Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby persona » Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:27 am

Writing Prompt!
Username: persona
Clan Thread: SkyClan
Prompt Writing:

"The others haven't had a dream from StarClan since the original prophecy, and they think there's an actual cat behind this," Acornstar starts off, "We think the only other explanation for this .. disturbance.. is if someone is messing with the Dark Forest's energy and playing with forces we don't understand."

The Clan erupted in murmurs, everyone glancing at their sitting partner and talking to them. This was unheard of! Manipulating the Dark Forest to do your bidding? How was that even possible? If it's true, there's no way they'll be able to stop it.

Acornstar let the others chitter between themselves for there really was nothing he could say to ease their worries. StarClan hasn't decided it was urgent enough to show up in someone's dream, and the medicine cats don't go to the Lake for another couple days. He glanced over at Mooncaller who was just visible in the corner of his eye, hoping he could say something.

Mooncaller leaned forward onto his front paws, shoulders raising up near his face, and sighed. He was pretty worn down from the stress of StarClan potentially not coming to him before the Dark Sky, and the fact there might be a hidden time limit. He wanted to go now, but StarClan wouldn't answer until the sky was dark (he knew from personal experience).

Despite that, he opened his mouth and said loudly enough to echo across the camp: "Does anyone know someone who might have a grudge against us or Hecate's group? Anyone at all; clan or otherwise."

Almost immediately did the noise die down. And then, silence. Of course, no one in their right mind would say something in public, especially if this cat is allegedly acting with the Dark Forest, so Mooncaller added on, "If you know of someone, please come to my den some time in the next couple days, or to Acorn or Cinder, and tell us."

It was almost visible how quickly Mooncaller retreated into himself after that; Acornstar knew he was painfully shy and hated attention, and it kinda hurt him to see his trusted friend like that. He sent a smile Moon's way to show his gratitude and then faced the clan again.

"We'll be setting more patrols, if everyone else agrees to it." Well, not really. They're going to be amped up regardless, but knowing who doesn't want to do it and would rather stick to regular patrols will be helpful so no one slacks off. "If you have any differing opinions; please come to me privately and I will gladly talk about it."

Honestly, who could be behind this? Anyone with ill feelings could say Orion for he's rogue born and raised, but it's not like anyone would believe that (Orion's been nothing but trying to heal for his whole time in SkyClan, accusing him of that would be downright rude and immoral.) There have been no recent rogue skirmishes, only human children ones, so if it's a loner their presence is unknown to SkyClan; but if it's an insider, they're doing an amazing job keeping it a secret. Most would assume it's either: loner or someone from Hecate's group, and honestly, Acornstar had to lean into the unspoken theory of Hecate's Group. Who else?

(StarClan save us.)
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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby Trickz » Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:21 pm

Writing Prompt!
Username: ThunderCry04
Clan Thread: TideClan
Prompt Writing: Click
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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby emblo » Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:23 pm

    Writing Prompt!
    Username: emblo
    Clan Thread: adderclan
    Prompt Writing: 432 words
      the small group of cats once more returned to camp far more baffled than how they left. krait and arugula remained silent, preoccupied with their own mess of theories, as anchovy relayed the information to wasabi, who had stayed behind to look over the clan's single kit. minnow returned to rub himself against the healer's front paws, looking up towards her expectantly as she spoke. he was trying to understand, but the more effort he put into this, the more confused he grew. nonetheless, he was eavesdropping on every word that was spoken. suddenly, he lifted his head, jumping up on the calico and impatiently waiting until she fell quiet.

      "if someone's strirrin them up, then i can do that too! i'll get them to help me stop the cat." his voice was frantic, excited even. the kit truly believed that he had solved the entire ordeal. minnow's attention remained firmly on anchovy, awaiting her sure approval. it took her a moment to finally look down to him, her eyes holding an uncharacteristic sadness to them that the tom wasn't used to seeing. he instantly knew that something he had said was bad. she shook her head slowly, gently pushing the kit back to all fours.

      "no, hun, that's not how it works. it's dangerous. it's...not possible." there was a hell of a lot more wrong with it than the apparent danger, but it wasn't something that the healer wanted to speak in depth about, especially to this young feline that she had partially raised. she emitted a sigh, returning her attention to the others. minnow seemed dejected, and anchovy wanted to remove him from the whole situation, but she knew that he was getting older. he was almost an apprentice, he needed to learn.

      krait looked to him, then turned his attention to the group as a whole. "we will figure this out. more patrols will be needed, and we must be careful. whoever is behind this has taken extreme measures, i doubt that they will stop there." something in the tom suspected the oracle, a gut feeling, but it would require more evidence than a gut feeling to make any accusations. he was the one who spoke to the ancestors, and his demeanor throughout the entire ordeal carried a strange aura. while krait didn't trust hecate or the others either, they appeared genuinely concerned about finding these answers. oracle was...different, somehow. still, the tom could not fathom why he would wish to destroy his own clan in the process. "those on patrol, we will leave soon. i'll be coming along."
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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby Neah » Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:00 pm

The fourth writing prompt is now closed. The art prompt will stay open for the rest of the event.
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Prompt 5

Postby Neah » Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:00 pm

»»———— • ————««

After a few days of tense silence, both groups expecting the worst, you get your answer. Or a sort of one, anyway. Never one for straightforwardness, it comes in the form of a dream, like the first, with just as many questions in its wake. Your healer wakes you with enthusiasm that even the most optimistic of your clan had slowly curbed the longer you went without a word from anything, everyone grim in the face of the increase of underwater territory.

You healer had laid the dream out in front of you, eyes shining as they explained what they saw and what they think it meant. You don't think you can find the same solace in it, but at least it's something to work with. Your healer says they can't think of who it means at the moment, and that perhaps you should talk to the rogues in case they did.

Which is how you find yourself slipping, this time alone, into the rogues temporary camp. You're spotted immediately by Etna, who you assume is on high alert in the unfamiliar area. He waves his tail at you in acknowledgment before turning and making his way to most likely alert Hecate of your presence.

You're proven right when he comes back into view not long after with her on his heels, their height difference as startling as ever. Etna breaks off from her as she nears you to attend to his own duties and she makes the rest of the short trip on her own, coming to stand in front of you. You can't help but note that she seems a bit jumpy, fur fluffed a bit and ears almost constantly swiveling to take note of the surroundings. It's a strange change in demeanor, but you chalk it up to the fact that you're all on edge. She gives you a questioning look when she finally focuses on you, and it's all the prompting you need to tell her why you're there.

"Our healer had a dream. They seem sure it's trying to tell us who we're looking for but couldn't think of what cat it could be referring to, so they asked me to relay it to you." Hecate flicks her tail, clearly not interested in the why, so you move on, "They said they saw a spider spinning an intricate web, with a cat pulling at one end of it, working with it like they were making something, and at the last second a second cat coming in and snapping the thread with its teeth." This clearly catches the small leaders interest, stilling her twitching for the moment. "They think it means three separate cats, one creating something, which is the spider, one making it which was the first cat, and one either ending or breaking it, which is the second one. They don't know if it means that we're looking for three cats who are behind this, or if it's one, and the connection between the three is something important. Do you have any idea who it could be talking about?"

Hecate frowns is what, at first, you assume is confusion. But something flickers in her eyes before she can mask it and you can't help but pounce on it, leaning closer. "What? does something sound familiar."

She hesitates, clearly torn between keeping it to herself and telling you, and you nearly remind her that you're supposed to be working together when she sighs, posture slumping. "The city we came from. There was a trio of sisters we called the spider sisters, as silly as that sounds. They were... odd. A little unhinged even for city cats. We didn't have much to do with them, and they didn't much like us so we kept away from each other. I don't know what they would have to do with this, though. The city is a far ways off and last I checked at least two of them were dead. It's gotta be about something else we just don't see yet."

She doesn't seem sure of herself, but you reason that it would be ridiculous for cats you didn't even know were still alive had anything to do with this, not over petty squabbles from long ago in a place so distant. She's probably right, and it's just a coincidence that it lines up. Besides, wouldn't she recognize another cat from where they were from hanging around? "You're probably right. We'll figure it out. At least we have somewhere to start now."

Hecate gives you an uncertain nod, "If that's all you have, for now, I have matters to attend to. I'll make sure word gets around to my cats what we're looking for. Maybe one of them will find something. You know the way out?"

You agree, taking her last question as the dismissal it is. You spot Pan and Apollo lounging together as you make your way back to the entrance, the blue tom cleaning the other's ears, and offer them a wave of the tail. Pan happily returns it, paired with a wink from Apollo over his head that almost has you flushing. You shake it off and are nearly free of the camp when what you can only call some sort of yowl startles you into swinging around. It takes you a second to place it, but when you do you can't bring yourself to do more than blink in surprise. Nike, grown now as Etna had said, is facing some cat you don't recognize, positively snarling with her fur puffed out twice her size; intimidating on an already large cat.

You tune in just in time to hear her hissing, voice pitched in anger, "And you're a harebrained, useless waste of a healer! A fox could do a better job!"

Startled, you move closer, surprised to find blood speckling Nike's pelt. Perhaps she'd gotten into a fight? Etna had said she'd been acting out. Then her words strike you, taking time to process due to the vitriol in them; she had called this cat a healer. Pan had used it days ago, to your confusion, and here it was again. But this time, it was clearly aimed at someone who wasn't the Oracle.

You glance around, looking for someone who's going to step in but everyone around seems to be ignoring the spat, clearly used to them. Huffing you make your way closer; may as well fall to you. "Nike is everything alright?"

Both cats swing on you, and you take the opportunity to observe the stranger. She's got a striking coat, just as dark in places as it is bright in others. Her ears and eyes seem a little too big to her head and her face is angular, body matching with a slim frame and almost twig-like legs. It's all brought together by a large scar, cutting its way across her face and through one of her eyes, clearly blinding it in the process. You can't help but think it adds to the fact that she looks a little unstable, body twitchy and her working eye not sticking to one place longer than a moment.

She bares her teeth at you and you can't help but step back in surprise. "Mind your own business clan cat. This insubordinate whelp has nothing to do with you."

"I'm just making sure everyone's alright. She's clearly been into something if she's bleeding."

"Which is none of your business either! I'm their healer, not you, so do us all the favor and get lost, preferably back to where you came from."

You can only stare in shock, not sure what to do with the hostile she-cat. You note, distantly, that at least you had given Nike the chance to slink away, probably to lick her own wounds, so it wasn't a total loss. Shrugging with discomfort, you back off and make a quick exit, not wanting to stir the healer up further. You understand, suddenly, why Hecate hadn't wanted you to know that the prophecy had come from her. You most certainly wouldn't have believed it if you had been told she was the source before the earthquakes had started.

The rest of your journey home is filled with thoughts of spiders, floods, and the strange she-cat who seemed just weird enough to be unable to shake from your mind.

»»———— • ————««

Prompt 5: With this new information, surely you must have your suspicions as to who the culprit is. Do you still think it's one of yours? Or is it someone the rogues may know? What could be their motives, anyways? Clearly, everything's not as straightforward as it seemed. Tell me, does your leader still trust the rogues after this reveal, or are they starting to doubt your cooperation?

Art Prompt 5: A new character this time around. Draw me either what you think this new mysterious healer looks like, or draw the imagery of this new dream.

Hecate | Etna | Nike

»»———— • ————««

End Date: This writing prompt closes at 11:59 pm EST on the 20th. The art prompt does not close.

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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby wolfpack12 » Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:09 am

Writing Prompt!
Username: wolfpack12
Clan Thread: Crescentclan
Prompt Writing: [598/600]


That was all the she-cat felt as she made her way back to camp.

She just wanted to hit her head against something and scream at the top of her lungs. Just to get the anger out of her system. With a heavy sigh, the tortoiseshell plopped herself down next to a puddle. Green eyes stared back at her from her reflection in the water, as if it were silently judging her.

The truth was, she didn't know what to do or think anymore. It was as if someone had thrown her into a hole with no way out and refused to other her assistance. That was how helpless she felt. The she-cat was even beginning to doubt Hecate's truthfulness and honesty. What if Tigerblaze was right, and this was some sort of huge trap waiting to snap shut on them?

No. Hecate wouldn't lie to her... or would she?

Closing her eyes, the tortoiseshell thought back to her last interactions with Hecate. She seemed honest, even from the start. But there were times where it looked like she knew more than what she was willing to share. Was she hiding something?

Dawnstar wanted to trust Hecate, she truly did. But she was now beginning to hesitate on whether or not to believe the other she-cat. Especially now that darker forces were at play. What if she had a part in it?

When it came to suspects, Oracle, was the leading one. At least, from Mistflight's point of view. Due to the tom being more mysterious than the rest of his group. Even Dawnstar, herself, had considered him being a suspect in this giant mess. She did know very little about him compared to the others after all. But as to why he would do something like this, she had nothing.

Thistle and Leopardclaw's father, were another pair of suspects. But neither to her knowledge had shown any signs of being interested in messing with evil spirits. In fact, both had made it quite clear that they didn't believe in either Starclan or the Dark forest. Therefore, Dawnstar was fairly certain they weren't behind this.

With a frustrated snarl, the she-cat slashed at the puddle. Only to catch a glimpse of something once the rippling stopped. Upon glancing up, she spotted what she had seen in the pond.

A spider's web.

"...trio of sisters we called the spider sisters, as silly as that sounds..."

Hecate's words came floating back to her. What was it that Hecate described them as? Odd and a little... unhinged.

"...two of them were dead..."

But what happened to the third sister?

An image of Hecate's new healer suddenly appeared before her. Looking just as twitchy and unstable as ever. She was then reminded of Janus's unfortunate fate.

"We don't know what happened"

Could their new healer of had something to do with his death?

She didn't have all of the pieces, but a new growing suspicion was beginning to dawn on her. Now that she thought about it, the new healers appearance did remind her a little bit of a spider. The twitchy she-cat's aggressive remarks were still fresh in her mind. What if this she-cat was the one responsible for the upcoming danger? She certainly had the attitude for it. But why? What was her motive? Revenge?

Was there more to the city cats relationship with the spider sisters than what Hecate is telling her?

She wasn't entirely sure.

But there was definitely something more to both this new healer and prophecy than what meets the eye.

And it worried her.
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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby clouds-move-on » Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:19 am

Writing Prompt!
Username: ☁Lady Raincloud☁
Clan Thread: Lighthouse
Prompt Writing:

Edgewalker hardly spoke to anyone about the meeting. He reached the camp and went to lay down to rest, hoping sleep would bring some solace, and that when he woke, he could come up with some plan of action.

In his dreams, however, the image of that striking, stick-legged cat, covered in spider webs and whispering in a frighteningly grandma-ish tone, "Honey, You've got a big storm comin'.", While rain pelted down on her, soon sending both himself and her tumbling into the choking flood waters. He awoke with a start to find himself perfectly dry, and Snowberry sitting over him, staring down at her mate in confusion.

"I heard you mumbling while I was walking in..." She muttered, laying down besides him as he sat up, and stretching out her legs as she continued. "Dreams troubling you?"

"I went to meet with the rogues." Edgewalker huffed. Snowberry titled her head to the side and arched her brow as he meowed next.

"I'm beginning to regret that we've decided to ally ourselves to them."

"Can't go back now." His mate responded in a dismal tone, licking a paw and drawing it over her ears. "You've already said no to them once and changed your mind. Doing it again would seem like you were too wishywashy."

"I want to be cautious." He growled in response, standing up and pacing the den. "You know- I suspect they lied to us. About who received their so called sign- it wasn't the oracle."

"You mentioned that yes." Snowberry mewled, laying her head down and giving him a squinty, skeptical look. "...I know Crowface suspects as much as well from the way he talked last meeting...and yet- why do you think so?"

"One of theirs said it was their healer, and I've met said healer today. Doesn't look like she's been on her rocker for years."

"Honey, do any of the healers we know act normal?" Snowberry purred in a comforting manner. She rolled back up to her paws and rubbed against her mate, slowly reaching a paw to his head in motion for him to lower it. He complied moodily, letting the smaller cat wash his ears for him as he brooded. In between licks she commented. "Look at Crimsonsparrow and Chickenpoppy... just this morning claiming of dreams and signs. Emberbright and the rogue's legends and tales getting to their heads."

"Sometimes dreams mean things." Edgewalker said in a matter of fact tone. "...I usually trust Crimsonsparrow's judgment, at least. But this cat... I hardly know Hecate's group, and I've never met this one. As it was I barely trusted the Oracle's judgment, and many of Lighthouse agrees with me!"

The two talked back and forth and groomed for a few more minutes- he spoke of the spider sisters, and they tried to theorize who could be the cause, if not just nature itself. Eventually letting their talk drift away into clan news. It began to rain outside again- as it got harder, Edgewalker heard the hurried paw steps of his two sons and daughter scarmble into the den, soon weaving themselves round and round their parents legs before snuggling up against Snowberry.

It remained in this peaceful state, and Edgewalker began to drift to sleep again, before Ashclover's voice woke him up.

He hurried outside to talk to him; though the rain was still pelting down, he didn't want his mate and kits to wake up.

"Another patrol was caught." Ashclover said hurriedly.

"Ginger didn't make it."
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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby Elliad. » Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:47 am

Writing Prompt!
Username: Elliad.
Clan Thread: Thornclan
Prompt Writing:

Thistlestar slowly walked back to the clan, lowering his eyes to the ground as he thought about what Hecate had told him about the spiders. “Was it really not one of us?” the tom cat whispered to the wind that rushed past him. “I probably owe Hawkthorn an apology if that’s the case, but can he really not be involved?”

The tom took a moment to find a tree with a high vantage point, jumping up to keep himself away from danger while giving himself a moment to think about what he has found out. “If it was three cats, it could mean that he is conversing with Duskstar and Cloudchaser; it would not be the first time he’s done this,” Thistlestar tried to rationalise his thoughts, come up with some solution to how it could not possibly be anyone but the three cats that have caused Thornclan the most trouble. However, no amount of rationalising could change the fact that Hecate seemed to think it was those cats from the city.

“Could it really be that simple? Three cats that had absolutely nothing to do with Thornclan? No, it’s always a traitor from Thornclan,” Thistlestar muttered before jumping down from the tree and trotting back to his clan, needing to talk to Briargrove or Hollowglare about this.

Thistlestar trotted into the camp, hitting his tail against the ground as he moved, ignoring the curious face of Robinsong who had met him at the entrance to the camp, ready to hear what had been discussed at the meeting with the rogue group. Instead, Thistlestar trotted straight to his den ignoring the cats that greeted him. “What if it’s Lyra who’s doing this?” Thistlestar announced as the she-cats that were napping looked up at him.

“Dear, it’s never Lyra,” Briargrove muttered, opting to return to sleep instead.

“No, let him rationalise. Why do you think it’s Lyra?” Hollowglare replied, watching the tom curiously.

“Hecate said it was three cats. So, what if Lyra is helping Duskstar and Cloudchaser because I took and raised the kits without her?” Thistlestar said in a manner that posed it as more of a question than a statement.

“Yes, love, the she-cat you met for a brief period many moons ago is back to enact revenge for keeping the kits she left behind for you,” Briargrove muttered, peaking an eye open from where she laid curled up against Hollowglare’s side.

“Okay, you’re right. This time, it probably isn’t Lyra.”

“Now, tell us about you talked about,” Hollowglare purred, patting her tail against the spot where they were laid.

Thistlestar padded over, lying against the she-cat as he recounted what he was told. “So, apparently they know a three she-cats called the spider sisters; that seems too much of a coincidence to be ignored, right? Hecate didn’t think it was them because they were far away and / or dead, but we know all about faking deaths. What if they aren’t dead? We saw Duskstar die and she’s alive and terrorising the clan. Hecate wouldn't lie about their deaths right? Would she?”

“I don’t know, Thistlestar, but you’ll figure it out, I know you will,” Hollowglare murmured quietly as she fell into a slumber.

So, Thistlestar was left alone with his thoughts, unknowing of what was to come as each day left him with more questions than answers and a threat that was moving closer. "I think she would," Thistlestar whispered as he joined his mates in rest.
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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby emblo » Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:00 am

    Writing Prompt!
    Username: emblo
    Clan Thread: adderclan
    Prompt Writing: 412 words
      a low, frustrated growl escaped the tom as he made his way back to camp, his posture slumped and his steps falling heavy. just when he thought that they had received a valuable piece of information, something that could possibly solve this entire puzzle, another layer of confusion is piled on. at least, he reminded himself, the dream had come from his own healer, one he trusted very well. but what did it mean? he still was not certain that the oracle's vision had been truthful. his thoughts were taken to the scrawny, unstable she-cat he had had the displeasure of running into. why would hecate keep such a worrisome cat in on her side? while he didn't think hecate was lying to him about the spider siblings, he did believe that she was withholding valuable information, something that could ruin the truths that they'd formed. he was missing something, that much was clear, but how was he going to find it?

      krait was so drawn into his thoughts that he almost didn't recognize the calico that was waiting for him. anchovy flicked her tail in greeting, falling into step beside her leader as he continued towards camp. she was silent, as was krait for several minutes, but they both knew that krait would explain when he found the words. he soon told her about hecate, the sisters, the healer, everything that she had not been there for. the she-cat have a small nod, formulating her own words. for once, she didn't have any input.

      "i speak for everyone when i say that we will trust your instinct." it was not what krait was looking for, he'd hoped that the healer would be able to see something that he hadn't.

      "we'll stay alert, keep up with patrols. hopefully something more will come forth." he paused, lowered his voice. "something is not right with that bunch, but i'm not sure if even hecate knows what's wrong." they'd reached the camp, and krait could feel the eyes of some of the other members focused on him, the concern evident in their hopeful gaze. the tom gave a curt shake of his head, signaling both that he hadn't found the answer and that he'd speak with them at another time. he hated that they had to endure this with him, but he was glad to know they were on his side. whoever was behind this, he was certain that it wasn't one of his own.
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Re: Rise Summer Event: Dark Skies | Path 4

Postby persona » Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:12 pm

Writing Prompt!
Username: persona
Clan Thread: SkyClan
Prompt Writing:

It was definitely not someone from SkyClan.

It was also seemingly too convenient that Hecate knew people who fit almost perfectly into the descriptions.

Acornstar definitely had a hunch that either a) those city cats are not as dead as previously thought or b) they have successors of some sort. No one with a name even relating to spiders existed in SkyClan, and these sisters definitely fit the bill for this dream. Urgh, this prophecy business sucked and was way too confusing. Too many hidden curtains and hidy holes for moles to rest in.

He took his time walking back to SkyClan's camp, taking in the scenery of blowing leaves, the pebbles pressing a bit too harshly into his pawpads, and how absolutely aggravating the wind was. Right into his face, as if mocking him for ticking off the healer. He struggled to breathe as the ice cold air forced his mouth and nose shut, and it suddenly reminded him of what drowning might feel like if they don't solve this prophecy thing.


They have to solve it together, for everyone's sake.

This weird little spat set Acornstar's trust on edge and as much as he'd like to tell Hecate's leader in no soft words to "chill the hell out and not insult me again", he knew he had to force himself to believe their cooperation would benefit everyone. He couldn't go around yelling at someone and drive a rift between SkyClan and the rogue group, because if the rogues were hiding secrets they would be 100 times less likely to admit or tell anything to them later on. Acornstar needed himself to be a pacifist as usual and not make hasty judgments calls.

But the rogues didn't make one when they didn't admit who their real? healer was; Acornstar definitely would've been put on edge if he had to meet with that cat at first, and he would've been hard pressed to want to be near such a hostile cat. He hates putting his clan near others who are a potential danger to them, and with the way this healer growled at him, he would've second guessed himself. But it doesn't matter, clearly, because no one had told him beforehand, so the rogues obviously (hopefully, even if this is wishful thinking) don't want him viewing that cat as their healer when they have others who are more competent/presentable.

Acornstar ruffled his fur as he passed around the mountain and turned with the ground to walk with his side against the ocean. He could breathe again without struggling, and any subtle visions of rising ocean levels vanished from his mind as he picked up the pace to shuffle through the camp entrance.

He was home now, and he could talk to Mooncaller or Cinderstep about what he experienced later. First: he's gonna rest.
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