Official Guide to Everything Woltern

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Official Guide to Everything Woltern

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:56 am

Official Guide to Everything Woltern
This species was created and is owned by rae sanders

Legend tell of a lush island populated by sentient wolves and bears. The island is called Urkir by the neighboring people. The island is said to be peaceful, from a distance. However, if one was to venture onto the island, they would find a hell waiting to greet them.

The creatures that are said to inhabit the island are a lie. Monsters live there, and they are at war.

There was a time where wolves and bears lived in harmony on the island. However, the bears wanted more land and they would be dammed if they would not get it. But the bears were equal to the wolves. They could not win while they were not the superior force. The bears made a pact with the Sabor-toothed goddess, who breed with the bears, created a raced of sabor-toothed bears. These bears, called Slabears, were superior to the wolves in every way. They obliterated wolven lines, taking miles of territory.

But the wolves would not stand for it. They made their own alliances; they fought back.

The wolves, desperate to end the slaughter of their race, asked the dragon goddesses for help. Katerma and Lelion were reluctant to help the wolves at first, they didn't wish to killed the Slabears, so they sent them away. But the wolves pressured on, and soon the dragons gave in. So, dragon bred with wolf, creating a cross-breed that was just as equal to the Slabears in every way. They are called the Wolterns.

Now, the Wolterns fight the Slabears to restore the peace that once existed, and gain back their land.

The war is yet to be one.

Who will triumph?

Table of Contents
About the Species
About the Enemy
The Island of Urkir
The Woltern Census
Rules and Q&A
Helpful Links
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Last edited by rae sanders on Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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About the Species

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:57 am

About the Species
Here you will find everything you may ever need to know about the Woltern species.

What are the Woltern?

    The Woltern is a wolf / eastern dragon cross breed also known as 'The Warriors of Urkir.' They are with attributes of an eastern dragon.

What do the Woltern look like?

    The Woltern are large, thing wolves with attributes of an eastern dragon. They feature a set of whiskers coming from their muzzles in varying lengths. Their have a set of nose platelets running from their not to just between the eyes. The Woltern typically has a set of horns coming in four different styles: The curved horn, an antler-like horn, straight horns pointing backward, and straight horns pointing up. At the end of their long legs they may have feathering, also in varying length. They have a relatively short tail for their great size.

    Wolterns normally have a natural colored base coat, yet they also have unique markings along their body. This is due to war-paint. In honor of the dragon goddesses, the Wolterns paint their coats. This paint stains their coat for the rest of their lives.

What about the armor?

    The Woltern armor is said to be a projection of their inner self. To say, more light-hearted Wolterns may wear a lighter armor, or a more hardy Woltern may wear a bulky armor set. How decorative the armor is depends on personality as well. A rather plain Woltern may have very plain armor.

    Younger Wolterns in training get a set of default training armor. This is normally just from plain scrap metal to cover the basics in combat.
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About the Enemy

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:57 am

About the Species
Here you will find everything you may ever need to know about the Slabear species.

What are the Slabear?

    The Slabear is a saber-tooth / bear cross breed. They are huge beasts with the power to equal even the senior Wolterns. While not as intelligent as the Wolterns, they are a great deal more aggressive and territorial.

    The Slabears call an ancient volcano in the middle of the island home. Sense the volcano keeps the underground that they call home warm, the Slabears do not hibernate.

What do the Slabear look like?

    The Slabear is build like the Kodiak bear, only much larger. The Slabears are built for brute strength, but do possess a little dexterity, possible from the saber-blood in them. They range in color from white to black, and have a rather natural marking set. Occasionally you will see a Slabear with a set of faint stripes coming from in-between their shoulder blades and growing darker as you get to the rump.
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The Island of Urkir

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:58 am

The Island of Urkir
Here you will find everything you may ever need to know about the island or Urkir

The Dens

    The Woltern keep four different den cites for each season.

    The winter den is located closet to the border with the Slabears. This is due to the warmth the volcano exudes. It is very dangerious to live so close to the Slabears, but it must be done due to the harsh winter.

    The spring den is located on the west side of the island close to the coast. An ancient tree with gnarled roots made for a good underground system of tunnels. The land near works well for training new Wolterns.

    The Summer den is located up north practically on the coast, due to the harsh summer heat. Here, the Wolterns are close to another enemy, the Balaski Sharks. These sharks make for good combat practice for the new Wolterns.

    Then the Fall den, located on the east, where the trees are always orange and red. There is a a few large trees that have fallen and been carved. They provide the guard dens, but the other dens are near, a large boulder had shaped itself into a cave into this hill, which is hollow.
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The Woltern Census

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:58 am

The Woltern Census
Everyone who is of the Woltern species, there rank, and the relationships within.

Rank & File



The Admirals


The Captains


The Lieutenants


The Shamans

Patrol Commanders


Prey Hunters










Woltern Relationships

Family Trees



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Rules and Q&A

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:59 am

Rules and Q&A
Everything you are expected to follow is listed here. We have also taken the librety to answer some commonly asked questions here.


    Do not steal or claim the species to be your own idea.
    Do not take off of ChickenSmoothie unless given explicit permission.
    Give credit where credit is due.
    Any form of art theft will result in a strike against you and a swift report.
    Do not harrass or bully other users.
    Do not steal ideas from other adoptables.
    Do not complain if you do not win.
    Once obtained, you may not sell your Woltern.
    If you no longer wish to own your Woltern, return it to the artist who created it so it may be adopted out again.
    If you are banned, your Woltern will be adopted out again; you can no longer claim the rights to it.
    Do not ask for a custom or for breeding.
    You may only apply for one Woltern at a time.
    You must fill out the adoption application compeletely in order to be considered.
    Best adoption application wins.
    Breedings will be decided by the m​ods.
    There is no adoption limit at the time.
    You may order artwork for a Woltern you are applying for.


Can I have a custom Woltern?

    No, currently we are not producing custom Wolterns.

Can I make my own Woltern?

    No, you can only get one from adoptions currently. Later, we may offer customs.

How do I adopt a Woltern?

    You fill out the application of course. We will ask for: Name, Personality, Story, Artwork, and anything else you want to add.

Can I adopt more than one Woltern?

    As of right now, we do not have an adoption limit. However, we would ask that you do not try to adopt every Woltern you see. Give other people a chance to adopt one.

Can I breed my Woltern?

    No. The leaders/mods must agree to your Wolterns being a mated pair. (They will need to be at least two years old before they are even considered.) Then, we will decide at random which mated pair will have a litter of pups. Then, the pups will be adopted out.

Are the predocesours still alive?

    No, they only exist in spirit.

How does ageing work in with rank?

    The Wolterns work a lot like real wolves do. At 6 months a pup becomes a trainee. They stay a trainee until they are 2 years old. (When sexual maturaty has been reached.) Then, they are given a rank. The owner of the Woltern can suggest a rank, but it is ultimately up to the leaders/mods.

How do Wolterns move up in rank?

    The leader/mods decide if the Woltern is fit for promotion.

How many pups can a woltern have?

    Up to 5. However most only have 3.
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Helpful Links

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:00 am

Helpful Links

Here is a link to things you may find helpful or useful. Like adoptables still open to be adopted or gift lines.
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Reserved #1

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:00 am

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Reserved #2

Postby rae sanders » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:00 am

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Reserved #3

Postby rae sanders » Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:37 pm


And open for comments

Last bumped by rae sanders on Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:37 pm.
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