Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Second Clan Starter

Postby legolas the elf » Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:52 pm


proof of starting my second clan
WardClan is a group of city cats come together to form something greater than themselves alone - a clan. They reside in the northern part of a city - the same city the cats of SteamClan happen to live in, in fact. They are bordered by the ocean in the west, more city in the east, and SteamClan in the south. The north tapers into the forest and distant foothills.

Their camp is set in the courtyard of an abandoned mansion of the city, with dens for all the cats inside the mansion as well for when it rains. The cats keep the courtyard plants fortified from as much wind and weather as possible, and patch up the crumbling stone walls of the mansion if necessary.

Two rogue groups also live within the territory of WardClan - a group by no name, simply known as Battery's Group; a decent sized group of rogues led by the quiet and strategic leader Battery. The other rogue group, called Ragnarok, is much larger in brawns and much smaller in brain than Battery's Group, as well as having more cats. Ragnarok, the mastermind behind this, plans on city-wide domination and not only torments WardClan but also, on occasion, the neighboring SteamClan.

Unlike most other clans, the cats of WardClan are very welcome and contain many LGBTQ+ members due to many being kicked out onto the streets, and have little care on forbidden relationships. However there are a few limits - relationships with any non-bordering clans, loners, rogues, and kittypets not in the city gangs are perfectly fine with the cats. Relationships with SteamClan are more cautious as WardClan doesn't want to offend their neighbors, and relationships with members of Battery's gang are prohibited. If a cat got into a relationship with a cat from Ragnarok - they would be booted out of camp.

On the topic of exile, WardClan does not kick cats out unless they murdered someone on purpose when not forced to do so by some other cat or got into a relationship with a cat from Ragnarok. If a cat does something severe but not warranting these exiles, they will be given a temporary banishment by the leaders - ranging from a moon all the way to twenty by themselves depending on their crime.

WardClan cats are also unique in the fact that they can see spirits, or cats long dead from the past that watch over each litter of kits. Every cat has a 'guardian spirit' as these spirits are called, and doesn't share the spirit with anyone unless they have littermates. Once a living cat dies, their guardian spirit leads them to Bearpoint Star (the North star where the afterlife is thought to lie) before they await being called to watch upon a family again. All guardian spirits can see all the living cats as well as guardian spirits, but the living cats can only see their guardian spirits.

The cats believe in two goddesses: Saol, the goddess of life; and Bás, the goddess of death. The two sisters reign the world in balance.

Prey: Mice (1 serving), Rats (2 servings), Rabbits (2 servings), Squirrels (2 servings), Hares (3 servings), and All Birds (3 servings)
Predators: Any streetwise dogs or foxes, possibly the rare wolf or coyote
Den Materials: Stone and/or pebbles for wall reparation; fabric, stuffing, ferns, brambles, pebbles, small rocks, large rocks, bracken, sticks, branches, and vines are all acceptable for den reparation and upgrading.

WardClan has a unique ranking system:

Eache of the three leaders has three lives each, and rule WardClan as joint leaders, each specializing in a warrior-type.
Elven Leader Ruler of the elves; has three lives; name ends with -duil
Dwarven Leader Ruler of the dwarves; has three lives; name ends with -shaft
Civilian Leader Ruler of Citizens; has three lives; name starts with Civil-

Nine cats that make up the counseling advisors; they keep their warrior names. They help the two living leaders decide on a third leader once one dies; the only requirements is that the new leader must be from the same warrior-type as the leader title, and cannot be a Council Member.

The head healers of the clan. They always come from the Elves, and there can be two maximum. They are not part of the council.
Head Cinder The eldest Cinder
Secretary Cinder The youngest Cinder

There are three types of warriors, separated to do different tasks.
Elves are all trained in the arts of healing, diplomacy, hunting, and ambush attacks, and will usually head to words before violence. Their idea of healing is minor; just to the point where they can treat a thorn scratch, a small cold, or a shallow scratch. They always work above ground and are generally the least bothered by weather.
Dwarves are tunnelers, exploring sewers and rabbit holes and other tunnels beneath the city. They are not afraid to get their paws dirty or wet, and are trained in the art of ignoring claustrophobia, burrowing/digging, swimming, hunting below grounds, and direct meelee attacking. They are generally the most susceptible to weather, but can see well in the dark.
Citizens are relieved to be considered 'normal.' They are typical cats, trained in basic hunting, fighting, swimming, endurance, and resiliance. They are bothered a normal amount by weather and usually work outside, though they can enter tunnels.

Apprentice Ranks
Lamps are kits who, when they turn six moons, from six to seven moons contemplate if they would like to become a Cinder (if the job is open), Blaze, Elf, Dwarf, or Civilian. Their suffix is -lamp, no matter what.
Candles are the apprentices and train from seven to fourteen moons. Their suffix is -candle, no matter what.
Bonfires are the cats age fourteen to fifteen when they contemplate if they've made a good choice in their decsion from the Lamp stage and contemplate their name. At the end of this moon they take their final assessment. Their suffix is -bonfire.

Queens, Elders, and Kits
Suns are queens.
Blazes are perma queens or nursery helpers
Matches are kits. Their suffix is always -match.
Veterans are elders.

May Elmduil be my starter? And Katrione my mod?
Credit to this font and fontmeme.
legolas the elf
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Re: buddingclan; moon four

Postby H155 » Sun Jun 16, 2019 12:17 pm

number of cats: 9
moons passed: 4
next starclan visit: now
pebbles: 20

it was a sunny day, the first in a while. the sun's rays beat down with a warmth only slightly noticeable, but nonetheless appreciated, as wrenstar padded through a white blanket of snow. with a young kit having joined buddingclan, wrenstar felt a new sort of urgency he hadn't before. if cherrykit fell ill, no one in his clan could help. having a healer in his clan was essential, and so he had paid the ancestors and visit last night. soon, he'd meet his clan's starsent medicine cat.

his searching green eyes scanned the horizon, finally focusing on a tree, much taller than the rest. he smiled, and walked towards it with a sense of purpose.

the hearttree was a beacon of growth in buddingclan's territory. while his arrival had been long after the leaves had fallen from it's branches, wrenstar had seen visions of its beauty. a thick crown of green leaves, upon a wide, knarled trunk, with flowers and grasses and all sorts of greenery bursting out around its roots. in his dreams, he couldn't smell their fragrance or feel the leaves brush against his pelt, but the one thing he could feel was its energy. like a thrumming heartbeat, pulsing in time with the twinkling stars above.

perhaps it was his imagination, but even covered with snow, he could feel it now. like a steady, comforting hum, it drew him closer to its twisting branches. he moved, stepping tenderly, until he was right up against the tree. he nestled into a gap in its roots, and lowered his head to his paws to wait.


and wrenstar waited, and waited, and waited a while longer. he was beginning to nod off to the gently blowing wind, when his ears picked up a new sound among the ambience. a rhythmic crunching, telltale of a cat running through the snow. the leader hurriedly got to his paws, and began to scan the area. he caught a hint of movement in the snow, and when he squinted his eyes against the snow’s glare, he locked gazes with a pair of amber eyes.

a silver cat bounded towards him, their thick, feathery fur seeming to glow as the sun glinted off it. their face seemed kind, and grasped in their muzzle was a green bundle of leaves and flowers. ‘a medicine cat.. the ancestors listened!’ his thoughts sang.

the silver cat slowed to a halt, dropping their bundle and panting a little. once they caught their breath, they purred out a greeting. “hello there.. my name is creekshine, and the ancestors sent me to aid your clan. wrenstar of buddingclan, correct?”

wrenstar nodded, unable to help it as he broke out in a relieved grin. “yes, that’s right.. my clan has had a rough leafbare, and it’s...” he paused, chuckling uncomfortably. “really opened my eyes to how hard clan life is.” wrenstar winced, feeling a pang of homesickness that had become quite familiar over the past few moons. creekshine's eyes took on a sympathetic softness, and in an unspoken show of comfort, they ran their plumey tail up and down his back.

wrenstar smiled weakly, but feeling a little eager to change the subject, pointed in the direction of the camp with his muzzle. "would you like to come with me to camp? you should probably get settled in as soon as you can." creekshine nodded affirmatively, picking up their herbs and following behind the brown tabby leader.

at that very moment, a loud shout came from the bushes lining the trees. "hold up! wait for me!" the lilting voice yelped as the source, a snowy white tom, came crashing out of the bushes. he pelted towards them with such urgency that wrenstar was, for a moment, almost afraid he was chased. but nothing followed him as he came stumbling to a stop in front of them, practically keeling over. "whoo boy!" he panted, still very out of breath. "i have not run like that in quite a while."

wrenstar cast a confused glance over to the medicine cat. "have you..." he leaned over to whisper. "do you know this cat?"

creekshine stared back at him, bewildered. " i have never seen him before in my life." in the meantime, the snowy tom had gathered himself, and was now muttering inaudibly as he groomed his ruffled pelt. several seconds passed before creekshine spoke up, their puzzlement hidden under a thin veil of politeness. "apologies good... sir. who do you happen to be?"

being given the opportunity to talk about himself, the tom practically lights up. he presses a paw to his puffed out chest, quickly beginning his speech. "oh ho! my name is cobaltstar! or, i suppose i'm just cobaltfrost now..."

cobaltfrost kept rambling on and on about things ranging from his short time as a co-leader of gemclan to what his favorite food was as a kit. wrenstar, in his cluelessness, flickered his eyes towards his companion. beside him, creekshine was practically bristling, their eyes twitching in irritation as the tom continued to boast.

"okay!" creekshine yelped, their words clipped angrily, which immediately shut up the talkative tom cat. after a moment of intimidating glaring, they cleared their throat and continued in their usual, smooth tone. "now, good sir... what is your business here?"

cobaltfrost blinked owlishly, seeming somewhat phased by their outburst. however, once he recovered, he seemed almost smug, honing in on the medicine cat with a cheeky grin. "well darlin'.."

"don't call me 'darling.'" creekshine snarled, glowering at him with hunched shoulders. "i have a name, and that name is creekshine."

"alright, creekshine... if it pleases you to know, i was looking for a new clan! i found i quite liked the clan life, and i missed it after gemclan fell apart." he shook his head in an exaggerated display of sadness, although some geniunity could be found in the way his shoulders slumped. "so, i followed you here, creekshine."

"wait," creekshine stopped him, tilting their head at him. "you followed me? why?"

"oh yes!" confirmed cobaltfrost, his mischievious smile growing wider. "leafbare is such a bleak time, and i was so so alone... of course when i see a determined, pretty cat like yourself speeding by, i thought, 'hm! they look like they know what they're doing!' so, i followed you here." creekshine, to say the least, remained unimpressed.

wrenstar, seeing the tension building between his two new recruits, quickly stepped between the two. he turned to cobaltfrost, and gave him his friendliest smile. "so, you said you were looking for a new clan?" cobaltfrost affirmed him with a nod. "how would you like to join buddingclan? we're still looking for helping paws, and we'd love to have you."

cobaltfrost's eyes shifted briefly over to creekshine. then he smugly grinned. "oh, i would abosutely, positively love to."


wrenstar walked back to camp with the two new cats in tow. on his right side, cobaltfrost continued to meow on and on. while he was still a little more chatty than wrenstar was used to, he found that the tom had quite a few interesting stories to tell, and actually found himself laughing along to most of his jokes.

creekshine had made a point of walking opposite to cobaltfrost, and was still looking rather annoyed by his antics. wrenstar had attempted to get them to talk, but each time he tried to que them in, they pointed to the herbs in their mouth and continued to stew in silence. wrenstar let them be, figuring it was just the current company that had them on edge. they seemed like a sweet cat before cobaltfrost had intruded on their conversation, and supposed that attitude would return once more when they settled in.

wrenstar led the cats down the slope leading into camp, and slipped through the hole in the brush to find the rest of buddingclan already there. "make yourself at home!" he mewed to his companions, before slipping away to approach driftingcloud and sootwhisker.

driftingcloud lit up when she saw him, rushing forward to butt heads with him happily. "oh, it's so good to see you again, wrenstar!" she chirped.

sootwhisker smirked at them. "stars, you'd think that he'd been gone for days." she sent wrenstar a cheeky wink from behind driftingcloud's back, causing him to blush flusteredly. her chest shook with a quiet laugh. "anyways, how are you? i see you've brought in a few cats."

"it went as good as it could've, i suppose." wrenstar shrugged, before settling down next to driftingcloud. he pointed his deputy towards the medicine cat, who had found cherrykit with her mother, and was seeming to give the young kit a check-up. "the ancestors answered me, and they sent creekshine to be our medicine cat. and," he searched the camp for cobaltfrost, finding him off by the warrior's den, grooming his fur with meticulous strokes. "a cat named cobaltfrost found us by the hearttree. he's agreed to joining us as a warrior. anyways, how's the hunting?"

sootwhisker sighed a little, ears folding back with worry. "not that well. we were only able to catch one mouse... we gave it to almondfur and cherrykit."

"that's good. they are the ones who'd need it most." wrenstar reasoned, although he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

it didn't go unnoticed by sootwhisker, who started to look upset with herself. "well, we still have the minnows from a while back, and they're still edible. the warriors can share those." sootwhisker shifted uneasily as her brows furrowed further. "although, i actually think if i went out again, i could catch something.” she seemed to be talking solely to herself now, paws and tail beginning to twitch restlessly. “the warm weather might've coaxed some prey out. yes, i think i'm going." she abruptly started to get up andleave, but wrenstar pushed her back down again.

"wait, now." wrenstar mewed, feeling concern inch his way onto his face. “i can’t have you getting sick. i know it’s warmer, but it’s still not exactly warm. you could catch


[cobaltfrost and creekshine are welcomed into buddingclan!]
[the clan consumes 3 servings this moon.]
[wrenstar, cobaltfrost, dusknose, and zephyrpath go on a hunting patrol.]
[sootwhisker and driftingcloud go on a border patrol, and find pansyclaw from monarchclan and blazecloud from ruinclan. blazecloud's name is changed to blazestorm. (proof)]
[creekshine goes on a border patrol and finds whitestone, goosekit, and mosskit from terraclan. (proof)]
[wrenstar asks starclan for an apprentice.]

        wrenstar | 29 moons | male |
        lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        sootwhisker | 34 moons | female |

        medicine cat:
        creekshine | 24 moons | nonbinary (afab) |
        skill points: ✿✿✿✿✿ (3 mtd)

        zephyrpath | 42 moons | male |
        dusknose | 36 moons | male |
        driftingcloud | 27 moons | female |
        cobaltfrost | 16 moons | male |
        name | age | gender | ●

        name | age | gender | ●
        name | age | gender | ●

        almondfur | 33 moons | female |
        name | age | gender | ●

        cherrykit | 2 moon | female |
        name | age | gender | ●

        name | age | gender | ●
        name | age | gender | ●

        den statuses:
        next den decay in: 3 moons

        leader's den | 1/1 | well-kept
        medicine cat's den | 1/2 | well-kept
        warrior's den | 5/20 | well-kept
        apprentice's den | 0/10 | well-kept
        nursery | 2/10 | well-kept
        elder's den | 0/5 | well-kept
    ally clans:
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    enemy clans
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    north | clan name | username
    east | clan name | username
    south | clan name | username
    west | clan name | username

    medicine store
    cobwebs | x1
    catmint | x1
    juniper berries | x1
    marigold | x1
    honey | x1

    fresh-kill pile:
    mice | x0 | 1 serving
    minnows | x0 | 1 serving
    stoats | x0 | 2 servings
    squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    large fish | x0 | 3 servings
    songbirds | x0 | 3 servings
    total servings | 0 servings

    den supply store
    brambles | x1
    ferns | x1
    moss | x0

    mentor | apprentice | no. of training sessions | moves
    mentor | apprentice | no. of training sessions | moves

    deceased cats:
    cat name | cause of death
    cat name | cause of death

    name and name | kits
    name and name | kits
Last edited by H155 on Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:49 am, edited 6 times in total.
hey, i'm H155, but you can call me hiss or lex!
any pronouns are cool by me.
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dup's replies | *sobbing noises*

Postby frankie (dup) » Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:53 pm

    bloodclan ; dea indivia. | jungleclan ; unikels | skullclan ; heda | thicketclan ; ravenwhisper's wish | mossclan ; étoilée | duskclan ; avenoir | climbingclan ; creme eggs | buddingclan ; HI55 | clan ; owner
    lifeclan ; imp | the barn yard ; heda | the society of bakemono ; wade wilson
    Leafbare has come to a close and snow has begun to melt. Rain is more common which may lead to floods in water-based or low-lying territories. Prey is only just beginning to return although kittings will run smoother and the chances of queens or kits dying during birth will begin to drop. Loners, too, are beginning to explore clan territories which makes the odds of finding new cats higher than it otherwise would be.
    if you'd like an invite to the cac discord, shoot myself or one of the other mods a pm!
    my schedule has been changed to weekly on fridays!

    happy pride month nerds
    font credit



❤ robinstripe's patrol finds an elder
❤ ravenstar's patrol finds a warrior
❤ eaglebounce's patrol catches x2 geese
❤ berryhop's patrol finds x1 moss
❤ darktoes and lionpaw find x1 foxglove seed,
x1 dandelion, and x1 rush,

❤ russetspark is carrying kits!

training and assessments
❤ both apprentices learn a skill!
(poison recognition and defence, respectively?)
the medicine cats' skills stay sharp!

❤ ravenstar's requst is fulfilled!
she is sent a pregnant queen!
❤ could you add four more item
options to your den supplies?



❤ sparkgaze and twigpaw find x1 horsetail
and x2 deadly nightshade
apparently, the generator wants y'all to get poison
their skills stay sharp!
❤ crowblaze's patrol is uneventful
❤ batshriek's patrol finds x1 hare and x1 squirrel
❤ koipuddle's patrol finds x2 small stones

❤ koipuddle is carrying kits!
congrats to he, his mate, and the clan!
❤ almondpaws is carrying kits!
congrats to sedgewatcher, foggyprance,
and the clan!

training and assessments
❤ all apprentices learn their respective skills!

❤ lemonstar's request is fulfilled!
she is sent dappledhowl!
(I used a tool to shorten the url,
if you'd find the shorter link useful?)
❤ the tansy works!
moorkit's breathing eases up
❤ could you add four more
item options to your den supplies?



❤ wrenstar's patrol catches
x1 songbird and x1 mouse
❤ sootwhisker's patrol finds the refugees!
❤ creekshine's patrol finds the refugees!

❤ wrenstar's request is fulfilled!
he is sent an apprentice!

my dms are open,
but im a spoonie
and i may not
respond promptly.
it's not personal.
especially hmu if
you want to talk
about atla,
im autistic and its
been my special
interest for like.
a bajillion years.
➤ they/it lesbian
➤ canadian eh
➤ gay zuko
truther /lh
➤ please use
➤ feel free to ask for
my discord if we've
talked before
➤ help idk how to
make this pretty
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[ clan replies ] [ 029 ]

Postby deimido » Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:10 pm

    lagoonclan, hazeclan, kwamiclan, snakeclan, rainclan
    evanora's reach, dewclan, strikersclan, whitebark, silhouclan
    hickoryclan, northernclan, the neighborhood

    leafbare has come to a close and snow has
    begun to melt. rain is more common whic
    h may lead to floods in water-based or lo
    w-lying territories. prey is only just begi
    ning to return, kittings will run smoother
    , and the chances of kitting-related deaths
    will start to drop. loners, too, are beginni
    ng to explore clan territories, which mak
    es the odds of finding new clanmates high
    er than it otherwise would be.

    descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah


    wasppelt's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +2 big fish.

    sheeppelt's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 bird.
    ↪ +1 rabbit.


    dusttail's patrol found . .
    ↪ a caretaker; due in 2m.


    the med. cats gathered . .
    ↪ +1 juniper berries.
    ↪ +1 fennel.
    ↪ +1 dandelion.
    ↪ +1 deathberries.

    sagestar's patrol gathered . .
    ↪ +1 moss.
    ↪ +2 leaves.


    the apps. learned . .
    diver > running.

      med. practice
      ↪ briarleaf and palenose's skills stay sharp! they remain at 5SP.

      warrior assessment
      ↪ laurelpaw passed her assessment! sagestar welcomes a new warrior into rainclan; laurelfoot!

      den upgrades
      ↪ after discussion between the clan, its determined that the nursery needs +1 moss, +1 feathers, and +1 reeds for an upgrade.
      once all of the materials are gathered, the den can properly house 15 cats!

      ↪ cinderstorm gave birth to a litter of four! (1; tom) (2; tom) (3; molly) (4; tom)

      trying for kits
      ↪ campionclaw has learned that she's expecting kits with briarleaf! her litter is due in two moons.


    midnightblaze's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +2 voles.
    ↪ +1 hare.

    howlingeye's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 stoat.
    ↪ +1 hare.


    viridianfire's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ a random event! *


    poppywish gathered . .
    ↪ +1 fennel.
    ↪ +1 ragwort leaves.

    hawkeyes's patrol gathered . .
    ↪ +1 feathers.
    ↪ +1 moss/lichen.
    ↪ +1 clay.


    the apps learned . .
    ember > swimming.
    flame > swimming.
    wolf > battle.
    butterfly > battle.

      den building
      ↪ the warriors' den is successfully upgraded! it can now hold 25 warriors.
      ↪ after discussion between the clan, its determined that the nursery needs +1 moss/lichen, +1 feathers, and +1 rock for an upgrade. once all
      the materials are gathered, the den can properly house 15 cats!

      ↪ both bearears and magpiefeather's conditions have improved, though the elder of the two still struggles with a wheeze.

      ↪ neither viridianfire nor winderstrike anticipated how harsh the cold winds would blow on their way back to camp, as they could barely see
      through the blizzard, they heavily relied on each other to avoid any trouble. unfortunately, viridianfire wasn't able to see the sharp thorns of a
      bramble bush until it was too late and cried out in pain as one severely scratched her left eye. thankfully the two warriors don't encounter any
      more problems, but viridianfire is instructed to stay in camp for two moons so her eye can heal correctly. she'll need +1 celandine, +1 broom, and
      +1 wintergreen for the injury. and while these herbs will help, poppywish suspects her vision won't completely return.

      ↪ wardclan has been founded! katrione will assign your mod.
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[ sub replies ] [ for; imp. ]

Postby deimido » Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:49 pm

    rippleclan, acornclan, auroraclan, lostclan, the cherry empire
    clayclan, orion's terrain, the armada, fortuneclan, treasureclan
    highgarden, marshclan

    leafbare has come to a close and snow has
    begun to melt. rain is more common whic
    h may lead to floods in water-based or lo
    w-lying territories. prey is only just begi
    ning to return, kittings will run smoother
    , and the chances of kitting-related deaths
    will start to drop. loners, too, are beginni
    ng to explore clan territories, which mak
    es the odds of finding new clanmates high
    er than it otherwise would be.

    descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah


    maplewhisker caught . .
    ↪ +1 rabbit.


    swiftflame encountered . .
    ↪ a parent & two kits.


    hazelleaf gathered . .
    ↪ +1 borage leaves.
    ↪ +1 catmint.

    maplewhisker gathered . .
    ↪ +2 brambles.
    ↪ +1 rock.


    the apps. learned . .
    patch > fighting.

      ancestral request
      ↪ silentstar's ancestors pay heed to her request and send a queen to join lostclan; she's due in two moons.

      mod notes
      ↪ you can add up to five items of your own in your den supply storage!


    tawnyrose's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 mouse.
    ↪ +1 big fish.
    ↪ +1 rabbit.

    softglow's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 squirrel.
    ↪ +1 rabbit.
    ↪ +2 voles.


    no patrolling occurred!


    the herbalists gathered . .
    ↪ +1 sweet-sedge.
    ↪ +1 comfrey root.
    ↪ +1 catmint.
    ↪ +1 coltsfoot.

    dippercloud's patrol gathered . .
    ↪ +2 feathers.
    ↪ +1 brambles.


    the apps. learned . .
    iguana > swimming.
    warbler > swimming.
    cougar > swimming.
    racoon > swimming.
    fox > swimming.
    wolf > swimming.

      den building
      ↪ after discussion between the cats of highgarden, its determined that the knights & roses den needs +1 rocks, +1 sticks, and
      +1 brambles for an upgrade. once all of the materials are gathered, the den can properly house 25 cats!

      ancestral request
      ↪ the gods pay heed to tawnyrose's request and send a root to join highgarden.

      final assessment
      ↪ hornetpaw passed his assessment and is now known as hornetshade!

      med. practice
      ↪ merlinsong and spencer's skills stay sharp! they remain at 5SP.
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ThicketClan [009]

Postby SunnyStreets » Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:57 am

Number of Cats: 27 10 toms | 8 mollies | 3
Feeding Needed: 5
Archive: here
Mod: Duplex
Pebbles: 20
Notes: Nope c:

This Moon
-- meh

Happenings wrote:Leader:
↳Nothing | 17.6.19
Medicine Cat:
↳Sparkgaze & Twigpaw gather herbs and practices medicine
Border Patrols:
↳Dappledhowl, Crowcloud, Lightningspots, Barkskip, Foggyprance, and Maplepaw patrol
↳Barkskip, Lightningspots, Chivepaw, and Berrytoes patrol
Hunting Patrols:
↳Batshriek, Spiderpaw, Hawkwhisker, Otterpaw, Patchedslip, and Lemonstar hunt
Den Gathering Patrol:
↳Sedgewatcher, Fernpaw, Berrytoes, Chivepaw, and Barkskip gather
Mates & Kittings:
↳Koipuddle will kit the post after next.
↳Almondpaws will kit the post after next.
↳Junipermuzzle will kit next post.
↳1x Stoat, 1x Hare
↳Otterpaw, Spiderpaw ( hunting )
↳Fernpaw, Maplepaw ( tracking )
↳Twigpaw ( minor wounds )
↳Chivepaw ( swimming )
↳Nursery Is Upgraded By One

          Leader: ( 1/1 )
          Lemonstar | 77 moons | molly |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★

          Deputy: ( 1/1 )
          Foggyprance | 48 moons | tom |

          Medicine Cat: (1/2 )
          Sparkgaze | 49 moons | molly |
          Apprentice: Twigpaw ( Sp: ♡♡♡ ) | Sp: ♡♡♡♡♡

          Warriors: ( 11/20 )
          Sedgewatcher | 43 moons | tom |
          Almondpaws | 64 moons | molly |
          Batshriek | 33 moons | tom |
          Barkskip | 33 moons | tom |
          Patchedslip | 55 moons | she-cat |
          Littledusk | 36 moons | tom | ]☾
          Berrytoes | 23 moons | genderfluid (amab) |
          Crowblaze | 24 moons | tom |
          Hawkwhisker | 77 moons | tom |
          Dappledhowl | 30 moons | molly |
          Lightningpelt | 23 moons | molly |

          Apprentices: ( 6/10 )
          Otterpaw | 11 moons | tom |
          Spiderpaw | 11 moons | tom |
          Maplepaw | 11 moons | molly |
          Fernpaw | 11 moons | molly |
          Twigpaw | 10 moons | deminonbinary ( amab ) |
          Chivepaw | 7 moons | tom |

          Nursing and Expecting Parents: ( 5/5 )
          Heatherpelt | 67 moons | molly |
          Goldenwing | 74 moons | molly |
          Junipermuzzle | 71 moons | molly |
          Koipuddle | 22 moons | trans tom (afab) |
          Almondpaws | 64 moons | molly |

          Moorkit | 4 moons | nonbinary (afab) |
          Briarkit | 4 moons | molly |

          Elders: ( 0/5 )
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | DareClan | patience99
    East | ClimbingClan | Creme Eggs
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Tansy | Cures coughs; Can be used to cure wounds and poisons; Stops cats from getting greencough; Soothes throats; Can be extremely dangerous to pregnant cats | 1x
    Blackberry Leaves | Mixed into a poultice to ease the pain of bee stings | 1x
    Juniper Berries | Soothes bellyaches; Gives strength, Helps troubled breathing; Helps calm cats | 1x
    Horsetail | Treats infections and stops bleeding | 2x
    Chickweed | Treats greencough | 1x
    Dock | Soothes scratches, soothes sore pads, if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds | 1x
    Goatweed | Eases grief | 1x
    Burnet | Used to give strength, good for expecting queens | 2x
    Broom | Used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds | 2x
    Dragon Cassia | Ensures that a queen will have six kits, although they still have the same seasonal risk of dying | 1x
    Lamb's Ear | Gives a cat strength | 3x
    Deadly Nightshade |

    Den Supply Store
    Dead Bramble | 2x
    Small Stone | 5x
    Vine |
    Moss |
    Sheep's Wool |

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Stoat | x3 | 2 servings

    Foggyprance | Maplepaw | 3 training sessions
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [▪] Defense
    [▪] Swimming
    Batshriek | Spiderpaw | 4 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [▪] Defense
    [▪] Swimming
    Junipermuzzle Hawkwhisker | Otterpaw | 4 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [▪] Defense
    [▪] Swimming
    Sedgewatcher | Fernpaw | 3 training sessions
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [▪] Defense
    [▪] Swimming
    Sparkgaze | Twigpaw | 2 training sessions
    [▪] Poison Recognition
    [▪] Medicine Recognition
    [ ] Minor Wounds
    [ ] Major Wounds
    [ ] Minor Sickness
    [ ] Major Sickness
    Barkskip | Chivepaw | 0 training sessions
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming

    Deceased Cats:
    Maplekit | StillBorn | Buried in MonarchClan's Old Territory | Sky of Everlasting Peace | tom |
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Sky of Everlasting Peace/Peril

    Sedgewatcher and Foggyprance | Expecting! 2 posts
    Heatherpelt and Lemonstar | Chivekit, Moorkit
    Patchedslip and Littledusk | Spiderpaw, Maplepaw, Otterpaw
    Junipermuzzle and Almondpaws | Expecting! 1 post
    Berrytoes and Koipuddle | Expecting! 2 posts
    Hawkwhisker and Goldenwing | Briarkit, Maplekit

    Bio Relatives:
    Unknown and Unknown | Chivekit
    Patchedslip and Littledusk | Spiderpaw, Maplepaw, Otterpaw
    Heatherpelt and Duck | Moorkit
Last edited by SunnyStreets on Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nobleclan ✧ 011

Postby tigerclaw » Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:28 am


𝙉𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝘾𝙖𝙩𝙨: 032.
𝙈𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨: 015. ✧ 𝙏𝙤𝙢𝙨: 014. ✧ 𝙉𝙤𝙣-𝙗𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙮: 003.
𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙞𝙯𝙚: 006.
𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩: 6/23.
𝙈𝙤𝙙: Katrione.
𝙈𝙤𝙙 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨: Howdy.


【Moons Action】 wrote:[New Arrivals]
↪ Patchedfeather, Woodwhisker, Lupinebelly, Maizegaze, Snailmask.
[proof for Lupine, Maize, and Snail - x]

↪ Waspstar, Glaciershadow, Beesting, Riverspray, Leto, and Six-claws hunt.
↪ Astershadow, Dapplesplash, Apollo, Persephone, Snailmask, and Mountainpaw hunt.
↪ Willowtuft, Fennelwhisker, Graycloud, Lilacsong, Stormclaw, and Alois patrol.
↪ Minnowstripe, Ares, Artemis, Maizegaze, Patchedfeather, and Ridgepaw patrol.
↪ QuailScratch and BurnetPaw search for herbs.
↪ Lupinbelly, Snailmask, Woodwhisker, and Maizegaze look for den supplies.

↪ Waspstar requests a cat of any rank.

↪ Mountainpaw and Ridgepaw train for balance.
↪ Clearpaw train for hunting.
↪ Apollo, Persephone, Ares, and Artemis train for fighting.
↪ Quailscratch and Burnetpaw practice medicine.

↪ Nobleclan fasts

          ↪ [Queen] Waspstar | 31m | Molly |
          𝙇𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨: ★★★★★★★★★

          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url]

          ↪ Quailscratch | 26m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url]

          𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨:
          ↪ Burnetpaw | 11m | Non-binary (bio t) |
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url]

          𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨:
          ↪ Fennelwhisker | 31m | Molly |
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url]

          ↪ Willowtuft | 20m | Molly |
          ↪ Lilacsong | 18m | Non-binary (bio m) |
          ↪ Graycloud | 31m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Alois | 33m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Minnowstripe | 21m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Stormclaw | 36m | Molly |
          ↪ Patchedfeather | 20m | Non-binary [bio m] |
          ↪ Maizegaze | 14m | Molly |
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url]

          ↪ Riverspray | 34m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Glaciershadow | 20m | Molly |
          ↪ [Prince] Beesting | 31m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Six-claws | 27m | Molly |
          ➢ Polydactyl
          ↪ Dapplesplash | 31m | Molly |
          ↪ Astershadow | 54m | Molly |
          ↪ Leto | 29m | Molly |
          ➢ Unable to have kits
          ↪ Lupinebelly | 25m | Molly |
          ↪ Snailmask | 15m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Woodwhisker | 20m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url]

          ↪ Clearpaw | 14m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Mountainpaw | 12m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Ridgepaw | 12m | Tomcat |
          ↪ Apollo | 7m | Tomcat | |
          ↪ Persephone | 7m | Molly | |
          ↪ Ares | 7m | Tomcat | |
          ↪ Artemis | 7m | Molly | |
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url]

          ↪ Stormbriar | 24m | Molly |
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url]

          Stormbriar's ✘ ???'s litter
          ↪ Hornetkit | 4m | Tomcat | |
          ↪ Cottonkit | 2m | Molly | |
          ↪ Silk-kit | 2m | Tomcat | |

          Name's ✘ Name's litter
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url] |

          Name's ✘ Name's litter
          ↪ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✧[/url] |
    【Other Clans】 wrote:𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨
    ↪ Clan Name | Username
    ↪ Clan Name | Username

    ↪ Clan Name | Username
    ↪ Clan Name | Username

    ↪ North | Clan Name | Username
    ↪ East | Clan Name | Username
    ↪ South | The empire | Legolas The Elf
    ↪ West | Clan Name | Username

    【Items】 wrote:𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙚
    ↪ Cobwebs | x001
    ↪ Alder bark | x001
    ↪ Beech leaves | x001
    ↪ Bindweed | x001
    ↪ Chamomile | x002
    ↪ Dock | x001
    ↪ Mallow | x001
    ↪ Feverfew | x001
    ↪ Ragwort leaves | x001
    ↪ Blackberry leaves | x001
    ↪ Borage leaves | x001
    ↪ Bright eyes | x001
    ↪ Broom | x001
    ↪ Burdock root | x001
    ↪ Burnet | x001
    ↪ Herb | x000

    𝘿𝙚𝙣 𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨
    ↪ Moss | x000
    ↪ Feathers | x000
    ↪ Sticks | x000
    ↪ Brambles | x000

    𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙝-𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙋𝙞𝙡𝙚
    ↪ Common minnows | x004 | 004 servings | 1
    ↪ Wood mice | x003 | 003 servings | 1
    ↪ Red squirrels | x003 | 003 servings | 2
    ↪ Stoat | x001 | 002 servings | 2
    ↪ Red-tailed hawks | x001 | 003 servings | 3
    ↪ Mountain hare | x002 | 006 servings | 3

    【The Cats】 wrote:𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨
    ↪ RiverSpray | ClearPaw | 3 | Balance, stealth, fighting.
    ↪ QuailScratch | BurnetPaw | 5 | Herb identification, dose,
    herb storage, basic fight, basic hunt.
    ↪ Glaciershadow | Apollo | 0 | Moves.
    ↪ Alois | Persephone | 0 | Moves.
    ↪ Beesting | Ares | 0 | Moves.
    ↪ Fennelwhisker | Artemis | 0 | Moves.
    ↪ Dapplesplash | Mountainpaw | 3 | Fishing, swimming,
    ↪ Minnowstripe | Ridgepaw | 3 | Fishing, swimming,
    ↪ Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves.

    𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙
    ↪ Cat Name | Cause of Death | Resting place
    ↪ Cat Name | Cause of Death | Resting place

    𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨
    Family doc
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LostClan | 008

Postby recognize » Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:41 am




Leader (1/1)
Silentstar | 35 moons | Female |
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Deputy (1/1)
Maplewhisker | 42 moons | Female |

Medicine Cat (1/2)
Hazelleaf | 51 moons | Female |
Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

Warriors (3/20)
Lionshade | 39 moons | Female |
Swiftflame | 45 moons | Female |
Blackwhisker | 41 moons | Male |

Apprentices (1/10)
Patchpaw | 11 moons | Male |

Queens (1/10)
Wolffang | 39 moons | Female |

Tigerkit | 4 moons | Female |
Dawnkit | 2 moons | Female |
Cinnamonkit | 2 moons | Male |

Elders (0/5)
Name | Age | Gender | ✧
★ cat count: 11 lostclan
↳ 8 female
↳ 3 male

★ servings: 3
★ starclan visit: 6.19
★ den decay: 4
★ pebbles: 9

★ queens due
↳ wolffang, 2 posts

★ in need of healing
↳ none

★ moderator
↳ imp.
★ mod notes
↳ none

Actions Log
★ consumption
↳ 1x rabbit
↳ 1x small fish

★ hunting patrol 1
↳ blackwhisker

★ hunting patrol 2
↳ maplewhisker

★ border patrol
↳ swiftflame

★ training
↳ lionshade & patchpaw

★ herb gathering
↳ hazelleaf

★ supply gathering
↳ none this post

★ starclan visit
↳ none this post

★ kitting
↳ none this post
Other Clans
★ alliesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
↳ clan, username
↳ clan, username

★ enemies
↳ clan, username
↳ clan, username

★ borders
↳ north, clan, username
↳ east, clan, username
↳ south, clan, username
↳ west, clan, username

★ medicinexxxxxxxxxxxxx
↳ 0 chervil
↳ 0 cobwebs
↳ 0 poppy seeds
↳ 0 goldenrod
↳ 0 dock
↳ 2 borage
↳ 2 catmint

★ den supply
↳ 2 brambles
↳ 1 rocks
↳ 0 leaves
↳ 0 feathers
↳ 0 moss
↳ 0 sticks

★ fresh-kill
↳ 0 mice [1]
↳ 1 rabbit [2]
↳ 0 squirrel [2]
↳ 1 small fish [2]
↳ 0 birds [3]

★ mentorships
↳ lionshade & patchpaw
2, hunting & fighting

★ deceased
↳ cat, cause of death

★ family
↳ unknown x unknown
maplewhisker, swiftflame

↳ unknown x lionshade

↳ unknown x blackwhisker
dawnkit, cinnamonkit

↳ unknown x wolffang
Last edited by recognize on Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:39 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:00 am

    Season: New-Leaf
    Weather: The snow has melted and prey is abundant now. Your patrol might run into cats more often now as the days continue to warm and things come back to life.

    Announcement: If I made a mistake please don't be afraid to pm me!
    Please see the new changes found on the front page.
    There are two lists for herbs; one, two

| Moleclan | Lakeclan | Twistedclan | Twilightclan | Jaggedclan | Prairieclan | Larch's Advance | Lotusclan |

spasticjazzhands wrote:Image
The Clan consumes three magpies (9 servings).
Rainsong, Birchwhisker, Sunchaser, Ruststripe, and Stonefrost hunt.
Nightpelt, Thundercry, Willowbranch, Maplebreeze, Stormheart, and Starlingsky hunt.
Snowstorm, Claystream, Rushingflame, Flameleap, Valleyrunner, and Honeytail hunt.

Crowtalon, Minnowflash, Graybelly, Windcall, Patchnose, and Quietstep patrol borders.
Morningstar, Finchflight, Thistlefur, Petalfall, and Jaywhistle look for den materials.

Galalight hunts for herbs.

none this moon

All eligible apprentices train in Climbing.

Dovepaw attempts her warrior assessment. If she passes, she shall be named Dovestrike.
Rabbitkit -> Rabbitpaw | apprenticed to Rainsong
Deerkit -> Deerpaw | apprenticed to Birchwhisker
Squirrelkit -> Squirrelpaw | apprenticed to Ruststripe
Mousekit -> Mousepaw | apprenticed to Sunchaser
Shrewkit -> Shrewpaw | apprenticed to Morningstar

Graybelly and Minnowflash try for kits but do not become mates yet.

none this moon

finally back after some intense writer's block! added writing in last post
added some materials
changed patchstep's name to patchnose since i chose that name way before i decided on quietstep...whoops!
getting fun new coding soon
: )

    Hunting Patrols
    Rainsong, Birchwhisker, Sunchaser, Ruststripe, and Stonefrost caught three shrews and three mice.
    Nightpelt, Thundercry, Willowbranch, Maplebreeze, Stormheart, and Starlingsky caught three magpies and three shrews.
    Snowstorm, Claystream, Rushingflame, Flameleap, Valleyrunner, and Honeytail caught three squirrels, two magpies and two voles.

    Border Patrols
    Crowtalon, Minnowflash, Graybelly, Windcall, Patchnose, and Quietstep two kits that are siblings. They claim they are on an adventure but they really just got lost.

    Morningstar, Finchflight, Thistlefur, Petalfall, and Jaywhistle two twigs and clay.

    Herb Patrols
    Galalight finds two marigold and burnet.

    Softpaw, Tigerpaw, Cinderpaw and Riverpaw learn the climbing skill.

    Dovepaw passes her assessment and becomes a warrior!
    Rabbitkit, Deerkit, Squirrelkit, Mousekit and Shrewkit have all become apprentices! May they learn well from their mentors.

    Greybelly and Minnowflash were successful and Greybelly is now expecting! She is due in two moons.

noctem. wrote:𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐍
↳ lotusclan fasts for one moon.

↳ laerke leads valentin, silentash on a hunting mission.
↳ laerke leads valentin, silentash,

↳ laerke leads valentin, silentash,
↳ n/a

↳ swanlily searches for herbs.


    Lotusclan has one more fasting moon.

    Laerke, Valentin and Silentdash caught two martens and two salmons.

    Laerke, Calentin and Silentdash find nothing of note while on patrol. On their way back Silentdash slipped on some fresh mud and sprained their paw, they will need to rest for a moon.

    Laerke, Valentin and Silentdash find two feathers.

    Swanlily finds two silver vines.

    Mod Notes:
    Don't forget to add the stuff from last replies, like herbs and prey.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby ~Vincent-Valentine~ » Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:30 pm



The clan is surrounded by taiga to the north and east, mountains to the south, and snowy plains to the west. The camp is fairly large and can be expanded at any given time. The centerpiece where the leader, called the Dignitary, is a tall pine stump, and it is the place where they make announcements, giving apprentices their warrior names, etc. The dens are sized by how many cats are in it and what their ranks are. The personality of EvergreenClan is the fact that they are hard workers, and don't like giving up easily. This undying courage and bravery have been keeping the clan afloat in the dangerous environment such as the taiga. This follows into their reputation, mainly being reasonable when picking sides or choosing battles.


Dignitary: The leader of EvergreenClan
Dean: The deputy/next-in-line
Rook: The Dean's apprentice/next-in-line Dean
Herald: Medicine Cat
Neophyte: Herald's apprentice/next-in-line Herald
Paladin: Older warrior/More experience warrior
Partisan: Younger warrior/Less experienced warrior
Steward: Warrior apprentice
Kit: Kit (Same)
Dam: Queen/Mother of kits
Sire: Father of kits
Nurse: Den-mother/Keeps eye on Dams giving birth and feeding/Hunts for the clan when not doing their job
Matriarch: Elder/Retired from job


1) The Dignitary's word is the code and can be questioned, but not by opinion
2) If a Dean finds out an unworthy act from one of his Rooks, he can demote them to Steward.
3) Nurses must always have time to look after the nursery after they hunt for the clan.
4) The Dignitary picks out his Dean by how many Stewards they have apprenticed and how much experience they have.
5) Never neglect a kit in pain or dying, even it is not clan-blooded.
6) Solving conflicts with unnecessary violence is prohibited.
7) The care of a Matriarch is prioritized to be mandatory.
8) Matriarchs, Dams, Kits, and Stewards/Rooks/Neophytes with permission from the Dignitary eat first.
9) Report any suspicious activity to the Dignitary or the Dean immediately.
10) Any signs or omens that the Herald receives must be brought before the clan with permission from the Dignitary.
11) Protect your clan at all costs and avoid becoming an outsider.
12) Family matters and other private topics are to be handled by the Herald or the Dignitary.

Prey & Predators

-Artic Hare/Rabbit
-Wood Grouse
-Beaver (Only come in Newleaf and Greenleaf)
-Crossbill bird (Both European Red and White-Winged)
-Mole (If you can catch one)

-Bear (Rare in the pine forest)
-Beavers (Only come in Newleaf and Greenleaf)
-Owl/Snowy Owl
Last edited by ~Vincent-Valentine~ on Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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