TheComfortCorner | V.7

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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby fika. » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:55 am

      hello all,

      i am trying to put effort into my replies after being absent from this thread for a couple weeks but i have my own personal problems going on which are frustrating and upsetting me, so if i seem 'blunt' in my replies i am so sorry :<

DukeTheDepressed wrote:I'm being verbally abused, but honestly no one would understand it without an inside look. "Everything is so fine" "Look how perfect their family is" "Wow, I wish I had a mom like that" I think about how much easier it would be if I swapped lives with someone else, but I'd never wish this to anyone. Every day is a living hell. If I tell someone everything she says to me, it won't seem like a big deal. So, I don't know what to do. It's not like any adult would ever understand, anyone who could help me is non-existent.

Also, please don't PM me about this. The last thing I want to do is have a 1 on 1 conversation with someone that either wouldn't understand, or would just make me think about it more. I just came here to rant. I just need to blow off some steam without breaking the door that's already in shambles.

--I'm sorry if this goes against CS rules, y'know, I know that admins would just tell me to delete it, or give me a warning without seeing what my message is truly about.--

      so i am assuming you do not want a message from me as i haven't particularly been "verbally abused", although my brother was not the nicest growing up (completely vile). however, just stay strong. i know it sounds hard but you do not deserve it; you are a gorgeous user and you bring a lot of brightness to the community so it hurts to see that off-screen you don't feel happy. good luck ♡

cheeschi wrote:
    This is a bit ridiculous to kind of rant about but this is almost always on my mind.

    My little sister seems to be so much better than me in so many different, types of ways. She's so much better at art than me which is disappointing to me. I know she works hard at what she does and that she likes to draw, but so do I. It's true, I don't work as hard as her in my art/is more dedicated into art, but it's crazy. She's literally just a few years younger than me and she draws like someone around my age or like a professional. It's frustrating. I'm jealous. My parents try to treat us equally, every time they see a piece of mine, they think "Oh! That's really good!", etc. but when they see hers, they're like "Wow! That's REALLY good." It makes me feel like I'm not very special. I get that I'm old enough to not be super praised by my parents and that it's ridiculous that I'm obsessing over this, but I miss being their 'prized' child. And it's not even art that she's better at than me, she gets really good grades, whereas, I get just as good grades but with a few B's. My mom has big plans for my sister (applying her to big-name colleges, majoring in engineering, etc.) whereas she's worried about me even getting into a college. I'm an average student- I'm not bad but I'm just not as good as my sister.

      ohh, got to give your parents credit though for trying to treat you equally. but don't be sad! people excel in things more than others. you might excel in cooking or baking or helping people. you should try to find your forte, but don't give up on art! keep practising if you want to excel in that. ask teachers for extra credit if your education system does that or go to extra revision classes. good luck!

winged-backpack wrote:
winged-backpack wrote:
winged-backpack wrote:Idk what to do. My grades are slipping, I'm full of anxiety from a job of which I've only actually done one shift at and my mental health is taking a minor detour off a cliff. I don't want to let my boss down, because he's a nice guy and i would hate for him to be stressed over hiring someone new. I've gone to the doctor and been referred to a psychiatrist but who knows how long it's going to take for even the preliminary session? I need to get 3 As to get into my dream school, and I'm currently on ADE...I'm failing two of my subjects and I don't want to have to redo a year of school. I'm just panicking because I have a huge fear of failure and I really don't know what to do.

My inbox is open for anyone else who might need someone to talk to <3

I should probably add that the reason working at this pub gives me anxiety is a) I'm still not 100% trained and keep making mistakes, and b) it's in this tiny village where I live and the people who come in when I'm working are incredibly homophobic and I'm gay. I'm not in any danger there, the owner is a really nice guy, but I just feel so marginalised and attacked there.

I could really use some help with this, I have to work tomorrow and I've got to decide whether to quit or not by then :-/

      if you do not feel comfortable there, leave. it sounds like it is making your mental health a wee bit worse, and we don't want that. as for your subjects, can you attend extra classes or speak to your teachers about what you can do to improve your grades. look at past exam papers and practise and maybe do study groups or spend time in the library to work instead of a place full of distractions. if you put your mind to it, you can really achieve those three A's. I have complete faith in you. but make sure your mental health comes first. if something is making you unhappy, drop it and walk away. you come first. good luck <3

Spearow wrote:
      feeling really depressed tonight, and really alone. i can’t sleep at all lately and my mind is stuck on bad memories
      and having some serious money problems, i’m so broke i’m scared to buy coffee before classes and i’m always checking my bank everyday to make sure i have enough money to make it through the next month. and i live alone its not like i have anyone to share the worry with. just my two little cats

      think of long-term things. yeah, expensive to buy a kettle and a flask, but in the long term it is cheaper to make your own coffee and travel with it. soon buying a coffee every morning will add up, and you could easily save £100//$100 on coffee by investing that money in a kettle. maybe ask your mum to borrow hers?? i believe from previous posts you have a good (correct me if i'm wrong) connection with your mum, maybe she has a spare kettle? use a saving technique, such as save up to $100 a month, and then the next month don't go below $110, $120, etc. good luck! ((ps. you are never alone xx)

Harlow. wrote:They banned me from training my dog.
The first banned me from instagram, took away my
only friends. Instead of looking towards my friend
for happiness I looked towards my dog. He took
that away to, for no reason.. I don't understand.
he won't let me be happy.

      i'm sorry but why would they ban you from your dog. it is your dog. and your dog won't understand what is happening. that is selfish of him and he needs to understand. why did he ban you from it? confront him without shouting or yelling like i suggested yesterday to make him understand what he is doing is not fair because your dog will not understand what is going on.

edgy cat of DOOM wrote:I'm really feeling stupid rn

I'm such a sore loser and really scared to try again
I'm really upset because my siblings devoured some mini cakes and I hardly got any
I want to cry because my sisters are making noise
I just..


I can't even hug my amazing cat because he's really dirty since he can't clean himself.
my other cats hate me

my sisters are going to worry about me if I start to cry but I really want to
heck, not just my sisters, but everyone
if I shed a single tear everyone will be like "oh are you alright?? can i help??" or they'll just stare at me
and if I even leave the room my really talkative brother will start blabbering about stuff I honestly couldn't care less about
I feel like a stupid idiot

      why do you feel stupid ?? if you want to cry, cry. they are only trying to help, but excuse yourself to a bathroom and shed a tear or two. and then splash your face with cool water to cover your tracks :> we all needs a big cry, in private or public, so don't be afraid or feel ashamed to. and do not feel like an idiot please, your feelings are valid and you are a person that deserve the world. good luck <3

Feeding The Void wrote:i feel so disconnected from everyone. both of my friend groups hate me and i always knew this would come but i denied it and now that its happened i cant deal with it

      can you pinpoint why they 'hate' you? i'm sure they don't hate you, maybe talk to them and confront them on how you feel and why you feel like that. sounds so babyish but if you want to remain friends then you gotta do what you gotta do. good luck!

hayzel wrote: ugh i’ve just been an anxious wreck the past month.

but i feel kind of ignored by the only person i really care about. we’re really close, but in a way i kind of feel like they’ve been trying to ignore them? idk i’m just being pathetic. i know i’m not the best person, but if they didn’t want to talk to me i wish they’d just say something. my school friends have been leaving me out a lot as well. they constantly make plans to meet up infront of me, and on the few times i’ve asked to come they’ve made up some dumb excuse.

school keeps putting so. much. stess. on me for mock exams heck, they aren’t the real thing so plesse stop stressing me out. i’ve had who knows how many panic attacks over it and i just wish they wouldn’t pressure me.

as much as they dont mean to, my parents are constantly comparing me to my older sister. i know she’s better than me and i know you’ll always be prouder of her than me, but you don’t need to keep reminding me. everything i do i get compared to her and it’s just,, really unfair to me.

ugh sorry i’m just being pathetic lol

      you aren't being pathetic at all! if your friends are being vile, tell them to stop making plans in front of you that you aren't involved with, and find some new people. you deserve friends that actually care ?? even if it is just one. the quietest of people are often the coolest! as for mock exams, my old school during gcse's put a lot of stress on them because it helped determine the college i would do my a-levels at and it would reflect my predicted grades. that is the only reason why, but don't stress yourself out too much! revise at your own pace, better late than never anyway. dedicate a day to revise for one subject (maybe one day it is english and the next it is maths and the day after a language). i am sure your parents don't mean to compare,
      can you talk to them and explain how you feel?? if not, you just gotta sadly bite your tongue :< good luck! ♡

sixx. wrote:
    having a nightmare about your dead best friend dying again isn't fun.

      ooh, nightmares are the worst and i am so sorry to hear about your best friend. just know the dream isn't intentional and your friend will want you to be happy. it might just be because you are still mourning, which is totally normal. take as long as you need. if you need a friend, pm me! good luck ♡


      to help you smile:
      list of little things - list of little things to help make you smile and be happy
      cutest - cutest tumblr to help with your self esteem
      smile things - cute colours and tumblr page to help you out
      adorable - basically another tumblr that does the same as the ones above

      to help you with anything else / distractions:
      emergency compliments - if you ever feel poo, and nothing seems to cheer you up, this site is full of 'emergency compliments' which can make you laugh at how ridiculously brilliant they are.
      automatic flatterer - you know what's cute about this? you put in your name, nickname, whatever (it doesn't save it) and it pays you compliment after compliment after compliment. it's the cutest idea ever.
      the dawn room - do what it says. after doing that, loads of encouraging messages will come your way!
      hugs - hugs is all i have to say.
      thunderstorms - control them!<3
      beautiful places - if you're looking for a sign, this is it. set a goal to visit one of these places. don't change that goal. you won't regret it.
      how to change your life - just read it. it's amazing. too good.
      player two - if you're feeling hurt or upset, visit here. it's a game. it's good.
      koalas - if you're in need of a distraction that lasts a good five minutes, play this. it's fun, and if you love koalas it's even better!
      stick man game - good distraction with a hopefuly message i made at the end!
      just say yes - this blog was made by zoella and good for anyone who suffer with anxiety disorder, have panic attacks, depression, have social anxiety or are just a very negative or shy person this may be good for you!
      random acts of kindness (video) - may make you feel all warm and gooey at how kind people are
      list of things for those having a bad day!
      more bad day remedies - is similar to the one above
      how to love yourself - if you struggle with self esteem, pleasep lease read <3
      quiet room - one of my favourite places <3
      comfort box - i highly recommend looking at this because it's the most amazing idea i've ever seen
      ground box - similar to the one above

      to help you with panic attacks:
      i have loads of things that can help with your anxiety and panic attacks.

      facts !!!!:
      what not to say !!! - to someone who is having a panic attack, do not say these things
      facts- if you're confused about a few things

      i've also made a tumblr! you can message me anonomysouly on there for advice if you don't want to post here. i also will start reblogging things (nothing triggering or sad !) so if you ever need someone, you can go to me on there!
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby winged-backpack » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:43 pm

of course the childline website is down right when I need to talk to someone and can't speak out loud to call mental breakdowns

Also I quit my job bc it was too much for me with all the homophobia and stress from failing school and stuff
xxxxxAND I
call me devon or dev (i'm a mess and so is my gender
they/them pronouns) I love Harry Potter, Star Wars,
and Tim Burton films. Birthday is 27th October ^^

Feel free to PM me about anything!

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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby crucifying. » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:53 pm

    why is today so frustrating?? first i had an awful sleep due to nightmares. then i get into an argument with my friend because honestly, she's being stupid. she switched to homeschool and then didn't do ANY work, so she decided to drop out and get her ged (we're high school students, almost done, but still in high school), and then decides that it's too hard to get her ged and she doesn't want to bother. obviously, me being a worried friend try to talk her into re-enrolling for actual public school again and she gives me an excuse for everything i suggest. so i got kind of mad at her and started telling her she was wasting every opportunity coming her way and that i don't know what she expects when it's time to get jobs in the future. my dad doesn't have a college degree and was stuck truck driving, barely making enough to support a family without my mom working. in fact, everyone i know who hasn't gotten a college degree has gone BACK to college to get a degree because they couldn't get a job- including my mom. but if she doesn't even have a damn high school degree, she can't even go to college later in life. she pisses every opportunity she has down the drain and it's really beginning to irritate me. i don't think i can continue being friends with someone like that. not that i'm all that motivated, but i at least do my schoolwork and just suck it up.
    i need advice, seriously.
    maybe i should mind my own business, but i don't understand how people can waste everything away.
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby Feeding The Void » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:00 pm

im being replaced i deserve it im a terrible person i shouldnt have friends and im being a baby about it too

It’s easy to change if you give it your a•tten•tion
All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby Swerenity » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:02 pm

I have a short temper. I'll get angry over the smallest things, like if somebody says one rude thing I'll probably flip out. Most people don't get it and just wont listen to me and it's really annoying. Right now I'm not the best and thinking if nobody likes me because I can't help it and it isn't my fault that I get angry easily? I don't get why people can't understand that, not at all. I know people view things differently and I try to take that into hand while others don't. It's like somebody accuses me of trying to guilt trip them when I'm trying to just talk or I'm just sad. People accuse me of always making drama when it was one of others responses that ticked me off, but when you think about it, it is my fault, because I need to learn how to keep my temper and most say I don't try when I do try, I try so hard and nobody will listen, it's even worse because my mom is in the hospital and shes getting worse, people are saying it's fine but it isn't and I don't know if she'll be okay even.
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby pereyra » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:33 pm

    So... I used to be really close friends with this girl and we had this huge falling out and now she constantly messages me trying to start drama and... it doesn't make me mad, it just makes me really sad. Mostly for her, because it's like she has nothing better to do with her time. I want to talk to her and try to at least be civil with her again but she's acting so childish. Like, she messaged me just a few minutes ago to accuse me of stealing her phone charger, even though I have no use for it because our phones don't even use the same type of charger, and I've never stolen anything from her in my life.

    I don't even know. It just makes me so sad. Someone please hug me.
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby Aaron✦ » Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:31 pm

Please don't quote this post incase I want to delete it later<3
I don't know what I'm going to do. My illnesses have l me missing most of this year of school so far already. I could drop out but then I'd need to get a job, and if I can't do this I certainly couldn't do that. I don't think I'd be considered "disabled enough" to get any help. It just feels like I'm only living for one person at the moment, and I know that isn't healthy but I don't know how else to cope. So here it is, 4am and I can't sleep from worrying about it all. Sometimes it feels like I can't even turn to this place any more, and that's a horrible feeling.



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ugh I hate feelings ~

Postby angelshy » Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:50 pm

      nothing is ever ever enough
      I feel like everything in my life is going wrong.
      school is far too hard and idk if I can ever keep up with all the work. I think my friends hate me tbh. no one likes interacting with me anymore as I'm far too awkward for my own good. I know I annoy ppl sm ( unintentionally ofc but that doesn't seem to matter and I can understand why no one bothers to care ) so that's why no one cares about answering me anymore. I'm too? clingy?? I'm trying so so hard but nothing is ever good enough for the ppl around me. I can't please everyone, I know, but I can't even please anyone. my mind is so fickle as I see ppl care for me but the next day they don't ;; it's just a vicious cycle. I procrastinate too much. I should be doing my homework rn but I'm not. instead I'm wasting my life away and I'm afraid this is all it'll come to. I won't know how to move forward to the goals I've set for myself. I'm just so so tired of everything. my eyes hurt from crying and worrying. ++ I want a break. I need one to catch up. ( v badly ) just. give me a break
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby skorch » Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:50 pm

wow, im on vacation and just realized i have homework
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Re: TheComfortCorner | V.7

Postby theradiantfern » Tue Feb 20, 2018 6:14 pm

Oh boy I just love having general panic disorder because I sometimes experience panic attacks that last for over 24 hours! It's wonderful!
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