Tail three/current life - I'm Not Running (No, Not Running)

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Tail three/current life - I'm Not Running (No, Not Running)

Postby SilverSamurai » Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:17 am


Ah, which brings me to my current life.

If I could go back... Tell myself not to do certain things, tell myself to hold myself together, I would.
I never wanted these things to happen; for things to turn out like this. But alas, it seems Fate has it out for me.

Life isn't always fair; it rarely is, but it's all a big game. Play your tokens right, and you'll end up ok. Probably...

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Last edited by SilverSamurai on Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:14 pm, edited 14 times in total.

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A lot is happening right now, but I'm doing my best

"I fell apart, but got back up again,"
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Budding Flowers

Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:42 am

I blinked my eyes open; it was loud, the noise buzzing in my ears as I struggled to move my limbs. A shriek came from across the room, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut in pain as the noise rung in my still sensitive ears. Loud footsteps alerted me of a Viscet close by, and I opened my eyes again to peer up at the looming figure above me. My eyes widen at the sight;

The familiar dark grey eyes of the scientist himself looked back, and if I were able to speak my words would be far from welcoming.

I noticed Lilith sitting in the corner of the bright room, and I narrowed my eyes at them. Luken cried above me, “I’ve done it! After all the years of trial and error, I’ve triggered a new mutation!” He bounced a little in place before rushing backwards and grabbing a notebook, scribbling down some words at an almost too fast pace.

I cried out, my voice being no more than a Viscetling’s whine, and it caught the dark Viscet’s attention immediately. He scooped me up rather easily, me being too week to fight his too-tight grasp right now, and set me on a cold metal table or sorts. I shivered, and the other male merely continued to take notes.

I glanced over at Lilith again, a silent plea for help, but I should have been expecting their response; an exaggerated shrug and a wide, dangerous smirk.


I grew older, and I seemed to be quite a big deal around the Lab. I was allowed my own room, how nice of him, and constantly being given mental and physical tests, measuring my strength, stamina, and willpower. It was tiring, but I couldn’t fight back. Or could I?

No, what kind of situation was I in to fight back right now?

It remained in the back of my mind, stored for later use.

Luken was kind for the most part, treating me with surprising gentleness. “Atlas,” he called to me, “What did you do today?” he would ask me nearly ever night, probably in an attempt to ‘get to know’ me or, dare I say, ‘bond’.

I grew old enough for my speech to develop fully before I began to ask questions. “What is this place?” I asked every Viscet I saw in this building, but was always given the same sickening answer; “home, of course!”

They were trying to shelter me, but I knew better. I had two lifetimes of experience behind me, and I was about to put them to full use.

In private I practiced my fire abilities, not wanting my rage and anxiety to grow too out of control in this life. I could only bring up the green flames with negative thoughts, which would prove to be dangerous, but I treaded lightly.

Questioning got me nowhere, so I tried a different approach; get close to Luken, and perhaps he will let me in on some things. I spend more and more days with him, our fake bond growing and I getting more comfortable around him. Lilith refused to go near him, despite not being seen by anyone but me.

“Luken?” I asked hesitantly at last. “What is it, Atlas?” he responded, not looking up from the report he was writing. “Why do you need to do all those tests every week?” I asked, and Luken stopped writing to glance up at me. “Why, do they hurt?” “Well, no… I just don’t understand the need for constant testing,” I pushed, trying to crack into the dark Viscet’s mind. Or whatever they were at this point

The dark male sighed and didn’t answer me. “Why doesn’t anyone else get tested?” I added, and Luken was cornered. She stood suddenly, a glint of danger suddenly shone in his eyes, causing me to take a step back. Though when he spoke, he was calm and level; “You’re the Fated One, Atlas. I’ve waited a long time for you, and I need to make sure you’re developing correctly.” I didn’t question him further, though he looked as if he was hiding something more.

I turned slowly to make my way out of the room, but stopped before I was out the door. “Can I go outside now?” I asked in a low voice, bringing up a promise Luken had been mentioning for years. “No, not now,” was his reply, it always was. What was I expecting. I sighed and escorted myself to my small room on the far side of the Lab.

I closed the sliding doors, looking around my makeshift room. Everything was clean and tidy; everything bleached a brilliant white made it almost hard to focus. I was allowed a small window on the back wall, the only source of light and color in the room. It overlooked dark woods, and I couldn’t help but wonder where I was in the world. If Luken is here, it can’t be far from the Castle, seeing how Luken had traveled there to meet me years ago.

My gaze settled on Lilith; they liked siting at the desk in the corner of the room, next to the window. “Hey,” I called out to them, and received an ear flick in response, so I continued, “Why did you choose here, of all places?” I asked. Lilith snorted, turning around. Their legs dangled in the air, too short to touch the ground, hind claws just brushing the stone floor, making a sickening scraping noise with each swing of the leg. “Why do you think I brought you here?” They asked, tone hinted with sarcasm.

“You chose to have me reborn in the city in my last life, so I can only assume you chose this place as well.” Their eyes gleamed in amusement. “Or perhaps it was Fate, my dear?” I scoffed, “No, that I know for sure. It couldn’t have been random.”

“How do you know that though?” Their voice was challenging, but not intimidatingly so. I growled back, frustration growing in my voice, “Because Luken thinks he’s altered my DNA while I was in the egg. He thinks my tails are because of his own doing.” I waived them behind me to emphasize my point. “I had them in my previous lives, so I know that’s a lie!”

“Why give him the false satisfaction if you knew that was his goal?” I stepped up to challenge Lilith, but they remained silent. “Why not tell him then, Atlas?” came their response, and I released a flare of green flame at her snarky words. “You know
too well why I can’t do that, Lilith.”

Luken doesn’t remember the person I used to be; he doesn’t remember the King I played, and I am unable to speak of it.

So then did I even exist?

Lilith shrugged. They were done talking about this for now, evident by the way their turned around to focus on whatever was more important at the desk.

I sighed, moving to the window next to them, staring out into the lush green surroundings. This building was in a meadow; the flowers grew full and bright, but no life dared come near this place from what I saw. It reminded me of the clearing from my first life, the silent beauty it contained, hiding the dangers that lie within.

My tails drooped on the ground, sliding them across the floor and I slumped onto my bed, taking a deep breath and composing my thoughts.
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Open Flame

Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:15 am

I grew a bit bolder in time, sneaking around to answer my own questions. Though in my search, I came across a Viscet who seemed… out of place, to say the least. Her feathers were as dark as Luken’s, but a bright starry pattern frame her coat beautifully, eerie bright eyes making her appearance off putting at first.

At first I would sit outside her room, peering in and listening to the sounds of the pen frantically scribbling endlessly for hours, occasionally pulling out books from the several bookshelves lining the room. I eventually wandered in casually, and to my surprise she welcomed me.

“Hello, Atlas,” She offered a kind smile, but her eyes full of hidden pain. I hated that look, knowing it all too well. I didn’t ask about it, but returned the gesture with a flick of my tails. “You know my name?” I asked, and she encouraged me further into the room with a wave of her hand. “I do, everyone here does. You’re a bit of a celebrity here, after all.”

“Because of my tails?” I guessed, and she laughed. “Yeah, how’d you know?” she joked, and I sat back on my haunches in the center of the room, taking in everything that the room held. “This is my research room. I’m the one who provides all the reports and mission information.” She said, putting her pen down to focus her attention on me. It didn’t feel bad for once, and I welcomed it.

“Mission?” I asked, tilting my head to the side. What kind of ‘mission’? There was so much I didn’t know about this place, and I hated it.

“Do you know what kind of work we do here, young one?” She asked, and I shook my head. I have an idea, but I’ve never actually been told directly… “When-“ “Kozmotis! I found a new subject to-” Luken interrupted as he walked in, stopping in his tracks when his gaze crossed mine.

“What is Atlas doing here?” He questioned the female at the desk, his cold eyes never leaving mine. “He came in on his own, Luke. He’s no threat-“ Luken growled back, “We can’t take any risks, Koz. Not yet.” Kozmotis shook her head, but dared say nothing more.

“Come,” Luken focused his attention on me once more and he herded me out the door, and I chanced a glance back at Kozmotis. She waived me out, her features showing a mix or worry and sorrow, and I held her bright gaze until the doors shut behind me.

“What were you doing outside your room, Atlas?” Came Luken’s question once we were back in my stark white room. His voice was stern and booming; it made me sink closer to the floor. “She looked lonely…” I mumbled, voice small. The dark Viscet laughed, stepping back towards the doorway. “Are you ready for your tests?” He asked, changing the subject. I nodded, and he slit the door closed behind him.

As the door clicked back in place, I sighed in frustration. Why wasn’t anyone telling me anything? Sure, I’m still pretty young as I am now, but… Hiding things only makes things worse, and drives a fatigued mind further.

But what if they’re hiding something because of me?

What if it
is me?

Did I do something wrong? No, I haven’t had anything to do.

… Did they know, about my past lives and about Lilith? No, there’s no way they could.

A familiar feeling bubbled within me, and toxic thoughts flooded my mind for the first time in years.

Maybe it really is me. I’m the cause of all this.

Why… Why did I have to exist here of all places?

Lilith. I scanned the room for the ghostly Viscet, but they were nowhere to be seen. This was all Lilith’s fault. I growled at myself and shook my head in frustration.

Before I could stop it, green flames trickled out the corners of my mouth. My anger began to take over, swarming my thoughts and taking over my being before I could stop it. All those years of mistakes and burdens surfaced and seemed to display themselves at the front of my mind. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to force them out of my mind but only making them worse.

Before I knew it, green flames had engulfed most of my body, but it didn’t feel hot. I was slightly relieved that a majority of the room was stone, but the thought quickly evaporated and was drowned out by my growing anxiety-driven thoughts.

“You know better than to let your emotions get the better of you, my dear. What’s gotten into you?” The familiar voice of the Shinigami called from nearby, and I turned to see Lilith now standing by the window on the far side of the room. I snarled at them, not in the mood for their snarky comments.

Without thinking, I lunged at Lilith, knowing full well that I would not be able to grasp them. I stopped merely inches from their face, the skull headdress adorning their head glinting green streaks cast from the fire surrounding my body. “Why did you do this to me?” I yelped the challenge to them, but they didn’t even flinch. “I didn’t do anything, my dear. If I recall correctly, you’re the one who sought me out all those years ago, isn’t that right, Ari?

I sneered at them, their words only adding fuel to the fire. I can’t touch them… and they know it. I took a step back, green flames spilling across the floor as I spat few spare flames in their direction.

The sliding door opens suddenly, Luken’s wide eyes taking in the scene before him. I stood in the center of the small room, reduced to four legs to steady my shaking body, bright green flames enveloping my body and swirling out the corners of my mouth. “Atlas,” Luken tried to call out to me, words catching in his throat as he tried to speak.

I didn’t try to move, both of us locking eyes until Luken quickly backed out of the room, eyes flashing with fear, his frantic cry echoing throughout the lab; “Subject 1970.01 is in a critical state! Return his state to normal ASAP!”

There was that word again. ‘Subject’.

I guess that’s all I am to him, after all.
I scoffed, a small smirk tugging at the corner of my mouth at the thought.

My thoughts were cut short by the rush of lab coat-wearing Viscets swarming into my room and surrounding me. Before I could react, I was pinned to the ground and my breath knocked out of me. My eyes narrowed, a yelp of pain escaping my mouth along with a few loose flames. Just as I was about to protest, I felt a sharp prick to my side, and I felt the world numb around me.

My sight grew hazy quickly, head spinning as I tried to stay awake, but my heavy eyes giving in far too easily.

The last thing I saw was Lilith sitting at the desk in the corner of the room, amusement glazed over in their cold eyes as I finally gave into the numbness.
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Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:04 am

When I finally came to, the first thing I noticed was the throbbing pain in my head. I curled into myself and grunted, but it brought no relief.

I hesitantly blinked my eyes open, and was surprised when it was rather dark. Glancing around, I did not recognize this room; a lie with my back against a wall, the room wide and cold, windows absent from all walls, the only source of light being the bright glow from several lanterns in the center of the room. A basement, maybe?

I moved to get up, but the sound of chains snapped my eyes wide open, stilling my actions. I looked for the source, but felt them before I saw them; around my neck were two layers of chains, the end of the chains attached to the wall behind me to ensure I would not get away. Perfect I sighed heavily.

“Good morning~” Lilith greeted me from the far corner of the room, drawing my attention to the small ghostly Viscet, their body hardly seen in the dark light except for the bleached white skull stop their head and the bright starry spots along their body. I said nothing, narrowing my eyes. “Someone’s in a good mood it seems,” Lilith chuckled and padded closer to me, stopping a few feet away and crouching in front of me.

I sighed, “What do you want, Lilith.” I asked in a low voice, not in a mood to deal with their… presence, really. “I just wanted to know how you were,” They looked a bit offended, but I ignored the fake hurt in their voice. “You put on quite a show earlier, after all.” They paused, waiting for me to speak. I compiled my thoughts, trying to remember what had happened myself.

“I’m not sure… I feel ok, I guess.” I got to my feet, the chain rattling around me and tangling in the mane on my neck and chest. I cursed as a sharp pain ran through me and I dropped to four legs, feeling more stable this way. I laughed at myself, what am I, a Viscetling unable to stand? I could care less though, I felt more comfortable on all fours.

“Yeah, because that’s ok.” Lilith scoffed, and I shot them a look. I changed the subject; “I did it again… I lost control of myself.” Lilith nodded sarcastically, and I continued, “It only happens when I think too much… My anxiety takes over and it consumes me. I…” I swallowed the lump in my throat, thinking over my next words carefully.

“I become a monster, Lilith. And I hate it.” Lilith’s gaze remained open and bored, but offered a sharp reply, “Then do something about it, Atlas.”

I barked out a laugh, “If only it were that easy!” “It could be if you tried, Atlas. Don’t put yourself down so much.” Came Lilith’s reply, their voice suddenly serious.

The sound of footsteps came from somewhere in the distance, catching both of our attentions. Lilith got to their feet and backed off, deciding to take their leave as they growled profanities directed at the oncoming Viscet. Moments later, Luken appeared in what I could now see as a doorway. The only thing visible on the other Viscet was the bright, iridescent greens and yellows catching the light, and the wild glint in his eyes, reflected from the weak glow from the lanterns.

“So you’re finally awake, Atlas. Glad to have you back,” he slowly padded over to me, and I took notice of the hesitation in his steps the closer he got to me. “Feeling ok? Want some water?” He asked, but I didn’t respond. No, I just want answers.

“Luken,” I cleared my throat, causing the dark male to tense a bit. “I want answers.” He didn’t move nor reply, but he did let out a shaky sigh. I got to my feet; well, onto all fours, and looked up at him challengingly. “Well…” He hesitantly said, but I snapped when he did not continue; “I want to know what’s going on!”

Luken took a visual step back, the feathers along his spine pricking a bit at my tone. “There’s a lot you won’t understand, Atlas. A lot you can’t understand until-“ I cut him off with a sharp growl, not hearing what I wanted from the other male, “Try me.

“Are you sure you want to know?” Luken asked, his voice hushed and serious, and something dangerous flashed in his eyes. I nodded, and he sat down next to me, explaining his story;

“I don’t expect you to understand, but there was once a Viscet I loved, and we were happy together. Except one day we weren’t. Before I knew it, she was gone.” He began, and my heart hurt at his words, thoughts flashing back to Saki. Luken continued though, “She had collapsed suddenly, without symptoms or warnings. She was a perfectly normal Viscet in every way… Except, she had a short tail; a mutation, if you will, that was impossible to explain.” I stopped him, voicing my sudden confusion, “You have a mutation too, Luken.” I pointed to the long horns atop his head, and he chuckled in understanding.

“Both my parents bore horns as well, so I naturally inherited them through genetics.” He explained, and I nodded in understanding. Luken continued, looking off into the darkness as he spoke, “But her parents bore no mutations. It was random; no clear reason as to why she would gain a mutated tail upon birth.”

“I got to thinking about the circumstances of her death and eventually came to a conclusion; what if the mutated DNA had caused problems in her health or body functions? I asked around, hearing of more and more cases of similar events happening, and I knew I had to look into it further.

“I founded this Lab with that intent in mind; if I could find what causes DNA to mutate and trigger these random mutations, maybe I could also find a way to prevent it. How many lives would I be able to save?” He trailed off, his voice growing weak. I looked over at him and chanced a look into his eyes; they were dark and distant, hazed over with some unseen emotion bubbling from within.

“Luken?” I asked, and he jumped out of thought, apologizing for his wandering mind.

“That’s where you come in, Atlas. Er, well,” he paused, finding the right words as I sat in silence, “Collecting DNA from Viscet’s with mutations and changing the genetic structure of DNA in eggs, hoping to trigger a mutation to further my understand the strands.”

I tilted my head, not able to fully take in Luken’s rambling, too many complicated words, I thought, wondering what goes on in the other male’s mind.

“That’s why you’re so special, Atlas. You bare a mutation we’ve never seen before! I can’t believe my calculations were correct after long last, and that’s the most puzzling part. Recalculating everything, it shouldn’t have been possible and yet…” He paused to look down at me, and I felt uncomfortable being in the middle of this. I looked to the far end of the room where Lilith sat, still glaring daggers at Luken and my throat felt tight. No, Luken. You are correct, your calculations were not correct. I may have hatched from the egg, but in no way was it your doing….. I longed to tell him, but alas. I turned my attention back to the dark male next to me.

Luken continued carefully, “Your DNA samples each week are closely monitored to check for the strands’ reactivity and how they’re holding up, just to make sure everything is well.” He finished, and I felt smaller than ever. So I’m nothing more than an experiment to him.

I remained silent. There was nothing for me to say.

Getting to my feet, I stretched out my stiff limbs, feeling them crack in a satisfying way. With each move I made, the chains around my neck rattled, bringing my attention back to them. “Why the chains?” I asked Luken, and he responded rather bluntly; “You were dangerous, and we took actions to ensure your safety as well as our own. I can remove them now, if you’d like,”

I thought it over, feeling the weight around my neck. I hesitantly responded to him; “No… I’ll keep it. Just…” I pulled at the chain connected to the wall and Luken got the hint, unchaining the clasp connecting me to the wall. “Are you sure?” He asked, seeing my hesitation. I shook my head, more confidence in my voice, “Yeah. I kinda like the weight,” I replied.

The chains were heavy, yes, but they grounded me to this reality.

It may not be an ideal reality by any means, but when my thoughts begin to wander they remind me of my surroundings.

When my thoughts begin to swirl out of control and I begin to lose control of my body, the rattling of the chains snap me back to reality.

For now I’ll just have to get used to the heaviness dragging under me as I walked, still feeling comfortable on all fours, causing the chain to drag across the ground.

The air was still for several moments, and we sat in silence for a while. Eventually Luken stood as well; looking down at me as he spoke, “Ready to go back, Atlas?” I nodded, suddenly feeling the need to call him out for his earlier hesitation; “Do you trust me, Luken?” He flinched, gotcha.

“Yes,” came Luken’s steady response, and even though I didn’t believe it, I didn’t challenge it. I followed the other out of the dark basement and up a set of stairs.
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Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:25 am

A few months had passed since my spiral out of control, and several Lab members still remained cautious of me, some not even daring to get near me. I didn’t mind it, I wasn’t fond of attention in the first place.

Everything had gone back to normal eventually; Luken took his tests once a week, I much more compliant with him upon knowing his motive, even though I knew it was false. I found myself wandering to the basement quite often, now that I knew it was there. I felt comfort knowing there was a relatively large room with nothing I could damage while I practiced with controlling my fire.

Luken caught up to me one day, stopping me in my tracks. “Hello, Atlas!” He seemed more cheerful than normal, which was an immediate red flag in my mind. I nodded in greeting to him, but he prevented me from leaving, standing in my path down the narrow hallway. Maybe I can just go under him… I considered, but chuckled inwardly at the thought.

“Are you ready for your first mission?” Luken asked, and my ears perked up. “What kind of mission?” I replied, and Luken’s gaze turned serious, “A very important one. One on the outside,” He glanced out a nearby window and my breath caught in my throat at the thought. I get to go outside? What’s gotten into Luken today?

He offered me some papers and I struggled to hold them, pushing myself up to my hind legs with a sigh. I felt unstable, ready to tip over at any moment, but I used my tails to stabilize myself. Luken didn’t question me, watching me with patience. “Go see Kozmotis in room 7 on the second floor, I believe you two have met some time ago. She’s expecting you, so hurry along!” He practically skipped away, and I glanced over the papers, uncertainty clouding my mind already. Tis can’t be good…


I eventually arrived at Kozmotis’ doorway, taking careful steps as I entered the small room. “Kozmotis?” I asked, peering into the room to see the dark Viscet with the beautiful galaxy painted across her back. “Come in!” She chirped to me, and I stumbled in. I handed her the papers and she glanced them over, grabbing a pen and scribbling some things in the columns. “Did you read them over?” she asked, and I shook my head.

“Probably for the better, my father is hopeless when it comes to writing mission statements,” she chuckled, and my eyes went wide at her implication. “Your father?” I asked, and she laughed. “Luken, that is. He’s… Not my real father, but he’s all I have ever known as one.” She explained, and I nodded, my mind drifting to Lark, wondering what the situation in Luken’s case was to take in a Viscetling. I can’t imagine him ever making such a kind gesture as he is now.

I nodded, and she began explaining;
“Because you didn’t read over the overview, I will explain the situation to you as it stands. A few miles from here is a pack of settled Viscets. While they are few in number, they pose a significant threat to us in brute strength. Recently we have received a warning by their leader, Hunter; an attack is on the horizon.

“What your job is, Atlas, is to infiltrate their camp and find out any information you can about the attack. You have five days before you are to report back. We need to stay safe and protect the Lab, and Luken thought you were our best choice on the field for this mission.” Kozmotis explained, and I tilted my head when she finished. “Why me?” I inquired, but her response was light and honest;

“I’m not sure myself, to be honest, Altas. Perhaps because you’ve never been outside and no one would recognize you to associate your presence with the Lab? You are also able to protect yourself with a cloak of flames, to top it off.”

“How am I supposed to get into their camp?” The female in front of me shrugged. “Rumors have it that they accept any and all injured Viscets,” She looked me over before continuing with a playful smirk on her face, “And with you walking like that, you shouldn’t have a problem.”

For the first time in a generation, I stuck out my tongue in defense.


I didn’t bother unwrapping the chains from around my neck as I set out on my first mission, but more than that, my first steps on the grassy earth that lie outside the hard stone floors of the Lab.

I forgot how good the ground beneath my paws felt, I took in the feeling, taking a deep breath as I pushed forward in the pale morning light.

The surrounding areas seemed… almost too familiar, but it could just be that I hadn’t been in a forest for a generation. I paused when I had wandered just out of sight of the large, unnatural stone structure of the Lab when I stopped in place. I looked around, getting my bearings as I remembered Kozmotis’ advice, ’Just head west, when you hear a river, you’re getting close’

I hoped I found the river, mind wandering back to the King before me. I wanted to see it with my own eyes, for the both of us. But now was not the time to delve in the past, I shook the thoughts away.

I must have walked for hours until I began to hear the sounds of rushing water; my heart raced at the sound, and my pace quickened.

The sun was falling now, casting long shadows across the earth. Birds called in the tangles of tree branches above, and the heavy leaves began to block out most of the sun as I pushed towards the sound of the river.

[i]So close, but where is it?
I wondered to myself, the sound becoming ever louder but still nowhere in sight. I caught a glimpse of a doe and her fawn a few feet away, their eyes glued to my form in fear. They leapt down a steep hill, and I rushed after them to make sure they were all right, but what I saw stopped me in my tracks.

Water! The river ran heavy and fast through the channel, lapping at the edges and throwing droplets of water onto the weathered ground on either side. A little ways down, the river widened out and settled a bit, calm enough to wade though. I couldn’t believe it, I had found it…

Not only significant for my current mission, but I tilted my head back to look at the darkening sky above, stars beginning to peek through the atmosphere. Is this what you saw, Sir? I thought, but was pulled back to reality by the sound of my chains rattling across the ground.

“Pretty, isn’t it?” A voice startled me and I spun around, another Viscet standing along the forests edge a few yards away. I only nodded back to him. “What are you doing all the way out here?” He asked, and I wasn’t sure what to say. What should I tell him? Do I tell him the truth?

No, that could be dangerous. I’ll play the trusting game for now,
I decided and responded with a smile and a flick of my tails.

“Just got lost,” I said carefully. To my surprise, the fluffy white and brown Viscet laughed back, “It’s easy to do out here! It certainly took me a while to get the hang of things, that’s for sure.”

“My name’s Abuto, though you can call me whatever you’d like.” He introduced himself, and I returned the introduction; “Atlas. I’m… Not from around here.” I trailed off, not sure what to say. Another laugh from Abuto; “I can tell! Do you need some help getting somewhere?” He asked, and I was taken aback at how generous the fluffy male was.

“I don’t really have anywhere to go,” I explained, and Abuto jumped at the opportunity. “Nowhere? Would you like to come stay with me for the night then? I’m sure no one would mind.” He offered.

Just as I was about to decline his offer, my stomach let out a loud growl. My ears turned red in embarrassment and Abuto laughed, “I guess that settles that!” He turned to head back into the forest, surprised at the well-used trail we followed. Whoever this Viscet was, they seem to come here a lot, I thought, observing the worn path we walked carefully down. “Are you alright, walking like that?” The male in front of me commented, glancing back at me. “Yeah, just more stable like this,” I replied honestly, and he hesitated before turning his gaze back to the path in front of him; “If you’re sure. Let me know if I should slow down, Atlas.” Just how selfless was this Viscet?

We arrived into the wide clearing within a few minutes, Abuto calling a greeting that echoed through the clearing, and my body stiffened with sudden worry. What am I going to say? What if they find out about my mission? The rattling of the chains snapped the thought out of my mind.

A tall Viscet emerged from a large den along the side of the clearing, his bright iridescent feathers shining in the light of the setting sun, the horns atop his head caught my attention; they were just like Luken’s. “Welcome back, songbird,” The other male called, and Abuto flushed at the embarrassing nickname. “I’ve told you not to call me that, Hunter!


The tall Viscet that stood in front of was none other than the dangerous leader himself.

My feathers rose, growing anxious and uncomfortable.

Hunter turned to face me, his arm slung across Abuto’s shoulder playfully as he spoke, “Who’s this?” he asked, voice light and uncaring. “His name’s Atlas, I found him wandering lost by the river.” Abuto commented, not giving me time to introduce nor explain myself. My tails twitched.

“I, uh…” I swallowed the lump in my throat; “I’m sorry to intrude-“ I started but was cut off by Hunter’s loud, playful voice. “Nonsense! The more the merrier~” he chirped, and I was taken aback.

Why are these dangerous Viscet’s so welcoming and carefree? I wondered, but I felt the feathers along my spine smooth out as I watched the pair lightly bicker amongst themselves, the topics seemingly random. These two have obviously known each other for a long time.

Hunter paused and turned his attention to me, his gaze warm and welcoming, “Stay as long as you’d like, we’re happy to help if you’ve got nowhere to go.”

I’ve never felt so comfortable around strangers before.
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Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:21 am

The next morning, Abuto invited me to go out gathering with him, rambling something about flowers and herbal medicines. I agreed, seeing this as an opportunity to ask questions.

“How old are you?” I started by asking the fluffy Viscet, and he laughed under his breath. “About twenty-six. What about yourself?” he asked back, but I shook my head, not knowing the answer myself. “I’m not sure,” I admitted, and Abuto chirped from in front of me, “You look around my age, though.” He replied.

Had it really been that long?

I guess when you’re trapped inside a stone building the time flies past you.

“Do you have any family?” I tried to keep the questions casual, but Abuto stopped in his tracks and turned to look back at me. Oh no, I crossed the line… “You’re more chatty than I had originally thought, Atlas.” He smiled back at me, and I mentally sighed.

Abuto hesitated, but answered after many moments of silence, “Yes, I did. Hunter is all I have at the moment, but I’m close to a few others…” He trailed off, words caught in his throat. I looked up at him, eyes full of understanding. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” I told him, but he shook his head and laughed, “No, that’s alright. You asked, and I’ve got nothing to hide.”

That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. What was it like, having nothing to hide and nothing hovering over your back? I felt a pang of envy run though me.

Abuto had sat down at this point, and I settled myself next to him, but not too close. He continued where he had left off; “I was born into a poor family in the city just south of here. I took interest in art and crafty things, and scavenged around for materials and sold little makeshift projects in the little plaza. The King took notice one day and took me in,” This city is sounding a bit too familiar… Was it-

“The King was kind to me, though inside he was broken and yearning for love. I consider him a father figure, even though we are no longer in contact.” My eyes were wide, running over the possibilities. No, that’s impossible… is it? He can’t be talking about-, “Though I still things are starting to get a little rough for him in recent years. Poor guy, never had a choice in his future.”

“King?” I asked, voice coming out shakier than I had intended. “Yeah, imagine that! The King had taken a mere Viscetling like me under his wing. I don’t think I could ever thank him enough.”

My head was dizzy. He can’t be talking about Nanashi, could he? It’s just not possible…

“What’s his name?” I asked, but another laugh came from the fluffy male, “Curious, are we? I can’t believe you’ve never heard of him! King Nanashi, but there’s a rumor that that’s not even his real name,”

So it was true. How could that be? I guess the time frame is correct… Nanashi did like walking through the city, he probably picked up Abuto shortly after I died, seeing as I was not longer around to tell the Viscetling off

I was left speechless. What a coincidence.

Abuto, however, wasn’t finished. “I left the Castle after a few years because I felt trapped. It sounds weird, doesn’t it? A huge Castle with all the space in the world and all the things I could want, yet I didn’t quite feel at home. I can’t explain it, but it sure does sound silly!”

No, Abuto. I understand completely.

“After I left, I wandered for a bit before finding an odd little clearing; I was drawn to it, in an odd sort of way. That’s where I met Chronos, my close friend and mentor.” My heart nearly stopped right then and there.

Chronos was… Alive. He was safe, and he had taken on another apprentice? Sounds just like him.

“Do you know him?” Abuto asked, seeing the disbelief painted across my face. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came. I closed my mouth, opening it to try again, my throat dry as I quietly managed a lie; “No…”

Abuto stared at me for a few minutes, hesitating, before continuing on. “He taught me about plants and herbal medicines from nature, even a few healing runes.” I let out a deep sigh, happy to hear that my son was doing well. “Would you like to meet him?” Abuto asked, and I nearly choked, eyes wide in disbelief.

“Yes, that sounds great.” I squeaked out, and the fluffy male laughed and got to his feet. “Come on, then. It’s a bit of a hike, but we should be fine.” He called, glancing up at the sky before leading the way through the dense forest.


As we got closer, the more familiar the area got. I started to have a bad feeling about this. He was heading straight for Lilith’s clearing, though his steps never hesitated.

We slowed down to a halt at we arrived at the all too familiar clearing, memories from generations previous flood back into my mind. “Here we are!” Abuto chirped, and I felt my stomach flip. How can he be so calm in a place like this? Did the rumors about this place die out over time? “Wait, hold on! I forgot something!” Abuto screeched and darted in a seemingly random direction, and before I could call out to him, he was out of sight.

I sighed, sitting back on my haunches and peering into the clearing as my anxiety spiked by the second.

Was Chronos really in there? …Does he remember me? Does he blame me?

Does he know the truth? Does he know what I really am?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by twigs snapping behind me, feathers along my spine shooting up in surprise as I spun around, but was met with a familiar set of cold eyes. Lilith

“What are you doing here?” I hissed at them, but they laughed and raised their arm, the String still dangling from their wrist. Their voice was light as they responded rather sharply, “Well hello to you too, Atlas.” I ignored them, starting to feel protective. Of what?

“I’m surprised you actually agreed to come back here,” Lilith stated calmly, and my eyes narrowed at them. “You knew Chronos was alive, didn’t you?” I challenged, and Lilith nodded with a smirk. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” I cried, and the Shinigami shrugged. “You didn’t ask.”

I snarled at them, something still bothering me about this situation. “How is he still alive? It’s been nearly two generations, and I know you know something.[/i]” “Easy there, kid.” Lilith raised their hands defensively, but responded after a moment, “You are immortal in an odd sort of way, but Chronos; being your biological son some of the effects of your curse rubbed off on him I guess.” They sounded almost defensive, but not in a dangerous sort of way. yet.

I growled at them and lashed my tails, anger starting to swell within me, “Don’t you think that’s something I should have known by now?” Lilith laughed, responding quickly; “It poses no threat to his health, unlike yours. Like I said, he only got a part of it while you received the full effect of it.”

I wasn’t fully convinced just yet. “He’s fine,” Lilith added, seeing the worry in my eyes, and their voice was sympathetic, if only for a moment.

I let out a heavy sigh, the chains rattling slightly as I shifted backwards a bit. “Got ‘em!” A screech sounded from the distance, signaling Abuto’s return. When he came into sight, I could see his arms full of… were those sunflowers?

Upon closer inspection, Abuto seemed to be running from a swarm of bees, rather than just hurrying back to greet me. Lilith laughed as my face paled.

Abuto rushed over to me, and I screeched back at him, “Stay away from me with those!” The other male didn’t seem to get the message, running right up to me; the bees swarming close behind.

The other male tried to hide behind me, but I lashed my tails and gently hit the fluffy male with them, all the while the bees getting closer by the second. With no other choice, I released a billow of green flames; they swirled in the air for a moment before fading as quickly as they had appeared.

The bees didn’t seem to care.

I released a wall of flames, Abuto quivering behind me but staring in awe at the sight.

At last, the bees had let up. We had won the battle, and Abuto sprang up, still clutching the large sunflowers; he twirled in place as I caught my breath. “How’d you do that, Atlas?” the fluffy male asked, and I chuckled. “I’m not too sure myself. It just kinda happens.” I replied, and he seemed content with the answer.

“Well,” Abuto brushed himself off and stood in front of me, “Are you ready to go in?” I nodded hesitantly, not quite giving into my thoughts again, but they still lingered in the back of my mind.

He led the way, pushing through a small opening in the underbrush, and I made to follow him, but was stopped by the Shinigami’s glowing eyes; they still sat at the edge of the underbrush. “Wait,” I lifted my gaze to theirs, not expecting their next words. “Are you sure about this?” I chuckled, “What, is there another Shinigami in the clearing?” I sneered. Lilith didn’t seem to appreciate the comment.

“You’ve come full circle, Ari. Are you sure you want put yourself though this once more?” they warned, and my thoughts trailed off to Chronos, my first son, who lie merely a few feet past the underbrush. The thought of him sent mixed emotions down my spine; fear, sadness, joy… I lifted my head, breaking the Shinigami’s gaze.

I nodded, pushing forward through the woven entrance without a second thought.
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Link To the Past

Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 11:55 am

“Welcome back, Abuto.” The dark feathered Viscet emerged from a carved out den, his heterochromic eyes slowly meeting mine, and I froze. A wave of emotions came over me and I felt tears glaze over my eyes. I was speechless.

My son was standing in front of the giant looming tree that I had met Lilith at all those years ago. He was alive, and he looks great, my heart swelled with pride.

There were so many things I wanted to tell him, yet none of them I could actually say.

“And to you as well, newcomer. I’ve been expecting you,” Chronos added, holding my gaze. He’s… been expecting me?

Did he remember me? No, of course not. My presence was erased from the memories of those I had come into contact with in previous lives.

Then, how…?

It was Abuto who turned to me and explained; “Chronos has an ability to see into the future. I’m not sure how it works, but it’s pretty cool!” the fluffy Viscet stated. Ah, how could I forget. I let out a small sigh of relief, thankful that Chronos had retained his Sight through the years.

Chronos nodded, “Thank you for the introduction, songbird. Though, I don’t believe it was necessary.” The dark Viscet’s tone… He knew something. I’m not sure what or how much, but he seemed to too knowing.

“Nice to meet you, Chronos.” I lied through my teeth, stuttering a bit. “My name’s Atlas.” Chronos hesitated for a moment, but replied with a weak smile. “Nice to meet you, Atlas. What brings you here?” Where do I begin…?

Abuto answered for me, “He was lost yesterday, so he’s staying with us until he gets his bearings. Thought I would take him out gathering with me today, and he seemed to have an interest when I mentioned you.” “Is that so,” Chronos’ gaze met mine, and a chill went down my spine. “Where are you from?” he asked carefully, and I held my breath, thinking over my options before settling on “I’m a wanderer, been traveling for quite some time…[/i]”

“So you must be very knowledgeable then,” Chronos laughed, but there was something else hidden deep in his eyes, and it pricked my feathers. “I admire that in people.” Chronos added, breaking my gaze and walking up to Abuto. The latter seemed thrilled as he held out the flowers, Chronos taking them carefully. “These are perfect; thank you, Abuto.” He chuckled.

The white Viscet chirped in praise, “Atlas saved us from the bees that wanted them. You should have seen them, there were at least a hundred of them!” Abuto waived his arms in the air, somehow mimicking the bees in an overly dramatic manor. Chronos seemed to get the idea and he laughed. “I can only imagine,”

“You two better be getting back soon,” Chronos commented, and Abuto nearly whined back his response, “It’s hardly getting dark though!” I felt uneasy, and knew the feeling of Lilith’s eyes glaring into my back. “You have quite the trek back, and your friend doesn’t seem to steady on his feet.” Chronos said, glancing me over.

Abuto hesitantly nodded, getting to his feet with a yawn. “Alright, if you insist. Need anything when I return?” “Nothing that I can think of, thank you though. I just stocked up recently.” My son replied. “Alright, see ‘ya later!” Abuto called as he padded out of the clearing. I followed close behind, but was stopped by Chronos’ sudden call, his voice low; “You be careful.” He warned, my eyes narrowing. I held his gaze for a few moments, pain in my eyes reflecting into the other males, and I had to look away. “Thank you,” I murmured, pushing myself through the thick underbrush without looking back.

My son was alive and safe, and it gave me new hope.
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Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:03 pm

The next day, I awoke with a solid goal in mind; talk to Hunter and see what he knows. I was on an important mission, after all. I let myself get sidetracked yesterday, but today was a new day.

Hopefully Hunter is as open as Abuto is.

“Atlas, is it?” Hunter asked as I approached him; he was lying in the center of the clearing, basking in the pale morning light. Even though it was early, the air felt heavy and muggy, a welcome change to the constantly dry air in the Lab.

I nodded to him, “Yeah,” I responded, the chains around my neck dragging in the dirt under me as I walked. “You need that taken off?” Hunter asked, nodding towards the glinting silver chains around my neck. I chuckled, a smile on my lips. “No, thanks though. It’s… comforting to me.” I explained, but Hunter shrugged.

“Can I join?” I asked, and Hunter chirped and moved over a bit, willing to share his basking area. I sat down next to him, closing my eyes briefly and taking in the moment. The warmth felt good against my feathers, and my tails fanned out, absorbing as much sun as I could. Hunter laughed, making me open my eyes. “You never seen the sun before or what?”

I flicked my ear and murmured, “Yeah, something like that” Hunter looked at me for a moment longer before going back to basking. Minutes pass as I arrange my thoughts, making a list of things to ask the leader.

“Can I ask you something, Hunter?” I said hesitantly, careful not to intrude on the other Viscet. “Sure, yeah,” came the casual response. I took in a shaky breath, choosing my next words carefully; “Do you know anything about Luken?”

The Viscet next to me jumped up almost instantly, his expression unreadable. “I’ve heard a lot about him, but don’t really know anything about him,” I added, speaking honestly. Hunter watched me closely for a moment, hesitating. When he finally spoke, his voice was low and filled with warning; “There’s only so much you want to know about that man,”

I nodded for him to go on; “He’s a murderer is what he is,” I was taken aback by the fierceness in his tone, completely contrasting his usually jolly and carefree nature. I was stunned, ears flattening.

“He calls himself a scientist and claims to be working towards the greater good, but refuses to share his research with real science facilities. He hunts down Viscet’s with mutations and uses them as lab subjects, never to see the light of day again. Even going so far as to kidnap Viscetlings and snag eggs from nests! All in the name of science,” He snarled, pure hatred evident in his voice as it rose with every word he spoke.

“Have… Have you ever…” I asked but the words wouldn’t come, but Hunter seemed to understand my question.

“Almost. I was hunted at a young age and fought with one of his Field Viscet’s. ‘ya know, the ones he sends out for ‘missions’.” My blood ran cold, realizing the position I was in. I remained silent, partially for my own safety. Hunter gestured to the long scar across his left eye, “Wasn’t easy, but he never came back for me, so I must’ive done something right.” He laughed.

I had to stop myself from shaking in my spot.

Stealing eggs… is that how he got my egg?

I guess I’m not much better than him
I thought, thinking back to Lark’s arrival. I shook my head, not wanting to think more into it.

“So you don’t like him too much, huh,” I chuckled nervously, and he got to his feet, tail lashing with rage. “When I find him, I’m going to put an end to his precious Lab. Teach him that we mutated Viscet’s still have fight in us,” he growled, the feathers along his spine rising warning. “We shouldn’t have to live in fear like this!” He cried, voice echoing throughout the clearing as he slammed his tail against the earth, a dust cloud swirling into the air around us.

This is the side of Luken that I hadn’t heard about. I knew Luken had his motives, but didn’t think he’d go quite this far to achieve his goals.

“And what’s more,” Hunter had begun to pace, “rumor has it that he’s even manipulated his daughter and threatens her to help him!” Kozmotis? No, she didn’t seem burdened. I thought, but I thought back to the first time we I saw her; that sad, worried gaze in her eyes. Could it have been so much more?

I was overthinking again, and I could feel the flames starting to creep up my throat in frustration. Who’s side was I on, anyway?

I voiced my mind, and Hunter stopped In his steps to focus on me as I spoke, “That seems dangerous, though. He could get in a lot of trouble for doing things like that.” “But that’s the worst part!” Hunter all but screeched back, “He’s gotten permission for his research; a fancy signed document and everything!” I was taken aback by his words, and I was unable to stop my next question, though I instantly regretted asking;

“Who would agree to support such a thing?” Hunter growled in agreement, his tail held high in a silent threat towards no one in particular. When he spoke, my blood ran cold;

“Ever hear of the Old King?”

My eyes widened, I couldn’t believe it.

“He passed a while ago; he was a wicked man, cold and reclusive, with a heart made of stone. My heart skipped a beat, and I slowly got to my feet. Hunter kept on, “Rumor has it that his daughter was kidnapped at a young age, but no one really knows the truth about that story. But she died young, which perked Luken’s interest. But get this! The Old King used dark magic to retie her spirit to her body, and when the effects started to show on her body, he threw her out into the street!.” That’s not… entirely true.

“And to top it off, he killed an innocent Viscet and kidnapped the child, all for the sake of having an heir!” I…. I really did that….

My mind raced and feathers stood on end. “H-he couldn’t have been that bad...” I mumbled under my breath, but Hunter scoffed. “If you’d seen him, you would know better than to stand up for such a man,” he nearly spat, and I felt dizzy. I’m sorry…

I took a step back, choking on words that wouldn’t come. I can’t do this… I stumbled backwards, tails waiving wildly trying to support my rapidly shifting weight. Hunter’s eyes softened, “Hey, you ok Atlas?” he asked kindly, and moved in to support me. His grip was light but solid, preventing me from moving further. I stared up into his now calm warm eyes, my own eyes wide and wild, narrowed to merely slits.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckled, and I felt myself slowly relaxing in his grasp. “I’m ok…” I stuttered out eventually, but Hunter wouldn’t let up. “You need to rest for a while. I’ll get you some water” he moved to lie me down in the corner of the clearing in the shade, and I couldn’t believe his shift in moods. Luken was right, this Viscet is terrifying.

Abuto strolled back into the clearing, arms full of seemingly random plants, staining his white feathers. “Abuto,” Hunter called to him, and the fluffy Viscet turned his attention to us. His eyes went wide when his gaze rested on my weak body and he rushed over. “What happened?” Abuto chirped, adding quickly, “Did he see a bee?”

I shot him a look that could kill, and Abuto laughed. “Could you grab some water?” Hunter asked, and Abuto nodded, laughing to himself as he trotted across the clearing. Hunter turned his attention back to me, smoothing over my ruffled feathers along my spine, “You’ll be fine after a good rest.” He murmured.

I let out a heavy sigh. I nodded weakly, trying to process everything that has happened in the past two days. Why me, of all people? I wondered.

Why is fate so cruel? I can’t help but wonder what my life would be, or would have been, like if I had not snuck into the clearing all those years ago.
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Welcome back

Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:11 pm

I decided to stay with Hunter and Abuto a few days longer. I genuinely enjoyed their presence, whether it was due to my last of social opportunities in the Lab, or if it was their personalities I was attracted to, I wasn’t sure.

I explained to them that I should get back to traveling, and it was no surprise when Abuto tried to talk me out of it. “You’re leaving so soon? Don’t you like it here?” He asked, and I agreed with him. “I do like it here, but it’s time for me to move on for now.” I told the both of them, and Hunter nodded his approval, though a hint of sadness gleamed in his eyes. “Be careful, and feel free to return at any time. You’re always welcome here, Atlas.” Hunter told me, and I appreciated it. I felt welcome somewhere.

I retraced my steps, taking my time while passing the river. In few hours time, I was within sight of the Lab once more, and I let out a tired sigh.

I pushed open the heavy doors, the chain dangling from my neck clinking loudly against the cold stone floor. I had almost forgotten the sound. Viscet’s I lab coats chirped their ‘welcome backs!’ at me, but the air felt uneasy somehow. Something was happening, and it made my feathers stand on end.

I padded further into the large stone building, and I heard yelling from the far end, the voices familiar. I hurried my pace, now sprinting through the narrow hallways. I couldn’t stop in time and crashed into a frantic Viscet sprinting in my direction. They took in a shaky breath, wild eyes meeting mine. “… Kozmotis?” I questioned the frantic female, but she didn’t respond.

She scrambled to her feet with much difficulty, and I only just realized she was injured. In fact, she was bleeding heavily, her breaths were strained and she could hardly stand. “What happened to you?” I yelped, looking around wildly for someone to help, but before I could cry out she covered my mouth with her paw, harshly hissing into my ear, “Be quiet, he’ll find me! I was confused. Who would find you?

“Do you need help?” I whispered to her as she let go of my muzzle, and she nodded with haste. I looked over her wound; her hind right leg was bleeding profusely, a deep gash cut into her muscle, the tendons likely severed as well given the location of the injury. I rushed into a nearby room and scavenged for materials, finally finding a roll of bandages.

I hurried back to Kozmotis, making quick work of cleaning out the wound and wrapping it to the best of my ability. Even though it was taken care of for the time being, it would likely never fully head. Kozmotis lurched forward, attempting to continue her escape. She hissed to me, “How am I supposed to run like this?” she gestured to her injured leg, and I understood her question.

I got to my feet, stabilizing myself on four legs, showing her the most comfortable way to stand and walk in this position. She got the hang of it quickly.

“There you are!” A voice called from down the hallway, and I saw Luken turn the corner, rushing at us. He paid me no attention, his eyes clung to Kozmotis’ form as if nothing else existed. Kozmotis; eyes widened once more, and she took off as fast as she could manage on three legs. I didn’t move. I didn’t understand.

Something was wrong.

Without thinking, I let out a wall of green flames, blocking off the narrow hallway for a moment as the fire had nothing to cling to, the stone floor cold and unwilling to help. Luken, however, had stopped in his tracks. I locked eyes with him, and anger visibly filled his being. “Stay out of this, Atlas,” he growled lowly, but I stood tall in his path, my tails fairing out behind me in warning. “Why should I?

Luken snarled and made to charge forward once more, but I let out another wall of fire, this time fueled by pent up rage that had build up over the past few days, topped off with seeing my friend, Luken’s own daughter at that, injured. I felt the need to protect her, if I could.

As soon as the wall of flames let up, I let out another one, and another one. In doing this, I ensured Kozmotis’ escape, and I knew I had to follow. I needed to know what was happening.

In the time that my mind had wandered, Luken had advanced, grabbing at the chains around my throat. I was unable to struggle, feeling the silver metal links digging into my throat as I choked out. “You’re gonna regret that, kid.” Luken growled in my face, and I pinned my ears back, unable to retort. I was just glad Kozmotis was safe, for the time being at least.


I awoke to the darkness of the basement, the familiar glowing lanterns in the center of the room casting eerie shadows that danced across the room.

Lilith was also there; their glowing green eyes a sight that should be unsettling, but I had grown used to. “Long time no see,” I chuckled lowly at them, and they blinked, moving a bit closer to me. They looked… worried. “That was a dangerous thing you did there, ‘ya know. You coulda been killed for disobeying that man.” They growled, but their voice held a hint of relief.

“What, are you worried for me, Lilith? I’m flattered.” I barked out a laugh, and they shot me a glare, but it only lasted a moment. “Seriously, that was dangerous. What were you thinking?” “What do you care, Shinigami. I won’t just stand my while my friends are hurt and suffering,” I responded, but Lilith was quick to retort; “as if you’re one to say that.”

I thought about it and they were right. I couldn’t deny it as my mind trailed back to Lark, my throat tightening at the thought and remembering Hunter’s harsh words from a few days earlier.

“Why do you care if I die or not, Lilith. It’s not like I haven’t gone through it before-“ I stated, but the Shinigami raised their voice and snapped back, “Because that’s my job, and I won’t let that man take that away from me![/i]” I held there gaze for a moment, chuckling lowly before moving to get up and stretch out my muscles.

The chains clinked under me, and I glanced back; I was bound to the wall once more. Great. My thoughts swirled, and I let them for the first time in months.

Chronos is alive and well. He’s even made friends and taken on another apprentice. Does he know he’s immortal? What did he know about me?

What happened to Kozmotis? She looked pretty badly injured. Where will she go?

… perhaps she’ll make it to Hunter and Abuto’s camp, I know she’ll be ok there.

What about my mission? Didn’t Luken want to know about the information I had gathered?

…. Come to think of it, did I
really gather any?

Well, none that Luken would be interested in hearing.

I sat back, feeling the coldness of the stone seeping into my feathers. It wasn’t unwelcome at this point, and I found come comfort in it. I doze off, I’m not sure for how long, but long enough to awaken feeling a bit refreshed and composed.

What snapped me awake, however, was not as welcoming. Luken burst through the doors to the basement, his footsteps heavy and uneven, echoing through the wide empty room. He seemed… Different, as if something within him had finally snapped. But when he squatted next to me to look me in the eyes, he seemed relatively composed. “Atlas, welcome back,” He begun, and I snarled a warning to him. I didn’t want to hear that from him; not now, not after what had just happened.

“How was your mission?” I huffed, my feathers remaining flared out in warning, “Alright, I guess.” The dark male sighed, forcing a half smile onto his face. “Glad to hear. Anything to report?”

I bit my tongue, contemplating telling him the things I had been told, or just playing dumb all together. I settled for the latter.

“Nothing out of the ordinary, I guess.” I shrugged, but Luken didn’t seem to like the answer. He growled in my face, “I know you know something, Atlas. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way.” For once, I wished Luken could see the Shinigami sitting next to me, who was giving the dark male a look that could kill.

I retorted, a few flames escaping as I hissed my next words, “It’s never been anything other than the hard way, Luken.[/i]”

Almost instantly, the larger male lunged downward, attempting to clamp down onto my throat, but I let out a billow of green flames, singeing the other male’s feathers as he yelped, I kicked him off of me with my hind legs.

“This is getting exciting,” Lilith laughed as they moved to sit at the edge of the room, watching each of our moves carefully.

I was expecting the elder to lunge once more, but he never did. Rather, he brushed himself off and cleared his throat, “Ah, sorry about that. Lost my cool for a second, but I’m sure you know how that goes,” he mocked from just out of reach, and I growled at him. He carefully walked back over, extending his hand to me, but I looked at it, confused. Luken smirked and spoke his next words calmly, “I still need you here, Atlas. As I’ve said before, you’re very important to me… and crucial to my research.”

I laughed mockingly at him, “What a welcome back!” Luken ignored my sharp words, but his eyes were hard and serious. “Please, Atlas. I’ll explain what’s going on, if you’ll hear me out.”

My ears angled forward and my eyes narrowed, “I’m listening,”
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A New Mission

Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:36 pm

“Kozmotis had been acting strange since you left… and I didn’t like it. I’m sure you’ve heard by now, of our relationship.” Luken paused, and continued when I nodded, “Naturally, I was concerned for my daughter. I didn’t like seeing her like that… I tried to talk to her, but she insisted I couldn’t do anything. In the end, she tried to run; to escape this place, she broke her window in the middle of the night, her leg getting scraped in the process.” He explained, but something was off about this story.

Her leg was more than a scrape… It was a deep gash, definitely not something a mere scrape from glass could cause, but I bit my tongue and heard Luken out.

“I found her outside, hurt and unable to move, so I carried her back to her room. But when she came to, she was frightened and hallucination from loss of blood, and I believe that’s where you came in,” He chuckled, and I recalled the wild look in Kozmotis’ eyes as she crashed into me while fleeing. No, that’s not right either.

She may have lost a lot of blood, but she was far from being delusional. If anything, Luken seemed to be in a different state of mind in that moment, not Kozmotis.

What good is lying? Why is he hiding the truth?

I could only nod at his story, feeling like I would say something I would regret if I opened my mouth to speak. “Actually,” Luken spoke once more, and I had to prevent myself from rolling my eyes.

“I would like you to go out and find her. Please, bring my daughter back.” His voice was forced with sorrow, but his eyes betrayed his motives, as they were filled with anger and hate. There was something else there, deep down, but I couldn’t exactly name it. Remorse? Perhaps.

I nodded, agreeing to be freed into the outside world once more.


I ran straight for Hunter’s camp, trying to ignore the trail of blood that went every which way through dense forest. If she’s not there, then at least I could get their help in finding her, was my thought.

The sun had risen into the sky by the time I had come into sight of the large clearing, and the air was crisp and light for once. I raced into the welcoming clearing, about the screech for help but was stopped at the sight before me; Kozmotis was indeed here, but in far worse condition than I had thought. Hunter and Abuto looked up at me surprised, but a knowing look in their eyes as I hurried over to them.

“Is she alright?” I asked, but Abuto shook his head, “I’m not sure. Her bleeding has stopped, but her breathing has become shallow.” He reported. I squeezed my eyes shut, Hunter glancing over to me, “Do you know her?” About to respond, I but my tongue, not sure if I should tell him who this Viscet really was. I sighed and finally responded, “Her name is Kozmotis. She’s… my friend.”

Hunter nodded in understanding but said nothing more. The clearing was quiet for what seemed like hours.

At last, Kozmotis’ body gave a violent jerk and she started coughing. Abuto’s eyes widened, whispering something that was probably a mix of amazement and glee based on his expression. We watched in silence as the female began to steady her breathing on her own, even sitting up in time.

“Where am I…?” She asked in a small voice, and Hunter was the first to greet her; “You’re safe, that’s all that matters.”
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