unofficial kalon development event - PRIZES ROLLED

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Re: unofficial kalon development event - prompts up!

Postby Aey » Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:08 pm

username: Aey
prompt# 2
prompt: Where did your kalon grow up?


iola grew up in a small town that had more greenhouses than actual houses. The major source of income for most of the population was floriculture, or the cultivation of flowering plants. Flower Farmers! The few children that lived in the town were put to work after school, helping to fetch and carry when they were younger and learning more about pests and diseases, fertilizers and nutrients, pruning and cutting, splicing, breeding for color and shape, you name it. By the time she was 15, she was adept at the management and care of at least half of the species that the village grew. All of the children were covered in dirt and leaf litter at the end of each day, but iola generally left the greenhouses with small offcut flowers tucked into her hair, as well.


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iceypop's tickets [prompt two]

Postby 䏠xote » Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:48 pm

username: iceypopCS
prompt two

where did your kalons grow up?

    denki: denki grew up in the city, with his fathers and his sisters.

    fifa: fifa grew up on the federation starship halcyon, along with his dearest friend, thace. until the invasion of viotov by the federation, fifa had never seen organic life like plants or animals.

    nova: nova was raised on the planet viotov, a place where the sky is purple and the planet is covered in sentient plants.
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Re: unofficial kalon development event - update on page 10!

Postby sicknasty » Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:05 pm

    the prompt cutoff has been changed from midnight gmt to 10 am gmt, as it is more practical for me to judge and also seems to be a better timing for most of the participants.
    all prompts up to this post are valid and have been added to the spreadsheet!
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Re: unofficial kalon development event - update on page 10!

Postby mango marmalade,, » Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:54 am

username: mango marmalade,,
prompt #3
-doesn't really like strawberries?
-wants to be a vegetarian but can't because bacon
-was on the track team in college
-actually p fast
-when he was a kit, he was a lot kinder and more understanding
-a chill aethiest
-doesn't want to be known as gay
-has lowkey anxiety from when he still worked really hard to preserve his social status
-loves rej and glory but thinks lillie's dumb [his kids]
-hates reading too much
-is sick of space
-doesn't really like earth that much
-has a yorkie that traveled to earth with him
-really likes salad??
-wishes he could build a time machine but can't because it would freak humans out if he did
-hates the ocean
-doesn't like to wear socks [but he's okay with shoes]
-likes to climb trees
-wishes the entirety of nasa would just go die in a hole
-thinks that earth'll die any minute now
-has a lowkey country accent??
-gets triggered a lot
-can't end a fight without frikken k.o'ing the other guy
-gives away all of his prize money to homeless shelters
-loves to eat apples with honey
-despises coconut [says it tastes like poison to him]
-a rly pure dude
-is super kind to people who need help [is kinda like robin hood]
-hates receiving help because it means he owes someone something
-is v responsible and helps raise grandie's kid since he's always out partying
-knows she's snobby but doesn't try to change anything
-loves strawberries, unlike grandie
-also loves going to parties
-approves of underage drinking
-hates school and frequently skips it
-wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up
-hates all breeds of dogs-but cats are all amazing
-has a cat named princess death metal killer
-favorite color is actually black but pink is okay too
-wants to own a pet salamander but doesn't think grandeur would approve

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Re: unofficial kalon development event - update on page 10!

Postby Graceymc96 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:38 am

username: Graceymc96
prompt #3
Incarse facts!
•His childhood was kind of rough so he hung with a bad crowd
•His best friend when he was younger was a mouse that he named Tom
•He basically raised himself because he was supposed to be living with his grandfather, who didn't care too much
•His shine is very noticeable when trying to pull off gang activities, so he has a custom black cloth bag that he ties over the end of his tail
•His middle name is Ephesus, he doesn't like his last name so he just uses his middle as his last
•He seems hard and intimidating but he is really sweet to those he trusts. He knows it sounds super cliche but he really cares about his friends because they're his family, he just doesn't like many other people (besides kids)
•His gang doesn't pull off stuff that usually hurts people, they're more like a bunch of robin hoods that steal money from the rich. Lots of money.
•Secretly, he wants to get out of gang stuff because he thinks that he would be better off without worrying about police and things all the time and actually making a legal living, but he doesn't know how because this is all he had ever known and he doesn't want to leave his members
•He's looking for someone to mentor to take his place, but it's hard to find a nice person who also wants to steal money.
•He really wants to settle down and have kids one day, that's one of his major goals.
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Re: unofficial kalon development event - prompts up!

Postby .Ginger. » Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:47 am

username: .Ginger.
prompt# 3
prompt: Write 10 bullet points of trivia about your kal.

~ Likes playing with bubbles
~ Loves whipped cream
~ Patient
~ Doesn't mind playing 'dress-up'
~ Empathetic
~ Enjoys nipping at other doggie kalons' ankles to play
~ A bit clumsy
~ Adventurous
~ Let's kits pull her ears
~ Loves her plush goose

~ Futuristic, space AU.
~ Her duty is to live amongst the stars and protect her galaxy from harm.
~ Strong/Courageous
~ Plays hard-to-get
~ Socially awkward
~ Doesn't know much about her past
~ Has to fufill her legend
~ Has a glowing charm neckalace that grants wishes
~ Someone would ask her, "Are you Cirius?". Not using her head, she would forgetfully reply with, "Serious about what?".
~ Often times wears a cloak

~ Often times serious with their work.
~ Likes to read newspaper
~ Drinks coffee
~ Always carries a magnifying glass
~ Prideful
~ Occasionally cracks a joke to break the ice, but it's usually really cheesy
~ Detective/FBI
~ Writes in a journal on their spare time
~ Non-binary(?)
~ Has a crush at their work, but is too nervous to approach her
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Re: unofficial kalon development event - update on page 10!

Postby cocogerber13 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:54 am

username: cocogerber13
prompt# 3
prompt: Sebastian

- has a dream to create his own musical someday as well as participating in one
- really REALLY likes hot chocolate
- has always gone to small schools per his request, since he is pretty shy
- despite wanting to play instruments, he is extremely tone deaf when it comes down to it
- he is a very good singer no matter what he tries to do with his voice, but will never perform in front of others due to his insecurity of the act
- he once fell asleep on a large school's stage right before a musical because he volunteered to help set up the props
- there is a tiny bird that likes to hang out by the window next to his bed and Bass feels responsible for feeding it treats sometimes
- really enjoys roller coasters but needs to keep his eyes shut the entire time
- doesn't tend to talk about his personal life, but has very good family and friends
- is very good with children though he has very few chances to see them with his schooling and music
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Re: unofficial kalon development event - update on page 10!

Postby Epiale » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:03 am

Username: Epiale
Prompt 3
Write 10 bullet points of trivia about your kal!

    Tilly -
      1.) Tilly has a deep, unending love of coffee in all its forms. Everything from icy sugary frappes to the darkest espresso, she loves it all, and makes a point to try the coffee wherever she goes.
      2.) She's an avid lucid dreamer and constructs beautiful, strange fantasy worlds to play in each night.
      3.) She runs a small shop specializing in handmade goods, particularly candles and soaps made by herself and a select few other local artisans.
      4.) Tilly specializes in candle making, and is well known for creating unique floral scents.
      5.) She's also known to make cold form soaps. They aren't fancy, but they smell wonderful, and leave both skin and fur incredibly soft.
      6.) She lives in a small, cozy apartment above her shop in the heart of the city. It's tiny, but perfect for her, and she gets to wake up to the heavenly smell of her favorite diner just down the street making bacon and eggs.
      7.) She's actually an awful cook, and half her kitchen is just various different coffee equipment. She considers herself lucky she's able to afford meals from the health restaurant down the road.
      8.) She has a small bear she sleeps with at night she's had since she was a child. His name is Snuffles.
      9.) She makes it a point to go on a walk through the park every evening to get some exercise and fresh air.
      10.) She's got a fondness for bitter flavors, and honestly isn't too big on sweets.

    Dante -
      1.) Dante's favorite pizza topping is triple pepperoni and bacon with spinach. He lives off a diet almost entirely consisting of pizza.
      2.) He's thin but huge for a kalon, and fairly strong. He looks a lot more fierce than he is, and due to this and his lifestyle he's accidentally developed a completely inaccurate reputation as being the strongest gang leader in the city.
      3.) He doesn't belong to an actual gang but does spend almost all of his time with his main group of friends. They're incredibly close, having grown up together, and he's incredibly loyal to them.
      4.) He's a massive fan of horror movies and dreams of making his own. He and his friends spend their days off trying to make one of their own. He isn't good at it, but they all have a lot of fun.
      5.) His actual job is pizza delivery. It doesn't pay a lot but his boss appreciates a guy who can deliver to the shadier parts of town without getting jumped, and Dante gets a free pizza every work day on the house.
      6.) Dante is deeply socially awkward, and very very quiet. It makes him seem cold, but he's honestly just nervous.
      7.) He badly wants a pet, but is allergic to pretty much everything. He has one beta fish he takes incredibly good care of living in a rather large, well kept tank. It's name is Freddy.
      8.) He's been trying to find a significant other for a while, but gets so nervous trying to ask anyone out he nearly faints. He also has a hard time finding people he likes in the first place.
      9.) Dante was raised by a single mom with a few siblings. He considers his childhood a happy one, and still visits his family often.
      10.) Dante has a movie collection that takes up three whole walls of his bedroom. He remembers a crazy amount of detail about most all of them.

    Agni -
      1.) Agni actually grew up out in the country and only moved to the suburbs just outside the city in his late teens. He took to it instantly, a natural extrovert overjoyed at finally being surrounded by people, and quickly earned a reputation of being a pretty nice guy who can host some awesome parties.
      2.) He's a bit of a party animal, and seems to need to be surrounded by people. He's pretty good at keeping things from getting out of hand, but his place is pretty much always a wreck because of the constant guests.
      3.) He has a massive appetite and it's something of a mystery to most people how he doesn't balloon like crazy.
      4.) He actually works out quite a bit, and keeps a tight gym schedule.
      5.) He works as a delivery boy of sorts, mostly dropping off and driving around unmarked packages. It's unclear if he realizes he's working for the local mafia, but most people would like to think he's not so dumb he doesn't see how fishy it all is.
      6.) He's generally an incredibly calm and amicable guy, but when pushed too hard has a frightening temper. It lights up hard and fast, most often resulting in short but incredibly intense outbursts. Thankfully it's rare anything sets him off, to the point most of his friends argue his supposed temper is just a rumor.
      7.) He has a love of clashing colors and most of his decor is a bit blinding to look at.
      8.) He loves animals and would love to have a pet, but knows he wouldn't take care of one properly. He makes due with lavishing attention on any animal that will let him.
      9.) He once ate an entire sheet cake at a party on a dare. He's incredibly proud of the fact he didn't puke.
      10.) He's honestly a lonely soul, and would love to find a partner. It takes him a long time to grow to like someone romantically, though, and the only kal he ever got to the point of asking out turned him down.

    Gregory -
      1.) Gregory has quite a few weird blank spots in his memory. He doesn't remember much of any of his childhood, and what he does remember is vague, more sound and feelings and light than anything concrete.
      2.) He first clearly remembered when he woke up in a physicians office, apparently dragged there when an older kal found him unconscious in the woods.
      3.) He first sought out his tutor, Llucid, because of their reputation as a powerful witch. He stuck around primarily because something about them was... familiar.
      4.) He's taken an interest in darker magic, particularly spells and hexes preformed through sigils, and necromancy.
      5.) He hides a lot of his magic practices, genuinely not wanting to upset Llucid. He knows they wouldn't be mad per se but he doesn't want to see them cry either.
      6.) He's honestly not a bad person, but finds it hard to connect with or open himself up to anyone.
      7.) He's a very good student, despite his sarcasm, and is actually fairly smart, able to pick up on and memorize things rapidly.
      8.) He's incredibly rude with most other men, but gentle and courteous with most women, though painfully awkward. This tendency alone makes most think he probably hailed from a family in the south where gender roles tend to be more strict.
      9.) He honestly doesn't eat much, "eating to live instead of living to eat", but has a massive weakness for apple pies.
      10.) While his need to look cool prevents him from expressing it publicly he actually cares quite a bit about holidays, and gets depressed if he feels he can't celebrate properly. He isn't too cheerful around family centric holidays.

(Epiales prompts can all be found linked HERE)
Last edited by Epiale on Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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Re: unofficial kalon development event - update on page 10!

Postby Unleashed Squiid » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:41 am

Unleashed Squid wrote:username: Unleashed Squid
prompt 3

1. She adores small mammals (squirrels, hedgehogs, rabbits, etc.)
2. She tries to find time every single day to take a walk in the forest
3. Her favorite time of day is sunset
4. She enjoys painting and has slowly gotten better at it
5. Her parents didn't know what her name meant, they just liked the sound
6. She loves reading historical fiction and wondering about the past
7. She has a pet Tod
8. She bakes her elderly neighbor cookies each Saturday and they enjoy tea together
9. Meraki has a gorgeous garden with a fish pond
10. She is afraid of toads.

1. Tsunami is a nurse.
2. She is also mute.
3. Her only sibling died when she was twelve.
4. Tsunami lives in the 13th century so others baffle at an educated woman.
5. Tsunami likes reading poetry.
6. She has a kind and gentle mind and could not hurt a fly unless she was trying to save it.
7. She lives in the Middle East--The Islamic Empire--though she herself is not of that Culture
8. She often wonders about life, and can spend hours alone in her room just thinking
9. Tsunami swims a lot at her friend's home.
10. Though it embarrasses her, she is a good dancer.

1. Tuskin grew up by a trading port.
2. He loves birds and the smell of Salt.
3. Tuskin keeps a journal of all of his travels.
4. He explores uncharted lands and seas in the Americas, famously on an adventure similar to Lewis and Clarks'
5. He discovered a species of mouse and named it after both himself and his home town.
6. Tuskin, though extroverted, likes being alone.
7. He has an odd attachment to gold.
8. Tuskin is quite serious. He dislikes his team goofing around.
9. He believes in dream symbolism.
10. He meets a Native Tribe and befriends them.

1. Aero is an only child but he's always wanted a sibling.
2. He is wildly interested in storytelling and always will share his travels as well as memorized fiction with others.
3. Aero is a trader who travels around the city selling and buying goods.
4. Aero has a crush on Tsunami.
5. He is quite popular and has numerous friends and allies from his trade.
6. Aero loves to lucid dream.
7. Aero wonders if there are aliens. He likes to use his friend's telescope and stare at the sky.
8. He once spoke directly to the king, and was shaking the entire time. The king found him charming, but too energetic for his own tastes.
9. Aero can accidentally be manipulative though he would never use that skill. He has lots of charisma but also has a heart of gold.
10. Aero frequently visits his parents. He loves their company.
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Re: unofficial kalon development event - prompts up!

Postby SilentMelody » Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:11 am

    username: silentmelody || prompt3 || prompt: write 10 bullet points of trivia about your kal!

    - noelani means "mist of heaven" in hawaiian!! but she doesn't like pineapples or mangoes.
    - her favorite food/drink is a mint shake, and mint green is also her favorite color.
    - noelani is a second-generation baker and still works at the same bakery as her father.
    - she has a daughter, but she doesn't keep in contact with the mother or the other sibling.
    - unlike her father's berry fascination, noelani creates chocolatey and minty treats.
    - she used to play tricks on customers as a child by stealing food from right under their noses!
    - as a child, she made friends with stray animals and still sneaks them treats when she can.
    - she never went to school and was homeschooled (but very rarely learned anything).
    - noelani doesn't mind settling down with someone, and she could even care less about love.
    - she doesn't plan on getting married or having kits again, but perhaps when the right kal comes along, she'll change her mind.

    just going to post for noelani on this prompt ;u;

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