Chiryuu Adopts V2 [Hiatus, 14.10.23 Announcement on pg 224]

Come adopt or share user-created adoptable species here.
Forum rules
These adoptables are not official CS pets and cannot be added to your CS account.
Art theft is not tolerated here. Do not copy/trace/edit/use anybody's pictures without their express permission.
If you are unsure, read the full art rules here.

Once-off adoptables belong in Character Sales and Design Shops: Forum/viewforum.php?f=69

Chiryuu Adopts V2 [Hiatus, 14.10.23 Announcement on pg 224]

Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:00 pm

𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑇𝑜 𝐶𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑦𝑢𝑢 𝐴𝑑𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑠!
This is a place where you can adopt Chiryuus. I’m the one responsible for the place, Tindraake, but feel free to call me just Tin. Anyway, please go ahead and take a look at the place, and possibly adopt one of our wonderful creatures.



News and updates:
30.12.2020 NEW
I'll be putting Chiryuus on a semi-hiatus for the time being. There's been a bunch of stuff happening IRL, on top of which I've been struggling with a low-motivation period, which I feel is visible.
So I figured it would be better to put things on hiatus for the time being.
The shop will stay open, the Christmas items will stay up for grabs and I'll finish the one custom order I still have to do, but I won't be posting any litters or anything.

Admin - Tindraake
Artist - Outcast~
Artist - The Promise
Moderator - Canary22
Archivist - Luca-Soulishan

Banners/Stamps: Small stamps made by LeoIsLame
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Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:01 pm

What is a Chiryuu?
The Chiryuus are believed to have begun as the offspring of a unicorn and a dragon before becoming their own species, although no one knows for sure.
Chiryuus come in many different colours and patterns, in fact Chiryuus are like snowflakes; there isn’t a single Chiryuu that looks exactly like another one.


Occasionally there's new Chiryuu types and mutations discovered. We have listed all of the currently existing types and mutations, and will update the list when new ones are found.
(Event Chiryuus and ones from special litters can sometimes have line edits that do not count as mutations.)

You can check out all currently existing combined mutations here!

Chiryuu Types

Very Common
Normal PPS
Rare [Event only]


Mutations on Normal

Unicorn Horn
Chest Fluff
Canine Tail
Leg Fluff
Serrated Horn
Very Uncommon
Very Uncommon
Feline Tail
Very Uncommon

Feather Wings
Very Rare
Insect Wings
Very Rare
Small Feather Wings
Very Rare
Six Legs
Very Rare


Mutations on Normal PPS

Unicorn Horn
Chest Fluff
Canine Tail
Leg Fluff
Very Uncommon
Very Uncommon
Very Uncommon
Small Feather Wings
Very Rare


Mutations on Eastern

Insect Wings
Very Rare
Small Feather Wings
Very Rare
Very Rare


Mutations on Aquatic

Unicorn Horn
Very Uncommon
Insect Wings
Very Rare
Small Feather Wings
Very Rare
Very Rare
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Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:02 pm

Basic and adoption rules

-Don’t spam, mini-mod or be rude
-Don't ask to be staff unless there's open applications
-If you change your username, please say so, so that the archive can be updated
-Art theft or Chiryuu theft in any form is NOT tolerated
-Please don't edit the image of your, or anyone else's Chiryuu in any way
-If you have been inactive on CS for 2 years or more, your Chiryuus will be rehomed and items put in the LaF. NEW

-You are only allowed to sell or trade your Chiryuu for Mystic and other Chiryuus (There also needs to be proof that both sides approve the of trade) (Trade related talk can go to the fanclub so it doesn't get lost)
-You can take your Chiryuus off-site (with credit), but you are not allowed to trade/sell them outside of CS
-You're allowed to try out for 1 Chiryuu per litter
-Please don't complain if you don't get a Chiryuu. Don't beg for one either
-When adopting a Chiryuu, please put the gender either as female or male. Tin is not very familiar with non-binary genders + it makes things a lot easier when it comes to breeding. You're allowed to think of your Chiryuus as any gender though.
-Chiryuus are allowed to have other sexualities than heterosexuality, but all breedings still have to be male x female.

The punishment for breaking the rules depends on the severity of the rule breaking.


Custom rules

-Mutations are not freely combinable. Please stick to the mutations that are listed on the Mutations post and Combined Mutations thread
-You can't order a custom that's based on a CS pet or with Eastern lines (unless you have a Eastern Custom Orb)
-If you want to order a custom you need a Custom Orb
-When ordering a custom, please check what the artist prefers in terms of references/written descriptions
-Only order customs when there's open custom slots
-If you want a custom with random markings, please specify that in the 'other' section, and provide the hex codes (eg: #FF0000) for the colours in the 'reference' section
-Fill out the custom form COMPLETELY


Staff rules and guidelines

-Staff that has been inactive for a long amount of time without explanation why, will be fired
-Artists, Guest Artists, Archivists and Moderators are allowed 2 free customs. I might give out more on special occasions
-Guest artists are allowed 2 free customs in total ever, even if they are hired multiple times (Special occasions excluded)
-All staff will get a monthly salary consisting of Mystic
-Only the admin is allowed to give out warnings and bans, the mods will contact me if someone needs to be given any
-Staff members can NOT reserve Chiryuus from litters. Trying out for Chiryuus in litters like everyone else is allowed though. This also applies to the artist that made the litter and the admin
-Artists and Guest Artists are not allowed to make/order their custom before they have made at least 4 litters. Moderators and Archivists need to do some work too, first.

Artist + Guest Artist exclusive rules and guidelines
-Guest artists get ~2 months to make as many litters as they like. Litters must follow the rules below.
(Guest artists can also make litters for events that more or less consist of only the litters (Valentines Day, Chinese New Year...). Other than that event Chiryuu making is for Artists only.

-Litters must consist of a minimum of 3 Chiryuus. There's no maximum, but if the litter is really big, it'll be split into 2 or more separate ones. If that happens, the salary can be raised for that particular litter.
-Please avoid making litters of copyrighted characters and similar (Pokémon, Undertale, Chicken Smoothie pets etc.). They can be made into freebies instead.
-Line edits should be reserved for events only. Sometimes exceptions can be made.
-It would be preferred if the litters were in a pixel art-style (no using images/photos to use as the 'pattern' or brushes with anti-aliasing, essentially) (Gradients are usually an exception to this rule)
-You don't have to be able to make transparent backgrounds. I can do that for you if you don't have a suitable art program.
-Obviously, only colour inside the lines.
-Shadows and lineart should be coloured. The exception being the lineart for the eyes, that is optional. If the base colour is very dark, you can use a lighter colour for the lines instead. Otherwise please use a darker colours than the base and shadows.
-Please refrain from using 100% black (Hex code: #000000, RGB code: 0, 0, 0)
-Preferably use Imgur to upload the images. If you don't have an Imgur, I can upload them to mine instead. (The reason for these is the shorter URLs)
-Eastern Chiryuus are event only, please do not make them for regular litters.
-Please save the Chiryuu images as .png or even .gif

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Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:02 pm

These are raffles!
You're allowed to try out for 1 Chiryuu per litter.
Please don't have WIP on any of the fields. Forms with WIP on any fields will be ignored, unless you edit it before the end date. Forgetting to add your username won't get you disqualified as long as you don't do it constantly. Being on mobile is no excuse for this.
If you don't know how to post a picture somewhere don't be afraid to ask.
I live in Finland [UTC +2 or UTC +3 during EEST], so keep that in mind in terms of end dates.

Code: Select all
[color=#BF0080][b][u]I want to adopt a Chiryuu![/u][/b][/color]
[b]Litter number:[/b]
[b]Chiryuu ID:[/b]
[b]Chiryuu name:[/b]
[b]Chiryuu gender:[/b]


You can enter for 2 Chiryuus in all litters released from December 1st - December 24th/25th!

Litter 1
End date: 27.12.2020 | Codeword: Festive | Artist: Tindraake

ID: #995
Entries: shanne

ID: #996

ID: #997
Entries: mirinae535, Papilio Ulysses, Julie_PiscesGirl

ID: #998
Entries: mirinae535, recognize, Papilio Ulysses, shanne, wolfy514


Litter 2
End date: N/A | Codeword: N/A | Artist: Tindraake

ID: #N/A

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Pound and Customs

Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:03 pm


Here’s all the Chiryuus that don’t have a home. Either they didn’t get adopted, or their owners didn’t want them anymore. Fill out the form below if you want to give one of them a home. <3
First come, first serve! 1 Per person per batch!
Chiryuus come with their equipped items. The items can be unequipped by posting about it on the thread.

Code: Select all
[color=#BF0040][b][u]I want to adopt from the pound![/u][/b][/color]
[b]Chiryuu's ID:[/b]
[b]Chiryuu Name:[/b]
[b]Chiryuu Gender:[/b]

Homeless Chiryuus:
People who have adopted from the current batch: mirinae535, blue bell, bmkmb

ID: #975
Offspring of: #879 x #888

ID: #977
Offspring of: #879 x #888

ID: #978
Offspring of: #879 x #888


Check the custom rules from the 'Rules' post.
*Artist name* [Customs open or closed]

Custom slots:

Tindraake [Open] [Picture references only, unless very simple]
1. wolfy514
2. Open
3. Open

Previous Customs
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Outcast~ [Closed] [Picture references only]
1. Open
2. Open

Previous Customs

The Promise [Closed] [Picture references and/or detailed descriptions]
1. Open
2. Open
3. Open

Previous Customs

Code: Select all
[color=#FF0080][b]I want to order a custom![/b][/color]
[b]What custom orb do you use?:[/b]
[b]What lines do you want it to be on?:[/b]
[b]What artist do you want to make your custom?:[/b]

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Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:03 pm



If you have two Chiryuus and believe their babies will look beautiful, you can breed them if there's breeding slots available. One person can take a maximum of 2 breeding slots at the same time.
PPS Chiryuus, siblings and children and parents can NOT be bred. Littermates can breed, but are guaranteed to get less offspring than usual. Orbs can't be used on littermate breedings.
Customs can only be bred with Custom Breeding Orbs.
Chiryuus can be bred with eachother regardless of type (For example, A Eastern Chiryuu can be bred with a Normal one)


For breeding you need:
-One male Chiryuu and one female Chiryuu
-10 Mystic
-(Optionally) Breeding orbs (you can decide the amount of offspring with orbs)


Usually the amount of new Chiryuus received from breeding is 3-5. If the bred Chiryuus are littermates, the litter will consist of 1-3 Chiryuus.
You should get your new Chiryuus 1-7 days after the breeding.
The new Chiryuus automatically belong to the person who bred them, but if you just want one of the Chiryuus or don’t like some of the outcomes, you can PM me which Chiryuus you don’t want and I’ll put them in the pound for other people to adopt.


If you want to breed your Chiryuu with someone else's Chiryuu, you have to have the permission of the other person. Both parts should contact me if it’s okay or not and who’ll pay for the breeding (and then fill out the breeding form).
It’s also okay if person A pays 5 Mystic and person B pays 5 Mystic, for example.
After the new Chiryuus have arrived, both parts must discuss who gets which Chiryuus and then contact me.
Here’s the form you need to fill out if you want to breed your Chiryuus. If you’re breeding your Chiryuu with someone else's, only one person needs to fill out the form.

Code: Select all
[color=#FF0080][b]I want to breed my Chiryuus![/b][/color]
[b]Female Chiryuus’ ID/Name:[/b]
[b]Male Chiryuus’ ID/Name:[/b]
[b]Owner/s of the Chiryuus:[/b]
[b]Any orbs?:[/b]
[b]Desired artist:[/b]

Breeding Slots:

Tindraake [Closed]
1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

Outcast~ [Closed]
1. Closed

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Events etc.

Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:04 pm

Christmas items:
Fill out the form below to receive a set of 2020 Christmas items, equippable on all Chiryuu types.
These will remain up for grabs until the end of this year.
Code: Select all
[b][u][color=#BF0000]Christmas items![/color][/u][/b]

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Anniversary Art Raffle: [Open!]
This is a raffle for a piece of art of one of your Chiryuus. Art will be made by me, Tindraake.
The piece will be fully coloured and shaded and can have either a transparent or a simple background.
The amount of winners will depend on the final amount of entries.
1-4 entries = 1 Winner
5-9 entries = 2 Winners
10-14 entries = 3 Winners and so on.
Additionally, if there's 5 or more total entries, there will be 1 additional winner for a fully coloured and shaded headshot of their Chiryuu. (Can also have a BG or be without) (One more added for every 5 entries)

Examples of past Chiryuu Art Raffle prizes: 1, 2, 3
In order to enter, please fill in the form below and post it on this thread.
Deadline is 8.11.2020!

Code: Select all
[b][u][color=#FF4040]I want to enter the art raffle![/color][/u][/b]

Entries: [6 Total]
-Nosifer [#861, No BG]
-recognize [#573, No BG]
-mirinae535 [#910, No BG]
-Papilio Ulysses [#741, No BG]
-wolfy514 [#513, BG]
-Canary22 [#645, BG]


Staff Applications:
I'm looking for people to join the Chiryuu staff. Please send the apps to me by PM. Any applications posted here will be ignored.
There is currently no deadline for Guest Artist applications. I'll close them when I feel like it.

Moderator and Artist applications will be going on until I feel like I have enough applications to choose from (most likely at least 3-5). When I close applications for those, I'll post the usernames of the chosen ones on the thread, and reply to them with any extra info they might need. I'll be more picky with choosing Artists and Mods, as those are 'permanent' positions, unlike Guest Artist positions.
I will read all applications but only reply to those who were chosen, or if there's any questions or something that needs fixing on the form, such as broken image links.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Archivist applications [Closed!]
Your job as an archivist is to, well, take care of the archive. As an archivist you will be responsible for keeping track of people's inventories, Mystic balance, Badges and Chiryuus.
You need to have a decent understanding of BBCode and preferably be active at least once a week.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Application (send via PM only):
Code: Select all
[b][color=#800080]I want to apply for the Archivist position![/color][/b]
[b]Experience:[/b] (Have you worked anywhere else)
[b]How well do you understand BBCode:[/b]
[b]How often can you be active enough to update the archive:[/b]

Guest artist applications [Open!]
See the Rules post for staff rules and guidelines.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Application (send via PM only):
Code: Select all
[b][color=#800080]I want to apply for a Guest Artist position![/color][/b]
[b]Experience:[/b] (Have you worked anywhere else/made pixel art before)
[b]At least 2 examples of pixel art made by you:[/b] (Adoptables you have made for others are also accepted)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Artist applications [Open!]
See the Rules post for staff rules and guidelines.
Here's the regular Chiryuu lineart (use only for the examples in your application!): Boop
Completely transparent version: Boop
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Application (send via PM only):
Code: Select all
[b][color=#800080]I want to apply for an Artist position![/color][/b]
[b]Experience:[/b] (Have you worked anywhere else/made pixel art before)
[b]At least two examples using the Chiryuu lineart:[/b]
[b]Examples of other pixel art made by you:[/b] (Adoptables you have made for others are also accepted)
[b]Have you read the staff and artist specific rules:[/b]
[b]Would you be willing to do customs and/or breedings:[/b]

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Moderator applications [Closed!]
See the Rules post for staff rules and guidelines.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Application (send via PM only):
Code: Select all
[b][color=#800080]I want to apply for a Moderator position![/color][/b]
[b]Experience:[/b] (Have you worked as a mod anywhere else)
[b]How active are you on CS:[/b]
[b]Would you say you have a good understanding of the info/rules:[/b]
[b]Have you read the staff rules:[/b]

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Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:04 pm

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Q: May I rename my Chiryuu?
A: Yes you may. Just inform me what you want to name it.

Q: May I draw my Chiryuu?
A: Yes, you may make art of your Chiryuu. Just remember to give credit for the species.

Q: May I change the gender of my Chiryuu?
A: Yes, you may, just inform me.


Warnings and bans:

None :thumbup:

None :thumbup:

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Last edited by Tindraake on Tue May 12, 2020 10:38 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:05 pm

Badges are small ~50x50 pixels big icons that you receive while doing various Chiryuu related things.
The badges you've earned are visible on your post in the archives.
You may show your badges off in your signature or wherever. If you do, please link back to the main thread, especially if taken off site.

Here's the list of currently made badges and how to earn them.

Adoption badges:
Image - Receive your 1st Chiryuu
Image - Receive your 10th Chiryuu
Image - Receive your 25th Chiryuu
Image - Receive your 50th Chiryuu
Image - Receive your 100th Chiryuu

Activity badges:
Image - Breed a Chiryuu once
Image - Breed Chiryuus 3 times (doesn't have to be the same Chiryuu)
Image - Breed Chiryuus 5 times (doesn't have to be the same Chiryuu)
Image - Breed Chiryuus 10 times (doesn't have to be the same Chiryuu)

- Receive a Custom Chiryuu
- Receive your 3rd Custom Chiryuu
- Receive your 5th Custom Chiryuu

Event badges:
Image - Took part in the 2020 Easter Event
Image - Took part in the 2020 Summer Event
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Re: WIP [Do Not Post]

Postby Tindraake » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:05 pm


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