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Poll ended at Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:27 am

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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Tripp » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:19 am

i'll add'em after cd c:
i dont get on as often, bear with me
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Re: The New Agency ~CD 03/09 p.28~

Postby Tammanae » Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:02 am

Code Drop Form List

Woot, new week. Yet another list for the staff to use for the Code Drop this next week~ Seeing as how people seem to confuse this with the regular code drop, I will explain here, so please make sure to read. This list is not the Code Drop, but simply a list of me collecting forms at a steadier pace as to make sure no one gets accidentally skipped over, and to make the judging a little easier come Saturday. ;3 As always, do not quote or edit this post yourself, as I am the one in charge of this, and doing so will only be confusing and spamming for both me and the rest of the staff. Please remember that if you are trying out for the same character again this week, you must repost your form~

Kennel 5


Kennel 6


Kennel 7


Kennel 10

three little birds

Kennel 13


Kennel 26


Kennel 61


Kennel 68

Jennifer Lawrence

Kennel 70

The Lady Of Flight

Kennel 74

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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Tripp » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:11 pm

crap guys i'm sorry i meant to do this last night but got buried in school work ;-; tonight for sure
i dont get on as often, bear with me
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby The Agency » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:54 pm

13happyface-permission needed
Th13f -fluff up your form
Aysan1-fluff up your form and add the picture of the character

.inspiration. wrote:

Pet's ID Tag:

Name You'd Choose for It:
[[A name of Arabic origin meaning "Found Treasure]]
When I first saw her, this was the first name I thought of. I didn't know the meaning, but after some research I found out it would work great with my story.


Arabian Horse

[[Human Years]]

Birth date:
November 30th
[[A cold winter day when the revolution began]]

Reason You Want It:
I had tried for this great mare before, a year ago, and I was crushed when I did not win, although I knew that Wes would have a great home for her. Now, with this second chance, I must try my hardest.

The thing that inspires me the most about Lakita is the raw personality I see in her design. I see a hard headed, determined mare that will get what she wants. I see she's a leader, but a harsh one. I see how unique her design is, after all, who's ever seen a green horse? With her glare just staring right at me, I see that Lakita isn't soft at all. She looks judgmental, hard headed and stubborn. I know all the characteristics I've put have been negative, but having all those negative things challenges me to find the softer, gentler side of her.
Her simple accessories inspire me even more. Now, looking at her, I see an adventure, a question of survival, and a story that must be told. I see her with a hard life forcing her to grow up too fast. I have never been so inspired by a pet here before. If I do win Lakita, I will write her a story, or many tales of her adventures, order art when I may, make art of her when possible and take care of her to my best ability. Lakita is an inspiration, and I can't afford to let that inspiration go.


[[Level-Headed and Practical]]
Lakita isn't one for games. The day she was born was the day the revolution started, so her whole life she's been living right in the middle of it. as a child, she was told to always stay in the house, because it was safer there. Almost all workers had gone on strike and joined the revolution, so there were no toys for Lakita to play with. Growing up with only survival as a priority, Lakita has become very wary of fun events. She is afraid that if she lets her guard down for even a second, she will suffer the same fate as so many soldiers did, and have a cold hole in the ground be her final resting place.

[[Stubborn and Uncompromising]]
Lakita always gets her way. It doesn't mean she's spoiled, because she's not spoiled at all, but if she has a plan, she will do everything to make sure it's carried out perfectly. It's very unlikely that she will follow others instructions without finding a way to make them better, and even then she won't give them credit.


My life has been lived in terror.
The day I was born was the day the first gun was shot. November 30th was the day people decided they were sick of how they had been living. The day I was born was the day it all when crashing down.
It was in the same house I am in now, the old house that my parents could hardly afford. The tiny one room house that had always seemed like it was suffocating me with its lack of space. The walls were a light blue when it was originally built, but after so many years of wear and tear the walls hardly had any on them and were reduced to a dull brown. With no heating and numerous broken windows, the cold months were the hardest, and with snow already piled up on the ground it was especially true.
The wind whistled as it snuck in through the windows, and the grey clouds showed no sign of it letting up. I was the first child, but my parents hoped to have more. They had always wanted many children to liven up the house. At five thirty-six in the evening, as the sun was setting on the day I was brought into the world. My mother looked at me and smiled after the painful work still as happy as can be. "My beautiful girl. Lakita, my treasure," she whispered, looking into my pure green eyes.
It wasn't a minute after that when the symphony of gunshot rang through the house. A window in the other corner of the small room, shatters of glass flying everywhere. My mother grasped me as hard as she could, trying to protect me as much as possible. I started to cry my little head off, my mother trying to comfort me, and my father looking out the tiny back window, the only one now in perfect shape. "Lila," he whispered, his voice wavering with panic, the colour drained from his face,"The revolution has begun."

Other Info


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Rules of (name of country)

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Yes, I always will <3

Art by fifetastic

Permission from Wesleydog for the name change


OceanBlast wrote:
Pet's ID Tag:

Number #6 <3

Image of pet


Name You'd Choose for It:



Mare <3

Reason You Want It:

Akira is a beautiful little mare, from her markings to her lovley chestnut coat, she is an outstanding creature all together. Mohawk (Or Shelock, his new name ^^") seems to be the most popular one out of the two, but that doesn't occur to me, I love them both as much as each other ^^ Akira will be excpected to appear in many peices of art soon to come of her, and will have many stories written about her. I will soon be writing a book with my friend, and Akira and Sherlock may appear in it...C;



I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

(Lines by Verdana, and I know he's not a draft, but you have to admit he looks similar to one ^^)

Pet's ID Tag:

Number #6

Image of pet


Name You'd Choose for It:

(Originaly Mohawk ^^)



Reason You Want It:

Sherlock is so stunning! From his beautiful and majestick head with that irrasistable colour, to his cute little sock that covers his leg, he is just an amazing stallion <3 He and his daughter, Akira, will not have a spot in my character thread, because I don't have one I use X3 But do not worry, this does not mean I will forget about him; instead it will be better. I know what you're thinking; "How can it be better?" Whelp, it's because usually, the characters I keep on a character thread just lay in the corner, never again touched by me. I don't know why, it just happens X3 Whereas when I don't put them on a character thread, I seem to remember them for years and years; weird, ain't it? Oh well X3 Anyways, I currently have four horse characters, each related to each other. Sherlock and Akira will be in their 'heard' (Yush, I have my own herd X3). Sherlock won't be the head stallion, because my other character is. And anyways, Sherlock looks like an old little fellow to me, that's why he will become an elder in the herd c:



I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Dis ish biggy Wippy (Ninja c:)


PaperRose wrote:Pet's ID Tag: #26
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It: I think I'd keep her name Twinkle. It fits her :)
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It:
Well I've been looking at her and thinking about adopting her, but I couldn't convince myself to make one for her. And then I saw this revamp and I started screeching. I am so glad that I was home alone XD She is a horse, my favorite animal, and is palomino, my favorite coat, with blue eyes! She looks so amazing, and looks like she'd have such a sweet personality. And the new revamp makes her a draft horse, with fuzzy hooves!! I love that so much! Plus the white isn't all straight across, it has bumps and stuff to where it meets the palomino color.And then she has the glowing. Love the hair too XD
Well I'm ever so bad at making backgrounds and descriptions, but I will do the best I can. Well Twinkle is a sweet gentle girl, with a caring heart about others, but she also has problems letting others see her feelings. She could be smiling, but be dieing on the inside, kind of deal.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.



-3B- wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 61
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It: Ohanzee (Native Am., "Shadow")
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: Usually, I don't drop by the Agency expecting to apply to adopt - usually, it's to check in on you guys, making sure you're still going strong, and pondering on whether or not I should offer you guys a few of my own characters that I don't have a need for. But when I scrolled through your kennels last night, I had to stop. Now, I'd just gotten a character at POH, which had been revamped by Wib... and there, right in front of me, was another gorgeous revamp by one of my favorite artists, on a donation I had previously never looked twice at. I really, really like how he looks now - that blanket marking simply stuns me. And his large, curious expression... I get so many ideas, that I hardly know where to begin!
    Rain. Ohanzee enjoys the rain, as long as it's not severe. He relishes being wet, and loves playing in mud puddles. He often gets sharp glares for splashing on his herdmates, though he doesn't really care.
    Songbirds. Ohanzee loves listening to songbirds call out for each other, but he especially loves chickadees and their sweet, tinny whistle. To him, their song means spring and fresh grazings.
    Muddy areas. Even if it's just a sliver of mud by a riverbank, Ohanzee loves playing in the soft mud. His hooves and ankles are often caked in clay because of this, and though it itches and bothers him when dry, he thinks the fun is worth the frustration later.
    Flirting. Though he's bad at it, Ohanzee loves flirting with the mares. He loves trying to come up with lines to woo them, even if most of the time, they're met with laughter. He's grown to accept this, and will often laugh as well, as if he meant it to be a joke after all.

    Humidity. Humid weather makes Ohanzee a sticky, grumpy stallion. He despises not being able to cool down, and will often start picking fights if the weather remains hot and humid for a long period of time.
    Vultures. Ohanzee fears vultures. He can't stand seeing their bald heads poking in and around carrion, and attributes them to a painful death - especially the notion of being eaten alive. A recurring nightmare involves these birds.
    Sand. Ohanzee isn't fond of the southern edge of the territory because most of it is sand, which gets stuck in his fur and irritates him. He would much rather be far, far away from that dry, detestable place.
    Distress calls/signals. Ohanzee wishes harm to no one, and he doesn't like being able to be of assistance when someone needs it. It is especially hard on him when another equine is the source, because it brings flashbacks to his nightmares to the forefront of his mind.

    Ohanzee is the sweet-but-troublesome stallion of the herd. He cares for others, but he also enjoys making messes and creating a nuisance of himself. He tries his best to be the one everyone loves, though he usually falls at least second, behind Destry... and that just brings him down. He wants to be as good as his brother - he really, truly, honestly does - but because he enjoys a rather annoying pastime and because Destry is so annoyingly perfect, he ends up standing in the shadows, as always, waiting for his own chance to shine.
    His fondness for flirting with the mares stems from this desire, though it is probably another reason he will never be as loved by his herd. Meanwhile, Destry enjoys having any mare he wants... though he rarely takes any at all. It frustrates Ohanzee to no end, knowing that, no matter what, mares (and stallions) would always look to the lead stallion that wouldn't want the attention before they ever spared his young, nearly-talentless brother a glimpse.

Quick History/Blurb
    Ohanzee is the younger (half-)brother of Destry, the lead stallion of the herd and guardian of their expansive territory, which stretches from the American southwest desert up into the Rockies, where Destry prefers to keep his family. From birth, he was the awkward little shadow of the larger male, trying so hard to step into the shoes left to him and yet never being able to satisfy anyone in the governing of the herd. The only way he has found that he can escape the massive shadow of his sibling is to play, but being a nuisance is never really welcome, no matter who the source is.

    Though he is full-grown, he is still a small horse, staring up at his 16hh brother from his own pony-sized 13.3hh stature. As such, he is also less desirable to breed with; the mares of the herd prefer stronger, taller stallions, and Destry is the prime example of that. Being the runt, Ohanzee has to hope some mare will take pity on him for him to ever feel even part of the love his brother is surrounded by.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Form would be longer if I had time, but... adsfjasekfj, school and going back home. >.<;


KoowieTheDog wrote:
Space unicorns, flying through the skies, delievering the rainbows all over the world!

Pet's ID Tag:
Sixty-Eight {68}

Name You'd Choose for It:
Arco Iris
NickName: Rain
"Arco Iris means Rainbow in spanish."


Species and Breed:
Canine; Eastern Wolf (Eastern Canadian Wolf or Eastern Canadian Red Wolf)

Human years: 15yr.

-Watching the Clouds
-Boys [Being her age, what is expected?]
-The colors of the rainbow


Reason You Want It:
The reason I want Arco Iris is because you dont see many characters like her anymore. Most people do rainbow designs full out rainbow now, no black or white in it, just rainbow stripes and polka dots and neon hair and such. Arco Iris has all of that but in little bitty like-a-able spurts throughout her coat. The designer of Rain did not over do her rainbow markings, they put just the right amount on her in the right places to make her look stunning.

Plus she just has so much personality in her design to make me go WOW! She is just a beautiful character and I am going to try my hardest to win her in this code drop.

My paws made little pitter patter's as I trotted down the sidewalk walking to my local candy shop. Mom and Pop had just given me my weekly allowence of $5.50 and I desprately wanted to spend it on candy.

As I made my way to the candy shop, visions of tootsie rolls, nutty bars, gumballs, and candy canes filled my head, my mouth started to water and I started to walk faster.

I made my last corner on the way to the candy shop and right on that corner, stood a cute little building that had the words "Candy Shop" in big, bold letters. I pushed the door open and as I walked in I heard little jingling noises.

A older looking canine of somesort [I assumed some sort of Fox but you could never be sure...] came out from behind the corner and called to me, "Hello there! What kind of candy would you like?"

"Whatever $5.50 can get me, sir!" I said with a smile as he chuckled and walked me over to the candy containers. I picked out some, he placed it in a bag and I handed him the money. I walked out with a smile and threw a little "Thank you!" over my shoulders to the fox.

I started to walk to the park, I decided I was going to eat my candy on one of those brilliant swinging bench things that the park had placed right by the water! As I was walking, my best friend Creampuff was walking a feet yards away from me. So I yelled, "Hey CreamPuff!"

She jumped about a foot in the air, startled by my presence, "Oh, hey there Arco Iris! Whats up?"

I giggled, "Nothing much happening, I just stopped at the candy shop down on 7th street and picked up this bag full of candy." I showed the bag to CreamPuff.

She said, "Oh cool! You'll have some fun eating all of that!" she winked at me.

"Hey, do you want to come to the park with me? Thats where I was headed right now." I questioned her.

She stopped and thought for a minute, "Well I was supposed to be headed home, I just told mother that I was going for a quick walk... But okay, i'll come with you but only for a couple minutes."

I started to walk again, into deep conversation with CreamPuff.

Soon, we saw the park sign and we looked at eachother and walked into the park.

The smith park was always a beautiful little place, flowers of all kinds sprouted up right next to the sidewalk that took you through the park. The water was always a beautiful bright blue that shimmered and glimmered through out the day.

As we walked on the sidewalk, a swinging bench got closer and closer as we kept walking. Finally we were right next to it!

"Here!" I shouted as we suddenly stopped next to it.

"Were gonna sit here?" CreamPuff asked.

"Yep! Hop on." I said with a giggle throwing a tootsie pop into my mouth.

We sat down on the bench and started to swing. It was funner than I remember, not quite as relaxing but still fun.

So that was my day! I had a lot of fun.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


three little birds wrote:
three little birds wrote:
Username; three little birds.
Number #10.
Reason; Oh.My.Gawd. How did this fella become the spotlight pet? How come this fella has been here so long? As soon as I saw Niko I knew he was the one for me. His design is perfect, the lines make him even more lovable, and I've always wanted a red panda character, so.. Perfect match? I totally think yes.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Personality;; Niko could be described as determined, intelligent, leaderly, loyal, and noble. This red panda perseveres with any and all of his work, working patiently. This guy soaks up knowledge like a sponge, but is already quite wise himself. He calmly waits and listens to others' ideas and opinions, but is extremely decisive. His tail would only flick with amusement if he was told some secret, but he would be as quiet as a mouse and carry on listening. He can't take no for an answer, and is firm. You can trust him to make the right choice.

Although, Niko could be described as serious, stern, strict, humorous, and playful. Although he has duties to perform, that playful spark will never flicker out of him. When this side of him is lodged deep in his heart, he is quite the strict one. He only expects the best from himself and others. This dude really is quite calm though, and his fur is not ruffled easily. His temper is almost non - existent, and he can barely hold onto his grudges. Niko is quite the softie.

Niko can never hold his tongue, and won't stop bickering until his side of the argument has been won. He does rely on logic in all of his ideas, giving him brilliant arguments. Niko is also remarkably persuasive. He could tell you the sky was orange and you would believe it without even raisingyour head upward. If he were a human, he would most likely be a lawyer because of his logic, wit, and persuasive skills.

Story;; A small ball of fluff lay in the arms of the rainforest, his small paws hugging his fluffy chest as he snored. A fly buzzed past the chubby creature's nose, causing him to wake with a startle. He sneezed, his sky blue eyes bright with anticipation. Suddenly, the hammock of entwined leaves and twigs creaked and groaned, and before he knew it, Niko was flat on his face at the bottom of the tree. He shook himself off, stopping to swipe his tongue over his fur before jumping up the tree to assess the damage. ''I've either put on weight or this thing is getting old,'' he told nobody in particular.
The red panda asessed the damage, shaking his head. "Both,'' he muttered.
Niko scampered deep into the jungle, until he found and old, rotting log. He spent the rest of the day furiously shoving the trunk back to the clearing. His keen eyes scanned the wood, until he saw where a bed could be made. There was one spot that hollowed out, but was firm on the bottom where he would lay. He found some fresh moss, and shoved it into the hole, patting it down with his tail. "Not bad, not bad,'' he commented. "It will take some getting used to.'' He looked up at the sky. "Now; where is that goofball Gravy? He's taking forever to get here."
Niko's friend, a giant panda called Gravy (for the colour of his coat), had a real name, but nobody ever called him

Permission by MochatheLlama..

Last edited by The Agency on Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby neonfrozen » Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:02 am


Thank you SO much for Arco Iris! ♥


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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Desmond » Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:58 am

Thank you for Ohanzee! ^.^
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby MochaTheLlama » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:23 am

Why was Kennel #10 not adopted out? ^^;
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Rabbitheart » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:29 am

That's kind of what I was wondering too, but I just sort of thought that maybe the judges felt neither my form, nor the other person's form was good enough. I don't know. XD
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Tammanae » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:37 am

No, they would have said something. There is a possibility that they accidentally skipped the kennel, in which case I am sure it will be added to the CD with the winner (Or lack of) asap. ^^'
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Rabbitheart » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:40 am

Oh! Okay! Thanks for clearing that up. Sorry, it my first time adopting from here. XD
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