war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humanoids | o&a

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humanoids | o&a

Postby multicurious » Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:43 am

Was there ever a time when dragons and humans
lived together in peace? The answer is unclear.
Vague records of coexistence is all that remains
of a time like that, if in fact there was one.
Something happened in our history, something that
erased the very notion of peace and instilled a deep
rooted hatred between humans and dragons.
Whether it was a squabble over land, a power grab,
or a misunderstanding, no one knows.

And no one seems to care.

All that matters is that they try their hardest to drive
each other away from Pirenne. It's been this way for
thousands of years. The war has become a way of life.
A culture. The War of Pirenne draws itself out, with no
end in sight.
"Those who have seen war
never stop seeing it."

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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humanoids | wip dnp

Postby multicurious » Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:44 am


— Please try to use correct grammar and punctuation.
— Keep forms on the discussion thread
Good: "Hello, how are you?" She said, smiling.
BAD: hi how r u
— Try to post at least five full sentences. I understand if you've got 'writer's block' or something, but try to do more than "He smiled and left." It's very hard for someone to reply to that.
— Join the Discord server, if you can. A lot goes down there.
— Please, don't kill another person's character unless you've asked for their permission first.
— Keep signatures disabled! It's just cleaner.
— If you want to be a part of the royal family, you need to read the 'worldbuilding' post.
— Dragons and humans can have powers if you want them to, but don't be OP.
— "Human" is a loose term around here. "Humanoid" may be a better word for it. We welcome all fantastical humanoids, whether they be elves, fairies, mystical entities of darkness and shadow, you name it. But... again, don't be OP.
— Drama is highly encouraged, just PM me for any plot twists that relate to the story.
— You can have as many characters as you can handle.
— If you're consistently online and posting in other topics but not in this one for over a week, you'll be removed from the character list.
— Put the word "revived" in the other part of your form to prove you've read the rules.
— All of Tess's rules apply.
— You don't have to make a boy for every girl, but keep genders even. That being said, keep sides even, too. If you make a dragon, make a human and vice versa.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | wip dnp

Postby multicurious » Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:46 am

    Founded thousands of years ago, the Grays family has ruled for generations. The castle walls have never been breached by invaders, thanks to the top of the line training the soldiers receive.

    Queen >
    Lirian Grays - vamprism

    Royal Children (2/2) >
    Ahone Grays - Prince Catoukin

    General >

    Captain >

    Soldiers >
    Askari Nevara - vamprism

    Other >
    Morrigan Adulese - vamprism
    Moolettia Karvink - ♡ Bluebird ♡
    Glitch - ♡ Bluebird ♡
    Tick-Tock - ♡ Bluebird ♡
    Vulpes - Romeo Montagu
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | wip dnp

Postby multicurious » Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:46 am

    Dragons live as individuals without an actual government. It's generally just the consensus that all humans need to die. Dragons have the ability to transform into a human form, so they can blend easily into society.

    Xelzric - vamprism
    Milagro - ♡ Bluebird ♡
    Aldara - ♡ Bluebird ♡
    Akuji - ♡ Bluebird ♡
    Aynur - Romeo Montagu
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | wip dnp

Postby multicurious » Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:47 am


    Places >
    Arrendyl - Northern Human Capital
    Valgrave Highlands - Northwestern Mountains - Mostly Dragon Territory
    Misty Hill Woods - Western Forest
    The Glacial Plains - Southern Tundra
    Icespear Mountains - Southeastern Mountains
    Amestham Wilds - Eastern Forest
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | wip dnp

Postby multicurious » Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:48 am

    The worldbuilding category is dedicated to making Pirenne a place with depth. If you have an idea, don't be afraid to talk about it!

    Secret of the Grays Family
    Early on in the Grays bloodline, the blood of dragons got mixed in. Whether it was by magic or love is unknown. Ever since then, the descendants of the family have had the ability to take a dragon form. Make no mistake, though. This family is human, which makes having this ability hard to accept in these times. It should come as no surprise that it is a very closely kept secret. At the moment, the queen is the only one aware of her unique bloodline and powers.

    Dragon Ages:
    Juvenile: 1 - 999 (They can grow and learn to fly during these years but are still basically powerless)
    Adolescent/Teenager: 1,000 - 4,999 (Keep growing and powers start to develop)
    Young Adult: 5,000 - 9,999 (Still growing, powers are mostly developed)
    Adult: 10,000 - 999,999 (Basically in the prime of their life, reach full size)
    Elder: 1,000,000 - and so on

    Dragons in this roleplay cannot grow above 30 ft.

    Magos Academy of the Arcane:
    Magos Academy of the Arcane, mostly known as "The Academy" by the majority of its students, is the official and most widely-known institute of magical education in Pirenne. Anyone who becomes a student is branded with a 'unicursal hexagram' to mark that they are a mage. When a person is expelled from the Academy, another brand is burned over the original to warn of their dishonor. It takes extreme acts of rule-breaking to be expelled, such as violence against your fellows or dabbling in dark arts.

    Currents characters that have been or are in the Academy:
    Ahone Grays - Graduated
    Morrigan Adulese - Expelled

    List of gods and goddesses that have been added to the RP. Of course, this is optional and you can choose whether or not you want your character to be religious. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know!

    Emas - Goddess of the Sky
    Keanos - God of Oceans & Seas
    Deintro - God of Stone & Earth
    Fotia - Goddess of Fire
    Krokinos - God of Duty & Honor
    Fasa - Goddess of Light & Healing
    Panouk - God of Sickness & Death
    Atigik - Goddess of Strategy & Scholars
    Fylla - Goddess of Forests & Wildlife
    Enton - God of the Moon
    Iilias - Goddess of the Sun
    Synko - God of Harvest & Wealth
    Chaison - God of Warfare & Triumph
    Drakon - Father of All Dragons

    Peacetime: Peacetime is a holiday set around Yule. It lasts two days, and is based around the remembrance of the time before the war. Soldiers in the army who are able to go home can, but those who are unable to return hold their own celebration in their own time, or wherever they are. Families of fallen soldiers can create shrine-like things to remember them by. Villages from around Pirenne(especially the capital) do a floating lantern event like the thing from Tangled and the Lights Festival. It's a way for families to reach out to soldiers who can't come home.

    It is currently:

    () Winter
    () Spring
    () Summer
    () Fall

    () Morning
    () Afternoon
    () Evening
    () Night
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby multicurious » Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:14 pm

    The roleplay is now accepting members! Join us on the discussion thread!
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby multicurious » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:42 am

    ( title. queen of pirenne ) ( tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ) ( location. her chambers )

      ─────Lirian dipped her quill into the inkwell, bringing the eagle-feather back down to scrawl her signature across the bottom of the parchment. Another border skirmish with an angry dragon meant ten more dead soldiers, and that meant ten more condolence letters to grieving families. The queen sighed, leaning back into her oaken chair and pinching her nose. It was ten more among millions. As she signed off the last letter, her mind drifted to the financial side of the war. The dead soldiers had been accompanying a caravan of goods, a trade meant to go to neighboring kingdom. With the men dead, the goods were destroyed. The traders had been preparing that caravan for months; it was meant to secure Pirenne's wealth for another year. Lirian knew they would get by decently until the next trading opportunity(there a good chance that the citizens wouldn't even notice), but kingdom-wide luxuries would have to be small. And rare. Lirian fidgeted with the fire opal pendant at her collarbone as she used her free hand to push the letters aside. Now that the boring work was done, she could finally leave. She parted the doors to her room and left her chambers for the first time that morning.

    ( title. the vengeful ) ( tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ) ( location. misty hill woods )

      ─────Xelzric laid coiled amongst the leaves, his smaller snake form able to hide adequately amongst them. Surprising witless human travelers as they traversed the woods was one of his favorite things to do. He found his amusement in scaring them, if not destroying them outright. He would often dart across the path in front of a caravan, scaring the horses before giving at least one of them a good bite above their hooves. The humans would soon be down a horse afterwards, and Xelzric would have a meal to look forward to. When he was feeling particularly bold, he would return to his true form and give the humans, and their steeds, the fright of their lives. Older, wiser, dragons often disapproved of Xelzric's source of food and entertainment. "Dishonorable" and "childish" is what they often called him. Not that he particularly cared, but it grated on his nerves that they put their so-called "honor" before putting the humans in their place. The apes have caused enough harm. Hoof-prints in the near distance diverted Xelzrics train of thought, and he tightened his coils around himself, flicking his tongue to taste the air. Definitely humans. Leaves fell over his scales and he sought to conceal himself, to decide what action he was going to take.

    ( title. the vampire ) ( tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ) ( location. town of amestham )

      ─────Morrigan shut the door behind her with gusto, unintentionally slamming it against the doorframe with a noticeably loud thud. Eyes from all around the tavern she had just entered peered her way, as if the morning crowd was unaccustomed to strangers barging in and causing a ruckus. That was probably the case, actually. Considering the surrounding wilds were named for Amestham, it was odd to see that the town was so small and isolated. Morrigan brushed herself off, and lowered her hood. She had been traveling all night, making haste to arrive at Amestham before the sun rose. She barely made it, the sun's rays beginning to creep ever slowly above the hilltops. As she approached the bar, the attention of the people eventually wandered elsewhere. Morrigan pulled out a rickety stool and took a seat. She ordered her drink, fully aware that it would not satisfy. Curse Panouk and his so called "gift". After he had... awakened her a few days ago, the shadowy deity had claimed that she was more powerful than she had ever been, but left her to discover her weaknesses on her own. What she wouldn't give for her old necromancy book and abilities! But no, Panouk took that strength from her, as well. Bitterly, she took a drink and scoffed when she found she couldn't taste it.
Last edited by multicurious on Wed Jul 17, 2019 5:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby Stargazingwithbees » Sun Jul 14, 2019 5:32 am

    . ── M O O L E T T I A K A R V I N K
    ( 24 ) ( female ) ( Ryna-human hybrid ) ( Telepathy, mind-reading, illusions ) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Aldara, Akuji and Aynur )
    . ── You guys realise we gave up home to protect this idiot, right?

    The sun had risen over the many peaks at last, the night of travel was coming to an end. The woman could see all of her companions were exhausted from their constant flight, only halting for short periods to hunt and drink. Moolettia was in a more decent condition from them considering she could just rest here on Aldara's back, so she felt sympathetic to her dragon companions.

    It was time to rest. Spreading out her mental link to each of them she raised her staff and pointed towards the mountains. 'We can find somewhere safe to rest there, just hang on a while longer.' Aldara let out a happy thrill to the news, tucking her wings in to drop to the range of rocky outcrops. Moolettia ducked down to not get ripped off Aldaras back from the relentless Autumn wind. Hooking the curve of her staff around one of the dark dragoness' spines.

    As their decent evened out once more the hybrid straightened to glance around the barren landscape around them. Looking for anyplace to just land and rest, preferably out of the wind like a cave, but an outcrop could work for them as well.

      . ── A L D A R A
      ( 20,629 ) ( female) ( dragon ) ( Echolocation, supersonic shriek, human transformation.) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Akuji, Moolettia and Aynur )
      . ── Are all humans stupid or am I just lucky enough to get stuck with the one?

        The dark dragoness may have been the youngest dragon of the group but she was undeniably the leader of it, she flew a little distance infront of the others, looking for dangers or any sign of land as they approached the edge of pirenne. She was the first to notice the Valgrave Highlands, a large range of mountains. Her ears perked as they approached the first bit of proper land they'd seen in a long while.

        As Moolettia shifted on her back, one ear twitched back to locate the small hybrid, noticing she was no longer unconscious. She could also feel the rising sympathy of the femme. Before she could reassure her, Moolettia spoke. All thoughts on reassuring the woman slipped her head at the simple desire to rest.

        With a happy thrill she tucked her wings in to her sides to drop, she pulled back into an even flight more slowly, careful to not set Moolettia hurling through the air. Sharp blue eyes studied the floor beneath them, eyeing the different paths curiously.

      ❄️. ── A K U J I
      ( 30,794 ) ( male ) ( dragon ) ( Mind control, ice breath, color changing scales, human transformation ) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Aldara, Moolettia and Aynur )
      ❄️. ── Is this a quest or a suicide mission? Because i can't tell over your stupidity

        The brooding, multicolored dragon tagged along more slowly than the others, he was the furthest from the front, scowling at the water as it swished noisily beneath him as if it'd suddenly stop moving. He was tired and wet. He'd been flying too low to the water as some point and ended up getting splashed. The cold night air gave no help to help him dry off, and they hadn't found anywhere to land overnight.

        At the news of landing Akuji gave a snort of; "Finally." as he actually attempted to keep up with the group once more. anywhere would work for him, but knowing his companions picky attitudes they'd probably be flying for another hour. Probably an exaggeration but Akuji was always the pessimist of the four.

        Lashing his tail he glared at the rocks before turning his head to look at his sister and her human friend. He scowled once more, lashing his tail. If it hadn't been for that damn human he'd probably be asleep in a cave, warm and dry. But no, he was out here flying to fulfil some hopeless fairy-tale.

      . ── G L I T C H
      ( 24 ) ( female ) ( human ) ( shapeshifting ) ( her house ) ( tags: open )
      . ── Shut up unless you accidentally want me to feed you poison.

        It was a nice, clear morning, you could've watched the sun rising from Glitch's window but instead of enjoying that Glitch was dealing with some stupid child who decided it was a good idea to actually follow a dare and jump into some well. In the middle of Autumn. She exhaled through her nose as she washed out an empty bottle, then grabbed a small bottle, containing some vile looking green liquid, from her cabinet and tipped it into the glass container.

        She placed the green liquid back and grabbed a vivid blue one and tipped that into the container as well, popping the cork in she gave it a shake and, as if by magic, the murky gray-brown liquid went milk white, its texture looked more like modern day calpol. She moved around the desk and handed it to the childs mother, frowning. "Give that to him before every meal. Keep him inside as well, no sugary snacks." her voice was firm, and then she turned to the child , swaddled in a thick cotton blanket, shivering. "I hope you've learned your lesson, mister." then dismissed the mother and son, after receiving a soft - "Thank you." from the parent Glitch closed the door to her house, grumbling about immature children and hopeless parents.

      . ── T I C K - T O C K
      ( Unknown) ( Gender-fluid) ( Ryna ) ( Umbrageous teleportation/ manipulation, Cursed immortality, Time-corruption ) ( cavesystem ) ( tags: closed )
      . ── You dont kill a king in the dark, you kill him in the courtyard where everyone can watch him bleed out.

        The sound of claws tapping the rocky cavern of a constantly pacing Ryna could be heard as you slipped into the darkness, dimly lit by glowing fungi and the lashing tail of the king. "How do you completely loose track of three massive dragons and a human?" he yelled, whirling to look at a smaller, feathered Jani.

        The Jani shifted uneasily, blinking at his paws instead of looking at his face. "I... I told you sir, we were flying in a storm.. We all got split up, even they did. And the human fell into the water." they attempted, Ticktock lashed his tail, snapping his fangs.

        "Oh just wonderful! I've lost track of the four creatures who know of my existence and now I'm also missing three Jani! Great! " he snapped at the Jani, causing them to flinch. He hissed in frustration. Lashing his tail he plopped down on the floor, glaring at the cavern around them. "You are dismissed. I want you to report to your Synoc and have them send out a patrol to see you if you can track those Jani. Bring a Tysa."

      🍁. ── M I L A G R O
      ( 656,984) ( male ) ( dragon ) ( Human shifting- Aeroportation) ( Amestham Wilds ) ( tags: open )
      🍁. ── Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage. Not weakness.

        Milagro fluffed up at the chilly air, cracking open his eyes as the sun rose to hiss in frustration. He uncurled, shaking out his feathered wings, wincing at the pain it caused his injuries. He'd been attacked by some rather violent creatures. Four to be exact. With another grumble he stretched, then moved forward a few paces.

        Every limb ached and protested as he went, eventually he hissed and sat back down, twisting his head to sniff at the scratches. "Oh dragondung." he grumbled, taking a small gentle lick, cringing at the pain it caused. Grumbling he began nudging his feathers gently to actually access the damage.
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