L.O.C. Generations Event - CLOSED for Judging

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Poll ended at Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:06 pm

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Total votes : 48

Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby demonthief. » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:25 pm


𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒻𝒻 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝒸𝑜𝒶𝓉

Username;; demonthief.
Partners name;;NARANDA, Stonefly,Chromaticfang,NizoLuv
Name: Elmira
Nickname/s: Mira, El
Meaning: "princess" or "noble, famous"
Age: 150 - youngest in her litter
Element: Poison
Rank: Cub - isn't too sure on her future rank
but she believes that she doesn't have the physical strength to be a guard like her parent or
to be able to (healthily) manage with the pressures of an ambassador like her grandparents.
Build + Mannerisms: Elmira was a pudgy little cub, her stunning wings dominated by her fluffy cub body but
something that she was assured she would grow out of. Thankfully, the clumsy cub would grow into an
elegant, lioness with toned, strong muscles to hold her tall frame. However, the lioness does easily put on
weight when she is off planet, needing to hunt to satisfy her hunger so is very careful about watching how
much she eats to minimize the ' chubby ' comments /jokes from her siblings. Like her father, she inherited
his stunning tracker ears like her sister but her tower over her face, something she can be rather insecure
about. With horns from her mother, Mira spends a lot of time making sure that they stay blunt, rubbing up
against stone and hard surfaces to ensure that she doesn't accidentally stab someone. Her fur is like soft
velvet, short but have a smooth, soothing feel and while she lacks the extra fluff that her siblings have, she
feels like her coat is easier to maintain with a lack of constant knots and tangles. Her movement seems
effortless, each step light and smooth, the lioness seems to glide as she walks with her tail slightly curled
behind her, a small smile on her face and her ears gently flattened in a neutral manner. Holds herself tall
but will slightly lower her head when speaking with/ to others.
Voice: Her voice is soft and mellow, usually devoid of any harsh notes and is never raised if she can help it.
Elmira's laughter is lady-like, gentle and so soft one could be forgiven for not hearing it. Every word is clear
and concise with a warm tone.
Scent: An earth Nerium Oleander, a toxic flower that can affect the heart and nervous system.
A sweet scent that can often be rather subtle.

Power Set


Infusion: Having power of the element of poison
, Elmira is able to infuse her parts of her body wi
th a highly dangerous poison that can have vario
us effects on a living organism. With this gift, she
is also able to infuse other objects with this toxin
and will often coat her armour in a thin layer of I
t, even helping other warriors by adding a more
dangerous element to their own armour as well.
This can also apply to surfaces and other objects.
Poison Roar: It can take a lot of effort for the lion
ess, but she is able to generate and manipulate
poison in a way that allows her to exhale the tox
ics. This can vary from a slow mist to a strong, po
werful burst of liquid toxin.
Push: A defensive move, Elmira, using her wings
can manipulate a large gust of air and move it in
front of her. This is used to distract foes, kicking
up dust or by keeping them at bay/pushing them.


Poison Bomb: This lioness has the ability
to create and launch explosive spheres o
f poisons/toxic substances that can have
varying degree of lethal effects on the ta
Toxic: Not only can Elmira have an toxic
touch if desired, the blood that flows thr
ough her veins also has a slightly toxic ef
fect, that, for any reason can be concent
rated. The effects can last for several mi
nutes after it has left the body
Harmful Aura: This is something that the
lioness can little control over when activ
ated. When experiencing extreme emoti
on, Elmira emits a toxic aura, that slowly
poisons things around her. Can even kill
lions if they stand close to her long enou
gh. The spread is not more than 2 meters.


art by ThyVampire. original size.
Personality wrote:Debonair, Courteous, Respectful
This lioness, while not vain, knows the importance of appearance and how it only takes a moment for a
stranger to size up a lion to make a quick decision on whether a lion is worth their attention or not.
Elmira is a charming, confident lioness but holds a certain friendly warmness that she hopes invites
other lions to trust her. To get lions to not just to see her as the mysterious lioness from the Oasis.
Walks with a lady-like grace, holding herself tall and proud but is quick to shift her stance when speaking
to those of higher status, not shy to openly express her humble rank. Regardless of her high ranking
grandparents, Elmira doesn't see herself above others due to lineage and has little care for lions who
think their bloodline makes them better than others. Ranks are to be earned by hard work, not
circumstance of birth. Mira interacts with everyone with a polite and courteous manner, a small smile on
her muzzle and keeping to pleasant topics when around new company. If the lioness can avoid it, she
doesn't like to bring up topics that she knows will upset/anger someone she is talking too, quick to
apologise and ask for forgiveness if she were to act out of turn. It can be frustrating when someone is
bluntly rude to her or someone else and Elmira has no issue pointing it out. "I beg your pardon, but you
forgot to say, please" can hold a lot weight if needed.

Charitable, Spontaneous,
Has a certain lady-like grace but not to be mistaken with an inability to get dirty, Mira has no quarrels
with getting a little dirt under her paws when an need /occasion calls for it. One moment the lioness
could be grooming or wings and the next, she is playing tag with her siblings in the mud. She can be
blessed with random bursts of energy which can pair nicely with her charitable nature. Elmira is happy
to give up her time for most lions, especially family and friends and because she has no interest in
material items that don't hold sentimental value, often gives 'surprise' gifts to others. Gifts are often
well thought out and timed to brighten a lion's day but she would be lying if Elmira said she doesn't get
depressed/upset if the gift is rejected or not liked.

Fatalistic, Superstitious, Easily Startled
Not matter what steps someone takes, it will always lead to the path that they were meant to take.
Elmira believes that the universe has already predetermined the events of her life and therefore can't
be avoided. Thus, Mira doesn't believe there is a need to worry about anything as there is nothing
the lioness can do to avoid such a fate. The lioness is very superstitious, not everything can be
explained and that is incredibly thrilling for the lioness. She doesn't need facts or reason to believe in
something. Mira finds events like the Blood Moon and recent time events to be very interesting, often
hunting down these 'special' lions to ask, politely, questions from their past. Strongly believes that the
Comet of Helios is incredibly lucky and hopes to be able to see it one day or at least find a lion that has.
While calm and graceful most of the time, Elmira is easily startled, pranks are often met with a high
pitched squeal and all the feathers on her wings puffing up. It is one of the few things that Elmira
would respond to with a swipe of her paw and a bright blush on her cheeks.

Maternal, Patient, Over Protective
Strongly maternal, Elmira feels like anything small and vulnerable must be swept up in her large wings.
She likes to make others feel safe, through a kind word, a gentle hug or even just by simply being
there for someone. Elmira is quite an affectionate lioness, often using her wings to embrace other lions
as her horns make it hard to nuzzle.Happy to give up time in her day for anyone, Elmira is blessed with
almost exhaustible patience, especially when interacting with young lions and cubs.The lioness can
however be a little overprotective, will often come to the defense of others in a heartbeat that often
can be rather meddlesome.It also means that when it comes to family, especially coming from the Oasis,
that she is rather cautious about new lions getting close to her family and likes to be able to trust the
lions who interact with her siblings.

Stoic, Burdened,Suppressed
Elmira is particularity silent when it comes to her personal feelings, complaints and worries. In her mind
it is un-ladylike to complain about circumstances, especially when there is nothing to be done to change
them or to create unnecessary fuss, so the stoic lioness does most things without complaint.She is able
to handle most strong/aggressive personalities without batting an eye and will only do things that don't
violate her own personal morals. However, her determination not to be ruled by emotions and to appear
in control all of the time weights heavily on the lioness. Elmira believes that she has to be the strong 'rock'
for her family, especially her siblings. With holding onto emotions for unhealthy periods of times, she can
feel overwhelmed and only when alone will she allow herself to feel/express those repressed emotions,
crying to herself but hyper-aware to make sure that no-one walks in on her in her moment of weakness.


Themis: [Grandmother] [if won, owned by Chromaticfang] Elmira believes that
her grandmother is beautiful and feels like she identifies with her the most
out of her immediate family. While the older lioness isn't incredibly chatty
when around strangers, the older lioness has a fierce protectiveness that
makes Elmira feel more than safe when around the white lioness. Her
grandmother taught her and her siblings, how to communicate using the
symbols that float between the tip of their spikes. Elmira feels special that
certain 'language' is only available to her family and will often chat with her
siblings using it. Wants her grandmother to see her in a good light and while
she is more quiet when around the older lioness, Elmira doesn't feel like she
has to fill that space and is pleasantly happy with the comfortably silence.

Setekh: [Cousin] [if won, owned by broken*] The poison elemental is unable
to stop herself from feeling pity for her cousin. The lion seems constantly at
war with himself, one moment he is clever and brave, able to stand up for
himself and for others in moments that Elmira isn't sure she would be able to
do the same; but in an instant he can change. Aggressive, abrasive, a
dominant lion who has a snake-like way of twisting words in a horrifying
manner to convince most lions to do what he wants. Elmira finds it hard to
watch someone whose element is so controlling, thankful for her control
over her own element. Elmira would be lying if she said she wasn't
frightened of her cousin when he becomes very aggressive, but can hold
her own. She loves being around him in those fun moments and (likes to
think) is strong enough to stay around through the bad moments too.

Legolas: [Brother] [if won, owned by NARANDA] Elmira finds it difficult to
hold any negative feelings towards her siblings, especially her older brother.
Being the youngest, in her younger years and even some days now, she felt
like she needed to reaffirm her place in the family and fight to be heard
over her chatterbox of a brother Baird. But with Legolas, she felt like he
was always there ready to listen, a helpful soul who was content to listen to
his little sister tell a story or especially when all Elmira needed was just
someone to listen without judgment or a word. Straightforward and patient,
they get on well and is the first sibling she'll go to if she needs to expel large
amounts of energy, enjoying exercising Legolas' exploring nature. Adores his
mane and when the older sibling allows it, she enjoys grooming it and making
it stick up in funny angles with her combed tongue will always bring the
female into a giggling mess. His passion to clean can be a curse though...

Genesis: [Neutral - more negative] [owned by Vraska the Unseen] Elmira isn't
sure how she feels about this lioness, the certain unpredictableness of her
character can be a little unsettling. One moment, the Genesis is bold
and smart but when Xeo takes over, it is stark contrast. They become
violent and with the element of death, she is very dangerous and can/will
cause a lot of damage to a lion, especially a young cub. She feels like she
isn't certain how to act, that each word needs to be watched in case
she accidentally says anything upsetting.While the Sol and Luna are both
gentle, Elmira fears the dangerous Xeo and so while polite when in her
company, Elmira doesn't often seek Genesis out.

Baird: [Brother] [ if won, owned by Stonefly] The female at times feels as if
she is something of a nuisance to the older cub, the brother not shy to tell
his sibling of his little care for the manners that Elmira holds in such high
regard. Baird flocks more to her other brother which is why when Baird
does spend time with his youngest litter mate, she is happy to do whatever
the little trouble maker wishes. Whether that is letting him tell rather
convoluted stories that have such a creative nature to them, Elmira can't
help but be swept away. Regardless of their rather contrasting personalities,
Elmira wishes nothing for the best for her brother and every time she can
get him to at least consider not doing something dangerous or acting with a
bit of decorum, she considers that a victory. Loves his element and enjoys
watching the projections under a dark night sky.

Loralei: [Cousin] [if won, owned by NizoLuv] Elmira believes that her cousin's
name is one of the prettiest she has ever heard and so will always say her full
name, using nicknames only in times of great affection or worry. Like her
other cousin, Elmira feels likes the elements Loralei has control her and not
the other way around. When Loralei is in her 'high' element, Elmira feels
energised and she wants to match that energy which works nicely with the
horned lionesses spontaneous element. Adores her cousin, finds her sweet
and only wants to protect her. Strongly feels like she needs to keep a
stronger grip of her emotions when around Loralei as not to overwhelm her
little cousin.

Ocho: [Acquaintance] [owned by Charboo] Elmira has only glanced at the
large male but she can't help but be incredibly curious about his past and
the origin of such large bone like growths. They may have only locked gazes
for a moment, the lion under strict watch by a strong looking lioness called
Kiada, but she feels like he would be an interesting study. Elmira holds most
lions blessed by supernatural event in a high regard and Ocho isn't exempt.
She is very curious about him but doesn't have any wish to break pride rules
while visiting.

Tsukiyo: [ Infatuated-cub crush] [owned by NARANDA] The dark striped lion
doesn't need to say much, but when the support warrior finally spoke,
Elmira was all ears. Not a very chatty lion, but that doesn't matter to
Elmira, he was pleasant to the young cub and has a serious attention and
dedication to his rank which Elmira finds very enduring. There is a
mysteriousness to him that even Elmira's polite probing can't shine a light
on. She wants to try and learn as much about him as possible. Strong and
graceful, any mention of his name brings a blush to her cheeks.

Aries: [Acquaintance] [owned by NARANDA] To be honest, Elmira is just
obsessed with the lion's amazing mane, the way it shines like the night sky
and sways like leaves in the wind. The lioness believes that the high rank
suits the lion well by the way he way moves and holds himself. It is obvious
that he cares very much about his pride, something that Elmira can respect.
Aries is a calm lion who has a rather civilized way of speaking which, of
course, Elmira enjoys immensely and isn't reactive when dealing with difficult
situations. Elmira would be happy to watch the fluid movements of that mane
all day, it is extremely calming.

Gorgos: [Negative - avoids when she can] [owned by Nizo] His size, his
demeanor all throw up huge red flags for the cub and she is terrified of him.
From what she has gathered, the male isn't a true part of the pride, just
comes and goes as he pleases. He seems to stalk around young cubs, eyes
following every movement which sets Elmira on edge. While they haven't
traded words, Elmira doesn't have any wish to and refuses to leave her
siblings and cousins alone when this male is in view.

Joziah: [Friend] [owned by myself] A somewhat lazy lion, she found this male
snoozing in the sunlight with his daughter sleeping beside him. He was
cautious at first, answering each question with curt, short answers but soon
warmed up, soon joking with the young cub and asking his own questions
about her wings and horns. Was open to answering most questions which
Elmira found refreshing, even told the story of his limp. While he was a
stranger, Elmira didn't feel unsafe or in any kind of danger, he had such a
relaxing way about him. The care and love he had for his daughter was
obvious, which only makes her crave to find one of her own family members
for a cuddle.

Aristaeus [ Friend] [owned by Ccrow] The first pride cub that Elmira met and
she hopes that there are a few other cubs that are just as easy to talk to as
Aris. Can carry a conversation with a ease that Elmira is rather envious
about. Their humour can be a little awkward at times but Elmira isn't one to
judge and she isn't the hardest lion to get to laugh. A charming character
too, she is sure he'll grow to be rather handsome and fit well in the pride.
Another poison elemental that Elmira is happy to get technique pointers in
a clear and straightforward manner. A nice cub that she'll miss when the
she returns home.

Milriis: [Neutral] [owned by bat-ty] Being of the same elemental, Elmira is
curious to learn how he wield his powers and how it differs from the
teachings she has received in the Oasis. A zesty and high spirited cub who
seems to spend most of his time in the pride healer's dens. While he is a
charismatic male to be around, Elmira can finds that constant outgoing, high
strung energy exhausting when she isn't in her own highly energised mood
and feels like Milriis would get along better with her brother. Feels at times
that the cub is judging her by some high, personal standards but that doesn't
faze her at all and treats him the same as she would treat anyone else.

Valeriya: [Friend] [ owned by NARANDA] To be completely honest, the female
is completely in awe of this lioness. The Comet of Helios holds a special
place in her heart and to be able to meet a lion who come into being at
that event, it is a dream come true. Valeriya is a very gentle and sweet lion,
the air about her makes Elmira feel calm and safe, a gift that the lioness
would hope that all healers have. Their short time with the pride hasn't
been without it's bumps and scrapes but the healer has been nothing short
of wonderful. Both are curious about each other's backgrounds but with
Val having little memory of her life before her 'birth' and Elmira sworn to
keep the secrets of the Oasis, there has been a bit of a standstill on that
particular subject.

Thoughts on:

Pride: While positive, Elmira doesn't believe that she has many facts to work on.
She feels rather uneducated about the Pride, their life, their values and ultimately, what they want to
achieve with this war. While having only being in the pride for a short amount of time, their way of life
intrigues her, she especially wishes that she was able to see the Alpha's Coronation. They seem like an
inclusive pride, the alpha has allowed the dream and other lions to find their role in the pride
regardless of their past. Of course there will always be personalities that clash but on the whole they
seem to have created a balance. Elmira still yearns for home as while there are things she likes/enjoys
about this pride, she feels like she has been expected to like them as the Oasis has answered their
call to help and not the rebellion.
Rebels: Again, she feels uneducated. All Elmira knows and understands is that
the rebels pose a threat to the Pride, so much so that Oasis have be sent to begin communications
with the pride. They seem rather destructive, destroying the chance for a peaceful future, fairness
and balance. Through the whispers told in the pride their training is brutal and use their own family
members, even young cubs to help, in their eyes, gain strides for their rebellion but Elmira takes
these rumours with a grain of salt as her sources can't be said to be unbiased.
War: Believes that war is an action take by emotionally driven lions who are
unable to be dignified and come to a solution with only words.It costs countless lions lives, warriors
and the innocent who are always caught in the middle. She pities the cubs or young lions who have
known only war. One could argue that war/ fighting is sometimes the only way to protect themselves
and their home, especially when up against a particularly aggressive adversary but the thought of
losing her family in such violent terms scares Elmira more than anything.

Stats and Skills
Dull ○○○○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○ Smart
Silent ○○○○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○ Vocal
Follower ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○ Dominant
Extrovert ○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Introvert

Playful ○○○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○○ Serious
Cautious ○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Heedless
Patient ○○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Agitated
Cowardly ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○ Courageous
Skittish ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○ Collected

Unambitious ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○ Competitive
Distractable ○○○○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○○ Focused
Fast ○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Durable
Willing ○○○○○○○○●○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Uncooperative

- As a cub, when her siblings/family were sick or hurt, she would stretch out her little
wings as much as and wrap them around the family member to 'protect' them.
- Their family has a unique language, where they are able to communicate using the symbols
that float between their tail spike tips. While Elmira doesn't have the power of light to make
holograms like her brother, Legolas, Elmira can only change the symbols on her
tail. (Ref and idea by Chromaticfang)
If not communicating with someone, she'll usually just leave the floating letters
spelling 'Helios'.
- Feathers fluff up when flustered or embarrassed.
- Has a very sweet singing voice but needs to be seriously bribed to be convinced
to sing in front of others.
- The glow of her eyes get brighter when experiencing extreme emotion.
- Strangely adores the spot markings on the end of her nose.

The slow, ambling movements that lulled Elmira asleep began to rouse her,
bright emerald eyes peeking from behind thick eyelashes. Yawning, she sat up slowly
on her father's back who turned to give his daughter a soft smile. The Oasis lions
were wandering across the rather barren plain, the ambassadors protected between
the two guards, while the cubs were scattered around their feet. Stretching out her
plum wings, she gently glided down from her father's back to the cracked earth
beneath him . Nuzzled his leg for a moment before trotting over to walk beside her
grandmother. The older lioness was seen as almost angelic in the cub's eyes,
especially with her stunning white pelt. Elmira's long tracker ears pricked up at a
rather sharp sound, her head spinning to find the source.

Soon, a smile spread on her muzzle. Her brothers were playing, or more accurately,
Baird had enticed Legalos into racing around with him. Elmira contemplated joining but
felt like she may spoil the fun they were having together, so with a soft sigh, she
continued walking forward. Their mother had been stern about the winged cubs
staying grounded, if a group of lions weren't already attracting attention than small
little balls of fluff zooming around would only increase that tenfold. Loralie was sticking
close to her parents, her apprehension about this journey evident. Trotting over the
dry ground, Elmira gave her cousin a sweet smile and a hug with her feathered wing,
bringing her Loralie closer to her. "It will be fine, we are a strong family, just stick close
to me my dear cousin," Elmira purred and returned her wing to her side.

A giant mountain loomed in front of them, it's jagged peaks releasing a bunch of butterflies
in the horned cub's stomach. It was lifeless and grey, not sign of vegetation anywhere
on its cold surface. Groves and spaces that looked like pathways had been worn into the
rock and every once in a while, Elmira would spot a flash of movement in the shadows.
Casting her eyes to her cousin, she gave her a small, supporting smile before returning her
gaze to the large structure. The cubs quickly closed ranks, sticking close to their parents
as they neared the base of the mountain, Elmira's emerald eyes watching a pair of sleek
lions make their way towards them. Her heart quickened in her chest, Elmira taking a few
steadying breathes and holding herself high as one of the Pride lions who spoke to the
adults in blunt tones, disappear back into the mountain's shadows. This was an important
moment for both of their prides and Elmira wasn't going to let fear get in her way. She
will make her family proud and protect them from whatever lay ahead.

coding, writing and tail divider by demonthief.
language ref by Chromaticfang ▸full body piece by ThyVampire
Last edited by demonthief. on Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:32 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Medd-Lee » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:26 pm

Dropping out, PM me if you want something!

Mark for sun's

Username;; Meddled.
Partners name;; Might be working with Ccrow and Keen?
Name;; Xaiden (Meaning 'little fire')
Gender;; Male
Element (s);; Light and Psychic
A lion with the gift of psychic can: Predict small things in the future, tell whether a lion will live or die by touch.

A lion with the gift of light can: Illuminate dark places, blind foes, create distractions, create balls of energy.

Rank;; Cub (Future Ambassador)
Feeling towards the war;; (Pride/ Rebels) (hmmmm)
Relations;; (Towards family/ mate if applicable)
Extras;; (No limit, however history may not be added as an extra)

One of the things grandfather told me on our journey is we are not to mention the Oasis or anything in it. I will, instead, describe to you my experience in the pride since I have arrived, and my impressions of its lands.

My first step through the border of the pride's lands felt oddly familiar. The golden dust in the air instantly rejuvenated me, but it didn't shimmer like the dust at - nevermind. Another time. I saw lions milling about in a desperate attempt at relaxation. I guessed this was the war's toll on them. It hurt me inside to feel the pain radiating from their minds. I rubbed against one of the guards of the pride lands on "Accident" to get his view, and I felt a sting in my side, making me gasp. This lion was close to his day, but I didn't want to tell him that. He looked tired and ready to sleep rather than ready to fight, and from what I could tell, he wouldn't get his rest for a long time. I felt sorry for him, wished I could bring him rest. I carefully tried to send a positive feeling towards him, and he visibly seemed to relax a little.

A large,


dia, Taeun "tae"
Last edited by Medd-Lee on Sun Aug 20, 2017 10:35 am, edited 7 times in total.
unnessecary links wrote:Characters(old, LOL)
My SMWs(closed)
Flight Rising(idk why)
3k+ Chickens(active!)

Hi! I'm Medd! They/them please.
I am sometimes hard to reach on CS! If you need me quickly try Toyhouse(Medd-Lee), thanks!
Avatar by Sylvanticus
Most links are outdated, sorry guys!
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An Acquisitive Mind ;; The Ballad of Enid

Postby SukarettoYanagi » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:48 pm

by Rohan. and sun bear

User Basics wrote:Username;; SukarettoYanagi
Partners name;;
Rohan. | starry--knight | Mechanic Drone | Pety | sun bear

Name;; Enid
Name Origin and Meaning;;
Arthurian legend name from the Welsh 'enaid' meaning soul or life
Gender;; Female
Element;; Poison
Rank;; (Oasis)Cub
Future Rank;; Guard or Ambassador


naïve | intuitive | curious | forward | authoritative | skeptical | judgmental | mature | sarcastic | private | playful | indulgent | caring | contented

Enid is quite naïve to the ways of the world.  Having been raised in the safety and sanctuary of the Oasis, she has been hidden away from the world all her life.  She has always been curious about it's goings-on, however, and is quite excited to learn as much as she can about life outside her home before she must return to never leave again.  She has never been one to let her naivety mislead her, however.  While she may expect one thing, she knows it is not the likely outcome.  She has been surprised before, though, and felt quite vindicated.
Having been raised where she was, her wits are sharp and quick.  Her sense of what is and is not is strong, and she is not easily fooled.  Many have tried back home, to test her, only for her to see through their rouses and call their foul.  The real test, though, has been in the world beyond the Oasis.  Intuitive and quick-witted, her mind is a library of methods and knowledge.
The little lioness is incredibly curious, however.  She has an insatiable thirst for knowledge.    Always yearning to learn more, to gain more knowledge.  She has a phenomenal ability to retain things she has seen or heard, making her want for more even stronger.  This urges her to get into more than she would like to admit.  She prides herself on her obedience, but when one is driven by a hunger, some times manners go out the window.  She does not only want to learn more about the world, however.  She wants to learn more about individuals, their lives and beliefs, and quizzes accordingly.

Enid is not a shy cub.  She is quite brazen, in truth.  She will tell it like it is as well as push until she gets an answer.  Her search of answers to her questions brings her face-to-face with my different lions and personalities and backgrounds since leaving the Oasis.  Her curious nature has pushed her to get to know more about these strangers and their beliefs and behaviors.  She is very forward in her methods.  Straight out asking and interrogation are typically how she obtains the answers she seeks.
She is very assertive in character.  Never loud or talkative, she commands an air about her that demands she be taken seriously.  She is confident in herself and the abilities of her family and is not hesitant to express such.  Words from her mouth are said with such confidence, it is often difficult to believe a cub is the one speaking.  Enid does not need a strong physical presence to take a room.  The authority that comes off her is enough to grab one's attention.  She is also charismatic enough to hold such attention as well.


Much like her father, she is very reserved in believing something.  She is skeptical of most everything until proven otherwise.  Even with her own family members she can be unsure of things she is told.  Her doubt is a part of what drives her.  She does not throw caution to the wind easily, and it takes quite a bit of understanding on her part and insistence on another to finally get her to secede from her skepticist's mind.  There is a firm understanding with her that there are those who would stoop so low enough as to attempt to use her to get close to her secrets, and because of that she does not easily trust others and is very tight-lipped.
From her tip of her horns to the deadly tip of her tail blades, she will judge another from a glance.  She begins formulating her opinion of another or way of life based off of the first words she hears, but does not draw a final conclusion until she feels she has gathered enough about another or thing from many different sources and points of view.  Her judgements are still not without flaw, however, and she still draws strongly on her first impression.  That is the most important, is it not?  It can be proven to her that a lion is good, but if their first interaction is poor she will still draw judgement from that.
It is often surprising that Enid is merely a child.  She is remarkably mature for a cub of one hundred sixty years of age.  It almost feels as though her bones are younger than the soul they contain.  She values hard work and honesty, something mostly only adults understand the value of.  She does as she is told, not arguing with her parents or orders given to her.  Her moral compass is very well developed, her senses of right and wrong firmly in place.  She will not jeopardize what has been entrusted to her, not purposefully.  She is aware of her flaws, and she embraces them.

Enid is a complex creature.  She is not one dimensional, nor two dimensional.  She is made up of many different layers, layers she does not wish for others to see.  She keeps herself hidden behind a sarcastic and often times superior tone.  She demeans others almost in a mocking way, putting them down for their lineage or beliefs.  She does not care that what she says could hurt their feelings, only that her dignity and that of her own lineage remains in tact.  In this way she is selfish.  Her voice drips with sarcasm when she is not interrogating someone or with her family.  This sarcasm, however, it a defense.  She hides her deeper emotions behind a, thick, heavy wall of sarcasm.  She lacks knowledge of the way the world works, and it makes her feel small.

She believes lions who are of the Oasis and loyal to it's ways and customs are a superior breed.  That they are more than others.  She holds a deep respect and love for her origins, and would never betray them purposefully.  To her, those that choose to leave are not worthy of their Oasis bloodline.  She feels that they have disrespected everything bestowed to them, and therefore are not true lions of the Oasis.  Though she realizes it is a choice that is a part of her heritage's traditions, she still does not agree with the choice to leave.


There is a side to her, however, that only a select few see.  With her parents and siblings, Enid is a contented and caring daughter and sibling.  She shows patience with her brothers and sister, allowing her walls to fall and a playful nature to reveal itself.  She will partake in activities, such as play fighting and wrestling.  She entertains their antics rather than complains about them as she normally would publicly.  She is passive and tolerant with them, seeming to rather enjoy their carefree and joyous banter.  Occasionally she will even join in the fun.  She is indulgent when alone with her family, a part of her only they will ever see.  A passiveness comes about her, and she is truly at ease with them.  
That can all turn on a dime, however if anyone outside of the circle should come into the picture.  The same is said about her grandparents and cousins.  She closes up and acts differently around them than her parents and siblings.  She returns to the pushy knowledge seeker that she is.  A lioness with a strong respect for her culture and parents and who hides her love of her family and insecurities about how little she truly knows behind a sarcastic nature.


Element and Uses;;
-Acid Wash-
Readying a bile-like substance from her gut, Enid aims an acidic spray toward the intended target. While it causes her no harm, it is highly corrosive and can cause a number of different damages to the victim. Depending on where she hits and at what content level the acid, it can blind or cripple. In more severe cases, it can eat away at flesh and occasionally corrode armour.
Non-Physical Offensive/Defensive Attack
Moderate Concentration Level ║ Extreme Energy Consumption

By filling her lungs and airway with an irritating gas, Enid can release a fog-like cloud from her mouth and nostrils. This gas fills the area, causing all exposed to go into coughing fits. The gas not only causes irritation to the lungs but damage as well. Prolonged exposure can cause permanent damage or even organ failure. Once released, she has no control over the gas or who it affects.
Intangible Offensive Attack
Moderate Concentration Level ║ Moderate Energy Consumption

When a comrade or someone she cares for is inflicted with a poison or sickness, Enid can remove the affliction. She has to be touching the target. Slowly, she can move the sickness or poison up through the body before finally removing it either through the mouth or nose. Which orifice the toxin is removed from depends on the mode by which it was inflicted.
Intangible Defensive Attack
Extreme Concentration Level ║ Extreme Energy Consumption

A basic attack in which Enid either bites or claws a target, injecting a venom into the wound. This venom typically remains localized to the wound, causing the affected area to swell and become incredibly painful. This attack is rarely lethal but could cause deep scarring depending how long the affect area does without treatment. This is a common attack.
Physical Offensive Attack
Light Concentration Level ║ Light Energy Consumption

-Draining Wash-
In battle, it is common for comrades to lend aid by infusing their allies with elemental or energy boosts. Enid has developed a poison to undo these processes and leave the target weaker than before. By attacking with a liquid poison, a lion who has received a boost has the effects reversed and renders them weaker than prior to the attack. This cannot re-open healed or closed wounds.
Non-Physical Offensive Attack
Moderate Concentration Level ║ Moderate Energy Consumption

If she is able to get a bite, Enid can inject a non-lethal venom into the target. This toxin spreads rapidly and causes immense pain. This venom often causes the victim to writhe and cry in an agonizing pain equivalent to being set on fire- on the inside. More often than not the victim will feel as thought death would be a blessing. It eventually ebbs away, leaving the victim sore.
Physical Offensive Attack
Light Concentration Level ║ Moderate Energy Consumption

-Sudden Death-
Upon initial contact, the target is injected with a local anesthetic to prevent pain. In the same bite, Enid injects a highly toxic proteolytic venom and occasionally neurotoxic. Depending on the venom injected depends on the affects caused by the venom. A proteolytic venom can cause a range of effects, such as cytotoxic(cell-destroying), hemotoxic(blood-destroying), myotoxic(muscle-destroying), or hemorrhagic(bleeding). This is the most common venom injected. A neurotoxic venom affects and breaks down nerve tissue, causing neurological symptoms. This is a rarer venom used.
Because of the anesthetic initially injected, the target is unaware of the wound and carries on as though nothing happened. When symptoms begin to hit, it is puzzling what happened. Most often by the time it is discovered it is too late and the victim is nearly dead. This attack is almost always lethal.
Physical Offensive Attack
Extreme Concentration Level ║ Moderate Energy Consumption


Physique and Appearance
Though still only a cub, Enid's build is petite. For her age, she is smaller than most, though it does not hinder her in any way. Her figure is lithe and thin, though already nicely muscled. At a silhouette, she appears simply to be elegant with defining features such as a large, bat-like ears and majestic wings. Her ears are slightly larger than most of the type, but not so much so that it is noticeable. Her wings are mighty and well-preened. Each feather has great attention given to it to keep it cleaned and in place.
An almost bamboo coral-like horn centers itself on her forehead. Notably smaller, almost nonexistent horns trail out behind the large, central horn. Along the sides of her face outstretch two more horns reminiscent of those atop her head. Their colors of those of bright, sky-like colors. It almost appears they are made of gemstone and polished by a sand-element. Rarely does she bring them into combat training, instead to leave them merely as an attribute of beauty.

Enid's expressions are few. Vivid green eyes maintain a consistent slightly narrowed shape, dimming the dull glow that constantly emanates from them. Normally, the corners of her lips are down-turned in a seemingly unimpressed manner, or merely lacking any form of expression. Only with her parents and siblings will the hints of a slight smile tug at her features, only for it t quickly vanish should any other lion appear. When in conversation, she will gain a look of deep thought, though not disinterest or distance.
Her coat is well maintained, along with her muscle and reaction control. The plum-shaded cub keeps her fur groomed and free from ruffled or dusty spots. She is not vain about her appearance, however, and in the throws of training it does not bother her to get a little dirty. Since she before she began any official training, Enid worked to gain full control over her body's reactions to stimuli as well as her muscles. It is not difficult for her to appear completely relaxed in the face of something that truly unnerves her or in front of her superiors.

Her body language conveys confidence and strength. A fluid gait lacking in any hitch or catch or otherwise any imperfection eases her along from once place to the next, almost giving her the illusion of floating about. It is elegant the way she walks, almost important. She does not often use her wings, preferring to walk from place to place, and when she is using her ability of flight it is for training or something truly urgent. The cub appears and acts with maturity, despite clearly still being a cub. Her features are smooth and pleasing to the eye, making her easy to look at. Overall, Enid possess a very calm but assertive air to her, one that captures the attention of a room or those around her whether she wishes to or not. Her transformation into adulthood will surely be graceful, as though she had always been in an adult form.


Feeling towards the war;;
With her inquisitive nature, Enid of coarse wants to learn al she can about both sides of the War, and why the Pride, a group of lions supposed to be so great they once brought peace to the entire planet and aimed to spread it through the universe, were being thwarted by a rag-tag bunch of lions.  She also needed to know more about this group called the Rebellion.  About how they work, their ranks, who leads then and what drives them.  What she found both disgusted and disappointed her.

The Pride, while their bizarre way of life is of great interest to her and is not near about as archaic as she was expecting, is still inferior in her eyes.  They function under a system where one's physical or elemental features define their lives.  Attributes of one's personality may perhaps aid them in gaining rank, however they will never have anything more to do in their lives.  Few have rebelled against this, however they still maintain similar standings.  Each is individual is suppressed and limited as to who they can be.  There is no freedom as to who you are, and she disagrees with that.  Enid finds the lions who live under this and accept it to be blind fools.  Sheep following sheep and blind leading the blind and nothing more.

The Rebellion, on the other hand, is merely depressing.  Why should one feel so down about his life that he must destroy everything?  And for what?  A place on a thrown taken with fear and intimidation?  A thrown surly made of bones and bodies of the fallen- be they his own or that of his enemies.  That is no way to live.  While there is individualism within the Rebellion, it is suppressed by a fear of a tyrannical leader.  A lion who's mind is so corrupt he must deflect?  Is he even a lion at that point?  She does not know the answer to that, but she knows that there is no place in existence for such heinous atrocities.  A society run of fear and fueled by greed.  Her judgement of the Rebellion is far more poor than that of the Pride.

In all, Enid finds the War a waste of the effort her family has been sent to put in.  The reasoning behind why it began is completely asinine.  Bitterness lead to rash decisions, and anger was allowed to boil into hatred so deeply rooted there is no end to it without the death of the source.  It has not been worth the time her family have had to put in this far, and if it has not been worth that it surely is not worth the time of the Oasis.  It is a pointless feud and her sacred home should not trouble themselves with it.


Family and Beyond
within boundaries-;; wrote:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEowyn: Rohan.: mother
A strong bond of love is held between the two.  Enid loves her mother dearly, and while she does not typically engage in play, she sits back and watches with interest.  Her favorite time to spend with her mother is stretching her wings and learning how to be a winged Guard as well as how to properly manipulate her element.  Seeing as the two share both traits, she spends more time training with her mother than her father.  There are times the two do not see eye-to-eye, such as Eowyn's tendencies to play hard where as Enid would rather work hard.  For a short while, the cub will indulge her mother's energy and play along before burning out and requesting they train instead.  She knows her mother appreciates her daughter's dedication to their way of life in the Oasis, and she assumes she enjoys their time training together.

Haldir: starry--knight: fatherxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If ever two were more similar, the two would define it.  Enid admires her father and strives to be as he is.  She finds him strong and capable in both mind and body.  He is firm in his resolve and more stoic than a rock.  He is the one who inspired her love of knowledge and her unquenchable thirst for it.  She enjoys intellectual conversations with him, making his extensive library of knowledge her own.  Being with her father, to her, is the most enjoyable part of her day.  Getting the chance to spend time with him and train under him.  Haldir is the best Oasis Guard she knows, one to look up to.  She shares many of the same beliefs with him, such fulfilling the mission and working hard.  Enid is aware of his love for her and his family, though he may not show it.  The fact that it is there is enough for her to share it with him.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAyala: Mechanic Drone: sister
It is not wings that make the lion, it is their spirit.  Ayala certainly has plenty of that.  Enid admires her sister's fight, her want to be seen as good as the others.  She is never been one to think lesser of or treat her sister any different.  They are very different in character, however.  Her sister's energy and noise levels do bother her, causing her to spend less time with her than she would like.  The fact she tries to push her around occasionally is a turn-off, and in those times she certainly avoids her.  She does not appreciate the accusations of unfair treatment.  However, the girls are able to bond over a shared curiosity.  They often go off in search of answers, perhaps accompanied by their brother Othin as well.  Enid acts as Ayala's voice of reason, trying to keep her eldest sibling out of the trouble she is surely to find.

Éadaoin: Pety: brotherxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Enid feels a fierce protectiveness over her brother. His shy and quiet, almost passive, demeanor often encourages him to be walked over by others. She is there to be his voice, to support and encourage him. Éadaoin is her brother, and it is deep in her bones to keep him safe but also happy. She is patient with him, allowing him to work up himself and to quietly encourage him along when he cannot. His imagination is beautiful to her, his strength unimaginable. The fact that he is always able to pick himself back up, no matter what, is awe-inspiring. The lioness often finds she does not have to explain her emotions to the passive lion, as he already understands. It is a comfort to her, knowing her brother will be there and understand. Not only does Enid love Éadaoin, he trusts him greatly.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOthin: sun bear: brother
With her brother, Enid often converses and shares her findings of the day.  With different views on happenings, there is more gained by spending time with Othin.  He provides to her a view on the world she never would have looked at.  He sees the wonder and magic in things, where she sees the mechanics and functions.  Together, they hold a great understanding of things.  He is quite energetic, and it takes a lot to keep up with him.  Luckily, though, she finds it worth it to spend the time with him.  She trusts him deeply not to exploit her weaknesses, and shares her fears with him.  In return for this, she shows great care with him and tries her best to keep him in the right track, despite his.. wandering tenancies.  Together, they are a great team, both in mind and fulfilling the task set to them.  Enid loves Othin, and she is not one to deny that.
by sun bear

outside the lines-;; wrote:Viu: SukarettoYanagi: acquaintance
Upon coming to the Pride, it spread quickly to her that among their ranks worked an ex-Rebel. Enid was insistent on meeting with this lion, to speak with him and learn all she could about the Rebellion during his time with them. She learned his name was Viu, though she was more interested in his past. He willingly gave the information he had, though insisted it was likely outdated. What she learned of the Rebellion was insightful, though disgusting. What Enid was not expecting was what she learned about Viu himself. He is a dogged warrior, adherent to his convictions and code. He is loyal to the Pride and it's beliefs and peoples. Though she may not understand why, she respects his firm stance on what he believes.
Ethereal: starry--knight: acquaintance
Enid chose to reserve judgment on the Pride's leader until she had the opportunity to learn more of him, however it was quickly revealed to her that he was one she could not agree with. His first speech as leader was to confess to his people that he did not wish to lead them, that he had never wanted to rule over them. To her, this was a very cowardice act and lacked the strength a leader needs. Even in self-doubt, a leader must show strength and certainty. Ethereal possessed none of this. The fact that he would as well break code and speak of the Oasis to another in itself is flabbergasting, let alone actually contacting the myth itself? She firmly believes he should be punished in some way for this, for endangering the Oasis and it's sacred way of life. When she is not showing passive aggressive hostility toward the Time Wielder, she lacks any emotion what so ever.


What's Frightening"
Surface Fears wrote:-failing her first mission and betraying her way of life/family-
Enid is a goal-oriented cub. When she sets an objective for herself, she devises a plan and executes to the best of her abilities. When she was told of the mission to the Pride, she knew from the start this was an important matter. Failing, on her behalf, would not look good on any of the others going.  No matter what she saw or what she discovered or who she met, the Oasis would remain a secret.  She would not speak of her home. However, below that surface of confidence and resolve, she is afraid she will fail not only the mission but her entire way of life.  She fears she will bring dishonor her family and spill the secrets of the Oasis and it's location.

-making a fool of herself-
Knowledge is a large part of her life. She pushes for and seeks to educate herself as much as she can. She is factually accurate in and well-learned in her opinions. Nothing is ever ill-conceived. It is a source of dignity that her range of awareness is so vast, and her formulation of opinions is never made upon a first impression.  Enid is a learner, an intellectual who prides herself on her library of insight.  With great knowledge, however, comes a burden.  That burden for the little lioness is accuracy.  When reinstating fact, there is a nagging concern that she will incorrectly inform someone.  She worries she will make herself seem foolish and ill-informed, especially to someone who is as well an intellectual.

-loosing everyone she loves-
Like most everyone, Enid is terrified to loose someone she loves.  That fear goes a little deeper, however, as she fears loosing everyone almost as once.  She knows that while they remain in the Oasis, her family will live forever, but there are events that could happen to take them from her.  More than the cub would like to admit, she relies on her parents and siblings.  Leans on them almost.  What part of her that is lonely is filled by her loved ones, and with them she knows she is not alone.  The thought of them no longer being there is terrifying.

Deepest Fear wrote:-not being able to go home-
Having never traveled before, Enid found herself a home-body.  From the first few days of the journey to the present, she has wished to return to the familiarity of the Oasis.  It is a place of sanctuary and of routine.  It is rare that true events happen back home.  It is hidden away from the great dangers of the world, a haven for those who can find it and are granted permission to remain within it's boarders.  For as long as she can remember, the cub has known a day would come when she would be sent out to experience the world, and as long as she can remember there has been a seed of worry that she will be unable to return home.  Never has she fed it before now.  With the mounting danger around her and aggressive Rebel troops between her and the Oasis, Enid's fear has only grown.  She knows that with every passing day and hour, she is that much closer to being able to return to the place of her birth.  That much closer to returning to her home: the Oasis.  Until then, she will continue to pray to the cosmos that her family will have safe travels on their return trip and that the day til then pass swiftly.

Family Pic - Rohan. & sun bear
Family Gif - sun bear
Two of the Same - SukarettoYanagi
I Love You, Mom, but... - SukarettoYanagi
Not Eye-to-Eye - SukarettoYanagi
Here for You - SukarettoYanagi
Colored - Pety
Could be Fun! - SukarettoYanagi
element banners by Rohan.
Pride/Rebellion Symbols by Starlight109
Last edited by SukarettoYanagi on Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:12 am, edited 56 times in total.
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”To the light, Through the flames” ;; Éadaoin

Postby Pety » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:04 pm

Cub: #2 ”Coffee” ♂ Light

Username: Pety
Partners names: starry--knight | Rohan. | Mechanic Drone | SukarettoYanagi | sun bear


Name: Éadaoin
    [ pronounced: E-deen ]
    [ meaning: sun goddess, soul, fire, jealousy ]
Age: 160 years
Gender: Male


Element: Light
    ”A lion with the gift of light can: Illuminate dark places, blind foes, create distractions, create balls of energy.”
    Éadaoin can not grasp the full complexity of his element as of yet. He can only try out bits and pieces, and familiarize himself with them. He does like to hide behind his wings when it’s dark out and practice his element, as not to disturb those sleeping.

      As a cub:
      >>Éadaoin's fond of shaping his element, creating dancing patterns and figures of light in the open air. By using this to his advantage his element can serve as his voice at times. He has learnt how to convey messages through shaping his light element into readable symbols and the like.
      >>His light element usually takes a green colour. However, there have been times when it has turned into a mysterious red one. Sometimes Éadaoin manages to tap into an uncontrollable and strong feeling of jealousy and hate within his element, a red light, burning hot like fire, a welcome yet scary warmth.
      >>Can blind his foes for a short while, if needed. Éadaoin has been rather successful in preventing prey from escaping by hindering their sight with radiant orbs of green light.

      As an adult:
      >>Is able to cast rays of burning hot light which can scorch the ground.
      >>Can make his element give off sounds by making the light he creates spark and crack. (Usually easier when it touches a surface.) Works well as a distraction. Or to lure an unknowing or simply curious lion to a desired location.
      >>Éadaoin cannot only illuminate dark places. But, also obstruct an already existing light source and make it fade away, if another lion has created said source.

    xxx Image


Personality: • shy • jealous • strong • persistent • imaginative • empathic • reliable • just •
    As a cub:
    | -Shy | -Jealous | +Strong |

    Being shy holds him back at times. Éadaoin has never been very talkative, compared to his siblings. He likes to listen and observe, ask questions and learn new things by trying them out. But, he takes it slowly and doesn’t rush into things. Éadaoin dislikes speaking up at times, a voice in his mind keeps him still and puts him in place. So, the cub shies back.

    Éadaoin can be too hard on himself every now and again. Mostly when he feels like his shyness hinders him, preventing him from achieving his goals at the same speed as that of others. It makes him get jealous of those who can do what he wasn’t able to, first try. This isn’t something other’s tend to notice, for he doesn’t show it. Sometimes he can feel the anger bubbling deep down in his stomach, it makes him want to roar. But, he holds back, head hung low in defeat. When Éadaoin’s mother asks him how he’s feeling, he lets his ears droop and mutters back a reply before he saunters off. By spending some time by himself, either distracting his mind by hunting and exploring or simply to think things through. The jealousy disappears.

    Éadaoin may be his own worst enemy at times, but he always picks himself back up and tries a new approach. The cub has always been strong in that sense. His mind is sharp once the fog of burning thoughts clears. Focused. He’s not only physically strong, in that sense. But, mentally strong. He can cope with whatever troubles him and move on quickly, for his own sake and for the sake of others.

    | -Persistent | +Imaginative | +Empathic |
    This cub happens to be one of those lions who will continue to practice on the same thing over and over again until they are able to do it. Éadaoin wears himself down very easily this way, if things don’t go well on any of his first tries. On the other hand, he learns new skills at a fast pace. For he is always willing to work towards achieving his goals, no matter the obstacles.

    Problem solving and inventing comes easy to Éadaoin, because of his great imagination. He has always liked activities that allows for his creativity to flow. Since his mind is usually full of ideas. Sometimes he conveys them through his element, if he focuses on an idea he can display the images that are floating through his mind by creating a show of dancing light.

    Éadaoin is good at understanding how others feel and what they are going through. Usually he doesn’t even have to ask how another lion is feeling, he’ll know, because he shares their feeling. For being so young he has a great deal of empathy for the lions around him, most of all for those he cares about, such as family.

    | +Reliable | +Just |
    Éadaoin is the kind of lion who you can put your trust in. He always honours his promises, for he’ll never make one if he doesn’t intend to keep it. He’s not much for lying. Even though going by an alias is custom for those who wander beyond the Oasis, Éadaoin has chosen to speak his true name during his travels. (And to be fair, said custom is a part of the now ancient guidelines which not to many lions choose to follow in todays age.) Since this cub prefers to tell the truth, he’s willing to give his honest opinion whenever it’s asked of him. So, with that in mind, whenever he can’t speak the truth. Éadaoin gets uncomfortable and tries to avoid the subject, the usual subject being the Oasis. The secrets of the Oasis are best kept secret.

    Always had a righteous side. He believes in helping others to the best of his ability and will protect others, even if getting involved in a conflict he doesn’t have a part in might not be for the best. Éadaoin will always make sure to fight for the underdogs, the broken, those who are unfairly treated and the like. Fighting for others gets him into trouble, he ends up bruised and beaten. Although, he does tend to pick a fight he knows he’ll win, minimal damage included. For being so shy, others find it surprising when Éadaoin steps up to defend them. But, this cub doesn’t just do it for the good of his heart, he fights for what he believes is right and refuses to just stand there and watch others suffer.

    As an adult:
    Éadaoin is still as strong as when he was a cub, if not stronger. He’s still a tad bit shy in nature. However, he has become more confident with the years and with his newfound courage he’s also a bit of a flirt. If a lion looks at him and Éadaoin feels their gaze linger. He’ll turn his head and meet their eyes. Sometimes, Éadaoin will even perk his ears and flutter his eyelashes. Inviting the other lion to walk over and start a conversation with him.
    The jealousy he would feel as a cub, when he saw others do a better job than him, has now (mostly) disappeared. Once he stopped comparing himself to others, jealousy started to feel pointless. So, instead he feels joy when he sees others achieve their goals. And likes congratulating them.
    With age, his empathic side only grows stronger and Éadaoin has found that he can fight for others without using violence. That the weaker can be protected in other ways. In ways that doesn’t result in war and bloodshed.


Loyalty: His Family and The Oasis
Rank: Oasis Cub

Feeling towards the war:
    —Before the journey—
    Learning that there is a pride far beyond the desert with elementals powerful enough to contact them in their sleep, aswell as realizing that rebel lions aren’t just made up characters used in stories, had Éadaoin stop in his tracks and stare into thin air in bewonderment.
    Éadaoin likes fighting for others, as long as it’s for a good cause. So, as soon as he hears about the conflict between the two foreign prides, the cub is intrigued to travel there without measure.

    When Éadaoin actually met the pride and it’s residents he was overwhelmed with emotions. By tagging along with his siblings he got to listen to a bunch of heart wrecking stories and felt how true every lion was to their every word. Some of their experiences were almost unimaginable to the cub. Sure, he hadn’t heard the full story yet, but no matter what’s going on here Éadaoin knew for sure that members of the rebellion had harmed lions of this pride.

    Once his family and a hundred and one lions of the pride had gathered, ready to begin their journey towards the Oasis, the rebels attacked. Éadaoin was met with the sight of a battle on a larger scale then he thought was possible.

    —Ethereal's Pride—
    Seeing the carnage left behind, after the pride was attacked was a real eye opener for Éadaoin. Not only did it make Éadaoin understand the alphas desperation. But, more importantly, it made him realize that standing up for others might just work better for everyone involved if it were of verbal nature, as that of the council at home, rather then by one of violence. He understands that what his father has said before holds truth.

    —Arknon's Rebellion—
    Éadaoin knows that there’s always two sides to a conflict. He has fought enough bullies to understand that much.
    Sure, the rebellion has caused Ethereal’s pride harm and they are a larger group than he’s used to standing up against. Still, Éadaoin feels like there’s more to this story than the simplified versions he was told back home.
    The rebels must have motives of their own. Something they believe is worth fighting for, whether it’s their leader Arknon or some other beliefs entirely. Éadaoin is curious to find out more.




    Éadaoin values his father’s vast knowledge. Having a parent who’s not only an expert Light wielder, but is also willing to share his abilities, means a lot to the cub. Haldir always has the most well thought out answers to give and lessons to teach. His father’s education has given Éadaoin a better understanding of the world and it has begun to shape an idea of who he should strive to be. Making the cub work and improve.


    Éadaoin always feels comfortable around his mother. He loves Eowyn’s overall attitude and dedication. She’s one of the few lions who he likes talking to whether something is on his mind. It can be anything from odd ideas to questions, or even something that’s bothering the cub. Thanks to her care and training Éadaoin has become more confident with the years.


    Éadaoin likes having such an outgoing sister. He can listen to her bubbling with ideas for hours. Ayala is known to get quite rowdy and Éadaoin usually goes on adventures with her, knowing she has the undeniable skill of getting into trouble. He wants to be there with her when dangerous situations arises, fighting by her side. Not that Ayala can’t win an argument on her own. Éadaoin has never known a more independent cub and he wishes to have her confidence one day.


    Enid comes out as a strong individual. With her presence Éadaoin feels safe. The two cubs always have each others backs and he feels like he can trust his sister with anything and everything.
    Hanging out with Enid means meeting a bunch of new faces. She has a memory for details like no other and seams to know at least one thing about each and every individual living in the Oasis. Sometimes, getting to know a bunch of new lions can get a bit overwhelming for Éadaoin, but he feels a lot braver when he has his sister by his side.


    Othin is as much of a knowledge seeker as he is himself, if not more. They tend to go out on adventures together, even if it just means exploring a nearby sand dune. Éadaoin likes discussing ideas with him. Sometimes he’ll even converse thoughts and ideas to his brother through moving light figures.
    The two cubs always make sure to defend and support one another. Othin has always been the more outgoing of the two. There are moments when Éadaoin will stumble over his own words and quiet himself. His shy nature an obstacle at times, Othin speaks up for him then and Éadaoin appreciates it when his brother helps him convey his thoughts. In return Éadaoin is there for Othin when his mood wavers, encouraging him and lifting his spirits.


    Element-flags/banner by Rohan.
    Pride/Rebel symbols by Starlight109
    Oasis symbol idea by starry--knight
    Sunset banner/and/icons by Pety
    Artwork of "Éadaoin" by Pety
    Artwork of "Enid and Éadaoin" by SukarettoYanagi
Last edited by Pety on Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:42 pm, edited 38 times in total.
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Rohan. » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:22 pm

Marking for Fawn mom; partnering with Starry~


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rank;; Oasis Guard and Ambassador-in-training

    With a powerful pull to her Psychic element, Eowyn was seeing possibilities before she even realized it, making her quite the ornery child and a tad to hyperactive for most of the Oasis' fine cub trainers. However, after they diagnosed Eow's problem, she blossomed in the classes, able to focus and predicit moves and answers. As her training continued, she began to show as an Ambassadors prospect with her abilities to negotiate based on manipulating with her predictions.
    Still, first and foremost Eowyn is a guard, meant to protect and serve the ambassadors should a mission arise that the lions are leaving the oasis.
    Situations such as that... well.. This was definitely a first! Eowyn is excited to be able to put all her duties to the test and see how a real ambassador handles the situations while she travels with her mate and his family.


Image e l e me n t s Image


    A lion with the gift of psychic can: Predict small things in the future, tell whether a lion will live or die by touch.
    Eowyn best conneccts with this element rather than her second one, Poison. She has always had a unique pull to it, and an almost wild control of it. However, it is near and dear to her that with this element she can further protect her mate and children. Despite this, she has asubconscious fear that one day she will predict the death of a loved one.
    In this element she can consciously and subconsciously control it.
      >>Foresight - Subconscious and Conscious - Eowyn subconsciously gets preminitions on what could possibily happen in the future. the more she stresses on it or consciously focus' on it, the more frequently she will have the visions on the situation.

      >>Mystic's touch- counscious- With a single touch, Eowyn can tell if the lion is destined to die soon. Occasionally if shes close enough to the lion, she will subconsciously use foresight and see what will cause their death.

      >> Vibe - Conscious - Eowyn can use a lions property or loved one and gain a sense of where they are and what they are doing. It is much much harder when she does not know the lion and can occasionally fail. A sense of urgency and necessity can however boost the chances of this working.

      >>Detection - Conscious - When a struggling cub does not present with its element within its first 100 years, Eowyn can lend her abilities and with a touch, she can predict the most likely element they will have.

      >>Death's Touch- Conscious - In a bind when an enemy is closing in, Eowyn can use her preminitions and turn it on the enemy. When they touch her they will suddenly see a death of a loved one or of themselves. This will halt the enemy in a stunning move in order to give Eow time to move.

    A lion with the gift of poison can: Infect others, create mass diseases that can plague an enemy over time; can also take away any sickness.
    Her connection to her poison element may not be as strong, but her conscious usage of it makes it her stronger element. She uses it more in aid of her ranking as a guardian, to further protect those in her charge.

      >>Acid Spit- Active - Not the most lady-like of her attacks, but Eowyn can summon a strong poison in her jaws and dump it on her enemy. The poisons strength is depending on the amount on time she has to prepare it, but it is almost always lethal.

      >>Poisoned Touch - Active - When attacking Eowyn can coat her claws horns and wingtips with poisons. Thus when she attacks or touches the enemy, they'll be infected with poison in their wounds or have to have a poison element remove the poison from their pelts before they can clean up.

      >>Higher Confusion - Passive - While the attack requires an initial dosage of poison, it is not lethal. The poisons cause the effected target to lose balance, see and hear things that arent real, to talk freely without a filter or lies but in a directionless ramble. When recovering from this, the effected will not be effected by the golden dust, thus feel hunger and thirst that some have never before felt.

      >>Redemption - Active&Passive - One of Eowyns favorite parts of her poison element comes in the form of healing. The young mother has seen her fair share of illnesses wreck cubs and adults alike in the oasis. Luckily the healers usually had the chance to save them before it got too bad, however with her element Eowyn can prevent illness from infecting her family and loved ones.

Image p e r s o n a l i t y Image
Clever || Loyal || Dedicated || Hyperactive || Insensitve || Caring || Inquisitive || Cautious

Overview; Eowyn is a young but fit minded lioness. Shes quick as a fiddle, both in her words and her actions. She, however, has a tendancy to act in a different way due to whom shes with.
On the job, she is dutiful, hardworking, and a tad insensitive. She likes to focus on her job, less the gossip and drama of those around her get in the way. She would certainly be the type to sass off at someone bothering her, or if they are harder to get rid of, just straight out "You're boring me. Leave or entertain me." She learned at a young age that if she allowed the drama of everyday life to infiltrate her work environments, she would likely begin to see a bias against her for her birth status amongst the Oasis for having only been brought in as a cub. Still; they found her loyal, and loyal and hard working she will be.
Outside of her work areas, she is a much more relaxed lion. Though relaxed is perhaps not the right word for it. When she's not on the job, she doesnt act as tense and thus her hyperactive ways comes out. She fidgets and plays with her cubs and family. She is definitely one for the way of mind that an active body is the key to a healthy soul. When she finds that her cubs are being ornery and 'bad' she will engage in games with them, challenging their minds and bodies with elements, chases, flight, or in other ways that allow for them to both play and training.
She adores her time with her family, especially when she and her mate Haldir can find time to go out by themselves, whether it be taking a walk around the territory, or just quiet conversations once the cubs have drifted off. She enjoys their time together, especially when they engage in conversations that challenge their views and ideals. She will often tease him for being too cautious, all while holding the same caution. Still, she values his opinion and thoughts above all.

Adj ; quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.
Despite her slow schooling process, Eowyn is a clever lioness. She can come up with solutions and answers to most any problem, though her solution may be a bit out there at times. She is a creative young lass that can sometimes come up with the most hairbrained schemes that strangely may just work out. Her preminitions allow her to carefully calculate and take into note each portion of the equation to be able to solve or apply her solutions.
She adores learning, and perhaps in another life she could have been a cub trainer with her antics. However, in the Oasis, she applies her quick thinking to her various jobs; motherhood, being a guard, and apprenticing as an ambassador.

adj; giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
Loyalty is the founding stone of the Oasis, and a lesson that Eowyn learned quickly upon joining it. As an outside lioness, before even stepping foot on Oasis soil, she was taken through a series of soul searching interrogations. The paranoia of the Council members sits at the height of the Oasis' entry.
Despite the hard entry and bias against her as a cub. Eowyn would lay down her life for the Oasis, and perhaps nearly has before.
She believes fullheartedly that the Oasis is the best place for her family, and the best place to raise a family. She finds some parts of its doctrine to be severe and unfair, perhaps questionable, but in the end it is her home, the birthplace of her love, and the place where she will live for the rest of her life.
That being said, her loyalty to her family comes first. Followed closely by those she values as friends and loved ones.
In a pinch, Eowyn is a good lass to have around seeing as she would remain loyal to you. She will go out of her way, risking everything, to save those she loves and the place she lives in.

adj; devoted to a task or purpose; having single-minded loyalty or integrity.
Eowyn is a hard worker. She will go above and beyond the expected to deliver on her promises to protect the Oasis. She is dedicated to her tasks and will do all in her power to finish them. While on duty, she will of course chatter with those around her, but she will not allow them to prevent her from doing her job or doing it well. She will put her job and its necessities above the feelings of most, should it be required.
Even outside her work, Eowyn shows her dedication to her family by ensuring that all their needs are met and taken care of. She ensures that her cubs have done their training for the day and helps them exercise their elements in order to have a better hold of them.
During the travel to the pride, Eowyn worked her hardest to find food for her family. Using both her flight and her premonitions, she found herds of taxon and other prey for the small group to take down for their meals. She would also find water and places for them to rest when needed.

adj; abnormally or extremely active.
Eowyn has always had a bit more energy than normal, causing her attention and actions to be out of control at times.
As a cub she struggled with this for years, made worse by her psychic preminitions. Luckily after her psychic abilities were honed, she was able to tamper down and control her energy levels more. Despite this, Eowyn will always be an active lioness, skilled at keeping busy and one of the few to actually enjoy patrolling the Oasis' great borders. She enjoys to tease Haldir, "Active wife, happy life".

adj; showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings.
This is shown especially during her work life, however, Eowyn has a tendancy to generally be quite blunt and thoughtless with some of the things she says. It would often get her in trouble with the more sensitive souls of both the Pride and the Oasis.
Generally, the insensitive things that she may say are by accident, not realizing that she was being rude and occasionally she may apologize for it at a later time. However, there are times when she will use this as her defense against those she dislikes by turning a conversation around with a few blunt and rude words here and there, or by straight out telling the other person she dislikes them.
This can commonly be seen when she and Haldir are together. He is too kind to speak out against others when he has grown tired of their presence, while she has no qualms in being his voice, telling the unwanted guests to shoo.

adj; kind and compassionate.
Despite Eowyn's occasional insensitivity, she is really quite the kind lioness. She is caring and soft with those she enjoys, or cubs in general. She really does care for others, and will often keep an eye out where she can help her fellow Oasis members. Even during her time in the pride, she would lend her abilities to aid the healers, scouts, or cub trainers to not only learn their ways, but to aid in their hardships.

adj; curious or inquiring.
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Luckily Eowyn has not had to deal with many near death experiences thanks to her abilities, though her curiosity may bring her close. Ever since her cub ages, shes been one for a million and a half questions, 'Why" was the bane of her trainer's existance, and perhaps most of the prides as well. She enjoys to know as much as she can and will ask until she can figure it out.

Cautious and Secretive
adj; careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
adj;inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose information.
Despite her inquistive nature. Eowyn is quite tight-lipped with facts about herself and her homelands. She knows better than to give out that sort of information. She also knows that for many, knowledge is power, and to have the information about her and her family, may put them in danger.

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Eowyn had never known war before leaving the boundaries of the Oasis. Of course she knows of them, and has learned plenty of the wars the built the history of the LOC and their home planet of Lochren, but never had she seen them with her own eyes. When talks of the Pride reaching out to the Oasis began to spread, she felt panic, How will this effect the Oasis? Her family? Herself? When she and her family were selected to travel, she knew her fears could very well come true. If the councilors were sending them, they were considering offering help to the warring Pride. Her emotions were a wreck. Excitement, from the chance to explore the unknown and meet the pride; an opportunity she'd been denied. Fear, from the premonitions telling her that everything was to change. Curiousity, from the stories of just how the pride was able to reach out, not to mention the hundreds of new things she could encounter and learn of. It seemed almost surreal that it was happening.
In the end, they never expected to get a first hand view of the war before they even reached the pride. The family stumbled upon a war zone, barely able to avoid the fighting, but seeing first hand the carnage that the battle cause. To her it made it all very real.
|| allegiance ||

    Eowyn fought hard to be able to be accepted into the Oasis. Throughout her life she has taken each bias against her in stride and walked strongly ahead, in her beliefs, it has made her a better person. Despite the hardships she has faced with it, it is her home; The place she met and fell for Haldir, the home of her children. She has fought against the odds and made herself a comfortable position within the Oasis, gained the trust of Ambassadors and Council members alike, and she will not ruin it for herself.

"For them to move f o r w a r d, we must take 2 steps b a c k.

But what if our sacrifice means making the w o r l d better for all?"

T h e P r i d e
Eowyn had a fair amount of knowledge of the pride, but always questioned why the time alpha never just used his element in order to end the battle instead of using his warriors like pawns. Eowyn always saw the war as a game of chess, in which the Pride had the ability to move into checkmate, but never did. She disliked the grand power the time lord held, despite his lack of using it.
Still, she admired the prides diverse population and ideals. While the Oasis teaches of neutrality and singular power, she always believed that perhaps the Oasis and Pride could aid one another, though never imagined it to come true for an act of aggression.

Upon meeting and entering the pride, not much has changed. She still believes the pride is using its power wastefully and putting lives in danger that dont necessarily need to be. She dislikes Ethereal's lack of action, believing he could be doing so much more rather than letting his warriors take the front lines and die needlessly. Despite this, She enjoys her time in the pride, taking in the differences in their cultures and learning new skills from the various lions that she meets.

In the end, she believes that they have a real chance to change the history of Lochren. While she believes that someone should aid the pride, she is hesitant to declare that that someone is the Oasis. She adores her homeland, the culture, the people, the way of life, and is terrified that it will all undoubtedly change once the Oasis reveals themselves to the onslaught that is the war.

"My mate is not wrong. Just in a glance at their rankings show their history of war. With a head warrior and six secondaries ready to lead their army, the pride is a massive war state. Even their scouts and trackers are used for the war, aiding in finding criminals for the pride to lock away on a planet theyve designated for their prisoners. Its quite the set up this peace praising group has made for themselves. One is to wonder if the only peace they see is when everyone is locked up in a cell unable to fight against the tyranny.
Though in looking at the history of Lochren, it seems that there will always be a price to the peace that is found. I just hope that price isnt the Oasis' freedoms and cultures."

T h e R e b e l l i o n
The basis of the rebellion's intentions is what spells madness to Eowyn. A petty beginning based in greed for power and jealousy. Arknon's story is one of a psychopath, bent on revenge for having the wrong element, the wrong ranking, and the belief that he is the strongest. Though she is disgusted by the rebellion and its leader, she is intrigued by the strange power that he has somehow gained. He and his daughters summoning ability is one of legends, though intriguing, she knows they must be destroyed at all costs, less their fear inducing, madness, and greed spreads further.
She feels strongly for those that have been tricked into the rebellion, learning only upon meeting Keres that not all the rebellion lions are pure evil. Though she is not wholely convinced they are bad, she knows they cannot be allowed to continue to wage their war and recruit more lions into their regime.
"Their way of life is sickening, horrifying, and truely based on survival of the fittest. My heart aches for those born into the rebellion and brainwashed with the leaders' ideals. The rebellion has an evil core, splintered into all its members and casting a dark shadow over all of Lochren. It has come to the Oasis' attention, however it is not our duty to take care of its mess. I believe the Rebellion recruits most its members with the idea that a time alpha isnt earning of their title; but i dont believe that if this were corrected, that the rebels would find peace. I do not think that they would settle so easily with the death and decay to the world they have already caused. "


"In the end, I do not wish to see them fall.

Nor to see the oasis hurt because of them"

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    || Meet the Family ||

    Haldir - form by Starry--Knight - Light - Oasis
      First Impression;; "That mane is absolutely ridiculous... But it looks so soft.."
      Opposites truly do attract, especially in the case of Haldir and Eowyn. Having met and fallen for one another early in their lives, the two have grown to be the best of teams.
      Despite their different personalities they work as one, Haldir ever patient and polite, Eowyn adventurous and out of the box. Each push each other to be the best they can be and protect each other. Eowyn is Haldirs voice when someone or somethings bothering him, and he is her shield when Oasis bias comes at her.
      Their relationship is a balancing act, each acting as the others anchor and protector.
      She adores her time with her family, especially when she and her mate Haldir can find time to go out by themselves, whether it be taking a walk around the territory, or just quiet conversations once the cubs have drifted off. She enjoys their time, engaging in conversations that challenge their views and ideals. She will often tease him for being too cautious, all while holding the same caution. Still, she values his opinion and thoughts above all.
      'My mate and I are one of the few lucky enough to have an instant attraction. Of course at that age we didn't realize fully what had happened but we became inseparable, the best of friends. Despite our histories and opposing views, we remain one another's anchor.
      I suppose it is true, opposites do attract. Our love is pure and strong. I only hope our cubs can find someone to experience similar with in this lifetime."

    "My cubs are one of my joys in life. They are brilliant and strong each in their own ways. They will have good lives ahead of them, no matter where they chose to go. Though I do hope they stay close as to allow Haldir and I to continue to be a part of their lives."

    Olthin - form by SunBear - Light&Psychic - Oasis
      First Impression;; "...Oh sweet young thing... You've inheritted your fathers thick head of hair..."
      Othin and Eowyn have a good relationship for mother and son. While she plays hard and loves all them even more, Othins adventures sometimes have her a little more concerned about her wayward boy. She, however, very much remembers being in his shoes as a cub. Oh how her guardians disliked her adventures.
      Still, she loves her boy's endless energy and innocent kindness. She enjoys answering his milions of questions and does so patiently and perhaps dotes on him almost as much as Ayala. Her favorite pass time with Othin is to work on their elemental abilities. She adores being able to teach her babies about their shared elements, however she may love their abilities with light even more. Well- When not used to blind her.

    Enid - form by SukarettoYanagi- Poison- Oasis
      First Impression;; "Oh Haldir! Look she has my horns and your colors<33 What do you think she will be like? "
      While Eowyn loves to see herself in her cubs, Enid's personality and appearance is so close to Haldir's that Eowyn cant help but fall in love all over again with her young cub and mate. She adores seeing the two together, even in the smallest of things. It warms her heart to see the small things that made her fall for her mate in any of her cubs, and boy does Enid have her similarities to her father. Still- there are many things from herself that she can see in her daughter.
      Eowyn enjoys having deep conversations with her daughter, giving her questions to answer as well as philosophies that give Enid things to ponder over the course of the days. Enid's cunning is a marvel to see, the pure sight of her brain whirling while she thinks on questions or solutions makes Eowyn all the more glad her babies are growing into brilliant young minds.
      Still, there are times she can tell her daughter grows tired of her, and while it hurt at first to be turned down by her child, she has grown to notice the signs of Enid losing her energy and can redirect into something more calming to keep her child happy.

    Éadaoin - form by Pety - Light - Oasis?
      First Impression;; "Oh~! This one is more like me as well~ He has your hair though, my dear. "
      Eadaoins soft quiet ways make Eowyn a little self conscious of herself at times. She loves her cubs dearly, but fears that she may be going about training and such wrong with him as she had been with Enid. She has the occasional worry that her sweet boy might not be getting the kind of training he needs, however he is able to quiet her fears with the simplest of words or actions.
      Of all her children, Eowyn perhaps has the strangest conversations with her son, their imaginations running off together in a world where up is down and taxon have wings! In the same breath, they have conversations about the serious things going on in their own world, those that Eadaoin likes to be around and those he does not. She worries about his vigilante ways, but is so incredibly proud of him for standing up for his morals and those who need aid.[pending approval from pety]

    Ayala - form by Mechanical Drone - Psychic+Poison - Oasis?
      First Impression;; "Oh goodness.. shes like a mini me.. Haldir, is it bad to pick favorites so soon?"
      Eowyn loves all her children dearly, attending to their needs and wants as well as she can. However, Ayala is one that she perhaps babies a little more than the others. While being wingless does not make Ayala seem as any less of a lion than her other children, Eowyn worries that being the only one without them will harm Ayala's relationships or make her feel singled out. Thus Eowyn is always trying to include and play with her daughter. She takes her for flights around their homelands, runs and plays with her, and helps her hone her abilities with games and lessons.
      Not to mention the two share several qualities and beliefs, leading Eowyn to talk for hours with her young daughter. She enjoys challenging Ayala to explain why she believes she is right in things, hoping her young daughter will always stick up for herself, her loved ones, and her ideals


    ||The Extended Family||

    her side;;
    As an orphan abandoned at the edge of the Oasis' territory as a cub, Eowyn has no recollection of her immediate family. She has always suspected that her parents were Oasis lions that left as cubs to experience the world and never came back, that they abandoned her here as a hope that she would have a better life away from the wars the pride fights. Its a simpler and more comforting thought than to believe they just haphazardly left her to die...
    When she was younger, she used to spin stories of her 'family' telling tall tales that they were magnificent ambassadors lost to the unknown spending their last breathe to deliver her to safety, or that she had siblings that became great leaders of nomadic prides and someday she'll come across them.
    As she grew, the stories slowly stopped. Its suspected that the hole in her heart that she used fantasies to fill was filled instead with Haldir and his family.

    his side;;
    While she loves them dearly, she doesn't know them as well as she wished. She has always adored, and perhaps been a bit jealous, of how supportive and caring Haldir's parents were. Upon growing closer to him, she always feared that they would dislike her, or disapprove of their relations, however she was blissfully surprised when they treated her kindly and accepted her as one of their own as she and Haldir grew closer.
    His sister is a different story however, as Haldir lost contact with his sister, Eowyn didnt push to recover it. The girls' relationship could be called rocky at best, never having really bothered to try and get to know one another, instead content with the silences that settled between them.
    Eowyn feels the journey has pushed the family together more though. It required them to work closer together, to communicate and get along even in the worst scenarios. She was delighted to get to know her nieces and nephews, as well as to see all of their family getting along as best as such a large group could in a long journey.
    She had always dreamed of a large family, and while they are in no way perfect, Eowyn's quite pleased that she was lucky enough to be part of one.
    Upon return to the Oasis, she hopes that their journey can only strengthen the family, hoping to get to know her inlaws and nieces and nephew better.

    ||Outside the Family||

    Nila - owned by NIzo Luv- Air - Pride Lion
      First Impression; "She looks irritated, I wonder why? Was that male too easy to take down? Are her skills poorly used in battle?
      Perhaps I should ask why...."
      Nila and Eowyn had a rocky start to their friendship, mostly due to their views, but as the ladies started talking they found they had more alike than they thought possible.
      Perhaps one of the first lions Eowyn met, Nila met them at the border with a fierce group of lions. While at first unimpressed, she got to watch a training exercise later and her assumptions of her changed. The more they spoke, the two lions realized they had quite a bit in common. Both wanted more in life; more than the fighting position they were granted. They were both quite the chatty things, perhaps a negative from Eowyns position as their chats would sometimes have her slipping up and giving NIla small insights into the Oasis' world.
      Still the girls got along swimmingly during Eowyn's time at the Pride lands.

    Inna - owned by NIzo Luv- Water - Pride Lion
      First Impression; He just.. lets them climb all over him.... why? Wait is he staring at me? Oh.. "Er Hello~"
      Eowyn met Inna during a trip to the training grounds. Despite it being her cubs' time away from the Oasis' and perhaps a vacation of sorts for them to spread their wings and explore, she insists on having some time to hone their skills. Thus in her time at the training grounds she runs into a few of the prides cub trainers. Inna is one of these, though definitely one that she will remember. The lioness was taken aback to the relaxed nature of the male, how he just let the cubs climb all over him like a jungle gym. However as she got to know him, she felt she could trust him and his judgement enough to sit back and talk while he led a class with the mix of her children and the pride cubs.
      While it seemed fine conversation and classes to her, to the outside eye, you could tell that she may have tired poor Inna out. Such a concentrated energy focused on him that he couldnt redirect into a class was like her flying circles around him.

    Metsastys - owned by Rohan.- Dreams - Pride
      First Impression; "A power unlike many others, nearly unheard of or unrivaled. The lioness, perhaps could be half as interesting as her element if she decided to answer more questions..."
      Eowyn and Metsastys perhaps got off onto the wrong foot. Stys was extremely put off of the oasis lions, deciding it was a bad idea upon their original meeting. Eowyn recalls the dark lioness hissing at her mother in law not to threaten them for their calling to the Oasis. Despite the poor attitude Stys displayed, Eowyn was entranced by the lions powers, curious of their source, their past, and above all, their restrictions. She ached to ask to feel it for herself, but refrained upon the darkening glare she was receiving.
      If her premonitions are correct, the ladies will have plenty of time in their journey to the Oasis to talk and perhaps have a chance to mend any ill will they began with.. Though... Thats only about 50% of the visions shes seen with the other lass in it.. The rest show their continuation of rocky paths and further frustrations on both ends. Only time will truly tell.

    Ethereal - owned by Starry--Knight- Sand & Time - Pride
      First Impression;; "A coward, one to hide behind his forces. Why must we be sent on this journey? Others' paws continue to grow tired in order to serve this Time Alpha"
      While Eowyn's first impression was quite bitter and filled with irritation from their journey, she had several misunderstandings about the alpha due to the distance from the Oasis as well. She held illwill simply by the talk from the many oasis lions finding the pride in contempt of breaking laws in even contacting them.
      Still, she had to hand Ethereal a small bit of respect in even reaching out, as it was a bravery none of the other alphas had. Even after meeting him, she held many things against him until she truly saw him get to his paws and protect his lions. Only after he showed his true strengths in battle was she able to overlook her bias' and truly listen to what he was saying. Once she began to listen, her opinions slowly began to change. Still, she questions the rankings and many of the ways the pride is set up, unsure that the Oasis should be stepping into a war when the very pride is set up as a war machine. She thinks they need to be prepared to change their ways before she can truly stand behind aiding in their battles, an opinion she has shared freely with the Time Alpha himself. [pending approval from starry]

    Keres - owned by Rohan.- Ice - Rebellion
      First Impression;; ""Joy... but fear and anger, overwhelming sadness. The birth of cubs, but death of a brother. Horror at the murderer, the brothers own son. Troubled, Eowyn shook herself away from the lioness, rounding to stare at the traitor. A hiss escaped her maw, instantly putting the other female on high alert. ' What horrors.. Why stay with them?'"
      Eowyn cant decide if she feels sorry for Keres or is slightly disgusted by her. It is due to this that she has kept her mouth shut about her findings on the Icy lioness. In a similar instance to Kiana, Eowyn found herself in a vision of Keres' strongest emotive from the recent days. While her first blimp was of Keres' joy at her new nieces and nephews, there was the deeper fear and anger that settled to Keres' core. The vision revealed Keres' loyalities lying in the rebellion, however so slight they are. While Eowyn suspects Keres would much rather be away from both sides of the war, she is torn on revealing the traitor due to the horrors she had witnessed of Keres' time in the rebellion.
      Eowyn revealed her knowledge to Keres, and upon growling from the other female, the two came the agreement that Keres would never say a word to the rebellion about the oasis' being there in exchange for Eowyn keeping quiet. While it troubles Eowyn to keep the information a secret, she feels that she must protect her own home over the pride and their issues. Thus in keeping Keres from reporting on the oasis, she upholds her loyalty towards her home.
      Upon negotiating, Keres changes Eowyns harsh view on the rebellion to a a milder version of hate. She feels horrid for those that are born into and misguided into the rebellion and then threatened into staying. However, she knows its a fear tactic, and they still have a chance to leave.. She is torn about Keres, but in the end, allows the icy female to wallow in her guilt and sadness, moving restlessly between the two sides of the war in desperate attempts to keep a show of loyalty while also staying with her family and mate. Eowyn wishes the best for Keres, but doesnt foresee the happiest of endings for the lioness.

    Kiana - owned by Red Weasel- Life - Pride
      First Impression;; "... I dont know how you stand to live another day, my gods you have a strength that is rare."
      Kiana and Eowyn do not know each other incredibly well, however Eowyn has a deep respect for the older lioness. She has never before seen a lioness so strong despite the great losses that shes endured. Their first meeting Eowyn's element allowed an insight into Kiana's past and emotions, hitting the winged oasis lion like a herd of bandite. After the vision faded and their panic subsided. Eowyn tried to skirt the subject, instead focusing on Kiana's skills as a healer, until eventually the ladies grew a little more comfortable and Eowyn broached the subject. While it was not something Kiana was incredibly comfortable discussing, Eowyn was grateful the other female humored her.
      In meeting many of the prides healers, Eowyn wandered to and fro from each lion, watching their tactics in approaching their patients. She figured she may as well learn as much as she could from the many lions that inhabit the pride. Still, she'd never expected to learn quite as much as she did in such a short time. In a bump to the shoulder from a passing lion, Eowyn nearly dropped. her heart clenched in a passing sadness as the vision of Kiana's past overtook her. It was a moment that changed Kiana's life, the passing of her mate. Eowyn didnt know exactly how it happened, only having felt and 'experienced' the moment that the news reached and truly affected the older lioness. The moment that she recovered from the vision, she had several of the prides healers gathered around her, shocked by the sudden gasp Eowyn had made. A new found respect for the pride and their strength was forged from Kiana. (pending approval by red)

    Yejida - owned by SukarettoYanagi- Psychic&Death - Pride
      First Impression;; "A brillian lioness, though thoroughly underappreciated by the pride. She could perhaps predict the changes in the war, and yet they dont take advantage."
      Upon meeting Yejida, Eowyn was endlessly impressed with the mystics control and wisdom. Despite her reservations in the pride, Yejida is one that Eowyn truly believes is a helpful and reliable source. She looks up to the elderly lioness, hoping to learn more about their shared element of Psychic to aid both their journeys in life.
      Unlike many, Yejida was one that she had no troubles discuss all things with. As the mystic shared the ability to have premonitions, she already had an idea of the Oasis and what may happen in the future. Eowyn was endlessly awed in the pure strength of the mystics abilities, surprised that the pride did not use these abilities more often.
      Despite Eowyn's slight idolization of Yejida, the two ladies got along well. However, Eowyn was unusually troubled in the presence of Yejida the close to leaving they got. Something seemed to be blocking her from seeing a future for the Mystic, bothering Eowyn a great deal, almost to the point where she was too distracted to speak as she tried again and again to focus her element on her friends future unsuccessfully. Only time will tell what this may mean.

    Enzo - owned by Rohan.-Darkness - Rebellion
      First Impression;; "Stay. Away. From. My. Family."
      It is truly hard to become an enemy of Eowyn. While many may annoy her or become a frustration, Eowyn is not one to often make enemies. However, upon meeting Enzo, she began to feel a deep unsettling hate. Her protective nature of her family and cubs may have reinforced and made the feeling stronger, just simply seeing his fate was enough to make her feel sick.
      Upon meeting the male, his charming smile and words fell flat, her element warning her strongly that his desires were of ill-will and would harm her family if she allowed him to stay. With a warning from her, the family closed ranks on the cubs and elders. While he may have found their defensive strategy amusing, he nonetheless didnt fight it.
      She hadnt ever thought the rebellion thoroughly bad, but in that moment, she almost wished the entireity of Lochren would come together to wipe them off the map. The pure negative intentions that wisped off Enzo as he mingled with the family terrified Eowyn. Never again does she hope to meet him.


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    Take Me Home - BUNT.ft. Alexander Tidebrink
    I Like Me Better - Lauv
    Walking the Wire - Imagine Dragons
    And more... foundHere~!

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    Take Off- by Bat-ty
    Eowyn Bust- by Rohan.
    Meet The Family- by Rohan. and Sun Bear
    A Days Rest- by Sun Bear
    Pride&Rebel flags - by Its Tuesday Again
    Motherly Love - By SukarettoYanagi
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Xhat » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:34 pm

Marking to watch the event!
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby NARANDA » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:52 pm

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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Blumoonwolf » Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:35 pm

Username;; Blumoonwolf
(Going solo at the moment)

Name;; Ryiah // ree-ah
Gender;; Female

Elements;; Love & Hate

-- Seemingly 'weaker' elements, love and hate are not to be underestimated- not by Ryiah nor her peers. Unfortunately, she's unlikely to let those around her forget. Though its never intentional, she doesn't have a firm grasp on either of her elements- so those around her are often subject to the mood swings her waging elements bring. And that's not to mention the unstable results of those two particular elements have on Ryiah herself.

Her personal feelings towards her elements? She hates having both of them. One or the other would be easier to learn and dedicate herself to, but having both makes her dangerous. She wants nothing more than to be a lion others can trust, but because her presence plays such a mental role in those around her, she can't be. Nevermind the fact that her dreams of being an ambassador or playing an important role in the Oasis are dashed- who would trust her to make decisions when she can skew with the opinion of those around her?

She's withdrawn because of this- from a happy oasis cub, oblivious of much, to being more than keenly aware how she hurts others. Her elements have taken so much from her, and she's not at peace with that.

Aura // love or hate // A subconscious effect of her talents- those around her are subject to whichever element is 'dominant' at the moment. This can lead to unsettled lions itching with dissatisfaction, or a sudden blanket of contentment covering the room.

Blind with Love // love // A conscious ability- using her element of love, Ry can manipulate a target's emotion, filling them with positive emotions, either towards her or another lion of her choosing. The target doesn't realize the sudden change of heart, and won't recognize the effects even after unless another mental-gifted lion or one that was trained to notice such things.

Loathing // hate // A conscious ability- using her element of hate, much like the previous ability, Ryiah can surrender a target to a plethora of negative feelings and thoughts, either about a general idea or about another lion of her choosing. The target once again won't notice the change (or sudden stronger feelings) unless another mental-gifted lion or one that was trained to notice such things.

Gravity of the Situation // love or hate; or a combination of the two // A conscious ability- Ryiah fills a target lion's mind with whatever emotions she's currently feeling the strongest. This change will go unnoticed in the target unless the change is drastically different than their previous opinions. (Such as trying to make a confident lion suddenly paranoid.)

Gleam // a combination of love and hate // Both a conscious and unconscious ability- mostly used when Ry wants to know what a target lion is feeling- those feelings suddenly rush inside her. Sometimes this ability happens without her intention, and because she's unaware the wave of feelings will hit her much harder, sometimes even leaving her breathless. If she's not careful, the target lion will know that she can feel what they are feeling.

Rank;; Oasis Cub (Future Rank; Unknown)

Ryiah is a lion who doesn't garner unwanted attention. She slips away whenever the chance arises and keeps to herself as much as humanly possible.

It's easy to see why she distances herself.
One moment she's your best friend, one who you've known for years- the next, she's a spitting ball of hate who's barbed tongue knows exactly how to strike you where it hurts the most. After the damage has been dealt, she's unaware of what happened. Broken pieces of imagery and sounds are the only clues she leaves for herself to piece together why a friendship has ended seemingly out of the blue.

Around her, she sees how lions now avert their gaze or step out of the way. It's not hard for her to notice those small differences, and every time it happens, she has to grit and bear it even though holding in her emotions is like trying to prevent an avalanche- sooner or later it all comes crashing down.

And though she wants to distance herself- and she tries- it's hard for the little lioness to stop trying to talk to others. She wants to be surrounded by loved ones she knows she can depend on, lions who trust her and understand the words that she throws around in moments of anger are only that- words. It's easy for the little lioness to get worked up and anxious about the future, what if she never finds the peace she's looking for? In those moments she needs someone close by her side to help her calm down, and even with that someone there, she might remain a jittery mess for some time afterwards, much to her despair.

So despite her attempts, Ryiah finds herself yearning for friends. She's still a cub- she's curious and wants to know anything and everything. But she's mature in her personality, and rather than putting anyone else at risk, she'll take things into her own hands. In the same way, she's not above taking the blame for something she had no part in- risking her reputation she so painstakingly tries to raise, in the heat of the moment, that means nothing if she's protecting another.

Because she knows what it's like, being a victim of circumstance but unable to have others believe you, she finds it hard to place blame on any soul. It's easy to see how in any situation, you can become a monster. It's that thought alone that keeps her sobered and mindful not to judge others too quickly, or to jump to a conclusion about who someone is without the 'why'. That being said, she doesn't believe that just anyone can change who they've become... and at a certain point, they can't move beyond who they are now.

Feeling towards the War ;;
Being a cub- she knows little about the war from what lions have told her.
However, that hasn't stopped her from listening- and what she has scrapped together, makes her lip curl in disgust in barely disguised anger. The reason of the war is ridiculous enough- how the Pride should be ruled after it's original leader's death. But what makes her truly upset is that the war hasn't been settled yet. After so many years of bloodshed and slaughter of the innocents, after so many lions who have had their homes and families destroyed, neither side has made a compromise. She doubts how one side can truly call themselves peacekeepers when so many had fallen. How many more would have to die before this war would end?

Oasis; She's nervous with the Oasis's proposal to possibly step into the war. On one hand- after so long, the destruction can end. On the other- choosing a side is a permanent decision, one that can't be remedied.
However, if they were to finally end this war, she wishes nothing more than if they would have chosen a side and ended this all long ago.

Pride; Before she had ever stepped out of the Oasis, she yearned to visit the Pride, if only to glimpse what her world was like before the war ravaged the planet. Upon visiting, she still thought their hearts were in the right place... but seeing so many lions whose sole purpose was to fight made her skin crawl. Not to mention how, in seemingly every lion she spoke to- their whole lives had been flipped upside down by everything. And how it had caused irreversible changes to them.
She doesn't know where she stands in regards to the Pride, but she hurts for those within their ranks.

Rebels; When lions speak of the Rebels, even as a neutral party, their voices drop just a decibel quieter, their postures growing just a little stiffer. She knows much less about the Rebels than of the Pride or even the war in general, simply because it's easier to not speak of such things. Ryiah knows that these are the lions who have been torn to shreds, and again, not in a physical way. These lions are the embodiment of pain, and in their wake, they leave chaos and bloodshed. The stories that are whispered make her skin crawl- innocents, cubs, any lion was not immune to their wrath. And they would do anything to win. While she's hesitant to believe such stories, nothing of the rebels she's seen has disproved it.
Ryiah knows she doesn't stand with these lions, not their ideals nor their way of making their choice future happen. She wants to believe that these lions are not what the stories say.

Despite what you might think- her greatest fear isn't losing what semblance of normal she gets with her elements. Her greatest fear is losing herself- her memories, her family, everything that makes her... her. That might seem irrational- after all, how could something like that happen.
But after visiting the Pride, she's realized it already has.

The lake cubs, the dream lionesses, each group losing their memories only to come back years and years later, almost everything was forgotten. Just thinking of a future similar to that, unlikely as it may be, sends her into a panic. If she can't manage to choke back the thoughts, she needs to step away and be by herself for the rest of the day. It's an irrational fear and she knows it- but that doesn't stop her from worrying.

Likes and Dislikes;
✓ Honesty // She prefers a hard truth than a gentle lie
X The Unexplainable // Most things are black and white to her (though she does acknowledge there are greys.) So she finds it troubling when there's no obvious reason to the 'why' of something.
✓ Life // Seeing the plant-life of the Pride's lands was startling, and she takes care not to step on any of it.
X Bruteness // Being unnecessarily forceful truly gets on her nerves, she believes in 'innocent until proven guilty'
✓ Discovering // Probably an obvious like for a cub, but she truly does find that discovering a new anything, whether land, plant, or animal is truly exhilarating. She wants to know as much as she can.
X Extra Chances // There's only so many times one can try to prove themselves before it's over. You can only rebel against who you are for so long.


Grandmother/Grandfather // Ryiah holds a great amount of respect for her grandparents. They have seemingly eons worth of knowledge- and of course becoming an ambassador is no easy task. She doesn't speak to her grandparents very often, out of fear of them learning just how out-of-control her elements really are, because losing respect in their eyes would crush her.

Extended Family // Her aunt and uncle are just as foreign to her as her grandparents are- but she still holds positive feelings towards them. She believes they use to tell her and her siblings stories when they were younger, but she isn't sure if this ever happened or if it was wishful thinking. Either way- she holds them in nearly the same light as her grandparents, though she realizes they do have their own flaws.
Her cousins, however, and mostly a different story. They're younger, in her eyes, and mostly because of that she hasn't spoken to them much in the past. Now though, it's comforting to have her family by her side, and she's grown to appreciate having them with her during their visit to the pride. She's interested in talking to them more- even though their mission isn't the appropriate time to chit-chat with family.

Mother and Father // Ryiah is most definitely her father's daughter, though neither would ever admit it. It's easy to see how she'll always fall asleep on his paws or next to him and her mother. While she doesn't take after him so much in looks- they have a similar personality, and he's there to calm her down with his element when needed. Ryiah also adores her mother, though she isn't nearly as close. She aspires to walk as her mother does and be looked up to like she is.

Siblings // Ryiah has a close, close bond with both her brother and sister, and despite all her attempts of leaving them out of her 'adventures' or just trying to put space between them since her elements showed up, they've attached themselves to her even more. She's dubbed them the 'trio of trouble' and is proud the name has stuck among the lions of the Oasis. However, though she loves them so much- Ryiah is loathe to dump any of her worries on her brother or sister, instead opting to tell her father or just keep her thoughts to herself.

Aeyris - Friend // Aeyris was the first lion to actually treat her less like a living myth, and more like.. a friend. This made her instantly wary, but the cub was so insistent and happy at the thought of showing her around that she let herself be led around the Pride's territory. The white cub introduced herself as Aeyris, and after they had spent a couple of hours together, Ryiah finally decided to ask her about anything she knew. Aeyris started off initially light-heartedly, but it was only a matter of time before they reached the heart of the issue of.. quite literally, everything. Ry was shocked to see the easy-going cub was so aware of what was going on, but she only received a sad smile in return, before Aeyris spoke of her past.

This changed Ryiah's perception of the cub entirely, and she was shocked that in such a small amount of time, she actually considered Aeyris a friend.

Iaso - Acquaintance / Future Friend // Meeting this lioness had been a mistake initially- she had been looking to take a break from her own family and had stepped away to catch her breath. Of course, a misplaced paw step sent her bumping into a cub she had yet to talk to. The stranger snarled, raising her tail defensively. "S-sorry." Ryiah cringed at her stuttered apology but quickly made to move out of the way, but the stranger- a small cub whose pelt looked quite tattered, moved in front of Ryiah. The look she cast was not friendly. "What are you lions even doing here, anyway?" Suspicion grazed her voice and made Ryiah's fur rise defensively, though she kept a neutral tone in her reply. The cub's ear flicked as she listened, her stance slowly growing less stiff. As Ryiah finished, the cub moved out of her way- no longer threatening but curious. And despite her instincts yelling at Ryiah to leave, she's curious too. Things move quickly from there- the two engaging in a conversation. And despite the fact that both of them are rough around the edges, Ryiah enjoyed the honesty from Iaso.

Iaso is a bit blunt and.. physical with Ryiah (being repeatedly bumped in the shoulder is not appreciated), but the cub is surprisingly soft-hearted and very family orientated- which Ry admires deeply.

    Meeting // Aeyris POV

    She had been laying around when the group came- strangers and not any lion she had seen in the Unknown lands, either. They strode out of the Grand Chamber, the adults with an air of importance around them and a few cubs following behind. They looked like a family.

    Grinning, she hopped to her paws, making her way to a cub farther away from the others, trying to make herself smaller.
    "Hi. Can I show you around?" Aeyris greeted her with a smile, before pausing. "Unless you're familiar with the Pride, and I just haven't seen you around before- that's happened before."

    "Uh- no. I mean, no, we are new, I am." She coughed, looking away. The cub was shy then, that was okay.
    "That's perfect! There's a lot of cool stuff around here... including plants that sing." Aeyris bounced on her paws. She loved showing lions that were unfamiliar with the terrain all its little wonders. The cub frowned just the slightest bit, seemingly torn between denying and accepting- unless she was just contemplating the thought of plants singing, which would ultimately create a similar face. The cub finally made eye contact with her, and let out a shaky sigh.

    After they gained permission with a head nod from the adults- they were off. She figured getting out of the rocky mountain terrain was the first step- from there she count point out the dens and they could head towards the grass. After a few moments of quiet, she tilted her head to the side, to glance at her companion. She looked nervous, Aeyris realized quickly. Had she been too overbearing? "My name's Aeyris, by the way. Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier."


    "And sweet grass!" She flopped down, throwing her wings out. "I should be used to walking on stone all day but." She shrugged, laughing as Ryiah collapsed next to her, letting out a string of unintellible mumbles. "Oh! Hey, if you can move, come look at this."

    Her companion grunted but lifted her head weakly to comply. When she saw what Aeyris had pointed out, her brows knotted. "You're kidding, right? It's grass."
    "Nnnope!" Aeyris sang, grinning. "So it's a weed, right? But when this happens.." Trailing off, she flicked out her paw to tap the plant, it responded instantly by lighting up, soft beads glowing a pale bright blue.

    Ryiah's eyes grew to saucers, and she quickly scooted forward, her pelt coated in the soft glow that was soon fading. She bumped it with her nose and it flared quickly again, sending her snapping back.
    "That's how it scares off predators, I think. But if you ever catch a field of these growing..." She trailed off once more, whistling softly. "That would be such a sight."

    "Yeah," Ryiah nodded her head, turning to face Aeyris, though her eyes remained on the plant. "So what's your story? What's been going on with the war and such?"

    "My story, uh. I'll answer the other question first." And she did, trying her best to point out the positives, though there were only so many to find. She knew more than most cubs did about everything going on- that didn't make it any easier. When she finished, Ryiah nodded. "It's why we're here though." She didn't add anything, and Aeyris nodded, she understood the cub wasn't going to say anything else.

    "And my story, huh. I always like to start with the part where I die, since that's where my memory kicks in." Ryiah finally turned to make eye contact, her mouth moving to ask how or why or what she meant. "I died, I fell into the lake over there." She gestured vaguely, that was their final stop anyways. As she began to talk, they started walking. "It was an accident, unlike some of the other cubs who were forced in. At the heart of the issue though, we all died because of a war."

    The lake wasn't far off, and it wasn't long before they sat at the shore, once again rough stone beneath their paws. "This lake is where souls go to find peace, to give advice at times." Aeyris knew she was being too vague for the stranger, knew she should be more specific, but she felt her throat tighten up at the sight of the rolling waves. Besides, this wasn't about her.

    Ryiah was looking at her again, but she seemed to realize how Aeyris was feeling, so instead, she turned to go, before sudden stopping in her tracks. "I hear someone coming, are we allowed to be-"

    Aeyris choked out a laugh. "Those are the plants I told you about."

    Ryiah stopped dead. "You better be kidding. Again."
    Aeyris snorted, flicking her tail as a sign to follow. They walked, the deep and melodic sounds growing louder. At it's source- another plant. She watched Ryiah's mouth gape, and she chuckled. The lioness finally seemed relaxed around her though, and she realized with a startle something.

    "You're smiling."
    "No I'm not."

    Aeyris cackled madly, causing Ryiah to struggle to hold her mask of indifference. After a few desperate moments of Aeyris trying to catch her breath and Ryiah finally giving in, they stood up to leave.
    "Welcome, by the way."

    I apologize for not having very many relationships, or art to accompany my form. Something urgent came up these last few days; but good luck to everyone who's trying out, I loved reading all of your forms <3

    -- credit to Starry-Knight for the element images, and a big thank you to Meddled. for letting me use her Iaso <33
Last edited by Blumoonwolf on Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:27 am, edited 16 times in total.
    I hope you have a lovely day/night <3
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Charboo » Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:02 pm

Uhh, dropping for reasons...

Might or might not try for a different lion, but who knows. Just am disappointed in some of my community members now. Thats all.

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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby dragoncool97 » Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:14 pm

Mark for Sunset in Forest Cub (Top left male of daughter's cubs)

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