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Nadir's Betrayels - 772 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:55 pm

Nthanda waited somewhat tensely in the garden. Her brother was visiting and while she had wanted to see him, she wasn't sure what to do or say in the wake of his recent problems.

Truth be told she was disappointed in him. She loved him but couldn't find any way to condone what he had done and if he asked she didn't think she could lie just to make him feel better.

"You seem upset."

The familiar voice made Nthanda look back toward the path where her brother had arrived, flanked by his guards whom he dismissed now with a gesture.

"Did you have a pleasant journey?" She shouldn't be avoiding it she knew, but she wanted to as long as she could.

"It wasn't too bad, a little warm." He shrugged slightly, his gaze searching her face in that not so subtle way of his. Nthanda wondered what he saw but wasn't left guessing long before he said, "You're upset with me. I can see it."

Her first instinct was to deny it, but she knew she couldn't so she shook her head. "Why did you do it?" She asked quietly.

"I don't know. I just...I wanted more than what I had. It's...just politics she and I. I didn't think she'd find out, or that it would hurt anything. I thought...maybe you'd understand."

Nthanda felt her chest tighten a little at his words. "You didn't think, and that's the problem. I know how you feel. I know it's hard to not have a choice in who you're with or where you go, but I think you forgot that she had no more choice than you. Maybe even less of one than you."

"I know you're right she just..she doesn't even love me."

"She doesn't have to love you to be hurt Nadir. She probably feels humiliated, and even if she only likes you in the slightest she may still feel betrayed by what you've done. But do you really even know how she feels?"

Nadir glanced away a little in the way he often did when he felt bad. "We haven't talked much lately."

"I love you Nadir, but I can't excuse anything you've done. You hurt them both and you're hurting too by now I'd imagine."

"I know she's hurt. But they'll forget about it, then things will get better."

"This isn't something that will just go away. She won't likely forget it and now she'll have to endure the rumors and whispers for as long as she lives with the pride. It's hard enough to be a foreign royal in a new place marrying someone you barely know." Her tone wasn't too harsh or accusatory but was pointed and serious.

"I...I don't know how to fix it Nthanda. I want to be with someone I love but I didn't realize what it would do to her."

"I'm not sure what to tell you. Unless you leave her and forfeit your rank and place in the pride I don't see how you can be with anyone else."

Nadir was quiet a moment, his blue gaze troubled as he fixed his eyes on the trees beyond the garden. "I suppose...sometimes true love means letting go. And I do owe it to her to...fix things. If I can." He was quiet again then looked back at Nthanda. "Do you think she can ever forgive me?"

"I don't know. Even if she does she may never forget, and things may never be the same, or as good as they could have been."

"That will be my own fault I guess. I'll be lucky if she even speaks to me when I go back."

"Yes you will be," she said frankly. "It's not as if she can just leave you even if she wants to, so try to give her some space if she needs it."

"I will do my best. I swear, I never meant for things to be such a mess." For a moment his expression was almost agonized and Nthanda could see all the weight of the world settling on him in that one moment as he contemplated all he had done, and probably much more beyond that.

Despite her disappointment she felt a familiar stirring of compassion, and a desire to help and protect her sibling.

Leaning over to hug him she said, "I love you. I hope you know that. Whatever happens I'll do my best to help, you and her if necessary or possible."

"Thank you," he said softly.

Nthanda didn't say anything more, just hugging him tightly and hoping almost desperately that somehow everything would be okay.
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Wives of the King - 433 words / 560 Words

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:52 am

King Chikondi laid back against the furs that cushioned his sleeping place. It was late in the morning, but he had no desire to rouse himself just yet.

After all he deserved a rest, didn't he? Over the years of work he had put in he had accomplished much of what he set out to do. His kingdom had expanded beyond what he had originally envisioned. He had power and wealth in a supply that at times felt limitless. And all he saw was his to do with what he saw fit.

With a yawn he closed his eyes, letting his thoughts go to all of his conquests and the prizes he had won. But the further back into his memories he went the more some things came up that still made him feel a twinge, hints of feelings he didn't appreciate.

As much as he would have liked to claim all of his success as his and his alone, he would have to admit even if only to himself that his various mates and his cubs had contributed. Briefly he allowed himself to dwell on each one and how they had contributed, or rather how he had used them to contribute, to accomplishing his goals.

First of course there was Hella. She was his first mate and some say his first love, if loving was ever possible for him. During the time when he was taking over the pride she disappeared, presumed dead, most likely killed by his brothers or uncles who were also vying for the throne. They say she was his first and only love, and that her loss along with that of his mother was what really pushed him to where he is.

Then there was Airi. His first official mate as king. Initially he had been somewhat taken with her. Not foolishly so of course, he couldn't allow anything to distract him or become a weakness. But she had been beautiful, and she had charmed almost all who met her.
His alliance with her had protected his border for a long time as her tribe had guaranteed when they sent her to him. And even if he wouldn't admit it to her, or anyone else, something about her had begun to fill that void he felt when his mother and Hella died. But by then he wanted to be hard and unattached so he might better rule the way he thought he had to. As a result his barely present feelings for her were pushed away and he became harsher with her, not allowing himself to feel those things.
But then those cubs were born, and she seemed to find her voiced, speaking out against him. He knew she could never be queen, and it was best if he forgot about their relationship and moved on.

Then came Cassia. When his cubs with Airi were still young he met Cassia, a lioness with a noble bloodline but little fortune or power to her name. She was a distraction from the feelings he was trying to escape with Airi, but he knew she wasn't fit to be his queen. In the end he decided against event taking her as a consort. Though their time together produced a son, he made it clear that Airi's cubs would be his heirs despite his failing relationship with the lioness.


Some time later when his cubs were older he met Hera. The lioness's beauty caught his eye at a diplomatic meeting of leaders. Still looking for a queen he really thought she might be a possible candidate so he began to court her but....then came the revelations about her past. She was a disgraced queen with little to her name. Disappointing as it was Chikondi knew he couldn't bring her home as his queen.
He did offer to let her return to his pride, but he didn't promise her the title of queen, at best he might've been willing to make her a consort. But she refused anyway and they parted ways.
Sometime later she had two daughters of his and after some thought he did decide to claim one of them. After all he had nothing against their mother, had she only had some land or a fortune she might've been his queen. But alas it wasn't meant to be, but he tried to make up for it by giving their daughter Circe all the advantages a princess could have.

For a time he lost interest in trying to find a queen, focused on his goals. He married off Airi's cubs advantageously, and for the most part ignored the lioness, even debating over sending her away quietly.
In the end Nthanda pulled some tricks of her own, and Circe betrayed him. The betrayal of his favorite daughters was hard, so he mostly kept them out of mind and instead turned his focus to their offspring who might've been easier to handle.

Then along came Sangria. An alliance with her might have been just what he needed, so he decided to take a queen at last. She was pretty, but he didn't especially feel anything toward her like love or affection, and he was perfectly fine with that. She was quiet queen who had no desire to rule and left him to his own devices which suited him perfectly. Not long after their marriage she also had three cubs that he was proud to claim as heirs. For all of their faults and the faults of their mothers, Circe and Nthanda had remained his favorite children, but these cubs might present a whole new opportunity to do things over and avoid his mistakes with his previous cubs.
Maybe, just maybe, they and Sangria would be the start of a new era in the pride.

With that thought in mind Chikondi rose from his resting place, heading down the winding halls to visit Sangria and the cubs whose lives he was already carefully planning.
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Dark Horizons - 695 words

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:33 am

"This isn't good Nthanda." Nadir's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Are you sure it's that bad?" Nthanda asked softly, careful so that no one might hear. Her brother had come to visit her during a small gathering, mostly family and some nobility. He hadn't wanted to make a special visit to see her, not wanting anyone to suspect anything and though it made sense it did mean they had to be careful about what they said and where.

"It is. He seems to care more about them than he ever did about us, and they haven't even been born yet."

"Might it just be a ploy? He could just be trying to impress Sangria." Nthanda didn't want to worry her brother further, she could tell he was really bothered and lately he seemed more and more tired and stressed when she saw him.

"No, I don't think so. It's...it's like he's changed. Like now he's finally beginning to appreciate having a family or something. Rumors...lions are saying you and I, and even Circe, won't be getting anything. That he'll give it all to them."

Nthanda didn't much care if she didn't get anything from her father, but she knew it was important to her brother. He had a family and he had trained for years to lead the pride one day, if their father changed his mind and gave it to someone else Nadir would have to start all over again somewhere else or live as a secondary prince under his younger brother. Not to mention his own sons would have little to inherit. "Perhaps it's another one of his tricks, you never really know. They're so young, he'd have to train them for years to get them to where you are. He may not even live long enough to manage it."

"Even if he doesn't want to make them heirs, he may not want them to have to share their inheritance with too many lions." Nadir sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I know I'm not being very positive about all of this. It's just...we all had to work so hard to get where we are. If these new cubs ruin it all...I don't know. I'll have to start over completely somewhere else, and I have my cubs to consider and you..." He glanced around then said in an even lower tone, "You may be stuck here who knows how long."

"I'll be fine." She gave her brother a reassuring look. She knew he worried about her, whether he needed to or not, always feeling somewhat responsible. "We'll figure something out. The new cubs haven't even been born yet. And who knows, when they are they may be female. And you know he'd not eagerly give the throne to a daughter."

"Unless it was you or Circe."

Nthanda had to nod in agreement. She knew that she and Circe were his favorites, for all the good it had done them.

"And there's still the matter of...you know."

Nthanda felt a twinge of fear but kept her expression calm as she said, "Yes, I know. We'll figure that out too when the time comes."

"I feel like all of this is coming to the end somehow, like the biggest danger is still ahead of us and we have to get through it before we can truly rest. But I'm tired Nthanda." His gaze was shadowed as he glanced out toward the other lions gathered there, mostly Dylan's family and other nobles as Nthanda had little family who could attend.

"Don't worry, you know Khalida and I will stand by you, no matter what," she promised. "I'll do whatever I have to to protect both of you."

Nadir looked back at her. "I don't know if anyone can," he said in a soft voice.

The fear and defeat in his gaze pierced Nthanda's heart like a thorn and she had to compose herself a moment before saying, "We've come this far, we can make it through whatever is coming our way."

Nadir nodded slowly, not entirely convinced perhaps but relieved at least to know his sister would still stand beside him whatever came their way.
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New Beginnings - 724 words

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:16 am

"But just think of it!" Khalida's eyes were bright with hope and her expression earnest as she turned to face her sister. "I am queen now Nthanda, I can give you whatever you want or need. Together we could rebuild everything our father destroyed, we could make this pride truly great again. "

"Khalida, I would love to help you. But I can't just up and leave. I have a family, and this is my pride now. I'm their queen, it isn't so easy."

"Forget all that, we don't need this alliance anymore! Father was greedy, he conquered and collected more than we might ever need. Losing this one alliance would not be so bad. And you could come home, and we could be a family again, just us and mother."

"I understand why you want that but my cubs-"

"You could bring them with you. I love them, so does mother. They're family. We have plenty of territory now. And in time we may have more. They'd thrive there Nthanda. All of us would." In her excitement and hopefulness the other lioness seemed to forget, or simply disregard, the fact that they were royalty and that in itself would make it impossible to just leave or slip away.

"I know you're excited, but think for a moment. They are heirs to the throne here, and they are used to this place, it's their home. I can't just go taking them away from everything. And they may very well not want to go."

"If they must stay you could still come. They could visit you. You could live with me and rule as you should have, queen of your own land without having to rely on a king for your title and privileges. We could be independent, like we always wanted. You could stay there and rule, maybe visit here or have your cubs visit you. or you could even remarry if you wanted. Pick for yourself who it would be. For the first time in our lives we could be truly free."

Nthanda had to take a moment then, looking out the window as she gathered her thoughts. She could feel her sister watching her, undoubtedly hoping she could convince her if she kept trying.
Finally she turned and said, "Khalida, I am truly happy for you, that you can do what you want and be free now. I think you'll do great things for this pride. But I cannot go with you. I have another life now, and I can't just drop it all and pretend it never happened, that things can just go and be the way we wanted them to be. It's too late to change the past, and I know you blame our father-'"

Khalida bristled a little. "Our father." She grunted. "I do blame him. He was a selfish fool and he made you suffer for it. I blame him, I blame this king for marrying you when you had no real choice, I blame all those lions who stood by and said nothing and I blame...I blame me." Her eyes shone bright with anger. "I should have stopped this when I could have back then. We could've left together and come back together. Things might've been so different."

"You can't change the past," Nthanda told her softly. "And I don't blame you for anything. I don't think anything you could have done would have made things turn out differently. And now I have my cubs, and I love them all very much. I don't want you to worry about me, or making up for things you didn't do. I want you to be the greatest queen there ever was, and have all the things you want from life. I'll always be here if you want to talk, or spend some time together like we used to. It'll be different than what we wanted but that doesn't mean it can't be good."

Khalida was quiet at first, her thoughts racing. But finally she said, "Perhaps. But I'm not giving up you know." She hugged Nthanda then turned and left the room, no doubt heading down to work off her stress with some fighting practice.

For several moments Nthanda just stood there quietly, thinking about all her sister had said and wondering where her rule might lead them all.
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New Heirs - 500 words

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:52 am

A soft knock made Nadir look up from his work, blinking in an attempt to alleviate the pain in his eyes from staring at the parchment for too long.

"Nadir, I thought you might wish to know, Sangria's cubs were born." Nsia spoke calmly and with emotion, but Nadir knew that she knew as well as he what danger this could mean for them, for their family.

"How many?" He asked after a moment.

"Three I am told. I don't know if they are male or female."

Three , that was more than enough. He knew his father would be pleased to have three more cubs. Or at least he seemed pleased at the prospect of more. Some kings might have worried, having so many potential heirs, but sometimes Nadir thought his father almost seemed to thrive on the chaos it could cause.

Now he had bigger things to think about though. With three new cubs, especially if any were males, his place as heir might be in jeopardy. And his own sons' claims to the throne and inheritance might be as well. He wouldn't put it past his father to do something to assure his own cubs thrived, leaving Nadir's sons disinherited, and that was the best possible outcome if he did decide not to keep them in the line of succession.

All these thoughts tumbled around in his head as Nsia stood there quietly. She was always the one to be calm during trials. He knew he didn't deserve her support really, but she had dutifully stuck by him. Probably more for their cubs than anything else but he appreciated it nonetheless.

As they stood there in silence an official mess anger came to see them/ "We are to congratulate the king, he has two sons and a daughter," the messenger announced.

Two sons. Nadir had to force himself to be calm as he went through the niceties, saying he wished the king and his children well and may they all have long lives. At some point he would be obligated to visit the cubs, but for now he could keep to himself and plan what he would do if everything went wrong.

And of course someone would have to tell Nthanda. She might be in a safer place than him right now but this could still affect her as well.

"Nsia, could you please tell the boys I wish to see them?"

"Yes, of course." She dipped her head slightly and left.

Nadir thought it best to prepare them for how they would be expected to act, and to warn them of the potential dangers they faced. They were old enough now, and he didn't want them to be blindsided or hurt by their own ignorance. But he suspected they had already heard the whispers, that these new cubs were the most legitimate heirs the king had been blessed with in his lifetime so far, and that Nadir and his sisters had no right to the throne now.
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Subira X Alosaka

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Sep 23, 2020 6:18 am

When she first met him, Subira was drawn to Alosaka’s seeming confidence and kindness. Unlike other young lions in her pride, and especially the younger males, he didn’t seem scared off by her status as a princess or her family’s over protectiveness of her, though it bordered on controlling.

Though she wouldn’t have admitted it to him he could be charming, and while at first they were just friends she found that she developed deeper feelings for him, and he for her. For the first time in her life she thought she might get something she really wanted, something that could be really good.
But then her parents and his found out about them, and none of them approved. Subira’s parents didn’t think the young male had enough to offer her or the pride, and she already had better offers of marriage. Subira would’ve defied them, done anything really. Except Alosaka was not of the same mind, she soon discovered. Turned out that while their parents were trying so hard to keep them apart he’d been spending more time with someone else, and he wasn’t willing to go against his parents for Subira anyway.
Though he did tell her this, she couldn’t help feeling betrayed in some way, that he had so easily ‘replaced’ her with someone else. At least, that was how she felt about it.

While she was hurt and perhaps resentful to some degree, she didn’t waste her angry words on him, but while he was a good friend and lover while it lasted, she has no desire to see him again or have him a part of her life, or her cubs’ lives. That would be too hard for her now as she is trying so hard to move on with her life and forget the hurts and disappointments that have shaped her life up to now.

311 words

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Image Based Stories for Store Points Started 11/19/20 - 2 po

Postby -Isabella- » Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:23 am


Nazia slowed her pace as she approached the edge of the water. There it was. Water tumbled down over the rocks, the sound of it familiar and soothing. And there in the shadows, the water disappeared into the back door of the forbidden lands that Nazia was not supposed to explore.
It was no place for a gentle lion, the Realm of Monsters. That's what Nazia's father said. And yet, she couldn't help but be curious. Besides, she didn't look so different from him really, did she?

Glancing down at the moving water Nazia could get no clear view of her reflection so she stepped over to some stones where puddles had gathered in the crevices of the rock. A set of horns jutted up from her head, more like her mother's than her fathers. Her wings were small, feathered, and a soft shade of lilac. With a sigh Nazia looked away. All that she really had of her father were his scales, like armor on her front legs and encasing her tail. And of course her fangs, but they were just barely noticeable.

At times she couldn't help but wish she looked more like him. She would be able to explore this place so much better if she looked less...mortal. Nakia was lucky. With a double set of antlers, bat-like wings, and scaled armoring on her front and back legs she could look every bit as imposing as their father.

But Nakia was always looking to please their mother, so like any dutiful daughter she learned about the workings of the court and its politics. She seemed to enjoy it at times really. That was something Nazia could never understand. There was so much beyond their mortal realm, in the realms of the immortals. How could her sister be content to never see it?

That thought reminded her of her purpose and Nazia took several steps in to the shadow, her fur prickling with anticipation. But just as she was about to go further, to let the shadows embrace her fully, a familiar call made her pause.

Not far away her sister was looking for her, the tone in her voice a familiar mix of resignation, aggravation, and concern. Nakia really needed to trust her more.

With a sigh Nazia backed away, feeling the sun warm her back once more as she emerged into the light. "Coming!" She called back impatiently as her sister shouted for her once more.

She began to climb the rocks, back toward home, pausing only a moment to glance back into the shadows. "One day," she vowed to herself.

(435/250 words)


Thalia walked around her chamber quietly, looking over some of the newly budded flowers but not letting her thoughts linger on them. Her mate had left, yet again, to do whatever he had to in that other realm. She couldn't help but worry for him every time he left. The Realm of Monsters was a dangerous place, even for one like him, and his sister didn't have full control of her followers yet.

She was jolted out of her worries only by the soft crying sounds of her cubs as they slept. Sometimes they would have a bad dream and she would cross the room to try to reassure them as best she could. All curled up together they looked so peaceful and perfect. Despite her worries the sight of them brought a soft smile to her face.

She knew their appearance was hard for some to accept, the fangs, scales, claws, and slit pupils that were reminiscent of their father. But unlike some Thalia saw no evil in their appearance. They slept, cried, and demanded attention like any cubs, and they were a living reminded of the bond she shared with her mate.

As he came to mind once more she cast another glance in the direction of the entrance to the room, hoping to see him. But like the many other times she had looked that morning he was not there.

With a soft sigh she settled by the cubs, watching them sleep as her mind wandered to when she had told Chaimek about them. It had been a day not unlike today, the buds of newly awakened flowers surrounding them as they walked one of the halls in the great tree that served as her home.

Thalia had known he would be concerned. He worried far too much about what others thought of them, and of her for being with him. But she didn't care, and she hoped her news might make him happy. She knew it would, if only he would let it.

When she did at last get up the courage to tell him he had been shocked, then concerned as he considered the future of their cubs with how other lions felt about him. And what if the cubs resembled him? But Thalia had calmed his fears. She would be content, proud even if their cubs looked like him. And she didn't care about what anyone else said, it was their life, their family. And they would enjoy it no matter what anyone else thought or said about it.

Once he got used to the idea and wrapped up in the planning and speculating Chaimek had allowed himself to become excited for the birth of the cubs, and when at last they arrived he was a very gentle father. Anyone could see how much he loved his cubs.

Thalia became so caught up in the memories that she let her guard down and didn't notice at first when a familiar figure entered the room, padding quietly over to her and the cubs. It took her only a moment once she heard his pawsteps to realize that Chaimek was back and she stood quickly, hurrying to greet him.

As she hugged him he grunted a little at the force of it then chuckled softly under his breath. "It hasn't been that long you know," he murmured.

"It was long enough," she replied, drawing back just enough to meet his gaze.

As was often the case when he returned from his old home he seemed tired and worried, but seeing her had brought a light into his eyes that only brightened further when he looked over and saw the cubs curled up together asleep.

"They've been sleeping a good while now," Thalia told him softly as she led him over to their sleeping forms.

"I imagine they'll wake soon then." Her mate didn't seem at all displeased by the prospect. It might've shocked other lions to see how he let the cubs, still barely walking, crawl and flop all over him as they wished.

The thought brought a smile to Thalia's face and she leaned against Chaimek, relaxed and content as she stood beside him, waiting for their cubs to wake up.

(706/250 words)
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Rough Estimate of Generations

Postby -Isabella- » Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:33 pm

Aging: They do not age like normal lions in the wild, living longer and not tending to age as harshly as 'normal' lions might, getting sick or weakening.
Some also have extended lifespans or the everlasting appearance of youth due to magic in the land.
Gen 1:
Thalia (Extended Lifespan/Immortal)
Dumisa (Extended lifespan)
Taimo (Extended Lifespan)
Airi (Extended lifespan so she seems a lot younger than she is)
Subira (Gifted with long 'youth' so appears younger than her age)
Jael (Closer to Dahlia in age)
Dahlia (Youngest of this generation)

Gen 2:
Valerius (A bit older than Ravi )
Zipporah (A little older than Nthanda and her siblings, maybe a year)
Ravi (Older than Nthanda but not by too much)

Gen 3:

Gen 4:
Darina (Lower end of this generation or early next?)

Gen 5:
Achilles (Older than Aniket & Sarai by maybe 6 months)

Amora (Extended lifespan/immortal ?)
Mari (Extended lifespan?)
Scylla (Extended lifespan)
Red striped gacha lion
Black lion with half mane and spots/rune like markings
Taimos Watermelon cub 1 (Extended lifespan?)
Taimos Watermelon cub 2 (Extended lifespan?)
Pintaloosa horse based male *formerly called Llyr


Other notes on how time works/aging:
Gestation is roughly 3 months for all lions, mortal or immortal

At a year lions are considered adults and from there mature relatively quickly in most cases

Tentative ---
1-5 years - Lions may still be growing or changing but not drastically. They tend to become well rounded and prepared for life in these years. (Maybe the human equivalent of 18-29)
5-10 years - Lions are fully grown and usually expected to have a mate and cub(s) by then if they are going to at all
10-20 years - Spent raising a family and/or working at their job/business
21-25 years - Lions may begin to feel more tired, less able to do as much physically. They may get sick more easily.

Lions either live up to 15 or 25 years.

Aging signs may show within those last 5 years (becoming thinner, more tired, perhaps getting sick easier). They still remain more hardy than the average 'normal' lion even as they age in the final years of their life.

Lions of The Lost Wood have extended lifespans, a gift from the Immortals. They are not immortal but may as well be. They can live many life times over, perhaps hundreds of years.
They do not age slowly, instead as their life nears its end they can sense it coming and usually once they begin to feel weak death is not far behind so they do not have to endure months or years of aging slowly and enduring the aches, pains, and illnesses of regular mortals.
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Sirius and Selene Breeding Prompt - 508 words

Postby -Isabella- » Sat Jan 09, 2021 8:00 am

Sirius and Selene were always described as being inseparable. From the time they met when they were young the two were often seen together, just talking or playing around when Selene wasn’t being kept busy with studies. It seemed fitting, both cubs had been brought to this land as orphans, living here now through the generosity of their benefactors.
But despite that similarity, everyone knew that there were two very different futures in store for the pair. Selene was being raised to take her place among the nobility, either as a companion, attendant, or perhaps even a lady herself, and Sirius, well he was the eighth son of a minor lord. At best he could perhaps become a knight, but that didn’t seem to be what he wanted even if he could pull it off. In fact no one really knew what the young lion might want for his future, no one except Selene that is.

Selene was his confidant and she kept his dreams a secret, quietly supporting him throughout the years. She knew he wanted to study magic, to grow the gift he seemed to have, but he knew no one who could teach him. And besides, his adoptive family would never approve or understand it. So he would practice in secret with Selene as the only witness to his growing abilities.

The closeness they shared as cubs certainly carried over into their young adult years. By the time they were grown Sirius had begun to recognize his changing feelings for Selene, but he never said a word, not wanting to risk their friendship or holding her back in some way.
Of course he didn’t know Selene felt similarly. She could never leave her father, or all the work he and the queen had put in to trying to ensure she had a good future. But she didn’t want to hold Sirius back because of her own inability to leave. He had to be free to embrace his magic and find the place where he could improve his abilities without anyone or thing hindering him anymore.

With both of them unwilling to risk holding the other back or ruining their friendship things always stayed as they were, each aware of their feelings but keeping quiet and just enjoying what time they had together as friends.
Of course neither of them could know that the connection between them was far more than just the closeness they had shared since cubhood. They were destined to be with one another, whether as just friends or something more. Soulmates, some would call them. Their spirits called to each other in a way that was very rare to find in the world they lived in. Whatever fate had in store for them, all they knew was that lions they had seen and gotten to know had not gotten what they wanted out of life. Very few ever did, and neither of them wanted to be foolish enough to think they would be the exception to the rule, any ‘magical’ bond aside.

Artist: ARTIST
User 1: -Isabella-
User 2: N/A
Type of breeding: In character LAST BREEDING HERE
Approval for breeding: N/A

Link to in character breeding prompts: .....xxXxx.....

Lion 1: xxXxx
Lion 1 hex codes:

Lion 1 Previous batches: N/A

Lion 1: xxXxx
Lion 1 hex codes:
Lion 1 Previous batches: N/A

Allow for random mutations?: Yes
Last edited by -Isabella- on Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unnamed VOK - 510 Words

Postby -Isabella- » Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:29 pm

"What have you done?"

"No, no." Pangari shook her head slowly, disbelief and horror filling her gaze as she stared at the lion crouched before her. He was one of the strongest lions in the pride, tall and well built with plenty of muscle. And yet now here he was, cowering on the ground because of her.

"What did you do?" He repeated, trying to stand on wobbly legs, his gaze clouded.

"I didn't...it wasn't my fault..." Faltering and unable to face what she had done Pangari turned and ran, leaving the other lion shaking in her wake.

The tree branches and brush whipped her sides and tore at her fur, but Pangari didn't heed the pain. After all, her pain was nothing compared to his. No matter how far or fast she ran she couldn't seem to escape the image of his face floating in her mind. How quickly his look of admiration had turned into pain and fear. The flirtations had died on his tongue as he struggled to breathe against the pain as Pangari began to feed on the energy of his feelings.

It seemed odd, like something unbelievable out of a cub's story. But it was true nonetheless. Pangari could feed off of the love of other lions, but it was easiest and most fulfilling when it was lions who had feelings for Pangari herself. It had never been on purpose, she had barely known she could do it before. But it got stronger until she was involuntarily draining lions little by little all the time.

She tried to control it, and she had gotten much better. But today she had been lost in her feelings, in the thrill of his words as he confessed his admiration. Not many lions found her attractive with her dark coloring and unique markings. Her mother being surrounded by superstition certainly didn't help either. But for some reason he had seen something in her, and she had wanted so badly to enjoy it. But of course it had gone terribly wrong. She lost her focus and with it her control, and before she knew it his energy was flooding over her, giving her strength.

Pangari felt physically rejuvenated, like she could do anything, take on anything. Yet her heart had never felt so broken. Now she knew more than ever that she was simply not meant for love. Even if others could look past her exterior she could never really let them in or she would risk hurting them.

As she stopped running, trying to catch her breath at the bank of the stream she made a vow, to never ever let herself be tempted by love. The joy it might bring her, the small thrill and the butterflies in her stomach were not worth the cost. So she was resolved that she would hold herself apart, make sure that she was never tempted, and no one was ever tempted by her. She would rather be hated if it meant they were safe, than loved if it demanded their pain.
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