Symphony Character Adoption Agency - CD + OPEN! :)

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby Hedgie; » Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:18 pm




Hi there, im Sainler, the inactive lurker. I love writing, reading, and coding. (even if im bad at them!)

Kennel Number:
Do'therra currently is in cage #110.

She will be a character I will make in my favorite game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, as well as the main character in a series of short stories I plan to write around her and her life.
I plan to make her an anthro character so she is able to perform human-like activities with the other characters of the story. I mean, I think it'd look pretty silly for a feral cat to try and hold a sword.
In addition, I'd like to try to make a fursuit out of her. I enjoy dabbling in arts and crafts, and I've made a tail before of my character Hazmat last month, aswell as a set of handpaws. For this character I'd like to make the whole 9 yards, and attempt feetpaws, handpaws, a tail, and a head.

Aspects to be Changed:
-Name & Gender; Try as I might I just can't see this character as a male! So I have decided to change his name, and give him a different gender.
-Form; While this character will still have a feral form, I would like to give her a anthro form. I'm a huge fan of anthro characters, and I love the way she would look as one!
-Breed; Of course, if she's going to be an anthro she should have a new breed. Instead of keeping her a leopard, I'd like to change her to a khajiit. (More info on Khajiits below!)

Aspects to be Kept:
-Design; Her design is the reason I fell in love with this character. She uses a lovely color palate with some very cute patterns to create a look i have never seen before.
-Accessories; I simply adore her headband, beads, and her necklace. Just wow. It goes well with her color scheme, and accents her very well.


Do'therra Khamnin
{Doe-Thair-UH KUH-nin}

In Do'Therra's culture, a series of prefixes are given when one begins to mature and show their passion in life.
The prefix 'Do' means "Distinctive warrior'. This was given to her on her 11th birthday, when her father first gave her a small toy sword for her to play with.

Female, though it is hard to tell with her outward rugged appearance.
23 years
August 14th
Eye color:
Berry red
Hair color:
Mercenary / Adventurer

Species and/or specific breed:
Khajiit- Cathay-raht.
The cathay-raht are khajiit born during the Waxing of the moon, Secunda. They are a large, jaguar-like race, and are often called "jaguar-men".
They are tall creatures, about the size and shape of a human, but with a long tail, and ears that come to a slight point. They come in many variants of shapes, colors, and even patterns. Some are tall and thin, others short and portly, ranging in many, many colors, from browns and blacks, to tans and golds.

Color: Light blue
Food: Sweet roll with honey, icing, and herbal tea
Smell: Bread baking
Skyrim City: Riften
City: Senchal
Season: Autumn

By starwuff

Do'therra is rather unique when it comes to others of her kind. First and foremost, she is a warrior. Nothing is as exhilarating to her as the heat of battle, steel on steel, and the ache in your muscles as you try to overpower your opponent, knowing your life is on the line. In the face of danger or a challenger, she has little hesitation in putting them to the ground. She loves competition- mostly winning them. In taverns and inns, she can't help but get into a fist-fight, be it over a seat, a mug of *root-beer*, or just for the sake of bettering someone.
This love of brawling came early, when she was just a little cub in the Imperial City. Her beastly race made her the target of many tauntings, and even beatings from the other inhabitants. Her father took notice and taught her how to use her claws to disarm and maim anyone who tried to hit her again. Her reputation after this grew, as did her confidence, and she was soon being called Little Claw. No one really knows if it was in jest or fear that this name was made.
Do'therra is also a risk taker, with a love for gambling, mercenary work, and dungeon exploring. As most people do, she enjoys money. And when there is a chance for easy money, Do'therra is willing to give it a go. She bets on horse races, other fights, the weather, just about anything. And oddly enough, she usually wins. As such, not many people in town still want to gamble with her. As for mercenary work, it just gives her a better reason to fight someone in the heat of combat. She hates working for rich snobby old men, but the coin is good, so she puts up with their attitude problems.
Dungeon exploring is one of her favorite things to do, besides brawling of course. Hunting monsters and bandits helps release pent up frustration, and as she wanders through the dungeon, cave, ruin, or hideout, undoing traps and solving little puzzles, it gives her mind rest. The focus of getting as much loot as possible and unlocking the secrets of the area lets her anxiety settle, and helps keep her mind sharp and aware.

She lived with her father, Ak'ar, in the Imperial City. He was the ambassador of Elsewyr, chosen to make sure the interests of the Khajiit were being considered in the Emperors court. They lived in a high-end house, only a little ways from the White-Gold Tower. Money was never tight, yet Ak'ar and his only daughter did not live a lavish lifestyle. Do' Therra was glad about that, she hated the ceremonial dress she had to wear in Elswyr whenever important guests arrived, or the servants who would do everything you asked. That was more of her mothers niche. Her mother loved the jewels, the attention, the status. But, shortly after Do' Therras birth, her mother left Ak'ar for a richer man, leaving him to raise their daughter alone.

Some time later, Ak'ar was assigned a diplomacy job, and took his daughter with him. Do' Therra was seven years old at the time, and had little comprehension about where and what the Imperial City was. Truth be told, she really didn't care. She just wanted to go home. Back to her leather clothes, boots, bow, and toy swords. You see, common practices in the Empire require young girls to act like young girls, wearing long, elegant dresses or robes, to speak softly and only when spoken to. Never slouch, never shout, and NEVER eat soup with a broth spoon.

When she finally came of age, around 16, her father hired a discreet swordsman to teach her how to fight with real weapons. They would train in the empty attic above their home once Do'Therra returned home from making appearances with her father. She loved being able to wear pants again, and taking her hair out of the ugly pins that held her lengthy locks up. The young girl always smiled as she worked up a sweat learning parry's, lunges, and the like. Her lessons continued for 2 short years.

On Do'Therra's 18th nameday her father came to her one evening after her training, and sat down on her bed.
"Where do you want to go now, my little moon?" He said with a smile. The young khajiit shrugged,
"I hadn't thought about it. I guess I wanted to just see everything." She said as she sat next to him.
"Then you shall." Ak'ar said, before patting her on the head. "Get some sleep young one."
As he left the room, Do'Therra became even more confused.

When she woke the next day, and went down to the pantry for a bit of breakfast, Ak'ar was waiting for her, sitting in a wicker chair next to a large trunk that wasnt there earlier.
"Whats that?" She asked, walking over to examine the oaken container. Ak'ar only gestured for her to open it. When she did, the young girl was stunned as to what she found. A full set of leather armor, dark brown with blue accents along the edges, aswell as a large pouch of gold coins, a small collection of healing potions, and twin daggers made from a teal glass material. Then, once she thought the gifts were done, her father handed her another small pouch. It was a soft grey velvet with black leather strings. She untied the pouch and slid the contents into her hands- a blue leather semi-choker with a ruby inlay and crystal pendants.
Do'Therra felt her eyes water with joy and she reached up to hug Ak'ar.
"Now you can see everything, my little cub." He said, giving her a tight squeeze.
"T-thank you Ak'ar.. This is wonderful."

That morning, donned in her new leathers, Do'Therra set out to see everything she could. And she never looked back.

Journey to Skyrim:
It was an early Frostfall morning when Do'Therra crossed into the land of Skyrim. Everything seemed to be going right. The sun was peaking over the trees, and a thing fog surrounded the woods along the road. Everything was quiet.. too quiet.
A blur of movement peaked in the corner of her vision. She lowered her hands to the daggers at her belt. Gripping and their leather hilts, she turned to look around.
"Who's there?" She called, squinting into the mist. There was a rustling to her left now. Do'Therra turned again, but as her head began the motion, it stopped, a drawn arrow pointed straight into her face.
"Hold there, Stormcloak cat." A voice chided. A tall, yellow figure came from behind a tree. "You are under arrest for treason against the Empire." It was a high elf, dressed in Thalmor robes. Next to her was five Imperial archers, each with a drawn bow.
"Treason? Stormcloaks? No! I'm a citizen of the Empire and I demand you let me go at once!" Do'Therra growled, lowering her ears.
The elf woman laughed, "Put her in the cart with the others."
Another solider came up from behind, taking her daggers, and her coin purse.
"That's not yours! Give it back or I'll claw your ears off!" She spat. The soldier only laughed at her. The young khajiit snarled, and extended her claws. She was going to lunge at the thieving man, but before she could connect her claws to his face, she heard a thump, and then there was blackness.

When Do'Therra awoke, she could see trees passing by. They were covered in a light snow, with the gentle rays of morning sun weaving through their branches. She stared at the trees, groggy and dazed, for what seemed like hours.
"Hey you. You're finally awake." A man said to her right. She slowly turned to look at him.
"You we're trying to cross the border right? Walked into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and the quiet man over there." He motioned to the man seating across from him.
"Anyway," the man continued,"I don't know where we're going, but Sovengarde awaits." He said with a sigh. Do'Therra studied the man as he talked, he was older, about 30 or so, with blonde hair and the showings of a beard around his mouth.
"What's your name, sir?" Do'Therra asked. She began to tug at the rope the bound her hands together, she knew it was no use, but she had to do something.
"Ralof." The Nord said. "And over there, Ulfric Stormcloak. The Jarl of Windhelm."
Until then, she hadn't noticed the man across from her. He was a large man, with pained blue eyes. He was dressed more regally than the other two that shared her cart, sporting a robe ornated with golden and crimson swirls. His hands were bound tighter than hers it seemed, his hands a redish tint. The Jarl had a cloth tied in a gag-like fashion.
"Pleased to meet you both." Do'Therra said, politely.
Ralof gave a toothless smile, and Ulfric grunted.

Do'Therra and Ralof made small talk for the rest of the ride. He told her about the Stormcloak rebellion, she told him about why she came to Skyrim. The young khajiit kept pulling at her bindings, biting at them, but the ropes were thick and well-tied. She let out a sigh, and decided to look at the scenery instead. If she was going to die, she wanted to take in everything she could before she left. It was then she noticed a gated stone wall in the growing distance. Above the wall was a large walkway, with five arches pacing the way. Soon, they passed through the gates, and Do'Therra felt her stomach drop.
She was going to be put to death, for a crime she never committed.
"This is Helgen.. I used to be sweet on a girl from here.." Ralof muttered.
As the carts passed through the small town, Do'Therra began to flex her claws, trying to formulate a plan.
If she could just get her bindings off.. she maybe drop off the back to the cart quietly.. but the archers..
Suddenly the cart stopped.
"This is it. End of the line." Ralof sighed, standing up. Ulfric did the same, walked to the back of the cart, and stepped down to the road below them. The khajiit followed him, looking to see why they had stopped. They were in the towns square, a large plaza-like area with a single stone block in the center. One side of the stone was sloped, leading down to a small wicker basket.
The stone was stained a rusty red color.
Do'Therra's heart began to pound- this was it. This is where she would die.
"Step forward when we call your name. One at a time!" A female officer in a shining steel helm shouted. She stood at the front of the group of prisoners, overlooking the 20-or-so Stormcloaks that had been rounded into the square.
"Ralof of Riverwood." A young man who was standing next to the officer called. He looked from his paper only briefly, as if he was ashamed to call their names, knowing their fate.
Ralof stepped to the front of the group, where he was escorted to wait near the stone.
Names continued to be called, and Do'Therra realized she had never told them her name. Maybe they would realized their mistake when she was finally looked apon.
As the last stormcloak was escorted away, the young man looked from his paper once more, and locked eyes with Do'Therra.
"Wait.. Who are you?" He said, quietly.
She swallowed a growing lump in her throat, and made sure no fear was in her voice when she said; "I am Do'Therra Khamnin, daughter of Ak'ar Khamnin, and the Little Claw of Senchal!"
The man nodded slowly, scribbling down her name and title on the paper, before he turned to the captain.
"What do we do? She wasn't on the list."
The higher ranked woman smiled. "Forget the list. She goes to the block."
"By your orders, Captain." He said, scribbling something else down, "I'm sorry. We'll make sure your remains are returned to Elsweyr."
Do'Therra bit her lip and let her heart sink as a soldier escorted her to the gathering point.
After a few minutes, a priestess emerged from a nearby tower. She made her way to the front of the group. The woman then raised her arms, and began to say a prayer to them. Do'Therra looked around, thinking to make a break for it while the prayer had everyone distracted. Before she could even glance around to find the direction she would take, a stormcloak not 8 feet from her began to shout.
"For the love of Talos, let's just get this over with!" He spat, and walked over to the block. He knelled down, turning his head before pressing it to the stoney surface.
"Come on then!" He shouted to the headsman. The headsman was dressed in black, with a hood pulled over his face, and a large axe slung over his back. The headman nodded, took out the axe, and widened his stance. He raised the axe over his head.. Do'Therra shut her eyes and let out a small sigh.
"Next, the cat!" The captain shouted. Do'Therra opened her eyes, a thread of her ivory hair falling to cover her left eye. Her feet were heavy and made of lead, and her tail felt like it has a mammoth balanced on top. As she began to walk over, there was a sound, like an animal snarling. A large animal.
"What was that?" The young man with the list said.
His captain grunted, "I said, next prisoner."
Do'Therra shivered as she kneeled infront of the block. She pressed her furred face to the stone, looking back at the over prisoners who would soon share the same fate. She locked eyes with Ralof. He gave her a sad smile.
The khajiit closed her eyes and sighed, she was ready. The headsman raised his axe again, as he began to bring it down, the sound echoed again, even louder. There was a shaking, like a quake. He headsman lost his balance and fell back.
"What in Oblivion is THAT?" A man shouted.
"Its in the clouds!" Another announced. Do'Therra opened her eyes again. The sky had turned orange, marbled with red, something black was weaving through the red, it was large, winged, spiked.
It came closer, and closer, Do'Therra didn't dare move. With a thunderlike-sound, it landed on the tower, and roared.
A dragon.
There was screaming behind her- She picked her head up and looked around, stones were falling from the sky! Large and small they rained down on the town, busting through the homes and towers alike.
The soldiers raised their weapons, pulling out bows and some casting spells at the giant beast.The other prisoners saw this opening, and ran. Do'Therra, her legs shaking in fear, forced herself to stand. She looked around, looking for a place to run to.
The nearby gate had all but collapsed on itself- all except for a small opening between two boulders- beyond that, she could see the snow covered pines of the wilds.

The Weary Traveler:
The young khajiit was tired. After escaping a burning city and a dragon, she was exhausted. She had managed to cut the ropes the bound her wrists together on a arrow one of the archers had fired while trying to hit the dragon. Then she had walked for what seemed to be hours. The sun was drifting just above her head, the mist from that morning been cleared with its warming rays. Most of the snow still remained, but if Do'Therra watched the snow-burdened tree branches, she could see tiny droplets of water sliding off. She soon found herself at a river.
The khajiit smiled faintly, and kneeled down. She cupped some water in her palms, and drank. It was cold, clean, refreshing.
Sitting down on a nearby rock, she looked out over the water.
"Alright.. I have no money, no weapons, and no food. But what do I have? Maybe I can find a town to sell what I dont need.." Do'Therra began to turn through the pouches she carried.
She laid the items out next to her; a map of Skyrim- about the size of two of her hands put together, two healing potions, two stamina potions, a piece of leather to repair her armor, and a piece of antler that she had picked up on her way north- it vaguely looked like a chicken and that made her smile.
"I suppose if I sold the stamina potions to an innkeeper, and the straps to a blacksmith i might be able to buy at least a dagger.." She thought, scratching her ear.
"But what would I do with a dagger?.. Maybe I could try fishing, and use a dagger to cut them into fillets, sell them to innkeeps for a few septims.." Do'Therra mumbled to herself as she thought out loud. With a slow nod, she decided that to be her course of action. She gathered her things up again, and brushed the dirt from her leggings. The khajiit brushed the hair from her face, and set out walking.

When Do'Therra found her way into town, the sun had begun to linger above the horizon, painting the sky above a marblework of pinks and reds. It looked like a small town, a single stone street with a blacksmith, general store, and an inn, then branching off were a few dirt roads leading back to, what looked like, homes. A few guards were posted along the road and some by a bridge, their armor yellow and gray, each with a yellow shield boasting a stallions profile.
She walked slowly along the street, following the sound of the blacksmiths hammer. She saw a man at his forge, set right next door to a long building that appeared to also be his home. He was hammering a long piece of red hot steel when she approached.
"Hello there sir. Would you be interested in trading?" Do'Therra said in a friendly voice. The man looked up from his work, shrugged, and looked back.
"Depends. What do you have?" The man said.
She reached into her pockets and pulled out the leather. "I have these. Dyed leathers from Elseweyr." She extended her hands to show him. It wasn't much leather, maybe enough to make arm bracers or a boot.
The smith set down the steel on his anvil, and picked up the leather.
"Leather, eh? This is some pretty good work. How much did you want for it?" He said with a quirked brow.
Do'Therra smiled, "Enough for a dagger."
The man rubbed the back of his neck and thought for a moment.
"I suppose I have something laying around here. Just a moment." He stepped over to a chest set against the house. He rooted through it for a moment, and pulled out a weapon. He walked back over to her, and handed the dagger to her, handle first. She took the blade happily.
She held her new dagger, examining all of its simple glory. It was solid steel, with a little leather for a grip. It had a small cross guard, with no ornamentation. She ran her finger down the blade to test its sharpness. To her disappointment, it was rather dull. But it would do for now. At least, until she could afford to get it sharpened. A smile spread from ear to ear when she tucked it into its sheath and looped it onto her belt.
The young khajiit handed him the leather.
"Thank you, sir." She said before giving a little bow and quickly walking out to the main road.
Do'Therra couldn't help but to keep her smile going as she look about the streets for the general store- this was just too exciting. When she finally found the store, she was quite alarmed when she went inside.
A man and a woman were inside, the man standing behind the counter, the woman sitting at a fireside table.
"I said no! No bandits, no adventures, no leaving. We don't know where they went, and we don't know what they're capable of." The man said, his voice harsh.
"But we have to go get it! We can't just let people walk all over us.." She said quietly, voice trailing off as she noticed Do'Therra.
The man look at his shirt, embarrassed, and began to wipe off the counter.
"Sorry you had to hear that my friend. I assume you the Riverwood Trader still has all you need for your travels." The khajiit stepped over to the counter, eyeing the empty counter space the man was wiping.
"Did um.. did something happen?" She asked.
The shopkeep nodded slowly. "An ornament, solid gold, shaped like a dragons claw. "
"Maybe I could get it back for you?" She offered.
She saw his face light up. "You'd do that? Look, I've got some coin coming in from my next shipment. Its yours if you bring me my claw back."
Do'Therra nodded. "Let me buy a few essentials and I'll set off on the morrow."

The khajiit left missing her stamina potions and her antler piece, but gained another health potion and an old Iron sword.
The sun was pushing it's rays through the branches when she made her way to the inn, where she inquired about the cost of a bed for the night. When she turned out her pockets, she realized she had no gold left. Seeing her dismay, the innkeeper told her he was buying firewood, and if she'd split a few logs for him, she could have a room.
Do'Therra found an axe out on the porch, and split logs until the stars came out.

Exhausted and achy, she carried the wood inside and placed it next to the fires. The innkeeper smiled at her, and gestured towards a side room. With a nod of gratitude, she made her way inside, and collapsed on the bed.
The weary new traveler had never had a better sleep.


Likes & Dislikes:
Leather clothing- it feels natural to her, like a second skin.
Cold & Rain- While cold, rainy conditions make most Khajiit cringe, Do'Therra finds it comforting.
Large Game Hunting- Even though her skills in sneaking are low for her kind, she enjoys trying to creep up on bears, trolls, and sabre cats before launching a surprise attack.
Swords & Battle Axes- Large pieces of steel wrapped with a worn leather grip make Do'Therras hair stand on edge, in a good way.

Wizards & Mages- Do'Therra isn't too happy about what she doesnt understand, and that would include magic of all kinds.
The Upperclass & Authority- While the upperclass sneer at her rugged exterior, guards often hassle her, looking for stolen goods or Moonsugar.
Fish & Seafood- The salty taste of fish turns on her gag reflex faster than anything. When necessary, she can choke down a bite of smoked or dried fish, but don't expect her to be happy about it.
High Elves- Their frequently snooty attitude digs into Do'Therra like hot pins, she doesn't think that anyone is better than anyone.

Do'Therra uses a mix of Longswords and Battleaxes in her combat style.
Her longsword is a steel greatsword that she forged in the city of Whiterun when she first arrived. Her skills as a blacksmith were minimal then, but have since improved with her sword. It originally was basically a sharpened rod of steel. Later, the khajiit convinced a local smith, Adrianne, to teach her the craft of smithing. A leather grip was added, made from the hide of a cave bear, as well as some ornamentation and a cross-guard.
The battleaxe is a different story, as it was obtained on a caravan trip Solstheim, in the Skaal Village. She was a member of the caravans guard when they arrived in the village. It was small, with hardly any shops or even a tavern. She had been dismissed from her shift to get some rest when she noticed a man with a forge. She quietly approached and watched as he worked a strange blue metal. He smiled when he noticed her watching, and soon had gifted the khajiit the blue battleaxe.
Its one of her most prized possessions.

Do'Therra's primary skills are Two-Handed, Light Armor, and Speechcraft. She prefers to charge into combat head on, using heavy attacks that sacrifice speed for attack power.
Her personal motto is "The best defense is a good offence.", so its unlikely this khajiit will block an attack at all.
LIght Armor is Do'Therra's favorite armor type, however she does own a set of iron armor just in case her leathers need to be repaired. Again.
Light armor doesn't slow her walking speed, and it also allows her to haul more loot around. Bulkier armor tends to take up a lot of space and weight that could belong to gold, or jewels, or other rarities. Not a sane person around would give up easy money like that.

Family;; Do'Therra loves her father, in fact, hes one of her closest friends. They often write letters, Do'Therra tells him all her tales and Ak'ar tells her the goings on in Elsweyr, and tells her to be safe and keep up the good work.
Her mother is a different story. She'd never spoken to her, and doesn't even know her name. One day, Do'Therra hopes to forgive what her mother did, but until then, this young khajiit doesn't want to learn anything about her.

Friends;; Do'Therra is a fan of the common folks, she loves to talk with butchers, bakers, shopkeeps, and beggars. Most of her friends are from the middle and lower class.
She gets along well with the Riften inkeep, Talen-Jei, and his bride-to-be, Keerava. She enjoys visiting their establishment for its selection of "root beer" and sweets. They tell her about available work, whos visiting town, etc, and she leaves a few extra coins when shes done her meal.
She also enjoys the company of Tythis Ulen, a worker at the fishery. He tells her all about how the fishing trips are going, and when shes lucky, he'll tell her about his homeland of Morrowind. Do'Therra always tells him that one day she'll take him back to see it, or atleast bring him something back.
Another friend of hers is Svana Far-Shield, who cleans Haelga's Bunkhouse. Do'Therra pities Svana, who is often worked long hours and demeaned by her aunt. Svana often consoles with the khajiit, telling her all the horrible things people say about her aunt, and the long work hours. Do'Therra likes to bring her gifts to brighten her day, a necklace from Markarth, perfume from Falkreath, a pretty dagger from Windhelm.

Items & Significance:
Sky-Blue silk headband & sash- Found in the first Dwarven ruin she explored.
Crystal pendant semi-choker- 18th birthday present from her father.
Bandage- Ordinary bandage
Silk threads- Harvested from the first Frostbite Spiders she slayed
Glass hair beads- Gift from the Mane.


Home- Past and Present:


Do'Therra was born in the city of Senchal. The city was infamous for its black market before transforming into a stunning coastal resort after a plague took most of its residents. Do'Therra and her father moved to the Imperial City when she was about 7 winters old. She remembers the house they lived in very little, only remembering the hiding places and her secret loft that she hid her toy sword and leather pants in.



Do'Therra currently lives in the city of Riften, a southern city in the northern land of Skyrim. Its one of the warmer climates in the icy country, but Do'Therra still considers it cold.
Its a city known for hosting the Thieves Guild, as well as corruption. The similarities to Senchal make her feel less homesick.
Its composed of two levels, an upper that has mostly shops, inns, the the Jarl of Riften's home.
Between the streets above runs a river, separating the city into halves. Bridges close the gap between the two halves, and stairs lead down the the lower walkways just a few feet above the river. This lower level is mostly homes for the lower class, as well as the entrance to the Rat Way, a series of underground tunnels that the guild of thieves has begun to call home.


Do'Therra currently owns the house called Honeyside. Its a medium sized house, with a single level and a small basement, but it suits her just fine. She doesn't visit often, as shes usually out working and therefore stays in taverns, but when she does come home theres nothing she loves more than to sit on her porch and watch the lake with a sweet roll in her hands.

Last edited by Hedgie; on Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:41 am, edited 33 times in total.
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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby serl » Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:58 am

Kennel Number:30
Use:Look at him.The poor thing.People won't take him because he's 'more different' then the others.I feel really bad for him,so I'll gladly call him my own.In my 'Main charries' section c: I'm not against his design,it's eye catching,and I like it.
Species and/or specific breed:Collie dog
History/Background:Gumdrop is mostly bullied.Being called loser,ugly,weirdo,different.He's to shy to tell anybody,so he keeps his mouth shut with his head down,every day.
Likes wrote:-Candy
-Comfort and hugs
-Comic Books

Dislikes wrote:-Being Bullied and Hurt
-World Hunger
-Martial Arts

Past Entries:Mocha and Demetri - Kiro

she | paper rad#2431
hi i'm serl <3 my special interest is
cats! currently, i'm hyperfixating on the
idolm@ster, touhou, and chicken
smoothie! i'm a big rhythm game fan
and i frequent my local arcade! i also
really love music <3 my favorite
genres are happy hardcore, denpa,
classic rock, mashcore, & vocal trance!

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Postby king_bear » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:57 am

username: deirdre.
kennel number: kennel ninety-four.



" ᴡʜᴇɴᴇᴠᴇʀ sᴛᴏʀɪᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ᴘʀᴇsᴄʀɪʙᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴏʙᴇʟɪᴢᴇ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ʜᴏᴡ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ sᴜᴘᴘʟʏ ᴀ ᴅᴏᴜʙᴛ? "

      full designation: Pax Romana, <pah-ks roh-ma-nah>
      origin of name: Latin word for peace.
      nickname(s): goes by Pax
      age: five and a half-years old
      gender: female
      date of birth: april 27th
      zodiac: taurus
god/goddess: Artemis
species: Neua Lion
height: 4ft 2inch
weight: 862lbs
fur colour: various shades of black and grey
eye colour: yellow
body modifications: currently none


" ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴇ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ғʟᴀᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ғɪɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀsᴇʟғ ɪɴ ᴀᴡᴇ﹐ ᴛʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ᴏɴʟʏ ʜᴜɴɢᴇʀ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ "


      the stars and the moon
      feeling the wind in her manes
      horns on anything
      most dark colours
      the sound of rain on leaves

      loud or annoying noises
      showoff or arrogant lions
      hunting, out of laziness
      bright colours
can be trusted

very stubborn
can be immature
holds grudges


" ᴡʜᴇɴ I'ᴍ ᴄʀᴜᴄɪғɪᴇᴅ, ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇɴɪᴇᴅ, I'ʟʟ sᴛᴀɴᴅ sᴛʀᴏɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍʏ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴀɢᴀɪɴsᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʟʟ "


friends: very few - she tends to withdraw, which makes it hard to keep her friends.
family: none remains who she is willing to speak to.
pride: currently none
sexuality: asexual panromantic
partner: currently none
ex-partner(s): Neva, deceased


" ᴀᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇs ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs sᴏ ᴠᴇʀʏ ʜᴀʀᴅ﹐ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ʟᴇᴀʀɴᴇᴅ ᴡᴇ ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴅɪsᴄᴀʀᴅ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛʀᴜsᴛ ʜᴀs ʟɪᴇᴅ "


about her goddess: Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt. in Roman times, she was known as Diana, and usually depicted as a tall, tanned woman in a traditional Roman Stola, with a bow in her hands and a deer at her feet. there is a story of Artemis bathing with her nymphs, and being seen by a local hunter. when he realizes it is a goddess whom he has seen naked, he wants to tell everyone else, but she turns him into a deer and he is hunted down by his own dogs.
her prophecy: Pax' prophecy is about being strong when times are harsh, and about learning to love yourself. her prophecy speaks of the many bad things that will befall her during her first years and how she was going to feel, and how her objective is to fight out her inner battle between being hurt and living.


" ᴡʜᴇɴ I'ᴍ ᴄʀᴜᴄɪғɪᴇᴅ, ʜᴀᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇғɪᴇᴅ, I'ʟʟ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴇᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅɪᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ "


personality: the first word that comes to mind when describing Pax is strong-willed. she knows what she wants, when she wants it, and she is not afraid to take it no matter what. this is often seen as somewhat greedy, especially in combination with her laziness, but Pax has learned, over time, to stand up for herself and to take what's rightfully hers. her will does not let her being pushed down anymore. she's willing to fight for what's just and to protect herself.
with this strong will also comes independency, and a sense of responsibility. she can take care of herself and her own issues, she can go without constantly being supervised and she understands what is a responsible thing to do and what not. Pax also has a feeling of responsibility when it comes to people trusting her with secrets or their cubs, and always tries to take best care of anything she's trusted with.

Pax is undeniably lazy, preferring to just stretch out in the sun and spend a couple of hours in its warmth. if hunting wasn't an absolute necessity, she probably wouldn't do it. despite her liking for hunting living things.
however, when real business needs to be done, which is urgent or necessary for a healthy living, she will probably get off her butt and help out.

because of everything that's happened to her and everyone that hurt her, Pax still has a hard time dealing with her past and the worthlessness that it made her feel, so she tends to hold grudges against those who hurt her, and against herself. she grew a massive inner hatred for herself, caused by everything, and she has yet to get rid of that. everyone that has hurt her in her past hasn't been forgiven yet either, but she has decided to forget about them and start over in a different place.
full history: to be honest, Pax was born as a silent and shy cub in a small pride. she grew up as any other cub, learning from her mistakes and showing off whenever her markings had intensified - but her life was not to be as easy as that. once all cubs started to grow old enough to see the differences between one another, they picked on her. for no specific reason, but Pax became the runt of the group and was beaten down to the lowest position in the makeshift cub pride. whilst other cubs played and messed around with each other all day, she was usually the one left out, left in a corner to play by herself, causing her to become even more shy.
when she grew up and she was still a castout, Pax' fire within began an inner rebellion against everyone, and it became her versus the world. her parents were too young to actually care about anything other than themselves, and she was basically on her own.
thus, when she was the first to lose her markings, she left the pride.

her newly acquired and chosen loneliness was something new to her - she was no longer the runt of the group, considering there was nobody to actually push her down. there was no more of them, there was only her and what mattered to her. she spent her days by herself, being perfectly content and relieved that it was finally over. she did not care for earning her markings back, either.

then, after a year or so of solitude, she ran into another female lion with the same attitude towards life as she had, and though Neva never told her her backstory, the two became strong friends, and slowly more than that. Pax had never felt as respected and loved as she had when Neva was around. they napped together in the sun, hunted small animals together, cuddled up against one another in a cave during thunderstorms and didn't spend a minute apart - it was like life was only getting better.

but Neva became really, really sick. to the point where Pax was fearing for her partner's life, and she considered going back to her old pride to find a healer. but she didn't want to leave the other female alone, and Neva begged her not to go, so she stayed.
with tears in her eyes and in the sky, Pax said goodbye to Neva about seven mooncycles after they met.

Pax then left all places she had been with Neva, erasing all memories of the only truly happy times she'd known in her life so far, and moved on to live in the highest tops of the mountain chain. she deleted her feelings, denying any emotion she had for multiple years and just living, but not being alive. She harbored a deep hatred for herself, for not being able to learn from her mistakes, for continuing to bond with those who left her. she didn't blame Neva - she blamed herself for not going to her old pride to get that healer. she was absolutely sure that she would have been able to save Neva that way. but she hadn't. and Neva was gone.

for a long time, Pax lived. she ate, she slept, she drank, and she spent her time staring at the cracks in the walls of the cave she considered her home. cracks that only reminded her of the lighting during the thunderstorms when Neva was cuddling up against her and- erase. she tried to forget, and she did. partially.
but one day, she stared the other way. towards the light. observing a small herd of mountain goats attempting to climb up a steep side of the mountain. one by one, they slipped at the same part and fell back down, only to stand up and try again. stubborn little things, they were.

and something clicked within her. she remembered the stubbornness that once housed within herself, when she was still fighting the pain within her. and for one moment, she felt like her old self again. the Pax that didn't allow anyone to tell her what to do, or where to go. the Pax that secretly rebelled and harbored hated against everyone in her pride, regardless of their behavior towards her. the Pax that had a reason to keep going.
but that moment soon flew away like a distant memory about a different world, and she fell back into her rhythm of not caring. although, over time, these moments began to multiply and grow. it took her a lot of time, and a lot of wishing she wasn't there, a lot of crying and a lot of self-doubt, but the still young lioness was slowly putting herself back together. until she felt a little like normal again.

and that small part of her that remembered herself, and remembered who she was and why she was there, made her throw her new, empty life upside down. she left the cave she'd been living in for so long, racing down the mountain and scaring off the mountain goats. she ran for her life. and with every step she took, the puzzle pieces of her previous self were pushed back into place. she was going wherever she wanted to. she was going to do whatever she wanted to do. and if there was someone to hurt her on her way, she would learn from the situation and move on.
the next time she dared to look at herself in the reflection of a small pond, her long-gone blue markings were shining on her coat, brighter than ever.


" ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ϙᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏʀ ᴅᴇғʏ ᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ғɪɴᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴡᴀʏ ᴡʜʏ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴅ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ʀᴜɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ "


main theme: guilty demeanor - epica
minor theme songs: running up that hill - within temptation
only if for a night - florence + the machine
nara - e.s. posthumus


" wнeɴ I'м crυcιғιed, тαυɴтed αɴd deɴιed, I'll ѕтαɴd ѕтroɴɢ wιтн мy вαcĸ αɢαιɴѕт тнe wαll "


ask Pax

why did you choose Artemis as your patron goddess? why do you think she chose you?
the choice as to who will be your patron goddess is not a choice I made consciously. I personally think
my personality as a cub and my attitude towards life attracted me to choosing Artemis, and that I
already belonged to her, somewhat as a child, even though I did not know. I personally believe that
who you choose as a patron god depends more on the actions you do, whilst still being a cub and not
yet receiving your markings, and the choices you make in regard to contact with your fellow lions.
see it as a personality test, if you wish, but much more unconscious.

how is your relationship with your patron goddess?
I've lived through a lot of ups and downs in the last few years, and Artemis and I have never been
particularly close. I'm not one of the types to be able to speak with my goddess - and honestly, if I
did, I wouldn't know what to say. surely, I have always known she was watching over me, but in a
way, that also angers me. she saw everything I went through, and she didn't do anything. maybe Neva
was a gift from her to me, possibly. but that was taken, and I do not know why. I don't think
Artemis is very fond of me, but I have decided that it doesn't specifically matter to me if she is or not.

who are your parents? what is your relationship with them?
my mother is named Lyde, and my father's name is Florentius. despite the warnings both got from
their parents when they got together, they managed to get a cub whilst both of them were only two
and a half years old, and barely mentally mature. they didn't pay much attention to me when I was
young, simply because they couldn't take the responsibility of having children yet.
I haven't seen them since I left the pack a few years ago. I have no intention to see them either. I
don't blame them for not paying enough attention to see what was happening to me, and I don't
blame them for making my life harder by not acting, if they did know. still, I never had a really
strong bond with my parents and I don't feel the need to meet up with them again.

is there anything you did that you regret or are not proud of?
I'm not proud of the moment I decided to run instead of stay with Neva, despite her not being
there anymore. it feels like I disgraced or disrespected her by not making sure that her body
wasn't left for the vultures, or whatever other animal passed by. I'm sure that's what happened
with her, and I know I couldn't protect what was left of her forever, but I'm not happy with
the decision I made.

if you could change anything about yourself or about your life, what would it be?
I would go back in time, and run my paws off to get that healer to Neva. regardless. she
was worth everything I had and I made the wrong decision - which is something I tend to do
a lot - and that decision cost her her life. I wouldn't listen to her pleads to stay, I would turn
around and get that other lion to her, even if I would have to give my life for that.

what is your favorite place to be?
currently, none. I don't stay in one place, but instead have a really strong feeling of
wanderlust, and I go wherever I want. and that's okay, because I get to experience the
good things of every place, and I get to see the beauty of everything that this world has to
offer, and I think that that's more beautiful than having a home.

do you believe in true love? do you think you will find it (again)?
yes. or at least, I did. Neva was true love for me, and I know that it felt the same to her.
we knew we could count on one another, we knew we could share anything with each
other and we both knew that whatever we felt, the other felt it the same way and just
as strong. it wasn't even the big moments that counted most for us, it was those small
moments when we'd be snuggled up beside each other and I just felt deeply happy, and
neither of us had to say a thing. that's what was most important to me.
I don't know if I will ever find something like that again. part of me knows that there will
be someone else after Neva, and that I might feel the same again, but another part of me
tries to convince me that this was a one-time thing. something like that I might never find
again, and that's a hard reality. but what counts is the memories, I guess.

what is the best memory you have?
again, like I said, it wasn't the big moments that mattered to either of us. the best
memory I have, out of all that happened, is probably a few nights after Neva and I admitted
our love for one another. it was dark, and the stars were brighter than ever. it was like the
universe knew what had happened and was trying to make it all even more special. I was
spread out on the ground, the rock still warm underneath me. she was sitting beside me,
and there was this magical moment when our eyes met and she got this incredible spark of
love in her gaze as she looked at me. I will never forget that moment. that was the moment
I knew I'd never leave her.

how do you want others to view you?
I don't want them to feel sorry for me for all that happened. I want them to view me as
a strong individual, as someone who keeps going despite everything that's thrown in my face.
I want them to know that if I can do it, they can too. I don't want to be an example, because
I don't wish all that happened to me to anyone, but it'd really mean a lot to me if someone
looked at me and thought to themselves "yes, I can too". I don't want them to look up to me,
I don't want them to look down upon me, I just want them to treat me with respect and
possibly friendship. that's what matters the most for me, now.

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby catra » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:18 am

username: interrobang.
kennel number: 143
name: Bandit
gender: Male
species: Ferret

username: interrobang.
kennel number: 309
name Valaistu Sielu
Lighted Soul in Finnish
Gender: Male
Species and/or specific breed:
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just here to be silly :3
eli ~ adult ~ EST

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby tigressa » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:48 am

Username: tigressa
Kennel Number: 5
Lineart Link/Credits: Yulynh's pony lineart
New picture:

I forgot I did this xD

➤ hi, call me tigImage
➤ she/her
➤ infp...virgo

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I’m so bored

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby serl » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:21 pm

Kennel Number:139
Use:Talia will most likely be a main character in my books.She's very cute,and I'm soon drawing all of my oc's so I will draw some pics of her!
Species and/or specific breed:Sparkle Dog
History/Background:Talia lives in the sky,she jumps cloud to cloud,touching the stars.She creates the rainbows,sometimes whenever she pleases.She lives in a large cloud-ish house.She spends her time on ground,usually pretending balloons are alive and showing them the sky too.To jump to her house from the ground,her legs have a special spring like muscle in her legs she will crouch then spring into the sky.Once she jumps,she'll jump even higher.She is light,and her paw pads have something going on with them that allows her to walk on clouds.
Likes wrote:-Balloons
-The sky

Dislikes wrote:-Storm Clouds(They hurt her feet!)
-Airplanes that run on gas
-The ocean

Past Entries: Kiro - Mocha and Demetri - Gumdrop
may I also ask,how come some art was taken off 'Kiro's' Kennel?one more entry for me gulp.

she | paper rad#2431
hi i'm serl <3 my special interest is
cats! currently, i'm hyperfixating on the
idolm@ster, touhou, and chicken
smoothie! i'm a big rhythm game fan
and i frequent my local arcade! i also
really love music <3 my favorite
genres are happy hardcore, denpa,
classic rock, mashcore, & vocal trance!

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby Novi » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:28 pm

#can never make up his mind
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Now that the existential crisis has passed, I'm not leaving! Sorry for the momentary scare, folks!
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Postby yeena » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:09 pm

Kennel Number: 16
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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby yeena » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:10 pm

Kennel Number: 4
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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby yeena » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:12 pm


Kennel Number: 23
Species and/or specific breed:
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kennel twenty-three wrote:
    name ; chase " nutmeg "
    gender ; male
    age ; around twenty-one, a mature adult.
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