Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby dragonstars » Thu Sep 23, 2021 7:24 pm

Username + ID#: Dragonstars+865902
Kalon Link:
Chosen Prompt: 'What's a quirk of theirs you'd notice right away, or decently fast?'
Prompt Response:
"I'd notice how delicate they are with things, and that their extremely good at caring for things like flowers, animals,etc."{Count the art piece please}
Token Worth: 14
Previous Responses:
"Do they prefer a starry sky or a vibrant sunrise?"
"Does magic exist?"
"How did they learn they were special?"
"What was their childhood bedroom like?"
"What item does this kal possess that has sentimental value and why"
"What do they use as an escape?"
"Where do they go to relax?"
"Do they want kids?"
Please click these! Thank you! ^w ^

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby LostInTheEcho » Thu Sep 23, 2021 8:36 pm

Username + ID#: LostInTheEcho + 680104
Kalon Link: Here
Chosen Prompt: Who do they admire most?

Prompt Response:
LostInTheEcho wrote:The kalon that K’atini would say they admire the most is miss Sunny.

Miss Sunny was not a teacher but rather a kind of caretaker, would be the best word. She was the cook, she kept the school clean and ordered, made sure none of them hurt themselves when playing (or roughhousing) outside and consoled them when they were hurt or sad. Now, some of these things the teachers did as well, but none of them were quite like miss Sunny.

Sunny wasn't her name though, and K'atini didn't know if she was a miss either but it was what everyone called her. She had, on their first day, introduced herself (presumably by her real name) and then said "But you can call me miss Sunny!" With the sunniest smile and the most cheerful disposition, so they'd done just that and promptly forgotten her actuall name. By the time they'd started to wonder about it, it was all too late to ask so they decided that they'd take the knowledge of that particular gap in their knowledge to their grave.

Once while out playing outside the school, they'd somehow gotten a ball solidly stuck in a tree. All the kids had despaired. The resident treeclimber (another kit that is) tried to climb the tree to get it down. Normally, this wouldn't have been a problem, he was good at climbing trees after all, but this particular tree didn't have any low branches. After falling a five or ten times while trying to get up he insisted that the others had to help and give him a boost. The result was some shoving, stepping on toes and elbows in faces before the treeclimber got ahold of the lowets branch, which funnily enough was a tiny fragile branch that snapped the moment it had to carry the weight at a child. The end result was a pile of kids and no ball.

The next logical step was then of corse to start throwing things at the ball in hopes to dislodge it. And while they might be stupid, they aren't stupid so they only threw stuff that they wouldn't be sad if it got stuck as well. So they started throwing sticks, and more sticks. One child eventually, and inevitably, threw a rock and was imeadiately scolded, because you don't throw rocks! Properly chasticed they instead tried with a clump of mud which somehow, inexplicably hit the ball, where it left a brown stain of muddy shame. The children were losing hope. This was were Sunny found them.

They told her about the ball. They didn't tell her about the stick throwing. One, well meaning, but not so bright kid said that they'd tried to shake the tree to get the ball down. This wouldn't have been a dumb idea if it weren't for the fact that the tree was thicker than three of them put together so no amount of determined eight to twelve year olds would be able to shake the giant of a tree, no matter how hard they tried.

Sunny gave them the I-don't-believe-you-but-I-won't-comment look before studying the problem presented to her. She went and came back with a basketball, which she explained was because it was big and heavy so it would have more force in its impact. They accepted this as fact. She then moved it up and down in her hands a bit, tested the weight, aimed and then threw it. It had flown up in the tree, with all the kids watching in awe, as it hit the stuck ball solidly with a resounding smack, sending it flying up and then down to the cheers and admiration of all the kids.

It was in this moment of triumph that K'atini decided that when they grew up, they wanted to be miss Sunny.

Obviously they couldn't grow up to be another person. Something which they'd realized when they were older. That didn't stop them from wishing, though.

Token Worth: 5 Tokens // 662 words

Previous Responses:
What is their nerdy hobby? [10]
Does magic exist? Describe it and it’s limits [10]
What was their childhood bedroom like? [12]
What is their favorite scent? [13]

Total [50]
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby *Starshimmer* » Thu Sep 23, 2021 11:22 pm

      page 46 & 47 wrote:xx.: Approved & Banked
      .✰Mewo✰.: Approved & Banked
      Sinful_Lies: Watch your username spelling as all your submissions are spelt incorrectly, but otherwise, Approved & Banked
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      Canem Morningstar: Approved & Banked
      LostInTheEcho: Approved & Banked
      persimmon: Approved & Banked

      page 48 & 49 wrote:waffle02: Approved & Banked
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      Rosemoon: Approved & Banked
      rem sleep: Approved & Banked
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      craig?: Approved & Banked
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      Madziu: Approved & Banked
      magpie!: Approved & Banked

      page 50 & 51 wrote:solos: Approved & Banked
      Sp1ritW1sh: Approved & Banked
      Davidfluff: Approved & Banked
      LostInTheEcho: PM'd about submission
      Rosemoon: Approved & Banked
      22tabby: Approved & Banked
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      Little Fish: PM'd about submission
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      page 52 & 53 wrote:SilhouetteStation: Approved & Banked
      auditor: Approved & Banked
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      Mastergirl7: Approved & Banked
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      persona: Approved & Banked
      Canem Morningstar: Approved & Banked
      Dragonstars: Approved & Banked
      LostInTheEcho: Approved & Banked
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby dragonstars » Fri Sep 24, 2021 12:20 am

Username + ID#: Dragonstars+865902
Kalon Link:
Chosen Prompt: How do they handle a bad day?"
Prompt Response:
By spending time with one of their mate's, usually that calms them right down
Token Worth: 19
Full body=4
Multiple characters-5
%22Do they prefer a starry sky or a vibrant sunrise?"
%22Does magic exist?"
%22How did they learn they were special?"
%22What was their childhood bedroom like?"
%22What item does this kal possess that has sentimental value and why"
%22What do they use as an escape?"
%22Where do they go to relax?"
%22Do they want kids?"
'What's a quirk of theirs you'd notice right away, or decently fast?'
Please click these! Thank you! ^w ^

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby WitchHazel » Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:12 am

Username + ID#: WitchHazel [148605]
Kalon Link: Carmen
Chosen Prompt: "What is one myth or story unique to their world?"
Prompt Response:

The Legend of the Starkeeper is a story often told to young kits at night. There are many variations on the tale, but they all have certain content in common. This particular story was passed down verbally for generations, and only recently transcribed and put into print by a multitude of different authors. The pictures vary greatly in the fact that nobody actually knows what the Starkeeper looks like - they all assume her to be a kalon of some sort, or to at least have a mortal form taking the appearance of a kalon. Other than that, the details are unknown. Some depictions show the goddess made of stars herself, while others show a relatively normal-looking young kalon.

The story goes that the Starkeeper is one of the youngest of the gods, created without a particular purpose in mind. She wandered the many planes of existence aimlessly searching for something; something she wasn’t aware of until she found it. The tales tell of her travels in different planes, her adventures and companions she met along the way. The particular story told the most is the creation story of the stars, and how she earned her name.

It was a moonless night on the mortal plane, and she was lost. Lost in the dark, far from any sort of civilisation. Far from the mortal kalons she had learned to love so dearly in her time on the mortal plane. Or so she thought. The sky was so impossibly black; an endless sea of ebon. She couldn’t tell where sky ended and land began. The darkness was a maze of looming inky shapes, sharp and jagged and painful to look at. A field of unbroken black. The feeling of loneliness gripped her by the shoulders; its long talons digging into her very soul. She was alone. She was so, so gut-wrenchingly alone that it threatened to crush her.

But then a voice called out in the dark. Another lost soul, trying desperately to be found. She wasn’t alone - she just couldn’t see the others scrabbling in the blackness. And then another voice cried, and another. A thousand voices lost in shadow; hopeless wanderers flailing blindly through life.

She knew what they needed. Hope. Guidance. So she gathered a piece of herself; her own very essence, and sprinkled it across the heavens. The skies were ablaze with tiny pinpricks of light, twinkling in the darkness. And then the darkness wasn’t so dark anymore. The vast, looming shapes revealed themselves to be nothing but trees, the claws and teeth just pointed branches jutting from the towering trunks. The cries of fear changed to cries of wonder as eyes turned upwards, star-struck by the spectacle of what had occurred. Chatter of confusion and amazement rang out across the forest. What was this magical effect? Were the tiny lights there to stay, or only temporary? Some feared they would disappear any moment. Some wailed in terror at the newness of it all. The Starkeeper spun a trail of stardust through the woods, guiding all those lost in the dark back to one another. “It’s okay,” she assured them, gathering them around under the safety of her wings. “The stars are here to stay. They will guide your way in the darkness, even when the moon does not shine her light on the world.”

The lost souls, now found, muttered amongst themselves. Some uttered remarks of gratitude and awe, while others aired opinions of skepticism and fright. What if something came along to swallow up the stars? What if the Starkeeper’s power faded? What if she left them?

The Starkeeper knew she couldn’t stay on the mortal plane forever. Her mortal body was only temporary; it could only contain her true power for so long before it would start bursting at the seams. A crack of light here or there at first, but then… well, she’d have to make it back to the divine plane before that happened. If they were to see her true form… well, the truest form of the would be enough to drive anyone insane, if they weren’t incinerated instantly.
But she couldn’t abandon them. Not like that. Not when they had so many questions, not when they needed her.

On that very day, she made a binding promise to the mortals she so cherished. The Starkeeper vowed to always watch over and protect them, even when she wasn’t physically present. She stated that she would offer aid and guidance to all those who needed it, and send gifts to those deserving of them.

But her work still wasn’t done. She wanted the stars to be a place of comfort; a fantastical realm of myth and legend. She wanted to tell stories. The Starkeeper wandered the lands, collecting amazing tales of valour and villainy alike. Those that sang to her soul the most were treasured and even shared along her travels.

Over time, her stories took shape in the stars. Great heroes, terrible villains, and sacred animals alike had their images painted in the sky. Sometimes, a star would fall from the charcoal empyrean and race across the sky like a beast on fire. Kalons took to seeing these ‘falling stars’ as good luck, and even began wishing upon them. They thought they were gifts given to them by the Starkeeper. It is said if you see a falling star and make a wish, the Starkeeper will grant your wish. It might not always be in the way you expect, but it will come true. Or so the legend goes.

Sailors and other seafarers still use the stars to navigate - as such, the Starkeeper became a guide to the lost. She is widely regarded as a goddess of hope, wishes, light, and kindness, and is even invoked in rituals for protection.

What a lot of mortals don’t know is that the Starkeeper still visits the world she loves, though her divine form can only be contained in a mortal body for so long.

Token Worth: 10 [1000 words]
Previous Responses:
Let go
Favourite scent
How she met her love
Hi there!
I'm WitchHazel; your friendly neighborhood witch. You can call me Hazel for short c:
I use she/they pronouns

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Rosemoon » Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:28 am

Username + ID#: Rosemoon #941592
Kalon Link: Ezekiel
Chosen Prompt: What type of weather would they prefer to never experience again?
Prompt Response:
Ezekiel saw the New England storm clouds overhead. It was late November and it hadn't snowed yet, but now was the perfect time since it had been so cold. Unfortunately, that's what the weather decided to do. The clouds were a dark purple, turning the sky darker as if night was falling even though it was only 10am.
Ezekiel had just gone to the store for a few things, his arms full of groceries and his truck waiting at the other end of the parking lot. He started to jog, worried he wouldn't make it home in time before it snowed. It had rained slightly the night before, so there had been thin patches of black ice on the ground which made him nervous enough. He nearly slipped five different times on his way to his truck. He threw his groceries in the back and started up the engine. It sputtered and spit. The cold was making it act up.
"Come on, Bess. Don't do me like this girl" he turned his key over and over until finally it started chugging loudly. "Thank you" he sighed.
The drive home was long, he lived a little ways out in a town that was mostly farmland and mountain forest. Population was about 23 despite it being fairly big because everyone owned their own long plot of land. So Ezekiel was more in a hurry than ever knowing it would take a while. He was speeding ever so slightly when he almost crashed into a deer and veered off the road slightly.
Ch ch ch ch the engine spluttered. Ezekiel screamed into his truck horn, making it go off. After some time the truck started again and back he was on the road. He made it home just in time before the snow started to sprinkle it's way down. He locked himself inside, put away his groceries, and sat in front of his window.
He watched on in dismay as the snow grew thicker and came down harder and faster. He turned to his fireplace and threw a match into the already placed wood stacks. A small black cat with a red bell collar came jingling up, a little rumble in it's throat as it jumped next to Ezekiel and rested down in a bread loaf position.
"Hey, Elijah. You don't like snowstorms either, huh?" he pet the little cat's head as he stared into the flames of the roaring fire.
He didn't like snowstorms for many reasons. It was too cold, Ezekiel preferred warmth over all else which is why he always stocked up on firewood no matter the season, just in case with this crazy New England weather. Out here, it was easy for snow to pile onto your doorstep and block you in, which is why Ezekiel had done a massive amount of grocery shopping ahead of time, not knowing when the weather would let him leave his house again. Plus, when you're out here in the middle of east jesus nowhere, if something happens to you in this storm, you have no one to come help you. Roads are filled and blocked, cell towers have patchy connections, and your neighbors are a footballs field away across the farmland.
Ezekiel tried sending a text through to his friend Michael.
"Movie night cancelled, let Jasper know, snow's coming in strong and I don't want you guys to get hurt on the roads".
Suddenly there was the sound of the door opening. Ezekiel reached for his long sword and jumped up to face the intruder.
"We came anyways" Jasper and Michael were standing in the doorway.
"Yeah if we're gonna be stuck in a snowstorm, better do it with the guy who has a nuclear panic bunker in his basement" Jasper nudged his friend. Michael held out some horror movie DVDs.
"So... Insidious marathon?" he said sheepishly.
"I'll make some of my fresh picked air popped popcorn" Ezekiel said with a heavy breath, "I almost killed you guys, bee tee dubs" he called from the kitchen he was walking into.
The snow outside came down like an apocalypse. He hated snowstorms and he wished he'd never have to deal with them again, but at least this time he had some friends to make it less miserable.
"How long do you guys plan on staying exactly?" Ezekiel asked, bringing out a bowl of super hot super buttery popcorn.
"Well, when the storm ends we can shovel our way out and while we're at it do your driveway and unbury your truck" Michael said, plopping down on the couch and wrapping an arm around Ezekiel and Jasper on either side of him.
Jasper snatched the popcorn bowl and started digging in, making little happy chitter noises as he went.
"I'll attach the plow I have in my car to your truck and try and clear the roads" he said with a mouthful.
"Little kindnesses" Ezekiel said with a smile. "You guys need to come by every snowstorm, it's so miserable here when it happens. What if one day I just, like, die out here and no one can save me because of the snow" he shuttered.
"We wouldn't let that happen" Michael said.
"Yeah you do too much weird and creepy stuff, I am like legally obligated to check up on you 24/7 to make sure you're not dead, and then fly my booty over here to come save YOUR booty" Jasper laughed.
Ezekiel smiled. He was so grateful in this moment. The snow outside raged like a war and it piled so high you couldn't see out of any of the windows. The storm was a massive worry across the state, people were preparing for the worst. Normally Ezekiel would be puttering around with his experiments in a depressive state, but with his friends by his side this time, he felt a lot better.
Although if you were to go up and ask him, his answer would still be the same.
"I would pay to never see a snowflake ever again".

Token Worth: [1009 Words] 10 Tokens
Previous Responses: For Sydney: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
For Ezekiel: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby WitchHazel » Fri Sep 24, 2021 12:54 pm

Username + ID#: WitchHazel [148605]
Kalon Link: Carmen
Chosen Prompt: "What does their current bedroom look like? Is it messy or clean?"
Prompt Response:

“I don’t really need to sleep anymore so… it’s kind of just the place I throw my junk.”
“...that doesn’t mean I can’t sleep if I want to, though - sometimes I’ll just crash on my sofa and zonk out.”
Carmen’s apartment is quite messy - it’s not a very nice apartment to begin with, and she doesn’t really care all that much about it. To her, it’s just a base of operations. Somewhere to crash or attempt to relax, or let herself be who she really is without fear of discovery by demon hunters. It’s not pretty, but when does she ever have guests? It doesn’t need to look nice. It doesn’t need to be nice by any means. It just needs to be functional, and that’s it.

Token Worth: 1 [127 words]
Previous Responses:
Let go
Favourite scent
How she met her love
The Legend of the Starkeeper

Username + ID#: WitchHazel [148605]
Kalon Link: Carmen
Chosen Prompt: "Where do they go to relax?"
Prompt Response:

Out of all the places in the city, Carmen walks to the park to relax. The park itself isn’t very far from her apartment; a few blocks even. The walk is nothing special - it’s the destination that matters, in this case. Or rather, what grows in the destination. Daisies. The little gold and white flowers that bring so much joy and so much pain. There’s a specific bench Carmen likes, under the shade of a tree towards the back. No one really bothers her there. Clumps of daisies grow around the bench, cloying the air with their subtle perfume. Amongst the blooms, Carmen can sit with what little memories she has.

Token Worth: 1 [111 words]
Previous Responses:
Let go
Favourite scent
How she met her love
The Legend of the Starkeeper
Current Room (see above!)

Username + ID#: WitchHazel [148605]
Kalon Link: Carmen
Chosen Prompt: "Are they afraid of death?"
Prompt Response:

“What? No, of course not! What kind of dumb question is that? I’m already dead, technically. How can I be afraid of death when I’ve already bit the big one, huh?”
Despite Carmen’s protests, she is secretly terrified of dying. She’s already done it once, so… what happens if she does it again? The last time she died, she was pulled into Avernus and turned into a demon because of the contract she signed. She isn’t sure what actually happens after death, apart from that. But Avernus is only one path souls can take when they die. Carmen has heard a little about the other paths, but never really got to investigate them before she was sent to the mortal plane to ascertain more souls. As she’s remembering more and more of her previous life, the urge to do some digging there. If she could find Daisy again… well, that was the dream. She doubts she can really achieve it - too many obstacles. Her job, her boss, her wiped memories… she isn’t even certain what Daisy looks like anymore. Not all the time, anyways. Sometimes memories will come in flashes, but they slip like sand through her claws every time.
Overall, no one knows what happens when a demon dies. And she’s a demon now, so… They could just blink out of existence. Poof! Gone forever. Their essence could be absorbed into Avernus. Even the demons don’t know. Carmen isn’t even certain her boss knows.
“No one knows what happens to demons when we die. N-not that not knowing frightens me! I’m not afraid of anything!”

Token Worth: 2 [266 words]
Previous Responses:
Let go
Favourite scent
How she met her love
The Legend of the Starkeeper
Current Room (see above!)
Relax (see above!)

Username + ID#: WitchHazel [148605]
Kalon Link: Carmen
Chosen Prompt: "Are they an early bird or night owl?"
Prompt Response:

Carmen is a total night owl. Even before she became a demon, she was up late reviewing cases or going to jazz clubs. Or reviewing cases while she went to jazz clubs. As a demon, she’s even more of a night owl. Carmen doesn’t really need to sleep anymore, so she’s up finding unlucky souls to rope into contracts at all hours of the night. Sometimes she will sleep, if only to quiet her mind for a while. Whenever sleep does come, she’s not one to get up early. Daisy was always the early bird in the relationship - Carmen could sleep the day away if she wasn’t careful.

Token Worth: 1 [108 words]
Previous Responses:
Let go
Favourite scent
How she met her love
The Legend of the Starkeeper
Current Room (see above!)
Relax (see above!)
Afraid of Death (see above!)

Username + ID#: WitchHazel [148605]
Kalon Link: Carmen
Chosen Prompt: "How do they behave at parties?"
Prompt Response:

Carmen doesn’t necessarily like parties - modern ones, at least - not that anyone would know by how she acts. She’s constantly chatting people up, flirting, and overall just seeming like she’s having a good time. What she’s really doing is working - looking for other kalons to make deals with. Bars and parties are often good places to find a mark - desperate or inebriated individuals are much more likely to make a deal than those whose logic centres are fully functional. Easy targets. Red wine is her preferred drink, and martinis are her favourite cocktails, though she doesn’t usually feel the effects of the alcohol.

Token Worth: 1 [103 words]
Previous Responses:
Let go
Favourite scent
How she met her love
The Legend of the Starkeeper
Current Room (see above!)
Relax (see above!)
Afraid of Death (see above!)
Early Bird or Night Owl (see above!)

Username + ID#: WitchHazel [148605]
Kalon Link: Carmen
Chosen Prompt: "What do they use as an escape?"
Prompt Response:

Carmen draws as an escape. Mostly in charcoal, but she likes pen and ink drawings as well. Charcoal provides a different sort of fluidity and depth however, and captures a different kind of expression. Her apartment walls are littered with charcoal drawings - usually scenes from resurfaced memories, or confusing jumbles of shapes and symbols which serve mainly as a tool to help her focus. She doesn’t think the symbols are of any importance, but… she can’t know for certain. Trying to decipher them often leads to a splitting headache, however, so she tends not to stare at them for too long.

Token Worth: 1 [101 words]
Previous Responses:
Let go
Favourite scent
How she met her love
The Legend of the Starkeeper
Current Room (see above!)
Relax (see above!)
Afraid of Death (see above!)
Early Bird or Night Owl (see above!)
Parties (see above!)
Hi there!
I'm WitchHazel; your friendly neighborhood witch. You can call me Hazel for short c:
I use she/they pronouns

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Sinful_Lies » Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:34 pm

Username + ID#: Sinful_Lies #773401
Kalon Link: Theory
Chosen Prompt: Does magic exist? Describe it and it’s limits
Prompt Response: Yes magic exists, but only Rune Magic. There aren't a whole lot of limits to it. As long as you are strong enough to make a rune you can get it to do almost anything you want.
Token Worth: 14
Fullbody - 4
Shading - 2
Color - 3
Background - 5
Previous Responses:
1 // 2 // 3 & 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby sobble » Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:58 pm

Username + ID#: Sobble (918599)
Kalon Link: monty
Chosen Prompt:
What would their secret hide out look like?
Prompt Response:
Token Worth:
-fullbody (4)
- background (5)
- additional character (5)
- color bonus (3)
- shading bonus (2)
total: 19

Previous Responses: n/a
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby fisht3a » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:08 pm

Username + ID#: FallenPegasus #655686
Kalon Link: off oekaki
Chosen Prompt: How do they act at parties?
Prompt Response: overwhelmed
Token Worth: bust (3), unless this is only considered a sketch (1)
Previous Responses: [1][2][3][4]
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