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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby ika; » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:28 am


Kennel number: P32

Name: Serenity.
the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness.

Breed: Clydesdale Horse.

Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?:
I would like Serenity, because quite frankly, there's something about her I just can't help but adore. I've always had my eye on her, ever since I first noticed her, but I never had an excuse to try for her. I put off making a form over and over again because I just couldn't use her- but now that's changed, and I'm confident that I can give Serenity a loving, active home. My muse for her is sky-high, and I would love more than anything to take her home with me. If I was lucky enough to win her, Serenity would have a home on my character thread [in my signature], as well as a part in my latest story; in which she'd be the main character. The story revolves around her, so without a doubt she'd be much used and appreciated, not ever left to rot. I'm not the richest CS user, but whenever I can afford it, she'd have art. If I find the right one, I'd love to roleplay her, too. Thank you for the opportunity to win her.

Serenity is slightly different from others around her.
She's hugely dramatic, with a tendency to over exaggerate everything that happens to her. For example, if she saw a wasp, it would become a five-foot hornet ready to kill her. If she got caught in a light rain shower, it would change to a thunderous monsoon that almost drowned her. You see, Serenity isn't a liar- she genuinely sees these things. Her world is vastly different from normality- that wasp actually IS a dangerous, gargantuan hornet in her eyes. She physically sees these things. They could be called hallucinations, or visions, but she has no name for them. They're real in her eyes, and that's all that matters. This makes her extremely susceptible to manipulation and abuse, as a backhanded comment is an outright insult to Serenity. She's naive, and believes pretty much everything she's told, making her both lethal and pitiful.
If someone was to tell her that murder was acceptable, she'd believe it.
That's why she's under the constant care of Ophelia, the American Pitbull dog. Ophelia is a lost soul, dreadfully lonely and fighting depression- that is, until Serenity came along. She quickly found that this haphazard horse filled the void in her heart, and Ophelia appointed herself guardian of the filly. Ophelia basically keeps Serenity away from anything that could harm or affect her, calms her down when her visions get too much, and generally protects her from harm. Serenity sees Ophelia as many different things, as her visual hallucinations are always fluid and ever changing, one day the pitbull may be a wolf, or a cerebus, but she loves her with all her heart. Ophelia has found a way to combat the potential lack of recognition- she wears a simple silver chain necklace at all times, so that whatever Serenity sees her as, she will always know who she is by the necklace.

Likes: Ophelia, sleeping [the only time when her vision returns to normal], snow, cold days, water, the ocean, the silver necklace, fairytales, making up stories.

Dislikes: Hot days, being treated badly, smugness, her visions, cats, violence, sweating, feeling dirty, being alone, the feeling of being lost, panic.


She was standing on a cliff.

The abyss below her was gaping- a black maw, a scar in the land that salivated at the thought of swallowing her whole, and Serenity stood on the precipice. Teetering this way and that, the filly could feel the musty scent of the earth clinging to her, and a dust-laden breeze as it stirred and pushed at her body. Even the wind was against her. Trying to push her in, encouraging her to fall.
Craggy rock formations sprouted like gargoyles around her, sneering down with twisted expressions, smirking, whispering.

They were always whispering.


They moaned softly, giggling to each other as Serenity staggered- her poor sense of balance surrendering her to the chasm. Her hooves failed to grip on the stone, and with a sheer whinny of fear, Serenity fell.

And stopped short.

Legs splayed either side of her, the filly opened her clenched eyes to gaze around at her new surroundings. There were trees now, giant redwoods that seemed to touch the clouds- the space between their leaves shrouded in mist.


London, England - 1914

Amongst the humming of a city at war, beneath the rolling clouds of smog, the rattling of carriage wheels on cobbles, and the lengthy debates of gentlemen in top hats, we find our protagonist.

She is restless, and stirs fitfully every few minutes, gazing around her with wide blue eyes. She is but a year old.

She's scrawny- a skinny thing with uncoordinated legs and a long neck, giving her the overall appearance of a craning creature that has lost all purpose.

Last edited by ika; on Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby mi ainsel » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:42 am

I am looking to adopt...
Picture: Image
Kennel number: P4
Name: Takeya, Arabic female name meaning 'piety.'
Breed: White Tiger Anthro
Why do you want this animal and what will you do for it?: I have a certain fondness for big cats, as you can probably see from my cheetah fursona, and this girl is exquisite. I tried to design a character that was similar a while go, but had to give up because I have no muse. Having not been on this thread in ages, I came on and saw Takeya! Her design is amazing and her clothes compliment her perfectly. She'd be an amazing character to own. The name Takeya has been hanging around in my head for a while, and I think I've found who it fits.
Takeya is a noble sort, rather bossy and overly arrogant around those she believe to be of lower station than herself. Unfortunately, this includes pretty much everybody. She's a rather good martial artist, having studied hard in her youth, and isn't afraid to show of her skills in a fight. She's rather hot-tempered, so these fights happen rather a lot. She's proud of her heritage as the daughter of a noble clan, and will snap at any insult towards them.

Her job
Even though she didn’t like it at first, Takeya has found that she has a real calling for killing, and is often off on missions, something the local anthros find suspicious.

There’s something Takeya finds satisfying about violence, maybe it’s just the fact she’s a bit of a psycho, or maybe it’s because of her love for revenge. Whatever’s the reason, it’s safe to say that Takeya LOVES to kill in the most violent way possible.

Takeya holds big-time grudges, the biggest towards Fatisha, the anthro who killed her parents. She is a great believer in the saying ‘Revenge is a Dish best served cold,’ and greatly enjoys inflicting this revenge.

Ever since her first mission she has hated humans for the fact they burnt her ancestral home down.
A few of her missions have involved killing humans, and apart from killing Fatisha, Takeya prefers these jobs.

Forest anthros
None of the forest anthros know that Takeya is really Taka, the most feared assassin in existence, so they all bully her.
It doesn’t bother Takeya, maybe one day, one of those bullies will be her prey, and then they’ll be sorry.

True animals
Even though she is descended from the animals, Takeya hates them because of their supposed stupidity.

My name is Takeya and I am not a true anthro.
I was bred to kill, and kill is what I do.
In fact, I’d prefer it if you called me Taka-It is my professional name after all!
But perhaps I should explain, before I totally confuse you.

It all started on a chilly November morning, in a city known by the locals as Sirena.
My parents and a few other anthros had fled our forest home when it was burned down by the humans, and come to the city.
I was born in Sirena, and was the highest born of them all.

One night, when I was 9, I was in my usual spot, a dark alley by the side of a nightclub, scavenging for food, when my parents and a tan anthro with a black mask ran down the alley towards me. “Tak!” My mother called, “There’s someone I’d like you to meet!”
I looked at the small tan anthro and shivered, she scared me.
“Mama? Why’s she here?” I whimpered.
My father stepped towards me.
“Now listen, Tak, this women is going to give you a job, so be nice!” He smiled.
I laid my ears flat on my back and bared my short fangs, I didn’t like the stranger, at all.
My mother gave me a disapproving glare. “Tak!”
“Don’t call me that!” I muttered under my breath.

All this time, the Tan anthro had just stood there watching us, but finally she spoke.
“Hi Tak, I’m Fahiri!” they said, with a big confident grin.
It was my turn to glare at someone now, and I glared at Fahiri. “My name is Takeya.” I said stiffly, “Not Tak.”
Fahiri stumbled backwards, and her big smile seemed to falter. “Oh. Hello then, Takeya.”
My father very quickly broke into the conversation.
“Don’t take any notice of Tak!” He laughed nervously, “She’s just being silly!”
By this time I was very confused as to why everyone was scared of this small anthro.
I looked at Fahiri curiously this time, but I couldn’t see any reasons to be afraid.
My mother saved me the trouble of asking.
“Tak, Fahiri here has come to train you to be a…an assassin.” She whispered.
“An ASSASSIN?!” I screamed. “NO, NEVER!”
My father licked his lips anxiously.
“Maybe you need some time to think… Fahiri, come back later, ok?”
I growled at Fahiri. “No, scrap that, I’ll come get you if I change my mind.”
Anger flashed across Fahiri’s face, followed by incredulity. “You’re saying no?”
“Yes, I’m saying no.” I snarled, and ran off.

I hid in a dustbin for hours, and often heard my parents coming past and calling my name, but I felt hurt and betrayed, so I refused to answer.
The fifth time they came past, I heard a snarl as well.
“Whatever you are looking for, you shall not search on my territory.” The menacing voice said.
My father spoke next. “A forest anthro! Excuse us; we are looking for our daughter, Takeya. Have you seen a white tiger anthro go past?” He smiled nervously.
“As I said, you shall not search on MY territory.” The voice snarled again.
“I’m terribly sorry,” My mother said, “But we shan’t go home without her.”
The voice chuckled. “Then consider the fact that you may not go home, with her.”
My father seemed to catch on to the true meaning of the voice’s words, but my mother didn’t.
“What do you mean? Is that a threat, forest?” She growled.
My father made a muffled yelping noise. “Shici! Let’s go, Shici!”
The voice merely laughed. “Yes, it is a threat!”
There was a chilling scream, then silence.
I poked my head out of the dustbin.

A few metres away, the forest anthro was sniffing around.
“Here little one, come on cub, I know you’re here!” It growled, then seemed to find my scent. “Ah, in the dustbin are you?”
Not pausing to think, I shot out of the dustbin, claws scrabbling on the smooth metal sides, and sped for home. But not before I’d seen the blood running down the, beige and white, forest anthro’s fangs.
Fresh Blood.

Running down the side streets that led to my home, I wondered where I could go.
My parent were dead, I could not return to my home without them.
I sat down abruptly and slumped to the floor, exhausted.
That was how Fahiri found me the next morning.

“Takeya?” A voice called. “Takeya, is that you?”
I wanted to say yes, but I couldn’t move.
“Takeya, wake up!” The voice called again.
I slowly opened my eyes to find Fahiri staring at me, her concern reflecting in her eyes.
“Fahiri…” I whispered, tears running down my face. “My mother and father… they’re dead!”
Fahiri jerked backwards in shock. “Shici and Takeko? They can’t be!”
I slowly sat up, and looked hard at Fahiri. “They are, and it’s all my fault.”
Fahiri didn’t seem to hear this; she was pacing around the alley, eyes gleaming with anger. “Who did it?” She asked, “Who was it?”
I shook my head to try and clear it. “A forest anthro, beige and white, female.”
Fahiri hissed. “Fatisha.” She hissed.
“You know her?” I asked, confused.
“She’s my sister.” Fahiri answered.
I jumped backwards, but Fahiri only smiled sadly. “Does this mean you’ll accept my job offer?” She asked, eyes glimmering with hope.
I thought about it, it didn’t seem as bad anymore.
“Yes.” I finally answered. “I will become an assassin.”

For many suns I trained, pushing myself to my limits again and again in my battle for complete physical fitness. Every day Fahiri and I would spar, claws and teeth the only weapons. I always lost.
One day, when Fahiri and I were sparring, I found myself able to easily overpower her and throw her to the floor.
Fahiri looked up, wide eyed.
I braced myself for a telling-off, but it never came.
“Takeya, that was amazing.” Fahiri said, with wonder in her voice. “I have no more to teach you.”
I grinned in delight. “I’m trained?” I laughed.
Fahiri smiled back. “One more thing, you need a-hey where’ve you gone?”
I dropped silently out of the shadows, still grinning.
“Forget that.” Fahiri laughed. “You’re Taka!”
What do you mean?” I questioned, frowning.
“Well, you need a professional name, and yours is Taka.” Fahiri explained.
Taka... I thought. It sounded good. I nodded to Fahiri. “I’m Taka.”
Fahiri smiled again. "Yes Taka, you are. Now I've got a mission for you."

I enjoyed my new job.
It was thrilling to drop silently through windows, kill quickly and quietly, and escape again.
In fact, I enjoyed it so much; I began to think I was born to kill, bred to kill.
No longer was I Takeya Shici, the young orphaned City anthro, now I was Taka, the most feared assassin in Sirena.
And I loved this.
Each time I got back to Fahiri’s house, well, box, I’d clean myself off and report back to Fahiri, who was always intrigued about how I got on.

One particular day was very eventful.
I’d just got back from my first human assassination, and my white fur was dyed black so I could hide better, when a grey Anthro came to the door.
"is this the home of Miss Takeya Shici and Ms Fahiri Faji?" He asked.
I shrugged and smiled. "If you're looking for Fahiri Faji, then you've found her, but I don’t know any Takeyas."
The grey Anthro snarled. "Will you please get Takeya Shici and Fahiri Faji to come with me."
“O-kay…” I said, running upstairs.
At the top of the stairs, Fahiri was standing, looking down at the Anthro in the doorway.
“Who’s he?” She whispered
I shrugged again. "Some weirdo looking for you and someone called Takeya Shici." I whispered back.
Fahiri looked worried. “Takeya, you are Takeya Shici.”
I frowned. “Am I?”
“Yes!” Fahiri hissed. “Takeya’s your professional name!”
“Ah.” My head suddenly cleared and I realised I was. “So, what should we do?”
Now Fahiri shrugged. “Go with him I suppose…”

I brushed the fading dye out of my fur and we walked down the stairs, towards the Anthro.
“Yes?” Fahiri asked.
“Miss Takeya Shici and Ms Fahiri Faji?” He asked again.
Miss Fahiri Faji, but yes.” Fahiri said, slowly. “Why do you care?”
The Anthro grinned in a menacing way. “You’re under arrest, on a charge of murder.”
Fahiri reacted with amazing speed, striking the Anthro right in his face and grabbing my paw. “Go Takeya, run!”
We sped out of the house and leapt into the shadows.
Fahiri looked horrified. “Takeya, where can we go?”
I didn’t answer, I didn’t know.
Just then, a snarl came from just outside our hiding place.
“Takeya, Miss Faji, out here, now!” Purred the familiar voice.
Fahiri went very still, as did I.
We both knew that voice.
It was Fatisha.
She'd come for us at last.

"Come on Sis!" Fatisha smiled. "Long time no SEE!"
As soon as she said see, she grabbed Fahiri out from our hiding place and threw her to the floor.
"Get away from me, murderer!" Hissed Fahiri.
Fatisha pretended to look hurt, a sickening sight. "That's not very nice, sissy!"
"Neither are you." Retaliated Fahiri.
I felt like cheering, this was such a good comeback.
Fatisha grinned and began pacing.
"You've been very naughty now, haven't you, Faji? Training another Nighthunter without me?"
Fahiri kept her face blank. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Fatisha hissed and all her fur stood on end. "There's no use pretending, Miss Faji, I know you have!"
"Then why did you ask me?" Fahiri yawned.
"Because I wanted to see if I had to do this the easy way, or the hard way." Purred Fatisha

I froze, terrified for my friend.
Fatisha padded over to my hiding place. "Now, now, Miss Shici, come on out."
Fahiri cried out. "Takeya, run!"
I slowly stood up, fur bristling.
"Good girl Miss Shici, now come out here." Fatisha smiled.
I stayed put. "My name is Takeya."
A menacing edge crept into Fatisha's voice. "Now look here, Takeya, you may be good in Miss Faji's eyes, but you are nothing compared to me."
This really angered me, and I could feel all my carefully hidden frustration and anger slowly building.
"Oh, really?" I hissed. "See, I don't particularly think you're good."
Fatisha hissed back, "You'll pay, cub!"
She sprang at me, claws outstretched.

Nearly laughing, I skipped to one side and ran up the wall behind me.
"Curse you, cub!" Fatisha growled as she hit the wall. "Come down and fight me properly!"
"Ok." I nodded, and dropped onto Fatisha's back. "This proper enough?"
Fatisha roared in anger. "Get OFF me you... you... infant!"
While I struggled with Fatisha, I noticed Fahiri slinking away into the shadows, then turning.
No! I mouthed, This is MY fight, run!
Fahiri nodded and ran.
Meanwhile, Fatisha thought she had found a way to dislodge me.
Running at a wall at high speed, Fatisha aimed to turn at the last minute, and slam me into the wall.
"Oh no you don't!" I snarled, tensing my muscles.
Fatisha ran straight at the wall, and I waited.
Ten seconds... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... NOW!
I leapt upwards, propelling myself with my back paws while still clinging onto Fatisha fur with my claws.
The jump was well timed; it took me high, dragging Fatisha along with it.
As we began to plummet back down, I scrabbled at the wall with my hands, and then found a handhold.
As I heaved myself up, gravity tried to make Fatisha fall, and slammed her into the wall.
I was aiming to pull her up as well, but the shock of my back legs hitting the wall caused me to let go.
I watched, powerless to help, as Fatisha fell towards the ground, lashing out at anything in range.
Just before she hit the ground, she looked up, and focused on me.
"Damn you, Takeya, I'll get you!" She roared.
I smiled at her. "Somehow, I don't think you will."
Fatisha hit the ground with a sickening thunk and snap, but I wanted to make sure she was dead, so I climbed down.
I did look like she was dead, but since my training, I've noticed more, so it was easy to spot the rise and fall of her chest.
"Tough luck, Fatisha." I murmured, "Looks like you aren't the best after all."
I leant forward and sunk my fangs into her throat, tasting the blood as it flowed over my fangs.
Now she was dead.
Running my tongue over my blood covered fangs; I smiled, then skipped off after Fahiri.

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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby Rabbitheart » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:18 am

So nervous and so excited! I can't wait for the results. XD Good luck everyone!
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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby chaiimaru » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:40 am

I am looking to donate...
Image: Image
Lineart used (if any): Custom by P i r i t
Name: Bastet (changeable)
Gender: Female
Species: canine
Preferences: treat her well
don't change anything
pm me if you win because she has art
By submitting this form, I, chaiimaru, agree that I am giving up my character to a new home, and will not ask for the character back if it has a form up for it.
Hello! This is Chaimaru,back temporarily. I am only giving away the rest of my characters.

I had to make a new account because none of my e-mails were responded to. >.>
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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby albinny trancy » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:41 am

o3o I WANT.
So excited! Getting my first Kiamara in a month because of train. and .Blue.'s breeding!!! <333
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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby pancreas » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:51 am

chaiimaru wrote:I am looking to donate...
Image: Image
Lineart used (if any): Custom by P i r i t
Name: Bastet (changeable)
Gender: Female
Species: canine
Preferences: treat her well
don't change anything
pm me if you win because she has art
By submitting this form, I, chaiimaru, agree that I am giving up my character to a new home, and will not ask for the character back if it has a form up for it.

Omg, she is gorgeous.
I'll have to go for her. :o
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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby Phoenix's Rebirth » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:56 am

I just wanted to apologize for my absence this round. I didn't realize the code drop was tonight, and I have so many things running through my mind. I wasn't paying attention, and haven't been on CS all day. I'm so sorry!
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-Matthew 5: 4

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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby Lady Masquerade » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:56 am

    What a beautiful donation. <3
    I've been looking for another masked character to add to my collection.
    Seems like I've found it. <33
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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby BlazzingWolf » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:57 am

-3B- wrote:The round did end yesterday, yeah. ^^ We're judging tonight, though, so we'll give you all until six EST to finish. Fair enough for everyone? C:

Okay awesome. EST Australian time?
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Re: Pound of Hope [A: OPEN/D: OPEN/COME. ADOPT. LOVE.]

Postby Tiikeria » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:58 am

    Eastern Standard Time, so six here in the US, so basically now, if I'm right.. ^.^;;


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