Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby stardustreserve » Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:14 pm

to cm

your birthday is in a few days, already…
i remember last year, your birthday fell on a day you would’ve worked
i didn’t get to see you that day, but _ recorded me saying happy birthday
geez, it’s been over a year since i saw you last, huh?
time flies

i don’t really know how to feel.
i, got so attached to you that it hurts a little to even think of you
when you were around, everything seemed a lot nicer
i mean.., i still had my problems, but… you were there for me
with time i feel like it got to the point where i was so afraid of saying what was on my mind because i would always go to you, and i’ve always felt like people get tired of me after trying to help me for so long

i don’t even know how to organize this all to be cohesive
i just…
i feel embarrassed, i don’t know
whenever i get so attached to someone, it becomes hard to hide it
and i’m sure you noticed
you noticed things about me that i didn’t even notice, and i spend a lot of my time pondering and reflecting
i just…
i’m kind of scared that at some point i ruined it
like, maybe i seemed too attached
which… i was, and i just
feel so awkward, like i have this burden of knowledge
the knowledge of how i feel
i still have a lot of complicated feelings, but i. know i should probably say something
i mean…
love’s a hard word for me to say, but i did love you
and… you seemed to really care about me
i just feel like
people will think less of me when they pick up or see for themselves how i truly feel, or the person i truly am
especially in cases like these, i feel . really gross when i get too attached
i dunno i probably have issues i need to work out
either way
i just
i hope you’re doing well.
i’ve accomplished so much since then, and i hope i can tell you about it
i’m… in a better place than i was, objectively
i miss the times we had.
nothing has made me as happy as those times, or even the times where i got to go on outings with the others
i hope that one day i’ll be able to smile like that again

- c
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Re: I hope you forgive me

Postby kitty teeth » Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:10 pm

kitty teeth wrote:
    Dear Piper,

    Yeah, you’re a dog—I know. You’re not just any dog to me though. You’re my everything.
    My life is changing; I’m moving in with [S] soon and I can’t take you with due to travelling and college.
    I have to rehome you soon.
    I’m so sorry.
    I’m so sorry.
    I’m so sorry.

    I promise I love you. This is in your best interest.
    I hope you forgive me.

    I love you,
    your mama

Dear me,

It gets better. You're finally learning to forgive yourself after all these years.

You were in a bad situation.

You're okay now.

Love you,
Your future self
neurodivergent - adult
xxxKitty's Pound
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby puffbabe » Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:42 pm

Dear you,

I'm gonna let you go and I'm hoping that the universe allows us to find our way back to each other. I want you to be happy for now. I love you.


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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby .Vellichor. » Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:28 am


Thank you for talking to me. I felt things shift and I hope that my newfound honesty isn't off-putting.

I just do not want what we do have to fade before it has the chance to grow into something incredible. You always joked that I was always too coy about my feelings, so I'm not doing that anymore - I'm being real with you even if it scares me.

I hope that it makes you feel at ease, rather than terrified.

Also, this habit of talking to me while you drive, while a little nerve-wracking (PLEASE be safe, you nerd), gives me a warm fuzzy feeling... I like being present in the mundane moments in your life.

I love you, my dearest friend.

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and love is always wise. Always try to be nice and never fail to be kind."

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby >ShadowFangs< » Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:37 am

Dear S,
You're my first girlfriend and my first love. We've been together since I was 18 and so much has changed over the years. You make me feel understood and not alone and our personalities mix so well and what I'm about to say is completely unfair to you. I don't want to be together any more. I feel like I'm stuck in life and I want to figure out what I want to do as far as a career goes but I feel like I can't really discover things about myself while I'm in this relationship. I have told you since the beginning that I'm a person who values space. And for the past four years that hasn't changed and it isn't going to. But I hate conflict so much that I've always pushed my feelings away when it came to making you happy. With that being said though I do feel like I've always tried to communicate how I feel to some degree. I feel like it isn't right that every time you're off of work and I'm off of work we HAVE to be together. If we are not together while we're both off of work you get upset so I don't do that and I haven't for four years. My diet has completely changed for you because you get upset if you eat dinner alone and you know I don't have the biggest appetite I like to eat maybe 1 or 2 meals a day. But if I eat something at work and come home and I'm not hungry I have to eat anyways otherwise you won't. And most of the time you get off at 10:30 pm and I get off at 4:00 pm so when I'm home I just have to stay hungry until you're off. On top of that, even though I pay for all of our food you still have yelled at me countless nights over you not being satisfied with it. I'm so tired of arguing about food and dinner I wish we could just eat separately. I've pushed away literally all of my friends that I used to hang out with because if I hang out with them alone you get mad and if I bring you with you're mad the entire time and they can tell. It's awkward and I don't want to put my friends or family through that but I have multiple times. Financially, I'm a mess right now and I feel like you expect me to continue buying everything like I have for the past four years even though I've communicated several times that all of my credit cards are maxed out and I need to focus on paying that debt before I can just start throwing money around again. I don't blame the debt on you either, I'm the one who offered to pay for all of those things but I wish you would just understand that I'm stressed about it and I need to take care of it. I told you how I was considering a debt relief program to help with the interest and you yelled at me. You have never trusted me you think I don't know about all of the times you've gone through my phone when I've never touched yours once. I know that you saw a text where I said I thought one of my coworkers were hot. After you read that message you treated me like trash for over 4 months. You never even admitted to what you did or told me what was wrong I figured it out on my own. I think you have the right to be upset about the way I said what I did to my friend. You have no right to go through my phone or treat me like garbage. I'm allowed to be attracted to other people than you when I have absolutely no intention of pursuing anyone else. You ruined night two of the Taylor swift eras tour because you were convinced I had a crush on my twin sisters best friend which I do not. I value the time I get to spend with my sister as she is in the military and is in another state and I don't know how I can forgive you. You never even apologized to her or our friend who travelled with us. You tried breaking up with me on that trip and making everything about you. Sometimes it feels like you don't even care about anyone but yourself and your family. I feel like a part of the reason these past four years have gone by so fast is because I'm living for you. Like my daily purpose is to not upset you. And every day I just repeat the pattern. I don't want to keep living like this. If we were to get married today I know my life would be over and I would be stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life. I told you that I don't want kids ever and that may still be true I don't know because I know I'm not ready for that type of commitment. And I might never be ready but you seem to think that I will just magically change my mind and I want to say that there is no way I would consider raising a child with you. Maybe someone else in the future or maybe if you completely changed but right now I would never put a child in that situation. You're the only girl I have ever been with but you still think I'm going to cheat on you and you always use the excuse that you are insecure. I've said this many times to you but I'll say it again. I'm insecure too. I'm one of the most insecure people I've ever seen. That doesn't give you the right to assume that I'm cheating on you all of the time. You get mad if I don't text or call you on my breaks/ lunch at work and when I'm home it's like I seriously cannot have a life outside if this relationship and I'm so tired. I'm exhausted and depressed and all I want to do is sleep for the rest of the year. Im tired of taking this one day at a time I want to think about my future. I want to live life like I used to before I was in a relationship. I want my time back I want to be able to do what I want and not be afraid to come home to an argument every night. I just really want to be alone. But I can't stand the thought of breaking your heart. It hurts me so bad to see you upset and I don't know how to tell you this in real life. I wish I could.
wip c:

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Postby harrington » Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:36 pm


i’ve been struggling with this for a while, and i continue to bounce this idea back in forth in my brain. it’s constantly on my mind, and i need to get it out. i don’t know what i’d do otherwise. i really, really, really, would like you to read this entire thing before responding. you know me - i’m neurotic and need to get all of my feelings out. i need to over-explain everything. i just want to make sure you completely understand where i’m coming from, and i hope that you can give me the patience that i need to express my feelings truthfully.

other the course of the past couple of months, i’ve grown to develop feelings for you. not “oh my god i’m in love with this guy” feelings, but more like “shoot, i want to be around this person way too much for it to just be friendship” feelings. it’s been truthfully very confusing and has been tearing me apart. i really don’t want to ruin our friendship. i care about you deeply and you are one of my good friends. i’m very happy to know you. i think this is what makes this so hard. watching my feelings from you drift from platonic to… not is something i’ve dreaded because i was so afraid of losing you as a friend. i *am* so afraid.

i don’t really know what to do with this information. i don’t even know if you’d even be interested in doing anything with it either. i don’t even know if you like guys, nonetheless trans ones. i don’t know where your feelings lie. i would be surprised if they were anything but platonic, but i wonder if you would ever would be curious. to explore? to try? could something even come out of this, or am i just saying it to say it? i don’t know anymore, and i’m afraid to find out.

i guess i just thought you deserved to know, if nothing else.

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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby morgana pendragon » Fri Oct 27, 2023 4:00 pm

i miss you. and i know you'll never see this, but it hurts. it hurts opening games we used to play, it hurts seeing other people with their best friends, and i don't know how to process it. you seemed fine, i thought you were fine. ever since you died I haven't found a way to do the things we used to do without crying. I get on roblox and I cry because you're not there. I get on overwatch and I cry because your commentary isn't there anymore. I keep waiting for a text message or a call and my heart hurts when I realize it's never coming.
you were my best friend. one of the first people I really got close with on amino, and one of the very few people I still talked to from that time period. you were the kindest person i had ever met and we all love you. i'm sorry we didn't get to say goodbye, and i'm sorry we never got a chance to meet. I know you wanted to this year, but I'm gonna save up and visit next year if possible, even if you aren't there, I want to see all the things you told me about and honor that wish. thank you for being my best friend and for being there for me when nobody else was. I honestly don't know where to go from here, neither does Seph, but we're gonna figure it out.

Thank you for being my best friend for 6 years, and goodbye.
𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐈───────
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby sonicOG » Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:38 am

Just wanted to mention that I love this forum idea. I have to attend school work right now, but I will be back later (this is my reminder) to post a letter myself.

Thanks for doing this! <3
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby arabella !! » Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:46 am

dear <3,

words can not express how much i lovelovelove you
ache to be near you
i miss your scent woven through my clothes
until we meet again !!!
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Re: Write a Letter You Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby kyuubunz » Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:31 pm

Oh, this topic idea is so cute!<3

Hi, Kyle! <3 (I took that nickname from Schmidty, hope you don't mind!)
It sure has been a while since we've spoken. I'm sorry that I haven't messaged you much since you moved, I just haven't found the right time. I promise to message you more when I can!
A few days ago a friend of ours told me something about you.. I could have never guessed you had a crush on me! You were always braiding my hair and wrapping your arm around me in class, and at first I just thought it was your way of showing affection, but maybe you were trying to hint at something. The truth is, I had a little crush on you too, I think. Well, I never planned on acting on it, but I knew that if I were to date anybody from our school, it'd be you! You're the prettiest girl I've ever met. Our energies match perfectly and it makes me really happy!
I wish I had known sooner, before you left; but in a way, maybe it's best like this. You would have had to leave anyway.
Right now I'm listening to an artist you introduced to me that one day in History. (I always loved sitting by you in History!) The name is in Japanese, so I can't write it here, but I'm sure you already know who I'm referring to. Her voice is so pretty!! You knew I'd love her - you know me so well. I think of you whenever I listen to her music. She almost sounds like you!
Anyway, maybe we can hang out sometime! Depends on where you moved to, though, so I'll have to ask later!

Please keep sending me more Persona 5 art!!! Miss you Ky <3

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