The New Agency: closed

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What sort of prize would you be interested in?

Poll ended at Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:27 am

Just the fame!
A few newborns!
Adopting Privileges!
I have a different idea and will PM you!
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Total votes : 48

Re: The New Agency ~CD 08/10 p.51~

Postby The Agency » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:07 am

Donations are now open ;)

Cactus Monster - Please add to your form.
SaltyPaws - Please add to your form.
❀ qυαятz ❀ - Please add to your form.
Tears - Please add to your form.

koowie wrote:
Pet's ID Tag:

Twelve [12]

Image of pet


Name You'd Choose for It:

Secrets' Destiny

Why? wrote:Why?
All the names at my RPG stable need too be a two part name. So, I stared at her picture for a long period of time, hoping the name would come too me. It did. It was beautiful, the name Secrets' appeared in my mind. Secrets' Diamond? No. Secrets' World? No. Secrets Destiny? Yes... Thats how I got her name!



Reason You Want It:

I have been looking at this cutie for a while now, but her revamp just gave me the shivers as it didn't portray her beautiful personality. So, I used to scroll down too the bottom, and scroll up again. Today, I clicked on her orginal image and oh. my. god. Here I am! Filling out a form for this beautiful filly.

I have a RPG stables, which is named Sunset Bay Specialty Stables. It fairly new, so I wanted some new characters for it, and this little filly will be wonderful for the job! She can learn, and she can progress in the steps of the other horses too.


As the long, fithly, horse trailor pulled up into the driveway of the barn, Kristin, who was the head of the stable, jumped out and rubbed her forehead. She walked toward the back of the trailor and peaked through.

The small filly was nervous, as she let out a small whimper. Almost sounded like a cry.

Kristin grinned and said, "Easy there," in her country accent, "Paul is coming, and we'll help you get ut of this thing, no problem!

Soon, a short, gruff looking man walked up and said, "she in 'ere?"

Kristin nodded, "Yes sir!"

Paul grinned and said, "Okay, 'e can ge' her out!"

Paul took his handy dandy hammer and pounded on the lock, the only way possible too open it up. The door came a tumbling down and landed with a shocking boom. The filly just backed up, her eyes widened.

Kristin slowly walked into the trailor too get the filly, of whom she had named, Secrets' Destiny, "Come here, baby..." she clucked "Its a'right, im Kristin, your new buddy."

The horse slowly started too put its hoof down forward, and then another, and then another, and soon enough she was close even too Kristin so that she could put the lead rope on her.

Kristin snapped it on and slowly lead her into old, red barn that Sunset Bay Speciality Stables was.

This was the start of Secrets' new life...

Lets fast forward, Secret is all settled in and she is now a beautiful grown mare.

Secret whinned happily as she stood up in her stall, twirled around twice and laid down, eating some hay. She heard the clippity clop of others hooves scurrying across the barn floor, and maybe even being ridden.

She got up and stuck her head out of the little hole Kristin had cut in the stall door just for her, so everymorning she could come by and pet Secret.

Besides that, Secret was ridden everyday, she was shown too kids of all ages everyday, and got a lot of affection. Kristin had always said the Secret was one of her best of the best horses. Great with kids, and great with adults. She had never beileved this, but it still felt great too hear Kristin say it.


Because Secrets' lives at Sunset Bay Specialty Stables [koowies' RPG stable], he has too have a special condition in order too live there, Secrets' is partially deaf. Secret cannot hear anything that is whispered, or talked ligthy in her life time, which lead to training complications and shows that were hard too deal with. But, SBSS made it through. They taught Secrets' a knew way of learning the basic steps of riding. Two shoves on both sides meant walk. A slap on the neck meant trott, a slap on the butt meant canter, and one shove meant Gallop. Now, Secrets' didn't know she was deaf, but she did know she was living in a world of quiet. She couldn't hear the other horses talk about her that talk in whispers, so Secrets' life can be pretty miserable. But, she has a wonderful owner and rider that feeds her and takes care of her, and thats all that matters.

Theme Song:

Set fire to the rain - Adele

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Yes I do! I will proudly display the responsiblity I will take on for this little filly.


Image ... auto&rev=1 ... auto&rev=1

_Untamed_Spirit_ wrote:
This form is no where near complete. I always add onto forms once I win a character. Also, if I win him/her, I'll share everything I write involving him/her on the Agency fanclub thread to prove I use him/her [and for those who are interested in his/her story].***

"A large man does not equate to a large success, just as a little man does not equate to little success."


[[Kennel Number;; Pet's ID Tag <3;;]]
Number fourteen [14]
[[Name You'd Choose for It <3;;]]
[[Breed <3;;]]
Corgi Shifting Persian God.
[[Reason You Want It <3;;]]
I absolutely adore him. I'm not sure what it is, but I love him to bits and pieces and I really connect with him. His design is so simple, yet so cute and perfect. And, to top it all off, he's a CORGI! You have no idea how much I love those little dogs. Plus, I could honestly just see a great story in mind for him.
[[History;; Background;; Other <3;;]]
Born a God, Shahzad always had the world handed to him on a silver platter... Until that fateful day. [Full history; See 'My Story.']
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Yup, definitely. :]]

||What will you do for it?||
If I win him, I'll give him the most love possible. He'll be smothered in it! I'll draw art of him and, if possible, order art from other artists. Shahzad will be written about very frequently. Trust me when I say Ahza will be well taken care of and loved very, very much. He's just too cute and perfect not to be loved. <3
Coming soon! <3
I hope you don't mind me adding my normal form onto this; it has everything the agency's form has and more.

[[.Basic information.]]

[[Name <3;;]]
.Birth Name.
...Meaning...<3;; Persian name meaning Prince.
...Reason[s]...<3;; His father is the God, or King, of all Gods so technically he's the prince of Gods.
...Nickname...<3;; Shah, Ahza, Zad.

--Full name <3;;

.Current name.
...Meaning...<3;; See above.
...Reason[s]...<3;; See above.
...Nickname...<3;; Acorn, Shah, Ahza, Zad; mainly Acorn.

--Full name <3;;
[[Age <3;;]]
[[DoB;; Date of Birth <3;;]]
October 9
[[Voice <3;;]]
Always smooth and seductive. There's almost always a flirty, playful edge to it that shows his personality. It's often got a witty and very sly sound as well. Shahzad's voice is, over all, very charismatic and beautiful. His voice is a direct reflection of his personality and how he's feeling at the moment.
[[Sexual Orientation <3;;]]
[[Relationship Status <3;;]]
Single; not seeking for one, but he would be okay with one.
[[Mate <3;;]]
[[Gender <3;;]]
[[Life Expectancy <3;;]]
He's a God, so he's kinda immortal.


[[Personality <3;;]]
.In a Nutshell.
--All together now <3;;
.In Depth.
--YupYup <3;;
Cocky. He knows he's better than a lot of the gods and he doesn't try to hide it. He's also very confident in himself.
Cold. Unlike most Gods and mortals alike, he strongly prefers not to show any emotion, especially that of sympathy. Although he isn't emotionless, it appears as though he is. Shahzad is very unfriendly and it seems as though he cares about very few, if any. He's very intense when he shows emotion, usually that of anger, but it is always expressed in a controlled way.
Flirtatious. Unlike most of the Gods, he is very playful and often gives the idea that he might be interested in someone when, in reality, he's only using them for a good time.
Headstrong. Ahzad prefers not to listen to others. In fact, he is quite determined not to listen to them and he absolutely refuses to take orders. He's also very stubborn.
Independent. Shahzad prefers to do things alone; it's just how he's comfortable. He doesn't much like doing things with others and much prefers to be free of orders.
Intelligent. Contrary to the belief that he is stupid, Shahzad is very intelligent. However, he prefers not to show it too much because he does not like being as smart as he is.
Logical. Shahzad is able to make clear, rational decisions based on the facts. He pushes his emotions aside when making most decisions and, aside from when dealing with his strongly held opinions, Ahzad is very sensible. This is part of the reason he'll be a great King when his father steps down.
Opinionated. Even though he is very logical, he is often unwilling to change his strongly held opinions. Ahzad will, quite unreasonably, dismiss others' opinions on these matters. He's also always ready to express his opinions.
Strategic. He often does things according to a strategy he believes will have positive outcomes. Ahzad often does these things without others realizing it and, just as often, without realizing it himself.

***Please note that some of these 'chapters' are still a WIP***

[[My Story <3;;]]
Present - Ahzad is awaken by his dream.
Life: With it comes Death - His dreams sets off a memory; a young Shahzad sees his first sacrifice.
Present - Ahzad's flashback is interrupted.
Daybreak - One of Shahzad's favorite memories.


'Blood. So much blood.

It dripped from the ceilings and it oozed from floors; it painted the walls crimson. The limp body, that of a woman, lay on, what was once, a white mattress which lay only on the ground. She simply looked... broken. Her eyes were still open as I walked towards her. My feet moved and I could not stop them. I kneeled beside the mattress and I saw my hand reach out, but I swore that I was not moving it.

I touched her face... so cold.

That look in her eyes; fear. Her eyes still showed the fear she must have felt. But, was it fear of Death or fear of the after life? I could not tell. I heard a raspy sigh echo off of the wall, but it did not sound like my own voice anymore. The sound made me jump; the room had been so deathly still and I was not even aware that I had sighed.

A shiver ran down my spine.

Was it cold in here or was I just psyching myself out? I stared at the woman for a long time for an unknown reason. Maybe I was trying to figure out what she was thinking at the time of her death? Yes! That was it. That was what it was.'

I awoke with a start. My stomach churned at the sick dream I'd just had. It was so... so vivid, so detailed. And the blood... There was simply too much of it for my comfort. It made me sick to the stomach that my very mind could create something so twisted, but it didn't surprise me. After all, I'd seen many sacrifices...

||Life: With it, comes Death||

Tears streamed down my face. Why was this happening and why was I being forced to watch it? Surely this woman had done nothing wrong. His own father was the one that would be doing the deed... How could he stand to bring this strong Goddess to her end?


I screamed as the Goddess' body fell limp. How could my father have killed her? She was his wife; she was my mother. Why had she been the one sacrificed? This wasn't fair. She'd had so much left to live for; she was the most brilliant Goddess there was, I was sure of it. And now she was gone. Why had they taken her from me? I was only a child and now I would have to live the rest of my life without a mother... how was this fair?


A knock on my chamber door brought me back to reality. I growled and let out a short, very gruff bark, indicating that I'd be there in a second. I transformed into my normal form, that of a handsome young God, and stretched before tossing a robe over myself. "Father, I told you that I did not want to attend this afternoon's sacrifice," I said with a sigh as I began to open my chamber door.

It wasn't Father.

A beautiful young Goddess stood before me. "Ahzad!" She cried, throwing her arms around me. I hadn't a clue who this Goddess was, but I wasn't going to deny such a beauty a simple hug... Or anything else she may want for that matter. "Come in, please," There was a slight purr in my voice as I said this that I hoped the Goddess did not detect. "So, my beauty, what brings you to my chambers on such a nice day?" I didn't know who she was and it was clearer than I had meant for it to be.

"You don't remember me, do you, Ahzad?" One of her eyebrows raised in suspicion, but she stepped into my chambers. "You must forgive me, my lady, but I don't recall ever seeing you here," I made my voice sound more apologetic than I felt. Still eying me suspiciously, she said, "It's me, Shakilah." As she said her name my mind went crazy. "Shakilah!" I picked her up and spun her around as I said her name. Oh how I'd missed her all these years! Shakilah smiled that brilliant smile of her's as I continued to spin her. "Let me down, Ahzad!" She laughed as I fell backwards onto my bed, bringing her down with me.

There was a knock on my chamber door and Shakilah quickly scrambled off of me. "I'm just a tad too busy to go to the sacrifice, Father," My voice sounded more dangerous than I had intended. She grabbed the thing nearest to her, a pillow that had fallen off of my bed, and threw it at me. She pointed to the door with a look that clearly said, 'Go answer that door right now!' I laughed as the pillow hit my face and ignored her signals.

"Too busy to tend to your own duty, Shahzad?" The voice boomed, seeming to travel through the closed door. "Yes, Father, too busy even for that," I could feel my voice quaver in anger as I spoke. "What are you so busy with, then, Son?" My father had clearly caught the anger in my voice, for he raised his own. "I am busy with... things," A small growl escaped my throat and made the words sound harsh and very powerful. "Exactly as I thought; you are doing absolutely nothing!"

His powerful voice would normally intimidate the Gods and Goddesses. However, I was never phased by it and today was no exception, and I yelled, without thinking, back at my father, "I'm entertaining company, Father!" Shakilah and I realized at the same moment what I'd said... and how my father would, undoubtedly, take it. "Disgraceful! Instead of performing your duties, you are entertaining a Goddess! Who is she?" I opened my mouth to yell Shakilah.


The look in Shakilah's eyes made me close my mouth. There was a look of desperation in her eyes; it seemed as though she didn't want my father, or anyone else, to know she was back. 'Why?' I mouthed the word to her. 'I'll tell you later,' She mouthed back, looking at the door. "Well, Son?" My father's voice boomed, angrier than before. "I see no reason why you must know," I'd collected myself and my voice was, once again, smooth and calm.


"Ahzad! Ahzad!"

I groaned as a warm paw prodded my back. "What?" My voice clearly said 'Go Away,' but I knew Shakilah better than that. She bounded happily around me. "Get up, lazy!" She barked, still bounding around me. With a yawn, I spoke, "Why are you in your Spirit Form?" Why this was funny, I hadn't a clue, but it must have been for Shakilah busted into a fit of laughter. "Because it's the only way we can get down from the heavens, Silly! And, it's the only way I could talk to you... You kinda fell asleep in your Spirit Form," She spoke so matter-of-factly that I didn't question her.

Until, that is, I processed what she'd said. I sat straight up, my eyes wide. "But leaving the heavens is forbidden until we've completed training! What if we forget one of the steps of transforming into our Spirit Form? We'd just change back into our normal forms! Surely that wouldn't be good," My eyes felt as though they were about to bulge right out of my head.

"Stop worrying so much, Ahzad! If you hurry up, then we'll be there before Daybreak and no one will even notice we're gone."


Glomp wrote:
I watched Rio recently, blame it.. xD

Pet's ID Tag: Kennel 37
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It:
It means Jaguar in Mapuche, a native american language. Pronounced; nah-WEL.
Reason You Want It:
He looks like a wonderful companion, one I could let sit on my shoulder. He and my fursona will be great friends, seeing how they will live with another. They will almost be like pet and owner but since they are both animals.. no, just no. He will be loved and cuddled, though I don't think my fursona would let me cuddle.. (Fursona; What are you talking about? I'm cool with that.)

I love the color green, seeing as it's one of my favorite colors. I enjoy simple desgins that don't hurt my eyes, like this one.. So, Green + design = love. <3 Actually I wanted him for my fursona, but seeing as that isn't allowed {plus I recently got one I like} he will be a loved character. Him and my fursona will most likely get they own thread, together that is. One more thing about him and fursona guy, they will not be a couple. Sorry, but I just wanted to point this out to the readers, cause I'm good at making people misunderstand me. X}

History/Background/OtherAka; all the stuff about him:

Likes and dislikes:
He enjoys; Nighttime, warmth, stars, noodles, whoopee cushions, bird baths, company.
This displeasing him; Sickness, cages, rainy weather, mud.

About his family and his relationship with them:

Father - His name is Nulpi, which means white flower. He never wanted kids and this is now his third hatchery with his wife. He is distance and Nahuel only see him when he is helping his wife.

He is almost pure white with light gray patterns that look like petals.

Mother - Her name is Saqui, which means favorite. She is a bubbly but stern mother who loves small babies birds though tends to forget about them when they get old enough to leave. Used to be real close with Nahuel but now has a new hatchery to look after.

She is really dark green with light gray spots that turn into swirls.

Oldest sibling - Her name is Suyai, which means hope. She is a serious bird looking for serious answers. Since she was labeled the party pooper, Nahuel didn't get along with her too good.. But being siblings they did play with one other.

She is a very light green, covered with half stripe, half swirl markings and dots on her face that look like freckles.

Older sibling - His name is Yaco, which means leather bag. He is a trouble maker, it doesn't seem like he stops for anything. Being the only other boy, Nahuel and him were very good friends but now they hardly see each another.

He is light gray with dark green markings.

Younger sibling - Her name is Isi, which means deer. She is the smallest of the group, her temper is high and she is bossy. She and Nahuel got along great.

She is gray with white and light green markings.

Youngest sibling - Her name is Sayen, which means sweet, lovely. She was the loudest of the family, many a time did the others want to struggle her. Being the youngest, her siblings looked after her the most, that included Nahuel. If another person tried to bully her they would be at her side and scare the bully off.

She is really dark gray with really dark green markings.

Nahuel is calm, quiet bird for the most part. He tends to sit by the fire reading some newpaper or calm down someone who is in a panic. He likes to look out windows or at pictures during/of the night, it amuses him greatly. Though he is also very calm when depressed.

He does indeed have a few tricks up his sleeve. One second he will be listening to your complaints and the next he will be sneaking worms in your noodles. Yeah, I know, gross. He loves putting water over doors and randomly setting booby traps. Luckily, he needs to be pretty bored to do pranks, he will also do them to you if he doesn't like you.

Easy going~
He laid back, it's easy for him to forgave and forget and not one to start a fight. If you do annoy him though he will bait you into a fight, just not throw the first punch. He's the type who would sit lazily somewhere watching you do all the work, this very much amuses him.

He was hatched to a family of five, his mother's biggest hatchery. She and her husband took turns feeding them and help taught them to fly when they where old enough. Nahuel wasn't a problem child, no that was his only brother's job, and boy was he good at it! Nahuel was good at pulling little pranks, you know, like putting noodles in his youngest sisters worms. Though they all looked out for one other they wouldn't the closest family, all his father wanted was his wife and, all though she loved her kids, all she needed was him. And on that note, Nahuel decided to move out of his house then he came of age and lived by himself in a crummy apartment for a little while. He met my fursona, Ame, and they quickly became friends. When Ame saw the dreaded appearance of Nahuel's living area he insisted he come live with him and he did.

Nahuel and Ame have been living with each other ever since, though that doesn't mean they get along swimmingly all the time. Once Nahuel pulled many pranks on Ame, which he doesn't do too often to him, and then there was a time when Ame stuck him in a cage, don't get me started on that! But they always made up in the end, this is one reason they are a good team.

Short Story:

Nahuel sat quietly on his bird swing, Ame had gone out, he did this a lot when they fought. Ame seemed to need to get his stream out, but Nahuel had cooled down already. He gently started rocking himself, thinking over the fight.. "How was I supposed to know that it would exploded?" The little bird looked into the kitchen door where the fire had been, it wasn't that big, and chuckled at the thought of what just happened. He looked up and flew to the window where he could see Ame walking back and forth, stopping once and a while. He shook his head, what did Ame always get worked up over nothing? Nahuel stared out the window for a few more minutes before he decided something, he was going to do the impossible and work!.. In the kitchen.

Swiftly flying to the kitchen, he grabbed a small dish towel and started trying to scrub the mess, though it took forever he finally got done with a small area. Panting but feeling pound of himself he went to another spot, little did he know Ame came in and was now watching him, "You missed a spot." He said, making poor Nahuel jump out of his skin and, of course, Ame laughed "WHAT? WHY? WHERE?!" The bird looked around, "What are you doing, Nahuel? I could do this way easier.." He said. Nahuel, who was still surprised, looked at Ame, "I was... Oh, forget it!" He said, seeing that Ame was in a good mood, he didn't want to embarrassed himself by telling what he was doing. Both smiling, they didn't need to tell one other they were sorry. Ame looked to Nahuel, "Well, don't let me stop you, go ahead, clean. I'll be in the bedroom if you need me." He said before scurrying off to read comics. Nahuel was about to protest when the boy ran off, sighing he stood still for a moment before picking up the rag and starting again.

Please excuse me, I'm no good at drawing birdies. :p

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Signed, Glomp

Image ... 945600.gif

Dashie wrote:

Pet's ID Tag:
Number 43; forty-three.
Image of pet:
Name You'd Choose for It:
Lilac Skye.
Seven years old.
Image Her stuffed fox, Coffee Fox. (Only if I get him next round if I get her as well. If I don't get him, I will delete this.)

Favorite colors:
Light purple and baby blue.
Favorite song:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
None. Her parents both died, and she doesn't have any siblings. She is an orphan.
Currently lives at the time of this form:
Katie Maxwell's Home for Girls.
Reason You Want It:
She is so adorable, I love this revamp of her. She seems so precious, sweet, and innocent and I'd love to own her. <3
The small, newborn baby cried out as her bottom got popped, receiving her first breath of life. The doctor held her close, eyes sad as he watched her father in pure misery, sorrowing over her mother who laid on the bed, dead.

Several months later, Lilac and her father were driving down a highway when suddenly, a drunk driver hit their vehicle head on. The vehicle they were in slid across the road and almost hit the other drivers. When paramedics came about fifteen or so minutes later, they found Lilac's father dead. Amazingly, even though she was crying extremely loudly, Lilac only had a few scrapes, nothing serious. It wasn't even enough to put a scar on her. The police took her and called a nearby orphanage. Katie Maxwell, the owner of the orphanage, answered the phone and talked with the police for a bit, learning all of the details of why she was an orphan. After they had calmed her down, they brought Lilac to the orphanage and dropped her off.

Lying in her new crib, she fell asleep. Thankfully, she wasn't old enough to really remember the tragedy later on in her life.

Seven years old, on the day of her birthday, Lilac was sitting on the nicely carpeted floor and was playing about with a doll. She had no idea the others were planning a surprise for her. All she noticed were adults standing together in a rather tight circle, whispering as a few glanced at her repeatedly. The little anthro pup shrugged and continued on with her playing, saying with her high, almost squeaky yet soft, voice; "Hi Miss Daisy, my name is Penelope! I am ready for my first day of school!" You see, Lilac Skye was interested in going to school. She knew that every child who was seven was ready for it, and off they went to learn every morning at around eight.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


Image ... auto&rev=3

FieryFilly & ChiCha wrote:
{| Pet's ID Tag: |}
f o u r t y - e i g h t

{| Image of pet |}

{| Name You'd Choose for It: |}
S y n n i s t e r

{| Gender: |}
F e m a l e

{| Reason You Want It: |}
As you read on you may be expecting some sob story or some type of passage that explains how the pet is so beautiful and remarkable and how she is a perfect character. This may be so, but that's not JUST why. I like the truth; and nothing but it. I truly do remember the very first time I saw Synnister ( or in the time of the first meet, her name was Blight ). No, I wasn't scrolling through the kennels and was "forced to stop and admire her beauty". I was checking up on my art thread, for somebody had miraculously ordered. To my surprise the person wanted to do an art trade. I checked out their form provided on the thread and found it to be perfectly filled out. With a 'CLICK!' of the thread to the character ( Synnister ), I came to find a unique character. She seemed like a calm and collected type of character but then again, looks could be deceiving. I quickly accepted Nuregami's request, grabbed a piece of copy paper from the printer, a pencil, and began to sketch the outline of how the art would look ( at the time I was doing traditional & quite frankly I was horrible ). I seemed to be such a perfectionist when it came to drawing this character. I was compelled to do my best, for I actually liked the character ( I'd never seen one like her before, truthfully, until later in my CS career; meaning I now see a couple "bone" type characters every once in a while ). Once I "perfected" Synnister's tail, I finished the minor details and scanned the drawing to my computer then uploaded to Photobucket. I PMed Nuregami with the link of the art and hoped she'd like it. She put the art up on her thread and that's practically the last time I spoke to Nuregami. Of course that wasn't the last of Synnister though; she was a work of art! Who WOULDN'T like her? Now, I know this may start to seem like I'm about to drone on and on about how she was like the perfect fit for me and how we were born for each other; that's a bit crazy for me and this is not what it is. Though it is true how I am quite fond of the design of Synnister and would LOVE to make a story revolving around her life. I wouldn't want to miss out on an opportunity to grab her while I can! Anyone interested in her can most likely admit, "Yeah, she is a beauty, and the design is WONDERFUL! " It's the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. I guarantee nobody ( interested ) would want to miss out on an opportunity just like this.
Just a bit more of information ; I plan on getting paying for / receiving more art of her and will use those to paint a picture of a story. The story being an original idea, of course. (:

{| History/Background/Other: |}
Height : 24"
Weight : ( on average ) 120 pounds
Hair Type: fine, straight, dense, insulating
Personality type in a bottle: Calm, patient, docile, aloof, thoughtful, dignified, solemn, independent, self confident, affectionate, playful, gentle, loyal, protective.

Lost but not quite found...

On the day of my birth, I was nurtured and cared for by my mother. She treated me with a specific kindness and respect that I'd never felt before. My mother provide all of the above care possible for my brothers and I. That all was lost the day I died.

On the fourth of December, Mother sought out to track down pieces of food for us to feed on for we were one hungry pack. Mother managed to yank away fragments of a dinner from a dumpster and all sorts of items from local trash cans. She'd limp her way over, fur matted down to the point of no fixing, with the things she had gotten and set them before us, almost seeming for approval. I would nudge Mother with my soft, wet muzzle and show appreciation for all she has done to keep us surviving. The others would feast upon the scraps without a showing of respect, kindness, or even a thanks. I'd wait for Mother to begin to scarf down the remains before I would head in to get a piece or so. Mother and I would switch the job of gathering meals for the family. Mother had always claimed I was extremely responsible; more than any of my siblings.

On the twenty-third of February, the temperature dropped; the grass was covered by a blanket of snow, the trees were littered with stalks of icicles, and there was rarely a human in sight. I managed to burrow into the snow and create a den for the family. It was the perfect oval shape and just enough dept for each of our bodies to fit snug and warm. Each night when my younger siblings would toss and turn, creating fuss amongst the rest of us, I would wobble out of our home and take a walk while all settled. Each night, I'd return at dawn and watch the colors of the sky change as the sun rose and made our sight clearer. Mother would stir and find me sitting, not ten feet away, staring upward at the rainbow sky. Mother would smile her graceful grin, amble over quietly, and plop down next to me. I would glance over at her and catch just a tad of that beautiful face of hers just grinning away; I admired her, I wanted to be just like her. A great mother.

On the first of March, the temperature remained below zero degrees Celsius. The routine remained the same. I'd wake in the middle of the night from the stirring of other pups, would leave on a walk, then return at dawn with my mother just awaking as I arrived. Everything seemed perfect. It was all the same. Until the day came...
I'd been on the nightly ( or if your prefer 'Daily' ) stroll through the streets, I fell upon a quiet alley way I'd never seen before, obviously showing AND telling me I'd better turn back now, I was too far away. She came up to me and patted me softly upon my matted, filthy fur. A squeal came from behind her and she swiftly did a one-eighty. Her mother was screaming, "Don't touch that mutt! You might catch a disease!" I spit in disgust. Who dare call ME a disease-ridden mutt?! I would take nothing from such a stranger. As I prepared my fighting stance, the little girl shrugged off her mother and continued the pat, pat, patting of my fur. She slowly and gradually reached the back of my neck and this was the first time I felt like I belonged somewhere. She backed up a couple feet and called me a name. Not any name but a wonderfully thoughtful name. "Synnister! Come here girl! Come here!" Her voice was high-pitched but cracking from the frosty air that surrounded us. I had never had a name before... When this little lady called me that I was compelled to obey. I set a paw out forward, slowly and steadily, then trotted over to her attracting voice. She pet my head more and claimed, "Good girl!" She said one thing, but her mother, however, said otherwise, "What did I JUST say? Leave that BEAST alone. You could get something and DIE. Get over here NOW!" The little one disobeyed, unlike I, and bluntly said, "I don't go anywhere without the puppy, mommy." I saw her mother's breath puff out from the side of her mouth as she sighed and said, "Seriously? I don't have time for this, Hun. Mommy has a big CEO meeting that she CANNOT miss!" The girl stamped her foot and firmly pointed at me. I hid in the shadows of the buildings as the two fought back and forth. I almost slipped away to my family as I was frightened as to what would happen next. Just as I began to pounce away the little child swooped me up in her arms and carried me into a long, black, slim vehicle ( obviously her mother gave in ) and I never saw my family again...

Is this reality?

My life in the Allen family was quite spectacular but that doesn't mean there wasn't a day that passed that I didn't miss my old family. I was officially adopted into the family on a Friday; the Friday, the thirteenth of March, of which is now my 'birthday' or 'adoption day'. Every year the family would throw a little party and celebrate the day I joined the loving family. After the fifth year of being there, twelve o'clock chimed, the family shook me away and yodeled, "Happy Birthday, Synnister!" The same little girl from before hugged my now fresh, cut, and cleaned coat and whispered, "We have a big surprise for you!" The mother of the little girl carried me into a new, unexplored room and claimed it as "mine". My own room? This was amazing! I felt like the most prissiest and pampered pup alive! The same night, a pack of dark grey cloud swooped in when the little girl's brother took me out for a bathroom break. As soon as we both heard the lightning CRACK in the gloomy sky above, we scattered in different directions, me barking and yelping, him screaming in terror. The woman ripped the boy inside and slammed the door tightly shut, me still on the outside. I frantically ran around in circles howling at everything in my path just wanting to be left in. When scratching, woofing, and twirling in circles didn't work, I ran out to the street to try to get help. The wind was picking up, whipping my fur back and forth and causing knots in it. My barks were carried off with that wind and nobody heard my cries and pleas of help. I took this another step further and crossed the road to the middle. There's no WAY I wasn't able to be seen! Headlights peeked over the hill and shown brightly in my face as the car neared. I hopped in circles, woofing, hoping they would stop. They didn't. I was struck and I fell to the side. The car squealed to a stop and the owner jumped out. The collar I was wearing helped the owner of the car take me back home in the droopy weather. The family I belonged to opened to door and saw me laying in the strangers arms. The family didn't know what to do, so they checked my pulse. I felt the chilly fingers press against my neck then chest. They would never find the pulse.

I was brought to the Vet's hospital where I would lay for the next week and a half, for I had a broken tail and some bones in my body. I managed to stay alive all the time it took to get there but the Vet fixed me up nice, and might I add well. Everything returned back to normal... So I thought. After the stay at the Vet's, and I returned home, nothing was the same as I had hoped. Each family member was more cautious and it became, quite frankly, annoying. They would watch me like a hawk, they wouldn't play with me as much and I no longer got to feel the wonderful wind sweeping through my fur. I was protected and that's how it stayed for the rest of my life.

We belonged together. Forever

I will definitely edit in art of her right here. As soon as I post this I'm making art!

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

- FF


Tabuu wrote:My my my, I haven't been here for some time... Not since I adopted my wonderful Galadiel... I like how it's going here. Anyways, away from the spam... Here's my forum. Work in progress, please remember that

Reposted, with story added. Hope someone can give me some feedback on the story bit

Pet's ID Tag: #52
Image of pet Image
Name You'd Choose for It: Con El Vito, or Vito for short (It's title of a Spanish folk song I am learning in choir, it is talking about a boy who wants to dance with a girl, but is too shy to ask. While I'm not certain his story and personality will follow this idea, I like the concept <3)
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: When I saw this character, I thought “Oh my god, this is my perfect evil character…” I’ve been searching for the perfect design for ages now, in my own head and around CS, and I think this may have been what I have been looking for.

To be honest, the concept of being able to put my own words onto the mask kinda excited me :3 I have written a few poems and a song before, and I think on may fit perfectly with the design. I think it will make this character that much more special to me... If not, I believe I will write a bit of the song he is named after upon it.

And, of course, I have the classic excuse. I have wayyyyy too many wolf characters, and I need a change of pace. I believe he will be able to do just that
Piece of History: (as told by Vito)

In the shadows, I am hiding,
In the darkness I am sighing...

Con el vito, vito, vito...
Con el vito, vito, va...

In the shadows, I am hiding,
In the darkness I am sighing...

Con el vito, vito, vito...
Con el vito, vito, va...

"Hello there, youngling. I trust that you wish to know a bit about me, no? Of course you do. Everyone is fascinated by me for some reason or another, which reasoning I can never find out. I suppose I shall start with Eight. She was the downfall of my life, although I cannot say it was a bad moment when it happened."

"I believe it was the year 1896, on All Hallows Eve. I had recently taken to slaughtering certain evil humans, which, even according to their Satan-like deeds, is against the law. I had been placed in jail just a day or so before, and I didn't even had a cell mate to show me around. Of course, I didn't need it, but it was always nice to earn a reputation there quickly, so as not to get into more trouble."

"All Hallows Eve came around, and it seems that this prison house was kind enough to allow a celebration for the inmates. There was to be a grand feast, and a bonfire, along with dancing... All the inmates looked forward to it, and were surprisingly good in the days leading up to it. Finally, the day arrived. Some people had spent hours slaving over decorations, and the yard in the back of the prison had been transformed. All we had to do was wait for dark..."

"The bonfire was lit as soon as the sun slipped past the horizon, and the celebration started. Everyone was having a grand time... Soon, the dancing came around. Music began to play, haunting melodies filling the yard as bodies whittled through the space, silhouettes in front of the great blaze. I danced myself a bit, but i was clumzy, and made a fool of myself. The band began a new song soon after I left the dance floor, and the dance space cleared quickly, making a circle around one shadow. There was a girl dancing there, or perhaps it was a woman; she seemed ageless. She had fur red like the blood the flows in each body around me, and staining her cheeks were bright green trails, which in the firelight sparkled as the light reflected off the surface. She truly was a different kind of person, the kind you knew was so happy, and yet so sad..."

"Her dancing was stunning, and while she herself was not beautiful in the common sense, she was beautiful in so many other ways. I wanted desperately to dance with her, but of course, I feared that she would leave me in the dust, for I was nowhere near worthy of her. So I simply stood there, watching from the shadows as she twirled around in the firelight..."

"I can see that you are getting anxious, so I shall cut my tale short. I later summed up the courage to speak to her, and only then did I discover who she was. She had lived at the prison her entire life, since she had been abandoned by her mother there. Her name was Criminal #871997, but she was simply called Eight by everyone there. We slowly became friends, and after that, well... The rest is history."

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it. Signed: Tabuu Elizabeth Provine

Proof of... permission? It simply stated to send the forum to them


Frightful wrote:
Pet's ID Tag:


Name You'd Choose for It:
Hebrew; means "Gift of God"


Reason You Want Her:
Not only is her design absolutely breathtaking, but the personal connection is even stronger. In the past, I have adopted a character called Sonata similar to Azaria. As soon as I saw her, I instantly thought of Sonata and thought that they could possibly be sisters. I have been planning to write a story about Sonata and have had no inspiration. Now that I have discovered Azaria, I plan to obtain art of her and Sonata.

I now have a personal connection with her. No, she is not going to be my "fursona", but a dearly loved character. During school, I often doodle her and think about her story.

When trying to come up with a name that goes well with Sonata, I found the name Azaria. At first, I planned to change it, but the name stuck like glue.

Her story was also inspired by the fact that in another wolf's eyes, she may appear to be a misfit. I centered her personality around her fear of being seen by other wolves in public.

Azaria is shy around any animal she is wary of or does not know. She will run from anything she deems as dangerous, which are many things that she comes across daily.
:Easily Embarrassed:
This she wolf dislikes being watched by others. She despises when others watch her eat, hunt, or sleep, and may stay awake all night fearing a wolf will tease and prank her while she is asleep. Her eyes will glow brighter when she is embarrassed.
Azaria has many fears. She runs from anything she perceives as danger, such as loud noises and any animal bigger than her. She is also afraid of storms, as she fears it will strike her hollow and kill her. This she wolf often assumes the worst and does not like getting attached to certain things because she is afraid she will lose them as soon as she starts to love him/her.
She dislikes being with other wolves unless they are kin or very close to her. Even in that case, she often feels uncomfortable and finds no words to say. Azaria will not, under any circumstance, allow any other animal to live with her unless he/she is in danger of losing their life. She enjoys her personal space and is comfortable living alone in her cozy hollow.
Azaria is ashamed of her glowing facial features and strange coloring. She enjoys adorning herself in a leaf cape to help her blend in with the forest surroundings. "It feels as if the doe and their kin laugh in the shadows at my revolting pelt color as I pad through the forest," she states.


Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.
Helen Keller

"You there!" I nearly jumped out of my fur as the booming voice echoed through the forest. Whipping my head around quickly, I tried to find a way to my hollow where I could safely hide from this stranger. Just as I made a beeline to my hollow, a large, white spotted brute barreled toward me, coming around a nearby oak tree. His white and black pelt was an eyesore in my forest home. I tried to escape, but my stiff legs did not respond to my commands. I stood motionlessly, paralyzed with fear until he slid to a sudden stop, knocking me off of my paws. My eyes were a burning blue. "Sorry," he gasped for air as he stood and shook his pelt. "I need to talk to you."
"About what?" I asked timidly, avoiding his gaze.
"Another wolf wants to see you. She saw you in the forest yesterday and wanted to meet you." I tensed. Someone was watching me the day before? My eyes continued to shine brightly in fear.
"B-but why?" I hoped this anonymous she wolf didn't want anything from me.
"I'm not sure. Come with me," the speckled male gestured with his tail in the direction he had come from. I carefully followed, wary of any traps that may come if I were to let my guard down. After a few miles of anxiety, I spotted a large den, cut out of a rock face on the side of a massive mountain. Ivy wrapped around the cozy den and hung down into the entrance. "She's in here."

The oversized male sat outside of the den waiting for me to enter. I slunk through the ivy entrance warily. In the corner of the den was a blue and grey she wolf adorned with a metallic necklace, lying on some fresh ferns. Her stomach bulged from under her, giving the indication she was pregnant.
"Welcome. I have been waiting, Azaria."
"H-how do you know my name?" My ears folded back in submission as I backed away, tail nestled between my shaking hind legs.
"Do you remember me? It was so long ago. You may know me as Sonata, and I am your sister, daughter of the late Azurine and Allaire." I was bewildered.
"B-but my sister...I thought she was killed along with my..our parents. How can this be?"
"My mother and I survived. You were taken to the nearby healer for shock. When our mother returned, you were gone. Where were you?"
I stood silently, trying to take in what I had just been told. Staring into the stone wall, I tried to recall what had happened after that. "There was a brown wolf, large and strong. That is the next thing I reminisce. I believe I was raised with him for a while, and I remember he taught me to defend myself and hunt. One day after being with him for quite some time, I woke at dawn and he was gone. And that was the last time I saw him; I didn't even know his name." Sonata's eyes were filled with sorrow. "What's the matter?"
"I'm afraid of losing you again, Azaria. Will you come and live with me and my mate, Aeron?" I wasn't sure what to say, but I looked into her eyes with the same amount of pain.
"I'm afraid not, Sonata," My paws shifted uncomfortably. "It's just that I'm not used to living with other wolves. I feel uncomfortable around them. When I was abandoned by that brown male, I felt alone, but gradually I enjoyed being alone. Just me and the soft chirping of distant songbirds." My sister stood suddenly, her necklace swaying as she struggled to stand.
"Although I do not understand your ways, I respect your decision. I hope we will meet again." Her wet pink nose touched with mine. I smiled softly, her aroma wafting through the air. It reminded me of our mother, and a pang of loneliness filled my heart. I nodded but said nothing as I emerged from the den. I looked back at Aeron as he padded into their den to greet his mate, and for the first time in my short life, I wished for a mate that would respect my silence and would accompany me for as long as I would live.


"They're beautiful, Sonata." The squeals of three puppies filled the stone den, echoing into the night. It had been a few months since I had first visited their den. Although I came to their den more often, I avoided visiting too often in fear of becoming too attached to the new family. "What will you name them?"
"I'll name my first son Aramis. Aeron has decided on our second son to be called Simon, and we have decided you will name our daughter."
"Me?" I was bewildered, but honored the couple had chosen me to name their own blood. I thought for a while, thinking about a permanent name for their daughter. "Her name will be Raine."
Sonata licked her newly named daughter. "It's perfect. Thank you, sister." Aeron gazed down at his new pups but said nothing as he smiled proudly. I backed off into the night and wished them goodbye. I sprinted back to my hollow and slid into it, feeling immediate comfort. The fear of becoming a meal by a predator lurking in the tall grasses was diminished.

"Azaria, come get me!" Aramis squeaked, running around in a circle outside of the pups' den. I sighed and stretched, every bone in my body cracking. I glanced at Raine sitting near the ivy entrance watching her brothers play.
"Maybe later, Aramis. I need to go talk to your parents," I lied, padding over to Raine. I peered into the den where Sonata was and motioned to her to watch her sons. "Follow me, Raine. I have something for you."
"Alright, I'll come," the petite grey pup whispered, standing up. I looked back at the den to see Sonata emerging from her den. Knowing her other pups were being supervised, I led the small pup away from the den, feeling Raine staying alongside me for comfort. I looked up at the dusk sky, taking in the aroma of blossoms traveling through the breeze. After about a mile of traveling, I abruptly stopped.
"Do you hear it?" I whispered.
"What?" Raine asked, scanning her surroundings for even the slightest movement.
"Be still and listen." Raine's ears twitched slightly at my words. Nothing was said as I told her to listen to nothing.
"I hear it. I hear the grasses swaying to the symphony of sparrows on a nearby mountain and a buck dieing a noble death for the sake of his predator's own lives. And most of all, I can hear the fireflies greeting the moon as it takes place of the once brightly-burning sun."
"You, Raine, are the only one who understands."

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

I may add a few things, as I was doing an essay while writing. I'm not sure if I am supposed to have permission because of an earlier post, but I am still sending the PM.

Last edited by The Agency on Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The New Agency ~CD 08/10 p.51~

Postby Liru Kaulitz » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:08 am

Aww, to bad. Congrats, everyone. c:
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Re: The New Agency ~CD 24/10 p.67~

Postby Mario » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:09 am

OHMYGOSH THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!! <33333 *snuggles Lilac*
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Re: The New Agency ~CD 24/10 p.67~

Postby Frightful » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:12 am

Thank you so much for Azaria!<3
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Re: The New Agency ~CD 24/10 p.67~

Postby fugitive » Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:48 am

Thank you! :D I love him so much! <3
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Re: The New Agency ~CD 24/10 p.67~

Postby neonfrozen » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:16 am

Sqwweeeeeee I got her!! thank you soo much!!


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Re: The New Agency ~CD 24/10 p.67~

Postby wibeke » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:24 am

Glad Acorn got a good home. x3

Found these on my computer and thought I'd adopt them out.

Creature's Name:
Mr. Llama
Code: Select all

-Name and design are changeable
-Keep him a llama
-Credit me for the design and lineart
Link Art Link:
Did you originally adopt this design here, and if yes what was it's name?

Creature's Name:
Mrs Llama
Code: Select all

-Name and design are changeable
-Keep him a llama
-Credit me for the design and lineart
Link Art Link:
Did you originally adopt this design here, and if yes what was it's name?

jen they/them ace dumpster fire
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Re: The New Agency ~CD 24/10 p.67~

Postby Wᴏʟғᴀᴛᴏɴɪx » Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:33 am

:cry: Oh no! I didnt get to finish my form! :cry:
    wolfatonixxxxxxxxxx * you're gonna have a bad time.
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Re: The New Agency ~CD 08/10 p.51~

Postby Tabuu » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:09 pm

The Agency wrote:Image

Thank you! <333333 I'll go get him some artz right now
Tabuu wrote:
I'm finally back from
my non-official hiatus,
and my laptop is fixed!

To Do:
~See what I've missed <3
Tabuu wrote:
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓
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Mai scalemates are so cute! <3 Click for a bigger image + names!
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Re: The New Agency ~CD 24/10 p.67~

Postby Mario » Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:48 pm

Is it possible to be real?

"I want to bound with you through the spring flowers, summer showers, fall tree towers and snowy powder."
Pet's ID Tag:
Image of pet:
Name You'd Choose for It:
Coffee Fox.
Lilac Skye sees him as male, but in actuality he doesn't really have a gender, as he is only a stuffed animal.
Stuffed fox.
Reason You Want It:
I love this adorable little fox. The scarf where his mouth would usually be covers that spot, so he reminds me of a plushie. Plus, his eyes and scarf somehow remind me of Hello Kitty.
Note: This is all that Coffee Fox sees, and is told from 'his' point of view with Lilac Skye. He is not really alive; he cannot move, but he can see, smell, and feel. He also cannot talk, even to other plushies.

I could not see. After being shipped from some plushie custom made store I had been put into yet another box, and it was as dark as the first one. Suddenly, the lid of the box was removed, and the first thing I saw once my eyes adjusted to the light was a small figure, an anthro girl. A squeal of absolute delight flowed through my ears, and at that moment I wanted to smile, even though I did not have a mouth. I knew that I was this pretty creature's present of some holiday, and saw that it had to be her birthday, for she wore a baby pink birthday hat with white polka dots and a white fluffy ball at the top. She picked me up, and my cold fur was instantly warmed by her delicate little paws making contact with my pelt. She hugged me close to her and I could hear and feel her heartbeat. Oh, to be real. Even though I had only known her for a minute or two, I already wanted to be alive; to be able to run and play with her, and make her life so full of joy. Yet I already knew that I was already an object of happiness for her, and I was content with that. I watched her silently as she looked up at several anthro adults that stood around her, and she gave her
Anything else?:
This is a work in progress.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Last edited by Mario on Sat Nov 05, 2011 4:59 am, edited 8 times in total.
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