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Postby peachie. » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:00 pm


Kennel number:





    She is a domestic cat, a Somali to be exact.

Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?:

    When I first clicked on the POH tonight, I was looking for a beautiful cat character to give a home and a second chance. My eyes immediately fell on this beautiful girl. There was an instant connection, like a shock and a shiver down my spine. I adore the way her colors flow into one another and blend beautifully even though they have a great difference in the shades. She reminded me of myself actually, the calm quiet and shy side of me. The side that just wants to curl up with some thick blankets and just forget the world.
    If I was granted the honor of owning this lovely lady, I would drown her with art. She would deserve every single piece of it. Her design is so beautiful and perfect, it deserves to be spoiled with art and I still cannot wrap my head around how someone would want to give her away.


    Dime is a quiet, reserved cat. She prefers to be on her own and cuddled up in some blankets than being around people, which means she is very awkward around people. She has some friends, and hangs out with them when at school and such, but other than that, she is all alone. She doesn't have a problem with being alone and actually finds it quiet peaceful and relaxing. But, if you do try to approach her and become her friend, she is always friendly.
    Now with that time all to herself, she tends to over think a lot. She over examines peoples words and actions, trying to get to the purpose and the meaning to them. It tends to not be good for her, since if she thinks someone is speaking about her behind her back or secretly hates her, she over thinks and the worry eats her up from the inside. This insecurity makes her crumble easily and is terribly fragile. Depression is something Dime has become used to in her life, and it seems to come and go often.
    Dime prefers everything quiet, even her music. She adores ballads and lullabies and sometimes even some soft rock like Lifehouse. She can sit there all day and listen to the same song over and over and over and still not get sick of it. She also has a great memory so she can remember tunes and lyrics to songs very easily.

Theme Song:


    quiet - ballads/lullabies - blankets - friends - novels - catnip - being alone - winter - lifehouse the band


    water - dogs - crowds - the dark - mythical horror stories - people who do drugs - alcohol - loud noises


    Dime was often bullied in the past for some stupid reasons, which made her fragile and soft. wip wip wip


    I'll make some art for her later :3


    thank you so much for giving me this chance to win such a beautiful character! <3 c:

not finished yet!!
Last edited by peachie. on Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby grisly bear » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:05 pm

I am looking to adopt and care for...Image
Kennel number:
Felina, although she also goes by Lina.
Name meaning:
It's an English name derived from the Latin word felinus, meaning "cat-like."
Golden Tiger Centaur

Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?:
I want her because she's just... beautiful. I love the colours, that strategically placed scarf-like item is pretty, and all the little bits of jewelery just make me so happy. I've always adored centaur-like creatures, although I've never tried making one because I can't draw horses well. This, however, is just perfect and makes me want to draw, write, and even get art. She'll have a cozy little spot on my charahub, where humans are obviously dominating right now. She's just such a lovely design, and I know a lot of other people want her, so I can just hope I do well enough to get her.

Felina's a very bitter being. She's always remorseful, and has came to dislike most things. She's stubborn, and is always trying to convince herself that she no longer cares for the 'outside' world - no longer cares for things not within her little bubble of solitude in the lonely forest. But that's a lie. She's always trying to get humans to notice her, to accept her.
She really loves socializing, dogs, people, and flowers.
Her family, cats, the forest.
Never being accepted.
To get close, good, kind friends.

I've always wanted to be beautiful.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate the way I look. I love my neck, and my hair's very pretty if I say so myself. But I can never match the beauty of a mortal girl. People see the animal part of me much more easy than they see the human part of me. Even when I try to hide it, by creeping behind a bush they find out. They always find out that I'm cursed to be like this... I wonder if my name was foreshadowing for my fate.

As a child, I was very happy. I was an average little girl. A bit on the chubby side, tangled brown hair that was much lighter than it is now, freckles, little dresses often with dirt stains on them, a plastic bucket and shovel in my hands, and a big goofy smile with gaps in it almost always on my face. Perhaps even more amazing was my feet. I had human feet, with stubby little toes. I could wear shoes, even if I usually took them off as soon as my mum stopped looking... I had a mother, for that matter.
She left me though. Like everyone else did in what seems like a previous life.
But what I had I loved when I was little. Even if my only sibling was an older brother who seemed to want nothing to do with me; who only ever wanted to escape into the world of written words. He was always a big fan of monsters and myths, it's surprising he didn't stay with me even after I became this. I even reached out for him, only to be pushed away, Perhaps he never even liked me, the adventurous child who would always be running around. I swear I never stopped.
He was kind to me at times, which are the memories that pop out most - maybe I just want to ignore all the bad things from that time. It was always tiny things. When a kid was being mean to me, he'd scare them off; he was incredibly gentle but his large size often made people intimidated. Or when he would watch me in the park so their mum could rest, and would grab ice cream before leaving... Regardless of how much he would ignore me in most cases, sometimes he was a good sibling.
I loved him, and some deep part of me still does.

Regret has been a constant companion since it happened. I would change so many things if I could. I'd make it all different. I'd appreciate what I had, instead of grasping for more.

It was definitely my teenage years that were the worst. I fit in with no one, and was nearly as awkward then as I was as a child. I did fill out a bit - I had some sort of curves, and my freckles disappeared. But I always wore baggy clothing, my hair was frizzy, and my teeth still crooked. Perhaps even worse than that was my lack of friends. No one liked me at all, and it was terrible. Even now, I can't stand the solitude.
But once, a group of boys were kind to me. Oh, those boys were beautiful. They all had willowy figures, and seemed inhuman. They were, for that matter. One of them, Demetri; he was the most beautiful of all with his dark black skin, high cheekbones, brown eyes, and corn rows. He was always smiling, as if he was in on a joke she wasn't.
He was.

As a child:

Other: WIP uwu
Last edited by grisly bear on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:02 pm, edited 9 times in total.


i'm grisly or ellis.
I'm remaking this
So, yeah
I am a holibomber!
I have gifted 22 people.
I have received __ gifts.


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Postby BPeppers » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:22 pm

I am looking to adopt...
Kennel number: F7
Name: Aria Marionette Mendoza
[ Air - E - yah . Mare - E - on - ete . Mend - O - za ]
first name meaning - flawless; pure

Age: 17 years of age
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Where she comes from: Madrid, Spain
Species: Golden Centaur Tiger

Mother: Arethis Mendoza
Has been in Aria's life since the beginning. Has a cool, unattached relationship with her daughter.

Father: Fernando Mendoza
Has been with Aria for a little less than 16 of her years. Has a sour relationship with his daughter, due to his beatings on her and bad comments to her. Left Aria and Arethis to fend for themselves when he left them for a young 20 year old girl and a relationship with her.

Siblings: None

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Attitudes towards relationships: Aria is cold and detached when it comes to men, usually. She wants nothing to do with any kind of emotional relationship.
Lover: None for several years
Past Relationships: When Aria was fifteen years of age she had a brief fling with a man named Juno, who was less than four years older than she. Aria found sense though, and stopped the relationship before she could do anything she'd regret.
Children: Back in Spain there was a small girl - maybe five years of age - who would sit by the gutter outside the cloth selling store every day at two o'clock, asking for food. Aria would go everyday and give her a small piece of bread from her lunch meal. It was all that Aria could give. She would play games with the child until six every day and leave. She was all the girl had, and she knows this, for after the first four months of this, the girl would call her "Madre."
But no biological children, no.

Form: Tiger Feral / Human mix
Past Forms: Human ; female

Body Type: Slim ; very skin and bone-like, due to hunger from being poor
Weight: 520 lbs . 460 - tiger half, 60 - human half
Height: 10'9 from head to paw
Hair: Sort of caramel-colored with a twinge of blonde in her bangs, all natural
Nails: Unpainted and somewhat healthy. She had to bathe in a lake for a year, and before that she was in a poor slum in Spain, just outside Madrid
Eye Color: Bright spring green
Skin Tone: Tan, Hispanic-colored
Body Modifications: Aria has a small tattoo on her left shoulder blade that looks somewhat like a sideways wolf's eye.
No body piercings.

Education Level: No level of formal education past third grade, though she does read books; and plenty of them to make up for what she's lost.

Theme Song: I'll Try - Jonatha Brooke

Accessory List / Meanings:

Hair Feathers - These feathers were off of a special friend of her's outfit. She'd passed away when they were younger, due to some constant and extreme food poisoning. Aria had washed them and dried them delicately, before braiding them in her hair. She thinks they compliment her, and she can still feel her friend looking down upon her.

Scarf/Wrap - This is a scarf her stepfather Thiha had given top her to keep warm. She couldn't lose it, it was too special to her. Sometimes she'd wear it down to the stream to cover up before she washed, and occasionally as a towel for afterwards.

Leaf Necklace - Supposedly this necklace is enchanted by a witch. Aria tends to believe intently in superstition, so she can't help but wear it for good luck, just in case.

Clay Beads and Rosary - These were both given to her from her grandmother on her mother's side. Unlike Arethis, Aria's grandmother was full of kindness, grace, and wisdom. When Aria had to leave her grandma's house at a young age, her grandmother gave these beads to her for comfort. So far they've done their job.

Left-hand bracelet - In all honesty, Aria just thinks this one looks pretty.

Golden tail bracelet - Her spirit and protector bracelet. Found in place of her father's body.

Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?:

I was looking back at PoH to see if there was anything I connected with. Then there was her.
I don't even know how to explain it, but this fabulous character just struck me from the kennel and I was installed with the fierce need and craving to have her. There was almost nothing I could do.
It wasn't the design that his me either, though she is obviously stunning. I could go on and on about her looks, though it's not what had me at all. It was the personality. There was so much personality behind this centaur. I've never even heard of a tiger centaur before! The species had me, the personality had me, and I admit, the fact that she is beautiful had me as well. It was a plus. But also the fact that I have wanted a human character for so long but can only find muse for animals was fabulous to me. The story just came to me, and I listened to so much music while writing this form. My heart is aching for this character and I'm scared out of my wits that my form is not good enough. Thank you so much for the chance and thank you Bel. I love you and your work <3


(Note: I know the personality's long, but I tried my best to form a character in your mind. Thank you :3 )

Loyal - Trust is not something easy or earned quickly for Aria, though if she does start to feel for you, she will try like hell to never let you go or betray you. Being loyal to someone or something she cares about is both a good trait that she has and also a self-defense mechanism. For example with her father Fernando; she loved him and never paused to even consider saying no to him. When he beat and hit her, she would sit quietly and bite her tongue through the pain, with the faint glimmer of hope that if she did this, he would finally treat her with respect as his daughter. Though this never was the case, to this day she would not fail to do anything he asked of her, bad or not. She has lost the glimmer of hope over the years, but the loyalty to him and anyone else has secured its place in both her personality and her heart.

Cooperative - In a somewhat similar way that Aria is loyal, she is also very cooperative. For example, when Aria was in her brief years of schooling, she would have group projects. She's not one to take the lead on them, but she likes to at least have an input. When her ideas were stated but not actually put into the project, rather than complain she would just let it go because she would find that easier than an argument. In the same way, if a friend asked her to do a small task she didn't particularly want to do, she would still oblige because it's easier than saying no and listening to them beg for the task to be done. She knows that she'd have to do it anyway. Unless it's something dire and serious, this is usually the case. So she's cooperative to some extent.

Driven and Focused - If Aria puts her mind to something, rarely does it ever change course or direction. She's hard set on doing whatever she's decided to do. Usually nothing can sway her from her original path. Also when it comes to something like this, she puts all her knowledge, heart, and soul into the task at hand. Aria typically does her best to do whatever she's doing in the most perfect way. Somewhat similar to OCD she is, but this is actually just her personality.

Honest - Aria being who she is, she wouldn't be caught dead telling someone a lie. To this girl, lying is the most vile, vicious thing you could ever do to someone. Perhaps this stems from her loyal attributes, but her heart believes that lying is the quickest way to breaking a trust or a bond with someone. This opinion is certainly true for her. If she's entrusted you with a secret or information, you had better not open your mouth to anyone or her bond with you is broken and nearly impossible to mend. She's been lied to so often by so many people that she is just to weary to send forgiveness to the subject any longer. Likewise, if you are telling Aria something important that is really a false truth and she finds out, you are "disowned" from her. She will no longer want any part of you. So be careful when lying to Aria, or just don't do it at all.

Mature - Due to her tough childhood, Aria was forced to grow up much faster than other children. Her father was a drunk, constantly being hired and fired from various jobs, and her mother tried her best to get food in... her own belly, letting Aria have only scraps and a fourth of a bread loaf; which Aria shared with the young Spanish girl. The beatings from her father Fernando also made her consider the world and its strengths and weaknesses. Aria, since the day she was old enough to fend for herself, has spent her years thinking about survival the people she cares about and herself. This has made her much more mature than other 17 year olds.

Practical or Realistic - Aria is not a dreamer. She does not have an exercised imagination, and she thinks creativity is a waste of time. Aria doesn't have much hope, though there are some exceptions, but much of her hope has been lost over the years. Because of this, she tends to think towards a more practical, a more realistic angle on most subjects. She doesn't tend to think out of the box, which is probably why not many of her ideas were used in her third grade school group projects. If she's in a tough situation, Aria tends to think to the more realistic side of things, which usually happens to be a negative side. For example; if a plane she was flying in was about to crash into a lake, she would not be the one praying or thinking "They have water-proof seats. It's all going to be okay." No, Aria will be thinking about how her parents are going to cope with her death.

Self-Reliant - Trust not really being an easy thing for Aria, she tends to rely on herself a lot, which is helpful in a lot of cases. She sees it like this: If someone spills your secrets, had you not told them anything in the first place, it wouldn't have happened. If someone promises you something but does another, had you done it yourself, it would have gotten done. The same kind of thing with many situations. Being self-reliant has other perks as well, such as learning to fend for one's self and knowing what you can or cannot do. Life is just easier, in Aria's opinion, if it is every man for themselves and no unexpected obstacles along the way.

Intelligent - Though young Aria has only had a formal education of kindergarten to third grade, she is extremely smart. Not in the literal sense is she brilliant; more so in street smarts than anything. She knows exactly how to get something and where to get it, such as bread or stray dimes on the ground. She's brilliant in the ways that she actually knows the right place and the right time to find those things. She's very good at English and literature as well because she reads so many books. Aria can read a fairly large book in the span of four hours or so if she really likes it. Occasionally she tries to read a physical science or algebra book so she can understand more subjects, but this bores her. What she really likes to read are realistic fiction novels. They inspire her to keep going on in her life. Sometimes Aria likes to pretend she is someone in a story. For example, when Aria read "To Kill a Mockingbird" for the first time, she would walk around her house pretending to be like Scout. She tends to get quite wrapped up in her books, which has caused her a great knowledge of literature.

Hostile - Nearly everyone new Aria meets, because of her past, she begins to be extremely aggressive towards; especially men. One of this girl's policies is that "anyone can stab you in the back, so the best thing you can do is to not give them the chance to." In some situations, this seems like a good idea to the normal person, but when you do this to every single person, you don't end up with many friends. Aria really doesn't have a lot of friends. She's more of a loner. If someone is very persistent in wanting to be her friend, at first she will be suspicious of why they didn't run away. But, after a while if she decides they're worth it, she'll give them a chance. Before they can get that chance though, they'll first have to go through all the hostility she has.

Insecure - Though one might not suspect it, Aria is very scared about how others feel about her. She's very insecure, not on looks, but personality wise. Sometimes she thinks that her father hated her because of how she acted towards him, but in all reality she's also insecure because of the fact she didn't say something. There's a fear in Aria's heart that someone will get close to her, and they'll hurt her. But because she loves them so much, she'll let them hurt her again. This is what causes all the guards, all the walls, all the gates, and all the barriers to her heart. There's only so much one small girl can take.


o Ice cream with peaches
o Spring
o The occasional close friend
o Laughing
o The color purple
o Reading
o Outdoors
o The ocean
o Seashells
o Freedom


o Tears
o Mirrors
o Snarky Remarks
o Music
o Dreamers or people who are impractical
o Deep Conversation
o Drama
o Romance... Sometimes.
o Liars or backstabbers
o Clutter


"Get up."

I blinked my unfocused eyes.

"I said, get up. I mean it Aria, now."

The stern voice was enough for me to know that if I didn't awake, I'd be forced up. I didn't want to upset the voice anyway. As I opened my rest-deprived eyes, I waited for them to focus before sitting up. I was staring into the bright green eyes of an older, thin, blonde woman, with a scowl on her face and a small pack that looked like it was filled with clothes in her left hand. That's how I knew this woman, my slow mind realized. She was my mother.

"Why this early?" I questioned quietly, while struggling to my bare feet. I looked down at where I had made my bed for that night.It was a small cot, with a worn out, cream blanket strewn across the sheets. Tentatively I began to make the cot.

"Don't worry about that now, girl. Hurry up and pack your clothes. That's it, and no more." My mother was obviously not in anything but an irritated mood this morning.

"Alright," I responded, not daring to question why. "What time is it?" I inquired while grabbing my folded clothes resting right beside my cot. I looked up to the sky. It was the pitch black of night. That was one nice thing about living in an alley; you could always see the stars clearly. I glanced over to where my father, Fernando, and my mother, Arethis, usually made their cot. It was deserted and showed no sign of anyone ever having slept there. "Where's Fernando?" I asked Arethis.

"We're leaving," was how Arethis responded. She was usually cold and distant (much like she was tonight) but normally she would tell me straightforward what was going on. That's how I first suspected something was terribly wrong.

I threw my few belongings into a plastic bag, and looked dead on at my mother. "Tell me what's going on," I demanded. I was rewarded with a harsh slap across the cheek.

"Don't talk to me like that, girl," Arethis snarled. "Come on, now. If you're respectful I might tell you along the way." We took nothing but our small bags and began to walk out of our home. I tried to memorize the route. Left at the alley, right at the intersection, another right once we had walked two or three miles, and a left at the crossover. My mother began to speak though, so I lost track of my directions. " Your father stayed out later than usual tonight," Arethis began, her facial features set in stone, like a beautiful statue. "I thought I'd go and find him. It's 2 AM by the way," she added for me. "Anyway, so I started with the bar, which was the right place to check because of course, I'm always right." She paused then. "He was with this red-headed girl who looked only a bit older than you. I went up to him and asked him what was going on. He said he didn't want any part of our family anymore. He said this girl was everything to him and we were nothing." She said nothing for a while after that, and I presumed the story was over.

"Oh, Mami, I'm so sorry," I consoled. "So where are we going then? Are we going to find a homeless shelter to spend a night before this gets settled?" I touched my cheek. I felt a new bruise.

"You know how I hate the shelters, no. No Aria. We're leaving... The country."

My mind was frozen for a split second, but almost immediately after it was rocketed to full speed. "What?" I shouted, not caring if I woke up the city. "You and Fernando have always worked it out before. I can't leave that little girl to herself!"

Even though I knew Arethis had no idea what girl I was speaking of, she kept going. "This time is different Aria. I know. I could tell."

"We can't leave!" I screamed.

"Why?" she yelled, clinging onto my shoulders and shaking me. "Why Aria? Because we have so much here to live for?" She motioned around, before again grasping my shoulder. "We can't stay here Aria. We have nothing. Give me one thing we have here." I was silent. Arethis sighed and narrowed her eyes. "I know a man who can take us on a train for only a small amount of money I have saved. I have extra even, because I had some for your father as well, but he's obviously not getting a ticket. The train is going to take us to the outskirts of Burma. I have family there. They will let us stay, possibly, if I give them the rest of my money. Do you understand?"

I nodded, only in fear of getting violently hit again.

She copied my head movement, looking somewhat confident. "Okay. Let's go."

The rest of the walk to the train station was a long and tiring one. The trip took us well into the next day, the sun beat down on both our faces and I began to feel dehydrated. I watched painfully as Arethis dug a pop can filled with water out of her bag and drank from it. I knew she would give me none. I didn't particularly mind. I knew my mother was thirsty too.

The sudden familiar stench of burning trash, smoke, and alcohol made aware that we finally reached the train station. Arethis pushed a few coins through the ticket booth as I took note of everyone sitting in the small building by the train tracks. There was a man sitting in the back corner with a newspaper in one hand and a brandy in the other. A woman sat in a middle seat with a small crying child cradled in her arms. A few teenage boys stood in the corner, popping pills. Various others scattered around. A clear message came to me about every one of them - not to be trusted. "Aria," my mother said gruffly to me as I stared down the teenagers. "We have to go."

Boarding the train didn't take very long and it seemed that the actual train ride was even shorter. It felt like the blink of an eye by the time we were off the train and in a complete wasteland of unsureness, even though I knew it had taken several hours. Arethis was digging through her bag to find the last of our money. "If we had a phone, we could call my sister," she was saying to herself in aggravation.

"What about the toll phones?" I suggested. "The ones like we saw in Spain, by our home."

She glared at me through the corner of her right eye, though she knew I was on to something. "That's not our home anymore," she declared in a hushed voice, though I could tell she was looking for someone who looked like they had some idea of where a toll phone was. Eventually we ended up talking to an older woman in a nice pencil skirt suit who looked professional and had an idea where she was going. I didn't trust her, but Arethis did.

"A phone?" she said curiously. "I have a cell phone back at my car. If you give me some money, I will let you borrow it. You never can be too careful these days," she winked at me. I almost snapped at her.

"Sure thing," Arethis solemnly said, handing her the rest of our cash. The woman smiled and took off in the other direction to get her phone. She didn't come back for several hours, and Arethis decided it was time to give up. I'd given up the second our money was placed in her hands.

So here we were on the outskirts of Burma, with no money and it looked like no form of civilization was beyond this train station. Arethis sighed in defeat. "Let's go east," she said. "Let's try to find a city."

It took us several hours of traveling, but finally we came across a small town. Train tracks bordered on it, so I assumed that we had passed this village on our trip. It was a very interesting little town, I decided when we were walking on the streets. Christmas lights were strung everywhere. Many small shops bordered apartments. We passed a bakery, a few clothing shops, a cobbler, and various other stores. We sat on a street bench, trying to form a plan. We didn't have any money, so one option was to find work. We could live on the streets again, we'd done it before, but Arethis was sick of that. We could work for food and a place to stay, but what would we do for money then? I buried my head in my arms, tired and unsure.

"Why are you out so late tonight, ma'am? You should be inside." The voice of a man made me bolt up in my seat, suspicious at the tone. He was an obviously Burmese man, medium in height, dark hair and nearly black eyes. He had a kind aura about him, but I wasn't about to fall for a trick. I thought Arethis would learn from her past mistakes, but of course, she would speak to this man as well as she did the woman who stole our money.

"We don't have a home," she cried, and broke down telling this man we barely knew everything. I just rolled my eyes and stayed silent, listening. Apparently this man's name was Thiha, and he felt very sorry for everything that had happened to us. His wife had passed three years ago and he was still getting over his loss. He said that he would loan us some money if he had any, but of course in these rough times he had none.

"I have a small room in the back of my shop," he said. "Enough room for a lady and her daughter. If you'd like to stay there while you look for work, you're welcome to."

Arethis jumped up in excitement and threw her arms around this foreign man. All I could do was sit and glare at him.

1 year later

The marriage ceremony had gone smoothly. I can't say I ever doubted it would happen. All the signs of love were there in Thiha's side, and on Arethis' side, there was the knowledge that he would take care of her. The last few weeks she had been acting strangely, though. Thiha and I both thought best to ignore it; and I had gotten used to this man. He was kind. It wasn't just an act he put on when we had met, he really was a good-hearted person. I was actually quite happy that he'd married my mother. If she made him happy, that was their business, but I was excited in the fact that I would have a protector. He was not a father to me, but he told me the night of his and Arethis' wedding that he would take care of me and make sure that no one ever hurt me. I believed him, and I told him that if he was lying to me that I would never see him again. He understood.

I was actually surprised he didn't run from my aggression.

But, of course, just when some part of life was going smoothly, someone had to come and ruin it.

One night, when I was washing the dishes for the first time with Thiha who had been teaching me, Arethis came in and grabbed me by the forearm dragging me out of the house and down the street. "Arethis!" I exclaimed, yanking my arm out of her grasp. "What is going on?"

My mother finally turned around to look at me with her frozen cold eyes. "I have to talk to you about something." I nodded obediently so that she would continue. She took a deep breath. "I've found my sister."

My heart nearly stopped beating. "Really?" I asked, happily. "Is she near here? Are we going to see her?" Arethis was silent. "Sorry," I muttered my apology.

She continued. "I called her on a toll phone I found at the back of a bar a few weeks ago. I'm leaving, Aria."

It took me a moment, but my eyes widened in the reality about what she was saying. "What about Thiha?" I asked.

"He doesn't know," she shook her head, "and you had better not say a word."

"When will you be back for me?" I asked.

This took her a moment. In awe I realized that this was actually painful for her to say. "I won't be back, Aria." There was silence. A pang hit me in the gut. I felt I was going to puke. "I don't want you anymore. You're just a trouble; you can't even find a job and I have to keep paying for your food. You're seventeen now, you're old enough to take care of yourself. I suggest leaving here and finding a job." My head was woozy. I felt faint; I couldn't say a word. "Don't come looking for me," she warned. "I'm sorry that I have to go. It's what's best."

"What's for the best?" A harsh voice sounded behind me. I cowered in fear, tucking my head down, before realizing it was Thiha's.

"Don't lie to him," I snarled at her. Arethis took one glance at me, saw the furiosity in my eyes, and turned to her husband.

"I found my sister. We're leaving," she said, grasping my hand and pulling me close. I was speechless. Was this woman actually kidding?

"You don't love your daughter," Thiha accused. "I see the way you treat her. She would only be a burden to you if you took her with you."

Arethis' eyes narrowed suspiciously. Out of habit, I stayed silent. "What do you care?" she shrugged.

Thiha swallowed. I saw his adam's apple move. "I will pay you 500 dollars if you let her stay with me."

Arethis smiled, not surprised in the least, and almost immediately dropped my arm. "Done." She was still grinning mischievously. I sprang back from her and never took my eyes off Thiha. I saw it now. He was my father.

A few weeks later

Believe it or not, from the second Arethis was out of my life, it improved drastically. I finally began to meet people; apparently they were so terrified of my mother they never wanted to introduce themselves before. It took me a while, but I did eventually get used to them. Some of them my suspicions were correct, but most of them were good-hearted people just like Thiha.

Thiha taught me new things. He finished teaching me how to wash dishes. He taught me various things like sweeping, buying things, how to make coffee -which is delicious- in a coffee brewer, he even taught me how to hand churn butter. I thought that was particularly silly. Back in Spain butter came straight from a package. He gave me a new task today - to go and have his shoes repaired by the cobbler. This was the first time I had ever interacted at another store. I was terrified.

"Don't worry," Thiha assured me, lifting my chin up. "Here is the money and the shoes. The cobbler's name is Khine. She is very friendly, and her store is right next to the bakery. You know where that is, don't you?" I nodded slowly, still unsure of myself. "It'll be fine," Thiha chuckled. "Now, go."

It didn't take me very long to find the store, though I probably looked quite lost and terrified clutching my money and shoes like I was holding onto dear life. That was fine though. It really was how I felt.

I shifted all my belongings to one arm and pushed open the wooden door to the cobbler's place. The cobbler was a very petite old woman. Her face had a gray tint to the skin tone and her hair was in a white, curly bob. The wrinkles around her pale blue eyes showed both the distress and adventures she'd had in her lifetime, though the barely noticeable smile on her face made you sure that she was content with her life now. Her eyes lit up when she saw me in the door. "Ah, Aria," she said pleasantly in a raspy, old woman voice. "I'd been told you were coming to see me."

I nodded hesitantly, and she turned from the counter back to the shoes she was working on. Gaining confidence, I walked slowly to the counter and set Thiha's shoes down with the money. I folded my arms across my chest and waited. Finally I cleared my throat and began. "You... You know me?"

The woman turned around, mouth in a circle shape. "Of course I know you. You're Thiha's girl."

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm his daughter," I corrected.

The cobbler raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that what I said?" she inquired, and turned back to her shoes.

After a minute of waiting, I decided to continue conversation again. "Aren't cobblers usually male?" I asked. I knew it was an inappropriate question, but curiosity was eating me up.

The cobbler wrapped up her shoes and set them in a cardboard box before turning to me, chuckling inaudibly. "Let me see them shoes," she said. I handed them to her. Her lips pursed. "Hmm. Buckle's broken. It shouldn't be much of a problem." She looked back up at me. "You know what? Tell Thiha that this is a quick fix. He doesn't have to pay a thing." She smiled. I decided that even though I barely knew her, I had to be more open to people. I labeled her as "good" in my head, adding one more person to my list. "Nakaji," she was suddenly calling. "Get that note I was writing earlier, and grab me a pen, please. Don't forget the ink this time!" She coughed, then smiled at me. "That's my grandson," she said.

The man, Nakaji, bolted through the door, the story of a 'mission' on his face. "Here grandma," he said, handing her the things. "I didn't forget..." He stopped cold when he saw me. "Who are you?" he asked curiously. Immediately I looked to the floor. I didn't say a word, I just hugged myself with my arms.

"That's Thiha's daughter," the cobbler told him, and I could feel both of their eyes on me. I didn't meet either pair. "This note that you brought me is for her father," she told him. "Aria, come here." I slowly obeyed, stealing glances at Nakaji.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Give this to your father," she told me. "And you can call me Grandma, girl. Everyone does." She gave me another warm smile. I was beginning to like them. "I'll have your shoes done by tomorrow," she said. "You can come and get them then."

I nodded my thanks, and headed out the door. I was stopped in the road by a fierce tug on my shoulder and I screamed. At least, I thought I screamed. I must have done it rather quietly, because no one around me even looked over. I glanced at my attacker, and realized it wasn't an attacker at all. It was just Nakaji. He released his hold on my, and I rubbed my arm before looking at him. "W-What?" I asked, out of breath, and too surprised to make the smart decision of saying nothing to him. He smiled shyly at me.

"You left your money on the counter. Did you do that on purpose?"

I looked away from him.

He laughed. "I could tell that you did. You don't like the idea of getting something for free, do you?"

I shook my head at him. "No, sir."

He touched my shoulder gently and I stepped back. He looked kind of sad. I wondered why. "You don't have to call me that, you know girl," he said.

"Don't call me that." I found myself talking harsher than I'd wanted to. "That's not my name, Nakaji."

"That's just my way. I apologize," he said. A gentleman. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "What is your name?"

I waited a minute, comparing and contrasting whether or not I wanted to give away that precious information. Finally I concluded that it was fine. "Aria," I told him and turned to leave.

"Aria," I heard him mutter, then I saw his figure in front of me. He moved too fast. "Aria," he said again, this time speaking to me. It took him a moment to continue. "You should meet me tomorrow," he finally said. "At the river. I can bring lunch. I'll bring beef and milk." He smiled.

"N-no," I barely brought myself to say. "I can't."

"I can tell that you're afraid," he told me. "But I'm not here to make your life bad. I just want to talk to you. I've only just met you, and I haven't met anyone like you. Please," he begged. "Meet me."

I pondered this. Finally I rolled my eyes, just slightly, so that he would make a guess to whether or not he was seeing things. "What time?"

"One, if you can, but I'll wait until One Thirty if you're late." He smiled to me. "See you then, Aria."

"See you, Nakaji," I whispered, and turned to sprint back home. My father needed his shoes, I knew. He needed them badly.

The next day

I was laughing, really laughing. This hadn't happened in what seemed like years. In fact, it probably had been years since the last time that I'd laughed. Nakaji was funny. I liked him. He was kind as well.

I'd been able to get to the picnic at 1:45, but Nakaji said that he didn't mind. He'd only just begun to eat the meat, and I still had time to catch up with him. He told me silly jokes. Somehow I wished I could return the favor. I made him laugh though it was when I wasn't trying to be funny. It felt rewarding when he was giggling with me, like the sun was residing in my stomach. It was almost like butterflies were crawling around in there as well. I didn't understand how anything I said was good enough for him to make that beautiful sound.

I was sitting beside him and had my head leaning on his shoulder. He had his arm around me. I looked up at him, and he turned to look at me. He was handsome too. He had beautiful black hair and the same color dark eyes. His face was chiseled almost in a godly manner. His nose was flat but set perfectly, and his body was muscular and toned. I smiled and cuddled my face into his shoulder.

Before I knew it, I was jumping back from him, surprised at the sudden burst of cold and wetness that was all over my body. I looked up to the newly dark sky. It had been only seconds and I was already soaking wet. I laughed at the suddenness. I looked at Nakaji who was desperately shoving the rest of our food into the bag, though it was hopeless. I turned to leave, and he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him, curious. "Dance with me," he said.

I giggled at the absurdness of his request. I'd taken clase de musica in second grade, so I had some idea of how to dance, but I wasn't very good, and I told him so.

"Nonsense," he told me, shaking his head. "Stand on my feet."

It was more exciting than it seemed. The rain water slooshed down our faces, and he spun me in circles until I got dizzy. I grasped onto him around his neck. He held my back, and we rocked back and forth. I began to sing.

"Llevo una espina clavada dentro de mi pecho.
I carry a thorn stuck within my chest.
Llevo tres dias sin verte, son como tres anhos, solo espero tu regreso.
I have been three days without seeing you, they are like three years, I just wait for your return."

"Veo que se marcha el dia y viene la noche y me muero por mis recuerdos.
I see that the day is leaving and the night is comming and I am dying of my memories.
Siento que si no estas conmigo y si no vienes pronto de tristeza yo me muero.
I feel that if you are not with me, and if you do not come soon, I will die of sadness."

"Dime, dime que me has dao, que me tienes loca, loca estoy mi amado
Tell me, tell me what have you given to me, that you drove me crazy, crazy I am, my beloved."

Nakaji pulled me back slowly with tenderness. And without warning, kissed me passionately.

Two days later

I lead Nakaji by the hand to my doorstep excitedly. He admitted yesterday that he had no idea who his Grandma was talking about when she mentioned my father, and he'd love to meet him. That's what I was doing then. I was taking Nakaji to meet the most important person in my life - my father. "Thiha!" I called once I was inside. The first thing he saw when he walked into my home was the living room. There was a small blue couch and a coffee table. All I ever did at that table was drink coffee. Thiha tried to tell me once that you could do more than that at that table, but I refused to believe it. Why else would they call it a coffee table?

Thiha rushed in through the kitchen, a look of surprise on his face. "You called, Aria?" he asked, then his eyes turned to the man at my side. He swallowed. "Aria, who is this?" he asked, suddenly still.

I felt Nakaji stiffen at my side. He had nothing to be afraid of though, my father would not interfere with us. I patted his arm, but he remained the same. I breathed deeply. "Thiha, this is Nakaji. He is my..." I searched for the word Nakaji had told me, and found it somewhat quickly. "...Boyfriend." I beamed up at him. His face was raw with pain. I glanced at Thiha, who was sitting down slowly on the couch, shaking his head.

"Boy, you don't have to do this," he said to Nakaji. He practically growled at my father, and bolted out the door. I followed him.

"What was that?" I demanded furiously.

"That man is the devil," he told me, not looking me in the eyes. "He destroyed my family with his business."

"How on earth could he do that?" I questioned. "He's been nothing but kind to me."

"Do you even know what your father does?" he asked me. "He's a lawyer," he said without waiting for an answer. "He got my father locked away in jail for 40 years. 40 years. I'll never see him again." He looked down.

"Did you ever stop to think that it might have been because he did something illegal?" I questioned.

"I don't care. He's still my father." A pang of hurt shot through my heart.

"I'm sorry, Nakaji," I tried to console him. "My father left me wh-"

"If you want to be with me you leave him," he interrupted me rudely. "So I suggest you pick."

"I choose him," I shrugged. "He means more to me than you do, you liar and fiend. Don't come near me again or I'll call the police. Get out of here." I pointed down the road.

Nakaji was fuming. "I'll get you back, girl," he hissed through clenched teeth, but obediently left. I was relieved, and I couldn't stop crying. Emotions getting the best of me, I swallowed and shuffled inside with my head down and collapsed in Thiha's arms.

The next day was easier for me to handle. I had some time to think, time to think about how I didn't know Nakaji so well anyway, though it would be a pain to go to the cobbler's from this point forward. I supposed Thiha would do that particular task in my place. I longed for a bath, though. Being fresh and clean usually helped me take my mind off of things. I mentioned to Thiha that I was going to the lake, and he smiled and told me that it was fine. He'd tried to tell me once that I didn't always need his permission, but I hated not having it. It made me feel I was doing something wrong.

Once I got there, I soaked in that water for nearly 30 minutes. My fingers were pruned and wrinkled, and I didn't like the feeling of the flabby skin, so I decided to get out. I dried myself with my brown scarf slash towel, and headed home. I liked calling it that... Home. It felt personal, in a different way than calling that alley in Spain my home. This one felt real.

As soon as I reached the door I felt something was wrong. Maybe it was that I was being overly cautious, like I always was, but something deep in my gut told me that something had gone terribly wrong the brief time that I was away. Once inside, I called his name. "Thiha?" I shouted. "Thiha?" He could have gone out, I told myself. Relax, Aria. I walked into the kitchen when I saw.

It was Thiha's body on the ground, covered in blood, unmoving, still. Not breathing. I tried so hard to swallow my puke, but the vile fluid came up anyway. I waited until it had passed, and I looked at the piece of paper next to him, lying on the ground. It was a note... for me. It said only one short message.

You're mine. Not his.

I couldn't keep it together any longer, and I refused to. It was him. I ripped the meaningless note up into a million pieces, all the while grunting and screaming in a mix of fierce hatred, frustration, sadness, and loss. I dropped to my knees, unable to finish the task, and fell on my father's lifeless body. I wept all my tears onto him, longing to hear his heartbeat again, but my hope was failing. "Please be a mistake. Please make a miracle!" I was screaming bloody murder now. I had to fix it, but I didn't know how. People started to come through the door to my house, though I was bawling and thrashing at them to get away. They couldn't see him like this. I wouldn't let them see him dead; maybe if no one else saw him, he would come back to life.

Some of the people I had met in the past few weeks pried my thrashing body off of him, though I tried multiple times to cling to his body again, they refused to let me touch him. This frustration and anger literally had me ripping my hair out, before I was forced outside. I collapsed on the ground, unmoving and sobbing quite loudly. I was so angry, but I knew in this horror what I had to do. I had to get Nakaji back for what he did.

Quietly, and hoping no one inside my house would see me, I wiped my tears and snuck inside to Thiha's room. He'd told me that in case of emergency, he kept a small knife stored in his shirt drawer. I opened the drawer, and sure enough, there was a sharp, gleaming little pocket knife, just for me. I couldn't help but smile a bit. I grabbed it and hid it in my shirt pocket in case anyone from inside saw me, but they didn't. They were busy crying over Thiha's body. I would stop their pain.

I realized that Nakaji wanted me to find him. He wanted to rub what he had done to my father into me. Where would I find him? Then it hit me. The river.

I sprinted to our picnic place as fast as I could, unable to control myself. I was there in a matter of minutes, and as I predicted, Nakaji was leaning against a tree with a smirk on his face, waiting for me. The hatred for this man bubbled up inside of me. "I told you you'd be sorry," he grinned. "What are you going to do about it little girl?"

I could wait no longer. I lunged forward, flicking the knife open and pointing it at his body. It had just connected with his chest the spot over his heart when I realized that I couldn't kill him. I didn't have the strength or the will or the power to. I didn't kill people.

"Why did you stop?" he exclaimed in surprise. "Go ahead, kill me." When I don't respond, he raised my dropped hand with the knife back up to his chest. "Kill me!"

I couldn't do it. I couldn't do anything.

Nakaji was slowly realizing this, and I was realizing at the same time that this young man wanted to die. I somehow knew what he would do next. "Nakaji, no!" I shouted at the same time he grabbed the knife from my hand, ran to the river, and I closed my eyes as I heard him stab himself, choke, and fall in.

This was surreal.

Thiha's funeral and Nakaji's were both held on the same day. Thank goodness it wasn't open casket; I didn't know if I could handle that. They never found Nakaji's body, apparently it had been lost in the current. Some claim that I killed him, some claim that I killed both, but the judge ruled me innocent on judgement day.

I was feeling so guilty. Even if I hadn't hurt Nakaji, it was still partially my fault that he died. I wanted to make up for it, figuring the best thing I could do was apologize. After the funeral services, I pulled Grandma aside. It took me a moment to get my courage and voice to work, but eventually I got them both in order. "It's my fault your grandson is dead," I told her. "It's even my fault that Thiha is dead. If I hadn't got involved-"

"Oh, hush sweet baby," Grandma said to me. "It's not your fault. There's nothing you could have done."

I swallowed, tears threatening to spill once more. "Wh-What?" I asked. She sighed sadly.

"Nakaji had a protection obsession. From the second he laid eyes on you I knew that he would follow you until you were his, stopping anyone who got in his way. If you had even spoken to another boy, he would have been the one... Well, you know." She shrugged and I understood. "He's always been this way from the moment he was born. He was like this with me as well- I was his grandma, and no one else could have me. Except you, I suppose. He had counseling, and I thought maybe he had gotten over it. Clearly I was wrong." She stopped talking to throw her arms around me in a sweet embrace. I took it gladly. "Don't feel you were responsible for a thing," she whispered to me. "It was unavoidable."

I cried in her arms. She was the only one who gave me any comfort.

I walked home by myself that night. Though the funerals had started in the early morning, I stayed until midnight with them. They were the only family that I had. Of course I had to go at some point, so I blew both my father and my lover a goodbye kiss, and I left. I figured that I would have to leave town - there was no way I could stay here after all that had happened. It would be impossible, though I would have to tell Grandma goodbye and where I was going. Everyone else would deal without me, though. They would have to.

I was just outside the door to Thiha and my house when a peculiar thing happened. Lying just inside the doorstep was a thick gold band. I lifted it up - it was a large bracelet. There was a note strung to it saying only one thing, my name. Aria. Inscribed on the inside of the bracelet were four words. I love you daughter.

Was this from Thiha? How did it get here? Perhaps the jeweler down the street placed it here to make sure that I would get it. I smiled and tears appeared in my eyes. Feeling sentimental, I kissed the bracelet when an overwhelming emotion overtook me. I was flying. A visible purple aurora was surrounding me and the bracelet, until I was levitating in thin air. I saw nothing outside the color, until I saw something, but... I was not where I was before. I was among the clouds, and I saw a white sky and a perfect gold gate.

Then I saw the most perfect thing: It was Thiha.

I cried out in joy as I leapt into his arms. He too, was flying and this was so spontaneous and unreal that I presumed it was a dream. Thiha told me it was not so.

"That bracelet is for you, Aria," he told me. "And yes, the jeweler had it crafted but I put the spell on it to make it send you here, but one time."

I was excited for a moment and then it suddenly felt like my heart was dropping. "One time?" I whispered.

Rather than answer my question, my father told me something amazing. "You are the purest heart in our town," he said to me. "Everyone here believes it is so. You have a destiny, Aria."

My eyes widened. "What is it?"

"You have to protect the town. You have to protect the people from themselves," he told me. "The feuds, the old wars, they have to end. You are the answer to this prayer. You are to be the guardian to help our people survive. You are going to be a centaur."

"What is that?" I inquired carefully.

"It's a curious beast that is half human half animal. It roams the earth with eternal life and its goal is to maintain the protection of its land. I fiercely believe you can do this, Aria." He smiled at me.

"But what about you?" I asked. "Can I just kiss this bracelet to see you again? Can't you enchant it a second time?"

His smile added a touch of sadness to my question. "Aria....," he began. "You're... You are going to have eternal life and I am in the land of the dead. Girl, I won't ever see you again."

"I don't want to do it then!" I cried. "I want to be here with you!"

"I love you so much," he told me. "It's a shame what your parents didn't see in you. But the stars have spoken for us. It's different than what you feel for me. You'll do fine on your own, I know you will. You have before, and you will live to see all the new generations. Trust me. It's for the good of everyone. You'd make me and yourself very proud."

It seemed tears wouldn't stop pouring today. The streaks down my face I could feel rushing, and this was the most pain I had felt since I had seen Thiha's dead body. I knew that this was a lighter, better pain though, since I had the knowledge that he was okay.

"I can't express my thanks in the clearest language," I told him, and embraced my father.

"I know," he said, and I could feel his tears just as much as I felt mine. "Goodbye."

And suddenly this world of beauty, this word of perfectness was gone. I was on the outskirts of my city again, and I was on my hands and knees. I began to walk forward like a dog as I ran my hands through my hair.

Wait... This was impossible.

I looked down in amazement at what I saw. A tiger's body and where the neck should be, a stomach and a scarf, and me. My arms moved freely as my body tore the ground up with its claws. This felt fabulous. I let myself run around to get the feel of my new body. I loved my tail passionately. After a minute, realization struck me, and I scolded myself. What was I doing? I had a job to do. I had to make him proud.

I looked up to the rising sun, mouthing, "I love you." Then, feeling accomplished and satisfactory, I sprinted into the city, looking for wounds to mend.

I was the protector, after all.

Last edited by BPeppers on Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:17 am, edited 25 times in total.

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Postby Zeee » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:23 pm

I am looking to adopt, love, cherish, and adore...


Kennel number: Kennel P11

Name: Ahote

Name Meaning: Native American Hopi name meaning "restless one."

Breed: Golden Tiger

Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?: Ahote does seem like a restless one, which is some of the reason why I'm so interested. His pose gives off so much about what his personality may be; he looks strong, brave, and he looks like he doesn't give up, but on the other hand, maybe he's regretting something he did previously? Maybe he's aggressive or the type of tiger that doesn't enjoy company? Tigers come very close to my first favourite animal, especially golden tigers. They're so beautiful, so majestic. The design is a big reason why I'm interested. Well... I mean... of course it is! I personally love tiger stripes to a high degree. His eyes blend in well; which normally sends me away. However, I like it on this character. It looks like it's supposed to be like that, and I think it is. Ahote looks like somebody you probably don't want to mess with!

Personality: Ahote is very brave/loyal/strong. He doesn't like giving up, and feels bad if he lets someone down. He keeps his word the best that he can, and if he fails, then he'll never forget it. All of his failures are sketched into his mind with permanent marker; in other words, he won't ever forget it. Despite this, he is very aggressive and doesn't normally enjoy people. Sometimes he snaps and gets a little out of control, and it can't be easily fixed, but he doesn't like to fight nonetheless and will most likely back down if someone challenges him. In this state, he just needs some time to relax. When he is relaxed, he's very serene, and doesn't like to be disturbed. Either way, actually, he doesn't enjoy being disturbed. *WIP*





Other: Major WIP. XD
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Postby Skookum » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:33 pm

I am looking to adopt...
Kennel number:
Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?:
I want Brandi because I love to have characters (Even though I only have 4 XD) I want her because I love drawing and she would be so fun to draw! I will spoil her rotten by giving her tons of art, I will love her so much and I will most likely give her a mate and friends.
Brandi is a very fun girl who loves to play around and act like a retard
Brandi can be stubborn sometimes and it can get pretty annoying
Most of the time Brandi is a calm girl until she gets a hold of... coffee *scary music plays*
Brandi is very active, she loves to play and run out side
Brandi has many friends and loves to hang out with them
Brandi has a big heart and she has a lot of love to spread around
When someone has a problem or they are sad Brandi is always there for them she loves to help out in anyway she can
Brandi likes to protect everyone all the time, she does not like it when someone gets hurt either emotionally or physically
Animals (not just to eat)
Rainbow sherbit Ice cream
Cotton Candy
Slow people
Sore losers
Girly girls
Metal (rock)
Heart break
Whiny guys
Brandi is more of a city girl, she was born and raised there but she loves nature also. When she was a pup Brandi was taught all about the city but every once in a while she'd sneak off to the woods to get her fill of the trees and animals. Her parents didn't pay much attention to her but tried to teach her everything they knew. When Brandi was old enough to leave her parents she went to live in a place next to the woods and the city and she has lived there ever since. Brandi encounters many scary things ranging from city thugs to rabid animals but she usually stays out of their way, by now she is used to getting her adrenaline pumped up and her heart beating almost out of her chest. Brandi likes guys but she hasn't found the right one to be her mate(although she's went through quite a few of them) she is used to getting her heart broken and that is why she's a tough little girl.
Last edited by Skookum on Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Art by Friskusis

You want truth, I can't tell you what is real
On that shining box you call a life
I refuse, I resist to live this way
Solve or be solved. Walk the walk

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Postby Tiikeria » Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:06 pm

..."Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen carefully." |}

...L i t t l e f o o t ' s M o t h e r |}


...B a s i c s |}
...N u m b e r |}
    Kennel F Seven
    [ F7 ]
...N a m e |}
    [ Indonesian; "Brave" ]
...N i c k n a m e s |}
...P r e v i o u s N a m e s |}
    Dr. Faith Jordan
    [ Human ]
    [ Tiger ]
...G e n d e r |}
...S p e c i e s |}
    Tiger Centaur
    Human x Amur Tiger
    [ Homo sapiens x Panthera tigris altaica ]
...A g e |}
    34 years old
    [ As compared to an average human lifespan ]
...B i r t h d a y |}
    October 22nd

...R e a s o n i n g |}
    God, how could I not want Rani? Just everything about her is perfect; I fell in love with her as Bel was creating her on the LS. And nothing could stop me from creating this form. I just couldn't stop the ideas from coming, even before Bel added color. Then, once the finished design was unveiled…I was love struck. All I can do is write this form, and put my heart into it, and hope that it's enough for her to be able to come home with me in the end.

...U s e s |}
    Like all my characters, she would get a home on my WIP character site, Aani Tiikeri. When I have the chance, I would happily shower her with art, and, of course, she will have a place in my working novel, Eye of the Storm.

...D e f i n i t i o n |}
...P e r s o n a l i t y |}
...T r a i t s |}
...L i k e s |}
...D i s l i k e s |}
...F e a r s |}
...D i s o r d e r s |}
    •A form of dissociative identity disorder, in which she flashes between memories from her human self, and memories from the tiger she was fused with.
...S o n g |}

...P h y s i c a l |}
...W e i g h t |}
    362 lbs
...H e i g h t |}
    7' 1"
    [ Ground-to-Top of the Head, if standing straight ]
...S c a r s & T a t t o o s |}
    •Tribal tattoo on left arm.
...A c c e s s o r i e s |}
    •Various necklaces, hip bands, tail band, hair accessories.

...S t o r y |}

...F u t u r e |}

...C a s t |}

...A r t |}

...O t h e r |}

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[| I'm on a semi-hiatus due to real-life. |]

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Postby the d » Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:18 am

I am looking to adopt...
this is my k i n g d o m c o m e
Kennel number: P134
look into my e y e s
Full Name: 
Gornyye Zvuka
Name Meaning:
Directly translates to "mountain sound" in Russian.
Call Name:
The Kara Sea is part of the Arctic Ocean, north of Russia and Siberia.
Male // Stallion
Equus ferus caballus
Orlov Trotter x Shire x Appaloosa mix
it's where my d e m o n s hide
Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?: 
The wind was brutal, snow was whipping about in swirled patterns, causing cascades of white flurries to pile on the already frozen ground.
Amongst the blizzard, two buildings stood. A wooden barn, and sturdy house, golden light illuminating from each of the respective buildings.
Inside the barn stood a young horse, warm and protected from the outside's cruel temperatures.
Suddenly, the large wooden doors creaked, then with a slam, they opened.
Inside stepped his owner, a pale and delicate girl, silky brown hair framing her face.
She quickly shoved the doors closed, taking off the hood of her thick jacket.
"We can't stay here, Kara. They found us." the girl yanked a black bridle off the wall, throwing it over the stall door. The metal bit made a loud bang against the wood, spooking the horse. 
The female took the saddle off its rack, opening the stall door, carefully but quickly putting it on Kara's back, fastening it before pulling the bridle on the horse's head, tossing the reins behind his head.
The stallion hadn't been trained much, just enough to know that the rider is supposed to stay on.
The girl swung on, kicking his sides, directing him towards the doors. 
She shoved them open, only to be met by the sound of heavy artillery, bullets flying around them.
"Kara, go." the girl screamed, turning the horse down a large hill. 
The muscled equine turned on his heel, galloping down the hill, his stride long and powerful. 
His large hooves provided grip over the snow.
For once, the blizzard was helpful, covering their tracks.
Other: Kara is a sailor's horse, he lives on the ship Festum, which means festival in Latin.
WIP. <3
Last edited by the d on Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
i am the dark loRD SANTA
frEedoM !!! the D!!!
the d smart?????
im $100% specialler that u

folloW ME HERE BAKAS ^^^
he dyes in the end
drOP IT LIKE ITs hot,,,....?!
the d
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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby cass. » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:13 am


tyger! tyger! burning bright
in the forests of the night
what immortal hand or eye
could frame thy fearful symmetry?

in what distant deeps or skies
burnt the fire of thine eyes?
on what wings dare he aspire?
what the hand dare sieze the fire?
W. Blake - 'The Tyger'

    N A M E
    ♐. Melantha Pyrena. Both names are Greek, Melantha meaning 'dark flower', and Pyrena meaning fire. They are both feminine, and to me describe her perfectly - the dark beauty, eyes blazing with fire. Her mother named her Melantha, and Pyrena was the name of her father, Pyro.
    mell | an | thah ... py | rene | ah

    S P E C I E S
    ♐. Tiger Centaur. Melantha is a young female human x a golden Bengal tiger. She has gorgeous dark stripes along her golden coloured lower body [which mark her out as a golden tiger], with four paws, a tail and two human arms. From the waist up, she is perfectly human - from the hips down, she is a tiger. Having inherited amazing traits from both creatures, Melantha is both intelligent and daring, resourceful and fierce. She hunts with a bow and arrow, and occasionally uses her claws. Her tail is extremely useful for balance and communication with others. She can communicate with both humans and tigers alike. The golden tiger gene is only found in Bengal tigers, though occasionally it's found in Amur tigers.
    tiger sub-species | golden 'tabby' tigers

    K E N N E L N O.
    ♐. F7
    eff | sev | enne

    W H Y D O Y O U W A N T T H I S A N I M A L ?
    && W H A T W I L L Y O U D O F O R H E R ?

    ♐. teext

    G E N D E R
    ♐. Female. Though a centaur, and therefore capable of being unisex, Melantha is most definitely a female. She has no inclination, as yet, to find a mate. Her species is very rare and she has only met two others if her kind on her travels, both male.

    H O M E L A N D
    ♐. Icaria, Greece.

    A P P E A R A N C E
    ♐. take a look at your reflection . . .

    eyes and face and skin
    clear, green limpid pools gaze out of her slim face. They can be sparkling with laughter one minute, raging with fury the next. Melantha's eyes are one of the most striking aspects of her appearance, and are one thing people remember after seeing her. Her skin is flawless above her shoulders, however her arms and waist are often scarred and cut from brushes with other animals. She has a tribal tattoo on her left shoulder, done after she vowed she would never kill unnecessarily. It will be a reminder to her, and throbs painfully when a storm is brewing. Her skin is slightly tanned from sunshine, yet not too much as she spends her day in the shade of the trees.

    hair and accessories
    a short, choppy bob is manageable and practical, and highlights her angular jaw. Melantha's dark brown hair has a blonde streak in the fringe - this was a result of some experimental plant-dying with fabrics and such. Two feathers poke out at rakish angles, both from a pied kingfisher. The beads have no real meaning, other than the earthy tones which help blend in to the forest. She has two red earrings, small clay beads from an old friend back in her hometown. She has worn them everyday since. In reverence to the goddess Gaia, the only goddess whom Melantha will worship, she wears a bracelet of white, gold and emerald, the colours of the goddess. She also wears a Grecian-style arm bracelet, similar to this. It was given to her by her mother, and is extremely valuable, though Melantha would not dream of selling it. I have permission from Bel to add this accessory.
    On her tail is a thick gold band, with jagged black lines running across. Melantha found this on one of her travels, and it probably dates back to the Aztecs/Mayans. She loves it, and makes up a different story about its history for anyone who asks about it. Round her waist is strung three necklaces, all gifts from friends. She particularly loves the earthy red clay bead one, as it matches her earrings.

    she is roughly 18 human years old, and her tiger body is in its prime. She has has no major injuries, except a broken wrist when she was younger. It has mended without a trace.

    P E R S O N A L I T Y
    ♐. Melantha is, quite simply, a young female with all the vivaciousness and courage of her other half, the tiger. Her natural beauty is by no means a reflection of her feelings and emotions - under the clear skin and limpid eyes there lies a ruthlessness, a raw energy that blazes and a thirst to kill. Then there is a deeper character, an altogether more complex core to Melantha, one she only reveals [and even then, only a small part] to her most trusted companions. This 'core' is a tangled mess of lies and secrets, falsehoods and traitors, until the creature can hardly tell what is right and wrong anymore. Her trust has been broken once to often, and there is few left in this world who could mend it. Melantha is troubled, but she has hidden that part of her away for so long it has become faded with age, and less painful as the days go on.
    Her green eyes, clear as cut glass, betray little emotion, and she isn't one to shout out her feelings. However, Melantha can laugh as joyfully as anyone, given the chance. She has a wicked sense of humour and a passion for practical jokes, and puts them in place whenever, and however, she can. The results, whether the trick was successful or not, always bring a smile to her mouth and a sparkle to her eye.
    Below are some explanations and further detail about other aspects of her character :3

    proud, adj. - feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated
    Though Melantha doesn't always show it, she is a highly proud creature and is very defensive of her achievements. She keeps them close to her heart, and even though she tries very hard not to, she has been known to boast about some of these achievements, more than oen time. She also has great pride for her friends when they do something well.

    proficient, adj. - competent or skilled in doing or using something
    Melantha is very talented and smart, and she uses her skills on many things, thus making her skilled in many aspects of her life. She is an excellent writer and drawer, and isn't a bad hunter, but she doesn't like to kill unnecessarily, in order to make a point. She's very good at making friends too, but it takes her a little while to get used to someone before opening up to them.

    majestic, adj. - having or showing impressive beauty or dignity
    Melantha holds her body with great dignity, and she really is both a graceful cat and woman. She has a sort of strut in her walk that makes everyone fascinated with her. She's very pretty, too, and many a male has doted upon her, but Melantha shuns them all. She would prefer to be single all her life, much like the Virginia huntress Diana.

    ruthless, adj. - having or showing no pity or compassion for others
    Melantha shows no sadness when cutting open the throat of a deer, yet never kills more than she needs. This side of her personality has helped her more than anything else, as it has given her food and saved her sadness.

    intelligent, adj. - having or showing understanding, esp. at a higher level
    Melantha is clever, no one will deny that once they have met her. Buy only few know the real reason behind her traps and snares all working perfectly - Melantha is a genius in forest knowledge, and calculates angles and lengths to determine the perfect snare, should she be feeling especially lazy that day for hunting herself.

    commonsensical, adj. - having sound judgement in practical matters | tolerant, adj. - being able to endure uncomfortable conditions or disagreeable opinions | fierce, adj. - displaying a violent or ferocious aggressiveness | loyal, adj. - giving constant support or allegiance to another

    H I S T O R Y
    ♐. The green, almost luminescent light fell upon the beast's limpid emerald eyes, dappled by the shadows of the myriad of leaves that gently swayed in the heat above her. Her eyes closed for a heartbeat, as she studied the gentle breeze and the many scents it carried to her. The insects and birds din had quietened to a wary murmur, a warning to others more vulnerable then them. The centaur's paw pressed down into the soft loam, barely making a sound. Her eyes narrowed and her heart quickened as she focused in on her prey. A small deer, peacefully grazing upon the small plants that grew in the soft soil. The girl moved forward; a second paw, a third. Her shoulders hunched and her hind legs tensed, ready to spring. This was the thrill of the hunt - the adrenaline coursed through her veins like fire. The hunter and the hunted.
    Transfixed by some inner terror, the deer stood still, paralysed by the image the stood poised to strike before it. Its heartbeat, panicked and quick, thrummed in the air like a hummingbird's wing. The creature's eyes rolled in fear and its hooves skittered, wanting to run but somehow being unable to. Then it ran, skipping over logs and racing through thickets as fats as it could go, pace quickened by sheer terror.
    The beast, in the same heartbeat, sprang. Her claws opened into thin air, and they clacked painfully together. She growled in fury at herself and the deer, a guttural, raw sound. Gathering herself, muscles taut with exertion and anger, the centaur sprinted on through the forest, eyes on her prey.
    Breathing heavily, Melantha reached a small clearing and lay down, watching the sunlight create patterns in the trunks. Her fringe swung in front of her eyes and she brushed it away impatiently. Stepping forward, she winced as her front paw touched the ground and a shorting pain sliced up her leg. Holding it in her slim hands, she turned the paw over and inspected the damage. A large thorn was buried in the sensitive pad. Gritting her teeth, Melantha gripped it in her fingers and pulled quickly.

    A R T
    ♐. if I have the time, but I can't hold a candle to Bel's masterpiece :3

    O T H E R
    ♐. Thank you for giving me the chance to try for the gorgeous creature. <3

    -Sailor. x

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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME AND ADOPT!]

Postby extraterrestrial » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:22 am




    The beauty currently resides in kennel P1
    This gorgeous fea's name will forever be written in the sand as Zahirah Azhara
    Zahirah Azhara translates roughly into Dazzling Flower in the Arabic language
    Zahirah Azhara's only nickname to all is Azha. Once she gets to know you better she is known by a second nickname, Azzy. She finds it amusing when people she knows say it but offensive when people she doesn't know say it.
    Azha is a Corsac Fox, which is also known as the Steppe Fox. It's Latin name is Vulpes Corsac
    Why do I want her? The question should be why wouldn't I want her? Her design is simple, elegant and desirable. There are only really two kinds of characters I like, simple designs with popping accessories and complicated designs with minimum accessories so this girl is perfect for me. I love how the design reflects the species with the pale cream coats, some designs are just slapped with a species that looks nothing like them. [Of course unless the design is unrealistic colours completely] Pink and orange together is one of my favorite colour combinations so I almost died when I saw her. The big pink hibiscus on the base of her tail was what my eyes were drawn to. Yes, my eyes were drawn to her butt. I think the flower is the perfect size especially compared to the tail. I think if anyone else had done this the probably would have made the tail over-sized and over-poofy but the smaller tail compliments the design so well. I also like how there is the one main accessory [The Hibiscus] and then the bracelet and earing and earing weren't over done at all, they are just small but it's the details that complete the design.
    Once again this question should be what wouldn't I do for her! If I win her she will become my second main fursona or possibly if I find it to not be a good fit then secondary fursona at the least. For her she will get everything! High quality art of all kinds, stories, possibly even a mate and family one day if I am so lucky to find a male worthy of her beauty. She will be treated as if she was a queen, getting everything I think she needs.
    Azha is a very shy little fea when you first meet her. She will hardly speak to you or even look at you. If she does look at look she won't make eye contact, she thinks you may take eye contact as a sign of hostility and that you will attack. If she does speak she speaks very quietly, just above a whisper. Her tone will be softer than usual and she will speak slowly, and very cautiously. As if she's afraid something she says will make you mad. Though after she has an idea who you are, she warms up and you forget all about the shy fea she used to be.

    Azha is a perfect picture of sweet. She is very agreeable and avoids conflict at all times unless it's something she truly believes in. She is very flexible and bends to suit your demands and wishes though she is not to be taken for granted. Her heart is kind and open to all who need her help. Sometimes her sweetness is taken as a sign of weakness, but only by the cold at heart. Wholeheartedly, Azha is always an ear to listen to your issues. A shoulder to cry your sadness out on and she is a brain to help solve your problems.

    Azha is very calm, collected and composed. She handles even the most hectic of situations with a level-head and her actions are all in ease. Though she's not the one to take charge she will do her best to calm and keep safe the ones that are closest to her. She is hardly angered over anything, but the when she does get angry she's very passionate about it.

    Azha is a fea without fault. When she was with her friends she was always the one to stay in camp when they went to 'find the fox den' or whatever their 'smart' idea was this time. Every time she would try to talk them out bu they wouldn't listen. A lie never rolled off her tongue and she would always snitch to the older wolves about what they were doing. She didn't know any better, she was naive and her mother always told her the adult knew best. Anything that came out of her mother's mouth was drunken up and worshiped by Azha.

    Being herself is something Azha does all the time. She doesn't enjoy lying or acting as she finds it forces her to be someone she is not. Though it sounds cocky and self-obsessed but she would never, ever try to change herself. She believes that changing herself, changing any small aspect or quirk about her self would alter her from being herself. No matter what she won't change herself to fit into a group or relashionship, she's only friends with people who care about her for who she is. Something she says a lot is "Be yourself because everyone else is already taken"

    Azha loves the feeling of open spaces. It gives her the illusion of more freedom and peace than there is in the world today. When the wind is billowing around her she likes to close her eyes and pretend she's flying. She's aloof and detached when alone in a open area. The openess gives her an odd safe feeling that others normally get when they're warm or with other people. Azha prefers the cold and being alone which is very standoffish for such a kind, innocent fae.

    Birds are another thing that remind Azha of flying. She likes to close her eyes, pretend that she has wings and is flying amoung the birds, singing for all to hear. Birds represent the morning, nuturing and delicacy. She love to watch the fly around, playing tag and other silly little games that they play. According to her they take advantage of their freedom, but such a beatiful creature deserves to do so.

    Azha detests tight spaces with a burning passion. Though she does not have claustrophobia, being enclosed in a tight space for any length of time gives her a slightly claustrophobic feeling. Her paws get tingly and so does the back of her neck, and she does not relish even the thought of that feeling of being trapped, secluded from the rest of the beautiful world.

    Dishonest people really have really hurt Azha in the past which is just one reason she doesn't like them. She finds dishonest people rude and unmannerly with their sly and twisted words, even though the truth sometimes hurts she finds honesty is the best policy. She never lies to anyone because that would make her a hypocrite and she refuses to sink down to that level

    The night as black a coal, the stars covered by clouds. Lighting cracks the sky and thunder booms as a female bark of pain rips through the air. Gazzelle was giving birth to her second litter of pups. She and her mate Amun had been waiting for a strong pup. Her first litter had been 3 stillborns and one deaf pup. Never the less the poor little guy was buried alive along with the still borns. Gazzelle and Amun were the rouges of the forest. Feared by all and referred to as the king and queen. They both had hearts of ice, merciless as they were they wanted pups. At least one strong pup that would take over for them after they died or retired. Another bark pierces the air as the last pup is born.

    Amun looks over the pups in disgust. "Same as the last, two stillborns and one one little runt." She says with a snort and looks at Gazelle "You must be faulty" He growls, glaring at her. "Shut up Amun" She says with ease "You need me, now let's leave, the live pup can stay and fend for herself" With that the stiff unmotherly, creamy corsac fox crawls out of the den, followed by the much larger male. The little pup inside the den squeals for warmth and comfort.

    A day later the pup lay there, freezing and hunger about to die when a petit fox pokes her head in and gasps. Grabbing the dying pup by the scruff and running back to her den where the heavy scent of her own stillborn pups hangs in the air. The tiny abandoned pup curls up to her, not realizing it wasn't her own mother. "Your safe with me" The fea named Sage whispers softly.
    Azha's only real fear is the fear of abandonment. Though her fear isn't so bad that she is terrified of being alone she just can't stand the thought of being abandoned or left by someone forever. She's had many people close to her leave, her own parents abadoned her as a pup.
    The soft steps of quiet paws,
    The kind laugh of a gentle fea,
    However kinds the heart there is always flaws,
    Though hers won't make you cry,
    Or make you die.
    It's not to be desired,
    She's morbidly shy.
    Morbidly Shy - By Me|iSquid

    Gleaming pink orbs and a smile of diamonds,
    Soft beige with deep cream streaks,
    Accents of the sun and of a flower,
    Make the work of art that needs no critique.
    Work of Art - By Me|iSquid

    Nothing currently. If I win though I'll probably add more to her. This is all I have time for now.
Last edited by extraterrestrial on Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:49 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby jern. » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:54 am

I am looking to adopt...
Picture: Image
Kennel number: Kennel f7
Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?:

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