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Poll ended at Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:27 am

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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby wibeke » Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:49 am

I thought this girl could use a more energetic lineart to go with those bright colors. ^^

Kennel number 10
Old image
Revamp version
where you got the lineart custom

jen they/them ace dumpster fire
aka wibekapedia

always open for commissions on DA

talk to me about pigeons!

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Re: The New Agency ~CD 03/09 p.28~

Postby Tammanae » Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:12 pm

Code Drop Form List

Woot, new week. Yet another list for the staff to use for the Code Drop this next week~ Seeing as how people seem to confuse this with the regular code drop, I will explain here, so please make sure to read. This list is not the Code Drop, but simply a list of me collecting forms at a steadier pace as to make sure no one gets accidentally skipped over, and to make the judging a little easier come Saturday. ;3 As always, do not quote or edit this post yourself, as I am the one in charge of this, and doing so will only be confusing and spamming for both me and the rest of the staff. Please remember that if you are trying out for the same character again this week, you must repost your form~

Kennel 10

three little birds

Kennel 18


Kennel 27


Kennel 46


Kennel 65


Kennel 71

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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Tripp » Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:18 pm

cd tonight, about 9ish (eastern)
i dont get on as often, bear with me
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby The Agency » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:18 pm

three little birds- need screen shot of them saying you have permission
Mozerella.-fluff up your form a bit :]
Th13f-fluff your from up

wesleydog wrote:
If there's one thing that I have learned, it is that resistance is futile.

Pet's ID Tag:
Kennel 27
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It:
Cruise, like Tom Cruise. He likes to go by T. Cruise, as he's a very confused but articulate little dolphin.
Male ♂
Don't judge him. D;
Reason You Want It:
There's absolutely no way that I can resist this little guy any longer. He's been here for much too long, and now that he's gotten a splendid new revamp and a spot as the featured kennel, I simply can't hold back from adopting him. o3o I was having a lot of trouble choosing between a few kennels that caught my eye and trying to find muse for a design, even though I'm hoping to expand my collection of characters that have been adopted from character adoption agencies. However, this revamp made my decision much easier. He carries such a pleasing design. I did decide to make him a male, mainly because I have two dolphin characters from the Break of Dawn that are females, and I think it'd be cute to add a third dolphin to my characters, a male that is full of personality! I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas for this guy; even while I didn't have anything written out, lots of things were going through my brain for him as a character. Thanks for the chance!
[history and personality thing kind of combined into a little chunk xP]
Cruise is and has always been just a cute little dolphin roaming the seas. But while other dolphins might find migrating, raising calves, and socializing through ecolocation to be fun, Cruise has never been the type. He's an anti-social, asexual grump with a lot of passion for writing and words. He's never wanted to do anything with his life but be an author; given mere seconds he can scribble up a paragraph on any given topic, and in hours he can check the entire eraser off of a pencil. He's not the brightest fish in the sea (especially considering the fact that he is not a fish, but indeed, a dolphin.) But he knows what he's talking about when it comes to grammar. He's no wizard; he hasn't memorized the dictionary. Some words that authors may use to describe a scene in a book he might read may stump him, but he is great with words and prompt with answering his math problems. He likes to think of the alphabet as a big equation or perhaps an irrational number, like Pi. "3.14159...", he loves to memorize the number. He could spend hours on end working to go as far as he could. Cruise has terrible dyslexia, but he's worked hard to achieve his ability to create mastermind stories and study his arithmetic diligently. He's certainly not your average Joe, though he prefers to blend well into the sea crowd and stay away from any sorts of media-type popularity.

Those who may see Cruise around the ocean would notice something about him that you don't notice about many other fish. he's always tried to avoid people in general; all fish, all dolphins; he'd much rather meet face to face with a scuba diver than encounter a school of fish eager for a chat. Anything to stay away from socialization pleases Cruise. As a young dolphin, he strayed from the pod in an attempt to escape society's harsh factors and biting reality. Now he likes in his broken coral slot-of-a-cave near the anemones, and busies himself with excuses to stay away from others.

Cruise much prefers working with his mind as apposed to working with his hands; he's not skillful in swimming or trips. He's always had a bit of a flop on his left side; his left flipper's strength is not equivalent to that of his right flipper, and he tends to swim a bit sideways, like a human with a limp. This has kept him from ever efficiently completing a project with his hands, and has made him the target of cruel jokes in childhood play. His brain is his largest asset, and he knows that if he's not good at thinking, then he's good at absolutely nothing. Cruise refers to himself with a pen name, not too far from his real name as a traditional author might do it. He refers to himself as 'T. Cruise', and in his books his main character is always the same; a nameless and faceless man with an unknown identity; someone that Cruise wishes he was. Someone that's social, interested in life's many flaws in general. He's never gotten the courage to tell anyone this; he's always been much too embarrassed and anti-social for such a thing.

One of Cruise's other secrets is that he has never been to the the center-most point of the surface before. He's never stuck his elongated head out of the water, nor has he done a trick in the air. He comes up to the surface minimally, far from the beaches' sandy shores. He sticks only his blowhole out of the water, occassionally a fin or two when he dives underneath. But to those that have not been touched by Cruise's life at a previous time, Cruise does not even exist.

Must go make preparations for a party, so I'll write more later. If I so happen to receive him at the code drop, I'll still continue to write for him. <3

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

image 2
image 1

Zeya wrote:
Pet's ID Tag:
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It:
meaning "warrior"
Reason You Want It:
The design is purely adorable. The first few times I went through the posts I saw her, but figured so many people will have tried for her it'd be nearly impossible to get her. Now that she's still here, though, I want 'er! ^.^
Aella is, like her name suggests, a fighter. A warrior. She won't stand for anything that stood in her way. If she wants something, she will get it.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.



Tasha999 wrote:
Please PM me before adopting-SteffiDaBeagle

If anybody could help me find who she turned into I would be mighty grateful ^^.

Pet's ID Tag: 46
Name You'd Choose for It: Fredrick Or Dric
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: I mostly like the design but I got the idea to make him the brother of an existing character. I could see him easily being on my mind often as this character is close to my heart.

Yami paced back and forth in the moonlit cave, her coat softly sparkling with the magical light of the full moon. Her head reared as she heard the approaching hoof steps of her brother in the soft mossy ground. She trotted out to meet him and they quickly exchanged a greeting before moving back into the cave. “It’s been so long Brother.” Yami said as she looked out of the cave. A large still lake was at the bottom of a short incline, the moon picturing off the glass surface perfectly. “Very true, the mystery is still my favourite part.” He said with a snort as he bumped her shoulder.

“Listen to yourself, you are older than me yet you still act like a child.” She scoffed before laughing herself. “The mystery kills me, I want to know right away, lest we end up with something... well like last time.” She said as they both recalled the old memories. “Yes well, this time I have a good feeling about it.” Fredrick said as he turned around into the cave and started walking down into the darkness where the moonlight did not reach.

Yami quickly followed behind him as vines started to overtake the path, tangling in each other and causing hazards to those who were not careful. “Shall we?” Dric asked as a new glow started to fill the cave. Purple and blue light swirled around, mixing together and creating beautiful shades. “Together.” Yami said as she touched his hoof with her own. They walked together closer to the light, shoulder by shoulder they stopped in front of carved ruins that flowed light. The both placed a hoof inside their own circles, the blue light swirling around Dric’s circle and the purple flowing around Yami’s.

Both creatures where in cased in light as a magical sight took place. Their hooves folded back into long claws, the once flat grinding teeth turned into sharp jagged rippers. The long horse tails were overtaken by a long slender scaled tail with the only hair at the end. Their ears grew in length and soon both sprouted horns from atop their head. Yami’s were long and sharp while Dric’s were rounded and short. The transformation kept going until the entire animals was almost undistinguishable from their old forms.

Yami’s eyes were almost glued shut as she grew tense. Dric took the first look around and glanced himself over. He cried with joy but instead a loud shriek was heard from his black muzzle. A long forked tongue slithered out from his lips to test out the sharp teeth he now had. “Yami Yami! Open your eyes and look!” He said as he reached out and yanked on her now slim arm with his own set of paws. Yami cringed as she slowly opened her eyes and looked her brother up and down. She ended up slightly shorter then him but they had the same build and similar qualities. She tackled her brother in a joyful glee as they celebrated their new forms.

“Now who’s acting like a child?” Dric poked as he caught his little sister with a laugh. She quickly stepped back and wiped herself off with a slight cough. “Yes well, I’m just glad we didn’t have to spend an eternity as grasshoppers again.” She said as she looked over her form. They walked out close to each other as they navigated the new limbs around the “Foot Catchers” as Dric so lovingly called the old roots. As they exited the cave they quickly traveled down to the lake and tested their new abilities. “So do you think either of us are a water dragon?” Dric asked as he sat on the shore and dipped his long clawed feet in the crisp pool, watching the ripples slowly fade away.

“Yami examined her reflection by the moonlight then turned to examine her brother. “I doubt it, Water dragons are known to have gills, finds and don’t often have horns like we do.” She said as she tapped the end of her horn and feeling the sharpness to it. “Fire dragons then!” Dric said as he jumped up with a large breath. He puffed out his chest before trying to cough out some kind of fire but all he did was choke himself on his own air.

Yami sighed as she shook her head. “No Dric, not a fire dragon either. Fire dragons have wings and you know... fire. Plus they rarely have fur on them.” She said as she held up her fluffy tail.Dric fell over in defeat as he sighed. “What kind of dragon are we then?” He said as Yami thought of all the habiting dragons in the area. “Ice and earth don’t seem right either. I suppose we could be air but there is really only one way to test that.” She said as a sly look crossed her face.

Dric looked over and caught her glance with a smile, both knowing what it meant. “Shall we Dear Sister?” Dric asked as he jumped to her side and held his arm out. “Yes we shall dear Brother.” Yami answered while she hooked her arm in his and they ventured away from the lake. They laughed as they walked together, reminiscing about their past lives. They stopped as they reached the end of the small hill, rocks dribbling down the sharp ledge. “Ready for this?” Yami asked as she looked over the edge. “Ready as ever!” Dric said as he grabbed her hand and they both dove off the cliff.

The dragons fell towards the ground as the wind rushed right through their scales. Both of them spread out their arms and soon Yami took flight as she felt the air build up in her lungs. She hung on tightly to her brother and she tried to keep him from falling. “Think lighter Dric!” Yami said as she dug her claws into his scales. Dric winced as he tried to focus on flying. “What does that even mean!?” He shrieked causing her to fumble as her ears started to ring and her balance was thrown off. She closed her eyes tight as she tried to recover from the noise.

“Fredrick!” Yami screamed at him as they started to fall again. Dric panicked as he watched his sister fall. He swooped down as she tumbled through the air catching her as he angled up with his tail. His flat tail quickly slowed their decent and evened out the fall. Yami recovered enough to fly out of his arms and watch as he glided down to the ground. “So only you can fly?” Dric asked as they landed heavily. “Seems so, either that or you weren’t even trying.” She said as she laughed. Fredrick laughed, “Hey I was doing my best!” They both laughed as the adrenaline began to wear off. Fredrick tussled Yami’s hair as they began to walk back home. “So now that we aren’t with our herds anymore, where will you go?” Yami asked as she watched him. Fredrick looked up at the sky, his eyes almost clouding over as he thought about what to do. “Well I know you can easily find some real flying dragons, but “gliding” Dragons is a bit harder.” He said as he returned her look from the corner of his eye. “I guess I’ll have to hunt them down and join em.”

Yami nodded silently and agreed to the plan without saying a word. “If I find any I’ll try to find you.” Yami said as she poked Dric’s side. “I’m sure you’ll be able to find me, a lot easier this time.” Dric said with a laugh as he stopped and turned to his sister. “See you soon sis.” He said as he grabbed her into a tight hug. She returned it but held on a little tighter and longer then he did. “I’ll miss you.” Yami muffled as she looked away from him. “Me too...” He said as he stepped back with a small smile. “Better get going!” He said as he pointed up to a group of dragons flying over head. Yami looked up and admired the sight before turning back to her brother, only to find the spot missing a body. “Wait!” She called out, looking for any traces that he might of left.

She sighed as she balled her claws, she didn’t try to look for him, she knew he was gone. She climbed the closets tree, easily done with her sharper claws. Hanging off the top she found the dragons in view and before she knew it she had taken to the sky. Fredrick watched from a shaded tree, his shape hiding in its leaves. He smiled as he watched is sister take off, he was proud of her making it this far.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it. Yes Sir/Mam!

Last edited by The Agency on Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby wishes. » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:21 pm

I don't know how to make a screenshot; I know I sent Mocha the pm.
This account was getting cluttered, so I made a new one! Look for new wishes.
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Lirrie » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:22 pm

can we post adoption form now?
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Tripp » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:36 pm


three- pc- Alt-PrintScreen then bring it up in paint, past then save and upload
or have them justt post on here that you have permission
i dont get on as often, bear with me
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Sapphirescript » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:42 pm

How come I didn't win though :c? She said I Didn't need permission. Unless my form was bad ;A;.

I'm going to PM her right now though. Thank You
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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby Lirrie » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:43 pm

Pet's ID Tag: 5

Image of pet


Name You'd Choose for It: Draco

Gender: Male

Reason You Want It:

Lol when I first saw this guy he belonged to my friend (Bluethunder114) corse she had a diffrent username back then, anyway I liked him back then but I knew I would probally never get a chance to adopt him because it seemed like she loved him alot. I was suprised to see him here, and delighted, I finnaly have a chance to try and get him. <3 As an explaination for his speices I first thought Houndoom because he sorta looks a bit like one XD.


Name: Draco
Age: Unknown
Type: Dark
Breed: Mutated Houndhour
Sex: Male


He is rash in behavoir sometimes and hostil toward all trainers because of his past. He is friendly towards pokemon though and will rescue them if he can. All in all he is a big softy when it comes to pups, and arceus help you if you hurt any because he can and will take you down. Despite his friendly personality towards other pokemon he can be a trifle harsh if he thinks their wrong or are offending him.



I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it. Yes
Last edited by Lirrie on Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
ImageMy Da /Crystalines Sangie's SantuaryImage

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Re: The New Agency: Code Drop 8/28 Adorable Revamps!

Postby wildwolfspiret » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:43 pm

Pet's ID Tag:
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It:
The original name seems very fitting and appealing to me. Its over fitting to her. Though for short she has been called Soul
Reason You Want It:
She has cought my eye. I seen her in Tripps gallary and have loved her looks. She is a great creation and is very beautiful. She seems like a great challenge to draw and something fun to be able to use. She has such a good mixture of colors. She isnt to dark and not to light. She has a great blend of coloring and a beautiful profile, to me. She seems so fun to draw cause of how cute she is. She is adorable and needs attention!
befor I past this part. I have a question, Its ok to write about her as a anthro right?
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Last edited by wildwolfspiret on Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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