yet! I don’t know how you do it, but bless you Weaselstar.” The tom gave a hearty chuckle. Suddenly, three kits were tumbling over themselves out of the nursery. “Newtkit you stepped on my tail!” Oleanderkit hissed at her brother. The tom shrugged and kept walking. “Then you should have moved it out of my way!” He retorted. The she-kit bristled and pounced on Newtkit, who gave a little shriek. “Aye!” Droserathorn scolded “Oleanderkit, get off yer brother! Newtkit don’ step on her tail! Behave yerselves, yer leader has returned!” The words rolled off his tongue, thick with his accent. The two kits, noticing Weaselstar, straightened up immediately. Seedkit slowly walked up to her littermates, rolling her eyes. “Mousebrains.” She muttered under her breath. Both of her siblings opened their mouths to say something to her, but a fierce glare from their father silenced them. Weaselstar looked at the kits then back to the shaman. “Are...Are they yours?” He purred in awe. Droserathorn nodded and puffed out his chest in pride. “Come on you lot, come meet yer uncle Weaselstar.” He gestured for the kits to join him and they did, very eagerly. Newtkit was the first to reach the leader’s paws. “My name’s Newtkit! Nice to meet you!” He dipped his head respectfully and then was bumped out of the way by another kit. “I’m Oleanderkit!” She squeaked excitedly “I’m going to be the next shaman!” Weaselstar raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Oh are you now?” Droserathorn smirked. “Aye, she is. But you still have a few more moons before your trainin’ starts my dear.” He chuckled and Seedkit replaced her sister. “I’m Seedkit.” She meowed hesitantly. She was the least jovial of her siblings, and took a while to warm up to cats, but as soon as she got to know someone, she was just as loud as Newtkit and Oleanderkit combined. Weaselstar dipped his head to the kits. “Well, seeing as you’re still in the nursery, I think there’s someone you should meet!” The tom looked over his shoulder and cooed gently to a headstone not too far from where he stood. The cats tilted their heads, but gasped when a small white head poked out from behind the cracked pillar. “Come on, darling! It’s safe.” Weaselstar called. The small she-kit stumbled forward through the weeds and soon stood beside the tom, hiding behind Weaselstar’s legs. “This is my daughter.” He beamed “Turns out Lynxshine was carrying my kits! And when I had to leave, she let me take this little one with me. Her brother is still over in TwistedClan, but they’ll meet up again someday.” Newtkit stepped out from between his father’s paws and hesitantly approached her. Droserathorn was about to call him back, but Weaselstar hushed him and nodded his head. “Hello there.” Newtkit greeted, a sweet smile on his muzzle “My name is Newtkit. What’s yours?” The white kit licked her lips but soon returned his smile. “Swankit.” She said quietly. “Nice to meet you Swankit.” He purred “Do you want to see the camp? My littermates and I can show you around.” Swankit looked up to her father, who gave an approving nod, and the four started to circle the camp. By now, everyone had cleared away and gone back to their duties. Droserathorn and Weaselstar remained in the clearing, sitting shoulder to shoulder. “You’ve done well for yourself while I’ve been gone.” Weasestar smiled. Droserathorn shrugged. “Maybe. But I’m glad you’re back. Really. It’s not the same without you, buddy.” The shaman said sincerely. The leader beamed back at his friend. Of all the cats in RavenClan, it was Droserathorn he had missed the most. The leader pressed his cheek to his shoulder, and licked his fur. “I missed you too.” He chuckled. The two smiled at each other and turned their gaze back to the clearing, Droserathorn relaying all the events that had occured during his leader’s absence.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Smallsika shifted her paws nervously. Reefpelt had introduced her to the leader, but then pranced off to talk to Haypelt. The two excitedly chatted across the clearing, but Smallsika was unsure who to talk to. A handsome ginger tom suddenly caught her eye. The she-cat moved her head to follow him. When he settled down under the overhang of the leader’s den, she decided she would take the chance and say hi. She strutted over, chest puffed out and tail swaying. Toms always seemed to like her. She had a friendly personality and a smile that was contagious. The new warrior locked eyes with the tom, who looked confused, but kept the gaze. Soon, she was laying next to him, a coy smile on her lips. “Hi there.” she purred silkily “My name’s Smallsika. I just joined, and I don’t really have anyone to talk to. You don’t mind do you?” The tom blinked and shook his head. “N-No, ‘course not. I’m Droserathorn, the shaman of RavenClan.” He greeted, clearing his throat “Nice of you to join, we need more cats to help hunt, with all the mouths we’re about to have to feed.” She was a beautiful she-cat, and suddenly he was feeling his throat tighten. She flicked him gently with her tail, giving him a laugh. “In the middle of a kit boom, are we?” She purred “I bet some are yours. What, with you being a handsome tom and all.” Droserathorn’s eyes widened and he blinked. “Uh, no, I-I mean my kits are born.” Smallsika grinned. “Ah, so you have spread your good genes. Which ones are they?” She asked, turning her head in the direction of the nursery. Droserathorn took a deep breath to clear his mind. “Erm, they’re the three over there.” He pointed with his tail to where Newtkit and Oldeanderkit were wrestling in the dust, and Seedkit was watching in annoyance, though Swankit seemed to be enjoying herself. “The white one is Weaselstar’s but the two causing chaos are mine, and the one who looks fed up with ‘em.” He gave a loving chuckle. His kits were very alike, but still had distinct personalities. Oleanderkit and Newtkit were always bickering, or play fighting, but they had the same sense of humor and were very close. “Cute.” Smallsika grinned, though inside she cringed. Droserathorn had a mate. Eh, that didn’t change much, just made things a bit more challenging. But Smallsika liked a good challenge. The tom was handsome, and she wanted to have her fun with him, even if he had a family. She always got what she wanted. Looking up, she was surprised by another she-cat standing tensely in front of her. “Oh, hello.” Smallsika smirked. “Hi.” Riversnap said curtly “If you don’t mind I would like a word with my mate.” She put emphasis on the last word, practically spitting it at the newcomer. Smallsika sighed and shrugged, rising gracefully to her paws. “Alright.” She sighed “See you later Droserathorn.” She spun around with a wink and walked away, swishing her hip. Riversnap grunted and glared at the tom. “Really?” She grumbled, fur still bristling. Droserathorn gave a soothing grin. “Don’t worry.” He meowed gently, licking his mate’s shoulder “I love you, I’m only being nice. No need to get jealous.” The queen stiffened. “I’m not jealous.” She stated firmly. The tom’s lips curled in a smile and tugged her down to cuddle next to him. “Uhuh.” He murmured, licking her ears “Listen, I really do love you, okay?” Riversnap sighed and relaxed against him, burying her face in his neck fur. “I know, and I love you too.” She meowed “I just...I want to keep you to myself.” Droserathorn nuzzled her. “And you will.” He meowed “I promise.”

Patrol: Weaselstar, Reefpelt, Wrenpetal, Bluemask
Hunting: Hollymist, Smallsika, Bananacurl, Goldfinch
Hunting: Spiketuft, Littlefawn, Jaguarslip, Haypelt
Hunting: Snowdrift, Antlerpool, Agaricthroat, Cubsnarl
Training: Lionpaw takes his final assessment ; Kitewhisker teaches Dashpaw stamina ; Amberclaw teaches Cometpaw stamina ; Vixenpaw takes her final assessment ; Jaguarslip teaches Oriolepaw battle ; Cypresstail teaches Turtlepaw battle ; Snakewhisper teaches Picklepaw battle
Rank Changes: Bluemask becomes a warrior ; Weaselstar returns with his daughter, Swankit
Herb Collection: Droserathorn
Mates/Births: Skinknose (now!) - Droserathorn assists and uses x1 chervil - i have made a genetics sheet if you want to see it i can pm it to you, or it is listed in my archive! - Amberclaw tries for kits with ivor of pineclan
Servings: x3 rabbits and x1 frog
Other: n/a
Cats to find: n/a

          | Weaselstar | 59 m | M
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          | Kitewhisker | 44 m | F

          | Droserathorn | 59 m | M
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          | Agaricthroat | 52 m | M
          | Antlerpool | 35 m | F
          | Snowdrift | 35 m | F
          | Haypelt | 50 m | M
          | Cypresstail | 26 m | M
          | Goldfinch | 51 m | M
          | Amberclaw | 51 m | F
          | Hollymist | 34 m | M
          | Wrenpetal | 50 m | F
          | Cubsnarl | 48 m | M
          | Spiketuft | 21 m | M
          | Littlefawn | 44 m | F
          | Snakewhisper | 43 m | M
          | Jaguarslip | 32 m | M
          | Reefpelt | 42 m | F
          | Bananacurl | 19 m | F
          | Marshflower | 15 m | F
          | Bluemask | 17 m | M
          | Smallsika | 53 m | F
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

          | Lionpaw | 15 m | M
          | Dashpaw | 12 m | M
          | Cometpaw | 12 m | M
          | Vixenpaw | 12 m | F
          | Oriolepaw | 9 m | M
          | Turtlepaw | 9 m | F
          | Picklepaw | 9 m | F
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

          | Skinknose | 37 m | F
          | Owlgaze | 34 m | F
          | Riversnap | 55 m | F
          | Ibisheart | 29 m | NB (AFAB)
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

          | Yarrowkit | 5 m | M
          | Newtkit | 3 m | M
          | Seedkit | 3 m | F
          | Oleanderkit | 3 m | F
          | Featherkit | 2 m | F
          | Swankit | 1 m | F
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

    Medicine Store
    Chervil | Used during kitting | x2
    Cobwebs | Stops bleeding | x3
    Marigold | Stops infection | x1
    Dock Leaves | Heals scratches | x1
    Beech Leaves| Used to carry other herbs | x1
    Alder Bark | Heals toothaches | x1
    Bindweed | Binds | x1
    Birch Sap | Cures Yellowcough | x1
    Blackberry Leaves | Eases bee stings | x2
    Borage | Brings milk / helps fevers | x2
    Broom | Can help wounds | x1
    Bright-Eye | Cures Coughs | x1
    Burdock | Helps infections | x1
    Burnet | Gives strength ; helps queens | x0
    Catmint | Helps cure greencough| x1
    Catchweed | Keeps poultices on | x1
    Feverfew | Reduces fever | x1
    Meadow Saffron | poisonous | x1
    Celandine | Helps with eye injury | x1
    Chamomile | soothing/calming/strengthening | x1
    Chickweed | treats greencough | x2
    Water Hemlock | poisonous | x1
    Yarrow | induces vomiting | x1
    Fennel | hip pain | x1
    Coltsfoot | eases breathing | x1
    Comfrey | poultices | x1
    Cobnut | ointments | x1
    Dandelion | helps bee stings | x1
    Daisy | eases aches | x1
    Elder Leaves | helps sprains | x1
    Wood Sorrel | strengthening | x1
    Goldenrod | heals wounds | x1
    Goatweed | eases grief | x1
    Blazingstar | cures disease | x1
    Hawkweed | helps greencough | x1
    Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier | x1
    Honey | soothes sore throats/coughs/infections | x1
    Horsetail | treats infections | x1
    Ivy Leaves | stores other herbs | x1
    Juniper Leaves | soothes bellyaches and gives strength | x1
    Stick | used to hold limbs in place | x1
    Lungwort | cures yellowcough | x1
    Lamb's Ear | gives strength | x1
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x3| 1 servings
    Frogs | x3 | 1 servings
    Rats | x7 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x3 | 2 servings
    Squirrels | x2 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x3 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | Hunting, Fishing, Battle, Agility, Stamina
    Antlerpool | Lionpaw | hunting, fishing, battle, agility, stamina
    Kitewhisker | Dashpaw | hunting, fishing, battle, agility
    Amberclaw | Cometpaw | hunting, fishing, battle, agility
    Wrenpetal | Vixenpaw | hunting, fishing, battle, agility, stamina
    Jaguarslip | Oriolepaw | hunting, fishing,
    Cypresstail | Turtlepaw | hunting, fishing,
    Snakewhisper | Picklepaw | hunting, fishing

    Cat | Link
    Ibisheart | x
    Oriolepaw, Turtlepaw, Picklepaw | x

Last edited by inky. on Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Crossroad Demons | Post 12

Postby NightWolf950 » Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:44 am

Writing Archive: Here
Number of Cats: 29 (14 males | 15 females)
Next Moonpool Visit: April 24th
Servings Needed: 6 (28-34)
Pebble Count: 60

Font Credit and Divider Credit


Rhyzel brings his kits, Ragged is confused but accepts


{Crossroad Demons consumes x

Request: Raggedstar requests a cat
Ceremonies: Izhu and Xisora are ready to become Knights
Other: Laila, Wormwood, and Virtue come to live with their father Rhyzel

Medic Info: n/a
Kitting Info: Proiszi is due in 1 moon
Deaths: n/a

Gathering herbs: Dove
Hunting: Redoak, Pecy, and Axel
Hunting: Cataela, Ceagan, and Emmar
Patrolling: Raggedstar, Xenrelle, and Rhyzel
Patrolling: Urer, Selto, and Rawu

Basic Battle Skills Training: n/a
Stealth Training: Lanarix
Hunting Training: n/a
Climbing Training: Gruki
Caution Training: Siren

Mod. Note: Extra pebbles are from the 5 per post because I forgot
F2U pics please
♦ = do not kill
• = host controlled by demon


♦ Raggedstar | 58 moons | Male | x
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

♦ Redoak | 47 moons | Male | x

♦ Dove | 31 moons | Male | x

Percy | 47 moons | Male | x
Axel | 34 moons | Male | x
Meridova | 40 moons | Female |
Xenrelle | 46 moons | Female |
Cataela | 37 moons | Female |
Felana | 42 moons | Female |
Urer | 42 moons | Male |
♦ Lilith | 46 moons | Female | x
♦ Rhyzel | 58 moons | Male | x
Selto | 30 moons | Male |
Ceagan | 33 moons | Female |
Emmar | 38 moons | Male |
Rawu | 28 moons | Female |

Black Demons:
Izhu | 13 moons | Male |
Xisora | 14 moons | Female |
Gruki | 14 moons | Male |
Lanarix | 10 moons | Male |
Siren | 10 moons | Female |

Kelyera | 45 moons | Female |
Proiszi | 27 moons | Female |

Kalronos | 5 moons | Female |
Tadal | 5 moons | Male |
Vilbia | 5 moons | Female |
♦ Laila | 1 moon | Female | x
♦ Wormwood | 1 moon | Male | x
♦ Virtue | 1 moon | Female | x

White Demons:
x | x moons | x | [url=x]•[/url]


healer | black demon | healing procedures, recognizing herbs, herb storage, understanding omens/prophecies
knight | black demon | basic battle skills, stealth, hunting, climbing, caution

Redoak | Izhu | Hunting, Caution, Stealth, Climbing, Basic Battle Skills
Xenrelle | Xisora | Stealth, Basic Battle Skills, Hunting, Climbing, Caution
Lilith | Gruki | Basic Battle Skills, Stealth, Hunting
Meridova | Lanarix | Caution, Basic Battle Skills, Climbing
Felana | Siren | Climbing, Stealth


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x3 | 1 serving
Vole | x3| 1 serving
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
Small Fish | x3 | 2 servings
All Birds | x0 | 3 servings

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 0
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 0
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 0
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 1
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 1
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 0
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 0
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 0
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 0
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
Chickweed | treats greencough - 2
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 0
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 0
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 0
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Deadly Nightshade | x - 0
Deathberries | x - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 0
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0
Fennel | helps hip pain - 0
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 0
Foxglove seeds | x - 0
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 0
Goldenrod | helps healing wounds - 0
Hawkweed | like catmint - 0
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 1
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 1
Holly Berries | x - 0
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 0
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 0
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 2
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 0
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 0
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 0
Mint | hides scent of death - 0
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 0
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 0
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 2
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 0
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 0
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 0
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 1
Sorrel | x - 1
Stick | x - 1
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 3
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 0
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 0
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 0
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 0
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 0
Water hemlock | x - 0
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
Willow Bark | eases pain - 0
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 0
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 0
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Echoclan [070]

Postby Katrione » Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:36 am

( POPULATION ) 073 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ( PEBBLES ) 014
( MALES ) 031 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ( FEMALES ) 042
( CURRENT SERVING SIZE ) 012 xxxxxxxxxxxxx--xxxxxxxxxxxxx ( VISIT TO MOONPOOL ) 00/00
( MODERATOR ) deimos xxxxxxxxxx ( ARCHIVE LINK ) ★ xx-xxxxxxxx ( CREDIT ) wade wilson
    indent-gorsebird refuses to move into the nursery yet, insisting that the clan needed her
    -icefang fusses over his sister, which unnerves her


    indent-the rogues start pushing in on echoclan's territory
    -small rogue group attacks a training patrol with the new apprentices
    -no one is injured and patrol flees back to camp
    -jaguar, harpy, fleet, panther, river and nickel settle into their nests for the night, discussing their situation of being apprenticed late


    indent-witheredstalk pops into the nursery to find strawberrypatch crying while milkkit, shalekit and sunkit are curled up sleeping
    -witheredstalk comforts the young she-cat over the loss of her mate and her friend
    - the grieving session is cut short by a screech from the apprentice's den. fallpaw had reached the final stage of the red plague and passed away

    [ Echoclan consumed x10 voles + x1 rabbit ]
    [ Fallpaw has passed away from the Red Plague ]
    [ Gorsebird is due in two moons ]
    [ Bellpaw and Rookpaw are taking their final assessments. If they pass, their names will be Bellmist and Rooktail ]
    [ All apprentices except Bellpaw and Rookpaw went training ]
    [ Crowcloud took Mousepaw training ]
    [ Applefur, Mossvine, Rabbitwish, Blazefur, Sunnyflower + Rowanstrike went on a hunting patrol ]
    [ Mossycreek, Pigeonnose, Witheredstalk, Wickerfur, Beestripe + Acornfall went on a hunting patrol ]
    [ Tawnyspark, Tadpole, Thunderstep, Haybriar, Juniperbranch + Canalstorm went on a hunting patrol ]
    [ Bubblestream, Bumbleflower, Bristlepad, Squirrelnose, Chubfur + Rattletail went on a hunting patrol ]


50 moons, ♂,

35 moons, ♀,

                  THE MEDIC
                  29 moons, ♂,

14 moons, ♂,



001. applefur, 99 moons, ♂
002. venom, 96 moons, ♂
003. mossvine, 91 moons, ♀
004. petalbound, 74 moons, ♀
005. rabbitwish, 67 moons, ♂
006. blazefur, 65 moons, ♂
007. sunnyflower, 65 moons, ♀
008. rowanstrike, 62 moons, ♂
009. cloudwatcher, 62 moons, ♀
010. snowmouse, 62 moons, ♀
011. wildpoppy, 61 moons, ♀
012. mossycreek, 52 moons, ♀
013. bramblingflight, 50 moons, ♀

014. appleheart, 48 moons, ♂
015. pigeonnose, 46 moons, ♂
016. witheredstalk, 46 moons, ♀
017. wickerfur, 37 moons, ♂
018. piranha of FC, 37 moons, ♀
019. icefang, 35 moons, ♂
020. strawberrypatch, 34 moons, ♀
021. beestripe, 34 moons, ♀
022. acornfall, 34 moons, ♂
023. lavenderpool, 33 moons, ♀
024. tawnyspark, 33 moons, ♀
025. tadpole, 31 moons, ♀
026. thunderstep, 30 moons, ♂

027. stoneblossom, 30 moons, ♀
028. owlseed, 29 moons, ♀
029. sandshell, 29 moons, ♀
030. haybriar, 28 moons, ♀
031. hazelburrow, 28 moons, ♀
032. juniperbranch, 28 moons, ♀
033. hootfang, 27 moons, ♀
034. floodstone, 22 moons, ♀
035. canalstorm, 22 moons, ♀
036. bubblestream, 22 moons, ♂
037. foamsplash, 22 moons, ♀
038. bumbleflower, 22 moons, ♀
039. koifin, 21 moons, ♀

040. goosestrike, 21 moons, ♂
041. bristlepad, 20 moons, ♀
042. squirrelnose, 16 moons, ♀
043. chubfur, 16 moons, ♀
044. twigtoes, 16 moons, ♀
045. rattletail, 15 moons, ♀
046. parsniproot, 14 moons, ♂
047. name here, moons, ♂♀
048. name here, moons, ♂♀
049. name here, moons, ♂♀
050. name here, moons, ♂♀
051. name here, moons, ♂♀
052. name here, moons, ♂♀


052. bellpaw, 14 moons, ♀
053. rookpaw, 14 moons, ♂
054. grousepaw, 11 moons, ♂
055. beaverpaw, 11 moons, ♂
056. porcupinepaw, 11 moons, ♂
057. hedgehogpaw, 11 moons, ♂
058. buzzardpaw, 10 moons, ♂
059. heathpaw, 10 moons, ♀
060. buzzingpaw, 10 moons, ♀

061. jaguarpaw, 09 moons, ♂
062. harpypaw, 09 moons, ♂
063. fleetpaw, 09 moons, ♂
064. pantherpaw, 09 moons, ♀
065. riverpaw, 09 moons, ♀
066. nickelpaw, 09 moons, ♂
067. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♂♀
068. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♂♀
069. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♂♀

070. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀
071. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀
072. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀
073. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀
074. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀
075. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀
076. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀
077. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀
078. name here, age moons,,,,,, ♀

079. firkit, 08 moons, ♂
080. beechkit, 08 moons, ♂
081. dustkit, 08 moons, ♂
082. skinkkit, 06 moons, ♂
083. sunkit, 03 moons, ♀
084. milkkit, 03 moons, ♀
085. shalekit, 03 moons, ♂
086. name here, moons,,, ♂♀
087. name here, moons,,, ♂♀


088. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀
089. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀
090. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀
091. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀
092. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀
093. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀
094. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀
095. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀
096. name here, moons,,,,,, ♂♀

097. felicia, 139 moons, ♀
098. brindlecloud, 46 moons, ♀
099. name here, age moons,,,,,,, ♂♀
100. name here, age moons,,,,,,, ♂♀
101. name here, age moons,,,,,,, ♂♀
102. name here, age moons,,,,,,, ♂♀
103. name here, age moons,,,,,,, ♂♀
104. name here, age moons,,,,,,, ♂♀
105. name here, age moons,,,,,,, ♂♀

forestclan, simonpet
pineclan, deimos
*changes frequently


clan, username
clan, username
clan, username
*changes frequently



n, clan, username
e, clan, username
s, groveclan, solyn
w, clan, username
nw, clan, username
ne, clan, username
sw, clan, username
se, gustclan, chamrosh
*changes frequently


mice, x0, one
vole, x0, one
shrew, x0, one
rabbit, x0, two
squirrel, x8, two
fish, x5, three
pigeon, x11, three


venom, bell, 4, climb, hunt, fight, endurance
cassie, rook, 4, fight, hunt, climb, swim
petalbound, grouse, 2, hunt, fight
koifin, beaver, 3, hunt, swim, fight
floodstone, porcupine, 3, hunt, swim, fight
icefang, hedgehog, 3, hunt, swim, fight
cloudwatcher, buzzardpaw, 2, swim, hunt
goosestrike, heathpaw, 2, swim, hunt
strawberrypatch, buzzingpaw, 2, swim, hunt
crowcloud, mouse, 3, herb, kitting, poison
bristlepad, jaguar, 0, moves
bramblingflight, harpy, 0, moves
snowmouse, fleet, 0, moves
piranha, panther, 0, moves
owlseed, river, 0, moves
twigtoes, nickelpaw, 0, moves


Last edited by Katrione on Thu May 07, 2020 4:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Steamclan [010]

Postby Katrione » Sat Apr 18, 2020 9:49 am

thsiio│issi)sp)sp)sp)spaciiiiixx໐ ໐iiiipop. 36 catsiiiix໐ ໐xxi17 tomsi໐ ໐i19 she-catsi xx໐ ໐iiiij07 servingsiiiiii໐ ໐
thssiii╚════- -╚═══════════╝- -╚═══════════╝- -╚═══════════╝


-- backstory of narcissus, killing her sister
--the younger scraps meet the barn cats for the first time
-- waspscrap seems infatuated with one of the barn cats
-- one of the scraps sneaks out to meet rico and his gang
-- rico coaxes information out of the scrap
-- palmettowing attacks tumblepounce after he refuses to acknowledge their kits
-- fogscrap confides in palmetto that tumble is her father too
ratscrap + briescrap rivalry continues














    [Introductions/Ceremonies] xx, xx, and xx
    [Servings] consumed x7 rats

    [Hunting Patrol #1] roachtrack, mottledflank, sablefang, tumblepounce, smokeymane and boulevard
    [Hunting Patrol #2] xx, xx, xx, and xx go hunting.

    [Border Patrol #1] tunamouth, stagiron, copperstorm, fawntrail and raccooncackle
    [Border Patrol #2] xx, xx, xx, and xx go on a border patrol.

    [Herb Hunting] bitterstem went herb hunting
    [Visit with the Hallowed Tunnels] roachtrack asks for a xxx

    [Training] all gangs went training
    [Assessment] gucciscrap takes her final assessment

    [Mate] xx and xx tried for kits

    [Kitting] xx is going into labor~{father}
    [Death] xx has passed away

    𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 | ★★★★★★★★★
    [url]•[/url] Roachtrack [ 30 moons ] Tom
      Lightflare [ 50 moons ] Tom
        [url]•[/url] Bitterstem [ 30 moons ] Tom
          [url]•[/url] Cat's Name [ 00 moons ] Gender
          [url]•[/url] Stagiron [ 33 moons ] Tom
          [url]•[/url] Cat's Name [ 00 moons ] Gender
            [url]•[/url] Tunamouth [ 35 moons ] Tom
            [url]•[/url] Fawntrail [ 32 moons ] She-cat
            [url]•[/url] Copperstorm [ 28 moons ] She-cat
            Raccooncackle [ 26 moons ] She-cat
            Tarsplash [ 25 moons ] Tom
            [url]•[/url] Widowbite [ 16 moons ] She-cat
              [url]•[/url] Mottledflank [ 37 moons ] She-cat
              [url]•[/url] Sablefang [ 33 moons ] She-cat
              [url]•[/url] Tumblepounce [ 29 moons ] Tom
              Possumdrop [ 27 moons ] Tom
              [url]•[/url] Smokeymane [ 24 moons ] She-cat
              Boulevard [ 21 moons ] She-cat
                [url]•[/url] Gucciscrap [ 14 moons ] She-cat
                [url]•[/url] Briescrap [ 11 moons ] She-cat
                [url]•[/url] Ratscrap [ 11 moons ] Tom
                [url]•[/url] Hawkscrap [ 09 moons ] Tom
                [url]•[/url] Magpiescrap [ 09 moons ] Tom
                [url]•[/url] Waspscrap [ 09 moons ] Tom
                [url]•[/url] Bumblescrap [ 09 moons ] She-cat
                [url]•[/url] Fogscrap [ 08 moons ] She-cat
                Pricklescrap [ 06 moons ] Tom
                Bunnyscrap [ 06 moons ] She-cat
                  [url]•[/url] Morningcloud [ 41 moons ] She-cat
                  [url]•[/url] Palmettowing [ 27 moons ] She-cat
                    [url]•[/url] Cat's Name [ 00 moons ] Gender
                    [url]•[/url] Cat's Name [ 00 moons ] Gender
                      Specklespark [ 05 moons ] She-cat
                      [url]•[/url] Snapspark [ 03 moons ] Tom
                      [url]•[/url] Samoaspark [ 03 moons ] She-cat
                      [url]•[/url] Targetspark [ 03 moons ] Tom
                      [url]•[/url] Smogspark [ 03 moons ] She-cat
                      [url]•[/url] Cheetospark[ 03 moons ] Tom
                      [url]•[/url] Dizzyspark [ 03 moons ] She-cat
                      Kittiwakespark [ 01 moons ] She-cat
                        [url]•[/url] Cat's Name [ 00 moons ] Gender
                        [url]•[/url] Cat's Name [ 00 moons ] Gender

                          | Archive |
                          | The Lineage |
                          | Rust Mender's Storage |
                          | The Stars Taken Before Their Time |

                              [N] Chaosclan | Highway | Kazin
                              [E] Scarabclan | Desert | broken*
                              [S] Clan Name | Waterfall | Username
                              [W] The lake is here
                              [NE] The barn cats are here
                              [NW] Rico's Camp is here
                              [SE] Ravenclan | Graveyard | inky.
                              [SW] Former Wiltedclan's Island is here
                            𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐒
                              Clan Name | Username
                              Clan Name | Username

                            𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐒
                              Clan Name | Username
                              Clan Name | Username

                            𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐇-𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄

                            Rat | x8 | 1 serving
                            Scraps | x5 | 1 serving

                            Rabbit | x0 | 2 serving
                            Skunk | x2 | 2 serving

                            Pigeon | x2 | 3 serving
                            Squirrel | x2 | 2 serving



                            Tumblepounce | Briescrap [ 05 training sessions ]
                            xx + Hunt, Climb, Endurance
                            xx + Defense, Stalk, Move
                              Copperstorm | Ratscrap [ 05 training sessions ]
                              xx + Combat, Defense, Tactics
                              xx + Hunt, Basic Medic, Move
                                Fawntrail | Hawkscrap [ 02 training sessions ]
                                xx + Hunt, Move, Move
                                xx + Move, Move, Move
                                  Smokeymane | Magpiescrap [ 02 training sessions ]
                                  xx + Hunt, Climb, Move
                                  xx + Move, Move, Move
                                    Stagiron | Waspscrap [ 02 training sessions ]
                                    xx + Fish, Move, Move
                                    xx + Move, Move, Move
                                      Roachtrack | Bumblescrap [ 02 training sessions ]
                                      xx + Fish, Hunt, Move
                                      xx + Move, Move, Move
                                        Mottledflank | Fogscrap [ 02 training sessions ]
                                        xx + Hunt, Move, Move
                                        xx + Move, Move, Move
                                          Raccooncackle | Pricklescrap [ 00 training sessions ]
                                          xx + Hunt, Move, Move
                                          xx + Move, Move, Move
                                            Possumdrop | Bunnyscrap [ 00 training sessions ]
                                            xx + Hunt, Move, Move
                                            xx + Move, Move, Move

                                              Railrunners: Hunting, Climbing, Fishing, Stalking, Tracking, Endurance
                                              Ironclaws: Combat, Defense, Endurance, Tracking, Tactics, Basic Medic
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