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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby nivvin » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:34 pm

wibeke wrote:
Nivvin wrote:Have any forms been made for 51, 72 and/or 74?

You'll find out soon enough. I don't know when the code drop will happen, but it's already halfway done. If you start a form now you probably won't get in nearly enough effort to deserve the character, and knowing now won't give you a huge head start on next week.

True ^^

Yeah, they're back online now..
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby The Agency » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:39 pm

Nivvin, please actually read the rules. With how many times you reposted your form, it's obvious your already going for someone, and if you read the rules you'd know more then one form found by one person in one code-drop will get all forms disqualified.

Black Devil, I'm sorry, but that form will never get you a character here. Ever. These pets cannot die, nor are they real, so I don't understand how one could help you with being weird.
Please actually show a real reason for wanting it.


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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby nivvin » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:45 pm

Yikes..I forgot that. Well, if they aren't taken, then I can get started on a form for next week for one of them, But, I'll figure out at the code drop...*Gulp* Err, am I disqaulified?
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby The Agency » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:52 pm

No, Nivvin, your not disqualified.
I'm sorry for snapping, it's alright, just remember that rule in the future. As long as you don't clearly write and post more then one form, your fine.

I'm just feeling annoyed because I'm finding three forms all by the same person in one week >.> Why can't people read rules anymore?


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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby nivvin » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:53 pm

Thank you. And, yes, I could understand your annoyment. I'm sorry!
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby The Agency » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:31 pm


#1 will not be given out at this time due to donor requesting more time for everyone to finish forms, and neither will #4 as no forms were up to agency standard.

Rue Ryuzaki wrote:I have no idea if I can adopt and donate same round, but here goes...
Pet's ID Tag: 24
Name You'd Choose for It: Danuve
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: His design brings back a lot of fond memories of eating ice cream with my brother, and watching movies. I need some male characters besides Rue, too.
Also, I just think he's got a really pretty design. c:

Danuve stumbled through the mountains alone. All he could remember was that his mother brought him to this place, with giant mountains that would crumble more each day. One day, the giant Claw of the Gods was building the mountain higher, as usual. But then a large peice of metal that the Claw was holding came crashing down- Right on Danuve's mother, killing her instantly. Danuve was lucky. It could've been worse. For example, he had recently been weaned, and if this had happened before then, he would've died as well. But Danuve, being the young fox that he was, did not see the bright side of this situation. He continued to wander around, somehow surviving.

Time passed, and Danuve grew from a frail puppy, into a strong young dog. Soon, he had traveled to the far edge of his home, only to find a high wall of metal vines crisscrossing each other, and extending all around his home. Danuve looked at the mountains behind him. They were growing ever taller, as the Claw of the Gods continued to take and remove things from them. But his home seemed to fill up more than it emptied out. He sat down and debated with himself whether or not it was safe here anymore. He recalled the day his mother died, and finally, he decided that he needed to find an exit, and fast.

He traveled alongside the great wall of metal vines for what felt like days, though the sun remained high in the sky. Finally, he came to a gap in the large wall. He peeked around the corner to freedom, hoping to see the green grass and small animals that his instincts told him were there. His heart fell when what he saw was no more than a long stretch of black rock, and parched, yellow grass along the sides. All around was nothing but dirt. Danuve looked back at his home, where the Mountains were looming higher than ever. Turning away, he took a few steps outside, onto the stretch of black rock. It was warm beneath his feet. He took one last look at his childhood home, where so many memories came from, and padded away.

Name: Danuve
Gender: Male
Age: 14 in dog years, 2 in human years
Species: Tame Fox
Eyes: Ice blue
Main Color: Dark Blueish Green
Markings: Dark Greenish Gray on his ears, in stripes on his back, and on his paws. A creamy yellow belly and tear marks, tail stripes, and under the Green/Gray on his paws. Red tail stripes, alternating with the creamy yellow.
Body type: He is a bit stout, and has a very large, fluffy, tail that makes up a little less than half of his size. He has large ears, and a small snout.
Personality: Danuve is very smart, but he is a pessimist who can't stand it when people continuously try to win, even if they know they can't. He is weak at heart, and dislikes being around others. He is a bit sexist against females, having not really grown up around them. Until he left the dump, the only one he had seen was his mother, who died when he was young. Deep down, all he really needs is a nice, big, hug. Even if giving said hug will get you killed, it may make him a nicer fox. ^^

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it. Yes, and I shall love him for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever! 8D

I still need permission.

Please get permission and repost your form then.

king tranceformo wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 10
Name You'd Choose for It: Galaxia
Gender: female
Reason You Want It:
it's original and unique, I would get art of her and definitely role play with her, and I will defiantly draw her myself ^^
When a puppy name Galaxia was adopted by a human, she was unaware how special she was. The human who adopted her, who's name was Zacorai, began her training. When she was only a year old Zacorai that her true purpose was to help protect the world and save it from a horrible monster that Zacorai's tribe had released. This creatures name was Zizaun. For about 3 days, Galaxia felt that Zacorai had lied to her. But she soon found out, that he was only trying to protect her. As soon as she had found out, odd, but dangerous creatures started to attack her at random. Galaxia went back to Zacorai and resumed her training. After another year, she was at last ready. Zacorai rode on her back to confront Zizaun. After a fierce battle, Galaxia and Zacorai reigned victorious. They lived a good life until Zacorai was killed in a war. Galxia was wretched in grief. To make sure her spirit never would die, Zacorai's family put her into a deep sleep with a special spell and put her in a deep chamber. She has remained there dormant for over 100 years, until now.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
I have permission:

Code: Select all

.:Moonstar:. wrote:Well I just totally missed the code drop didn't I?


Pet's ID Tag: #27.
Name You'd Choose for It: Fraise[Means 'Strawberry' in French, Look below in History/Background/Other for a full name].
Gender: Female.
Reason You Want It: Her creamy pink design I think would contrast with Sherbert and Senki's[If you want to know who they are click the banner in my signature] bright neon/rainbow designs. I've actually been looking for a character like her, just a settle yet very nice design, something that could go well with Harely. Since Harely is a quiet green, Fraise would indeed go well with her since she's pink.
I also mistook her eye color for gray the first time I saw her. You're probably thinking 'well I don't care. . .' but it was just a small connection I made with the character.
.:General Information:.
Name[Full]: Fraise Tart[A mix between English and French, 'Strawberry Tart'].

Nicknames: Strawberry, Tart, Sweet Cheeks[all referring to her coat, and or personality].

Gender: Female.

Age: Two and a Half Years[Around 17 in Canine years].

Rank[In Senki's group]: Normal Member.

Species: Carnivora--> Canidae--> Canis Familiaris--> Shiba Inu/Husky Mix[to be specific].

Orientation: Straight[But possibly Bisexual?].

Date of Birth: June 6th, 2008.


Height: 42 inches at Shoulders, to tip of ears 56 inches[Approximately].

Weight: 150 Pounds[Varied Due to Eating Habits].

Build: Bulky around the chest, slims out at the waist, legs, neck, and head. Not fast, but great stamina and strength. Curled tail, doesn't give her great balance, but her spread apart legs make up for that. Muzzle is medium length, and just barely larger nose than normal. Paws are slightly large, to hold her up in the snow, since she originated from Japan, but now she lives in the desert. Though Shiba-Inu's are supposedly agile dogs used for hunting, the husky DNA in side her leveled out the agility with strength.
Both dogs are known to be very smart, Fraise is no exception to this.

Texture: Fur is smooth for the most part[From the Shiba Inu], but in some areas it's ruffled more than usual and stick out[From the Husky], Pads are rough, from walking. Nose is wet, and bumpy, slightly slimy also. Muzzle is soft, but not smooth. Whiskers are long and feel more like wire than fur/hair.

Teeth/Mouth: Teeth are pearly white, very well kept due to her dislike of the taste she gets when they're not. Not so sharp though, made more for chewing and/or clamping down with out hurting the 'victim, not puncturing. The roof of her mouth and her gum is pink, with splotches of 'black' or 'blue', her tongue is pink.

Markings: Base color is a creamy pink. There are markings around her muzzle like splotches that fade out in to dots, they are cream yellow. Same thing around her legs, but a deeper pink also surrounds the back of the leg, and lower part of the paws. Her nose and ears are the same color as the darker pink. She has three hearts on her left cheek, one large one in the center of two smaller ones.
She has spots all over her back same color as the splotches on her muzzle and legs. In the middle of her left flank there is a rose stem with two small roses on it, the roses are the same color as her nose/ears/leg. On the underside of her tail she has the same cream yellow markings as her muzzle.

Eyes: Eyes are gray-green [the same color as the stem of the rose on her side], with no secondary color.


Food[s]: Any Fruit, especially Strayberries, thus her name.

Drink[s]: Sprite, Lemonade, both are suppose to have a 'fruit' flavor.

Animal[s]: Ferret, she thinks they are adorable.

Music Style[s]: Techno and/or Pop, upbeat music.

Color[s]: Almost any Pastels, their very easy on her eyes.

Sport[s]: Soccer and Volleyball, one involves running the other in just plain fun to her.

Hobbie[s]: Dancing, Writing short stories or poems, Roleplaying, Just hanging with her friends, she likes to be social.


Likes: To be active, have a thrilling life, to have fun with her friends. To do something new everyday.

Dislikes: Shut-ins, people who act superior, people who rant on and on about what a suck-ish life they have, regret, close family/friends hiding things from her, especially when it's regarding her.

.:Social Status and Why:.

Behavior/Personality: Out-bursting, and spontaneous. Overjoyed, and thrilling. Fraise brings the meaning of the word 'wacky' to life with her happy attitude, and impressive thoughts.
But deep inside, somewhere near her heart, she has a deep sorrow for her early child life. It's a touchy sbject for her and if you really want to get under her skin you can bring it up. . .
With her hobbies and talents, she likes to just brighten everyone's day by maybe showing them something out of the normal. She longs for a thrill every one in a while, and likes to drag others in with it as well.
So, as you could concur, over all Fraise is upbeat, and cheery.

Friend Status: Fraise would rather be with a close group of friends, than a large amount of not well know acquaintances. She has one extremely close friend in which she had been with almost her whole life, her name is Harely. And then she has the rest of the pack as well, which include Senki, Spearmint, Sniper, And Sherbert. Hopefully, she'll be just as good friend with them as she will with Harely in time.

Relationship Status: No Current One, though maybe sometime in the near future. c:

History: From the age of a pup, Fraise had always been a sweet and loving little girl. It was not until her fourth month on the earth when she fell ill. The doctor said it would be a life long sickness, that would cut her days in half. Devastated, her parents mourned in grief, even before she died. This picked up on Fraise, and who had not yet known about what was going on, felt scared.
When she confronted her parents, they confessed the distress they were having with this illness, her illness. And she was struck down, her world falling apart.
She felt as if there were no hope, her parents felt the same. And as the days passed she fell in to a deep silence, pulling away from the world.
It had been a late June day when she had met Her. Her name was Harely. Harely was an unusual character, she was quiet, and her speech was out of the normal. She had unusual hobbies, and was almost the polar opposite of Fraise, even down to her base fur color. Fraise was fascinated by this, and was set on becoming friendly with this wolf.
And so she did.
The two grew closer each day, talking with each other and learning more about each other and even their selves. When her parents recognized this, they started to invite Harely over more and more often, and soon adopted her in to the family, for she didn't have her parents anymore.
The two were overjoyed, and promised to stay together forever. Fraise always remembered the lines Harely had murmured, "Some day you will Die, but I'll be close behind. Together Forever, Friend."
Fraise was growing out of her sickness. Harely was giving her the strength, physically, and mentally to pull out of the stage she had once been in. And this had triggered her body to attack the illness. The doctors recognized this.
And soon they gave Fraise the green light, they told her the 'apparently life long sickness' was almost gone. She had chased it out of her body.
With this news, Fraise perked up.
Fraise grew, and with it her gloom was washed away. Her new attitude came out, like a shining rainbow after a rain shower. Harely and her became the ultimate team, and set out to make the best of other beings lives.
Currently they reside at Senki's pack living the life with the rest of the mis-matched group. Every once in a while they go out to once again bring joy to others with their unusual lives.
Once again, she was happy, and to this day, still is.

A Short Scene from her History: My paws felt cold on the pavement as I padded down the street solemnly. My head was lowered, my eyes half closed, other wolves saw this and quickly made way for me to get through. They didn't want anything to do with me.
I snorted in displeasure, was I really that scary to them? well apparent I had been, because they still kept starring as I walked past, sulking.
This wasn't out of the usual for me, stop and stare, then keep going as I padded out of sight. It had been this way for months, and I feared it was getting worse. Me myself couldn't help sulking, after my parents had confessed what was gong on, I just felt more. . . depressed.
I snapped out of my thoughts and continued down the street to my favorite little area. It was simple just a small field of grass off the side of the road, but it was peaceful as well.
I paused peering in to the field, another figure sat there alone, watching the seeds go by. Interested, I quietly came up behind her, watching for a moment.
"I know you are there." a soft voice whispered, as she still held her gaze out in to space.
I opened my mouth, but paused, and just sat next to her instead. I tried to match my gaze with her's, but all I saw was the deep blue sky, with white clouds. Once again came the voice, "I am Harely, who are you?" she asked, as if she was actually intrigued.
I looked at Harely, scoping her over. She was a deep pastel green, that darkened as it reached her legs. She had a red heart on her forehead, that's stem went down her nose, and bunnies, bunnies just all over her fur, as well as small red hearts. There was a golden chain with a watch hanging from it around her neck.
"Fraise, Fraise Tart." I murmured, looking at her.
This was going to be a good friendship. I could feel it.

.:Other Information:.

Theme Song: 'Live Like we're Dying' by Kris Allen.

Favorite Quote: "Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash."
-George S. Patton. This refers to her 'new thing' to try every once in a while, because though she has no experience, she still needs to keep as safe as possible. She tells this to the animals she drags in to her fun.

CS Status: I might use her for a bit of Roleplaying if that's alright. But other than that she'll be just a normal character, that I'll try to be social with, hang with other characters and all of that stuff.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Of course!, oh and here is Nawee's permission ^.^


Code: Select all

Kat Shadow wrote:Pet's ID Tag:#38, if it hasn't already been adopted.
Name You'd Choose for It: Siani Fire-feather
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: I just love the flame design, and I adore the care put into him. I sincerly hope he hasn't been adopted so my form has a chance.
The birth of Siani
Walk into the flames and feel your illusions vanish! (Quote from "The Firework maker's daughter)
The fire engulfed the forest, burning higher and higher. Smoke chocked the birds flying and flames bured all those few animals who were unlucky enough to get close. The red was the colour of the forest, yellow of heat and white of pureness. Death by fire is a pure was to die, and more hounerable than water.
Fire is the flashiest form of magic (Quote from "Skulduggery Pleasant")
A witch, clothed in the finest shadows of tormented souls drew a rune in the red earth. The emmense heat from the flames scarcly bothered her, as she reached and grabbed some. "Ekab!Ausia! Emasj! Nrub!*" The sorceress's words brought forth a large female wolf, pregnant and lost in the red flames. "Shai! Dniw! Yks! Erif! Sherjua!*" A falcon tumbled out of the sky.
Maintinance of the fire could only be entrusted to a male of high status (Quote from "The clan of the Cave Bear")
The witch mixed a feather from the falcon into the flame. She mixed it with some herbs and gave it to the wolf, wrapped in raw meat. The sorceress lifted her narled fingertips and spoke "Snai quirnai ahsh seadni adjso adj denfl! Juaodnkwa! Ashje adjue andmai! Ashje adjue sajdk! Wofa aur eeira!!*" And with that, she stepped into the flames and was gone from this world.
The heat encompassed me in a loving embrace (Quote from "Fire Study")
The female was in another forest now, giving birth. 3 normal cubs were alive and drinking the warm milk of their mother. But one was left to be born. And when he came, they were in for a shock.

For out came Siani, and this was the predetor of the witch. A mix of Fire, Falcon and Wolf. A demon of sorts...
* Scroll down for "The witch's spell roughly translated"!

Siani's poem, written by the witch:
Flames are the begining and end,
Nothing lies before or after.
Fire lies free of emotions and weakness,
And never truly dies.
Heat and light never ceases,
For in the burning all else vanishes.
The flames are inside you. Use them wisely.

The voice in Siani's head stopped, and wispered. "I'll be watching, young Fire-feather" said the voice of the sorceress who'd made him...

Siani's first hunt:
I ran for the small rabbit. I could hear it breathing, it's small heart betting within it's chest. The smell of fear and exaustion reeked from the rabbits sleek fur. We played chase, darting through bushes as the sun beat down on us. My red fur made it hard to hide, but my strength and staminia? Better than all my brothers and sisters, that's for sure.

I can't remember how long this went on for. I was three steps away when the bloodlust clouded my vision fully. I leaped, unveiling hidden wings even I didn't know I had. I glided for a second then jumped on the rabbit. I ripped it's small head off and concentrated on the crimson liquid that was dripping out. Within five minutes, the rabbit was gone. Disappeared into my stomach.

I was only a small pup, perhaps the runt of the litter. But after that kill? I was the largest. I felt alive. Some magical transformation had taken place already.

Very good, Siani... Now be a good pup and head home.. It was the voice, rich and powerful. The voice from my dreams.

The witch's spell, roughly translated:
"Ekab!Ausia! Emasj! Nrub!
Mother of the bleeding earth, I summon!
Shai! Dniw! Yks! Erif! Sherjua!
Father of the darkened sky, I summon!
Snai quirnai ahsh seadni adjso adj denfl! Juaodnkwa! Ashje adjue andmai! Ashje adjue sajdk! Wofa aur eeira!!
By the blood of the wolf and the purness of fire, and the hunters of the sky's flying feathers may the anscestors give the forest a hunter, the likes of which only exist in legends! Give it the strength of the wolf, the skill of the falcon and the power of the fire!"

When Siani returned home after his first proper hunt:
I was in the den, looking like a large male wolf. I was only a few months, in reality. The wings stuck out of my back and my fur was shaggy and knotted, making me seem larger than I was. My father and mother looked at me in fear, while my brothers looked at me in envy. My sisters looked at me and thought I was someone else, though my markings gave me away.

My mother quivered, and my father calmed her before shouting at me. "You are a demon! Unfit for this pack! You aren't even part of the family properly!You are EXILED FOR ALL ENTERNITY! Be gone, foul beast!" My mother howled, and my siblings gasped. "No!" was the word that was on all their lips. I shook my fur and said silent goodbyes. I stood in a submissive stance and left, my tail between my legs.

Siani's first flight:
I was in a new forest now. The red trees and ash swirled around me from an ancient fire. I felt at home, with no family as burdens and no rules to keep. I'm ashamed to say I killed a lot back then, when ever I felt the need. Bloodlust was a strong yearning as was the promise of flesh.

One day I explored the forest that had become my home territory. I walked, following the sound of distant water. I saw a glimmer and the loud noise of a stream, and my nose told me the rest. I was on high ground, above the stream by a few feet. I leaned over to get a better look, as the path had come to a halt. I was falling, falling, falling. Down, down, down....

It stopped. I was gliding above the water. I looked at my reflection and saw that the wings were what was making me fly. I flapped them a few times. I rose higher. I was truely the greatest hunter in this forest.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

-Sort of a WIP, I add bits when I think of them. It's not part way through the story and it fits at any single point, so please take it as it is. ^^-

Code: Select all

FreyaAquarius wrote:Pet's ID Tag: #39
Name You'd Choose for It: Liraika
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: She has been here a long time, and the new revamp makes her look like a creature I made up called a Caricloa. Naturally she isn't exactly the same, but it would be interesting to see what could be done with this pretty coloured animal.

The word echoed in the empty cave, and the figure at the entrance looked back.
"Clisna, please!"
The figure shook her head and walked away, the voice calling after her.
"Clisna, do not betray your race!"
"I must." The figure spoke for the first time, in a whispered voice full of pain.


Clisna sat in an empty clearing, looking around her nervously.
"You have come, Shadowed Helper." Said a black she-wolf, with pupilless orange eyes and an orange crescent moon on her flank. "I am Obsidian Darkness, and I have information for you: The Zereni, the normal wolves are about to attack your race. If you tell me the territory boundaries, the Nidivay could stop them."
Clisna smiled. "Of course, the territory runs from the west waterfall to the eastern cave."
"Thank you, you may be gone, Clisnaar."

Clisna ran all the way home, hoping she could get there in time for the battle, but it was not to be. The territory was strewn with Caricloa dead, and the sacred cave was crumbling.
Clisna yelped and shot through the cave mouth.
"Kaseei!" She screamed, frantically hoping her sister would appear, then, "KASEEI!"
Her sister's reddish hair was just visible, at the bottom of the lake inside the cave.
"The Zereni will pay for this!" Clisna shrieked. "She will be avenged!"
Even as she said this, Obsidian Darkness stepped out of the shadows at the back of the cave.
"Thanks for the info." She smiled, sweetly, but with a hint of menace.
"You." Clisna hissed, throwing herself at the Nidivay, but Obsidian reacted faster, flicking her poisonous tail forward and striking Clisna in the side.
Instead of dying, Clisna changed, her brown hair becoming blood red, her fur oranger, a spike appearing at the end of her tail, and needle sharp fangs growing into her mouth.
"Hizsta!" Obsidian hissed, taken aback. "He-llo Demon Teeth!"
"I am Doiglini." Clisna hissed. "Die!"
Obsidna ran and Doiglini charged after her, and never looked back.

Unbeknown to the sister of ours who changed, not all of us died that day.
Indeed, Doiglini is the last true Caricloa, but the Nidivay venom reacted strangely with our systems, killing us, but then reviving us, all human features gone.
We are just wolf X Monkey now , still the shadowed helpers, yet we still have human intelligence.

When I say 'sister of ours' I mean it literally.
I am the Caricloa who is known as Liraika.
I was formerly known as Kaseei.
Hunt well, my sister, but don't forget who you really are.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

I-miss-u wrote:Pet's ID Tag:#42
Name You'd Choose for It:Stellarose
Reason You Want It:Well I love wolves and all kinds of Canines, and She seems like a perfect sona/charrie And I would take GREAT care of her.And i would NEVER Mistreat her just like the old owner (MixMatch94) wanted
Stellarose was born in a small forest on the east cost. But when she turned 6 months old, hunters came into her mother's pack. Her mother hid her in a big bush so the hunters wouldnt find her. As Stellarose hid she heard tons of loud
sounds, she wasnt sure what it was at first. But when she heard the hunters walk away she steped out of the bush, whimpering. "M-momma?" she asked. No answer again she said "Momma?" still no answer. She searched around the pack camp.And saw most of the pack gone, the hunters must have taken them. Then she saw her mother badly ingurged. "Momma! Are you ok? What happened? Where is everyone?" she asked. Her mother said "I'll be fine, I'll tell you what happened in the morning". Stellarose nodded "ok momma" she whispered. Her mother got up with a huge sigh and walked to a den. Stellrose curled up in her mothers tail and fell asleep. When she awoke in the morning her mother told her what had happened.Stellarose and her mother lived together untill Stellarose was old enough to live on her own.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Yes I fully understand.

Please be a bit more literate and try again later. What exactly 'did' happen that couldn't be described? What happened to the rest of the pack? Why did Stellarose leave, and when she did, what happened to her? And 'ingurged' really isn't a word in the english language.

KayleeBanana wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 49
Name You'd Choose for It: Seascape
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: I have fallen in love with this character's design. My fursona could use a friend to keep her company and I'd like somebody new to get art of.
The wind rippled through the manes of the beach herd as they pounded through the surf. The lead stallion, a coal-black beast, was running at the lead, nostrils flared to pick up the scents of the ocean. Behind him, a group of twenty-five females were racing to keep up. Seabirds cried out as they leapt into the air, stirred up by the pounding of many hooves. Lathered with sweat and seawater, the stallion brought his herd to a stop on a grassy dune. He stood alert, unwavering, while his mares cropped the long reeds. A speckled brown crab scuttled into its hole.
In the distance, the stallion’s storm gray eyes picked up a flock of sea gulls rising into the sky. His ears flicked forward to catch any sound. Beneath the sharp cries of the birds, the pounding of more hooves could be heard, like the roll of distant thunder. The acrid scent of leather and human sweat reached the stallion’s nostrils.
With a trumpeting cry, the stallion wheeled and took off down the beach like a demon out of hell. Each of the mares followed him without question.
The stallion led his herd in and out of the dunes, using age-old tactics to try and lose their pursuers. The stallion knew from experience that the trailing horses were not as used to running on soft sand as he, and would be relatively easy to lose. The herd ran on and on. But no matter how hard they tried, the pursuers were always hot on their tails.
Tried and sweaty, the stallion tried one last tactic. He ran his herd up the steepest hill he could find. He was just crested the top when a terrible scream came from below. One of his mares, a chocolate brown with cream patches in the shape of waves, had fallen on the hill and was floundering in the soft sand. After urging the remaining mares onward, the stallion skidded down the hill to help the fallen mare.
The mare’s turquoise eyes pleaded for help. The stallion screamed for her to get up, but her right hind leg simply would not support her weight. Every time she stood, the mare could only make it a few, painful steps before she fell again. The stallion watched as the other herd and their riders drew closer. Finally, he trumpeted in frustration and pounded back up the hill, leaving the mare to fend for herself.
The mare watched as the pursuing herd closed in on her. Six horses skidded to a stop in front of her, throwing up sand. A thick loop of what looked like woven reeds was put around her neck. The loop tightened and began to pull her forward. Hobbling on three legs, the mare was lead away from the only home she had ever known. Behind her, the stallion screamed his pain into the sky.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

If you haven't yet, please PM your form to RedBlueGreen.
Code: Select all

Azora wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 51
Name You'd Choose for It: A Better Dream, informally called Aima
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: Her colors and markings blend together beautifully, in both a natural and unique way, and she looks like a good relative to another character of mine, Relief of Angels. Aima seems to have a compelling look about her, and I can't help but try out for her. She will have many stories written about her, from her role in the main story Trust in Dawn, to varied drabbles and short stories.


((Note: The character I'm applying for, in my story, was born with a mental problem due to issues during her mother's pregnancy. By the time she is an adult, it has cleared up some, but she can still have troubles remembering things, especially events in her youth. At the beggining of the following history, where she is a pup, her thoughts are extremely muddled at times. Since this is a first person stream-of-conscious story excerpt, it will be written in her own thoughts, so I apologize for the confusion. Hopefully her thoughts as an adult will clear up what is not understood in the former parts.))

Story excerpt one wrote:The first tangible memory I have is that of warmth, of nestling against my mother's side with my siblings. I remember the smell of my mother, a barely palpable scent that I couldn't quite place. It was peaceful, and for the first few weeks of my life, care knew not my name.

The time after that is a vague blur, a tantalizing hint of a memory that slips from my grasp every time I reach for it. All I know of those three months of my life is what I've been told afterwards; my two brothers were taken away, and I was the one kept with my parents. Sold, my father told me, they were sold. To go with another human. He insisted that they were happy, so I accepted the fact, and thought little more of it at the time.

My life was predictable, and I liked it that way. The human talking to me (though I assumed she spoke more to herself), listening absently to my parents, the occassional times we left the security of the human's shelter. I hated those times, for they were always followed by cold metal against my skin, a sharp pain, and a room that looked like a skeleton bleached white in the sun.

Once, when I was still little and my thoughts were muddled at their worst, I remember going out, under the swath of sky and unfamiliar heat of the sun with my mother. The cadence of our soft pawsteps treading against the concrete, paired with the heat from the unfamiliar sun, tried to lull me into sleep. Though I kept walking, my mind numbed more than usual, and I went in a trance-like state for a while. I remained as such until a rough voice snapped me out of my reverie, and I had my first moment of true clarity.


The male looked as startled as I did, though his sheer size made me take several steps back out of instinct, letting my mother stay between us. From the relative safety there, I examined the stranger. His ragged, dark brown fur was streaked with black stripes and mud, and ruffled slightly around his unhealthily slim form in the breeze. The fur looked to be growing the wrong way in places, before I realized it was disturbed by slight scars, invisible beneath the hair. My eyes trailed from a nick in his ear to his green eyes, though they didn't meet mine, but my mother's.

She cast a glance back at me, then returned her steady gaze to the larger male.

"Damaid." She said curtly. Damaid, I thought, confused. What a strange word. In my youthful naivity, I knew no such kind of name. Her eyes held an odd emotion that I had never seen before, and it worried me.

Now, she turned her head again to me. "Aima." My mother spoke, and her voice held a warning to it. "Go back home. You know the way."

I lingered, hesitating, before turning and scrambling once again down the path to my father.

      Registered name: A Better Dream

      Informal nickname: Aima

      Species: Shiba Inu

      'True' form quadropod-anthro (four legs, though has the emotions and thoughts of a human, thus giving them humanoid qualities and making them 'anthro'.), though can be portrayed as 'natural' (ie, no clothes, only natural fur as covering) bipedal-anthro in writing and artwork.

      Twenty inches at the withers in quad form, five foot four at the top of head (not counting ears) in quad form.

      Sixty-seven pounds in dog form, one hundred twenty-two pounds in human form.

      Two years, four months

      Aima is solitary, with her mind as source and body as a secondary resource. Her life isn't focused around her actions and what she does through the day, but around her thoughts. Physically, she doesn't exert herself highly, but isn't completely unworking. Most of her actions are social interactions with others. Her energy focus is on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities.

      Since Aima spends a lot of time inside of her own mind, she can has trouble showing genuine interest or sympathy with other people's thoughts or feelings, and has problems giving other people a level of intimacy that is needed in any relationship. As such, she has few friends and no romantic interest. Despite her troubles understanding said friends, she cares for them more than anything, and is upset by the lack of sympathy she sometimes has.

      She sees her body as nothing more than a convenient container for her mind, that she keeps in decent condition only to prolong her inevitable death, and keep her mind intact as long as possible. The thought of dying terrifies her, to the point of paranoia.
      Most of her life centers around her constant struggle between her mind and longing to learn, and her disabilities.

      She values intelligence and competence, and has high standars for herself in these regards, which she constantly strives to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, she has similar expectations of others.

      Mostly even temperment, though when provoked she is very angry, and holds grudges for long periods of time. Protective of her family, and strictly against violence in all forms. Tolerant, and nothing annoys her more than intolerance and ignorance.

      Sensitive, though with the taunts of her childhood she's learned not to let them stop her. While others can hurt her feelings offend her, or otherwise upset her, they usually never realize it. Aima usually shakes off these feelings quickly though, never letting them keep her down for more than a day at most. The only ones that can upset her for a long period of time are those close to her, or those she looks up to, and she usually stays slightly upset for a long while, without letting others know it.

      Loves nothing more than pleasing others, particularly those she likes.

      Her biggest flaw is most likely her jealousy, though her feelings of envy are one of her biggest motivations; she's more likely to procrastinate than work unless she sees an opportunity to put herself up against, and attempt to beat, someone she's jealous of. She has many aspirations, both in the large run and short-term, but lacks motivation to see them through.

      When she's convinced that she's right about something, she will not stop until she proves her point, though she's often misunderstood due to her inability to speak her mind easily. In these cases, she tends to blame misunderstandings on the limitations of the other party, rather than on her own difficulty in expressing herself. This tendency sometimes causes her to dismiss others input too quickly, and can be on the verge of arrogant whenever she proves herself right. Her stubborness can irate others immensely.

      However, she isn't set in her ways, and is willing to hear other ways of thinking, even if she disagrees with them.

      She has low self-esteem, due to her inabilities to meet her insanely high standards for herself. When she can't meet these unrealistic goals -which is always- she becomes frustrated and upset with herself.

      Aima can become annoyed by the smallest and most uninportant of things, if said and/or done in a certain way. In fact, most of what upsets her are little things, which is why most people don't realize that such petty things are what's upsetting her.

      She never expresses her feelings to anyone directly, only through writing, which she refuses to let most people read. Part of the reason for this is that sometimes she doesn't know what she's feeling, or how to tell others. The other reason is that she don't know what other people's reactions would be and whether they would think less of her because of it.

      She has an extreme need for solitude, organization, systems, and sense. If she can't understand it immediately, she gets frustrated and gives up easily. She dislikes messiness and inefficiency, and anything that is muddled or unclear. As such, she also dislikes the muddled memories and confusing thoughts that come into her mind without warning.

      She isn't overly demonstrative of her affection, and is likely to not give as much praise of positive support as others may need or desire. That doesn't mean that she doesn't truly have affection or regard for others, she simply doesn't typically feel the need to express it.

      Aima looks at things from a realistic, unbiased approach, in the middle of optimisim and pessimism. If she situation looks bad, she won't sugar-coat it to herself (though she may to others), and will prepare for the worst possible thing to happen, and hope for the best.

      When with her friends she is very social, telling jokes and so forth, but otherwise she is very quiet. She will only speak to most strangers if spoken to. With some people that she doesn't consider friends or care about very highly, she may add a slight deadpan comment when she feels appropriate. Comforting others, and making them laugh most of all, is one of her greatest pleasures, though she swears the opposite up and down.

      Aima can be paranoid about others in regard to herself. She constantly fears others lying to her, talking about her behind her back, and so on. The more attatched she gets to someone, the more paranoid she becomes.

      Though there are certain things she enjoys a lot (ie, a particular book or song), she'll gladly poke fun at it herself, and doesn't mind other people not liking it and/or mocking it. Mostly she'll laugh right along with them, and doesn't understand why people get offended by others disagreeing with their likes and dislikes.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

EDIT: Since Raven and Distant were adopted together, I do have another slot, correct? Just making sure.

Code: Select all

#61 is not being given out as the only form for her was disqualified due to the writer posting more then one form in one code-drop.

.: Seaturtle :. wrote:Im Sorry if I Shouldnt Post this. >.>

And, Is this another round, or the same round?? Im a little confused this moment...


I'd Like To Adopt!

Pet's ID Tag: #72
Name You'd Choose for It: Hideki
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: He Actually Looks like... Well, Just Something that I own. But thats not just it, The Markings were just seemingly to be Enchanted, a little spell on me. Well, I fell in Love with him now, so I might as well try to adopt while I can.
-Art Shall be ordered!
- I promise he has a Good Future ahead!
-And a Home in a Thread is perfect. ;3

Hideki is Always outgoing, and rarely He is Shy. He Was more of the Loving ones of the Pack. He Was More of the Leader In the Pack, Although Being Only Ranked Delta. He Was Formerly Shy in the start. His Emotions are Expressed through hi body. Stress was to bite his tail, (Making it to a nub...) Happy was to yip or bounce. And Angry was clawing the ground. But sometimes, he must be exiled for a while before being accepted into the pack. Most could say Hideki has Mental problems, He Keeps everything in his mind. Even if it was the secret to keeping the world from ending, he would keep it to himself. He Is always trying to at mysterious, but gets giggles from all the faces. Most Say he's a Good friend, and others say he was just plain odd.

Short Bio:
Nickname(s): Hid, Or Kai. Parts from his names are used.
Age: 4 years.
Point: He was to be a Quest taker. But he Was Signed back to Delta, but Amaterasu had taken over his spot in Delta and he was forced down to Omega. That was his hardest point of life.
Rank: Delta, to Quest Taker, to Delta once more then forced to Omega.
(Ranks are through Leader to Pup. Like a Normal Pack. ;D)

Fourth Day of Searching. So long for finding a Home. and I might as well think that im all alone, the last of my kind maybe. And Having to Watch my Sister, Akila, die before me in the snow has killed the inside of me. And Even my green cloak isnt keeping me warm. I could freeze like a Popsicle. And Then maybe this could end right now. Just maybe...
"You Alright down there?!" A Voice Called I Glanced up in so much Hope. 'Do you need Help!?' The Voice asked again. "Y-y-y-yes!" I Called. I didnt notice how jittery I was. The Harsh Winds Picked up and whipped my fur around, and I looked up. There was a Snow covered ledge with a figure of maybe my own kind standing up top. And Their eyes, were so... bright. "W-w-wait up!' I Called, nervous that they didnt see me. As I ran for the Ledge I felt how weak I was. My legs were so jellyish. And it actually hurt. The Wind Whipped madly, and it hurt as it slice through my body. "Wait!" I called again. At that Moment I leaped up, and I felt the icy edge beneath me. "Need help?" The Voice said, much closer now. And Teeth dug into my Cloak and I was lifted like a pup. And I Soon felt the chilling ground once more beneath my paws. "T-thanks..." I mumbled.

"We Need to get you To Camp..." The Other Dog Whispered. I Looked sidelong at him. He has the Most Scarred face I had ever seen. And his fur, bright white like the snow. And I wondered, Why is he even helping me? But Before I even Asked he nudged me up and I followed his tracks. And I Barely heard him Mumble, "Sun, I wish you this is our sign." And Soon, Snow was Whacking my face. And Everything Was fuzzy.

"Hey... hey! You alive... hello?" A Voice mumbled, and a paw continued to poke my snout. "Wha..Wait!!" I Called in Shock. I glanced around. And Suddenly a Smaller Dog like before, but black had started talking. "You sure did get a few bumps! And I thought you were Dead!" She Whimpered. I didnt even know her and she was being Sympathetic towards me. I looked up, and Sat upright and I saw the Wolf that had helped me before. "Nice Marks.' He mumbled. I Glanced at Him. "My Fathers." I Said In Answer, for where they came from. I Got a Better Look at him now. He was Of course Plain White, with a very scarred face. But his shoulder held many marks. Red dots and a nice claw mark. New, and Possibly Bloodstained. And Then I Looked at the little Mutt. I had first seen her when I woke up. She Had turned around to look at me herself. She was Black of Course, but her snout had rings of Ocean blue, and her eyes were a icy flecked Gaze. "H-Hi. Im Hideki." I said. Introducing myself. Rude to stare, as mother said.

"You Should Go And Eat, Follow Mirk, And He shall show you." The Small little Mutt. "And Im Rin." She Said. I Slowly Got up with a nod, and I looked up. Was the White guy Mirk? He got up himself, And He flicked his ear for me to follow. As I Left the Small inside den, it was even bigger outside! It was a even larger cave, and So many dogs like me hung around. Some stared, and a few hid their pups. "Outsider..." One Murmured. It made me uncomfortable. I looked at Mirk. He didnt even pay attention! "Well, Are you... Ok at fighting?" He Asked. "Yeah." I murmured. What now?

After a While of walking, We came to a huge, dark cave. And I was swallowed in blackness. "Wow.." I murmured.

I, Ans, understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Code: Select all

Gabri wrote:Pet's ID Tag: #74
Name You'd Choose for It: Vengance
Gender: Female (Gah, I have too many male characters!)
Reason You Want It:Partly because I love gloom and scene stuff, and this is gloomish. Partly because I think I could work him into the story of another character I'm trying for in Sparkle, Gloom, Scene and Unloved Adoption Center.
I crept down the alley, as it was the one I always scavenged for food in, behind a rather ghetto McDonalds, there was always enough to eat, even if I felt terrible after. As I got near the end, where the dumpster was I could tell I wasn't alone. I didn't want to give whoever it was any confidence so I tried to make sure I didn't show it. As I was about to jump into the shadows and attack the air suddenly got foggy and damp and I froze. My whole body didn't move at all for a second and my hart skipped a beat. That was no coincidence.

In my head I was madly running through people I knew. People I had made angry. People who didn't like me. People I hardly knew. People with powers. Thats when I though who could be doing this. I had only ever known two people who had powers. The packs elder who had been executed by a newer alpha. He had always been kind to me, and me to him. Then the other one. A little oddball who was kicked out by the same alpha, about two months after the elders execution. The next elder, a cruel, insane, gruff ald blind wolf who had said the pup would have powers. The alpha wouldn't kill him, being a pup, so once he was weaned he would be kicked out. I wanted to be beta, so I supported the alpha compleatly. I was six months older than the pup, so I was a bully to him, but in extremes. I made him bleed, left scars, went into a rage at the sight of him, instantly sending him ki-ying away as fast as he could go, ofther I would carry him off to the forest to do so, nobody would hear him, no famliy in sight. I relised a year and a half later, when he was long gone, how terrible I had been, but it made no difference now.

As I was about to say his name, and try to explain, if it was him, I heard him call out my name. It was the same voice, sweet and quiet. But it was different, no longer scared and alone, and for me, laced with malice. "Vengance" It said. " I think you remember me." It wasn't really a question. I relised there was nothing I could say to him to change him. I bolted, a bad idea in the seamless fog, because I crashed high-speed into the dumpster of half-eated McDonalds. I yelped loudly, as I heard something in my body crunch, though for now everything was numb. He stepped up to me, his deep purple hair half covering his face. He would be quite good-looking if not for the hate in his eyes and the evil smile curling across his face. "Don't worry, Vengance. I won't kill you, but past that I make no promises." I stared at him, gone mute by what he had become and what he might do. I started weeping quietly, and I could see my tears were white. I knew how odd this was, but it was a bad moment to see why I was crying white. I merely closed my eyes and waited for what he would do, and what I completly deserved.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

If you get any art of him, be sure to show Eplis :]
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Nivvin wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 83
Name You'd Choose for It: Cheetah
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: Ever since I saw the designs, I knew I wanted this character. I think I'll have a very good use for her. A friend told me she's been here a while and I couldn't believe no one wanted her. I really hope I get her, she'll have a good home. I also love the way she looks and the blending of the colors used on her.
Cheetah ran with her pack, enjoying the chat and the breeze as they hunted. The pack hadn't eaten in a few days, considering there'd been severe storms for the past week and all of their prey were prepared. The pack was normal, all except for Cheetah and a young blue wolf. They were best friends, considering they were a little off from the others. It was upsetting, but also exciting, that they were unique.
"Cheetah!" The wolf heard a squek behind her. "Slow down!"
She did as told and turned back to see who'd yelled at her. The young blue wolf, obviously. He was hurrying to catch up, sprinting across the ground after the faster wolf. She just grinned and turned to keep hunting.
Cheetah was born with her pack, although she was born different. A different family in the pack had a different pup, aswell. A blue one. They became good friends and learned to hunt and fight together as they grew up. They now live happily in the pack together as adults.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

((Sorry, I'm watching a TV show so I can't write anymore right now.))

Code: Select all

This code-drop is not finished! All forms after page 154, as well as a form on page 137, will be judged in an hour, as I'm starving and I need to eat. Forms for Gem and #12 will be judged then as well. I would appreciate if no one made ANY forms after this post, as I have not yet updated the front page, therefor new donations have not been added and adopted designs have not yet been removed.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Also, if I've made any mistakes, please PM this account. Two hours of forms can mess with your brain.

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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby nivvin » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:33 pm

Yay! Thank you Agency! C:

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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby amato » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:48 pm

Thanks so Much Guys! ♥♥ I Love Hideki!!
And yay, Thats maybe my Fith successful adoption! XD You Seriously helped me
a bunch. ^^ I hope to Adopt again soon.
    i am not very active anymore, but im sometimes on oekaki.
    you can call me ami or shura! xxoo
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby KayleeBanana » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:54 pm

The Agency (which I assume is Tae at the moment), I have already PMed my form to RedBlueGreen as she has requested. Because it did not say that the donor needed to approve all forms for adoption, I have not posted a screen shot of her message, but I can do so at your request. Thank you.
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome! Donations open!

Postby nivvin » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:55 pm

.: Seaturtle :. wrote:
Thanks so Much Guys! ♥♥ I Love Hideki!!
And yay, Thats maybe my Fith successful adoption! XD You Seriously helped me
a bunch. ^^ I hope to Adopt again soon.

My 5th aswell ^^
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