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Plate Dragons v.2 [OPEN] | Flash Event! by InuImori

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Artist InuImori [gallery]
Time spent 12 hours, 14 minutes
Drawing sessions 20
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Plate Dragons v.2 [OPEN] | Flash Event!

Postby InuImori » Wed Nov 23, 2022 4:49 pm

【Welcome to Plate Dragons!】



Latest Events:

What is a Plate Dragon?
A Plate Dragon is a subspecies of dragon! They have "Plates" on the side of their cheeks and on their butts! They also have scales around their bodies such as on their faces, legs, and tail! Another unique feature are the "spikes" on the end of their tails and horns that can range in many different shapes and sizes that are used for protection and battle. They usually live in jungles or forests but can be found anywhere. They are extremely venomous, and can projectile their venom when in danger! They use this tactic when feeling threatened or scared so as long as you have good intentions they wont hurt you! They are feisty but you'll be lucky to have one as your friend if it gives you its trust!

For more information about Plate Dragons as a species, check out this page!

More Info:
Plate Dragon Species Sheet!
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Plate Dragon Staff

Postby InuImori » Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:05 pm

【Plate Dragon Staff】


Username: InuImori
ID: [309045]

Roll(s): Species Owner


Username: crowthefrostyfloof
ID: [957629]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist • Moderator


Username: riverotter
ID: [1048644]

Roll(s): Artist


Username: tsu-bear
ID: [874233]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist • Archivist


Username: stellulite
ID: [666555]

Roll(s): Artist


Username: Plaga
ID: [977187]

Roll(s): Artist • Moderator • Archivist


Username: LimeThing
ID: [704352]

Roll(s): Nursery Artist


Username: kennadryl
ID: [958080]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist


Username: imabanditø
ID: [908562]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist


Username: leonscharizard
ID: [1017744]

Roll(s): Artist


Username: Kiesen
ID: [339369]

Roll(s): Artist • Nursery Artist

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Postby InuImori » Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:56 pm

【Plate Dragon Rules】

Species Rules:
●︎ CS rules also apply
●︎ Do not make you own Plate Dragon without a MYO ticket or special permission
●︎ MYOs may be purchased via the shop, events, or staff members
●︎ You may sell/gift/ and trade Plate Dragon
●︎ Plate Dragons cannot be co-owned!
●︎ Users banned from the species can not earn more Plate Dragons through trades, sales, gifts, or other means. They can not use, sell, or trade any MYOs they've received for free or through events. Banned users can transfer, gift, or sell the Plate Dragons they already own, but cannot trade for other Plate Dragons, or earn more Plate Dragons they already have at the time of banning.
●︎ Please make sure you are following all species guidelines including all rules and traits!
●︎ You may not transfer a Plate Dragon design out of the species without permission from a staff member
●︎ There is no limit to how many Plate Dragons you may own! <3
●︎ Plate Dragons can be any gender and or sexual orientation and may still breed! Though Plate Dragons related to each other may not breed! So please keep track of your Plate Dragon family tree!
●︎ Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated!

Creating a Plate Dragon: (MYOs)
●︎ Plate Dragons cannot be based off of copyrighted characters of any kind! Slight inspiration is fine but must be different enough to not resemble any copyrighted character. (Colors, Design, Features)
●︎ Credit the source material of PDs you inspired on existing characters/designs on approval page and on the pages you store them on like Toyhouse. It’s also not allowed to sell designs inspired on any copyrighted media for real currency.
●︎ All designs must be original and created by you or another user.
●︎ Stealing designs can result in strikes or being banned!
●︎ Designs must be appropriate and cannot contain any offensive imagery or words!
●︎ Selling any design gotten through a free adopt or a free nursery slot for real currency is prohibited. It’s possible only if you obtained or made extra art worth of either writing work of at least 600 words or a half body colored sketch.
●︎ It’s not allowed to sell USD adopts either unless for the exact same or lower price it was gotten for (so if you bought it for 5 USD, you can sell it only for 5 or less USD), virtual currencies like C$ or traded for another design. The price also can go up only if extra art got involved, on same rules as in rule 1.
●︎ After adopting any free PD (either won in a discord giveaway, adopt or a nursery slot), there’s a cooldown of 14 days before you can trade or sell it. Only time that’s an exception is gifting another user a free PD, asking the artist for a permission or starting a giveaway.
●︎ No begging for free items, art or designs is allowed. It’s understandable that a wait can be frustrating, but staff members also have their lives like anyone else! It’s not allowed to push and repeatedly ask the same question or send the same messages towards any staff member that owes you anything and you haven’t had to pay for it. Always go by rule of the thumb and remember that the artist probably remembers your thing but is occupied by their chores and other things to be done in specie. If you waited really long (ex. Longer than a month or two) it’s okay to ask or speak to an admin/mod about it and possibly discuss of a refund if it’d be impossible to get done, but otherwise, do not spam the public chats and DMs.
●︎ If the artist has blocked you, do not enter their adopts, giveaways and refrain from getting their designs through user trades.


Staff Rules:
●︎ Staff are encouraged to make as many Plate Dragons as possible though the minimum requirement to keep status is to make at least 1 Plate Dragon every 2 weeks!
●︎ Please dont add rare and above traits to Plate Dragons adopts unless given permission
●︎ Artist must make at least 1 free adopt every 2 weeks
●︎ Plate Dragons may be sold for any type of currency and at any amount
●︎ Milestone Plate Dragons should be discussed before creation
●︎ Staff may hand out MYOs at ones discretion

Staff Payments:
●︎ All staff will receive 50% off all shop items!
●︎ Staff will receive 1 MYO with unlimited traits up to rare every 2 weeks theyre active
●︎ Other payments will be grated to those who are especially active (ie: More MYOs/Items/etc)
●︎ Staff may make 1 free breedings for themselves once a month (does not count towards 1 free MYO)
●︎ Staff may Swap a MYO for any item in the shop
●︎ Staff may trade and giveaway staff MYOs

Ultimate Pass:
An Ultimate Pass is an unlimited MYO pass that grants permission to these user to make as many Plate Dragons as they like with any traits! They are non transferable and you cannot make Plate Dragons for anyone other than yourself!
*Please do not ask to be on this list as these people have received this pass for a reason!

Users that have been granted the Ultimate Pass:

●︎ 19088
●︎ 218121
●︎ 397534

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Trait Guide

Postby InuImori » Wed Nov 23, 2022 6:29 pm

【Trait Guide!】

For a more detailed list with a bit more info please look HERE

Non Rarity:
[nr] Size/Height/Weight
[nr] Piercings/Clothing/Accessories
[nr] Scars
[nr] Custom lines
[nr] Expressions
[nr] Disabilities
[nr] Eyelashes
[nr] Tattoos
[nr] Eyebrow Edit
[nr] Colored Pupil
[nr] Muzzle Size

[c] Ear Edit
[c] Fang/Mouth Edit
[c] Teeth Edit
[c] Tail Spike Edit
[c] Horn Edit
[c] Claws
[c] Tufts
[c] Hair Style
[c] Colored Sclera
[c] Heterochromia
[c] Body Spikes

[uc] Eye Shape Edit
[uc] Pupil Edit
[uc] Iris Edit
[uc] Tongue Edit
[uc] Tail Edit
[uc] Fur Edits
[uc] No Tail Spike
[uc] Fewer Scales
[uc] 1 Shaped Scale
[uc] 1 Shaped Plate
[uc] Chipped/Broken Plates
[uc] Glowing parts
[uc] Feathers

[r] Multiple Horns
[r] 2 Tails
[r] No Tail
[r] More Scales
[r] Multiple Shaped Scales
[r] Multiple Shaped Plates
[r] Fewer Plates
[r] Small Flightless Wings
[r] Bigger/Longer Mane
[r] Power(s)
[r] Sparkles/Particles
[r] Whiskers
[r] Missing Limbs
[r] Antennae
[r] Paw Edits
[r] Leg Edit
[r] Nose Edit
[r] Extra Pair of Ears

[m] Bigger Wings
[m] Extra Eye(s)
[m] Patches of Fire
[m] Scales/Plates made of other material
[m] Living Body Parts
[m] Extra Body Parts
[m] 3+ Tails
[m] Halos
[m] Goo/Slime
[m] Plant Growth
[m] Exposed Bone(s)
[m] Animated Marking(s)
[m] Longer Body
[m] Robot Part(s)
[m] Vents
[m] Transparent Part(s)
[m] 3+ Ears

[Event] Dizzy Hearts | Valentines | Example
[Event] Flower Dome | Easter | Example
[Event] Soda Tail | Summer | Example
[Event] Rubber Ducky | Summer | Example
[Event] Tank Tail | Summer | Example
[Event] Candle Wax | Halloween | Example
[Event] Floating Head | Halloween | Example
[Event] Dark Shadow | Halloween | Example
[Event] Snow Print Trail | Winter | Example
[Event] Love Struck | Valentines | Example
[Event] Baked Beans | April Fools | [url]Example[/url]
[Event] Rainbow Rams | Spring | Example

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Stamps and Gift Lines

Postby InuImori » Wed Nov 23, 2022 6:33 pm

【Stamps and Giftlines】


Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Gift Lines:

Headshot by riverotter
Plushie By InuImori
By Lollie






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Re: Plate Dragons v.2 DO NOT POST

Postby InuImori » Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:18 am


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Re: Plate Dragons v.2 [OPEN]

Postby Chimericect » Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:33 am

>:) Mark mark mark
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Re: Plate Dragons v.2 [OPEN]

Postby grey_ » Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:46 pm

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Re: Plate Dragons v.2 [OPEN]

Postby TikoTheHuman » Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:48 pm

Mark! =D
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Re: Plate Dragons v.2 [OPEN]

Postby crowthefrostyfloof » Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:44 pm

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