Narakari Meadows

Come adopt or share user-created adoptable species here.
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Art theft is not tolerated here. Do not copy/trace/edit/use anybody's pictures without their express permission.
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Narakari Meadows

Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 10:58 pm

Here you'll find the Narakari. They're three horned horses from hell, brought to you by Yamaneko.
This is Morpheus. Obviously he is a Narakari. Actually he is the first horse of this species that was found. He belongs to Yamaneko and you better keep your hands off him, if you don't want to make him angry.

Guide to this thread:
1st post: Introduction and news - you are here
2nd post: Narakari facts and FAQ
3rd post: Rules
4th post: Free adopts
5th post: Premade designs
6th post: Custom and semi custom designs
7th post: Custom art
8th post: Breedings
9th post: Guest artists

Other Narakari related threads:
Our official fan club: Narakari rider's snuggery
The archive where all Narakari are listed: Narakari archive


Our staff grew a bit!
Moderators for our Riders Snuggery:
Dizzy socks

Free artist with tons of trustful answers:
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Facts and FAQ

Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 10:59 pm

Facts and FAQ

Narakari characteristics:
- Narakari are tough and healthy. You really need to afflict them if you want to get them ill. They come from one of the seven hells therefore only the strongest and fittest ones survive.

- The average high is between 146cm and 158cm (or approximately 14.2hh till 15.2hh) . Stallions tend to be bigger and a bit more massive than mares. The general built is similar to a Marwari. They have three crystalline horns. The eyes usually have the same colours as the horns. Like a Marwari they have curved ears.Their coats have the same colors as normal horse species. But there are some things different. Nearly every Narakari has an asymmetrical coloured fur. That means that their right side is never exactly the same as their left one. Even jet blacks have white markings that are different to each other. It is the hells tribute to imperfection. Another hell marking is the part of black fur every Narakari has. There is absolutely no horse without it. Some of the black marks are looking natural, others form symbols or patterns. Lines are common as well. The size of this black mark has the same variety as its form. But it’s usually big enough to be immediately seen. Narakari have a short and standing mane that always seems to be a bit wild. As most of other unicorn species they have split hooves. Additionally they have two long lion like tails and feathered legs.

- Nobody knows how old a Narakari becomes, until now. But there are rumors that Narakari returned to hell after their human companion died and rest there for many years. It’s only a legend but according to this it might be possible that they can get older than human beings. Maybe we’ll know more of them, soon.

- Narakari are a very bubbly species. Sometimes they tend to be a bit balky or headstrong. They do not like to share. If they once accept a human it’s a hard and long way to teach them that handling other horses or Narakari is not a lack of affection. They’re absolutely loyal to their owner and make brave and wonderful companions.

- Yes, they’re rideable. But it’s a long way until they trust their owner and an even longer one until they can be ridden.

Special abilities:
They eat little children who think that three horned unicorns are not cool enough.

How to get one:
There are different ways how to get a Narakari. Premade designs, semi-customs, customs and regular breedings have to be paid. You'll find paymets and form in the respective posts.
Other ways are by charity breedings, maybe even regular breedings, if the parents owners agree that you get the foal. Or you can take part in one of our events. There are often chances for new slots, premade designs or even custom Narakari.

Slot system
Every user starts with one Narakari slot. That means you are only allowed to own one exemplar at the beginning. If you want more, look for a charity breeding in our breeding section (in this thread) or take a look at the contests and events in our rider's snuggery (official thread, that is linked in the first post). Slots can not be sold or gifted between users.
more detailed information about earning slots - with great thanks to Schneemaehne

It’s hard to get a custom Narakari. But don’t worry about their breathtaking prize. Customs should be a very special thing. If you are mad enough to order a custom it has to follow the common Narakari characteristics. It’s impossible to remove the black mark, e.g. or to get something unnatural like a rainbow mane.
Please do NOT PM me for a custom request or send a trade where you ask for a custom. Just post in this thread.


How about lineart changes?
- I generally don't do any lineart changes. Most of them simply would change the Narakari species and I didn't design it to be changed. Narakari will never get wings or special powers, sorry. And they aren't captured with accessoires. Honestly I've never seen a wild Narakari that needed some jewellery. If I see one on my hunting trips to hell, I'll tell you. ;) Of course you can add some saddles and brindles and blankets and whatever you can imagine, if you use them in roleplays e.g. But I only sell the raw horses without any equipment.

How do I know the gender of my / a Narakari?
- In most cases it's written in the short description below a design. If not just take a look between their back legs.

What's the plural of Narakari?
- Narakari. ;)

Does a custom count to the amount of Narakari you're allowed to own?
- Yes. But don't worry too much about the slots. There will be a lot of possibilities to get more slots and more Narakari.

Can we still participate in the contest if we don't own a Narakari yet?
- Of course you can enter.
If the winner will get an additional slot, you would start then with two slots instead of one. You name will be mentioned in the archive with the maximum number of two (in this case) but without any linked Narakari. If the topic of the contest requires a Narakari there will be some that can be lent. Just PM me if you want to lent a Narakari for a contest.

How do I get a manchado?
- manchados are quite rare. There are only two ways to get a Narakari with this pattern:
1) You are lucky and get the yearly manchado outcome on Day X.
2) You can get manchados via breedings, when both parents have the rare Manchado pattern.

How do I get more slots?
- Just take a look at this post with
detailed information about earning slots - with great thanks to Schneemaehne

~ more will be added, as soon as there are questions
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Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 10:59 pm


- Do not claim the Narakari species or their designs as your own.
- Do not change anything on the designs.
- Do not edit the pictures in any other way than: resizing, dividing the picture into two parts (both have to stay full body), dividing and resizing. Please scroll down. At the bottom of this post there are some examples for you.
- If you have gotten one of the few Narakari pictures with a little text on it (example) you are allowed to remove this text.
- Do not use a picture that you don’t own or without the owners permission.
- Every user starts with one Narakari slot. That means you are only allowed to own one exemplar at the beginning. If you want more, look for a charity breeding in our breeding section (in this thread) or take a look at the contests and events in our rider's snuggery (official thread, that is linked in the first post). Slots can not be sold or gifted between users.
- You can only try to get one Narakari at the same time.
- Do not ask for breedings. I decide when it’s time for a breeding season. I have a real life and it depends on my time how often and when breedings are avaidable. Do not breed the Narakari on your own.
- I keep the right to decline an offer if there are problems with the offering user. In general you don't have to worry about this rule but I know some persons here who are neither nice nore famous for standing to the rules.
- You are not allowed to resell them. If you don't like your Narakari any longer please send them back to us. They will be gifted to Users who haven't got one, yet.
- Please keep in mind that our designs are made as Narakari. It might not be the best idea to buy one and use the design on another species. Really no good idea.
- It's no real rule but there is one thing I should mention: It is always a good idea to save your pictures on your own. I do NOT take the responsibility if there are problems with photobucket or anything else like this.
- Post your payment in the form. I want to see it and others maybe, too. I will not look through your groups and search for a payment, this is your job.

Editing your pictures
There are only four kinds of edits that I allow. Nothing more. So please read them carefully. Discordia and Bethmoora will also show you some examples to make everything as clear as possible.

- Resizing: Ok

dividing the picture into two parts: Ok, but they have to stay full body
of course the other side will be ok, too...

dividing and resizing: Ok

Removing of an additional description that is given on the picture: Ok
of course in combination with the other allowed edits, too...

Adding texts or anything: NOT Ok

Cutting some parts off/ no full body: NOT Ok

making "headshots": NOT Ok
But don't worry if you see headshot - avatars on howrse. They're made by me.


Adding backgrounds: NOT Ok

Any other edits that I might have forgotten are of course NOT ok.
Last edited by Yamaneko on Fri May 02, 2014 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Free adopts

Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 11:00 pm

Free adopts

Sometimes a Narakari and its owner loose their connection to each other. In this case those poor tri-corns come back to me. I care for them until they find a new owner...
You don't need a special form to adopt one but please choose a name before you try to adopt.
Attention:You can only adopt a free Narakari if you don't own one, yet.

Narakari for adoption:

At the moment all Narakari and owners live together in happiness. No poor Narakari that is homeless. Please go the premades section if you are interested to buy one or search for a breeding.
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Premade designs

Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 11:00 pm

Yamas little kingdom of doom
(others would call it artist zone for premade designs)


As I see more and more forms that are filled out wrong or incomplete or beautified please notice if there are more than one person who are interested in the same design I will only accept the first correct form. We are NOT on the run. So please take a few seconds and look over your form if everything is correct. (rules(!) gender, age, payment; I've already seen a lot of things) It's less frustrating to invest a few seconds more than not getting the design you want.
And don't change anything in the form. Do not beautify it in any way: No other colors, centering, resizing, etc. I'll ignore modified forms from now on.


Edits on the pictures
Resizing, dividing into two parts or a combination of both is ok. Nothing else. If you want me to do this you have to pay one spider for it. And please make sure that you save those pictures on your own.


ONE of the following:
- three wishlist items that are not from the store (of course different ones); you know the free ones...
- 5C$
- one of the new shop scythes, please check my wishlist to see which ones I'm missing
- 10 spiders (I don't care about the rarity in my hoard)
- art of one of my Narakari, please show me examples of your art before you do it
- one non-rare wishlist pet
- 5 of the August 2015 hyenas

Free premade coupons:
- abbyapril72
- Mayorati
- Queen Chrysalis
- QuantumNightmare
- Cavy's Girl
- Twitch3306

Form for the premade designs
Please don't change any facts that are mentioned in the designs description. Don't change the form in any way.

Code: Select all
[u][b][color=#004000]I want to buy a Narakari.[/color][/b][/u]
[color=#004000][b]Which design? -[/b][/color]
[color=#004000][b]Name of the Narakari:[/b][/color]

Premade designs

Special: Sport Horses Series I
Attention! You can't get more than one sport horse of each discipline. Names cannot be changed.
I hope you enjoy the classic sport horses. Series II with western sport horse designs will be released some day in summer.
Btw: Not all horn colours are related to nations. A few are more about feelings or impressions I had when I saw their real life cousins.

Race Narakari:

Image ... 724ecf.png
Desert Gold
Height: 15.0hh (approx 152 cm)
Genetics: EE/AA

Image ... 8wvcpa.png
Height: 14.3hh (approx 150cm)
Genetics: EE/AA

Eventing Narakari:

Image ... ocl4ji.png
Gentics: EE/AA,
Height: 14.2hh (148cm)

Image ... w1abb4.png
Frodo Baggins
Genetics: EE/AtAt,
Height: 14.3hh (150 cm)

Regular premades:

- new ones soon -
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Customs and semi customs

Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 11:00 pm

Customs - CLOSED!

It’s hard to get a custom Narakari. But don’t worry about their breathtaking prize. Customs should be a very special thing. If you are mad enough to order a custom it has to follow the common Narakari characteristics. It’s impossible to remove the black mark, e.g. or to get something unnatural like a rainbow mane.

Please notice that manchados can NOT be obtained via customs. The only ways to get one of these rare patterns is via breedings or the yearly manchado outcome from Day X.

Custom payments:
- Look at my wishlist. Every rare+ pet will count as a custom payment. Yamas wishlist
- The current store pets will also count as custom payments.
- 20C$ - as I prefer this payment your order will be treated as preferential

Form to go wrote:
Code: Select all
[u][color=#800000][b]I want a custom Narakari![/b][/color][/u]
[color=#800000][b]Name of the Narakari:[/b][/color]
[color=#800000][b]Hellmark (if necessary):[/b][/color]
[color=#800000][b]Additional Info:[/b][/color]

Customs to do:
3 slots at the moment
+ 1 custom, gt prize, for QuantumNightmare, can be ordered any time

Semi customs - CLOSED

Semi customs are similar to custom designs. But you can't choose everything on the design like you do when you order a custom Narakari. They are something between a premade and a custom design. I think the best would be if you read the small point system and the example below. They explain best how a semi custom works.

At the moment semi customs are only available for C$ or store items from my wishlist that are worth the necessary amount of C$. Sorry. I might add other payments from time to time but they'll be more a exception than a real payment.

Price list:
Please read carefully through this list. Everyone has to pay the base amount for a semi custom. Beneath you'll find an example, just to make it more clear. If you choose everything you have to pay 20 C$. Honestly, it would be easier if you fill out a custom for, then. ;)
Attention! Not paying for a point of the list below does NOT mean this feature might not appear on your semi custom. You pay for the features you want to get. Everything else is artistic freedom and completely up to me. That means that features you didn't pay for can still appear.
Example: You didn't pay for a hellmark doesn't mean you Narakari won't get one, even if it already has black parts in its fur. I might add one if I feel like that or if it's needed because your semi-custom has no other black fur parts.

Base amount: .................................................. 5 C$
Coat colour (without patterns): ............................ 5 C$
Pinto pattern (e.g. tobiano, overo, leopard, etc.): ..... 2 C$
White marks (e.g. blaze): ................................... 1 C$
Hellmark: ...................................................... 2 C$
Horns and eyes: .............................................. 2 C$
Gender: ........................................................ 1 C$
Additional special marking (e.g. birdcatcher spots): .. 1 C$
Special feature (like crystal hooves): ..................... 1 C$

Now let's take a look at Discordia and see how much she would cost:

Basic amount +5
Base colour: bay dun +5
Pattern: tobiano +2
Marks: irregular blaze +1
Hellmark: nothing special because she already has black parts of fur +0
Horns and eyes: obsidian +2
Gender: female +1
Special marking: corn spots +1
Special feature: different (blind) eye +1

All in all my Cordi would cost 18 C$.

Form to go wrote:This form is the only one that can be 'edited' because you only have to list the features for your semi custom that you want. It's not necessary to list patterns if you want a solid Narakari or a gender if you want me to choose it randomly.

Code: Select all
[b][u][color=#FF4000]I want a semi custom![/color][/u][/b]
[b][color=#FF4000]Name of the Narakari:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FF4000]Total amount of C$ aka payment:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FF4000]>please list the features you want for your semi custom here (including the single amounts of C$)<[/color][/b]

Three slots at the moment:
- Cavy - HW prize
- Fire - HW prize
- Teeze - AC prize

From the Halloween event
12 points - Quantum

From our advent event:
Queen Chrysalis - 10 points
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Custom art

Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 11:01 pm

Custom art

From time to time I'll draw custom Narakari art. You can find the unfinished pictures (lines), here and pay for a colouring. Those lines are only used once or in a limited number. It's custom art but you see the pose etc. before you pay.
Payment and number of usages will be mentioned together with the lineart.

If you have any questions concerning this, don't hesitate to post in this thread and ask.

Halloween Halter Headshots!

As I urgently need some C$ I made those lines for you. They are not shaded but therefore each colour in just costs 7 C$. No limit, they'll be closed down when I don't want to do them any longer. You can order as many as you like and can pay. There are five different halters, all of them obviously halloween themed. Please take care about the comments below the examples.

1) A hue of gore ketchup
Halter colours can NOT be altered.

2) Pumpkin
Halter can NOT be altered.

3) Bats!
Halter/rope colour can be changed BUT has to stay solid. Bats can be black or white.

4) Sweet as a candy corn
Colours can NOT be changed.

5) Feed my Frankenstein
Colours can NOT be altered.

Code: Select all
[color=#FF8000][size=150][b]Halloween Halter![/b][/size][/color]
[b]Name of the Narakari:[/b]
[b]Reference link:[/b]

Pictures to do:
- Ruby (6/8)
- Teeze
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Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 11:01 pm


Breedings are CLOSED

General breeding rules:
- Do NOT breed on your own. I will design the offspring.
- Every Narakari can only breed one time per breeding season.
- Ask other users for their allowance if you want to breed your Narakari with theirs. Important: The other owner has to give his ok in this thread. Just saying that you have the allowance does not count.
- No magical breeding, only stallion x mare.
- There will be only one foal per breeding. Arrange yourself with your breeding partner.
- I take a look at colour generators. Don't worry if you don't get exactly that offspring that you had in mind. And of course don't wonder if you cross two solid greys and get a grey one , too. As I said I tend to stay within natural possibilities. Oh and please don't eat me if I did something wrong in your eyes with the genetics. I'm still learning, too.
- To keep the foal you need an open Narakari slot.
- Do NEVER sell a "Charity Breeding"-Slot. This would completely destroy the spirit of gifting.
- New foals from a running breeding season are not able to breed during the current or the next breeding season. They’ll be listed in the breeding post of the shop thread as long as they aren’t able to breed. So you don’t have to keep track about the waiting time on your own.
- You can only obtain a manchado if you breed two manchados. If you breed a manchado with any other coat you won't get a manchado foal.

"Charity Breedings"
Let me tell you how they work.
With one of these breeding slots you will not get a Narakari foal for your own. You have to find a breeding partner for your Narakari, of course. Then you have to find / choose a person who wants to have a Narakari but has no one yet. This person must be a chickensmoothie member for at least 100 days, active and oficially tell me in this thread, that he or she is interested in getting a Narakari. The parents owners will get an additional slot, while the third person gets the foal as a gift. If you breed two of your Narakari you will only get one slot.
Those breedings are for free. First comes, first serves.
Spread some love!

A word on genetics:
When I do breedings I try my best with genetics. And although I already learned a lot about them I might make mistakes. But you can help me to avoid mistakes, especially with determining genes to be homozygous or heterozygous (what might affect the foals appearance in many cases). In past I was able to remember the genetic codes of the designs I made. As our community and especially our herds grow it obviously becomes harder to remember a Narakaris genetics with each new design.
Therefore: If you have the genetic code of your Narakari please provide them in your breeding form. I'd really appreciate this little help.
Important: If you want to determine your Narakari genetics on your own, please let me confirm the genetics when they are ready.

Regular breeding:
Code: Select all
Stallions owner:
Mares owner:
Who will get the foal? -
Additional info:
Genetic code (if known):

Charity breeding:
Code: Select all
[b]Charity breeding![/b]
Stallions owner:
Stallions genetic code (if known):
Mares owner:
Mares genetic code (if known):
Who will get the foal? -
Additional info:

- 20 C$ - if you pay your breeding with C$ you either get the possibility to choose the gender OR you can change one smaller thing in the offspring's design ( no change of the gender, the base coat colour or major design things like a different pinto pattern, just things like smaller / bigger hellmark, horn colour, eye colour adding a blaze, etc.)
OR 5 of the "Other Scythes" and "Plasma Scythes", any combination
OR store items of my wishlist worth around 20 C$ all together

Charity: 1 slot

Regular: 3 slots

One free breeding for Chouhesi - can be ordered any time, even when breedings are closed!
One free breeding for Teeze - gt prize, can be ordered any time, even when breedings are closed!
One free breeding for Cavys Girl - gt prize, can be ordered any time, even when breedings are closed!

Too young to breed:

October breedings
Sinon Tanikaze, owned by Simarrah
nameless, owned by QuantumNightmare

June/July breedings
nameless, owned by Rameiku
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Guest artists

Postby Yamaneko » Fri May 02, 2014 11:01 pm

Guest artists

We have two guest artists until approx the middle of May.
For purchasing please send the payment to them. As soon as they confirm the payment I'll add your new Narakari to the archive.

Form to go:
Code: Select all
    [u][b][color=#004000]I want to buy a Narakari.[/color][/b][/u]
    [color=#004000][b]Which design? -[/b][/color]
    [color=#004000][b]Name of the Narakari:[/b][/color]

Cavy's Girl


- Three wishlist items that are not from the store (of course different ones); you know the free ones...
- Or any animal eggs on my wishlist (just send 1!)
- 5C$
- Art of 1 of my Narakari (Must be able to be resized to put in my signature!). Please show examples of your art before you start drawing.
- One of the Store Accessories Toeless Socks, please check my wishlist to see which ones I'm missing
- One non-rare wishlist pet

Premade designs:

Image ... 2nm3h6.png
Black Tobiano. This guy is very refined, even though we caught him wild he didn't have a speck of dirt on him and not a hair out of place. He has very precise movements also. He seems to be about 7yrs old and stands at 15.2hh.

Image ... pdl5lz.png
ee/Aa/Rr/nLp/Patn1Patn1 - Red roan appaloosa
He has a genuine interest in people. He is also very intuitive, but can be nervous and doesn't seems to like being in a stall.




- Three wishlist items that are not from the store (of course different ones); you know the free ones...
- 5C$
- Art of 1 of my Narakari (Must be able to be resized to put in my signature!). Please show examples of your art before you start drawing.
- One non-rare wishlist pet
- 10 of these gem horses, any outcome
- 10 of the DNA butterfly wolves
- 5 of the biohazard dogs

Premade designs:

Image ... tyx8pw.png
Bay Dun
This boy seems to be fairly mild tempered and very curious. His curiosity may get him into trouble, but he doesn't mean any harm. His owner will need to keep a close eye on him in order to keep him from stumbling into things he shouldn't. 7yrs and 15hh.


Halloween guest designs
Those can be bought from now on!
Attention, the prices are a tiny bit higher than for regular premade designs:
- 1 uncommon(+) wishlist pet
- 6 C$

by Snowi:

Image ... vhu9us.png
EE/Aa/nCr (Buckskin with Helgoland Flint Stones)
Young mare (around 4 years), a bit shy with people but absolutely loves cats. Average height (14.8), soft gaits.
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Narakari Meadows

Postby Yamaneko » Sat May 03, 2014 12:14 am

Let's make it short:

This shop thread is officially OPEN now!
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