Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby mal du pays » Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:39 pm

Username + ID#: Takura. 186503
Kalon Link: Barold
Chosen Prompt: What's their nerdy hobby?
Prompt Response:
It was Crispin’s idea, really.
The group of them had managed to settle down in a new part of town after a stint in which the four of them had to flee to escape the police. It’d taken them a bit to find a new place to hide out, but Mars had managed to acquire a place for them to stay.
Barold had sprawled out on the couch, his legs laying across Venus’ lap, and she had one arm strewn over the back of the couch. As Mars finished unpacking the rest of their stuff, Crispin poked his head in through the door.
“Hey! Asrophael’s here, too. I caught him on my way back.”
He stepped into the landing, and soon enough Asrophael also entered the room - the white-furred kalon was wearing a simple purple hoodie with his boney hands poking through the sleeve holes. Mars seemed to perk up a bit as he came into the room, giving a wave. “Aye, you should’ve called me!”
“Sorry, I wasn’t sure if you’d needed to get a new phone number.”
“Fair.” Mars replied, giving a shrug. “I’ll tell you if I need to get a new one. What’s good, li’l buddy?”
Mars’ attention had shifted to Crispin, and Barold watched as he fished through his bag. “Oh, right! I wanted to suggest we all play a game together. It’s one of my favorites, although I haven’t been able to get a group to play with..”
From his bag he pulled out a manual - Barold couldn’t read the cover from this distance, but Crispin cleared his throat. “I ‘unno if you guys would be up for playing D&D with me, but I figured I’d pitch it.”
Venus sat upright, and Barold could see her eyes glittering. “Oh, sweet! You sure you’re up to runnin’ something with the lot of us?”
“Yeah. We don’t gotta start tonight, especially since you’re gonna have to make characters & stuff. I can help you with that, of course, since I have experience with it.”
“Well, hell yeah, li’l dude! I’m always down for somethin’ new.” Mars gave a thumbs up. He glanced over to his sister, who was mulling it over.
“Will I get to look really cool?”
“Well, that’d probably depend on the character you make. But you probably can, yeah.”
“Then absolutely.” Venus laughed, and she gave a nod. Barold hesitated for a moment or so.
“Sure, why not. If Venus wants to play, then I’ll give it a shot.”
Everyone’s attention shifted to look toward Asrophael, and the other gave a surprised noise. “H-Hey, why are you all staring at me?” He replied, sputtering. “It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try, so sure. I’ll play with you.”
Crispin gave an excited noise, fishing through his bag. “Oh, good! I was really hoping you’d all say yes. I already got sheets printed for when you make your characters, and then some dice, too - did you know there’s a game shop down the street from this place? They were really helpful in helping me pick out everything for you guys.”
“So were you just gonna make us play anyways?” Mars replied, giving a snort. “You were really gunning for us sayin’ yeah, I guess.”
“Well, it doesn’t hurt to have extra dice & sheets, so if you’d’ve said no I would’ve kept this stuff anyways.” Crispin fished through the bag again, holding out several tubes with dice sets in them. “So you guys can pick one from here, and they’ll be yours! Make sure not to lose any of em.”
Mars went first, picking a set of purple-toned dice, and Asrophael picked a set of seafoam-colored dice. Barold felt like he’d best tug himself off the couch & Venus’ lap as he went to select a set, settling with a set that had a green & purple color scheme. Venus settled for a pale orange set, and Crispin took the last set - silver & blue.
“Cool! I’ll help you guys with figuring out your characters in stuff soon! Just let me know and I can set up the table to fill out the sheet.”

It was a few weeks later, and the lot of them had settled around the dining room table. Crispin sat with a fold in front of him, obscuring the papers he had settled in front of him. “Okay! Do you think you’re ready to introduce your characters?”
“Yeah.” Barold gave a nod. “Can I go first?”
“Go for it!”
Barold cleared his throat, sifting through the sheets he had in front of him. “I’ll be playing an elf wizard, named Laurence Aldervale. He’s under the school of Necromancy.”
“Interesting choice!” Crispin clapped his hands together. “Necromancy is a fun one, any reason why you picked it?”
“It just seemed cool.” Barold gave a shrug. “No real reason.”
“Me next!” Venus chimed in. “I’ll be playing a Tabaxi barbarian. He’s named Rock Crusher, and his weapon of choice is a gigantic hammer.”
“Not playin’ an arsonist?” Mars teased.
“I already do arson in real life. I wanted to spice it up a bit!”
“Fair, fair.” Mars replied. “In that case, I’ll be playing a Tiefling, named Ashe Trinity. She’s of the cleric class, under the god Tymora.”
“Another interesting one!” Crispin replied. “A lot of interesting choices here. Asrophael, is your character ready?”
“Mhm.” The sound of paper shuffling filled the room as he picked up his sheet. “I’ll be playing a fighter, named Aethelwynne. They do not have a last name, as their quest is to figure out what’s up with their memories, as there’s something they can’t seem to remember.”
“Okay, cool! I think I can work with that.” Crispin nodded. “So I think we can officially start playing next week unless someone else has a suggestion?”
“I think that’s good for us.” Mars gave a nod. “Is it good for you, Asro?”
“It should be. I’ll give you a call if it doesn’t work.” He nodded.

And thus began the journey into what’d become Barold’s favorite hobby - when they weren’t running from the police for magic crimes, anyways - playing Dungeons & Dragons with his friends.

Token Worth: 10 tokens (1023 words)
Previous Responses: one
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby zoosea » Wed Aug 18, 2021 3:30 pm

Username + ID#: Zoosea + #686114
Kalon Link: x
Chosen Prompt: “What makes them feel loved?”
Prompt Response: When his chickens are constantly wanting hugs c:
Token Worth: Fullbody (4) + Pixel Bonus (2) + Shading Bonus (2) + Color Bonus (3) + Multiple Char. Bonus (5) = 16 Tokens
Previous Responses: 1 2 3 4
Last edited by zoosea on Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SonOfStarGod » Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:52 pm

Username + ID#: SonOfStarGod + 639144
Kalon Link: here
Chosen Prompt: Favorite Accessory
Prompt Response: gamer - her hat!
Token Worth:
full body - 4
color - 3
shading - 2
total - 9
Previous Responses: here here here here
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby skywishes01 » Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:36 pm

    ♦ username + ID: skywishes01 + 742710
    ♦ kalon link: Guinevere / archive post

    ♦ chosen prompt: What's their favorite scent?
    ♦ prompt response:


    ♦ token worth: 13 tokens
    - bust [3]
    - colour [3]
    - shading [2]
    - background [5]

    ♦ chosen prompt: They found a lost child crying, what do they do?
    ♦ prompt response:

    Okay, okay. You can do this.

    Gwen took a deep breath. She wasn’t good at this, not by any stretch of the imagination - in fact, one of her favorite parts of being a zookeeper was that she didn’t have to do this often. Sure, there were those keepers that hosted those educational talks and feeding displays and the like, but Gwen was certainly not one of those people. She preferred to be in the background, with the animals and only the animals. Animals were easy. They didn’t judge you. Or, maybe they did, and they were just really good at hiding it. Still! She’d take that over people, any day.

    Come on! It’s not that big a deal.

    Then why were her hands shaking? And, was that her heartbeat she could hear echoing inside her head? It would be easy, whispered a little nasty voice, to just ignore it, pretend you haven’t seen anything…

    She’d be lying if she said the suggestion wasn’t tempting. But no - she couldn’t do that. She’d be worried about it all day if she didn’t do something.

    Sighing, Gwen left her post by the sun bear exhibit - she’d just finished feeding them - and walked over to the viewing benches. A little girl sat alone, sniffling noisily, a stuffed toy clutched in her hands.

    “Hey, uh - w-w-what’s wrong?” Gwen’s voice was a little shaky, but there was nothing much she could do about that. She always got anxious around people, especially strangers - even if those strangers were little children, it seemed.

    The girl lifted her face. Gwen’s heart broke at the sight of the girl’s puffy, tear-filled eyes.

    “I- I’m lost.” She whispered sadly.

    “Oh.” Yeah, great going, Gwen! That was a silly question to ask, of course she’s lost, who would just leave a crying five-year-old here on purpose? You’re not equipped to handle this at all, just give up alrea-

    Oh, shut up, me!

    Now was not the time for this - she could obsess over what she could’ve done better later. Right now, there was a crying child in front of her, and she needed help.

    “O-Okay. Don’t worry, we’ll find your family. See, I can call the other zookeepers right now - they’ll announce it all over the zoo!” Gwen pulled out her walkie-talkie. “It’s all gonna be okay.”

    The girl was still sniffling uncontrollably. “My brother - he’s gonna be so mad… he told me to ‘stay put’ but I really really wanted to see the penguins and the sign said go that way -”

    Gwen cracked a small smile - maybe she understood this girl better than she thought. “Hey, hey, I promise you, your brother won’t be angry. He’ll be worried about you. And if he does get mad, well - Keeper Gwen is here to protect you!” Impulsively, Gwen struck an exaggerated salute.

    There was a beat of silence. Oh, why did I do that? There I go again, embarrassing myself, why can’t I just behave -

    Then, Gwen’s thoughts were interrupted by a small, soft giggle. The girl was smiling - ever so slightly, but the smile was definitely there. Gwen’s own smile grew, unconsciously. Another idea popped into her head.

    “Hey, what’s your name?”

    The girl rubbed her nose. The sniffles were dying down. “Madeline.”

    “Awesome! Now, Madeline, are penguins your favorite animals?”

    “Yes! They’re so cool!” Madeline waved around her plush excitedly, and Gwen saw now that it was indeed a small stuffed penguin.

    “How would you like it if I took you to see them? We can wait there for your brother.”

    “REALLY?” The little girl hastily wiped away her tears, jumping off the bench. “Do you mean it? Can we go now? Please please please!” Now she was bouncing up and down, tugging at Gwen’s pants.

    Gwen let out a chuckle. Hey, maybe I can do something right, after all. “Hold your horses, let me call the other keepers first and we’ll be right off.”


    Shaking her head in bemusement, Gwen activated the walkie-talkie, holding it up to her mouth.

    “This is keeper 2654. I’ve found a lost child, her name is Madeline. Can whoever’s on the PA send out a message for her brother? Tell him we will be at the penguin exhibit.”



    “And see those little ones over there? Those are fairy penguins! Did you know they come from Australia?”

    “Woah.” Madeline had her face pressed up against the viewing tanks, nose and cheeks squished. Adorable, but looks incredibly uncomfortable. “Isn’t that where kangaroos live?”


    There was a pause; Gwen could tell the child was thinking. Then, she asked, with all the innocent seriousness that the young possess: “Does that mean penguins are kangaroos?”

    Before Gwen could answer (or, burst out laughing), a young man burst into the viewing room. The main area to view the penguins from was attached to the zoo’s aquarium section, giving it a quiet, underwater vibe - one of Gwen’s go-to relaxation spots when she was on her breaks. The man looked to be about her age, and also looked like he had sprinted from halfway across the zoo.

    “Maddy!” The man yelled in relief.

    Madeline turned away from the tank and waved happily at her brother. “Hi, big bro! Look at these cool penguins!” And with that brief greeting, she turned back to face the water. A kid with good priorities.

    The man looked a bit taken aback, perhaps that his sister seemed so unimpressed with his presence. Gwen felt a bit sorry for him - his face betrayed the fact that he had been worried sick about the little girl. She cleared her throat. The man’s head snapped around, as if only now noticing that she was here.

    “Hi, I’m Gwen. I take it you’re Madeline’s brother?”

    “Y-yes - oh! Were you the one who found her? Thank you so much!” The man smiled widely at her, and Gwen could feel her cheeks heating up as she realized what she’d done. Interacting with Madeline was one thing, and she had barely handled that - but an actual adult person? Oh, you’re asking too much of me, world.

    “Uh - it was no problem! I’m glad she was okay. Well, I, uh, I gotta get back to work now, so see you guys!” She gave the man a quick wave and started to head towards the viewing tank exit.

    “Wait - Keeper Gwen!” Suddenly, she felt a weight attached to her legs, and looked down to see Madeline engulfing them in a bear hug. The child looked up at her, eyes bright with not tears, but happiness.

    “Hey, Maddy! Leave the poor keeper alone, she’s gotta go -”

    “Haha, it’s alright.” Gwen crouched down to return the little girl’s hug. “Now, go enjoy the rest of the zoo with your brother, okay?”

    “Okay!” The kid zoomed back to her brother, grabbing him by the hand and dragging him to the tank. “Hey, big bro! Did you know that penguins are kangaroos?”

    “I - what?”

    Turning away from the pair, Gwen felt warmth blooming across her chest.

    Maybe, sometimes, people weren’t so bad after all.

    ♦ token worth: 10 tokens [1176 words]

    ♦ token total for this post: 23 tokens

    previous responses:

    does magic exist? [10 tokens]
    world's creation story [10 tokens]
    starry sky or sunrise? [21 tokens]
    unique holiday [10 tokens]
    favorite sound [14 tokens]
    what flower would they describe themselves as? [18 tokens]


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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby CodyxMoon » Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:19 am

Last edited by CodyxMoon on Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SunnyStreets » Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:53 am

    Username + ID#: SunnyStreets + 823430
    Kalon Link: Altan
    Chosen Prompt: [ Self ] 'Are they afraid of death?'
    Prompt Response:
    Altan isn’t afraid of death as a concept, no. What he’s afraid of is more along the lines of dying young. He doesn’t want to miss out on seeing those around him flourish and change and grow. He wants to ensure he has enough time to do all the things he wants to, go to all the places he’s envisioned, and see the war come to an end. He wants to live. Not forever, though - he’s pretty certain the world will eventually collapse into another catastrophe like the one it’s in the midst of currently, and he’d rather not witness that twice.

    Token Worth: 102 words - 1 token
    Previous Responses: one two three four five six seven
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby glittermintfurry » Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:23 am

Username + ID#:glittermintfurry [588497]
Kalon Link: Soap
Chosen Prompt: What is their nerdy hobby?
Prompt Response: Image
Just playing old video games… nothing more…
Token Worth: Bust shot [3] color bonus [3] shading bonus [2]
Previous Responses: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby nermal1999 » Thu Aug 19, 2021 8:50 am

Username + ID#: Nermal1999 (214589)
Kalon Link: Charity
Chosen Prompt:
What do they use as an escape?
Prompt Response:
There are many things Charity's uses as an escape, but her Top things are, music and drawing.
Token Worth:
(Bust-shot=3) (Pixel bonus=2) (Shading bonus=2) (Color bonus=3)
Total tokens= 10
Previous Responses:
(Koda's prompts)
What is their main goal in life?
Where do they go to relax?
Are they a beach or a hike kind of person — or neither?
Do they prefer the sun, or a cloudy day?

Hello I'm nermal1999


(She/her ☆ Adult ☆ dyslexic)

(PTSD, Anxiety, Depression,)

Likes: drawing, writing, listening to music,
Anime, Manga, Video games, TWST.
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Deercan » Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:30 am

Username + ID#: Deercan | 776756
Kalon Link: Henrik
Chosen Prompt: What makes them feel loved?
Prompt Response: Image
Words of affirmation and quality time!
Token Worth: fullbody [4 tokens], pixel bonus [2 tokens], shading bonus [2 tokens], colour bonus [3 tokens] - total = 11 tokens
Previous Responses: n/a
it/he/her • ΘΔ
kitty cat dance!
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby persimmon » Thu Aug 19, 2021 6:53 pm

Username + ID#: persimmon + 394121
Kalon Link: Waylan
Chosen Prompt: "What flower would they use to describe themself as? "
Prompt Response:
Waylan would describe himself as a nasturtium, which represents patriotism, loyalty, and strength, which are all values that Waylan believes he embodies. Additionally, it represents victory and conquest - something Waylan always strives for.
(As an additional bonus, it is an edible flower that Whispy likes the taste of.)

Token Worth: 24 tokens
fullbody (4) + shading (2) + color (3) + animation (5) + background (5) + multiple characters (5) = 24
Previous Responses:
(these were all under persimmo.n)
color they would wear for the rest of their life
most trusted friends
describing himself
favorite snack
is the pen mightier than the sword

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