*~*~*Short Stories with Sky*~*~* (Comments Welcome)

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*~*~*Short Stories with Sky*~*~* (Comments Welcome)

Postby SkySmoke » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:22 am

Well Hello There...

Some of you might recognize my name from my longer stories (Designer Dogs and Living Legend).

I also like to write shorter stories too and usually post them in the CS Pet Pairs thread. I just realized that I'd love to have somewhere to keep them all together, and so this thread was born.

Feel free to comment or ask questions. I will keep the stories linked in this post for easy access.

For those of you interested in reading the longer stories:
Designer Dogs
Living Legend
Written In The Dirt

And now the short stories:
Shudder & Silence
Image & Reason
Ever's Story
Words I Couldn't Say
Lucid Fantasy
Everything Changes
Fall to Pieces
Alix & Ryker
Alix & Ryker Part 2
I Just Can't Live a Lie
Rylah & Jaxson
Not Ready to Make Nice
That's WHat Friends are For
Stay with Me It starts there & is several posts long

We're all a Little Twisted (My Demented Wolf Pack)
(To read about the breed go here)
Cassus & Pravus Meet
Last edited by SkySmoke on Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:22 pm, edited 20 times in total.


Vincit Omnia Veritas


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Shudder & Silence

Postby SkySmoke » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:24 am

Originally posted in the CS pet pairs thread
Lune (Shudder before)

Shudder ♀***********************Silence♂

Lune was jerked awake by the raspy, and somewhat annoying, male voice.

“Get up! We can’t stay here!”

She slowly opened her eyes. The last thing she could remember was falling. She looked around for the person the voice belonged to, but couldn’t see anyone.

“W-who are you? Where are you?” She stuttered.

“It doesn’t matter, just get up and get moving!”

Lune mustered all the strength she could and heaved her body to a standing position. She felt oddly detached, like her body would barely hold itself up. She swayed heavily, almost falling.

“Don’t fall! Whatever you do, don’t fall!”

The voice again. It was definitely male, and it sounded young. Now that she was standing she looked around to see if she could find the voice.

“You won’t find me, not here. Just…come on, lets go.”

She shook her head and followed the voice. It was leading her though tunnels and caves. She had no idea where she was and was desperately trying to remember how she had gotten there.

“Where am I?”

“The worst place you can imagine, and if you don’t hurry up, we will both be stuck here…forever.”


“Yes, death is permanent you know. The only way out, at least of this place, is before they know you are here.”

Lune picked up her pace, following the voice she could not yet see. After a few minutes of twisting and turning they came to a huge chasm. Lune cautiously walked to the edge; the bottom was not visible.

“The only way out is to jump across.” The voice informed her.

“What?! I can’t…there is no way.”

“You have to try. Trust me, you don’t want to be stuck here.”

Lune backed away from the edge, got a running start and leaped as far as she could. To her surprise she landed on the other side, one back foot scrambling on the edge, but other wise okay. Her whole body hurt though and she just wanted to rest.

“Are you here?” She whispered; feeling stupid talking to something she had never been able to see.

“Of course I am. I can’t leave you.”

Lune spun around and gasped. She could see where the voice was coming from. It was a small, white pup. White wasn’t quite the right color though, it was more…translucent…ghost like in appearance. Where its eyes should have been were black holes and it was wrapped in chains; one around his neck that was fastened with a lock, one around his tail and one around his left front paw. His mouth didn’t move when he spoke; Lune heard him in her mind.
“Who…what…are you?” She asked.

“My name is Silence, and I am your soul. Which is why I can’t leave you.”

“My…soul? But you’re…male?”

“Yes, I am. Your soul doesn’t always match your gender.”


“Yea, think of me as your….inner child also. You were very vain and childish in life, and cared mostly about yourself. That greatly effects my appearance. Which is why I have all these chains. You were always so wrapped up in yourself you didn’t notice much else.”

Lune though about how much pride she took in her appearance. She always kept her pure black coat clean and well groomed. The only thing colorful about her were her startling blue eyes. She was a head turner and often drew attention wherever she went. Thinking back, she realize that maybe she had been a little too into her looks.

“A little doesn’t cover it,” Her soul spoke into her mind, “You were selfish and conceited, sometimes to the point of making fun of others because of their looks. It is because of that you have been doomed to walk the earth looking the way you do now. Most people can not see you, but to those who can you will look like their worst nightmare, like walking death. Instead of making people smile, you will make them shudder, and that is your new name.”

“The way I look now? What do you mean?”


Lune - Shudder- followed the pup over to the edge of a lake.

“Go ahead, look for yourself.”

She crept cautiously to the edge and peeked over. What she saw made her sit back in shock. She was nothing but a skeleton with blood red eyes. Instead of being beautiful she was horrifying to look at. She turned to Silence.

“I’m going to look like this…forever?”


“Why? And why is your name Silence anyway?”

“My name is Silence because for your whole life you let how you look be the focus of your attention. You would ignore that little voice that told you to be nicer. So now, you will walk earth like this forever, so you know what it feels like for people to judge and dislike you based on your looks, and with me to constantly remind you why.”
Last edited by SkySmoke on Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.


Vincit Omnia Veritas


There's some people who are so much a part of us that they'll be there with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, our north star, and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us...always ~ Alexis Castle | | We are bound by our choices, but we are more than our mistakes ~ Kate Beckett | |


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Image & Reason

Postby SkySmoke » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:25 am

Originally Posted on the CS Pet Pairs thread
Image (♀) ************************************* Reason (♀)

I thought I saw the sign,
Some where between the lines,
Or maybe its me, maybe I only see what I want.

How can you lie to the people you love? Well…it’s fairly easy, as long as you are lying to yourself in the process. Then, in some twisted way, it isn’t completely a lie.

“Tell me…what does being in love feel like to you?”

I sighed and bit the corner of my bottom lip the way I do when I’m trying to put something into words and I can’t quite seem to do it justice.

“Sometimes…its like falling.”


“Yea…falling. You know, that scared feeling you get when you fall unexpectedly? It can be like that. Its scary…but at the same time its this amazing rush.”

“What else?”

“Well…when its right…its like flying. You feel like nothing can go wrong, and you swear you’ll never touch the ground again.”

“What do you mean when its right? Can love be wrong?”

“Love can be a lot of things…wrong is one of them too.”

“What is it like when its wrong?”

“That depends on how it is wrong.”


“Well…if it was right, then goes wrong…its agonizing. It feels like your heart will never be the same. It feels like there is a hole inside of you that can never be filled, by anything, ever again.”

“How else can it be wrong?”

“Loving someone who will never love you back. Loving someone who isn’t good for you. Realizing you love someone when its too late. I think the worst though, is loving someone who is right in front of you, all the time, that you can’t have.”

She seemed to ponder my last statement for a minute before commenting.

“I think it would be worse to love someone and have them not realize it, despite your best efforts to make it perfectly clear.”

I sighed and looked away from her. These conversations between us were a common occurrence. I liked to think that she felt the same way about me as I did about her, yet neither of us seemed to be able to just come out and say it. The risk was too great if we were wrong. At least that’s how I felt.

If what I felt was true, then we were both living lies. Living lives with people we weren’t meant to be with. But there was that comfort zone of normalcy. To admit feelings for each other would be stepping out of that comfort zone. Risking everything for something that was so uncertain seemed so stupid. But at the same time, it seemed so wrong not to at least give it a chance...

And now I do, want you to know, I hold you up above everyone.
And I do, want you to know, I think you’d be good to me and I’d be so good to you…

The quoted parts are song lyrics from Good To You by Marianas Trench.


Vincit Omnia Veritas


There's some people who are so much a part of us that they'll be there with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, our north star, and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us...always ~ Alexis Castle | | We are bound by our choices, but we are more than our mistakes ~ Kate Beckett | |


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Ever's Story

Postby SkySmoke » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:32 am

Ever is a character of mine, inspired by the song. No using/stealing her. You will be reported.
Inspired by the song Last Kiss by Taylor Swift. Everything in italics are lyrics from the song. All credit to Taylor Swift for writing them.

Name: Ever
Gender: Female
Age: Not Known for sure 5-10
Breed: Unknown

The words that you whispered

For just us to know

You told me you loved me

So why did you go



The mare tossed her head back and called into the night sky. Her scream of rage ended as a wail of despair. He was never coming back, and it was all her fault.

All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss...

She paced restlessly, wanting something - anything - to take her mind off the pain. She knew better. She knew she shouldn't have trusted him. Not just him. Anyone. Trust never paid off in the end, and that fact was just proving itself to her again. She reared, striking at the air in front of her, then landed and pawed at the dirt, churning it into a thick mud. The heavy rain was turning her dark brown coat almost black and it was becoming hard to tell where she started and the night sky began. It was just as well, she wanted to disappear anyhow.

And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe

She stopped for a moment; standing as still as a statue, listening only to the pounding rain and her racing heart. Lightening split the sky, casting a bright, eerie light across the forest and she could see that she was truly alone. In that moment she decided that is how she would stay...forever.

Never imagined we'd end like this

Your name, forever the name on my lips...
Last edited by SkySmoke on Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.


Vincit Omnia Veritas


There's some people who are so much a part of us that they'll be there with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, our north star, and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us...always ~ Alexis Castle | | We are bound by our choices, but we are more than our mistakes ~ Kate Beckett | |


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Words I Couldn't Say

Postby SkySmoke » Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:13 pm

This was inspired by the song Words I Couldn't Say everything in quote boxes are song lyrics, I take no credit for writing them. This was just a random story, but I liked it, so here it is :)

There it was at the tip of my fingers
There it was on the tip of my tongue
There you were and I had never been that far
There it was the whole world wrapped inside my arms
And I let it all slip away….

I sat on the couch as she stormed around the house. My elbows rested on my knees, my head in my hands, the tears flowing freely down my face as she gathered her things. I heard her slamming drawers and closet doors, muttering to herself, yet I couldn’t make myself get up and stop her. I knew exactly what needed to be done, but for some reason couldn’t bring myself to do it. She came through the room I was in, her duffle bag and black hair streaming behind her.

“Can we talk?” I managed to choke out. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned towards me, her blue eyes blazing.

“Talk!? That’s all we do is TALK! We have talked this to death. There isn’t anything left to say anymore is there?”

There's a rain that will never stop fallin'
There's a wall that I tried to take down
What I should have said just wouldn't pass my lips
So I held back and now we've come to this
And its too late now…

My silence was enough of an answer and she continued her tirade around the house. I stood up and paced the room. I knew how I felt about her. She knew how I felt about her. Somehow saying it made it so much more real. Saying it meant there was no going back. Saying it changed everything…and I didn’t know if I was ready for that. But I wasn’t ready to loose her either.

She came back in the room, her eyes red, tears quietly rolling down her face. She sighed and stood there, facing me, waiting. I ran both hands through my hair, pushing it back from my face. She walked towards me slowly until there was only about a foot between us. Her eyes locked on mine; it had always felt like she could see straight through me and into my soul. It was one of the first things that had drawn me to her. She cocked her head sideways slightly.

“Well?” She spoke so softly I wasn’t sure she had said anything at all. Crying harder, I shook my head slowly.

“Please…don’t go…” It came out barely more than a whisper.

“Give me one good reason.”

I swallowed hard and looked her in the eyes, then looked down at my feet.

“That’s what I thought.”

She picked up the duffle bag and walked out the front door, letting it slam behind her.

What do I do now that you're gone
No back up plan, no second chance
And no one else to blame
All I can hear in the silence that remains
Are the words I couldn't say...

“Because…I love you….” I whispered to the silence.
Last edited by SkySmoke on Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Vincit Omnia Veritas


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Re: *~*~*Short Stories with Sky*~*~* (Comments Welcome)

Postby Gren » Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:38 am

I loved those sky, very very well written and just awesome :)
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Re: *~*~*Short Stories with Sky*~*~* (Comments Welcome)

Postby SkySmoke » Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:19 am

Gren wrote:I loved those sky, very very well written and just awesome :)

Thanks Gren :mrgreen:


Vincit Omnia Veritas


There's some people who are so much a part of us that they'll be there with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, our north star, and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us...always ~ Alexis Castle | | We are bound by our choices, but we are more than our mistakes ~ Kate Beckett | |


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Re: *~*~*Short Stories with Sky*~*~* (Comments Welcome)

Postby SkySmoke » Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:10 pm

Words I Couldn't Say <--- new story up :)


Vincit Omnia Veritas


There's some people who are so much a part of us that they'll be there with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, our north star, and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us...always ~ Alexis Castle | | We are bound by our choices, but we are more than our mistakes ~ Kate Beckett | |


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Lucid Fantasy

Postby SkySmoke » Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:30 am

Originally written for the pet pairs thread.
Image Image
Lucid (♂) ******************************************* Fantasy (♀)

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss 'No way, it's all good', it didn't slow me down
Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated
Look, I'm still around

“You don’t understand, I’m not supposed to be in love with you?” She screamed, tears running down her face, her hands buried in her hair.

“Why not?” He countered quietly.

“Because…I’m not good enough for you. What don’t you understand about that?”


“Let me help you understand. We are not meant to be together. You’re meant to be with someone…better. Someone smarter, someone prettier, someone…worth it.” She practically spat the words at him, her anger taking over the way it always did when she was confronted with an emotional issues. The funny thing was, it made him love her even more, which was opposite of the effect she was looking for.

“Do you know why I love you?” He asked softly as he sat down next to her.

“No, I don’t. That’s what I’m trying to get at.” She growled, moving away as he sat down. He chose his words carefully, knowing if he lost her this time, he wouldn’t get her back.

“I wouldn’t be me without you. You are never afraid to be yourself, regardless of what anyone else thinks of you. You have this amazing ability to filter the people out of your life who don’t like you for you. But beyond that, you inspire and encourage others to do the same. Not only that, but you accept people for who they really are. You never expect or want your friends to change anything about themselves to fit into your world. You are the first person I’ve met who accepts me for me, not what I am expected to be. What I’ve never understood is how much you dislike yourself. You have no idea just how amazing you are, but I do, and its why I love you. Its why I will always love you.”

You're so mean, when you talk about yourself, you were wrong
Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead

She looked up at him slowly, her eyes red from crying. Tears still ran slowly down her face and he reached out and brushed one away. She sighed as she let herself go and gave in to the fact that, despite that she thought she was not good for him, she was in love with him. She decided, for the first time in her life, to let someone love her back.

Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than f**kin' perfect
Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel like you're nothing
You're f**kin' perfect to me.

Inspired by the song by P!nk. Everything in quote boxes are song lyrics, i take no credit for writing them.


Vincit Omnia Veritas


There's some people who are so much a part of us that they'll be there with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, our north star, and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us...always ~ Alexis Castle | | We are bound by our choices, but we are more than our mistakes ~ Kate Beckett | |


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Cassus (A Demented Wolf)

Postby SkySmoke » Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:08 pm

Demented wolves are a breed created by my friend Gren. I have permission to create these wolves. They were on my character thread, but I think they are more stories than characters, so I am moving them here.

Name: Cassus (Cass to those who are close to her; which is not many)
Gender: Female
Breed: Demented Wolf (created by Gren)
Age: 6 years
Markings: All Symmetrical except eye marking
Accessories: Chain around neck and left front leg

Lightening struck and thunder shook the ground the night the female wolf gave birth. Her mate paced restlessly at the cave's entrance. The weather was horrible and they had been unable to make it back to the safety of the pack's den before she went into labor. Her whimpers of pain only added to his anxiety but soon enough, four pups were born. All of them were black; two males and 2 females. After cleaning them up and making sure they were all ok and eating, the parents curled into a protective circle around the puppies and fell asleep waiting out the storm.
They woke the next morning to a beautiful cloudless sky. To their horror, three of the puppies were dead and one was missing. The mother let out a mournful howl over her lost puppies. The fourth puppy, one of the females, came trotting in the opening of the cave, sat down, cocked her head sideways and looked at them.

"Why are you doing that?"

The mother wolf blinked in surprise. Pups could not usually speak until at least two months of age, and that was even early. Newborn pups were usually helpless; their eyes closed and they could barely hear or walk. Yet, here was her pup, not even 24 hours old and already twice the size she had been when she was born, walking and talking.

"Because, I am very sad. Your brothers and sister are dead, and I thought I had lost you too."

"No, I'm right here. And they are dead because...I killed them."

"You...why would you kill them?"

"Why wouldn't I? They were my competition for food."

The parents looked at each other and got up and slowly walked over to the puppy. The light was brighter at the entrance to the cave and they could see her black coat was changing to a deep purple. Her eyes, which were wide open, were bright shades of blue, purple and green. They were both bi colored, one half green, half purple; the other half blue half purple. The father growled, low in his throat.

"She's demented. Just leave her here to die, she's worthless."

He lunged towards the puppy but was blocked by the mother wolf, who crouched low, snarling with her teeth bared.

"You will not hurt her. I lost the other three, I won't loose her too."

"She's demented, can't you see that? It will only get worse from here. She's worthless to the pack."

"We don't know that, and she's not worthless, she is your daughter."

"That...thing is no relation to me. You might as well name her what she is though. Cassus."

He snarled the name in latin, the old language the pack had spoken for hundreds of years.
Last edited by SkySmoke on Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Vincit Omnia Veritas


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