WT: Anetta Hills -NOW HAS OWN WEBSITE! Link in first post!-

Come adopt or share user-created adoptable species here.
Forum rules
These adoptables are not official CS pets and cannot be added to your CS account.
Art theft is not tolerated here. Do not copy/trace/edit/use anybody's pictures without their express permission.
If you are unsure, read the full art rules here.

Once-off adoptables belong in Character Sales and Design Shops: Forum/viewforum.php?f=69

If there were to be a new species, what would you like it to be? ~=Marking types.

Horse-like. (Piorequin)
Whole new species!
~Natural Colors/earthy tones
~Vibrant Bright colors
~A mixture of the 2
Total votes : 125

WT: Anetta Hills -NOW HAS OWN WEBSITE! Link in first post!-

Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:41 am

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Welcome! Wait, how did you get here?

Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:42 am

"Welcome to the island of Anetta," a small foxlike creature greets you. How can you understand her, you wonder. "Little is know about our land except for our creatures and hills, for we are located in the middle of the Hetrane Ocean. You must be from Solas, if I am correct."
"H-how do you know?" you stammer still in shock from the storm that brought you to this strange place.
"Your boat, has four sails. Three of the same color, one different. I have heard of this strange tradition from a few visitors." You turn and gaze down the large green hill you are standing upon. At the base of the landform lies your boat, mangled and slowly swaying as the incoming tides wraps around it.
"The storm came out of nowhere and blew me of course as I was sailing home. How far am I from the Solasian Bay?"
"Young one, Solas is half way around the world," the fox replied as she unfolded lacey dragonfly wings from her back and flew closer to give you a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. Feel free to stay here as long as you need to. I will arange a shelter while you save the remaining supplies from your boat."
"Okay. . . who are you?"
"I am Freshima Swaer."


Late that night, after you have trecked with your supplies to the mountains and settled into your shelter, a cave in the side of Sepper Mountain, Freshima arrives at your door. Without supper and hungry, you follow her out into a place that she calls Rane Valley.
Many animal of all ages and different species are running around, playing games, eating or just sitting and talking. Freshima points out a few younger winged foxes that are about her age. She points out her siblings then walks you away from the active clearing.
Once again, at the top of a tall hill, she shows you the land. You can see that ocean all around the island except for behind the mountains. The fox shows you the green Reint Forest and the Ket Forest neighboring the lake that shares its name.
"South of us is the Swaer Swamp. That is where Swaerflies, like me, live. Swamp makes up almost as much land as our hills. The Swaer Swamp is the largest and most heavily populated. It is surrounded by the Tenna River," she tells you.
"And my boat ran aground on the north side of that island in the river, right?"
"Yes, that is Tenna Isle, a beautiful yet hazardous place for boats and ships."
"Oh no! Look over there! I see fire-"
"-it's okay, that is the Pire. I will tell you the story later. . ."
As you walk your seperate ways and head back to Sepper Mt. you can almost smell the smoke from acrossed the island.
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Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:42 am



(I reserve the right to add as many rules as needed at any time.)

Follow ALL forum rules.

I WILL NOT tolerate art theft.
DO NOT steal anyone else's creature.
No CS based customs or ones that look eerily like other peoples adoptables. I will be the judge.

I will give you a code. No editing, sharing or swapping codes.
No editing codes or images at all.
You may not claim the images as your own, edit them, change them in any way, or use them in any way unappropriate.

Use proper grammar. No txt spk or not capitalizing things.

Adoptables don't leave CS unless with my permission.

No spam, reserving, bookmarking, or bumping please. If you want to save a link to it, there is a link at the bottom of the page. I am trying not to overrun this thread.
No whining, arguing, complaining, annoying, asking when the next creature will come, etc will be tolerate.

Please don't use as your OC, characters, or fursonas (unless it is a custom of one). OC means original character and it would be your OC if I made it.

You don't own the pet until, it is on your Archives page and I have PMed you the code!

I am sorry but I don't need mini mods or additional artists.
No mini modding!

No asking questions that are in the FAQ! Look there first so you don't spam the thread.
No asking when items will be restocked in the store or about new litters!!! If I want you guys to know in advance, I will post it here and/or on the fanclub page!

No editing forms! Once it's posted, you can not change it!
You MUST have a name picked out for your pet at the time of adoption!

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
If you complain about anything/ask for your pet to grow (if it has been awhile, all you have to say is, "Hey, my pet hasn't changed in awhile." If you say, ""Hey, my pet hasn't changed in awhile. Can you please make him/her change?" Strike.) You can get multiple stikes for complaining.

Genders are already chosen unless it's a custom.

You cannot reserve custom slots, items, etc.

I would love fanart of the species, just remember, no claiming as your own and link to this page or my account.

Please try to limit yourself on how many animals you adopt. Leave some for others.

Customs are not free, people! If you post a form for a custom with out having a Swaerflie Feather in the Archives and you automatically have 2 stikes added below!

You can bring the pets offsite as long as you PM me stated what site, where on the site, and make sure you link back. I prefer your personal sites and ones just made for displaying adoptables. ;3

Please move all general AH discussion here

Please read through everything before you post and/or adopt. Know whats going on so we don't have unneeded spam like, "Uh, can have a free custom of this pet." Customs aren't free and you must fill out the forms! Same with purchasing Hillings.
Send me the trade before you want to get something from the shop. It has to be in the Archives before you can spend it.
You will get a strike if the rules aren't followed!

People with strikes:

*Blackberry*: 4 strike(s)
Mysterywren: 1 strike(s)
Calypso Cantesa: 1 strike(s)
Wolf4ever: 1 strike(s)
Lavapony: 1 strike(s)
Chirai: 1 Strike(s)
Kovu+Kiara: 2 Strike(s)
Wolf-Luver1000: 1 Strike(s)
Apollo Fon Friso: 1 Strike(s)
SpiritTigress: 2 Strike(s)
Sweetypie978: 2 Strike(s)
Lillylove90: 1 Strike(s)
Angel-Beats: 1 Strike(s)

At 5 strikes your newest pet (not counting customs) will be taken away and put in the put in the pound where you must pay a fine or in two days your pet will go up for adoption. At 7 strikes if you have a custom, it will go to the pound or if you don't have one, another pet. At 10 strikes, you will be blacklisted and have all of your pets go to the pound! I think 10 warnings is more than enough so this shouldn't happen. ;D Read in the FAQ about how you can get rid of strikes.

None. Lets keep it that way. ;)



Do the adoptables grow?
Yes! =D

When do they grow/change and how many times can they change?
It depends on the species but around every 5-10 days and they change about 2-3 times.

What species are available?

Do you do customs?

Are customs free?
No, sorry. It takes time and effort to make these.

Can we br-
-yes, you can breed pet. X3

What program do you use?
Sumopaint ••• Hopefully in the future I will have Photoshop.

What type of tablet do you use?
Uh. . . a mouse. XD

What does this, •••, mean?
It indecates a link. I don't like the black test contrasting with the green when you link something, although I am okay with random, black dots. X)

Do the adoptables need clicks to grow?
No. They grow up in a few days, just like CS.

I can't find anywhere to put my pet. What should I do?
You can find your place in the Archives and watch your pet there. The Archives is where I keep the owners profiles, pet information, and Shilling amounts kept.

How do the pets grow?
Read: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=77860

I went to check on my pet and I saw it was a cloud. What happen and why?
If you ever see your pets image change to this:
that means it is sick or has ran away (to the pound). Sick pets usually heal themselves in about a week or two and there is no know cure. A pet usually becomes sick after being burned.
If you have not burned your pet, the cloud means that your pet has ran away to the pound because you haven't been active on AH or CS for a very long time.

Are the results of Embers of Pire always random? Like, getting three tails/Broken wings/two heads(!!)/small animated figure/etc? And if a pet gets burned, does no mutation happen at all and they are just ill for a week or two?
They are random, but none are them are horrible outcomes (and I don't plan on drawing a pet with 2 heads. XD)
You pet will always have a change even if it becomes sick. (Sickness means you can't view your pet for a while because I am editing it.)
You don't have to be careful, really. Just remember changes are permanent.

If I get a strike, does it eventually go away?
No. I decided that when people get strikes that last only a month, they just think, "If I don't go to Anetta Hills for a month, they will be gone," and they don't learn their lesson and continue to break the rules.

They can be removed, however, but you have to help me with something or do something to prove you have learned that rule. Ignoring AH won't help.
But they will not "eventually go away."
PM me if you'd like to know how you could help. =3

Any more questions?
Please PM me. ;D

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News~Table of Contents~Info

Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:43 am


Table of Contents:

Creature Guides~Statistics
Affliciates~Special Links

Fanclub here!


Spam and off topic messages go here:

Our Xat Chat

Please try to keep messages related to adopting a pet
on this thread.
(Just because the zat is for spam doesn't mean I want to
see, "oyh;ofklz;sgyvgyfd.")
February 29:
Announcement on page 44!

February 25:
Auctions added!

January 8:
We have a fanclub!? Fanclub here!

January 1:
We openned yesterday! =D
We have pets up for grabs and items in the shop! :)

December 30th:
This thread has been created! I have finally learned how you make adoptables grow without having a website to host it on. =D
The thread should be open for posting sometime this weekend!
If you ever need anything or see something that needs to be updated (archives, your adoptable is 'stuck' at one stage for a while, etc.), please PM me.

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Creature Guides~Statistics

Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:43 am


"I will now show you the creatures of the land," Freshima whispers to you. "They are all sleeping though, so we must tread lightly and talk quietly or they may awaken. Some are dangerous but everyone needs a good night's rest."

Adult Swaerflie
(Lfsn's pet: Anetta)
Swaerflies (Pronounced: swoh-yer-flies)

Scientific Name:
Vitta vulpes cornu (Lace wing fox)


They are very cunning creatures with fast reflexs. They originate from the Swaer Swamps but have spanned out across Anetta where ever it is warm. They refuse to travel near the Pire though, as their wings can't stand the violent updrafts and heat.
You will usually find them in groups of five fluttering above water or wet ground.

Long, bushy tails, wings (dragonfly like), 2 feathers behind the eye, and 2 feathers at the base of the tail.
Swaerflies are mostly earthy colors like sage greens, browns, light and dark blues, greys, etc. Some have brighter colors, like dragonflies, though. Neon markings are very rare. Different colored eyes are not unusual.
(Please keep this in mind with customs).

Breeding Habits.
They mate for life and can bred every two weeks, producing litters of 1-4.
The young grow around every 5-10 days.

Adult Girene
(Lfsn's pet: Claskin)
Girene (Pronounced: gir-een)

Scientific Name:
Noctua cauda trahuntur (Sweep tail owl)


These very wise birds spend most of their time on the North side of the Hanton Range. Some younger Girene venture into the valley on cloudy days and meet with the other creatures.
(My Girene, Claskin, is the one who stocks the pellets in the shop. =3)

Girenes have a flat circluar face similar to owls with fluffy insulating feathers that surround their body. The Girenes' tail consists of many droopy and floppy feather that can grow to be 3 feet long and longer than their body!
Girenes are many colors. Some have the coloring of other bird species and some have a design all their own. (Please keep this in mind with customs).

Breeding Habits.
They mate for life and can bred every two week, laying 1-3 eggs.
The young grow around every 7-11 days.

Adult Kekin
(Lfsn's pet: Chalk)
Kekins (Pronounced: keke-inz)

Scientific Name:
Tinnulo cornu parvo (Tufted small horn)


These goatlike creatures live on the sides of the mountains. They are surefooted and have great balance and strength to hop from rock to rock.
Chalk is the producer of Kekin Cheese in the Shop.

Kekins are basically long tail goats with full manes and a tufted tail. Both male and female have small horns on their forehead.
They are ONLY natural colors. Most have a lighter base coat with many paint or appaloosa like markings. Darker base coat and solid color coats are rare.
(Please keep this in mind with customs (no dark bases or solids.)).

Breeding Habits.
They mate for life and can bred every two weeks, producing 1 or 2 Keeds.
Most Kekins are the offspring of Chalk and Slate.
The young grow around every 10-15 days.

Adult Piorequin
Piorequin (Pronounced: Pie-or-eek-win)

Scientific Name:

Very Rare

"Not much is known about these creatures or how they arrived here, but I have heard about the great effort to contain these beasts. Why? Because they destroy everything they touch; literally! The horse-like animals are herbivores, only eating plants, but they had to burn the grass and foliage before they could consume it. Most of the time, the flames would get out of control and rage until rain. The native animals of Anetta were becoming sick from the constant smoke in the air and decide to fight until the equins left.
"By this time, there weren't that many Piorequins left. Many had starved and other just left or dissappered. The animals and them then made a decision; the Piorequins would live in the overgrown woods on the south shore. They have lived there ever since and as you can see by the smoke over there, they are feeding well."

Very rarely, a confused and lonely orphan will fine it's way to Rane Valley. There, only a skilled and loyal owner with Hillings will have a chance of adopting these creatures. And remember when adopting, everything is not as it seems. ;)

Horse-like body with a tail and mane of live flame.

Breeding Habits.
Not much is know about their breeding habits, exept that there is a 20% chance of a Piorequin being born (10% if breeding with another species (with Girene Pellets, 25% and 50% with Girene Pellets and both parents are Pioreuins.)

Not available for customs.



Total Pets Adopted:

(21 Males, 22 Females)

(8 Males, 8 Females)

(2 Male, 2 Female)

The number of pets released are centered around the Swaerflie population.
1 Girene per 2 Swaerflies
1 Kekins per 3-5 Swaerflies
1 Piorequin per 50-100 Swaerflies

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Rane Valley(Adoptions)~Pound

Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:43 am


Welcome to Rane Valley! You see many animals playing together but also many sad and/or lonely pets of by themselves, wanting to be adopted and yearning to have a friend. There are also abandoned newborns in a cave. These are some of the pets:

None at the moment. Please don't post forms!

Hint: You can tell their main color in adult form by looking at their:
Antennae (Swaerflie)
Eggshell and feathers (Girene)
Fur (Kekin)

Funfact: Here are the names of the young pets:
Swaerpup (Swaerflie)
Renelets (Girene)
Keeds (Kekin)

When you see a pet that catches your eye, please fill out this form and give the pet a nice name:
Code: Select all
Rane Valley
Pet #:
Pet Name #:

I will judge who gets the pet by who posts first or name quality.
Your first pet everyweek is free (unless a price is next to it). Then, the second pet is 100 Hillings.
Some pets are reserved for people who haven't adopted any yet.


The Pound:

Previously owned pets can be found here. They have been confiscated from people who have broken 5+ rules or are leaving CS. Mostly adults are here, as it is extremely rare to find a newborn or young pet. Their names have been chosen by their past owners. Most of them have not been cared for properly and aren't willing to respond to others at first. You will need to show that you care about them, other wise they will end up here, again. Short stories are optional but I will almost always choose one with it.
If you are not active for a long period of of time, I will notify you. If you do not respond for a week (I will check if you are on), your pet(s) will go here.
Pets in the pound:


Name: Sarena
Reason for confiscation: many rules broken/ignored.
Sarena is a shy former custom.


To adopt a pet, please fill out this form:
Code: Select all
Pet #:
Why you want this pet:
Short Story:

I will judge who gets the pet by the reason you want the pet.
Pets from the pound are free but you can adopt no more than 1 a day.

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Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:43 am



Welcome to the nursery! Here, creatures are born and raised until they are old enough to enter the valley. In order to breed, you will need a Love Potion and two adult creatures of the same species. I will allow you to breed your creature and one owned by another user, if they have posted on this topic that it is okay with them. They will have to pay half the fee, though. (You can read about Single Love Potions in the shop).
Once a litter is born, it will be posted here. The owners can then choose one of the pets for each of them and the rest will go to Rane Valley for public adoption. There are 2-4 young in a litter (unless you use a Girene Pellet which increases litter size by 1-2). Genders are already chosen.

Litters for adoption:
Mother: Sashara owned by Azure23
Father: Ocean's Child owned by Snowflies

Snowflies and Azure23 must choose:
Snowflies must name.




Please fill out this form if you would like to breed your adoptables:
Code: Select all
[b]Mother (Image, Name, Species and Owner)[/b]:
[b]Father (Image, Name, Species and Owner)[/b]:

If you are one of the parents' owners, fill out this form once you have chosen your desired creature:
Code: Select all
Pet #:
Pet Name:



Sometimes adoptables that you have always longed to have randomly come out of one of the caves in the Hanton Mountains. These pets are customs.
In order to obtain a custom, you must first purchase a Swaerflie Feather and fill out a form. From there, you must hike to the highest point of the Hanton Mountains and set the feather in a cave with your form. In a few days, your fully grown custom will appear at your doorstep.
(Note: Some rarer breeds are not available as customs.)

Here is the form:

Code: Select all
[b]Name of Creature[/b]:
[b]Species[/b]: Swaerflie/Girene
[b]Gender[/b]: Male/Female
[b]Creature Ref/Description[/b]:

No pets based on other peoples pets!
You can have accessories added if you pay quite a bit extra! ACCESSORIES!
Markings, mutations, and hair can only be added if you purchase Embers from the Pire and say on your form that you will be using them on your custom. Only then can you tell me what you want the mutations to be.

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Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:44 am



Welcome to the shop! Here you can find things that allow you to breed, alter, or keep your pet the same forever! Feel free to look around but chose wisely; Hillings are not refundable.
Items can be stored for any amount of time. Sometimes, I will remove items from the shop without any warning and they will be unavailable or purchase. So stock up while you can. ;D
Once in the Archives, you can use your item whenever you feel like it. =)

Usable Items

Love Potion*
Allows you to breed 2 adoptables. 500 Image
0 in stock.

Single Love Potion*
Allows you to breed your adoptables with another person. (Both people must own this.) 300Image
0 in stock.

Gender Potion
Allows you to change the gender of 1 of your adoptables and make minor edits to the name. Also, your pet will be able to choose a new mate. 50 Image
2 in stock.

Hanton Snow
Freeze your adoptable in their current stage. (Warning: your pet will be young and not be able to breed if this is used. However, you can pay 50 Hillings to remove it.) 100 Image
4 in stock.

Time Cookie
Makes your young pet instantly grow into a full adult. (Can not be used with Hanton Snow.) 100 Image
0 in stock.

Swaerflie Feather
This rare feather allows you to order 1 custom adoptable. 500 Image
0 in stock.

Girene Pellets
Adds 1-2 young to a litter. Can not be used with Two Stemmed Flower. 200 Image
4 in stock.

Two Stemmed Flower
Doubles litter size. Can not be used with Girene Pellets. 250 Image
3 in stock.

River Shell
Using this, you get to keep all of the pets you have bred, therefor getting the most out of your breeding as possible. When breeding pets with another user, a die will be rollen to see who chooses first. Then, the other person will choose again and the first person will again, etc. The person that didn't choose first will choose first next time. Both users must have. 300 Image
1 in stock.

Multiple Fungi Extract
Allows to adoptables of different species to be bred. More than 1-2 species can be in a litter. Both owners must have this if the 2 pets are owned by different people. If they are both your pets, you only need one. 100 Image
1 in stock.

Kekin Cheese
Once your pet eats this cheese, it's pelt will change to a different hue. Example.
I will pick the hue, but will allow you to pick one color to avoid. Can not be removed but can be changed with another piece of cheese. 150 Image
2 in stock.

Embers from the Pire
Be careful, if these burning embers fall on your pet, they will be scarred with random new markings, mutations, glowing affects and might even gain a small animated feature. Use with caution. Your pet will have a 20% chance of becoming ill after being burned. Can NOT be removed.
Can be used up to 5 times on 1 pet.
Pets' offspring have a fairly good chance of inheriting mutations and markings. 300 Image
0 in stock.

*= you can only have up to 2 of both of these items (2 of one/1 of both) in your unused items.

Necklaces, Trinkets, and Plants:

Once one of these items is purchased, it will go into the Archives. You can then PM me when you would like me to add or remove it from your pet for free. When removed, the item returns to your unused items section so you can put it on another pet or save it for later.

Basic Necklace
Your pet can wear this basically beautiful necklace with a single colored orb on the end.
You choose the color (only one): Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, pink, white, gray, and black.
All species; Adults only (unless frozen). 100 Image
1 in stock.



You come to a field with many attractive, beautiful, and just plain unique pets.
"Going once. . . going twice. . . 200 Hilling?. . . 250 Hillings?. . . SOLD!"
The yelling, coming from the center of a crowd, makes you realize that this is an auction. It seems that you have a few extra Hillings in your pocket. How about bidding a few times?

"Here is our next beauty up for auction. . ."

"This little lady was found as a pup near the edge of the Pire with burns all over her. Once she healed and grew, she became this wonder. . ."
Auction ends: March 15 or sooner if desired.
Minimum Bid: 400 300
10+ Hilling Intervals

(in order)

1. <3Fenris<3: 4,330 <Winner!
2. Sησω: 2,500
3. Coolkoala99: 1,500
4. Moon~*: 300

(Bids are based off of amounts in Hillings (and pets if they are really good). Wishlist pets (some exceptions, PM me) and items (PM me for list) only.)

Post bid form here or PM it to me.
Code: Select all
Lot #:
Bid (in Hillings): -#here-[img]http://www.sumopaint.com/files/images/ageachfzrpmqtcsa.png[/img]

How to fill out:

Username: Lfsn
Lot #: 1
Bid (in Hillings): 500Image


How to get Hillings:
Send me a trade with the pets you would like to trade for hillings. In your trade message please include the amount of Hillings the pets are worth. I will double check the amount and add it to your page in the Archives. Please, see below for prices.
You must send me pets before hand as you may only purchase a pet or item if your money is already archived (which means, I have recieved your trade and have added your total to your Archive page. Once it is up, you can buy something.)

Send this form in your trade message:

Code: Select all
I would like to by some Hillings.
Do you have a Archive Page already:
If you do, link:

PM me about store items for Hillings.

Rereleases (no less than an '09 rare): 300+ Image
Newborn Dogs: 15 Image
*Newborn Horses/Ponies: 10 Image
*Newborn Cats: 10 Image
Catterpillars: 10 Image
Hoard Pets: +10 Image

*= I will add more Hillings for natural colors.

2012 Very Common- 5 Image
2012 Common- 10 Image
2012 Uncommon- 20 Image
2012 Rare- 100 Image
2012 Very Rare- 300 Image
2012 OMG so Rare- 700 Image
2012 Store Pet- 200 Image

2011 Very Common- 15 Image
2011 Common- 25 Image
2011 Uncommon- 50 Image
2011 Rare- 150 Image
2011 Very Rare- 400 Image
2011 OMG so Rare- 1000 Image
2011 Store Pet- 300Image

2010 Very Common- 15 Image
2010 Common- 30 Image
2010 Uncommon- 80 Image
2010 Rare- 200 Image
2010 Very Rare- 500 Image
2010 OMG so Rare- 1500 Image
2010 Store Pet- 400 Image

2009 Very Common- 25 Image
2009 Common- 50 Image
2009 Uncommon- 100 Image
2009 Rare- 250 Image
2009 Very Rare- 600 Image
2009 OMG so Rare- 2000 Image
2009 Store Pet- 500 Image

2008 Very Common- 75 Image
2008 Common- 100 Image
2008 Uncommon- 200 Image
2008 Rare- 500 Image
2008 Very Rare- 1000 Image
2008 OMG so Rare- 3000 Image

*Wishlist only**No spiders or rats unless hoard*
*Some pets I value more and may add more Hillings to your total. No asking for extras though!*
Raven Dog = 2000 Image
White Dragon = 3500 Image
Boar PPS= 4000 Image
Blue Toxic = 5000 Image
This Dog = 1000 Image

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Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:44 am



Ѧsɧωyɳ ♀:•••
Pheonix Elixr:•••
Teardrops in Time Chirai:•••
Dragon girl 150:•••

Last edited by McKellsen on Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:50 am, edited 25 times in total.
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Afficiates~Special Links

Postby McKellsen » Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:18 pm



I hope you have had fun exploring Anetta. Now that you are settled in and have a few loving adoptables, here are some people that have other adoptables, art for sale, or just links that I think you should read:

Ƶɛℓ Ѵαℓℓɛʏ


Banners and Other:

If you would your shop or adoptables to be seen here pm me with your image (preferably stamps but I will post adoptables, too) and once I see that you have put my stamp (below) on your page, I will return the favor. =)

Anetta Hills' Stamp:
Code: Select all


Other Links:

My Artshop
Wildtracks Adoptables

Last edited by McKellsen on Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:36 am, edited 18 times in total.
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