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Poll ended at Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:27 am

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Total votes : 48

Re: The New Agency ~Full Cages! Revamps! Updates!~

Postby The Agency » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:55 pm

Faint wrote:
Pet's ID Tag: 2

Image of pet

Name You'd Choose for It:
[Aimée translates from french as 'loved one']

Ams, Lady Aimée, Smiles


Close to the age of three / two.
Registered Birthdate: 21/03/??
(considered to be the first official day of spring)

Parents: Kama and Kaiser




Cuddles and kisses
Get togethers and small parties
And simply enjoying life <3

Horror films

Themesong: Smile, smile, smile - sang by Pinkie Pie, from MLP


Reason You Want It:
I know I have to be honest with myself - I just love this girl <3
I couldn't stop my self from placing a form for this little child of cuteness. The soft colours, the warm fitting design... I have argued with myself for over two weeks now, testing myself if I would love this bundle of joy or not. As I hate it if characters can't go to use at the end of the day and lie around for the sake of being looked at. I wouldn't want something as adorable as this going to waste, so I am constantly having to evaluate my liking for a character. x3
All my characters that I adopt I hope to secure loving homes where they will be loved and will be able to gain the love they need, as all characters have the potential to gain dust over time. Aimée shows and reflects so much love and child-like joy, that I am simply keen to get my hands on her. I have adult / teenager characters but hardly any youngsters in all my character thread. Aimée will be collecting a fashionable spot in my reconstructing canine character thread where I am placing all my loved characters <3


I am ever so sorry but my story was deleted when I had posted it on Friday ^^'.


I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Image ... =png&rev=1 ... auto&rev=1 ... 1294672706

PaperRose wrote:Pet's ID Tag: #5
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It: I'd keep her name, Metronome
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: I think her design is so simple, and yet I can connect to it so much. The cloak earring is so pretty and reminds me of someone that would time travel, and part of me is all science fiction, and Doctor Who, I already feel connected with her. I can see getting some art of her coming out of the Tardis with a Sonic Screwdriver in her mouth. But Also I think she is gorgeous, and you don't come by simple designs like these. Usually they're much more complicated, and I think that is one of the things I love about her. She is so simple yet so unique at the same time. Plus the way I see her acting has me wanting her more.
History/Background/Other: Hmm... Haven't thought much of a back ground, but I think I have one. I don't really want to share when she was first born and stuff, cause I'm still thinking of it, but I do have a idea for how she has been living her life. She is a time travel, a graceful one at that. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it so the earring is what allows her to time travel, or if she just has a gift to time travel, but she does time travel. She has many adventures helping creatures as she can, but mostly just trying to see what is out there and enjoy/relax when she can. Though she usually finds herself in trouble and tries to solve it, or just runs. I think of her as a elegant wolf, with a calm, collected mind, that knows more then what she is telling you. I also she is built more for running and sort of avoid conflict, rather then confront it.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Link to Permission


leafstorm515 wrote:Pet's ID Tag: Number 30
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It:
Deiego Buck Montoya "Arizona"
Arizona's most certinly a male.
Reason You Want It:
Because Arizona's a beautiful character. He's amazing in everything, I love the way he looks. He also reminds me of adventure, and I love that more than anything. He also seems like a perfect addition to a story I'm writing, Because he seems like a guide. ( A wild one at that.) I like that he isn't a set species, it makes him unique. There isn't another one like him.
I'm going to do this is parts, because it will be easier.
Arizona doesn't know the meaning of fear. He is always ready for anything, and shrugs of danger as if it was nothing. He will take on anything or anyone, anytime, and do his very best to win. He is not a fighter, though. He uses tricks, and mockery to make his oppnent loose. Living alone in the rainforest can get to you, especially with those animals and insects all over. Arizona Calls them his friends, and even goes so far as to keep a taurantula as a pet!
As mentioned above, Arizona loves to trick people. He seems to be of some wesal decent, so it may run in his blood. But nevertheless, he'd much rather trick someone than fight. He isn't the strongest animal, so this is probably a safety thing.( But, when he meets one of his few enemies, this all changes. He will fight, and he will win.) Arizona can move very fast, and dissappear in the blink of an eye. He is very good at slight of hand, and making you think something that isn't there, is. Persay, He says theres a spider on you. The way he says it can make you feel like theres a spider actually crawling on you.
Diego's eyes widened as he started at the girl. " Don't. Move." He whispered, his wide eyes locked on her head. The female froze, eyeing him for a second before lifting her hand. " No! Don't! The hairs on it are poisonious!" Diego said, slapping her hand away from her head without taking his eyes off the spider. The girl was obviously disturb by the thought of having a deadly spider on her head, and she fidgetted. " Will you get it off then?" She whispered back, the pupils in her blue eyes narrowing. Diego nodded, reachign up, but stopped. " It's... Crawling down your back. Tell me if you feel it's leg on you neck." He murmured, staring seriously at her. That was the last straw. The girl let out an ear-piercing scream, and began to jump around. " Get it off! Get it off, you lousy guide!" She said, all the while screaming. Diego just watched her, unable to hold back the fits of laughing. As he lay on the gorund, rolling on his back, he managed to say
" There never was one."

Arizona is deathly loyal. He will do anything for his friends, even if they wouldn't do the same for him. His heart is in the right place, but sometimes he ends up making things worse. On the other hand, he is rude to the point of being cruel to his enemies. No knows why, but that is the only major mood-change he has. Otherwise, he's a pretty steady eddie, as they say. Arizona sticks by his friends, never leaving one of them to fend for themselves. He might run off in a spit of anger, but he won't ever actaully leave them alone. He's too nice to do that.
Arizona is very risky. He likes danger and adventure, so he is normally prone to pick the harder more challenging way. ( He will normal drag his friends with him.)
Diego glanced back a weary troop trudging doefully behind him. " Ah, Cheer up lads! The bridge is ahead, and then you'll be back home." He said, grinning at them. The two guys glanced at him, obviously not as happy as him. Diego shrugged it off, pulling his sickle blade out of it's sheath. The group had run into some long grass, and as he made his way along. Diego chopped at it with the blade, clearing a way. The grass fell on teh ground with a swish, nearly blowing all over the shoes of the followers. " Ah, here we are." Diego said, grinning again. " You call that a bridge? You've got to be kidding." One of the men said. " Aw, Mates, Come now. It's perfect sturdy!" Diego said. The bridge that streched across the narrow ravine was noticeably sagging, and pieces of it were missing. " Now, The lightest goes in the middle, heaviest first. " Deigo continued. " Why's that?" The smaller man asked, looking at him. " So if we heavy people fall, you come with. " Diego said, laughing at the shocked expression on the mans face. " Aw, I was just kidding. Is true, though." He said, Pushing the one man forward. " Now, Your friend here with go in the middle, And I in the back. Mush!" Diego said, his voice echoing off the walls of the cavern below them.Slowly, and very carefully, the man edge forward. The three made it almsot all the way over when there was a loud snap. " Run!" Diego said joyfully, pushing the man ahead of him. The two raced forward, leaping onto solid gorund just in time. Diego, however, dissapeared over the edge with the bridge. " We kill 'em." The younger man said, looking horrfied. In that instant, Diego swung up over the edge, looking ecstaic. " Great fun, Great fun. Much nicer than the other route. " He said, dusting himself off. " Other route?" The two men said in unision. " Oh, Down there." Diego said. The two men looked, and gaped. Down the edge was a solid, concrete bridge.
Diego had two more victims of his daring attitude.

Arizona's Phobia's
Surprisingly, Arizona does have two little fears. Or ' faults', as he calls them. Arizona doesn't believe in the word fear, beacuse he think it means he won't face his fears. He will. He hates deep, deep water, and guns. He hates the things, and will sometimes flinch at the very sight of one. As for the water, it has to do with an incident from when he was younger. He has no problem with water, just deep water where he can't swim. Both of these he'd never show, and only his closest friends know them.
Diego's eyes danced with the fire-light as he sat, drying in front of the flames. His knees were hugged close to his chest, but his eyes were dead. Emotionless. Mac, one of Diego's best friends, walked over, seating himself across the fire from him. Staying silent for a moment, Mac glanced up. " Arizona, Ace didn't think the place would crash. He thought for sure it would take us to land. " He said, looking the motionless figure in the eye. Arizona shrugged. " It's just a little water. " He said, but his voice was void of life. It was obvious that he was shocked. Mac sighed, shaking his head. They had been in a small, turbo-prop plane that Jack has scrounged up, hen the engine failed. The plane had crashed into the water, and they'd had to swim. Mac had seen the cold terror in Diego's eyes, but hadn't said a word. If his friend wanted to talk, he would talk. Otherwise, he wouldn't pry. " Okay. But if you ever need to talk, I'm here." Mac said, flicking his ears. Diego nodded softly, blinking. " It has to do with my family. It's.... Complicated." he murmured. " Oh so complicate..."

A breif history of the life of Diego Buck Montoya
I'm going to hand the mic over to Arizona for this. I'm no good at history.
" I'm Arizona, and it appears I'll be explaining my history to you. It's nothing fancy, and your lucky I'm even telling you it. I dislike telling about it. I was born to a semi-rich family, but they didn't like the way I looked. Appernently I wasn't fit to be thier son. I don't know why, I personally think I look fine. But they didn't want me, and gave me up. I should say dumped me at an orphange, and never looked back. I remeber seeing the back of thier fancy car rollign away, although I was very young. I remember that. I lived at the orphange for a long time, because no one would adopt me. I was too.. 'wild' or 'reckless' , ' too strong willed'. But at the age of ten, I was taken. A scientist by the name of Tucker came, serching for someone to help him on his expidtions. I loved him at first sight, and wanted to go with him. He choose me, out of all the kids. I was so happy, and he became like a father to me. We lived here, in the tropical rainforst, while he did his experiments. He was since passed away, but I still live here. I'm 25, going on 26 soon, I think. tucker made up a date for my brithday, but I can never remember it. I give people guides through the jungle, because there arent' many ways to get through. And I know this place like the back of my hand. I know, I know, I can be a total show off sometimes, but I'm here. I can do it better than anyone else. I'm the only guide around here.
I am... Diego!

A preview of the story I would be using him in, told from my character Kuua's point of view.( she's kind of a secret assassin. >:D)

To be continued if I get him. <3

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


Kalid wrote:Pet's ID Tag:37
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It:I dislike changing a Pet's name. She's getting used to a new owner, a new name would just be another thing to stress her. If anything, I'd change it to Amaya, which means "Night Rain' in Arabic
Reason You Want It:I love her slender, almost feline lines even though she's a dog. Her design is unique, although her markings are simple. I love the contrasting green and black, and although Green isn't always my favorite color, she's done very well. Also the markings under her chin are adorable. She's blind in one eye, and I've been wanting a fursona like that. Although she will not be my main fursona, I will defiantly use her in stories and in role playing. The back ground below is hers from one of the stories I would love to use her in. I will also draw both animal and anthro forms of her. I promise not to breed her.
Amaya is from a litter of three, and the only surviving female. Her sister perished at the hands of a competing pack, which is also when she Amaya received the scars on her back leg and shoulder, also how she became blind in her right eye. and her brother is one of the head leaders in their group. She is a decent hunter, and loves snake meat and plant bulbs. She has no mate and does not plan to ever have one. She has friends in her pack, but tends to be an introvert. She loves to play and goof off, a hobby that causes her serious brother to be exasperated at. She is not very vocal, preferring to listen and watch. She's so quiet the pack thought she might be mute. She loves the night, and tends to use the cover of darkness to hunt.

Now, in a separate storyline, where she is a digipad anthro, she and her brother were kidnapped by a rivaling clan, where they were groomed into fighters. She was assumed mute, and her brother advised her to hide that she could talk. She became a bodyguard to the leader's adviser. Her brother became a tracker. She is good with a gun, but prefers a scythe. She meets the main characters when they literately 'storm the castle' in an attempt to retrieve a stolen sword. She assists them and brings down the sick man she had been working with for most of her life. A plot twist later, it's revealed that Amaya comes from the same village as one of them, and eventually returns to the village to see her birthplace, only to leave and become a freelancer.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


Folvey wrote:

Pet's ID Tag: 40
Blue Bells as an Australian Shepard
Name You'd Choose for It: Blue Bells, I don't think I'd change this name. It is so adorable and it fits so well.
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: I absolutely love this character. I saw it before but for whatever reason, it didn't catch my attention. After scrolling through again, I saw this beautiful bear~ She reminded me much of my favorite element, water. It was an instant connection. She doesn't have any accessories or hair, which is something I usually want in a character. But, Blue Bells doesn't need those things. She's perfect just the way she is. Also, I love the different shades of brown. Her rump reminds me of a Hyena of sorts, but her tail reminds me of a Australian Shepard! She is so unique in such a simple way, and that is something hard to find in characters.
How brief can we g e t ?
That's my name! Don't wear it o u t . . . : Blue Bells AKA; Bless
I can identify with: Female
Age is just a #: 4 Dog Years

You Don't Know Me!

Blue Bells will never give up in whatever she does.
She refuses to give up when debating unless proven wrong.
She fights for what she believes in and rarely backs down.

She also is never shy, when dared to do something,
she will do it!
She is usually the life of the party, and is never afraid
to try new foods or meet new people.

If her friend is in trouble, you can believe Blue Bells
will be right there to back her friend up!

↳Total Klutz!
Bless is always tripping over herself, usually do to
self-confidence, which she has a lot of!
Bless' Dis/Likes + More

↳Ew! How p i t i f u l.
Bless dislikes romance of any kind, she is very childish
about this and still believes in "cooties." She also hates
people who think they're "all that and a bag of chips."
Other than that, Bless really doesn't dislike anything.

↳Hm, I could dig that!
Bless loves ducks and the noise they make, because many
of her good memories are associated with them. She
also loves frozen yogurt, running/sports, and learning
new things.

↳More?! Oh, you're too flattering.
Bless lives on a farm in a small town, so everyone knows
her! She loves to help around and visit her friends when
possible. Her main "job" is herding, which is a favorite
past time of hers. Bless loves to run about and greet
new people.

Blue Bells' History & Current Life

Blue Bells was born and raised in the United States of America in a small town in Virginia. When she as born, she always was the first to nurse, pushing the other pups out of the way to suckle first. She was unnamed until she turned six weeks old. Around her third week of life, when she was just beginning to see, she stumbled over with her mother to a nearby meadow. There, Virginia Blue Bells grew wildly. Her oddly-colored markings closely resembled the color of these Blue Bells, and so, she was named. She learned very quickly, whether it was her name, to start eating solid food, anything--she caught onto it. Blue Bells was possibly the smartest pup her mother ever birthed.
Of course, this doesn't mean mistakes don't happen. As mentioned before, Bless is very clumsy, and always has been! However, Bless generally learned quickly from her mistakes. However, one day, Bless was able to earn respect from her siblings. A snake had appeared through a bush. Curiously, her dumbfounded brother pawed at it, as if it was some kind of toy. The snake hissed it's split tongue at the pup, but still, he continued to play with it. As it tried to bite him, he would bounce back, making the snake even more annoyed. Blue Bells yipped, "Stop it! Brother, you're only harming yourself!" And as he laughed at, what the time, was a pity insult, the snake struck him. Her brother yipped anxiously as the fangs sunk into his leg. Blue Bells quickly pounced up to the snake, biting onto it's tail and throwing it away from her. She licked her brother's wound, spitting out any liquids she had gotten on her tongue. She then ran to her mother, who was in the barn, and yipped for help. Her mother was able to create a home remedy and kill the toxins. Blue Bells quickly learned many home remedies from her mother, and was able to use them and pass them on.

In her later years, Blue Bells took over her mother's roll as her mother gradually got older and more fragile. Bless enjoyed spending most of her time basking out in the sun, collecting heat. She laid with her cattle, watching over them carefully. She had a reputation to hold up, after all. Her family was in the top 100 of the Canine Herders. When she wasn't working, she enjoyed visiting the meadow her mother had taken her to. She loved to investigate the nature and, especially, the blue bells. She had a keen eye for detail, noticing the different textures in the petals. She noticed the wind (if any,) the taste of the air, even the holes in the ground. Bless was able to find some neat things in there, too! She dug up a bone, which she assumed to be a fox bone, and brought it to her frail mother.

In recent years, her mother has died. She laid under a weeping willow, where her mother had died, and fell asleep forever. Bless mourned over this, and sometimes still does. But she does her best to carry on the legacy of what her mother gave to her--life, remedies, happiness. She lives on the same farm with her brothers and sisters, watching the cattle. Since her mother has passed, Blue Bells has started paying more attention to the happy things in life and is often an optimistic.

*I will add more if I win*

In life, we face many challenges. The biggest challenge could just be living, itself.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


Luna-puppy wrote:
Pet's ID Tag: Kennel #43
Name You'd Choose for It: Toxic Shadow
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: Ever since this little boy showed up in the Agency, I have been wanting to adopt him.After a while though, I had to abandon my CS account. However, I told myself that if he was here when I returned, I would take him in as my own. The way his deep violet eyes compliment the green and black of his coat makes him a beautiful Charrie as well. I'm shocked he has been here for so long. I'm hoping I can him mine at the end of the week.
History/Background/Other: (Little of his story)
The gentle rustling in a nearby bush caused the doe to perk her ears in interest. Her dark brown eyes scanned the forest, the slightest hint of fear noticeable in the dim moonlight. Her hide shivered at the gentle reminder that rang through her mind; she was not alone in the woods she called home. Giving the thought a snort, the peaceful animal lowered her head and continued to graze on the tender shoots of grass and moss around her hooves, not minding what she believed was just the chilly autumn wind.
A snarl echoed through the silent night as the predator sprang, hunger shining in his violet eyes as he raced after the doe, which had bolted in the direction of the river. The once quiet forest now rang with the cracking of twigs and fallen leaves as the chase continued. As the distance between the pair grew, another snarl escaped the wolf’s muzzle, for he knew this animal would be one of the last decent meals for his Tribe due to the approaching winter, and without it, the Alphas’ pups did not stand a chance of surviving. Just as the wolf was ready to give up the chase, the doe tripped, her hoof snagging on an exposed tree root. His heart raced with the thrill of a kill as he recognized the fear in the prey’s eyes, and he sprang before the animal could return to its feet, the sickening crunch of bone following the doe’s final cry for help.
Lifting his head, he let out a soft sigh, his eyes filled with relief. He had done his duty to his Alpha by catching such a meal by himself. Of course, the prey would only feed the Tribe’s highest members and their pups. The rest of the Tribe would have to find something alone, just as he had. “Thank goodness I’m son of the Beta… Or else I would have to do all this again just for me…” With a relieved sigh, the wolf stumbled to his feet, the doe clamped tightly in his jaws. The long and grueling trek back to the Tribe would take until moon down…
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


~RayRay~ wrote:
Pet's ID Tag:
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It:
Jasper I almost went with Trouble but no. 
Reason You Want It:
Hmm… where do I start. Oh yes I was scrolling through and saw 44. I loved it but I like to look at all of them. So I kept going till I saw 57. I screamed and jumped out of the computer chair. My cousin looked at me with big eyes. I then thought names? Bob,Trouble or what. Ya Trouble yay got a name. I then froze"Maybe I should name him after my friends dog that died" so I did. His name was Jasper. Why I want Jasper well I have wanted a hyena charrie or fursona for ever! He is so beautiful I look at him and smile. He will fit right in my family with my other charries and my three fursonas,Belle Jake and Kye. So that's the reason I want Jasper. 
Funny-Jasper can just be a clown sometimes. He can cheer you up if you are blue. He makes you get up and be silly yourself. 
Sweet-Jasper is also a sweetheart. He can make you feel special in a way and like you are the best person in the world. He likes to make people and animals feel good. 
Protective-Yep,he will not a stranger by unless you know them and you say so. He is a guard hyena of the world. He will protect you like a mom and her children. Unless you know them they better run good. 
Flirty-Ya,you heard me right. He is a flirty little boy. He can be funny and stupid when he does this,because he is nervous"aren't we all". He can be very calm and strait sometimes. If the female likes stupid and funny he'll be that way. Whatever the female wants. 
ADHD-Ya,he is ADHD that's why he is funny and stupid and crazy. He can control it when he protects and it being sweet. If he's not doing that MOVE OVER HE IS WILD. 
Laid Back-Very rare this happens. He can be tired and sleepy and laid back. If you see this may wanna shake him because he might be sad and hurt. 
Dark-The rarest of all. He can be hateful and not wanna mess with you at all. 
Woahhh… Now time for History/Background
Jasper looked around at the pack. They had caught a lion cub. Jasper felt really bad so he yelled"FOOD OVER THERE!" His pack turned and raced over to this place. They looked around confused. Then they saw a dead Dik-Dik. Jasper slid down the steep hill to see the lion cub. He nudged it and off it ran. When he turned around the leader was looking down at him."Jasper where is the cub?"he growled. "He ran off,"Jasper stuttered. "GET OUT OF HERE JASPER!"he yelled. Jasper raced out of the pack's territory. He was sacred and all alone with nobody as a little pup. He whined and laid down. Jasper looked at the stars till he fell asleep. 
          6 Months Later
Jasper had just killed a Dik-Dik. He quickly ate it for the lions were on the prowl. He sat and watched the lions hunt trying to learn their skill. It was harder then what he thought. Jasper laid his head on his paws and yawned. He remembered being casted out. He never knew why he was casted out,but he was. Never to return to his Mom,Dad,and his family. He now hated the leader. The day he was casted out he hated him. Soon Jasper made a plan he was going to say sorry to the leader and maybe be apart of the pack again. He was going to wait till he was one year.
            2 Months Later
Jasper waited and waited through the winter. Only to more months till his plan. The snow fell. It was rare for snow to fall in Africa. He laid down to sleep for two months. 
           2 Months Later 
Jasper woke from his sleep. He shook his fur and smelt the air. He slowly stood up and told himself"I'm doing it today." Jasper ran to the territory and was nipped at by pups. He slowly walked to the leader's den."Talka,"he whispered. The big,sleek hyena slipped out of the den and sat infront of Jasper."Yes?"he asked."It's me Jasper."he said."Really you can back after a year what do you want,"he growled."I wanted to say sorry for whatever I did that day. I wish to join back and help but I will not hurt a helpless cub though,"he said sitting."I know that was wrong I was young and mean and wild. I have found what I should do I talked with the skys and stars that night and I learned. I have sent search parties for you. I have been waiting for you to come back. To answer your question,Yes,"Talka finished."Thanks,"Jasper said and bowed his head. He went to see his family and his new siblings. They said they missed him and he missed them. He looked at the sky and murmured"Thank you."
Colored by me line by Chibi~Norge
Thanks for this chance at this wonderful charrie/fursona. I'll love him forever and always. Thanks ~RayRay~
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


Silverscratch wrote:
Pet's ID Tag: #63
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It: Cloud
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: I love the light colors, and the simple design. It reminds me of peace and life. c:
Without darkness, there cannot be light.....
This is my view on things.

As I sat in the cold silence of a kennel, I wished I could be positive enough to pay attention to that motto. I had been taken from my parents, my family...and I was scared. I had no clue where I was. Better yet, all around me were mews and howls of anguish from other animals. This only heightened my fear, making my heart race. I quietly curled up into a tight ball, trying to get away from the shadows, the sounds of pain and anxiety.... I was honestly frightened.
I somehow drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in an even more hostile environment. A small cage still boxed me in, but there wasn't any sign of other animals. I could smell fear in the air. Everything was metallic and strange. There was a sound of a door opening, and I was picked up, and placed on a metal table. Hands held me down, and there was a prick of pain in my shoulder. The hands picked me up again, but this time, I was placed in a cage with a warm blanket, fresh food and water, and there were toys on the floor. I liked it much better.

Every day, humans came in the door, looked at us with smiles on their faces, but left empty-handed. It was almost depressing, too.

Until one day, the day that ends this story. When I woke up, someone was talking. Then hands opened the cage, and put a leash and a collar on me. The door opened again....but this time...

I was free.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Image ... auto&rev=1

wesleydog wrote:

Pet's ID Tag:
Kennel 51

Name You'd Choose for It:
Fernaco the Brave
Fernaco [\ˈfərn\a\ko\] is a "unicorn name" meaning 'the daring one'.

Archaic Unicorn
Goat-sized unicorns with a billy goat beard, lions tail and cloven hooves
Read more: click;

Male ♂


Reason You Want It:
This design has been here for well more than a descent amount of time, and recently it has received two mindblowing revamps that have definitely increased my already growing love of his unique character species and design. I've yet to see another design quite as unique as this one. c; With competition for him, I decided that it'd be now or never for my chance to go for him. I don't want to see him go without giving it a shot at applying for him. :3 I think his design is pretty cool, and I'm more into unique species and relatively natural designs than anything else right now. I can give him a loving home along with my other cherished characters, a home that will be forever, and I'll buy him art and write him stories and mate him and all of the sorts. Most importantly, I'll love him, which is something he's not receiving here. <3

In our world, in one dimension, the knights rode horses. But have you ever considered their world, the other dimension? The place where every creature of your imagination springs forth to be true: your worst nightmare and your biggest dream both live there. It's like an alternative universe. Everything there seems bigger... better. You wouldn't believe it if I told you, but could you deny it if you saw it with your own two eyes? Come, I will take you on a journey. A journey where you can learn about the one and only legendary Fernaco the Brave.
. . .

"Come one, come all, and see the amazing Fernaco!" That's how it used to be. Before he was special. There used to be many unicorns, alicorns, from one end to another you could see them endlessly. I suppose that to Fairyland, unicorns were to them as dinosaurs were to us. One day very populous, both feared and prized, and the next day? Gone. Vanished. It was as if they'd all up and left without a trace. Once they had been cherished; there was a day when knights rode the unicorns as they did the horses. Where could they have gone? The question remains still today. But what if one dinosaur had survived? How would he have been treated? We would have taken him to labs I'd suppose, run tests on him, search the world for a female for him to repopulate the world. Study him, and work out mystical ways to keep him alive for as long as possible. Because if he died, then they'd be gone forever. I suppose that the world would be sad for the dinosaur. Would you not be sad if all of the other humans in the world died, and you were the very last one? It's a rather crucial circumstance to think about. You must figure it out, think about it. What would you do? How would you try to survive? Or would you want to survive? In Fairyland, Fernaco was that dinosaur, or unicorn rather. What never existed here, once existed there, and if you listen to folklore and children's tales, you will be told to think that it still lives today.

Fairyland was a kinder, more gentle place in the days of Fernaco. Now it is rather dangerous to set foot near the gates of the land, for evil overpopulates the lands and hills of Fairyland as evil does run our own fair world today. They did not send Fernaco to labs, they did not force him to breed with other animals. They did not steal his genes and force them upon other animals and bodies in an attempted clone. No. Instead, they put him on show. Fernaco was harnessed and put into the circus of Fairyland, a circus that traveled to the very ends of and depths of Fairyland. A circus that today now lies extinguished. When Fernaco took on the jeweled collar, he became a part of the circus that he grew to love. He performed various acts of bravery and excitement: leaping through hoops of flame, allowing dwarfs and gnomes to ride on his back, brave twists in the air and many jumps over hurdles around the ring. Everything that Fernaco did sent the crowd into an uproar of applause and laughter. No one expected a nearly extinct circus animal to do anything special. Fernaco was... the ultimate underdog.
. . .



I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
- wesleydog

Image ... =png&rev=1 ... 4ixj12.png

wildwolfspiret wrote:
This form Is going toward showing how much I love I show for these character

Pet's ID Tag:
Image of pet
above is original

here is some by me ^^
Name You'd Choose for It:
Panda is the first thing that I thought would fit. She looks like a red panda, though I think she is a fox:/ . She is a cute panda at that!

Reason You Want It:
For lots of resons. She has a very beautiful designe. She cought My eye the first time i seen her. She just stuck out more than any of the others. I think she will be a very fun character to use and draw. She just seems so fun and beautiful to use. She has such a complex designe and I am just totally in love with her designe. She is just so dang unique, and I can't hesitate to not try my best to give her a nice loving home. And no she will not be just to have to sit ther and collect dust, she will be used often drawn often and maybe even role-played. She is just so beautiful and I know I've said it before but I just must have her! She just has something with personality and looks that I had to fight to resist, but I just couldn't stop staring at her beauty. It has deflected my sheild. :0

Other information:
2 almost 3
No not for a while

Funny- she can not met someone or talk to anyone without makin them laugh. She believes that having fun or laughing is something you need. She reapply likes making others laugh. She tells jokes, impersonates, and anything else to make ya' laugh. No One has never talked to her with out laughing at some point. In her early years she wasn't so cheery, but after she met Zane and started to live in the forest she was as nice as a orange. :what:

Caring- she cares for so much it's hard to keep track. She cares for her friends and the forest, the two things that help keep her going. She likes to make sure people can't get hurt in any way. Lik if a tree root is in the way for someone to trip over it, she will move it to make sure no one will fall and get hurt.

Social- she talks to anyone who will listen. Most call her a social butterfly. She njoys any company she can get. She love to just talk for some reason. It makes her feel happy for someone to listen to her.

Clumsy- she can be. Rarely though it's just once in a while.

Perfectionist? Noa: she doesn't seek for it all to be perfect and dandy. She likes it to be close as possible. She truly knows that no one and nothing is perfect. She does try to make things right and not half done.

Self Confident- she is very confident in herself. She believes that anything can be possible if you set your heart to it. She never has downed herself or been unconfident.

Mannered: she is very well mannered. She has a great way to mind her P's and Q's.

Laid Back- she is like this most of the time. But like anyone else she had her moments.

-collecting any shiny objects. Anything shiny catches her eyes easily. She fills her cave walls with them. So when the sun shines just right they make everything sparkle.

♥Green apples-She loves the sour like tast they have.
♥Climbing-She thinks the heights are fairly fun and likes to push herself to go as high as possible.
♥Roses-They remind her of herself and the beuty to be herself even if she is shunned.
♥Mangos-They are delisious, She really likes her fruits.
♥Sunny Days-They make her feel warm and she enjoys how it lights stuff up.
♥Rain-It feels soothing to her she relly enjoys.
♥Rainbows-Theyy iz preety ^^
♥water- in anyway she loves it

✰running-it makes her feel free, till she gets tired
✰chasing her tail-its fun!
✰mid-dday-its just a perfect time
✰Trees-They make things alive;)
✰Bows-They are so cute!
✰Butterflies-They are so pretty
✰Chewing on wood-Its fun
✰Exploring-It ocupies her

✘Bullies-She never will understand why anyone could be so mean and hurt others.
✘Scrapping things together-Its very irratating to her.
✘Candy That Sticks To your Teeth- its way to hard to get off
✘Load Ticking Clocks- They keep her up at night and she has the ticking stuck in her head.
✘Bugs-Most of them annoy her.

☠Bullies-She never will understand why anyone could be so mean and hurt others.
☠Silence-Its o at times but all the time bothers her completely.
☠Intence Heat-Its not her style its very uncomfertable to her
☠Plains- where there is no water, trees, landforms, its very boring.
☠The tast of Grass-"EWWWWWW!!"

One peacefull night a bunch of wildlife were sleeping in their natural habitates. All of the sudden the forest started crackling and it started to get warm. A young little fox had awoke from a deep slumber. She felt the heat on her fur. It was very uncomfertable and a little scary. the younge one never had felt such intence heat before. She went over to her sleeping mother, who was still suprizingly still asleep. The younge one kept saying "Momy Momy!" trying to get her mother to wake up. Her mom finally lifted her eyes and opened them to look at the little one. "what is it, My beautiful little Panda." She said. "Momy it worm out and the trees are making weird sounds!" She said. her mom walked out and looked at the forst that was now starting to fade away into flames. She turned around and slid back into the den. She looked at little Panda and spoke. "Panda, We need to leave. I need you to run. As fast as you can. Stop when you are out of the forest." She said she was kinda talking fast so she could get it out fast enough. "But momy, arnt you coming to?" Panda asked. "yes dear, I will be right behind you." He mother replied. The mother knew that she would never see her child again. Her eyes were starting to burn and she was trying very hard to hold back the tears. She nusled the little red fox and looked into her beautiful Blue eyes and said "I love you, now dont you forget that." She said. Before the little one could reply she started to push her out the door. "Run and remember what I told you, and dont look back." The little Panda ran, and ran. Even when her feet hurt, she kept going. She finally got to the end of the forest, tire she sat down. She started to look around she Herd beeps, lou noises, and zooms. She looked as far as she could and seen big metal bildings and cars zooming by. infront of her is a big construction site that has big car with weird atechments. She went over to go and lay down in a big cave like thing that was attatched to one of the big cars. She closed her eyes and fell sound asleep.
A year later
--She learned that the city wasnt so bad at all and she lived off what she had there. Until one day...
One day She was walking around the city on the side of the road. She stoped and thought 'What am I ddoing? Im wasting my life just by living in this dump. I eat garbage!' She wasnt sure what to do with herself at the moment. As the night came and the air grew freasher she headed to her little cave to sleep in. She headed into it. She woke up to howls. A wolf was howling right outside of her cave! She imedietyly woke up and headed out of her cave o take a look around. She seen a wolf he looked sad. She walked over to him and spoke, "Hello, why, may i ask, are you howling this late at nigh?" The wolf turned around and looked at her.
"I am howling for compiny. Im very lonely. Do you live around here?" He said.
"oh, okay. And yes I live right in there." She said turning her head to look at the cave she had enjoyed sleeping in.
"yikes!" He said. "why dont you live in the forest? Thats where you should live. Its veryy peaceful there and everything is sweet. and byy the way, im Zane."
"last time I was in the forest I was a small pup. Im Panda" Sh said repling to his question.
"Oh. Ill take you. There is nothing to worry about!" He said. He started to prance near the woods. He stoped looked back, and said, "Are ya' coming?" Panda Started to trot over to him. They walked into the woods together. Panda noticed that the grass was greener and the smell was fresh and sweet. She looked at all the colors the bluish greens, browns, faded colors, andd more. it was so beautiful. She seen a huge tree that had a cave at the bottum.
"What is that?" She asked looking at the cave.
"Its a tree with a cave like thing at the bottum. Do you like it?" he said
"yes very much."
"I live right next to it." He pointed to a hole in the ground that looks like it whent really far down.
"Does something live here?" She asked still loking at it.
"No," He said "Here Ill show you the lake." He said. He knew she fell in love with the cave. He walked her over to the lake. She looked at it and was amazed it was so beautiful it was crazy. She seen lilly pads frogs turtles and so much more. She really liked it there she even had a friend.
"I like it here." She admitted.
"Haha I knew you would," He said. She looked at him and then back to the pond. She jumped in. She swam around and he jumped after her. They both swam together untill the night started to cave in. They went to bed after the cool night air came. She is comfy in her new home.
Here is her word.
Panda wrote:When I fist settled in the city it was hard learning the tricks and the trips. But it took me afew days to get used to it. I was eating from several spots behind restronts in dumpsters. I had a breakfast dumpster a few snack dumpsters, a lunch dumpster and a supper dumpster. I lived in the big machines crane cave thing at night, or slept in. Until one night I met a really sweet wolf named Zane. He made me go back into the wilderness and it made me feel at home. There was a pond to swim and drink from. There was even a beautiful cave that I could live in! Which I did. I still go to the city though. That's where I find all my shiny objects.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


will edit kennels tomorrow, also had to edit forms to make them all fit in this post
Last edited by The Agency on Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The New Agency ~Full Cages! Revamps! cd-142!~

Postby Folvey » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:59 pm

My competition sure was tough :lol: :lol:
Thank you, all! And congratulations to the winners.
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Re: The New Agency ~Full Cages! Revamps! cd-142!~

Postby Ray. » Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:05 pm

gone back to school, college life. won't be on much. sorry
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Re: The New Agency ~Full Cages! Revamps! cd-142!~

Postby wildwolfspiret » Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:05 pm

Awwwweeeeeee I'm so happy! I got my lovely panda! I will love her for ever. Thanks so much guys.
Now for the next character atempsion!
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Re: The New Agency ~Full Cages! Revamps! cd-142!~

Postby Wesley » Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:06 am

Congratulations to everyone receiving the characters they applied for! Oh, my lovely Fernaco! <3 I felt terrible submitting a work in progress! I'm so happy he's come home. ^^ Thank you! I'll definitely apply for something within these next two rounds. I'm glad that we're gaining so much popularity back! :0
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Re: The New Agency ~Full Cages! Revamps! cd-142!~

Postby Nawee » Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:22 am

I guess Tripp did the CD? You forgot to give the code for the other images, you only gave the revamps.
But otherwise, thanks a bunch! o3o

EDIT: I just saw that they are still up. Don'T touch them, I'll take care of it when I get back.

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Re: The New Agency ~Full Cages! Revamps! cd-142!~

Postby Ginger_ » Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:41 am

Thank you so much, I can't believe it! <3
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Re: The New Agency ~CD p.142!~

Postby Nawee » Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:11 am

I have updated the kennels =3

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Re: The New Agency ~CD p.142!~

Postby space oddity » Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:26 am

Is this open because I've got my form all typed up and ready? ^^
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Re: The New Agency ~CD p.142!~

Postby Papyrsatyr » Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:28 am

Twisted-Reality wrote:
Is this open because I've got my form all typed up and ready? ^^

You you may post your forms for the next round. Nawee, Tripp ( or whoever did the code drop) thank you for updating this week. ^^
Should we open for donations this week?
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