Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby WitchHazel » Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:41 pm

Username + ID#: WitchHazel [148605]
Kalon Link: Carmen
Chosen Prompt: "Does magic exist? Describe it and it’s limits."
Prompt Response:

In short, yes, magic does exist.

It comes from many different sources, and becomes one with a kalon in a variety of ways.
Some magic is innate; passed down through the bloodline of a kalon’s family. Innate magic ranges in strength, but can always be made stronger through use, training, and practise. It can come from any source - a being from a different plane of existence somewhere in the family line, an ancient curse passed down generation after generation, an ancestor touched by magic from a different plane, et cetera. Some innate magic stays dormant within a kalon their entire life, without them knowing of its presence at all. Other innate magic makes itself known in wild and unpredictable ways, most often tied to emotion. A kalon with powerful innate magic can be dangerous to the world and even to themselves at first, but with the proper practise and training, they can develop control over their abilities. Some even go on to master them; enhancing them through other magical knowledge, artefacts, items, or acquired abilities.

Some magic is bargained for or gifted; given to a kalon by a powerful being from another plane - a god, a high-ranking angel or demon, an archfey, or something else equally as powerful. Sometimes it is a gift, other times kalons make a deal with a creature to gain their power. Deals of that nature are never easy - sometimes the magic isn’t worth the price. Sometimes magic of this type is given completely by accident - the kalon could have picked it up from contact with another plane or a powerful artefact without even knowing.

Other magic still is learned; through books and intense study. Spells of this nature must be incredibly precise, else they go horribly wrong. They often include many components and difficult words from extraplanar languages. Kalons with the dedication to learn magic must be master scholars, and some go on to be great mystical sages in their later years. Their spellbooks live on long after they die; for the next generation of magic casters to learn from. Some great mystics even learn the power to store their souls in other objects, giving them a form of eternal life. Others still have sought to grant their bodies this power and become horrible abominations due to their efforts. Most of the mystics learn to accept fate as it comes, and cross into another plane or simply let go when their time is up.

The last form of magic is derived solely from artefacts or magical objects - an enchanted amulet, an ancient relic, a ring storing the soul of a demon. Most casters use these sorts of items to amplify their natural abilities or enhance their power, but some rely solely on the magic of their item. Some items of this nature are family heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation. Others are artefacts of ancient cultures, imbued by their beliefs and left in the past, waiting to be discovered. They come from many places and many sources. Some magical objects of this variety are stolen in order to grant the user power. Items such as these can be used in conjunction with another, so long as the types of magic stored within are compatible. Items of the same magic type and subtype used in conjunction will lead to a greater increase in power than those of different types.

There are many different kinds of magic, but all can more or less be sorted into six main categories:
Elemental magic - magic that is tied to the four classical elements; fire, earth air, and water. It focuses on manifestation and is strengthened by proximity to its corresponding naturally occurring elements. This type of magic is likely to be innate, and originates from the elemental planes.
Light magic - magic that manifests as white light, and originates from the deific planes. It focuses on healing spells, purification rituals, and protection spells, but can also be used offensively in blinding displays of hot white light.
Dark magic - magic born from hate and pain, originating from the lower planes of existence. It focuses on harming, killing, and manipulating others. If used by kalons of the mortal plane, this type of magic will eventually corrupt the user. Demons, shadow beings, and undead creatures amongst others can use dark magic freely. Demonic magic, blood magic, and shadow magic are some of its subtypes.
Nature magic - magic born of the wild and pure life essence itself. Also called druidic magic, and associated with the faerie otherworld. It focuses on plants and plant-based magic, animal magic, the circle of life, and keeping the balance between nature and civilisation.
Death magic - also called necromancy, death magic concerns the veil between the spirit world and the mortal world. Practitioners of death magic learn to communicate with spirits, see into the spirit world, ease souls into the afterlife, and guide lost spirits to the Underworld. Their job is to be psychopomps of the world; neither living nor dead themselves. Raising the dead corporeally is considered a taboo among necromancers, and is classified as advanced necromancy. Advanced necromancy can corrupt a user’s soul unless they are completely undead themselves. Beginners often find difficulty discerning between the living and the dead, though this eases with training and practise.
Psionic magic - magic of the mind and soul. No one is really certain where it originates from. It focuses on mind reading and manipulation, emotion sensing and manipulation, astral projection, seeing into the web of fate, and all things dreams. This form of magic is often innate, sometimes seemingly random in its choice of caster.

The only limits on magic are the confines of the body and energy - magic is draining for most living creatures, and practitioners may need time to recharge after casting a powerful spell. Anyone can learn magic, but magic-users are not very common due to the modern world having less need for it. Magic is also relatively difficult to master, and not everyone has the focus or tenacity required for it. But some don’t have a choice - those born with magic aren’t always suited for it, not to mention those who make deals for magical power.

Token Worth: 10 [1029 words]
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby rem sleep » Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:45 pm

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Suchgo » Fri Sep 03, 2021 8:20 pm

Username + ID#: Suchgo #479349
Kalon Link: Avery
Chosen Prompt:
Does magic exist? Describe it and it’s limits

Prompt Response:
Yes, magic exists in Avery’s world though not in the typical sense. There are three major types of magic: basic shapeshifting which is present in every beastman, natural powers found in mythical creatures, and “gifts” or superpowers which can be found in any of the species.

Every beastman, Kalons included, has an innate ability to change between quadrupedal and bipedal forms. This shapeshifting is limited to the animal a beastman is, so a lion beastman can change into a quadrupedal lion but not a quadrupedal deer for example. In their quadrupedal forms the beastmen resemble their feral animal counterparts, though they can speak. A beastman’s bipedal form typically resembles an anthropomorphic animal, though some more accomplished beastmen can resemble a human with animal features, a full human, or a centaur. Shapeshifting is totally natural, but for some people it requires focus and training to perfect. It’s most common for young children to be unable to shapeshift, often learning as a toddler or older.

Mythical creatures, a subspecies of beastmen who inspired the mythical creatures of history, often have special abilities which can be seen as magic. Firebreathing for dragons is a very common example, as is shapeshifting into other species besides the one they were born as. There is some debate on whether or not many abilities of mythical creatures can be called magic. Like the previously mentioned firebreathing or flight, these mythical creatures have physical adaptions that allow them to use these abilities. On one hand, some argue that these abilities are no different from a snake having a venomous bite. Meanwhile, others argue that since the majority of other species are unable to breath fire or fly, this is a gift/magical power.

Most common in humans, “gifts” are unnatural abilities. They are called an array of names such as gifts, powers, superpowers, quirks, mutations, or magic. The possibilities for these powers are near endless, including energy generation, super strength, flight, and telekinesis. Oftentimes these powers are somewhat hereditary, with children inheriting some form of the gift from their parents. However, it is not uncommon for unique powers to appear out of the blue. For some reason, most humans are “gifted” with a small amount lacking powers. Beastmen and AI can also have gifts, but it is less common in them than in humans.

Avery himself is a gifted beastman, though his powers are not as impressive as his peers. Avery’s powers allow him to create and manipulate gold at will. He can create gold nuggets between his paws, and shape it into different objects. The larger or more detailed the object, the more concentration is required. However, Avery’s powers don’t come without a drawback. The gold is produced using minerals from his body, so creating gold uses up a lot of nutrients and energy. In order to stay healthy and use his powers, Avery must make sure to eat vitamin rich foods and take extra supplements. Though not as showy, his gift is very profitable and has landed him several high paying jobs with other companies.

Token Worth: 5 tokens - 508 words
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Scourgebane » Fri Sep 03, 2021 8:56 pm

Username + ID#: Canem Morningstar #1008448
Kalon Link: Ibuki!
Chosen Prompt: Self | What item does this kal possess that has sentimental value and why?
Prompt Response: I got carried away lol, sorry.
A Father's Gift wrote:You hear faint footsteps at the edge of your consciousness. For some reason, they fill you with a sense of inexplicable dread.


The deep commanding voice of your... Creator? Sort of kidnapper? Wakes you up. You shake your head and try to dispel your slumber, that's not important right now. They demand attention and you need to answer, they do not deal well with disobedience or being ignored, you raise your head blinking slowly trying to get your bearings when you get an eyeful of sharp gleam of silver that makes you wince, so you close your lower eyes trying to avoid a sensory overload this early. You're at their place, the cold and empty metal space with the bright screens that display things you don't understand that they call home.

You wonder how you got there, as this does not bode well for you. You were at your most recent hideaway trying to make sense of a note you got saying something about a group of others like you (and boy, wasn't that a surprise. You're not sure if believe them, many are gunning for your head.) And were trying to form some kind of response when suddenly you fell unconscious. You assume they must have brought you here. Not a good start to your day in all honesty, your luck must be running out. (As if hadn't ran dry years ago, if it wasn't for bad luck you wouldn't have any kind of luck at all.)

As you get to your feet, Creator snaps their fingers as if hurrying you up and briskly begins to walk away, beckoning you to follow. You give deep sigh and quickly follow them, lest you get lost in the maze they call home, you really do not want a repeat performance of most of your childhood. As you begin to catch up with them they start speaking.

"As you must know, we haven't seen each other in a long time. That was by design as it was necessary and it may be a long time if we see each other again after this time, if ever again," they say this with faint bitterness. They give you a brief glance from the corner of their eyes, "But I must say, you have grown quite well. I hope you're doing okay?"

You were used to not seeing them for extremely long periods of time, and when they were present it wasn't exactly the greatest time for you. But at the news that you may not see them again makes something on your chest grow cold. But at the same time experience an almost dizzying sense of relief. You purse you lips as you think on how to answer, "As well as it can be expected, Father." The long unused title tastes sour on your mouth. Father gives you a sharp nod, but clearly expecting more. You wonder why, they aren't exactly fan of small talk. "It- it has been an eventful last days, including your visit. I- I haven't been resting well."

"Maybe I should have left you sleeping a few more hours if I knew you were that tired," they say slightly remorseful, but cold. Always cold. "But time is of the essence and time is a currency I'm very short of. Come on, we're almost there."

You wonder idly what has them in such a hurry. You soon reach another metal covered room, but oddly this one doesn't have the bright displays of information and instead it's filled with corkboards stuffed to the brim with papers and strings, a lot of boxes and huge scroll maps, all of what seem to be other worlds, including one of Rosario. In the map there are differently colored pins being displayed, it makes you curious at what they mean.

Father is rummaging into one of the boxes, muttering to themselves with a low voice, you spare them a glance in case they call for you but they don't, so you go near the map of Rosario studying the different colored pins. One, in bright red has keeping pinned to the map a small tag with the name ROBIN written on it. You soon find one with your own name. You lower your ears anxiously and slowly walk away, not wanting to know what they mean anymore. You hear a sharp clang and muffled curse but Father still doesn't call you so you wander to the other maps.

There are many, and they are all filled with pins with tags except for one, and that is because the map is badly charred, but amazingly is still holding up. You wonder why they still hang it up if it is that badly burned, but Father mind is like a bag of cats so you don't want to ask.

"Aha!" Father suddenly exclaims, making you jump and your fur stand up from the surprise, "Ibuki come here, I have something for you."

When you wander their way they have a slim collar in their hands, all black except for bright glowing green stripe. You look at their face, nothing shows except for a faint expectancy. As you reach them, he kneels to your height and shows you the inside of the collar, there's something metallic, a square that cuts the black of the collar with written words in what is possibly a language that you don't understand. It seems important.

"Ibuki." Their tone gets your attention as any time they say you name, is nothing you have heard from them before, it's soft and kind of wistful. "This is a gift for you, something I should have given you long ago." They smile ruefully and with self a deprecation. "As I said to you we may not see each other again, and I-" they cut off with a sharp inhale. "I do not want to lose you."

You widen your eyes, this is not something you expected them to say, you suddenly see the way their hands are very softly trembling and how they can't look you in the eyes. You lower your ears with an anxious sound, you don't like this at all. They continue talking.

"With this collar, I'll always know where you are and if you are safe, even if I am far away. And you'll know when I return too. Even if we do not see each other again I want to know that you are safe and happy. You are very important to me, Ibuki. You can refuse it, obviously. But I'll rest a little easier when I'm gone if you have it. So what do you say?"

You feel conflicted, they always been cold with you since you were little, harsh and commanding and this feels like too little too late, another sign of their ownership over you. But they have been the only parental figure in your life, your only constant, and for a short while, your whole world.

You nod and sigh, already knowing your answer. You're such a weakwilled softhearted kalon.

"Yes, Father. I- if it makes you feel better I'll wear it."

Father gives you sharp grin and pets you between your horns, you force yourself to not shy away from their touch. He quickly unclasps the collar and brings it to your neck. It's cold, very cold and it makes you shiver, you hear a faint hum from it. Probably the light. Soon its fastened to you neck and they give you a pat.

"You look very dashing. It suits you." They say smirking. It's weird seeing them make so many expressions after years of nothing but the faintest ones. He starts walking to the exit and they beckon you.

"It probably clashes with my fur..." You grumble following him, green is totally not your color. Suddenly, in what feels like a blink it seems you are where you woke up earlier.

"Well, now that that's done, I've gotta go now." They say kneeling to your height again. "I really hope this is a see you later, but for now I must say goodbye, my dearest Ibuki. I will always keep you on my mind." They caress your cheek and suddenly to your surprise, you're enveloped by their arms in a hug. They're warm but you're frozen. But only for a moment, you gingerly put a paw on their shoulder and give them a few hesitant pats. This no something you experienced before.

Soon enough they let you go, and the dizziness of when you feel unconscious before takes you again. The last thing you see of Father is their eyes filled with tears.

When you wake up again you're in your hideaway. You quickly stand up and shake yourself before rushing outside.

There's no one outside.

You sigh, and look to the sky. It's nighttime and the stars are out, and they're bright and beautiful. You lift your paw to your neck, the collar that Father gave you is still there, as the last and only memento of the only parental figure you ever knew. Alone and abandoned as the first time and suddenly, with a heavy heart and sense of relief you know.

You will never see Father again.

Token Worth: [1535 words] 10 tokens
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Rosemoon » Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:57 am

Username + ID#: Rosemoon #941592
Kalon Link: Sydney
Chosen Prompt: What would their secret hide out look like?
Prompt Response:
Sydney actually does have a secret hideout already! Since she took over her childhood home/apartment, she managed to somehow dig a hole in the ground next to the building without being noticed, which turns into a secret hidden tunnel. This tunnel goes under the parking lot and leads to a small burrow filled with her old childhood toys and treasures. She knows once she moves into her dream home soon she will lose this secret hideout, but hopefully then she will be able to recreate it.
She calls it her workshop, it's where she does her writing and other creative projects. It's filled sky high with stacks of papers, containers of pencils and assorted drawing utensils, cups filled with old drinks now harboring cultures of unknown fungi, and more. There's ragged old stuffed animals laying around amongst fuzzy blankets and plush pillows. There is a portable DVD player and a laptop nearby. The walls have more art than her childhood bedroom. There's even wires and tools for more hefty mechanical engineering work. There's old beaten yoga mats and DVDs scattered everywhere, theres food wrappers and a sign on the floor that says, "no n00bs allowed!!11!1" in a teenagers scrawled cursive with curlique hearts.
She's had this hideout since she was 12 and it's her favorite place to go when the world becomes too much for her. She has always had to get away once in a while because of her anxiety, but she never imagined a little hole in the ground would become so important to her in the end.
She hopes that if she rebuilds it again, it'll be even better than before. Everything would be more organized, having bins and places for her supplies and files and cabinets for her papers and everything. A sink so her dishes don't create new life on their own out of filth every time she forgets to bring them back inside. The stuffed animals and blankets and pillows would all be the same, because what's better than a giant fluffy cuddle pile? Nothing, that's what! She would have a TV with an actual DVD player as well as her PlayStation, and her laptop would hopefully have a case by then so she can lug it around wherever. The walls would still be her own personal art gallery. A trashcan and a mini fridge would also be nice. If she can manage to run proper wires down there for electricity. Lighting would be nice too, since right now she relies on battery operated fairy lights.
She hopes that her dream home can come sooner, it's so in reach. The first thing she wants to do is rebuild her hideout, her safe haven. Because even if she had her own place without any landlords or floor neighbors, she still would want a change of scenery to ease her anxieties. It's her own comfort, something like that. Plus this hole holds so many childhood memories, she can't imagine completely giving that up.

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby 22tabby » Sat Sep 04, 2021 8:05 am

Username + ID#: 22tabby || 346744
Kalon link: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4597909&start=220#p135680539
Chosen Prompt: Your kal just got sent to prison, what are they in for?
Prompt Response: Image
Token Worth: headshot + color - 5 tokens
Previous Responses: 1 2 3 4 5
being a sheep leads to boredom, being a wolf leads to loneliness. one must choose their fate carefully.


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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Rosemoon » Sat Sep 04, 2021 10:22 am

Username + ID#: Rosemoon #941592
Kalon Link: Sydney
Chosen Prompt: What does their current bedroom look like? Is it messy or clean
Prompt Response:
Sydney's bedroom looks almost the same as when she was a kid growing up, except just a little nicer after giving the place some TLC when her parent's left. It's not the cleanest room in the apartment anymore, but it's not a total sty either.
It's a small room, she didn't want to take her parents much larger room because she ended up turning that into a storage room. She keeps all her boxes of packed belongings in there for when she eventually moves (her line of thinking is that if she doesn't do it now, she'll never get it done). She still had her queen sized mattress, but now it had a real box spring and a real frame (a nice wooden one too!). Her skinny bookshelf that touched the ceiling had accidentally fallen and broken in half so now it was only halfway up to the ceiling. This meant she could use it as a nightstand and hold some of her stuff on it. She now had a dresser to hold all her clothes in, even if it made the room feel more cramped. The free-swinging wire lightbulb for a light hanging from the ceiling now was fixed and properly had a lampshade over it. It was dark purple with black velvet lacing and white crystals hanging from it (she got it from the Halloween section at Target because why not?)
She not only has her old body pillow for her head with the same silver blue pillow case, but she had matching moon and stars mini pillows beside it. She had her same silver and blue quilt and white linen sheet, but now with the addition of a small round pillow that was made to look like a sunflower. She had many more pictures of her friends and many more of her drawings now. She wasn't an artist, but she still enjoyed the hobby. Her planet mobile still hung above her head, even as old as it was it still made the most beautiful music.
Her walls were now a deep blue color, something dark to make her feel more comfortable while sleeping. Her shaggy gray carpet with the moon shaped rug was still something she adored and she thought it matched her walls, blanket, and pillows nicely. Her books, CDs, and stationary kits were finally organized and put into nicely put bins. She was still growing mint in her windowsill, but gave up on succulents after her 18th one died. Her firewood scented gold and brown curtains remained, the strings on the bottom coming undone from age. It was still her most valued and treasured item she owned. It reminded her of her grandparents, she would die if anything happened to these curtains.
The door had finally been fixed and painted with a fresh coat of white, and even had a sign that hung from the front that said, "Syd's Space" that her friend made. Besides her hideout, this was her favorite room. She can't believe soon she'll be leaving.

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby sheepsorrel » Sat Sep 04, 2021 12:44 pm

Username + ID#: conradical 413649
Kalon Link: x
Chosen Prompt: Does magic exist? Describe it and its limits
Prompt Response: x
magic does not exist on all planets, but it does on SOME! on cinnabar's planet, the atmosphere is actually what gives kals magic -it's not something innate! so any kal that leaves the planet would also lose their powers, but travelers gain powers upon landing!

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SilhouetteStation » Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:43 pm

    Username + ID#: SilhouetteStation + 676516
    Kalon Link: Aurimelle

    Chosen Prompt: Does magic exist? Describe it and its limits.

    Prompt Response:
    Magic does exist in this world, primarily in three different forms; Sprites, Mages, and those folk who become learned in the magical art, such as witches, wizards, and so on.

    Sprites are like the foundation of magic. The world was created by sprites, and they are still the most magically advanced type of creature to exist. In some way, shape, or form they are connected to the world around them, and this connection helps to strengthen the magic they already posses upon creation. Their magic is the most unique, and isn't something that can be learned by mortals. It may not necessarily look as 'showy' or 'extravagant' as the other kinds, but it most definitely the most important. There is something otherworldly about it - which is appropriate, considering what they are - and to witness a sprite use their power is a very humbling thing indeed. No other creature can make flowers bloom where they walk, can heal polluted waterways, can dissolve smoke into the atmosphere and bring a fresh wind in its place. They are special in this way, and they cherish their own powers dearly. It may be unknown where the original Three sprites came from in the first place, but they were the first to be blessed with such gifts, and that blessing they pass onto their own sprites.

    It is possible, although mortals cannot posses power like sprites, that a tiny bit of their magic trickled into a few in the process of their creation. No other reason has been found to explain the power of Mages, and so many will end up being worshippers of certain sprites depending on the type of magic they wield. Mages are born with power, but it doesn't usually show itself until they get into their teenage years. Every type of power is related to some kind of nature, which strengthens the sprite-to-mortal theory. Things such as fire, ice, water, air; even light and shadow. A fire mage can create sparks with their hands, and send bursts of flames from their fingertips. An ice mage can control snow flurries, and sometimes even gather clouds together to make it snow. Most often these powers can be unstable if not carefully managed, which is why every mage is required to attend a special academy which teaches them how to control their magic. It is classed as a natural kind magic, unlike the kind that comes next.

    The debate over 'learned magic' has been going on for hundreds of years, if not thousands. Witches and wizards learn to make potions from various ingredients, some of which whose properties can only be extracted through magical means. They use spells and incantations, meet up to practice their craft, even come together to try and create new spells. Many will have at least one animal familiar - a talking beast whom they connect to, and will spend their lives together. This type of magic is not taught in schools, but usually by an apprenticeship of sorts; if you want to learn the craft, you'll have to find someone willing to teach you. Many people aren't bothered by witches and wizards, and see no wrong in buying their product and letting them get on with their own business. There are some, however, who find them unnatural. Their belief is that if you were supposed to practice magic, you'd be born a mage. You wouldn't have to 'force' it, so they say. They avoid them all that they can which, ironically, suits this kind of magic folk quite well.

    The only kind of other magical being in this world is not well documented. Relationships between sprites and mortals is forbidden, of course, so theoretically there shouldn't be any half sprite, half mortal children. If hypothetically children like that existed, they themselves probably wouldn't know what they were capable of; that kind of heritage is not something you shout about, for fear of being shunned. So they stay quiet, and carry on, and that kind of magic continues to stay unknown.

    Token Worth: 5 (670 words)

    Previous Responses:
    What does their current bedroom look like?
    Do they have any pets?
    What makes them feel loved?
    Are they an early bird or night owl?
    What are their top three skills or talents?
    ^ 25 tokens ;; Atticus

    What type of weather would they prefer to never experience again?
    What is their favorite sound?
    A smell they absolutely HATE
    Favorite snack
    What's their favorite accessory?
    If they had to wear one color for the rest of their life, what would it be?
    What is their favorite scent?
    In an escape room, what role do they take up within it?
    What was their favorite childhood toy?
    What power would they want, and why?
    ^ 20 tokens ;; second myo purchase

    What is their world's creation story?
    Does magic exist? Describe it and its limits.
    ^ 15 tokens ;; Aurimelle wip

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby onion » Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:54 pm

Username + ID#: blek + #350777
Kalon Link: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4597909&start=140#p135549224
Chosen Prompt: whats this kals favorite accessory?
Prompt Response:

"a nice warm scarf does the trick!"

Token Worth: fullbody - 4
color - 3
shading - 2
total- 9 tokens

Previous Responses:
1. whats their home planet like? (10 tokens)
2. describe the galaxy/space outside of their known world/what they see in the sky (14 tokens)
3. describe some of the flora and or fauna that is unique to their world/are there any famous ruins or landmarks? what are they? (10 tokens)
4. are there any unique holidays? (10 tokens)
5. do they prefer a starry sky or a vibrant sunrise? (5 tokens)
6. whats their favorite accessory? (you are here!) (9 tokens)

1. name a time where they told a lie, whether it was for the best, or the worst. (5 tokens)
2. what was their favorite childhood toy? (9 tokens)
3. what is one myth or story unique to their world? (19 tokens)
4. what type of weather would they prefer to never experience again + if they had to wear one color for the rest of their life, what would it be? (18 tokens total)

(total = 110 (all prompts +1 pile submission) - 20 (extra myo) - 25 for one rare trait myo = 65 tokens total left)
    모든 data를 모아 mix it around Image
    >my sunshine / free palestine
    >blake/onion, it/its, adult!
    >rwby, kpop ggs, 2hu, splatoon!
    th / pound / carrd / en / fr / ᓚᘏᗢ
    like du du du du du! 🍊

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