Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

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Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Sixbane » Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:54 am


Event Prompts
Event main page
Hunter's Woods main page I Valley of kings main page
June 1st- June 15th

Prompts may be completed ONCE each day.

You do NOT have to consider the prompts and story of the event a 'canon' event in your group's timeline (Unless you want to) it is welcome to just be a sidestory/one off/ Alternate universe.


*All event prompts can be cashed in for experience when leveling. All prompts will award runestones

Prompts are measured in goals, and you can choose which amount to complete to, this will effect your reward. (Which will be tallied before the store opens.)
You CAN edit your prompt until rollover/when the next prompt is posted (so if you post it at a level one, you can edit it into a level 5 if you like.)
Level 1 prompt goal - 100 words or flat color halfbody drawing - Reward: 100 exp, 25 runestones

Level 2 prompt goal - 250 words or flat color fullbody drawing - Reward: 150 exp, 50 runestones

Level 3 prompt goal - 500 words or shaded fullbody drawing - Reward: 250 exp, 75 runestones

Level 4 prompt goal - 750 words or shaded fullbody with simple bg - Reward: 350 exp, 100 runestones

Level 5 prompt goal - 1000 words or shaded fullbody with complex bg - Reward: 500 exp, 150 runestones

Expanding prompt goal: For the final prompt, you can add 25 runestones for every 250 words you go over the level 5 (1000 word or art piece) limit. This is to help you earn whatever you're aiming for for the store! This has no upper limit, so write as much as you please. When notating, notate as level 5 +1, level 5 +2 , level 5 +3 (ect)


Prompt entry form
Code: Select all
[b]Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt:[/b]
[b]Link to their pride or group:[/b]
[b]Prompt level completion:[/b]

Current prompt

Prompts are over; Thank you!

Former prompts
[the story thus far]
The portal opens in the center of your groups home, calling out for a champion, a hero. A representative to fight an enemy beyond any they'd ever seen before. Who could ever make that call? Who answers the cry to action? Does the leader appoint someone, do they battle for the right as a warrior? Do they send the smart or the brave or the healers? What drives your group to make the choice they make and how does this hero rise to the occasion, if they rise at all? Do they fight their fate, or accept it?

You're here now, champion, and no matter what made you step through that portal, you've got a mission.

The heroes have all arrived, and the crowd is drawn to a hush as the last few of the portals close, having brought their accompaniment to the field. And finally, the goddess speaks. A glowing face appears in the knots of the giant tree to turn and address her visitors "Thank you... warriors... for heeding my call.." it says, a voice made of many voices, of something distant and far beyond. "I need your help to maintain the balance...for the army of death comes for us all.... great soldiers of rot and pain, and we cannot fight alone." Cats of many shapes, of many sizes step forward. Great lions and cats with their forms resonating in power- the guard for this goddess who stand tall at her defense, their eyes aglow with a mystical power. "I plea you will join us in our fight... we do not have much time..." The tree twists as its roots bend and twist, opening the way to deep tunnels, a path to a city below the tree itself, built among the curves of its roots. "Come with us." A new voice addresses its visitors. "Come with us and we will teach you how to fight this threat."

Your group has mere days to prepare to fight a new enemy, one that is unknown. Do they spend their time training for combat? Learning to help with medical needs? Learning about their foe? Or do they spend the time exploring, and studying the society? Who do they look to for guidance, and does the mounting pressure take a toll on them? What do they do in the calm before the storm in this place they have never explored?

Preparations made to the best of abilities, the cats among the tree have shown their values as soldiers. Patience among the restless grows thin, and the battle looms closely. Their first attack comes in the night, shaking the cats from their sleep as horns echo and bellow through the underground city. The strange denizens of this place are the first to arms, racing ahead to defend their home and the goddess who protects them.

On the ground level, is chaos as monstrosities made of wood and soil, oozing with dark mud and lifeless eyes as they lurch forward, claws of stone tearing up the soil. Coming in all shapes and sizes, the enemies of the goddess had arrived to show themselves. Though intimidating, somehow the defending party gets the idea that this is only a warning... a scouting party. A test.

How do your cats fare in this battle? Do they suffer any injuries or manage to sneak away unscathed? Are they the first to charge in, or weaving through the field to attack stealthily? Who do they team up with? What sort of fighters do they avoid? What foes do they choose to take on? Are they scared or angry? How do they regroup after the fight is over? Do they collapse where they stand? look for more battles and lash out? or flee as soon as possible?

After the battle, the goddess is only silent. Solemn, against the threat. Once the field is empty, there is a weary silence.

In the shadows of the first battle, there's a mixture of discomfort and victory, a strange muddlement of pride and fear that defines the mood around the tree as the soldiers lament the possibility of worse things to come. The rest of the night and morning goes in silence. But upon waking something reaches out. A strange feeling overcomes the heroes- the visitors as they go about their tasks in the city. Dragging them out of the city and the tree's guard...pulling them deeper to the fields and into the forests... luring them somewhere else. To something better. To something good. far as they know.

Who follows the strange impulse? The dragging will? Do they go willingly, or begrudgingly? Do they refuse it and stay with the tree?

Story A
Your cats have chosen to stay in the safety of the tree. An investigation starts into soldiers who were lured off, but to those who ignored the call long enough, it no longer sings to them. They are left to wonder where their companions have gone. In the meantime, when investigating something aboveground, they find themselves alone with the goddess in her tree, her eyes glowing as she studies them. She says nothing, only waiting, as if expectant of them to speak first.

What do they ask of her? What questions do they have? Do they attack her for bringing them to this place, blame her? Do they feel pity, or look down? Do they lash out in fear? Or show respect? Do they ask for a reward or good fortune? Do they walk away without asking a thing?

Story B
Your cats have chosen to follow the strange voice as it leads the way through open field and into the twisting path of the forests, growing darker and darker the further they get from the great tree and into the deep reaches of the bramble and thorn. At the end of the voice, they find another army. A... not so pleasant one. The army of decay stares, expectantly. They do not attack, they simply stare with empty eyes as another tree lies among them, rotted and gnarled. "Ah... I see you have come." a voice responds, deep, polluted, and dripping with mystery. "...Please, sit. We have much to discuss. The goddess isn't who you think she is...." it says, evenly, showing control that the monsters it had sent the night before most certainly had not shown.

Do your cats run right away? Do they decide to hear out this strange dying god? Do they attack, or fight back?

Story A
After an "enlightening" discussion your cats find themselves given a new task, one asked of them by a majestic older lion with greying beard who called himself the "general" of this place. A simple task- but one he insisted important for your cats to do, to understand, as he so called it. A task to tend to one of the gardens in the city. Of which there were many- but he was very adamant the small sproutlings within them be cared for.

"For life is precious, and should be nurtured. Even if the tree falls, these sprouts may yet stand through the battle we could lose someday, and perhaps one day become the great tree themselves." he says. "And such, we must give them the care they need."

How do your cats respond to something as simple as gardening? can they do so gently, or do they rush to complete their task? How much do they remember? Lions, cats, are certainly not farmers- do they need help to accomplish this, or do they already understand the basics of how a plant may grow? Do they understand the lesson the general seeks to teach them, or view it as unnecessary? Does this offer them some peace in the times to come?

Story B
The voice, contented with the heroes who have stayed there shows itself, gleaming silver eyes peering from the gouges of the tree as it studies its new visitors. It's entourage of death stare unblinking at the life before them. " stay." it says. "Good...good you choose to listen. The goddess... She believes in eternal life, and believes that death has no place among the world." it croons, a desperation in its voice and age beyond its words "And she is wrong...for all of life is a circle, and for new life to grow, she must be shown so..." it says. "We need your help... she would call life to fight rebirth, but it is decay who cannot defend itself.... We do not like our burden, but it is so irrevocably necessary- as the great phoenix, life will rise from the ashes even more strong and vibrant than ever" it attempts to explain. Though, despite its words, it's very easy to sense that the tree is not exactly as adept at addressing any sort of community. "She would see us wiped from this plane, and from existence....She would destroy the ways of life..." it says, desperately. The speech it gives does succeed in riling up the creaking wooden soldiers around it, that stomp their feet and let out snarls of anger. "You cannot imagine the consequence of this.."

Will you stand with eternal life, or will you stand with balance, heroes? What is more important to you, what would you stand to lose, or to gain, can you really fight against your friends? Could you bear the consequences if this being is lying to you?

Story A
The cats at the tree are restless, as the gaps remain of soldiers lured away by the darkness. The soldiers who call this land home are unsettled, snappy and irritable. They try to be understanding towards your outsiders, but they can't help their nerves. The day is spent with many soldiers building walls, strengthening their defenses, and keeping a wary eye on those who could be led astray.

While they are given freedom to explore, your lions stumble across an area at the heart of the tree, filled with inner decay. Its wood dark with age and missing life, for all the darkness seen outside this place seems hollow. All is fine, though unusual.. until soldiers of the decayed army began to lurk from the shows. Apparently, having staged an ambush in this tunnel, waiting only for someone like your cats to come along. It's not clear if they are the cause of this area of the trees death, or if that was from some other source.

How do they fare in a surprise attack? Do they face their foe head on, disadvantaged? Do they flee and call for help?

Story B
Choosing to stay with this decrepit tree, your cats then beg the question- How can we help? The tree seems befuddled by that, its goals perhaps just as simple as lessening the blow held by the the other side's armies. The creatures, your cats new 'allies' seem indifferent to speech, if they can speak at all- though surely they must for they understand the words of your cats. Unlike the strict order of the Goddess and her tree of life, here your cats are left to their own devices to find out how to help "Prepare... We must prepare.." the old tree mumbles to itself in disarray. The crowd around it going to their own versions of what this means. Your cats catch some of them fighting amongst each other- perhaps sparring. Others who are making weapons and armor, some who are scouting and patrolling the grounds. They are given the day to spend as they please, assuming they don't mind the mud and glowers of their new accompaniment.

Though distinctly, when passing a dark bramble of thorns, they catch sight of a small oasis. A beautiful bough of flowering trees and life, in the middle -a soldier of this rot that's aged to the point it's fallen to pieces, only its eyes showing through a pile of soil and a flower atop its head. Though its been taken over by these plants, it seems content. Nearby it, lies a pile of old objects....

What do your cats find to help in their battle? What would catch their eye, what would change their minds or really mean something to them? How do they plan to use this and do with this knowledge?

Story A
After the surprise attack, your cats find their way to safety to get patched up and rest. They're left alone to regain themselves, before being roused again by the evening when the army is gathering its forces "The time is nearing... The real army is coming" A soldier tells them solemnly. "If they get through, they'll corrupt our goddess... They'll wither her away to nothing and we'll all be doomed." They're stoic and though obviously restless- the soldiers native to this odd world between worlds seem resigned to their fate of battling or facing doom. As if they'd done this many times before. "Quick to the surface.... Our forces are waiting." the cats are ordered. "Find somewhere you will be most useful."

This is your cats chance to flee in the chaos, to try and find a way home, join the other army, or to find their place among the ranks of soldiers gathering in the meager light of dusk in this strange world. The roots and tree around them seems to shudder in anticipation of the battle to come. Who's told to be left behind? Who isn't ready yet? Who can stand with solidarity, and who second guesses their every move and preparation?

The creatures lurk, staring unblinking. Former friends gather among them, watching them in silence. As if they're not the ones who have chosen in error.

Story B
"We rise at midday" The haphazard and withered tree had declared, to the excitement of the creatures around it. And so it had- its creatures (At least coherent to some degree of its words) All stood at precisely midday, and began to move. They didn't order or command, or even address the cats who chose to stay with them. They simply stood...and left, beckoning them to follow, if so loyal they'd remain. As they approached the tree of life, they spread. Into a haphazard army, with no real organization. For all their numbers and the strange beings at their disposal- they followed no leader and followed no plan. They were there to attack, and that was all they knew.

Could your cats become a leader? Could they stand up and organize creatures who do not know how to do so themselves? Would they slip into the ranks, even seeing obvious flaws, and let it work itself out? Can they fare with the sight of their friends turning on them? Would they try to convince them to switch sides? Who would?

In the two sides prepare for a war of life and decay, there is the faint smell of rain.

*The two sides merge back into one story here, though you may continue to write in the way that compliments the version you chose.
Its the army of decay who begins the fray, rising with angry cries as they lurch forward towards the other soldiers in a massive force. After that, the battle breaks loose in flurrys of claws and wood and teeth. Both sides are matched -the army of decay in its numbers, but the army of life in its skill, and the battle rages across the field. There is nothing from the gods, only silence. Observance. Quietness. The world beyond the field feels far away, as if nonexistant, frozen in time, waiting the outcome- who would flee, who would stand tall at the end of the fight.

How do your lions approach this battle? How does it go for them? Do they choose targets they can easily disable, or go for higher risk higher reward targets? Do they flee to protect the tree more closely, or sneak in for a surprise attack behind enemy lines? Do they attack offensively, or defensively? As the battle rages on, how long do they last before they start to get tired or scared? Do they have high endurance, or burn out after a burst of adrenaline?

Who do they surround themselves with, experienced soldiers to help them, or weaker soldiers needing their help? Do they try to rally their troops or try to make an outcry for peace?

The first wave of the combat lasts until deep into the night, when the army of decay finally recedes into shadows with the coming of morning. Do your cats retreat gracefully?

Though this battle has come to a standstill...the unnerving silence and lack of victorious cries from either side make it very clear to those still standing in silence among the fields that once night comes again... so too, will their foes.

The rain creeps closer, heavy dampness in the air, but so yet, the clouds have not broken.

Both sides of the battle have fled to nurse their wounds...well,mostly that of the army of life. The army of decay seem unperturbed, though they are seemingly plantlike in makeup and it's truly unclear if they even feel pain. The calm between the battles is unnerving. Your cats know they have very limited time to rest and recover. While training, resting, or whatever it is they choose to do- a portal opens to them. A portal Home. Some final offer from some unbeknownst being, or some freak coincidence offering them a way to retreat now, to flee these lands while they have their chance. To return with their lives intact, and their bodies as little damaged as possible.

Do they take this chance? Why or why not? Do they remain to fight for what they must? Do their egos demand they stay? Do they return for more help or try to find a way to communicate with their friends or family on the other side of the portal? Does someone else come in to join them, or see what's really beyond that portal? How do the older cats present the events that have happened to their new recruits, if they have any? Do they spurn them away and back home before they can get involved?

With reinforcements, the troops are bolstered and more ready than ever to fight their foes, on both sides. Though the next battle seems to approach quickly, there are murmurs around the armies as the generals each look for a new group... infiltrators- they call them. Unbeknownst to them they mimic each others words "Fire. We'll flank them and when they leave the tree to fight...we'll burn it to the ground". Such an irony that they have identical plans, one group to burn the tree of decay, another to burn the tree of life. "Who will join us? Who can be trusted? Who can be stealthy enough to lead or partake in such an attack?" So similar, yet so far apart.

Do your cats agree with the ethics of a stealthy, under the table death blow? Do they approve of using fire? Do they fight for a fair fight or lead the group in their mission to put an end to it?

As the armies begin to move, the splinter groups leave just ahead of them. Taking a new, longer route around to reach their destination, this one in silence as they prepare themselves for what they believe they must do. The rain is coming, and they have limited time to start a flame that can withstand it, from the inside out.

While they sulk around to achieve this, the armies meet again in the fields, bringing their all to this final battle. Their biggest brutes and forces, their best weapons and armor. It feels like the entire forest is filled with cries of anger and hurt, and the night's barely begun.

Because of (or despite) your cats best efforts, whether it was their own party, or a splinter somewhere, the trees both find themselves aflame... spreading strongly, deeply, as the god of decay and goddess howl, ear shattering cries that shake the battlefield to its roots and send the soldiers reeling back to try to protect their patron. It goes from danger to panic in an instant as all efforts are made on both sides to put out the spreading and all consuming flames that tear across the ancient beings surfaces.

Those responsible...slink back into the shadows to try and remain unnoticed. But the attention is so torn apart their presence isn't even registered.

How do your cats handle the flames? How do they battle them? Do they chase after the fleeing foes or retreat to try to save their tree too? Do they continue trying to sabotage the other side? Can they stay calm under this pressure and react responsibly to the heavy smoke filling the field and the fear of fire trapping them?

Try as they might, the cats and army of decay fail in their efforts to stop the roaring, all consuming flames that engulf the ancient trees. Catching on wood, leaves, anything dry it could fall onto. Eventually, the soldiers are forced to leave by smoke and flame, and drag themselves into the fields and woods where they can only watch.

The rain comes, but it's too late. It does nothing but seem to anger the fire more. There is nothing but the pattering of rain as they all watch in silence, the water mixed with the falling ash and choppy plumes of smoke that blend in the sky with the dark storm clouds

In their anger and bitterness, their desires to be right, both sides have failed.

How does your cat try to keep up hope? Do they fear for the future- what this means? Do they keep trying desperately to save something? What's left in their heart when their goal is taken from them, what do they do when met with a grave failure? Where do they go, who do they become?

The trees burn, and the silence and somberness among the residents left feels like it lasts for hours. In reality, it might have been, though any passage of time felt moot. Eventually, finally sated- the flames began to die out. Leaving only ash, mud, and rain where once had been powerful beings. The ground murky with charred wood and soot.

Though the rain has stopped, a flash of light similar to thunder strikes both plots, where once the two trees stood. Though there is no sound, until a large spirit-like dragon appears in the field, above the cats and creatures of decay, holding in its claws two small seeds, glowing with life. "Well well. It seems the two eternal rivals have finally done it... haven't they." it says, its voice husky with age and wisdom. "An eternity of struggle and strife, and finally they've reduced themselves to nothing. Just as it was always destined to be. Though It pains me that they would entwine others in their strife.." it humms, perhaps laughing "Well, it was time for a change anyway..."

It seems to read the somber mood, eyeing them with sympathy.

"With every failure, comes rebirth...a new chance." it pushes the tiny seeds into the earth, this time- together, where they could grow up beside one another instead of so far apart. "...And a new learning experience." Its tongue coils out another seed to join them, dropping into the earth. "For life, death, and rebirth are one, and perhaps, they will impress me this time." The ground where the seeds were planted began to glow, and slowly three tiny sprouts curled from the soil. One purple, one green, and one blue. Curling around one another.

The spirit-beast chuckles "Thank you heroes for this lesson you have brought. Even the ancients could stand to learn a thing or two from mortals with hearts as brave as yours....though certainly you're tired of this place. Allow me to offer you the way home... those who call this place home will care for this world from here, as was their duty from the start."

Portals open behind each of the cats, summoned by this powerful creature, beckoning them to return to their homes, their lives.

What stories do they bring with them? Write about their homecoming and how they're received, Do they bring any new cats with them? How long were they gone, how does the passage of time flow differently in their normal world? How do they greet the ones they missed?
Last edited by Sixbane on Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:59 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - June 1st Prompt

Postby Kitten-Girl-500 » Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:36 pm

The portal opens in the center of your groups home, calling out for a champion, a hero. A representative to fight an enemy beyond any they'd ever seen before. Who could ever make that call? Who answers the cry to action? Does the leader appoint someone, do they battle for the right as a warrior? Do they send the smart or the brave or the healers? What drives your group to make the choice they make and how does this hero rise to the occasion, if they rise at all? Do they fight their fate, or accept it?

You're here now, champion, and no matter what made you step through that portal, you've got a mission.

Username: Kitten-Girl-500
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt:
Ichyr | Ravah | Subira | Luina
Link to their pride or group: Summitfall Pride
Prompt level completion: Level 5
Prompt: Ichyr blinked in astonishment at the glowing blue portal that had opened in the center of the camp. "What in the name of Sekhmet?" he began, but was cut off as an ethereal voice wafted from the circle of blue light.

"The Trinity Tree is in peril. A hero is called to fight an enemy like none of the prides have ever seen. He, or she, must be valiant enough to face the coming danger head-on." Then the voice disappeared.

The entire pride had filed out of their dens to listen to the voice. Now, the clearing erupted into chaos.

"What is going on?"

"What was that thing?"

"Are we all going to die?!"

Finally a roar cut across the silence. A powerful black and white-mottled lion reared onto his hind paws. "SILENCE!" he shouted, his voice intense despite the graying fur on his muzzle. "We need order, not more chaos, in this moment."

He sat down, curling his tail over his forepaws. Kiona, his mate, settled beside him, her tufted ears half-flattened against her head. Ichyr watched as mates gathered close together, then felt a pang of loneliness in his chest. Even though he'd lived in the Summitfall Pride for years now, he hadn't as of yet found a lioness to love. And now the ache was more prominent than ever.

Ichyr shook off the feeling. His pride needed him to be strong right now. And besides, love would happen when it happened. No use wasting time on sentiments when there was a real issue that needed to be addressed.

Yang dipped his head, meeting the gazes of everyone in the clearing. "Now, does anyone know anything about this Trinity Tree?"

Slate, the pride filoksen, stepped forward. "There's nothing in the archives that even comes close to what that voice said." She lifted her chin. "By my analysis, it looks like whoever opened the portal, and whoever that voice belonged to, wants someone to go through that portal to help the Trinity Tree. Possibly a whole squad."

Azure leaped to his paws. "I should go! I've proven that I'm a capable warrior."

Yang waved his tail. "Stand down, Azure. We all know that you're far capable of doing whatever needs to be done. But I know that you have a lot of lions here that don't want you getting hurt."

"That's not an option," Sedono barged in. "Clearly there's going to be battle on the other side of that portal. Whoever goes in is almost definitely going to get hurt, and I'm pretty sure everyone here matters to the pride."

Carob pressed himself to the ground. "I-I don't think I should go," he mumbled.

Ichyr nodded to the younger lion. After his old pride, the Pride of Shadow, had attacked the camp a year earlier, poor Carob had been traumatized to the point that he couldn't leave pride territory for fear of meeting a threat. Thus, he was a fyto, and he tended the herb fields where he was safe from harm.

Sekhmet leaned closer to her mate, Pebble, her yellow gaze full of determination. "How are we going to decide who goes through? Should we hold a tournament, see who the strongest lions are?"

Kiona shook her head. "We don't need to send in injured lions, Sekhmet. Besides, brawn isn't everything. It sounds like the threat is a large one; there needs to be someone smart enough to devise strategies to meet the foes lying in wait for them."

Subira shook her tail, rattling the old snake's rattle attached to the end. "I should go," she said, her voice smooth like silk. "I've beat everyone here in krychtnos before."

"Just because you used your shapeshifting to win a game doesn't automatically make you a good candidate," Tinder argued, shaking her head.

Tinder's sister, Kalika, raised an eyebrow. "I don't suppose you want to go through? Face the dangers?"

Tinder leaned down to nuzzle the two little cubs at her paws. "I have other responsibilities to think about. I just don't want incompetent lions going through to meet their deaths is all."

"Then how are we going to come to a decision?" Ibis broke in. "Everyone here can be considered unworthy by someone else. There's no way to get someone with the whole of the pride backing them."

Shouting broke out, each lion trying to make their voice heard. Azure roared that he should be the one to go, while Sekhmet argued that she and Pebble would make a better team. Ibis urged Sedono not to go; Slate joined her brother in favor of leaving. Asteris and Naevae, former denmates, now grappled with one another, teeth bared and claws unsheathed.

Ichyr finally was fed up with all the chaos. He reared up on his hind paws. "ENOUGH!" he roared, his powerful voice cutting across all others. The clearing immediately quieted.

He stood on all four paws, fighting to keep his fur from bristling. "I will go," he declared. "I'm a good fighter, and I know my way around strategy and tactics." He surveyed the clearing. "Does anyone stand against me?"

There was silence. No lion dared speak out against such a bold claim.

Yang nodded. "Alright then. It's decided."

"I will go with him," Subira declared, springing to her paws. Her multicolored eyes blazed with passion.

"So will I." Ravah stood up, chest puffed out.

Yang shook his head. "No, Ravah. You have Luina to think about, not just yourself."

"All the more reason for me to go through," Ravah argued. "I need to make sure that Luina grows up in a world that will welcome her, rather than try to kill her before she takes two steps out of the territory. And if the Trinity Tree is in danger, then I need to go and make sure that it survives. For Luina's sake." He paused, staring at Yang pleadingly.

The black and white salisso sighed. "Alright, then. I suppose I can't stop you. Ichyr, Ravah, and Subira, you all may go. May the stars shine in your favor."

Ichyr dipped his head. He couldn't have asked for a more worthy team.

The squad turned to go through the portal. Ichyr stepped to the side, waiting for the other two to go first. Subira went first, her tail rattling. She cast a wry glance back at Azure, her father, before she headed through. Ravah went next, his confident swagger unmistakable.

He was just passing through the portal when there was a cry from the nursery. "WAIT FOR ME, DADDY!" A gray and brown-mottled cub shot out of the rock opening, haring toward the portal. Ichyr tried to block the young cub, but she ran right underneath his belly and vanished into the blue light.

Ichyr could barely stop himself from letting out a frustrated growl. Out of all the possible lions, Luina? I am going to strangle her when I get through, he thought darkly, already planning punishment for the misbehaving cub.

He sighed, recomposed himself, then stepped through the portal to meet whatever was in store for him.

Trinity Tree, here we come.
Last edited by Kitten-Girl-500 on Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:59 am, edited 4 times in total.

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you'll never know what could be until you stand up and try. xxx𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 !! ❞─── ©

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.xxraini-froggemeek the weakshyshie.
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Firedancer77 » Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:19 pm

Username: Firedancer77
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Envy, Cole, Kina
Link to their pride or group: Isle of Roses and Graveyard of Gods
Prompt level completion: Level 5
When the portal opened in the middle of camp, Pride was quick to declare it to be the work of the remaining gods, those who had not chosen to entomb themselves in mortal form. He was quick to dismiss those who were not "gods" among the group that volunteered, stating that it was obviously a god's job, and that it could be a recalling to godhood.

Envy rolled her eyes at the theatrics, but said nothing. The portal opening was certain to only further convince Pride's followers that he was indeed a god reborn. If Envy was of better moral standing, perhaps she would try to reveal the truth to the blind sheep, but that was Lust's motivation, not hers. She had no reason to expose Pride as the charlatan that he was; the whole reason she had even been allowed into the group was because she had come in declaring herself to be a reincarnated goddess, having watched the group from afar so she knew how to approach. Pride had no room to denounce her claim, recognizing that she had obviously seen through his trick (unlike many of the idiots he now had following him), so why would she expose the system that benefited her so well?

Lust was not going in. Even if she would volunteer herself, Pride would never allow his precious mate to enter into the unknown. And Envy would never delude herself into thinking that Pride would risk his own hide to go into the unknown. As desperate as the tom cat was for glory, he would never actually do anything to deserve it. That left her and Gluttony.

Gluttony wasn't unintelligent...but her wits were no match for Envy's. Even if the golden she-cat was hesitant to enter the portal, not knowing what was on the other side, she wasn't going to let the black and white she-cat upstage her. Gluttony was unpredictable, a liability. Her previous group was an odd one, for sure, and Envy seemed to be the only one that noticed the risk that boiled within her, as if she could snap at any time. Sure, none of them were good (except perhaps Lust, the pretentious she-cat with a moral compass that Envy despised, because as much as she tried to claim otherwise, Lust was not morally superior to them), but whatever had happened to Gluttony seemed to have knocked a few things loose. Who knew what Gluttony would do when she got through. For all Envy knew, she would make things worse.

Besides, Envy knew she could gain a nice edge by entering through the portal. Whether it be through information she could then control the flow of or through allies she would meet, the golden she-cat saw more pros than cons for why she should be the one to go. Besides, though she could fight with claws just fine, there was no telling when a silver tongue would be more useful, and that was one thing that Gluttony never had.

"I will go," Envy said, stepping forward before Gluttony could volunteer or Pride could suggest her. "I would be happy to convene with the gods. That is the job of a diplomat, is it not?"

It was a subversion of the tom's authority, hidden enough for only him (and perhaps Lust) to realize it. He couldn't deny her in front of the group when she presented it like that, especially since she had volunteered.

"Yes, Envy," Pride said after a moment, his face conveying just what he thought of Envy's stunt, "it is. You may go." He paused, and then added, "Do be careful over there. The realm of the gods is a dangerous place."

Envy gave a sharp, cold smile, understanding the message quite clearly. "I know," she said as she turned to the portal and, after one last look to the rest of the cats in the Graveyard of Gods, stepped through. Pride's message that he would be completely fine with her failing to return, and would even use it to his advantage, had come through loud and clear, and it only made Envy even more motivated to return safe and sound once she discovered the reason the portal appeared.
It took some convincing to allow Cole to go as the Sky Oasis' representative. Icarus had wanted to go through the portal himself, but the pride was quick to convince him against that, concerned (and rightly so) about sending their leader through a mysterious portal. The half snow leopard then determined that neither of his adopted children, Hadithi or Law, would be allowed to go through either.

From there, names were tossed about. Ruin was suggested, but as the pride's Weaver, it was ultimately decided that she would not be the one to cross over. If the ancestors needed to speak to them, the Sky Oasis did not want their communicator to be in a completely different dimension. Granted, perhaps it was the ancestors themselves who had created the portal, but even in that case, there was no reason to risk losing their communication link, especially when Ruin had no particular interest in going.

Law suggested his friend, Grimm, and it was at this point that Cole managed to speak up, volunteering himself. The larger lion stared at his black opponent as Law pointed out Grimm's intelligence and speed, both being valid reasons for him to be the Sky Oasis' champion. However, for a reason he could not explain, Cole could feel that he was meant to go.

So, he was forced to advocate his own strengths. It was awkward, standing in front of Icarus and the pride as he pointed out his large build and his strength, both attributes that would help against any dangers on the other side. If Grimm was caught, he would have a much harder time holding his own in a fight; though Cole may not be able to as easily escape an encounter, he had a much higher chance of surviving it. On top of that, it was his job as the Archivist to record and archive the important events within the pride. How was he meant to keep a report on what the portal meant if he did not go himself?

And, in spite of Law's words, Grimm was far less eager to go. After pleading his case, Grimm even said he was more than willing to step aside and allow Cole to go through. So, after a moment of thought, Icarus agreed.

"Be careful, Cole. Take no unnecessary risks. Come home." The concern in Icarus' voice as he spoke to him warmed Cole's heart.

"I will," he promised, before turning and bravely walking through.

[ 1114/1000 words ]

continued here
Last edited by Firedancer77 on Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree -June 1st

Postby Runnersback » Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:52 pm

Link to lion(s) involved in prompt:Achilles Letaba Diablo
Link to their pride: Realms of L’Oasis Lo
Prompt level completion: Level 5
Prompt: 001

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby MySpoons » Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:52 pm

The portal opens in the center of your groups home, calling out for a champion, a hero. A representative to fight an enemy beyond any they'd ever seen before. Who could ever make that call? Who answers the cry to action? Does the leader appoint someone, do they battle for the right as a warrior? Do they send the smart or the brave or the healers? What drives your group to make the choice they make and how does this hero rise to the occasion, if they rise at all? Do they fight their fate, or accept it?

You're here now, champion, and no matter what made you step through that portal, you've got a mission.

Username: MySpoons
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: MAR'S CHAMPION, Samael
Link to their pride or group: The New Guard
Prompt level completion: Level 5
Prompt: [1025/1000]

    There is a war brewing. The god of war, Mars, could not whisper, but his roar is quieter than it usually is, deep and low. It twists through Samael's mind as he dreams, turning his vision red and melting the dreams into shapeless blood. One that needs to be fought back across realms.

    Samael turns around in his dream, trying to catch a glimpse of his patron god. Yet he sees nothing among the red, the same dark rich colors as his coat. If Mars is here in his corporeal form, Samael cannot see him. No dark eyes pin him in place, filling him with the fear prey must experience when they've spotted the hunter stalking them.

    You are to answer the call. On my behalf.

    "No-- I have a goal, a target. All the blood I've spilled in your name, it is for redemption. I have to bring back--"

    This is beyond your moral lives. You are to go in my stead, wage war against universal destruction. Do not assume your mortal problems can eclipse such an evil!

    Samael snarls, even though the formless red around him is starting to stink of burnt blood. "I am not your chosen one! Surely a god such as you can extend powers beyond my capabilities."

    Movement flickers in Samael's peripheral vision. When he glances over, a maw full of black teeth emerges from the red haze and morphs into the large head of the war god.

    You are not the only one. It is a cross-realm crisis. All life as we know it would be changed-- and even the gods themselves could be plunged into a thousand year's war if this is not stopped through our avatars! I am choosing you.

    Samael cannot maintain his courage in the face of such anger. The danger radiating off the god is supernatural, impossible to ignore. The mortal lion backs down, pinning his ears and lowering his head. "I accept, Mars Gradius." Samael invokes the epithet used when armies or ranking officers pray for victory.

    Mars does not pull back but his laugh reverberates through the dream space, causing the blood pool around Samael's paws to ripple. This is not a gainless endeavor. I shall anoint you with more power, power only I can give. With that, the God of War steps forward, towering over Samael. His hot breath ghosts over Samael's head-- but instead of a touch, the god seizes the red lion by his neck, long fangs sinking in deep through thick mane to puncture skin.

    Samael is frozen, a cry of surprise and pain stuck in his chest. The blood surrounding him bubbles up, washing over him like cloth. It is hot and heavy and perfect. His vision darkens, brightens to red and past until it turns gold. The heat surrounding him feels to sink into his bones-- then burns like he's fought to the brink of collapse. His paws stretch and sting.

    When the god pulls back, his black teeth drip golden Ichor. Gold drips down Samael's shoulders from the wound-- over the black gilded iron armor molded perfectly to his form. His sense of sight is sharper. A little duller, but movement catches his eye faster than he thought possible. Samael feels stronger, refreshed. Filled with enough boldness he has half a mind to fight a god.

    Mars grins, bearing his gold-stained teeth. Armor built of fallen monsters, a portion of my strength, the eyesight of a god, the blood of the immortals, the body of a champion. May these gifts serve you well.

    Samael bows deep, blinking often to try and grow accustomed to his new vision. "I shall stain them with the blood of your enemies, God of War."

    So drunk on power is he, Samael realizes he knows not what he was tasked to do when he awakens. He sits up, noticing his vision is far more enhances than he initially thought. The colors of the desert around him are duller but the far off movement of birds is as clear as the cold desert nights. When he stands up, the weight of the black iron armor is not a hindrance. It is made with more craftmanship than Samael had ever seen, even on kings and generals. A full suit of armor, decorated in the Old Tongue singing praise of Mars' power and accomplishments. It is comfortable and cool even in the morning sun.

    A woodpecker flies ahead out of nowhere. Mars. Samael gets used to his slightly larger size, pleased with his new strength, and sets off in pursuit.

    The bird does not seem to tire and neither does he. Samael runs for a good part of the morning, streaking across the sand, leaving deep footprints in his wake. His armor clatters as he runs-- not because of ill-fit, but to incite awe. A few stray lions cross his path and quickly move out of the way, frightened.

    When he stops for water at midday, preening over his new reflection of red-gold eyes and mastercrafted armor, Samael swears he hears voices coming from the oasis' trees. When he first listens it sounds like the chattering of birds, but as he focuses the cries turn into words.

    "There is a rift ahead! Dangerous, who knows what could spill out?"
    "No, it is for what needs to go in!"
    "Not just one rift, but many! Across the mortal planes, crossing over to another realm."
    "The army approaches! It will all be in vain! The gods themselves will have to fight one another to reign over the ruined worlds."

    Without a need to eat, Samael gets up from the shade and continues on after the woodpecker. The terrain changes from sand dunes to a canyon rapidly, too quickly for him to notice until Samael slips on the steep decline and sends sand flowing down before him. Greenery pokes through the sand. The canyon narrows and forms a cave ceiling but instead of becoming dark, the space is lit with a blue glow that emanates from deeper within. Samael follows the thick tree root and ends up emerging out of the ground in another place...
struggling mar. 14

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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Meekins12345 » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:05 pm

Username: Meekins12345
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Erastus, Ciqala, and Axel
Link to their pride or group: The Cloud Coalition - A sub-pride of The Pride of Wikimak
Prompt level completion: Level 5
Prompt: June 1st

"Entry number one of the Adventures of the Strange Portal... It just came out of nowhere, in the middle of Kildonia, where we just all happened to be. It was like it was meant for us to be there to see this thing. Anyway, since there are only three of us, we decided, rather tentatively, I might add, to all go in. After all, we don't know what's going on in here, or behind this strange portal, and it's better to go with more than with less... We went into it and have currently found ourselves in a strange forest-like expanse. I don't know how this will turn out, but if things turned out badly, at least we can say that we tried... I'll be writing more on this as time goes on. I just hope things can remain somewhat passive here. Who knows what could be lurking in these strange and miraculous forests. Signed Erastus, General of the Cloud Coalition."

"...Do you have to say everything you write out loud?" Axel couldn't help but ask as he looked to the light blue male with a risen brow.

Erastus only narrowed his gaze in a more offended manner. "Yes, it helps me write faster."

"Oh, really? How can you tell? Have you timed yourself writing without speaking?" Axel jabbed with a grin, causing Erastus to grumble. That's how Axel was... He always seemed ready to say something snarky... Or sarcastic. That's how he was, and it just made him all the more annoying.

"No, I just know."

"You sound uncertain."

"Would you just be quiet, Axel?"

"Aww, but I like being not quiet. How about a serenade you all instead? I've heard I got a beautiful voice."

"No!" Another voice chimed in with that remark, and Erastus couldn't help but look over to Ciqala, who was laying a short distance away. She had always been rather isolated and quiet, at least around folks. And when she wasn't quiet? She was rather rude. Erastus, himself, always wondered why she felt like she had to be so mean but he never really begged the question. He just let her go about being her... as hard as it was.

Axel, on the other hand, seemed to just pout playfully. "Wow. Tough crowd." He'd tease before chuckling, his tail lashing behind him. Seemed that alone stirred up Ciqala's temper.

"Would you just shut up, Axel? You're more annoying than mosquitoes and ticks!" She'd growl, her tail lashing more quickly about her. She was irritated. She tended to be easily so.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, your highness. Didn't know my offer would be taken so poorly." He'd huff, soon just folding his paws over each other before breathing out a sigh.

Erastus only sighed, and glanced between the two before narrowing his yellow eyes. "Listen, you two. We're in a weird and new place now... and I'm not quite sure we can go back until whatever we have to do here is finished. The least we can do, while we're here, is work together... and that also means getting along. We can't keep bickering and such like the status quo has been." He'd explain. "I know you two are used to it. After all, Kildonia is a huge realm, and the lions of Kildonia's past never really wanted anything to do with each other either, but we're different. Or at least we should be. Being apart doesn't make us a whole, working, fully functioning unit."

A huff came from Ciqala, and she seemed to make sure everyone saw her roll her eyes. "What do you know, Erastus? You just miraculously became general after Trin died, and you only got to Kildonia a few weeks ago! We've been here for much longer, and here you are, telling us what to do." She'd growl. "What gives you the right to tell us anything? What gave you the right to just make us come to this forsaken place?! I didn't even want to come and yet you made both of us, and now who knows if we'll even be able to go back home! You got us stuck in this mess, the least you can do is be quiet!"

"Ciqala." Axel commented, a more serious frown on his face as he looked to her. He appeared rather unhappy, something that wasn't too often seen upon him and his generally content, snarky personality. It caused both of them to look to the fanged male, and he soon just rose upon his paws and padded over to the female. Her ears were ultimately pinned to the back of her head as she looked up upon the male with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah, we've been around here a bit longer then him, but so what? I think he's got a point. We can't be whole if we're all apart." He'd give seriously. "Whether we like it our not, he's the general, and what he says, goes. If you didn't like that, you were free to leave beforehand... But you didn't, and now we're here. That's your fault, not his. So stop ripping into him, for all he did was ask for help." He leaned closer to her then, his brows narrowing slightly before a small smirk appeared on his face. "And I wouldn't go complaining much more, sweetheart. It doesn't look very good on you." He'd offer her a growl shortly after before wandering back over to his spot and settling down once more, soon just nodding to Erastus, who's mouth was parted open by this time.

Ciqala merely grumbled to herself, soon just shuffling so her back was facing the two, indignant and stubborn as ever. Axel had a point, of course. He always seemed to when he got in the serious mood... and she didn't like crossing him, since he was much larger and more deadly than she. She'd rather not pick a fight she couldn't wind... but that didn't meant she couldn't throw an attitude about it.

It was only a moment after that Erastus nodded to the red-maned male, and soon just breathed out a sigh, soon flashing the male a small smile. "Thanks, Axel."

"No problem, boss. Just keep doing what you're doing. We'll get through this, I know it." Axel returned with a small, playful smirk.

"And if not... Well, I'll remember you two fondly~"


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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby kyum- » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:32 pm

      Username: kyum-
      Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: cael, phoebe, raon, kreig, oddie.
      Link to their pride or group: aeise holdings, deuce famiglia.
      Prompt level completion: 5

      the portal was humming louder now, as though it had a mind of its own, and it knew what cael was doing. he'd been trying to ignore it for a while; nothing good ever came out of portals, if the stories he'd heard were any indication. instead, he continued working on his documents - the documents that brought him so much joy and enjoyment. or at least, maybe if he enjoyed it, maybe the portal would leave him alone.

      but the portal was still there, demanding the attention it deserved, its blue illuminating every surface in its clutches. cael sighed, placing his pen down onto his desk, and looked the portal in its very centre. a knock at his door had him exhaling a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, and he called for his visitor to come in.

      raon's first reaction had been interesting to say the least. the younger opened the door without expectations, and when he saw the large, offending blue wormhole behind his brother, he might as well have jumped out of his fur. his jaw had fallen open, eyes bulging. the portal seemed to puff up at the awe it was receiving (if it could be called awe), glowing brighter.

      "should we be worried?"

      was raon's first words when he'd come back to his senses. cael shrugged, getting up from his seat to lean on his desk as he stared the portal down. raon stood in front of the large desk, eyes never once leaving the blue whirlpool in his brother's wall, tilting his head.

      "should we call someone?"

      "maybe," cael sighed. "the portal has been calling for help though. but it's just so... suspicious."

      raon stared wide-eyed at his brother. a voice? he wasn't so sure about talking portals - as far as he was concerned, portals didn't speak to people. nor did they call for help. the people who came out of them did, however, but no one had emerged from it as of yet.

      "hey, i saw your door open and- woah."

      the brothers turned at the new voice, cael's lips turning up into a grin when he saw his first caporegime in the doorway. "ah, kreig, my brother."

      kreig approached the portal as if mesmerised, examining it like it were a piece of jewellery he would love to take. the brothers watched the man as he stepped closer and closer to the magical hole, and glanced secretively at each other. "have you been keeping something from me, cael?"

      cael barked a laughter, throwing his head back as he did. "you know i'm no caster. i'd tell you if i was."

      "nice to know i can always count on you to tell the truth," kreig replied, turning back to the portal. "what happened?"

      although behind kreig, cael shrugged nonchalantly. "it just... appeared whilst i was working. it's been calling out for help."

      kreig blinked. "help?"

      "yeah. and i'm glad to know i can always count on you to solve my problems."

      just as the meaning of cael's words hit kreig, he felt hands shove him forcefully forward. "w-wait!"

      "have as much fun as you like out there, kreig! we'll miss you!"

      kreig screamed into the void, cursing his employer out to nobody, his words accompanied by the harmony of cael's laughter.


      somewhere in another place in zikar, another portal had appeared, right inside phee's own office. she stared the thing down with a coffee in hand, leaning against her desk, an arm crossed testily over her chest. the blue glow seemed meek the longer she gazed at it - maybe if she just stared at it for longer, the thing would go away on its own. leave her in peace. or her everyday chaos. whatever.

      when she'd come to work this morning, it was like every other day. make a powerpoint presentation for their partners, analyse the market, all that kinda stuff. she was sure today was going to be like any other day, but then a portal appeared in the middle of her office, and now she was just... glaring at it, hoping it would go away.

      now, phee didn't hate the idea of dropping everything and going on an adventure like the portal promised she would have. it was the problem of her job; she had so much to deal with - especially so with the other units having lost some of their workers - and there just wasn't time. she couldn't just drop everything and let her colleagues carry her weight. it wasn't right.

      a piece of her heart ached to give in and jump right through that portal, never to look back. to finally be free of this office hell and be out there where she wanted to be.

      a knock at her door brought her back to attention, and she didn't bother to smile despite feeling a weight lift from her shoulders at the sight of her little vitamin. oddie grinned shyly at her, documents in hand, before finally noticing the enormous glowstick in her office.

      the poor man jumped, fur bristling and eyes almost tearing up. phee pursed her lips at the sight - he was just so adorable. a part of her was a little sorry however. he must've heard some of the horror stories that accompanied portals; phee was no stranger to them either.

      "u-um," the man began, glancing at the portal every so often. "i brought you the-the documents you wanted."

      a moment of blunder, however, changed everything. he tripped over the rug as he made his way to phee, gaze fixed on the papers in his hands. it all seemed to happen in slow motion as the man fell backwards and phee reached out, racing to catch him before he fell through-

      but then he was pulling her, the portal unrelenting in its grasps on finally someone, anyone, to save it from its nightmares. they were falling, falling, falling through into an unknown world, and all phee felt then: it was freedom.

      not so much on oddie's side though, who panicked and screamed endlessly from the fear he felt.

        (1,012/1,000 words.)
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Sunlitsecrets » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:41 pm

Username: Sunlitsecrets
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt:
Barley (cat)
Calypso (lion)
Link to their pride or group:
The Wanderlust (cats)
Starheart's Regiment (lions)
Prompt level completion: 5
A young lion looking to prove herself and a cat seeking trouble find the same portal in an odd cave...
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby snapshot » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:59 pm

Username: snapshot
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Mamba
Link to their pride or group: Lions of the Waves
Prompt level completion: 5
Prompt: June 1
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Re: Journey to the Trinity Tree - Summer event prompts

Postby Jantzi01 » Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:10 pm

Username: Jantzi01
Link to cat(s) or lion(s) involved in prompt: Kosa Helios Virtue
Link to their pride or group: The Ushirikiano Pride, Here
Prompt level completion: 5
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