Come join the Penny Dragon Party! By Ocean Plumeria
Want to chitchat or have questions? Please post in our fanclub!
Wanting a pet but not the costs? Then I have a deal for you! Come see our selection of Penny Dragons!
Penny dragons are one of the easiest pets to take care of in the world. All they require is some love, a scrap of food here and there, and occasionally a penny for their hord. Easy right? As babies, they love to be in tiny spaces and often hide in bottles, shells, and other protective items. In fact, if someone continues to feed and nourish them, they're so stubborn about guarding their little territory that they will live in them until they look too big to leave! But no worries. They can easily squeeze or break out of the bottle if they want. While they are fine being alone, they adore being held in your pocket, traveling all around your town and being part of new adventures. So why wait? Come adopt your very own penny dragon!
Want to help out? Use this stamp to show your support!
- Code: Select all
Free for all!
- Code: Select all
- Code: Select all
Rules are very simple here but I'll lay them out for you anyway!
1. Do not steal. You may show your penny dragon anywhere you like, but please do not claim rights to the art, species/idea, or rights to another's dragon. This also includes using one's dragon without their permission, even for personal reasons, or editing your dragons. The breaking of this rule is grounds for IMMEDIATE BLACK LISTING AND REPORTING TO CS. YOU WILL RECEIVE NO WARNINGS.
2. Unless otherwise stated, Penny Dragons are first come first serve basis. Please do not complain if you were not the first to accurately fill out the order form.
3. Do not edit your posts. If you made an error on your order forms, then you must repost. Again. First to accurately fill out a form gets the Penny Dragon! Only apply for one dragon per batch.
4. Be respectful. I'm sure I don't need to say this but don't be rude to your fellow members! Everyone is here to have a good time.
5. Do not sell your dragon. If you do not want your dragon anymore, just return it to me! I'll be sure to find it a great home.
6. Please keep conversations on this topic limited to important news, codes, and order forms. Everything else should go in our fan group found at the top of this page.
[center]8/16-- Customs is open. I will be only accepting 3 slots for now. We will see how well I quickly I can produce those and go from there.
8/13-- Welcome back guys! I apologize for my absence. A lot has changed in my personal life, and I don't expect this to have much of a following after what, 3 years? Finally got the thread unlocked though! I do hope some of you all get a bit of enjoyment out of the new stuff for a while though. I was out of work for Covid-19 issues, so while that's happening, I am trying to find something to motivate myself to do artwork again. While these are simple, I remember how challenging they could be for me to create new ideas.
Once work allows me to go back, I'll be unfortunately be having a heavy amount of overtime so I cannot guarantee how often drops will be conducted. And because of that, commissions will rarely open. I simply won't be able to produce them.
That does bring me to my next point. I'm fairly certain I returned everyone's payments who bought commissions that I or the other artists never completed. However, if I did not. Please contact me. I should have your payment still, and I will return that or whatever else you'd like. I do not want to screw people over. That also goes for the artists. If you did complete something that I did not know about, let me know and I'll figure out what the payment was to forward to you! As of now, I will most likely not recruit any helping artists. Because of how uncertain my presence on here will be, I do not want to complicate it.
Anyway. I'm happy to be back for a while. Hope you enjoy.
Please listen to each staff member! They are allowed to patrol the posts and make sure rules are followed.
Creator/Artist-- Willowarts (myself!)
Archivist-- AceThePhoenix
This is where free adoptions and returned dragons will be held. Only pick one per batch please!
Codes will be dropped after all are adopted out.
Today's drop are babies based off the forest!
Batch Password:
- Code: Select all
Penny Dragon Order Form
Dragon #:
Batch password:
What will you name it? (Optional):
Owner Archive
Would you like your very own design? No problem!
Customs cost 2 ChickenSmoothie commons
You can edit and add whatever you wish.
Custom items (things added to a finished dragon that you already have) cost 1 common.
You can add as many things as you want to one dragon. Each dragon that I am editing costs the one common.
Customs will now cost whatever you feel they are worth. There is no minimum or requirements. Just whatever you feel comfortable trading!
Just send them to me and post your order form, and I'll get it to you as soon as I can! Usually what will happen is customs will open on weekends, and then I will close and work on the list throughout the week. Usually lol. I'm only accepting 3 orders at the moment.
Customs on Order:
1. Northern Malagon (awaiting payment)
Items on Order
Please just complete the appropriate order form for an item edit or a new dragon when Customs are open.
- Code: Select all
Custom Order Form
Link to or description of design:
- Code: Select all
Custom Item Form
Link to the dragon being edited:
What would you like to add?:
Check out these other adoption centers!
The Vivarium Store: Aquarium
The Vivarium Store: Ant Farms
Kruba Orb Serpents
I am also part of the Vivarium Store Chain
These are individuals who are forbidden from using and participating with anything regarding Penny Dragons. Please report these individuals to me if they are caught using the art.
-CorgiLicious (previously MartinezCorgi)