Postby RissyP » Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:58 am

Number of pup: The beautiful, number 5
Name: Akiro
Gender(Already given): Male
History/short story: One flash of white later and I was whisked away from the cold grass from which I had been laying on. I watched the familiar red orange den with the small brook running beside it disappear. I squirmed and tried to break away from the hold that the fangs had on my neck. The hold was loose so I wasn't strangled but it was tight enough that I couldn't slip through the grasp. I shook my head in frustration but the fangs tightened. I pushed my legs against the white wolf's chest and made the biggest growl I could muster which at the time was small. My body rocked back and fourth as my plea to be released was ignored. I tucked my small black tail between my legs and watched as the world I knew changed into a land I was never before aware of. The beautiful land where there was plenty of space, water, dens, and a few trees scattered along the territory transformed into a land where little open space was to be spotted. This land was over crowded with large trees and no dens in sight. The area had an odd darkness about it, the normal light you would expect to see shimmering through the tree's limbs was gone. The scent of prey that drifted through the territory was not to be found here in this strange alien place. Finally the rocking slowed and I found it hard not to fall into the hands of my dreams. At long last my mother sat me down on a cold rock covered in soft moss. I looked up at her with a questioning look in my eyes.
"We had to flee from home, Kronadors entered our part of Isket early this morning," Mother explained touching her wet nose to mine. My father slowly padded up behind her, one of my brothers dangling limp in his jaws. He set my sibling next to me and turned his gaze to look behind him at several other wolves carrying my other sisters and brother along with their own pups. A black and white wolf with blue and bronze markings set my black and white sister on my left. I looked up at this wolf. I'd seen him a few times around the den and according to mom and dad he was a great wolf by the name of Rayo. Rayo caught my eye and managed a reassuring wolfish smile. He turned to address the group of wolves gathered around him. All of them looked at him in turn expecting him to say something important.
"I'm going to go back," He announced followed by the sounds of chatter from others.
"I'll go too," Another wolf stepped forward and joined Rayo's side. This wolf was tan, black and white and after racking my brain for a name Dax was the only name that surfaced. An assent of chatter filled the forest and more calls of "Me too!" and "I will go also." Echoed off the trees.
"Rayo, I would like to go with you," I turned my head to look at my own father who had his eyes trained on the leader. Rayo nodded to all of them.
"We need to leave now. Everyone who wishes to, come. Anyone who doesn't, stay," Rayo commanded turning without another word are charging back toward home. I watched them leave along with dad. My curious gaze fell to my mother's face.
"He'll be back," Mom assured. Somehow she seemed to know what I was thinking most of the time, even when no one else did. My mother reached over and picked up another one of my brothers who had been trying to wander off and set him down in front of me. She smiled at her six pups all piled together and laid down wrapping her warmth around us. Suddenly the wave of fatigue from earlier washed over me. My eyelids fluttered and my head began to droop. Mom licked my ear with her warm tongue. I fell asleep. My dreams were different tonight, different than ever before. I dreamt of the forest we passed through today except I was alone. Not a single creature in my sight but I kept running. What I was running form I still wasn't sure but a feeling inside the pit of my stomach like ice told me not to question why or what I was running from and to keep running no matter what happened. As I ran the forest seemed to go on forever there was no end to the black trees surrounding me. At one point it occurred to me that by now I had ran enough to tire a full grown wolf and I was just a pup. Where was my energy coming from? Where was I going? Two questions I didn't know answers to. I opened my eyes. At first confusion hit me but then I became aware that it was only a dream. I sat up and looked around at my still sleeping siblings. Feeling two eyes staring at my back I slowly turned around to see my mother was also already awake. I stepped over one of my sister's heads and tottered over to mom's paws. I settled myself between her two big paws.
"Mom, what exactly did dad go to do?" I asked. Mom searched my eyes for a moment before speaking.
"Akiro...I've told you stories before...about the Warriors of Isket and Kronadors. Do you remember?" She asked me. I thought and remembered the stories of the great wolves and Isket. I nodded.
"Well, those are more than just stories. You know your father and I are warriors right?" I nodded again. "The Krodandors came to our part of Isket yesterday moaning when you were still asleep. Not wanting you or any other pups to get hurt we quickly evacuated. Rayo, Dax, Your father, and the others are just doing their job by going back. They are going to chase those beasts out of our home so we can go back, safe and sound."
"Then why are you here momma? You just said you were a warrior too," I pointed out. Mom laughed softly.
"Then who would look after you? And who would keep you out of trouble?" Mother smiled. The sound of My mom's voice eventually prompted me to enter my dreams again. This time instead of running from an unknown fear, I was stuck. My body was pinned by some invisible force and I couldn't move.
I cried out for help but no reply came. I awoke with a start, the feeling of the eerie dream still wasn't gone as my eyes darted around the woods. A cold feeling crept up my spine and I shivered. My eyes were focused on a single small shrub in the middle of two dark, tall trees. The bush quivered and my eyes widened. A pair of neon green snakelike eyes stared back at me. My mouth opened to form a silent bark but in the second the eyes appeared, they were gone. I sat there blinking for a moment in a confused state of mind. That's when I heard the pounding of a combination of hooves and paws racing together across the grass. I lept up and out of my mother's paws to pad onto a small ridge over looking Isket. I glanced down upon a band of Krodandors galloping away from the direction in which out home was. As soon as the question as to what was chasing them and making them run away hit me I spotted it and couldn't help smiling. Warriors of Isket that's who they were. The warriors were hot on the Kronador's tails, herding them away. I spotted Rayo in front barking and lunging at the beasts. Dax was right at Rayo's side and helping to keep the Kronadors from turning back. The last wolf I spotted was my dad right up there with Rayo, Dax and the other warriors. I watched in pride and thought, One day that will be me as they ran out of sight.
Art: viewtopic.php?t=746299
Other: Personality: Akiro has a laid back and cool demeanor. He is very serious in battle and loves victories. He is confident and prepared for anything. In case of danger he would be the last to panic. He is exceptional in battle and loyal to the leader. However he may not always be as confident as he seems on the outside, he has a habit of keeping a majority of his feelings bottled up inside never letting it show if he is unhappy, angered, saddened, or even bothered by anything.

Tell me something about the WOI stated on the official page:
Only custom and Alfa WOI can breed and WOI can only breed with other WOI. WOI's main enemy are the Kronadors which only come in the colors of Isket.
Last edited by RissyP on Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:58 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: WOI pups-WIP

Postby Prism » Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:26 am


Number of pup: 2 <33.


Name: Dias
Pronounced: Di-as

Nickname: Di
Pronounced: Die


Gender: Female


Eye colour: Blood red eyes.


Why I chose her name:
As always, when I apply for a WoI, I want my first WoI to be unique in every way; the armor, the personality, the name! Her name just came to me, I didn't have to think of it, it came to me, as soon as I lost the previous round. This time I want to get my form top-notch. I want this WoI. I just adore this design, and thinking of a suitable armor to compliment it.


Why are you adopting this WoI:
Why? Why... I want to adopt this WoI, because it speaks to me. The design itself... is something I will adore for times to come. I would be absolutly honoured to have this devine colouration amongst my other adored charries. I am adopting souly because I want her. Not because she is a WoI, but because I don't want her to be my charrie.... I NEED her to be my charrie. The contrast between the solid black, and the pure white. The way the priceless teal battles with the rich gold in harmony. The striking pieces of red on the fur being out her gorgeous blood red eyes. I would be heartbroken if she wasn't mine. I would be over the moon universe if she was mine!

I spend time, sometimes, looking through all the designs of the current WoI.. Wishing one of them were mine... Hopefully this one will be the one, I have been waiting to get!

I am glad I lost a few rounds ago, even though I still love her design, ‘kafta’, but hopefully I lost, to win this gorgeous WoI.


What will you do for him/her?:

What to do.. I am probaly about to repeat myself in previous forms but... I would do EVERYTHING. Art... RolePlay {I am not a RPer, but I would definatly try my hardest and get involve in the WoI RP}.... Admire her design, improve her story..... Just ANYTHING I can do, so she will never ever end up being 'just a character.' She will have her own tab on my character website {Still Underconstruction} and will, ALWAYS and FOREVER be updated with art, and more details.


Are you adopting due to the increasing popularity of WOI:

NEVER. I find it quite disturbing, how someone would just adopt a WOI, because it is popular. A WoI is just a title/name. It only reflects a small propotion of what WoI really are. Adopting because of popularity is a horrible way to go about, wanting a character. Just Horrible. If WoI ever started dropping on the popularity scale... for whatever reason.. so would that character. And who really enjoys seeing your creation... disappearing into the dark corner dump of CS characters.

I always stalk some of my favourite CS artists that I admire {includes some of the WoI staff}. If it wasn't for me looking through the gallery of the WoI judging panel/staff, I would of probaly have never found the gorgeous litter which I hope I manage to snatch a pup from<3.


Dias is intelligent, beautiful, sensible, and determined.

Dias parents believed she was born smart. As soon as she came out of her mothers womb she went straight for the milk. She is the 'smart' child, as her friends call her.

How?: Well, Dias is a very unpredictable girl. She can be very sly and slick when she wants too. Her siblings joke around with her and call her the Ninja child.

On the inside and on the out. She is a dear, an absolute darling. Many adults love her, and sometimes acts like she is one, but does not act a bit stuck up among pups her own age, she believes.

How?: Many say this about her, without her knowing, she herself does not feel beautiful, but she thinks that her mother is the most beautiful.

Dias always trys to be sensible. But when she goes out to battle, she uses her instincts. She is usually left in charge of her siblings when her parents are away.

How?: Dias. Dias... Sensible Di-Di. She is sensible.. not always, but knows when to put her foot down. Sometimes her siblings immitaits her so they can get close to their mother like how she is. That is what her mother loves best about her, well she loves everything, but especially how she is sensible.

She is a determind child, always has.. always will. Believe me, once she makes up her mind.. that is her choice. And will most likely stick with it.

How?: Determinded as she may be, she is sensible. She knows when to stop, but sometimes, if her detemination gets in the way.. nothing can stop her. Not even her family.

Dias is a warrior. Born a warrior. Live as a warrior. Die as a warrior.

Dias chants this to herself always...



Training aka play fighting; looking after sibling; dreaming of what armor would look like; rain drops; frineds; family; Nature; sky; running; company{most of the time}; Trying new stuff; food.


Arrogance; death; liars; cheats; being treated as a baby; being told she 'can't do it'; judgemental people; being called perfect Kronadors.


{In this story, the sister figure could be any female pup in the litter. ^-^;;}

Short Bio:

'Run young pup, RUN!'


‘Papa, PAPA!’
‘Yes, my daughter?’
‘Where are you going papa, I thought you were going to play with me and my siblings?’
‘Not today hun, I am sorry, I have to go to fight, there is an invasion. As soon as I come back I will play with you, I promise!’
‘Okay Papa, but what is an inva-inva -inashon’
‘Well, invasion is well... when an enemy, you know those kronadors, suprise attack us; but we have the upperhand, since we have scouts on the look out, so we need to get there fast!. It is hard to explain, you will understand when you get older.’
With that, Tevron ran to catch up with the warriors, as his daughter, Dias, whilst he pondered about what his father had said to her.

As everyone in the cave, who wasn't going off to attack, gathered for an evening meal, Dias was wondering what his father had said.
‘Mama, when will papa be back?’
‘I dunno, hun, I dunno.’
‘Okay mama, I can’t wait till papa is back’ As she said when she started her meal.

A few minutes later...

‘I finished mama, so has everyone, can I go wondering around the cave, mama?’
‘Erm, okay. But be back before the sun reaches the line of the earth.’ (sunset)
‘Okay mama, I will.’ As she ran off. ‘I love you, everyone.'

It's time to prove myself a warrior, she said to herself. It's time to find my own path. No turning back now.

As Dias went deeper into the caves, she saw many warriors fleeing or heading towards a certain tunnel. She wasn’t scared one bit. She kept on walking into that direction, until she saw a light and stopped.
‘Where are you going, Dias?’
‘I dunno, somewhere? Wait, who are you?’
I turned around and noticed my sister.
‘You do know it is not safe to wonder around by yourself. What if a kronadors were to get you? Hm? What would you do then?’
‘I dunno. I would fight them? Why do you care? Your just my know it all, older sister. Only old by a few minutes, anyways, bug off!’
‘Fight them? You haven’t even got your armor. Why do I care? Why shouldn’t I care? You are my little sister, it basically part of my job to look after you and our other siblings. I don’t know everything. I just want to be safe and logical. Which you aren’t being right now.’
Diasa was quiet for a while. Thinking what her sister had just said to her.
‘I don’t want to go back.’
‘No one said you had to turn back now, I only came to make sure you were safe.... Hey, why don’t we go together?
‘Fine, but when it comes to fighting, it will be my job!’
The both giggled as they went into the into the tunnel with the light within it.....


'So, what gave you this wild idea to travel into here, you barely have enough training.'
'...And? You are never to young for for adventure, sister!'


'What's that?'
'I dunno, Dias.... maybe we should turn back? It could be the kronador... OR EVEN A WHOLE PACK!'

'Don't worry girls!'
'DAD!' We howled in unison.
'You girls, what are you even doing here, you must get back, immediatly!'
'How did you know we were here.'
'Well, a father knows their children...and you too talk so much'
'Do not!' We both said in unison again.
'...Seriously, it's time for you too to get back to our den, it isnt save for inexperience pups like you too be out this late, you mother will be worried sick!'
'Fine dad'
'Yes dad'
'We will go now.'
'Also in silences, we do not want anyone to know your here, especially the kronadors.
'Ok' I whispered.


We walked back together, but when my sister didn't look back, I turned directions as swifly as I could, into the next direction.
'Damn... Busted' Dias whispered to herself. 'I am going off to be a warrior. I want to have experience, I want to find my armor, and your not gonna stop me. Tell Mother and the others, I said goodbye, for now, when I come back I will be a warrior in the making.'
Dias walked away slowly, with one tear going down her glistening eyes.
'I will miss you all' she whispered.


'Child wake up, young child, wake up!' As smooth female voice said
'Where am I? Who are you?' Dias said as she woke up with a banging head. 'Ouch, my head.'
'Lie back down, you still aren't fully recovered, child.'
'I am just another wolf-warrior.'
'Another warrior...right. You look strangly familiar...' Dias said in a little confused voice. 'Anyways, what am I doing here?'
'Well, to put a long story short, you were taken by a little kronador, they were heading towards to pack, after they had knock you out with a kick to the head.'
'Oh, well that explains my banging head.' In a sarcastic tone
'After they had knocked you out, I ran over over, and attacked that devilish little. He had sharp teeth, I cant tell you that.'
'Thank you so much for saving me.' Dias interupted '...But I have to ask, why did you save me?'
'I don't know actually, I guess I did it in love out of my own children.'
'May I ask what happened to your children?'
'They were eaten by the-, anyways, child why are you here?'
'My name is Dias, and I am here to find my armor, to become a warrior.'

There was a few moments of silence...

'...Oh, I've never thought about it that way... You've really opened my eyes.'
'Ah, but you do know it's not the outside that makes a warrior Dias, it is what inside that counts.'
'Aha, I'm glad I've helped... Now Dias, do you want to continue your path to warriorhood, or find you way home?'
'Um.... I don't know.'
'Well, I should go home, I am starving and I miss my family and everyone in the den. I wanna go home.
'Aw Chil- Dias, lets go home then?'
'Yes please.'
'....Right after I make a nice meal for both of us.'


The 2 females ate their meals together, and enjoyed eachother's company around the warm cozy, campfire that they had made.
'So, what pack do you come from, Dias.'
'Um, Lord Rayo's.
'What's so interesting about it?'
'Well, Lord Rayo's pack is not very far from here at all, it is just a few miles, it shouldn't take us that long. The night is nearly over, so we should be back a few seconds after the sun rises.'


'Yes, home, home sweet home. I've missed you.'


Wanna play?

Oooer, pretteh glowy thingy!


{I'm terribly sorry for the quality of art, I was going to use SAI, but due to my broken tablet, I am now working with MS paint, I am sorry if the art isn't up to standard, but I've tried my best. ^-^;

I also apologize for the lack of armor, which will lose me points, but I have it sketched on paper, but my scanner is currently being repaired^^;

And extra sorry for these excuses.}


I hope it was okay to tweak the form a bit; I wanted to make it more personal and more detailed for Dias<3.

I would like to say a big THANK YOU, to Neara, TheWolfsgirl90 and Lilian Nightshade {and anyone else whom may be involved in the judging of the gorgeous litter}. Without you this litter would not even exist, without you guys WoI wouldn't even exist! Thank you for everyone who who gave us the chance to adopt from this litter; and its gorgeous designs; post our forms. I know you spend so much of your own personal lives, judging our forms, in little hope that one of us will be deserving these gorgeous creatures!


3 things you know about WOI´s:

• There is roughly about 60-70 current WoI. {Including this litter}
• Rayo & Soraya are the ultimate alphas {Owned by TWG90}. Dax aka Darzek {Owned by Neara}, Amanra & Arkhantos {Owned by Lilian Nightshade}, Kiamé {Owned by Shy} Romulus {Owned by Apache} are the current Alphas.
•Warriors of Isket fight to find peace for the land of Isket, against the Kronadors.

To everyone participaiting .... good luck! :3

Extras & Copyrights;

WOI (c) TWG90.
Designs mentioned in this form (c) to their rightful owners.
Art & Story (c) Me.

'Dias' drawn by neara.

I used this dA account as references for some of my pictures... {Here}

I understand that this is quality over quantity, but I hope all of this is up to the winning standard of getting a WoI.
Also, even thought this isn’t revelant to the form by that much, I would like to say, everytime I have entered for a WoI {and lost} everytime, I think my art gets better, which makes me more eager and competitive to even get ready for next round. I really connect with this WoI, and even if I won her, my art would still be {hopefully} improving, and she and all my beloved characters will be drowned in different varies of art<3

Also, I would appreciate if people did not copy bits of my this form. I have spent my time, putting this together, to make it as good as I can, and for you to steal it would be like me stealing one of your characters designs. Would that be nice? No. So don't do it to me please. Thank you^^

Last edited by Prism on Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:02 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Postby Zeee » Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:14 pm

Number of pup:
The stunning and devine Pup number 2

Rocin -- Pronounced Ruh-oh-suh-in

Gender(Already given):
Stud -- Male -- Eye color light metallic gold

History/short story:
WIP, will be posted in a few minutes.

Brief personality:
Rocin is very down-to-earth, despite his land with no peace. Although, he knows fighting is usually the answer here and will do what he can to protect his fellow warriors. If ones he loves are threatened or hurt, he ticks off like a bomb. Although Rocin is very outspoken, he sometimes would just like to be to-himself and he is somewhat shy at these times. He usually has alot of scarring problems, but he believes those can always be resolved with friends or loved ones near. He just hasn't got there yet.

Armor choice:
Light silver plates in nessacary areas, all with light metallic gold glistening ovals of gems. Shiny white orbs within the gems complete the look of the ovals, while the plates have a gold rim around each end. The head plate/skull plate goes over the forehead completely, circling a long rim of silver along the ends of his ears and it continues to have a circle where they eyes fit in- at the ending of the plate, when it comes to inbetween his eyes, it creates a sharp tip kind of like the tip of a pyramid, although upside down. The gold comes in along the edges of the head plate, while at the tip of the plate a large gold stripe strides along the middle of the plate along it until it comes to the back of the head, then it stops there with a sharpened strip of gold through the middle of the plate completely.
With the back plate, the gold smoothly creates a thin line along the edges. Same with all the other plates; the gold rims the edge of the plate, and that is all.
If I can get this beautiful WOI, a sketch will be made and will make a better understanding.

Coming soon!

Thank you very much for this oppurtinity.

Tell me something about the WOI stated on the official page:
1: The WoI's armor was found by the UR´s long, long time ago
2: The dens are kept in the redish Mountans that are made of special minerals that will not erode away easily
3: The warriors chose this high mountain scape to be their home so that they could easily see any intruders coming their way
4: The armor of WOI's had been made from Humans 8,000 years ago
5: Their main rivals are chimera's who are a mix of horse and reptile

{sorry if I copied any body else's layout ^^; i was just fooling around}

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Postby Boaz » Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:12 pm

Number of pup:
I would like to have Pup number 5



Origin of Name:

Meaning of Name:

Thad and Hadde

Gender(Already given):
Male ♂

History/short story:
This is going to be in first person!

I looked up for the first time at my mother and father their coloring was different then mine and so were the other's around me. I let out a whine, trying to call out to my mother to let her know that I was now living. my mouth opened making me yawn tiredly, my eyes still wandered around me curious to what was near. "Now aren't you different?" my father asked with a strong powerful voice. I just let out another whimper to let him know I had heard his question, my ears perked up as I heard one of the others yip in an awkward manner. I crawled over to my mother's stomach nestling my head against her soft pelt, my eyes closing and my breathing becoming heavy. I fell asleep to dreams of me running and prancing, my siblings chasing after me as I traveled out of their view.

~Young Adult~
My body hung low as I lifted my rear in a playful manner, "Come on! You can never beat the all mighty Rayo!" I growled at my one of my brothers. "Why are you always Rayo...I mean seriously? I would be a very studly Rayo if you know what I mean." my sibling chuckled looking at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and pounced on him, baring my teeth playfully as he looked at me shocked. "That's why I'm Rayo and you're a Kronador." I answered with a raise of my brow, my tail wagging slightly as he pushed me off. "Whatever, I'd still be a handsome Rayo." he argued as he walked off to join the others. I sat down looking at the others my head turned slightly as I wondered why they never wanted to play anymore. I let out a sigh and walked toward where the dens end and where the land of Isket was in my sight, I gently wagged my tail as a little breeze went through my fur. I yawned looking back to meet my father's gaze, I jumped at the sight and let out a growl. "Dad! What are you doing here?" I asked confused to why he had followed me out to my secret spot. "I would ask you the same...but knowing you I know that it would be a long story." Trevron chuckled looking at his son with a glint in his eyes. I smirked as I looked at my father, he had always been a great warrior but I think it was time for the question that was always on my mind. "Father, am I ever going to be like you?" I asked with a little bit of a puppy look as I asked him. "Of course you are son! You have heart, and most warriors need a heart to get them through all the fights. If it wasn't for you kids and your mother I wouldn't be out in the fields trying to protect my family." my father told me his eyes stern but very kind at the same time. I looked at him as my eyes lit up, that was an answer I was hoping would come out of his mouth and not a 'you're too kind' or 'too weak more muscle' type thing. I yawned my eyes browsing back toward where our den was then back to my father, "maybe we should be heading back to the family." I suggested giving a head gesture in that direction. My father nodded and we walked back to the family, everyone asleep except for my mother. "Goodnight Thaddeus." my parents whispered in a soft voice as I walked over to an empty spot, falling asleep ever-so quietly. That night I was a Warrior my fur flowing in the breeze as I rush to save the day in a battle of the Kronadors against the Warriors.

The Next Day

I awoke to the next day, but the sky was still the same dark and filled with stars my family rushing over to my father. "Today is the day you start your training with Soraya, she will be waiting for you in the training place for pups." my mother informed us as all of my sibling's tails wagged slightly. I could feel mine do the same too, I been waiting for this day to come for awhile now, and I was prepared to show Soraya I had what it takes to become a Warrior of Isket. I ran with my brothers and sisters after our mother dismissed us, I found Soraya and sat down looking up at the alpha-female of the Warriors. "Alright children today we'll be learning how to attack..." I listened to her before I started to daydream of what it would be like to run with the greats with my armor a-glow attack our well known enemy. I kept daydreaming and before long I was at home in my own bed asleep and dreaming of the same thing as before, running with Rayo and my father.

I let out a roar as one of the enemy was in front of me, my eyes narrowed into slits as I puffed out my chest and spiked up my fur. The enemy returned my call with it's own, I growled and jumped onto it my claws digging deep into it's reptilian skin. It let out a whine of some-sort as I dug my teeth into it's neck trying to calm the creature down, my father runs and body-slams the beast as I hang onto it tightly. The creature made one last breath before my father made a bite down onto it's torso his jaws tightening around the animal's stomach. I looked at me father with a small smile as he gave me a bit of a glare. I walked home with my head low, I know I am an adult now but I still had to listen to my parents. "What were you thinking?" my father asked with a stern and raised voice. "I was just going out to test if my training has paid off or not." I answered my head still hung low as I looked up at both of my parents. "You know if I hadn't come you probably could of gotten yourself killed right?" Trevron asked with a bit of an angry look in his eyes. I let out a sigh and raised my head high, standing about the same height as my father. "Yes father but remember what you told me a couple years back? If it wasn't for your family you wouldn't out there trying to protect us. Well I tried to protect you from risking your life too many times." I answered as my mother looked over at my father as he seemed to ease up a little. He let out a sigh then looked at me, my head was still held high fore I was proud that I took on my first Kronador with my father's help. "Alright but please be careful we don't want to loose one of you already." he said with a sigh as he walked away with my mother by his side. I nodded once in respect and understanding toward my father, I walked out of the den and into the field's of Isket little white bird half-breeds looking at me. I watched then fly around, my eyes lit up by the unusual glow from around their bodies. Those were the most beautiful things I have ever seen, I was hypnotized by the way they floated around me and my eyes couldn't stay off them. I let out a yawn, my day full of adventure and danger but also beauty as I laid myself down underneath a tree the branches so high I couldn't reach. I let my head rest on my paws as I looked around one last time before I fell into a deep slumber, my dreams wild and beautiful. I let myself dream on as the night went by to look up to a sky full of stars once again, but this is where my journey of becoming a Warrior of Isket had just begun.


~With Armor~
I did this all by myself :)

Thaddeus with armor-Lines by Neara

~Without Armor~
Did this one all by myself too :)

~Reference when Adult~
Lines By Neara

Added earrings to the adult forum if that is alright if not I'll remove them :)

Tell me something about the WOI stated on the official page:

1. A warrior of isket could be a big wolf with Normal ears, Long ears or really Short ears and 3 other different tails as well.
Also A Warrior of Isket will always have really special Armor! their armor also must alway have a chest plate and a back plate.
2. The Dens appear to be normal caves but once inside it's a huge network of rooms and tunnels. The dens are kept in the redish Mountans that are made of special minerals that will not erode away easily. The warriors chose this high barren mountain scape to be their home so that they could easily see any intruders coming their way.
3. Only the Custom and Alfa WoI's can breed, even so, before you decide to create a litter you still need to ask for the Board's permission.
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Postby amarula » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:25 pm

xAmbyroo wrote:I have screen shots of it, too.
I have yours to mine & mine to my boyfriends.

I did not copy, I was on notepad writing mine.
Like I said its only like that for now, it won't have as much `of yours` as you say my history is nothing likes yours, neither is the theme song. I know what looks the same, `cause I reviewed mine and yours a couple of times today & yesterday. The words that look exactly the same will be changed my electricity comes back on Monday. I am mobile, right now, sorry.

And no, its not copied word from word, do not just straight to conclusion.. You have no clue where I got my information from. My boyfriend does exist, so does the web he's on. I will even inculde pics of him and me together to just prove I got half of things from him, he's even on this website as well, { SurielBoston } contact him, he will tell you everything.

what's going on?

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Postby Ranua » Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:05 pm

3 is so cute! ^^
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Postby corgie » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:03 am

Sunset Boulevard wrote:
xAmbyroo wrote:I have screen shots of it, too.
I have yours to mine & mine to my boyfriends.

I did not copy, I was on notepad writing mine.
Like I said its only like that for now, it won't have as much `of yours` as you say my history is nothing likes yours, neither is the theme song. I know what looks the same, `cause I reviewed mine and yours a couple of times today & yesterday. The words that look exactly the same will be changed my electricity comes back on Monday. I am mobile, right now, sorry.

And no, its not copied word from word, do not just straight to conclusion.. You have no clue where I got my information from. My boyfriend does exist, so does the web he's on. I will even inculde pics of him and me together to just prove I got half of things from him, he's even on this website as well, { SurielBoston } contact him, he will tell you everything.

what's going on?

Amby copied a lot of parts from WBS's form.
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Postby Rain Cloud » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:12 am

I did not copy, I just copied her lay out. My history is nothing like hers, neither are my quotes, materials, other, name, and so on.

I changed everything to my point of view, My mom was even watching me, and she's on this website as well.
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Postby corgie » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:17 am

Thats still copying I don't think WBS appreciates that but whatever when should let the mods of WOI take care of it
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Postby Rain Cloud » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:21 am

Exactly my reason..I might be changing it in a second, my elecrity went out for a good hour. We still have strong winds here. You can compare mines to her, nothing is copied only her lay out. It will be changed in a minute to the issues I just said.
Cookie's Box

Dear mods/admins,
Me & My boyfriend share the same PC,
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Please don`t ban us.
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