♛ The Prince, ⚔ the Soldier, & the Gifted ☀ #2

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☀ Chapter seis

Postby ~Teya~ » Tue Nov 13, 2018 1:42 pm

Chapter six

    Տtretcher wheels squeaked past the trio every once in a while to relieve the silent tension building up against the door of room 205 in the busy hospital.
    Sunora squirmed, feeling the cool metal bench beneath her beginning to weigh on her patience. The door clicked, causing her to jump a little in her seat.
    “She’s awake,” the viscet who came through the door announced, their features kind as he stared down at the faces of the anxious group. With a motion of the doctor’s paw, Sunora was the first to reach the door and enter. Behind her Arathorn and Murlé impatiently followed, their eyes eagerly searching the room. It was a quiet room, with a window to the side of a small bed with a burgundy table. Amidst the white sheets of the bed a childish face peaked out, her triple-ringed blue eyes observing them cautiously. For the most part, her fur was purple, but not nearly as vibrant as Sunora’s. It was more dull and grayish, with pale colored horns protruding from her head. Her mane fur was oddly cut, too, messily growing close to over her eyes.
    Sunora took a deep breath in, slowly taking another step forward. “Hello,” she began gently, giving the girl a warm smile. “My name is Sunora, and my friends over there are Arath and Murlé.”
    Her navy mixed with sky blue eyes continued scrutinizing them as she pulled her blanket further over her frightened features.
    Sunora hesitated. “Is it okay if I ask your name and how old you are?” she asked in the same careful tone as before, hoping she wasn’t getting too ahead of herself.
    For awhile, she stayed dead silent, appraising them narrowly. “Inkina,” she whispered finally, dropping her blanket shield slightly. “And I’m fourteen—I think,”
    “You think?” Sunora ventured curiously, tilting her head. Inkina opened her mouth to speak, but then decided to close it. She could sense the fear in Inkina suddenly elevate.
    “I—I don’t know, okay?!” Inkina exclaimed shakily, seemingly frustrated with herself.
    “It’s alright, it doesn’t matter that much anyway,” she assured the viscet quickly, sitting on the bed next to Inkina to comfort her. Sunora glanced up towards Arathorn and Murlé, who both looked just as perplexed as she was. “Just tell me what you do know, how’s that?”
    Inkina dropped her eyes. “All I know is they took ‘em away, everybody,” she said in a half murmur, playing with her paws. Sunora gazed down at her fragile figure, dreading what she knew she would say next. “They had on brown uniforms, and they took the whole village away,” she choked, her voice growing angry, and Sunora could feel it. “They separated all my friends and me from our parents purposefully, and the next thing I knew we were being driven away—far, far away,”
    Sunora winced, closing her eyes for a moment and praying Murlé would keep it together.
    “But then, the truck stopped . . . and he looked in,” Inkina continued, voice bitter. “He pointed at me and another about my age, I never did see the other again,” she trailed off, looking at Sunora. “Some soldiers took the both of us out screaming, it was all a blur. I have no idea how long its been since then,”
    “Where’d they take you?” Sunora asked, noticing for the first time the close to white markings covering her face and arms. On closer inspection, they appeared to be shaped like stars; but she doubted they were natural.
    “A better question would be what they did,” Inkina mumbled, staring behind her as something stirred. Sunora sucked in a breath at what looked like a deformed version of her own tail moved close to Inkina. She had made a point not to look too hard at it when they took her to the hospital, but now it appeared different. Like . . . it had a face.
    “What the hell?” Murlé whispered from a few feet away as all four of the viscets did nothing but stare.
    “I used to be normal,” Inkina confessed in a low whine, reaching out a delicate paw to stroke what looked like the “head” of the tail. It made a low rumbling sound in response, almost like a purr. Sunora stayed still, her eyes wide with intrigue. Since it didn't appear to want to hurt Inkina, she saw no real need to be frightened.
    “What did they do to you?” she asked quietly, gazing into the troubled eyes of Inkina that grew watery.
    “It’s what he did, everyone else was just following his orders like puppets!” Inkina said, balling her hands into fists as her tail growled lowly.
    “Was his name Engaño? Did he have reddish fur?” Murlé abruptly cut in, shoving his hands into his pockets. Inkina looked up at him for the first time and paused. Shaking her head, she still studied him. Sunora held her breath, she thought for sure Inkina would have noticed Murlé’s FFA markings and start freaking out, but then she remembered the dark sunglasses he wore that mostly concealed them. Sighing, she knew why he had brought up Engaño, he was the leader of the FFA—former leader, that is. Arathorn had recently told her he went missing and was most likely replaced. So, who was this viscet Inkina spoke of with so much power?
    “No one ever spoke his name, he was just . . . him.” Inkina confessed, the tail’s growling ceasing. It was as if it was looking at her, despite having nothing but some extra fluff in place of real eyes as well as a makeshift mouth made completely of fur. No teeth, no nothing. “They took me into this building, in a cage, and poked and prodded and pumped me with who knows what—” she faltered, swiftly turning away from them. “After months, years—I don’t know, somehow I escaped and ran for what seemed like days, until I ended up here.”
    Sunora paused, reaching her hand out to touch Inkina’s shoulder. On contact it quivered beneath her hand, but she didn’t move away.
    “There is no need to say anything more—get some rest Inkina, promise me?” Sunora questioned softly, waiting to see if she would respond. Turning back, weariness could be seen taking over with heavy eyelids.
    “Am I safe here?” she asked, vigilance returning to her eyes.
    “As long as you don’t eat the food here, trust me,” Murlé remarked with a smirk, and for a split second Sunora could’ve sworn she saw a small smile break through her tense features.
    “We’ll see you later,” Sunora said, letting her paw fall to the bed as she got up, making her way to the exit. Arathorn followed close behind, Murlé taking a bit longer.
    “Remember what I said,” he warned playfully to Inkina, closing the door silently after him.
    “Back to home?” she asked the two, her tone halfhearted.
    “I suppose so,” Arathorn began, taking a moment to think before his face lit up. “We could take a walk around Amarilla first, like we used to do all the time?”
    Sunora smiled, eagerly responding, “Oh yeah, that would be great! We could go to Fugaz beach, and the la Coyuntura reefs where we used to find crabs and—”
    She was interrupted by a tap on Arathorn’s shoulder, one of the SSRC soldiers that had been trailing along with them all day was now whispering something in his ear, causing his demeanor to swiftly change. “I need a few minutes, why don’t you two go do something without me? It’s fine,” Arathorn asked with a sympathetic expression, looking from one viscet to another for support he knew he wouldn't get. Sunora bit her lip, eyes gravitating towards the ground.
    “We could wait for you?”
    “No—I’ll be too long, it’s okay, really, go on without me,” Arathorn quickly responded, trying his best to make himself sound casual.
    “Arath, you promised. A day with no business,” Sunora countered.
    “I know, but this is important,” he said in a strained voice, pulling her aside away from Murlé and the soldier as his tone lowered. “It’s about the new FFA leader! We have reason to believe he’s left Solo un to do who knows what, maybe to plan another attack or get up troops morale, we don’t know,”
    “You can’t stop him, so why the big fuss?” Sunora replied stubbornly, putting one paw on her hip. Arathorn stood next to her, silent and still. He shook his head, taking a step back.
    “I won’t let him do what Engaño did,” he said simply, unwavering and sure. With that, he wheeled away from her and followed the soldier down the bright hall.
    “A lover’s quarrel?” Murlé questioned once they had disappeared around a corner, pushing his dark sunglasses further up his mostly white muzzle.
    “Something like that,” she responded with a drained half-laugh, one paw rubbing her warm forehead.
    “I’m sure it is important,” Murlé remarked in his best sarcastic voice, gazing down at Sunora mischievously. She didn’t respond, instead opting to walk in the direction of the elevator. Maybe Arath was right, or maybe he wasn’t. All she knew was one day without any work wouldn't cause the world to shatter.
    There was nothing to be heard but the sound of their shoes tapping against the tile floor, echoing throughout the halls until the ding of the elevator signaled them to get on.
    “It happened again, didn’t it, back at the village.” she said, her eyes meeting with Murlé’s that immediately stuck to glaring forward.
    “Can’t a guy just have a casual mental breakdown without getting lectured by you?” he asked with a pretend irritated sigh, leaning his weight on the nearest wall.
    “You admit it?” Sunora muttered half mindedly, honestly expecting him to dance around it for awhile like he always did. Murlé shrugged innocently.
    “I’ll be fine. You have enough to worry about as it is, okay?”
    “It’s not okay,” she quickly countered, forcing him to meet her eyes. “I’m tired of both you and Arathorn waving me off like I’m crazy, for God’s sake Murlé, this isn’t healthy—”
    “And what exactly would you have me do about it? Go to a shrink? No thanks,” Murlé said with a hint of disgust.
    “It’d help!”
    “And what, have them stare at me too, like everyone else?” Murlé challenged with a snort, stiffening. She jumped as the elevator doors abruptly opened, taking the both of them by surprise. They were met by the faces of those waiting for the elevator, to which the pair swiftly stepped out and headed for the hospital exit. “Just look,” Murlé muttered under his breath, “Nothing but stares.”
    Sunora gulped, attempting in vain not to notice the eyes of others peering at not just him, but her as well. She could even sense their inherent nervousness, as if they were somehow a threat.
    “Don’t worry,” Murlé began again, glancing down at her. “They may be curious of us both, but there’s only one they actually fear,” he said nonchalantly, as if reading her thoughts. “I doubt there will ever be a time a stranger won’t judge me that way, it’s just the truth.”
    Sunora averted her gaze away from him. “I don’t believe that,” she murmured, what little confidence she had in that statement dissolving into nothing. “Everyone will understand someday, what the FFA did to obtain their soldiers and what they did to them,” she added with a renewed sense of earnestness, straightening her posture.
    “Yeah,” Murlé commented shortly, humoring her probably to get out of the argument. Propping his sunglasses up, they made their way out into the busy streets of Ciudad Amarilla.
    “Since Arath will be awhile, let’s take a walk,” Sunora remarked cheerfully, deciding it was best to drop the subject. He may not know it now, but things were going to change eventually—she’d make sure of it.
    For awhile they walked without saying a word, observing the many busy viscets hustling and bustling from one place to another, shoppers ducked in and out of stores, and the restaurants were full since it was getting close to dinner time. Streetlights illuminated the pair as she watched their long shadows cast against the colorful buildings, with the warm summer breeze blowing through the city rustling at her fur. It felt peaceful in the start of nighttime, despite all the noises that came with the city, it was peaceful.
    At that moment she felt a shoulder brush roughly against her. Looking back, she spotted the culprit who hurried past.
    “Hey, watch it buddy!” Murlé growled at the male who momentarily turned to face them.
    “Oh—apologies,” he said quickly, staring at Sunora for what seemed like an uncomfortably long time. She shifted from foot to foot, it didn’t help that this viscet happened to be out of the streetlights in a way that made it so all she could really see were his keen eyes and a rough outline of a looming, dark figure.
    “Forget about it,” Sunora told Murlé in a hushed tone, urging them on their way. Murlé’s expression stayed the same, protective of his friend and hyper alert. Thankfully, they headed away from the other viscet, and before long he was back to normal for the most part. “Those eyes,” she thought, a little baffled. “I can always tell a personality from someone’s eyes. But not this time,” her mind continued to jump to conclusions, but soon convinced herself that none of that mattered.
    “We should head back, Arathorn is most likely waiting for us,” Murlé suggested, letting out a yawn. Sunora nodded, strolling in the opposite direction and stealing a glimpse at the lively night sky cloaked in stars.
    A dull metal clang of something falling onto the concrete sidewalk echoed in front of them, Sunora’s blood going cold. She quickly glanced at Murlé, heartbeat racing.
    “I’m sure it was just that pesky viscet-eating spider,” he remarked with a chuckle, appearing unfazed, but the way he moved warily up the sidewalk afterwards told a different story. A ways up, there were two trash cans tipped over with no viscet in sight, still Sunora stayed tense and breathless. She didn’t feel anyone that close by, so that was a good sign. Then again, she only felt those when their emotions were running high.

    Her heart suddenly sank, ears twitching in the direction of glass crunching beneath someone’s feet. It was an alleyway, next to where the trash cans had fallen from and blanketed in shadow, a musty smell of rotting garbage greeting her nostrils.
    “Come out, whoever you are! Before I come in after you!” Murlé exclaimed while showing his teeth, voice reverberating eerily off the walls. There was another crunch, and suddenly a dark figure zoomed past Sunora, but not fast enough as she heard two viscets smack onto the hard ground behind her. Whirling, her eyes met what she had dreaded. It was the viscet from before, Murlé had tackled him and was now pinning him down. Curiously, he didn’t struggle, besides being bigger than Murlé.
    “Why were you following us?” Murlé snarled, the side of his face illuminated by light full of anger and suspicion.
    “I did not mean to alarm you, it’s hard to explain,” the male replied hesitantly, looking up at Sunora pleadingly. There was something about him, something almost metaphysical. “Please—just let me try?”
    Crossing her arms, she sighed softly, returning the viscet’s gaze. For some reason, she felt like he was telling the truth. “Let him go,”
    “I said let him go.” Sunora repeated to Murlé, his bewildered features turning bitter as he released his hold on the male, muttering something under his breath. “What are your reasons?” she asked sternly, furrowing her eyebrows skeptically. The viscet said nothing, rising to his feet and brushing off his clothes. He cleared his throat uncertainly, looking from one viscet to another, his strangely colored greenish blue and purple fur hard to see in the dim light.
    “I’m not from around here. I simply came to experience the sights, tourism and whatnot—”
    “Get to the point,” Murlé snared, to which she shot him an annoyed glare.
    The male nodded, his words slow and pronounced, almost like how a foreigner spoke or just someone who was deep in thought and cared about what they spoke. “I never could have dreamt . . . to find another Solanae,” he stopped, saying the last word with such dreamy enthusiasm it was hard for her not to feel a rush of dazed anticipation. “You see, I’m like you. My fur is that of the galaxies that used to lay above my ancestors heads, somewhere distant and unobtainable from those on this earth,” the viscet smiled, speaking with a contagious excitement that almost made Sunora want to cry with joy.
    “My . . . my home planet?” she savored the words like candy, they barely felt right on her tongue—this only happened in her dreams, she used to always wonder of how it’d be meeting another of her kind, what they’re be like, how they talked.
    “Yes, our home planet.”


I hope anyone reading this is enjoying my story so far ! Sorry updates come so slowly, it's hard to be helped with school and other temptations. :p But either way, I love these characters and I just want to do them justice, so that's another reason these take so long.. I'm a perfectionist. XD
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Re: ♛ The Prince, ⚔ the Soldier, & the Gifted ☀ #2

Postby Ranger of the North » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:14 pm

First off, Sunora's determination to one day make the world an easier place for Murlé and others of the FFA is the greatest thing.

Secondly, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? O:
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Re: ♛ The Prince, ⚔ the Soldier, & the Gifted ☀ #2

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:28 am

Inkina!!!! <3

and ooooooooo
things are gettinginteresting
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Re: ♛ The Prince, ⚔ the Soldier, & the Gifted ☀ #2

Postby ~Teya~ » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:14 pm

Ranger of the North wrote:
First off, Sunora's determination to one day make the world an easier place for Murlé and others of the FFA is the greatest thing.

Secondly, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? O:

Ahh, I'm so glad you think so <3 <3 And heh, you'll see ;)
Winchester's Wolf wrote:
Inkina!!!! <3

and ooooooooo
things are gettinginteresting

Indeed ;3
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♛ Chapter siete

Postby ~Teya~ » Sun Nov 18, 2018 10:55 am

𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒜𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇𝓃 𝒮𝒾𝓇𝑒𝓃𝒶:
Chapter seven

    “𝒮o . . . Enojado, what brought you here to Amarilla?” Arathorn ventured curiously, leaning in closer across the dining room table and taking a bite of his food. Enojado was quiet for a moment, weighing the question carefully.
    “I’m a traveler, I tend to not stay in a given place too long. I saw a postcard with the Azul ocean and knew I had to go,” Enojado replied with a slight smile, glancing towards Sunora who sat next to him.
    “It’s incredible, really, you two meeting by chance,” Belleza broke in, her mane’s head fur falling perfectly over her ears.
    “Incredible,” Murlé muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Arathorn to hear. Arathorn shot him a look and his friend flattened his ears.
    “I’m just glad it did happen,” Sunora piped up, returning Enojado’s smile. Her fur glowed against the lamp light, warming her features.
    “A toast,” Arathorn began, holding his crystal glass up. “To new friends,” he said as four glasses clinked together.
    “I should thank you, Prince Arathorn, for so kindly inviting me to dinner,” Enojado remarked, taking a sip of his red wine.
    “It’s my pleasure. And please, “Prince” is unnecessary,”
    “I take it being a Prince must be very stressful,” Enojado commented, his voice riddled with intrigue. “What’s it like?”
    Arathorn shrugged dismissively. “Being a Prince is not nearly as hard as being the Queen, I just do whatever is required of me.” he responded, eyes gravitating towards Sunora’s skeptical expression with a single eyebrow raised.
    “He’s lying, they both have hard duties to perform,” Sunora countered, sinking into her chair with arms crossed. “Although,” she continued, a grin sneaking across her lips, “one party may perform them better than the other,”
    Arathorn quickly threw a napkin across the table at her and she narrowly dodged, giggling uncontrollably.
    “I’m sorry Enojado,” Sunora said mid-giggle, turning to him, “Arathorn can be so childish sometimes,”
    “What?! Don’t listen to her, she’s got it out for me,” Arathorn cried out innocently, unable to hide his grin. Enojado chuckled, looking from one viscet to another with seemingly no idea how to reply to the pair’s shenanigans.
    “Well, I vote it’s about time to get some needed sleep,” Belleza interrupted, nodding towards the viscets around the table.
    “I suppose you’re right,” Arathorn said halfheartedly, rising from his seat as did the others. “I hope you’ll stay with us for awhile, Enojado?” he added, heading towards the door with his mother and Murlé. Enojado paused, rubbing his paw on his chin.
    “If it’s not too much trouble?” he asked hesitantly.
    “Not at all!” Belleza replied warmly, turning the doorknob leading out into the hallway. “Stay as long as you’d like—anything for a friend of Sunora’s,”
    Sunora snapped her fingers, getting an idea. “I’m not that tired. Want a premium tour of the palace?”
    Enojado smiled. “Lead the way,” he replied, gesturing towards the door.
    Within seconds the pair were heading down the hall and disappeared.
    “Good night Arath, Murlé,” Belleza remarked with a yawn, kissing Arathorn softly on the forehead and giving Murlé a reassuring touch on the shoulder before walking off. They were silent, going in the opposite direction to their rooms.
    “Why don’t you like Enojado?” Arathorn asked, looking at Murlé. He sighed deeply, running his fingers through his mane and staring straight ahead.
    “Forgive me for not being as enthusiastic as you guys, but I don’t like him.” he responded in a dry tone, shoving his paws into his pockets.
    “But why?” he pressed thoughtfully, slitting his eyes a little. Murlé stopped, returning his gaze.
    “Don’t you think it’s even a tiny bit weird how we met so coincidentally?”
    “Sure, but it’s not impossible—”
    “You’re too trusting,” Murlé said, rolling his eyes and continuing onward without waiting for him. Arathorn stayed put.
    “And you’re too hostile,” he replied coolly, straightening his posture.
    “Just—think it over, alright?” Murlé pleaded, whirling to face him but now walking backwards. His expression softened, gazing towards the ground. “Maybe you’re right, but maybe I’m not. G’night,”
    “Night,” he replied lowly, watching Murlé until he went out of sight. Standing silently in the dimly lit hall, doubt crept into the forefront of his mind, soon to turn to guilt. “No,” he murmured to himself, “I’m not going to ruin this for Sunora because of Murlé’s overactive imagination.”

Wha-- ? Another chapter in less than a week?? Don't worry, it's only because it's so short. XD
QuEsTiON oF dAh dAY: Who do you agree with? C;
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Re: ♛ The Prince, ⚔ the Soldier, & the Gifted ☀ #2

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:07 pm

Oof a quarrel is never fun
But I agRee wIth mUrLé, you should never trust a stranger
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Re: ♛ The Prince, ⚔ the Soldier, & the Gifted ☀ #2

Postby ~Teya~ » Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:50 am

Winchester's Wolf wrote:Oof a quarrel is never fun
But I agRee wIth mUrLé, you should never trust a stranger

Hmmmmmm c;
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Re: ♛ The Prince, ⚔ the Soldier, & the Gifted ☀ #2

Postby ~Teya~ » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:35 am

Ranger of the North wrote:


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☀ Chapter ocho

Postby ~Teya~ » Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:36 pm

Chapter eight

    Ҭhe hall was dimly lit, the golden leaf patterns reflecting the lamp lights burning on the red walls as they walked by.
    “It’s nice,” Enojado paused, looking down at her with a faint smile. “To at last be alone with you—not that your friends are not quite the characters,” he confessed with a laugh. Sunora blushed, and glancing away for a moment her eyes spotted a terrace.
    “It’s beyond words how I feel right now,” she said, overcome with a sudden shyness she’d never experienced before, like a small child talking to their idol. At the same time, she mine as well be untouchable. Walking on air was more like it, like there was unlimited good in the world that didn’t even begin to compare to the bad, so it didn’t matter. “How about some fresh air?” she asked, going off onto the balcony that overlooked the ocean waves crashing onto the peaceful beach. Taking a deep breath in, her lungs filled with the scent of clean saltwater air. “I love the night sky,” she remarked wistfully, glancing back at Enojado as they both turned their attention to the vibrant sky jotted with white stars ranging in size that brought it all to life.
    “Ours cannot compare,” Enojado replied casually, leaning his weight on the rails. Sunora tilted her head, trying to recall anything she could about her home planet, but little came to mind.
    “Why so sad, my dear?” he questioned in a concerned tone, observing her features.
    “Nothing,” she quickly responded and cleared her throat, eyes focused on the twinkling stars above.
    “No, really—tell me,” Enojado urged, his tone soft yet demanding.
    “I was too young to remember my home planet—honestly, I barely remember how I even got here,” she said slowly, squeezing her paws on the rails that shone a bright gold in the moonlit skies. “Sometimes I have dreams about it, but it’s like every single time, when I wake up, it’s on the tip of my tongue and I can’t recall anything, besides—” she stopped, glaring down at the ocean swaying back and forth as the tide picked up rapidly, slamming into the sand with more force. Enojado said nothing, simply listening silently. She was grateful for that. “My mother’s voice, saying my name . . . and what it felt like being pulled upwards, helplessly, into the wormhole as our planet was destroyed.”
    “We were one of the first to notice the signs of what was to come,” Enojado muttered.
    “We?” she questioned without thinking, raising her head.
    “That’s not important now,” he countered briskly. Sneaking a glance his way, he stood erect and still, staring straight across the water and expressionless. She nodded her head in compliance, laying her head on one paw.
    “Sunora,” Enojado began slowly, taking a small step closer to her. “Close your eyes, just for awhile, will you?”
    She hesitated, not knowing why. “What for?” she asked, her wild curiosity rising to the surface. He only smiled in response, his dark and light blue eyes reflecting the moonlight.
    “I promise, you’ll like it.” he said in close to a murmur, as if someone was going to catch them. She paused and shut her eyes, hands trembling slightly either because of the breeze or out of confused anticipation. A single hand touched over her eyes and she almost pulled back, her heartbeat quickening. “No peeking,” he continued in a hum, after a few long seconds releasing his hand. “There. Go ahead,” he urged.
    “Why am I so nervous?” she asked with a shaky laugh, her hand flying up to her mouth in realization that she had said that aloud, causing another reactionary laugh.
    “Don’t worry,” he promised gently, nudging her arm.
    Sunora sucked in a breath, her mind unable to register what her eyes saw before her.
    Her home planet.
    Not just that, galaxies surrounding it were all sorts of colors. From deep blues, to light greens, to mixtures of any color you could imagine. The stars were not limited to just plain white, they were all ranges of color. And all of this, was now right before her eyes in the previously normal night sky.
    “Want a closer look?” Enojado questioned, looking at her with a smirk.
    “Do I?!” Sunora exclaimed in a partial gasp, unwilling to peel her eyes from the sight. He chuckled, and just like that nothing of the earth remained. As far as she could see was burgundy grass and dark violet waters. The dominating plants were taller than her, yet weren’t trees. They appeared to have large, bowl shaped leaves with a peculiar orange liquid in them.
    “How is this real?” Sunora asked with amazement, taking a step back.
    “You didn’t think to ask me if I can do anything “special” like you,” he commented simply. “I wish I could go back—for real,” he muttered half mindedly, staring at the ground in thought.
    A deer-like animal emerged from the towering plants, pure black with the exception of red markings around their eyes and nose; so delicate it almost looked like someone had taken a paint brush and carefully painted them on. It reached its muzzle out to her, and although she knew it wasn’t real, she held out her paw.
    The ground without warning shook beneath them and rumbled before splitting loudly, causing the animal to abruptly yank its head away and full on sprint in the opposite direction where it would inevitably meet its end. The world swiftly faded from view as the plants and soil ripped violently from the ground and shot upwards into a glaring wormhole, shattering the still lavender sky.
    “Was that really necessary?” Sunora asked with eyebrows furrowed, crossing her arms as the vision completely dissipated.
    “Sorry,” Enojado said, sighing a little and turning away. “It’s just—hard for me to remember what it was like there without recalling . . . what happened,”
    Sunora bit her lip, her expression relaxing. “It’s alright,” she responded sympathetically, a question popping into her head. “Is that all you can do, make others see things, that is?”
    Enojado nodded his head, staying silent for awhile. “You know . . . I was nineteen when our planet was destroyed, I wish you could’ve seen it in all its glory.”
    “Me too,” Sunora murmured, inching nearer to him. “And if I don’t say so myself, you look good for thirty-seven,”
    Enojado chuckled. “Maybe Solanae viscets age better than pr—earth viscets,”
    “Yeah,” Sunora said after a pause, almost wanting to ask what he had misspoken, but decided against it as she let out a long yawn. “I think it’s about time we got some sleep,” she suggested mid-yawn, not realizing how tired she really was until now.
    “Siuna, Sunora,”
    “Whats that mean?” she questioned curiously.
    “Good night,” he replied. Sunora nodded, liking the ring of that.
Last edited by ~Teya~ on Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:21 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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