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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby The Agency » Sun May 23, 2010 11:14 am


First time doing this, so beg with me if I made any mistake! =O

Draggy Ave wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 8
Name You'd Choose for It: Cupcake
Gender: Girl
Reason You Want It: She looks cute, And I need another Character
History/Background/Other: She would always be looked at strangely, because she had those special marks. "why does she have those marks? It looks weird!" Even through she was good at many things, they still would look at her this way. At first, she would just ignore it. But as they countinued to do it, she was starting to get annoyed,and sad. It was mean to be called "cake face" for no reason! Even her own parents would say things like: " You should get those marks removed" her sisters and brothers would even call her names! She was getting full with this, and decided to run away.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

You'll have to develop your form a little more if you want a pet. I can not give it to you until you add more to your form.

c00kieguirl, ~Pandora~ and Abster, I can't tell you which of you is the winner as I don't know yet if we had permission from Orthidel to judge who got it.

PolarAzulTigris wrote:Pet's ID Tag: #12
Name You'd Choose for It: Rain; Possibly a rendition of Noelani. Meaning: Misty rain.
Reason You Want It: Honestly I just love the overall design. She/he has a very agile yet whimsical appearance. For some reason she/he reminds me of veiled rain; a mist or perhaps the dew and fog from a nights slumber. It doesn’t hurt that I love felines; and the color blue. I’m guilty of this. I admit. I would feel it to be a shame if I didn’t try for her.


"The Raining Mist." -Taken from the eyes of a tigress to her 'cubs'.

(My writing style is a bit different, but I hope you can understand.)

A white veil of mist hung over the dew rich land. Tucking back in every nook and cranny, one might have trouble seeing five feet before them. The dawn still hung beyond the tree tops; refusing to surface to chase away the white blanket of fog.

One could hear the mews of cubs. Barely visible was a Tigress nursing her young. The outline of her body barely visible against the white mist; her pelt the color of golden cream and white. Content the tigress let out a long drawn out yawn before resting her head upon the ground. Her lids drooping lazily as she nursed the young.

A Cry was heard in the distance; a distinctive cry. The young tigress rose a wary head towards the fog; her ears perking forwards to the sound of the cries. A long pause and one could not hear the cry again; but it came shortly after. This time shorter; more desperate. It sounded like a small cat; another cub perhaps from another litter? There was no telling at this point.

The Tigress shifted and chuffed to the fog before her. Her breath distorting the mist before her. Perhaps curiosity had stricken the mother just alike. Then silence fell upon them once more; till the small creature mewed again, After the first a few mews lingers yet. One could hear the grass crinkle and shift by a heaver weight. Whatever it was, was coming forward.

The Tigress with the pelt of snow crept slowly forward, with her nursing ones still by her side… But curiosity was too much. The fog for a moment seemed to clear as light patter of rain descended from the skies; seeming to part the fog for a moment.

There sat one of the most beautiful of cubs; at least to the eyes of a mother recently given birth. Her tiny form shook from the cold, having traveled such a distance to find shelter. Her form slicked from the dew and fog. Small glistening drops of water tipped her fur and whiskers.

Though; she was blue. She looked of the sky and rain; of that tiny cub lost that day. Her head drooped down; as her tiny form shivered. Kiri chuffed to the cub and the cub did not move… Kiri had almost given up on hopes for the cub to come to her as she shifted to move; but without much warning the cub clumsily shot forward. Bolting with what seemed its last energy towards her warm body. Flopping down by her chest as it buried its head within her fur…

Confused she looked down at the young one before giving it a lick. Her fur standing on end due to the water. Kiri watched for a moment as the cub just nuzzled into her; and without second thought; she claimed the cub as hers as if it had always been hers. Her name would be Noelani.

-----A few Months Later----------

Noelani had started to show improvement and was adventurous. Her siblings and her had made of game of hide and seek. And this time she was the one hiding… Though many times before they had wandered to close to the nearest human village. This time her curiosity was almost certainly at its peak.

Despite her coloration she stayed and watched the human children from within the long green grasses near by the village. She knew this path well, and hid behind some brush and foliage of the grass. Her emerald green eyes peering out in wonder. The children; they passed each other this round object. It bounced and rolled. The sounds it made we’re just wonderful! In truth she had almost came out of hiding to chase the marvelous creature like the human children did.
They kept passing it to each other, but never her! She was so outraged by that fact. Almost pacing in place at the sight of it! Finally she could have no more. The young cub suddenly bolted out from the blue. The children we’re startled, some ushered a cry. But the sight of such a small creature seemed to give them comfort as curiosity then became them.

She had bolted after the ball, and patted it. It made such strange sounds! It was indeed hallow it seemed as when she patted it; an echoing sound could be heard within it. She patted it harder and the ball went rolling. Before long the children seemed to get the idea. They kicked the ball, turning it to bounce and roll and the Noelani went chasing after.
Though the game went friendly for the time being, the children started to kick the ball event further. She barely ever had the ball then! It was an outrage… once she got it she picked it up with her teeth. It was thick enough to resist being poked and she ran with her head high off into the grass, tugging her ball along through the long vegetation; the ball was hers!

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for and the caring of it. I promise not to let them sit; do my best to keep thieves from them and adore always. Thank you for reading my application. I hope I had done what you asked and I'd be happy to take questions or edit the above. Hopefully my half asleep state didn't bother it too much. o.o;

I hope this was done right. Let me know if I need to rectify anything. =3 Thank you for your time and patience.

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Lirrie wrote:Pet's ID Tag: Kennel # 24
Name You'd Choose for It: Larken
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: He is perfect for my role of Larken in Lunar Crescent Eclipses story plus he will have important roles in coming stories, I am certain I can provide him art and a good home.



Name: Larken
NickName: Ken
Age: 2 Years old
Breed: Eclipse Wolf
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Subfamily: Caninae
Tribe: Canini[2]
Genus: Canis

Possible Mate: Lunar Cresent Elipse

Personality: Larkin is one of a kind, a wolf that can make you laugh and cry at the same time. He never fails to amaze his friends with his good attitude despite the past he has endured. He would lay his life on the line for a friend and expects the same in return.

He gets along with most anyone but make sure that you dont harm his friend because if you do your life may be on the line. He is one of the rare ones who emotions can turn from happy to ticked of in a flat second. If you get him angry expect no mercy for he will show none.

He is completely loyal to any friends he may receive and in return he expects you to be completly loyal to him. Those who break his trust will never be trusted again.

He has had a bad life but he is optimistic and this never fails to amaze his friends. Rarely will you see this wolf frown but when he does watch out because that means he is angry and will probably snap at most anybody.

Likes: Larken likes to lay around on cold mornings and sun to warm up his muscles in preparation for the morning hunt, he loves to hunt and fell the wind flowing threw his fur. Larken enjoys a mid-afternoon swim to cool down from the afternoon sun. His biggest joy as to see new wolf pups in the spring. Like his breed he loves the moon.

Dislikes: Larkin dislikes anyone hurting his friends so if you do he takes it personal and will hurt you if you hurt his friend, he dislikes eating anything that resembles his species, he doesnt like getting to hot and if he does it causes him to become extremely ill.

Family: Larkin considers Linka, Briser and the rest of their pack to be his family. No-one knows who his true family is as he was found in a ditch almost dead when he was one year old. Linka thinks he was attacked and drove out of his true pack by a rival wolf.

Health: Larkien if anything else is very healthy and enjoys a nice normal life. Though he was attacked by something when he was one year old he has fully recovered and since hasn't been that badly wouded again.

Mental: Larkins mental state is normal although often Linka and Briser wonder about that; he sometimes starts laughing like a hyena and can't stop so funny is whatever he found amusing at that time. They believe that he bottles his emotions up on the inside and tis is the only way he can let them out.

History: Not much is known about Larkin's past (by linka and the other; I know) before he joined Linka and Brisers pack but they found him in a ditch and he was passed out from blood loss. Since joining their group Larkin has gone on many journey and met many different varieties of people. Some have become friend and some have been named enemies. Larkin has come through hardships but never has he lost is smile. He has yet to find a wolf that makes his heart patter like paws on the ground.


Larkin trotted through the trees just ahead of Linka and Briser, he had heard that they were going to see a very injured female wolf that Briser had helped save yesterday. Briser said that Larkin would find the young female rather interesting but hadn't elaborated on why he would. He asumed that maybe Briser though that maybe she was one of his relatives or a member of his old pack that he would recognize.

Larkin doubted this however; he had seen many wolves like himself but none of them had been from his old pack. He was starting to doubt if that pack even existed at all. This wasn't the first time he had doubted it either, when they first had started looking he had told Briser that they were going on a wild goose chase. Briser had told him that anything in the world that made you happy was worth looking for.

Larkin wasn't sure that was true but he supposed that one day he may find out, until that day though he held on to Briser's words like they were his life savor in a sea at turmoil. They where still looking even now a year after whatever had attacked him had caused him to loose his pack. He hoped that the reason Briser was so intent on him going to see this wolf with them is because she was park of his old pack. He could only dream.

He recognized the fennec fox clans hunting grounds as soon as he stepped onto them and he called out to the others. "We're here!"

Eclipse Wolves

Known as the wolves that worship the moon at the eclipse. There is not much known about these wolves other then the fact that they are on the brink of extinction. It appears that the markings on their faces vary from wolf to wolf, even the color can vary often a rare wolf is born with their crescent marking on something other then their forehead. These wolves are told to have special abilities such as better hearing or being a little faster then the other wolves.

One thing that still remains the same between these and other wolf species is that they alway travel in packs if they can, for this species being a lone wolf can mean death because of their strange markings.

Mating season is always in the spring with pups being born in the fall. Their markings begin appearing when they turn 2 months old, Till then they look like any other wolf. Unlike he other wolves these wolves do not howl at the full moon they howl at the crescent moon. Why this is nobody knows but it never fails.

Average male height is 4'0 with the female being smaller at 3'5. The average male weight is 110 pounds with females weighing in at 95 pounds.

Colers very from white with black markings to dark black with bright white markings. Markings can very from white to black only a few other colors apply.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


From: Ikaaaaaaaaa
To: Lirrie

In that case, I give you my permission to adopt him :)

Premission Screenshot

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MirrorMask wrote:
Pet's ID Tag:
Name You'd Choose for It:
Reason You Want It:
I had a pet ferret the same color and face.I would like to remind him in his eyes,but I would not infer Fear to him he will be his own ferret.I love his colors again and the toxic sign on his back.I love the creepy pumpkin ,Halloween is when my mother was born so more memories.I love the killer look of the pumpkin and the cuteness of Fear it makes a perfect match and I like that.Lastly I love creepy and odd.

Blackness Is all I could see,I was in something,small and dark.Something I would soon befriend in some creepy way.It slowly opened as my eyes did the same.I was only just born weeks ago or maybe months I never know.But I learned to talk and do a lot by listening my ears were the most important thing to me. never knew my mother or how I was in this....pumpkin. Yes i said pumpkin,but I'm not "really" embarrassed just nervous....but you'll see.

I sniffed the air lifting my head ,My eyes still flickering wider and my sight getting better.

"Hello,Deary" a voice whispered in my head, it was sweet like a female but a bit rough like a male.So I didn't know.

I growled ,but no one was around me,I stand up and turned and turned until I did a 360 look out.

The voice giggled "Oh silly I'm the pumpkin your standing on!" and then added "I'm Kinum."

I made a face and thought A pumpkin talking to me?

"Yes silly my mother charmed me, to protect you." Kinum said

"But why would my mother do that instead of taking care and protecting me herself?" I asked a bit of a growl tingled in my throat.

"Oh Dear she couldn't she was a slave to the foxes,it was either give you up or make you a slave.But there was another choice....die." Kinum said coldly

A shiver twirled down my spine making me uncomfortable and sad.My mother....was a slave? Now so many question flutter threw my head as if they were birds trying to be answered/escape.

"Oh don't worry we could save her,she is still alive." Kinum called ,it's voice nervous.

I snarled back "Let's do it!"

Kinum laughed and said "Before we go I wanted to say I'm a girl and ask who are you?''

I thought that was dumb,I was stuck in her for who how long and she asks "Who are you?' Jeez I would know! I was about to yell but I caught myself and said "I'm...."I looked at her pumpkin shell how creepy and scary looking she was.Fear went threw me and I got my name.I finally squeezed out "Fear,I might be around 6-7 months."

She nodded and said "Good so you walking are are we rolling?"

"I had enough of rolling let's walk." and so we did......for hours!

Hours later......

I was almost pasted out,barely able to walk,but luckily Kinum yelped "Were here!

I was wide awake now and ready for everything.

Kinum looked at me and gulped and said "Over that hill and all heck breaks lose ,ready?"

"Always.' I shot back and I charged but I was not ready at all.

When I saw this,my heart was broken.All the ferrets and another rodents were whipped and skinny they look dead then alive.Of and of course the foxes were good looking and full.I scanned around for my mother but I didn't know what she looked like.Thank goodness I had Kinum.

Kinum yelled happily but also too loud "There over there!"

All I eyes faced us, I said "An intruder over there!" they of course not didn't fall for it,I sighed and said 'Bring it on." I shouldn't had said that.They mobbed us with amazing speed.Thank goodness......again that I was faster I dodged all the moves and pushed Kinum along too I huffed "Were?"

She began to roll herself to the spot,where my mother was.I gulped and followed.

Kinum lead to a small hill a tree was perched on it and a lonely gray female ferret said a faded green toxic mark was on her shoulder.

I whispered "Mother?"

She turned tears grew in here eyes and I smiled,but next thing you know your jumped and the moments ruined.

I flipped over and growled harshly.

A male fox,one of his eyes closed by a huge scar and with his evil dark black fur dared to do something to me.I snarled "Get of you bag of rotten dog meat!"

He chuckled "Feisty I like it,.......kill him."

My mother jumped forward and yelled "No!"

The male growled and smacked her in the face.

I growled 'That's it." and snapped my neck/head forward and bite into hsi neck and twisted his body fell like a ragdoll.

The group which surrounded gasped,(Those were the foxes, the rodents on the other hand. Were yelling "Free!" and all ran away as they got the chance.)

I looked at my mother and winked.

Kinum rolled to her.

more tears formed in my mother's eyes she smiled and said 'let's go."

I gladly followed her into the iwld were we lived happily for years until that faithful day....

Faithful day...

My mother gasped and huffed for every breath she said "I need you to do something for me!"

"Anything." I snapped making it quick tears streaming off me.

"Find your father." she huffed and then she went cold and limp.

I shut my eyes as tears streamed faster and more. I nodded as kinum rolled to me and nudged me.

I looked at her and then my mother and said "Anything for you." I grew alot and with one mighty push to Kinum we rolled and ran to find my father.

But of course that's another story, but till then this is good bye!

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

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.:Ari:. wrote:Maybe that user was banned or something, so I will just put the form here. :3

Pet's ID Tag: #46
Name You'd Choose for It: Lovela
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: The design is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The lighter rainbow colors make me want to hug it an squeeze it. It has been up in the kennel for quite some time now, and she most certainly does not deserve that.
History/Background/Other: One beautiful, sunshiny day, a mother panda named Rika gave birth to a panda cub. It was very odd due to it's strange rainbow coloring, but that did not disturb her mother at all. Infact, Rika was so happy that she named the baby Lovela and announced it to all of her friends and family. Lovela's father was long gone. He was murdered by heavy bamboo that had fallen on top of him from a terrible thunder storm. When Lovela's mother returned from fishing that night, she licked Lovela's face all over. Then, she fed Lovela and curled up to sleep. When Lovela was 10, a group of Chinese lumberjacks came to their bamboo forest and cut down dozens of bamboo branches. Rika held her cub in her mouth by the thick skin on her back and began to run. But right when she was about to reach a large hill, several large bamboo sticks came tumbling down up on her Lovela's mother, slowly killing her until she could no longer breathe. Lovela was already at the top of the hill when she looked back and saw her mother, dead and bleeding on the thick grass of the forest. "Mother!" she called. "Mother, are you alive? Speak to me!" she called, running down as fast as her short, stubby legs could go. When she reached her mother, she put her paw on Rika's breast. She felt no pulse."NOOOO!" cried Lovela, bursting into tears. Slowly, Lovela passed out beneath her mother's left paw. Long after she was asleep, two large tigers approached them. "What a lucky day", whispered on of them in the other's ear. "Let's leave the cub. I want the mother!" bellowed the male. Then, they carefully pulled the mother out of the small bamboo den and began to walk back. Soon, they were out of sight. When Lovela awoke, she remembered what had happened. She began to cry. "Why oh why do lumberjacks murder us? We are helpless when they come! Why couldn't it have been me? Why?" She thought to herself. Right after she whipped away her tears and dried her eyes, she heard two large animals approaching. She quickly turned around and saw two large tigers, one female and one male, walking her way. "Oh no! They must have been the ones who ate my mother!" she gasped, looking in front of her and noticing that her mother's dead carcass was not there. She began to run as fast as she could go. Soon, she felt very drowsy. She fell over in exhaustion. "Wh-wh-where am I?" She asked herself. Beginning to stand back up, she looked all around her. All she could see was lush, green, pure grass. No bamboo in sight. She looked ahead of her and saw a large dirt road that split left and right. Across the road was a large farm. There she saw bamboo. "I gotta cross it!" She gulped. And that's just what she did. When she reached the large farm, she let out a deep breath. "I made it!" She said with relief. Just then, she saw a young girl approaching her. "Dad! A panda! And it's...... um..... Rainbow?" She called. Just a few minutes later, the little girl's father came rushing to the small panda. She had several wounds on her face and legs. "My goodness!" Yelled the father. "It's rainbow!". Then, both the girl and the father ran inside the house and fixed the little rainbow panda. Within a few months, her wounds had healed. She was their pet. Their pet forever.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it. Certainly. I will take better care of her than anyone else would. <33

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Snowest wrote:
Pet's ID Tag: 47
Name You'd Choose for It: Silver moon
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: She's very pretty, and I really like her design. I'm looking for a cat character, and she looks perfect^^


silver moon is Curios, inquisitive and fun-loving. she's a free spirit, and does what she thinks is right. she does try to Obey the rules, but if she feels about something strong enough she'll do it, no matter what the punishment is. Silver moon investigates everything, and often gets into trouble due to this. She hasn't seemed to have heard the saying "Curiosity killed the cat" and goes about her daily life exploring the 'concrete jungle' in which she lives. Silver moon is fairly young; only just turning one this year, so she's around fifteen in cat years, ans this shows through her maturity. She often pouts in a corner if something doesn't go her way, and acts a little too mischievously to be considered grown-up


Silver moon was born in a comfy inner-city flat in London; Where she was pampered beyond compare. One day she was was exploring the nooks and cranny's of her home, when she sighted an open window. After thinking for a few seconds, she decided the call of adventure was too strong, and lept out the window. She fell a few feet down, but was unharmed, due to her uncanny resistance against injury. Silver moon then explored the grey; yet exiting, City, where she met a few strays. They were kind to her, and left a good impression on the young kit. After a few hours of walking, she decided she wanted to go home and sleep. When she arrived, the window was closed and barred, as where the doors. Silver moon was confused, and started scratching and meowing at the door. No-one answered, and the kitten sighed, and saw a un-groomed she cat staring at her. The cat asked her name, before telling her that her owners had been arrested for some two-leg law. Silver moon now lives on the streets, meeting new people every day. She decided that she didn't want an owner, and is happy with where she is now; With the freedom to do whatever she pleases.
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it. Of course^^

I'm sorry, but I can't give her to you as you didn't respect the donor's preferences.

FreyaAquarius wrote:Pet's ID Tag: #66
Name You'd Choose for It: Kifa
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: He is beautiful, a flaming wolf with beautiful markings, and would make a wonderful mate for my Nova Senovi.

Name: Kifa
Species: spirit wolf
Kifa was always a courageous and proud Spirit wolf cub when he was younger, and he kept these traits as he grew older, adding kindliness and loyalty. However, on the day his adopted mother died, Kifa finally realized that the world was not as kind and fair as he’d thought, and that to survive; you had to be meaner than the person next to you.
It took a long time for this to sink in, but it finally did, just as Kire fought him.
It seems to have gone again, now, though maybe Nova made it vanish…

His 'forbidden love' Nova Senovi
Kifa’s infatuation with Nova is kind of strange, given the fact that she is a wolf, and he a Spirit wolf, but it doesn’t seem to matter with Kifa.
Several of the she-wolves, such as Beris, fancied him, but none of them loved him like Nova. Even if they are different species, it’s a match made in heaven.

Kire, Alphess of his adopted pack.
Now, don’t take this the wrong way, it was not because she was the Alphess that he disliked her, it was the fact that she was a deranged, psychopathic, murdering, evil, scary- do you want me to go on? Oh yeah, wolf.
He had a very good reason if you ask me!

On earth, people used to believe that comets were an omen of bad things to come.
Certainly, on Sapia, when a Spirit wolf cub was born with a coat the colour of a comet trail, things began to go wrong.
First, Kifa’s parents died, and he had to be brought up by a wolf pack’s healer, a golden wolf named Carisa. Then little accidents, wolves falling into ponds, tree falling on dens. Etc.
While he was staying with Carisa, he met Nova Senovi or Sovay as she was sometimes called, a beautiful blue wolf, and although they were different species, instantly fell in love.

When the hunters came, Kifa was with the pack, having become an active part of it, but when they set fire to the forest, he went in search of Nova.
He searched for a long time, but Nova was gone, so he finally emerged from the forest, panting, and rejoined with the pack.

The first thing he noticed was the stricken faces of his pack members.

"What happened?" He asked, fearful of the answer, "Where's the Alpha, and Nova?"
It was the Alphess, Kire, who answered. "The Alpha, my Kiram, is dead, the humans killed him."
Kifa was horrified, but one thought stuck in his head. "Where's Nova Senovi?"
No-one replied.
Angry, he shrieked. "Where's Sovay!?"
Once again, Kire answered, "She's dead, Kifa, she's gone."
Kifa looked round at all the other wolves, hoping that it was all a big joke, but they all stared back, horror reflected in their faces.

All except one.

Carisa looked confusedly round at the other wolves. "Nova's no-"
Kire cut her off with a fearsome snarl, leaping at Carisa and raking her claws down Carisa's sides.
"Nova is DEAD! Understand? It was only a matter of time, she was a freak!"
Frail, gentle Carisa suddenly growled. "My daughter is not a freak!" She looked at Kifa. "The humans took her! Run and you can save her!"
Kire spat. "Save her, and they'll come back looking for more freaks, let her die. Why is it right she lives when Kiram is dead?! LEAVE HER, Kifa, or die."
The whole pack advanced, teeth bared.

Kifa took an uncertain step back. "Kire? Carisa?"
Kire snarled again. "Choose."
Holding his head up high, Kifa stepped forward. "I WILL save her."
"Then DIE!" Kire screamed, and the whole pack echoed her words as she leapt at Kifa.
Kifa shut his eyes, but instead of impact, there was a terrified shriek.
He cautiously opened his eyes.

Carisa was huge. She was three times her size and her green eyes blazed with anger as she threw Kire across the clearing. She'd intercepted Kire mid-leap and thrown her to the ground.
Kire leapt up, and Carisa became normal again, just as Kire sped towards her.
"Run, Kifa!" Carisa yelled as she met Kire head on, and the two she-wolves began to fight.
Kifa hesitated, but sped off.

Kifa stumbled forward across the rough terrain, breath catching in his throat. "NOVA!" He howled, "Where are you?" He spun round, still howling for Nova, but no reply came.
Behind him, faint but clear; he thought he heard the cry of an injured wolf, screaming his name.
"CARISA!" He shrieked, torn between his lost love and his adopted mother. "CARISA! NOVA! CARISA! MOTHER!"
"Kifa..." Came the reply, from very close behind him. "My sweet boy, you must run."
Kifa froze, not trusting his senses. "Mother- Carisa, how did you escape?"
"Turn around, Kifa dear." Said Carisa's voice, and Kifa turned and looked at her. "I didn't."
Carisa was standing there, her golden coat shimmering, but stained red below her throat, but she was slightly blurry, like a image on the other side of a dirty window.
Kifa gasped in shock and fell to his knees, "Kire, I-I'll KILL her!"
Carisa's ghost looked stern. "No, Kifa, don't sink to her level! You must run, Kire is coming- The pack is coming, and they are after you."
Slowly, Kifa regained his footing and stood up. "For you, Carisa. Stay with me."
Carisa's ghost smiled a little and faded a tiny bit. "I will always be with you."
Kifa shook his head. "NO! Mother, I cannot lose you again!"
Carisa just smiled as she faded away.

Kifa gave a sob, but then heard the unmistakable sound of Kire's voice coming from the way he'd just come, and he set off again.

Many hours later, when he was giving up all hope of ever finding Nova again, he saw a flash of turquoise, and heard Nova cry out "Zippurra?" He raced forwards, and found a hunter standing in the middle of a clearing, a sack over his shoulder and a seemingly dead silver wolf at his feet.
He stared at the hunter.
The hunter stared at him.
Kifa slowly drew his lips back over his teeth in a soundless snarl.
The hunter raised his gun and aimed.
Without thinking, Kifa leapt high, feeling the bullet rush beneath his back as he twisted upside down and landed again, then took off and launched himself straight for the man's throat.
The hunter was still gaping at Kifa's incredibly acrobatics when the flame coloured cannonball of death slammed into him; it was only the sword in the man's belt that saved him.
Kifa slammed into the hunter, and the sword slammed into him, flat side first, but still painful.

When he next looked up, the silver wolf had gone, and he recognized a Kiasni, a cross between a wolf and a panther, standing in front of the man, a feral snarl coming from it's mouth. The hunter had aimed at it, so Kifa leapt again, this time striking the target, though not quite before the man fired once at the Kiasni, once again a silver wolf, and once at him.
The silver wolf staggered a few steps away, then changed into a human girl with long silver hair, and nodded at him gratefully. He returned the gesture, then ran on, shrugging the bullet out of his shoulder as he did.
Kifa found a place to sleep in an old hollow tree, and gratefully curled up for the night.

He awoke to find a tall white wolf standing over him, and growled.
"Relax." The white wolf said. "I'm not going to hurt you."
Kifa relaxed for maybe half a second, before the white wolf looked over her shoulder and called. "Kire! I found him!" Kifa stared at her, it felt like he'd been betrayed, and he suddenly realized he knew her, he'd liked her at one point.
"Beris!" He said, his eyes full of pain, "I'm so sorry."
Beris frowned. “Sorry? What for-“
He leapt straight at Beris, flinging her up against a tree with a crunch, and fled, Kire following for a while, but then stopping.
Kire snarled at his retreating back. "Lieutenant Beris!" She howled. "Get me an army ready, stat."
Beris looked up at Kire, looking sad and lonely, like she was lost in a mist inside her body.
"Kire..." She said. "It's Kifa, not a enemy pack! You can't kill him!"
Kire snorted in disgust. "Kifa." She said the name with distaste. "He's an enemy of the pack, Beris, now WORK!"
Beris stood firm.
Kire smirked. "You like him."
Beris snarled. "What if I do?"
Kire's voice changed, sounding sweet and innocent, and slightly hurt. "He'll never love you, Beris. That traitor loves Nova Senovi, not you." She stepped towards Beris.
Once again, Beris snarled, but her hesitation was clear. "Kifa... Doesn't... Love me?"
Kire grinned, she sensed a victory. "No, you're nothing but a silly little girl to him, leave him, forget about him."
Beris gazed towards where Kifa had gone without speaking, so Kire continued.
"Take your revenge for years of rejection, Berri." She whispered, using Kifa's nickname for her. "Kill him."
Beris nodded viciously and went to gather troops.

Kifa ran and ran, his paws covering the ground as he headed away from the tree.
Occasionally, he glanced back towards the forest, to see if Kire was following him, but saw nothing, so he continued until he found a mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, several wolves leapt in front of him, including a silver wolf who acted like the leader. "Your purpose?" Said a black wolf. Kifa simply said. "I'm lost." And then stared at the silver wolf.
The silver wolf leapt in front of him. "Kifa." She said.
Kifa was startled. "How do yo-" His face suddenly cleared. "You're Zippurra!"
"You saved my life," The wolf smiled "And someone is looking for you."
Kifa grinned happily. "Nova!"
At the exact moment he said her name, Nova Senovi appeared with the Alphess.
"KIFA!" Nova cried.
"NOVA!" Yelled Kifa.
They rushed to each other and hugged.
The Alphess came down to stand beside Zippurra and smiled, everything was ok.

Then Kire and her army burst out of the trees.
With an enraged roar, Kire headed for the pack.
Nova gasped. "Kire?"
The Alphess, whose name was Liaoli, wasted no time at all. "Warriors, battle stations, yes, that means you, Shixi!"
Her mate, a black, blue and grey wolf bounded up. "Liaoli, they're approaching from both sides!"
Zippurra nodded to her sister's mate. "It's ok, I've got it. HUNTERS, to me!" She yelled, and changed into her wolf-cat form, terrifying the advancing troops.

Liaoli turned to her mate. "Nyte, take Sovay and Kifa round the side-"
Kifa cut her off, staring hungrily at Kire. "No. Kire's MINE!"
Nova tugged at Kifa's front leg. "No, Kifa, it's just Kire, it's our pack, you-"
"Kire killed Carisa, she's mine." Kifa said, flatly.
Nova looked thunderstruck, and they both headed at Kire.

Kire snapped her jaws together and sneered when she saw the two wolves heading for her. "Traitors! Human tainted traitors!" She yelled to the pack. "Beris, ATTACK."
Beris and her troops headed straight for Kifa, a look of hatred on Beris's pure white face.
Kifa snarled and tried to leap away, but both Nova and him were trapped in a circle of wolves."
Nova whispered to him. "Think Kiasni, like Zippurra, and human. Do it."
Kifa concentrated, and both the wolves shuddered and transformed.
With a roar, both of them swept the troops away, then they changed to human.
Kire's face was contorted with rage, so much did she hate humans, she leapt at them, thinking they were harmless.
The Kifa boy swung his arm and flung Kire away, then the Nova-girl chased her, flinging her to the ground.
Both changed back, then looked at the insane Alphess.
"Kire." Kifa said. "I should kill you, but I cannot."
Kire gave a strangled laugh. "There... is nothing you can't do, Kifa, you're obviously lying." She sneered
Kifa looked solemn. "I will spare you." he stepped away
Kire leapt to her feet and leapt onto Kifa’s back, so he twisted, and bit down hard.
Kire gasped. "You just murdered an Alphess.... You're a traitor, a crazed loner now."
Kifa looked sad. "You were always the crazed loner, Kirrecashia," He said slowly, using Kire's spirit name, "You killed your own sister, Carisa."
Kire laughed. "For the good of the- she was- Oh Carisa, what have I done?" She cried, then turned to Kifa and Nova. "You're a good couple, live well."
Nova nodded. "Thank you, Kire."
Kire sighed once more. "Kiram..." Then lay still.
And so Kire, the crazed wolf died.

Nova looked at Kifa, “We can change shape!” She grinned, then transformed into an unnaturally coloured Spirit wolf.
Kifa grinned back. “Nova… I can be with you forever, that is, if you want me?”
“Of course I do!” Nova exclaimed, then hugged Kifa hard.
“I’ll always want you…”

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

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Alphie, Fringe Fan wrote:Pet's ID Tag: #72
Name You'd Choose for It: Kiera (from Hermia)
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: Tropical design...reminds me of summer (not too far off for me) but I live in a cold part of the world, so I want to look at her and go 'Hooray! It's summer!'
"Kiera, it's for your own good. Please, will you go through with it?" the man, a scientist, Kiera knew, asked her. "And exactly WHY do you want to operate on me again? To turn me into one of your shapeshifters, with the hope that I'll be able to control them?" Here she tossed her blonde hair with red and orange and white streaks. "Yes, Kiera." he said meekly.
"David, I know you have high hopes for me, but why? I have no personal motivation!"
"Or do you?"
At these words, the fire slowly crept out of Kiera's eyes. "You took Aaron..." she whispered. "And you changed him."
"He's lost all of his memory, Kiera, even the memories of you."
"So are you saying that I'll develop amnesia, just as badly as Aaron?"
"Not a hundred percent guarantee, but there's a fifty percent chance you'll forget your mission."
"But me doing this is the only way to save Aaron?"
"Unless someone else can find him and bring him here. But, Kiera, we'd be giving you special...powers, to aid you."
This made Kiera think, as David knew it would. "What does he look like? I mean, right now, is he a human or a..."
"He has a human form, in which he's Aaron, and a wolf form, in which, well, nobody knows what he looks like. But he's going by Amnesia in both forms, that's all we know now."

"I'll do it."

That was my last memory of being human. The scientist was a man named David, and he had experimented on a set of kidnapped men, women, boys, girls and teenagers. My best friend Aaron, was among them. And now, David wanted me to get them back. He was a college graduate who'd once dated my older sister Sasha. Now he'd found me and wanted me to get the experimentees back so he could experiment some MORE on them. The only reason he'd asked me is because I was a natural leader, and I had a personal stake in this, too. I had to get Aaron back before it was too late.

David strapped me into a table and I didn't resist. He then prepared a syringe filled with a rapidly swirling fluid, in a color I couldn't name. Like a cross between purple and blue and silver. Weird. Then of course the injection, and pain as it seeped into my bloodstream.


Red-hot, like sparks when you poke a campfire with a long stick. And then came the cool blue, and then my life was trying to force its way out of my body. I tried to flip over but couldn't because of the bindings. And then I started to change from a human into something...else. I repeated my name over and over out loud, "Kiera Kiera Kiera!" over and over again.

I started to grow claws, nice and sharp right out from underneath my fingernails, which were shrinking along with my fingers. Then a tail right out of my back, above my hips. Then my ears became pointed, like a wolf's, and my nose elongated, like Pinocchio's did when he told a lie. My hair then spread all over my body, in all of its hibiscus colors, and became a little more coarse. Things were happening to me now, so fast you'd miss them if you blinked.

And suddenly I was a wolf, a white wolf with tropical accents. And I remembered my name. Kiera. Aaron-I mean Amnesia-waited for me outside of the laboratory. My bindings were released and I was free, free to go with Aaron forever.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

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Smoky wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 90
Name You'd Choose for It: Sky
Gender: female
Reason You Want It:
~she's epic
~she needs a home and I need chars
~I could write a good story about her and use her in my rps
History/Background/Other: Sky is a frisky, naughty girls with nearly zero interest in boys currently (unless they are cute and nice)

Sky was born to a family of guardian wolves. Guardian wolves watch over certain lands and fight to keep the balance. But Sky didn't fit in for some reasons...

will finish later!
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

I'm sorry, but I can't give a pet to an unfinished form.

Erille wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 99

Name You'd Choose for It: Eollia

Gender: Female

Reason You Want It: I think the bear is an unique character and it would be nice amaong all the wolf and cat characters. Also this character would be great in stories and RPs. Bears are an animal that you don't see every day on CS.

History/Background/Other: Some people say that Eollia was born in the light of the crescent Moon. She has the the powers of the Moon and can even control a little bit of lightning. She got this power at an early age. When her parents discovered this she ran away so they couldn't use her. She now travels aimlessly across the continents. But she's never lonely and will usually have a companion or servant of her owner, Erille, by her side.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

I'm sorry, but you'll have to add a little more to your form before I can give this pet to you. Plus, you need tanner's permission.

webkinzfan12 wrote:Pet's ID Tag:101
Name You'd Choose for It:Aiko(beauty child in Japanese)
Reason You Want It:Well, first of all, I love nekos/half anthros/ whatever you want to call them. I would like to draw her and get art of her plain yet beautiful design. Her design jumps out at me...And I need more human/neko/humanish characters.
History/Background/Other:Young Aiko was born in 1994 in the town of Herajuku, Japan. Her mother was American, her father Japanese. She was born with a strange gene that one in every other generation had...animal ears. She was born with cat ears, a common type. In Harajuku, she fit in well. With the cosplayers and dress ups on Sunday (XD). One day, her family decided to move to the mother’s home in America. Aiko was twelve then. They did move, but didn’t know Aiko would be mistreated. Aiko was home schooled, and learned to speak more English.
Personality: Aiko is slightly solitary and quiet, but wishes she could have friends. Sometimes she reacts like a cat; hissing, meowing, snarling. She can usually land on her feet and hates water. She has a favouring of sushi...but not Takoyaki (octopus battered in dough...). She does not yet like boys.
Other: The genes in her are stronger, so her children will have neko ears. Also, her favorite song is Caramelldansen(spelling) and she always dances to it XD
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

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Original Image

Pinewin Chan wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 165
Name You'd Choose for It: Mysteeri (Myst of short)
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: this character is very unique, she reminds me of a forest spirit from Japanese mythology, it would be very fun to RP as her, and drawing her will give me good practice on more exotic creatures, I hope to get her ^^
Species: type of K’i lin
home forest: forest of Alkorii
when Mysteeri was born, she was a regular deer, though admittedly large for her age and gender. it wasn't untill the following spring that her strangeness became apparent. as all the other male deer were growing their first antlers, so she was growing one out of the center of her forehead, rather like a unicorn. at first she panicked, what would the others think? a female deer who grew antlers? and not even a pair! only one! terrified of being outcast she quickly smeared mud over wear the bud grew and even though it admittedly looked very odd and she got some rater amusing looks, she still managed to keep it hidden well enough for a while, but since it kept growing just like any male's would she had to disappear for a while, it was hard to be by herself. constantly being chased by wolves and other predators. now about the time when all the males would be shedding their antlers, Mysteeri figured she would too, and it would be over with and probably wouldn't happen next season but, it never shed. she tried hard to make it fall off, rubbing insistently against trees and bashing it against anything there was. she couldn't ever get it to come off. fearing rejection and ridicule she ran far off away from her family, friends, and birthplace. Her horn never did shed, she will always have it, she discovered that k'i lin are often born normally with regular parents, but change over time, just as she has. as you can see by looking at her she does not look like an average deer. she has managed to make friends along the way. she has befriended a wolf-k'i lin named Alari and the share territories and spend a lot of time together. sometimes Mysteeri wishes that she could have been normal and stayed with her family, but she knows that she is destined for something else, who knows what that may be?

I will write more if i get her but right now my brain is dead for ideas *drooling brain dead face*
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for It.

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Ans the Artist wrote:
Pet's ID Tag: # 160


Name You'd Choose for It: Mezmira
Gender: Female
Reason You Want It: It made me think of a story I could make with her. She fits the plots perfectly, and I can squeeze her in greatly! So I am excited if I win her by chance.

The Smell of death flooded Mezmira's Nose, and it stung madly. She twitched it, and trudged on. Below her was the bare earth, musty and dry. Before, well, it was a stretch of land, with mountains crowding the edges. And smoke bellowed into the air, making it foggy. Death was every corner, not many make it passed here. She considered it as Death Ridge, were the mountains seem to hold onto the edge of the earth. She stepped one lazy, half dead step, and walked on. Her fur ruffled, and it started to mat as she trudged on. Her legs were covered in swirls that form together, then dissolved on her fur, and started again. Every single time they were different, and some even moved about. This area was empty, and Mezmira stuck out like a big toe. It was the start of her adventure.

"Psst! Mezmira! Wake up Mezmira!" a soft and tiny voice whispered. Mezmira sat up startled. "Crash! Its you! you scared the crap outta me!" She whispered, and glanced around. The she noticed the small animal named crash. He was a bug... but he was one that was very big. "what is it?" Mezmira asked. "Your- Your younger brother is missing!" Crash yelled. "Witch one? Was it Ash?!" She asked, starting to glance around.

I, Ans5599 understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Please don't forget to save the picture on your computer!

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Last edited by The Agency on Sun May 23, 2010 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby The Agency » Sun May 23, 2010 11:17 am

Erille, the rule is now up. We're sorry for any inconvenience, and so long as you delete the form you posted for the character you decided not to go for, your free to reuse it at a later date for either the same or a different character.


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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby Skylarr. » Sun May 23, 2010 11:17 am

Does this mean donations are open??
thanks fishie. c:
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby Princess Luna » Sun May 23, 2010 11:20 am

Minnie:) wrote:Does this mean donations are open??

No, not quite yet I'm afraid :/ We were aiming on opening them once we were down to under 50 donations, and we still have nearly 60.
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby Skylarr. » Sun May 23, 2010 11:20 am

Aww, okay.
thanks fishie. c:
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby Erille » Sun May 23, 2010 11:20 am

@ The Agency: I tried Pming Tanner but when I typed in her name, it said, "This user does not exist." or something like that. And I'll edit my form for # 99.

@Tae: I'll delete my form and use it later for # 39
Last edited by Erille on Sun May 23, 2010 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby Nawee » Sun May 23, 2010 11:26 am

For some reasons, the code went funny and wouldn't centered all the text =/

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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby Skylarr. » Sun May 23, 2010 11:29 am

Pet's ID Tag: 90
Name You'd Choose for It: Static
Gender: Male
Reason You Want It: Well.. I've seen him sitting up there and I have always wanted to try out for him, but haven't had the time. His design is simple and lovely.
Personality: Static is very athletic, but I guess you could say he is a little emo. He loved running and playing baseball and basketball is a hobby, but he hopes one day to become a pro on baseball and be in the majors. He does enjoy cutting himself though. No one knows why, but people guess its pressure on him from all the stuff he's caught himself up with.
Other: I would add a bracelet to him when he gets a mate and it would be one of those ones that you make yourself with the letter beads. And a bat/baseball necklace
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Haven't gotten permission yet :/

Last edited by Skylarr. on Mon May 24, 2010 6:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
thanks fishie. c:
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby Araviir » Sun May 23, 2010 12:35 pm

*gasp* yay! I got mysteeri ^^ *hugs and rides away into the sunset*
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Re: The Agency's Brand New Thread! Welcome!

Postby webkinzfan12 » Sun May 23, 2010 12:47 pm

The Agency wrote:
webkinzfan12 wrote:Pet's ID Tag:101
Name You'd Choose for It:Aiko(beauty child in Japanese)
Reason You Want It:Well, first of all, I love nekos/half anthros/ whatever you want to call them. I would like to draw her and get art of her plain yet beautiful design. Her design jumps out at me...And I need more human/neko/humanish characters.
History/Background/Other:Young Aiko was born in 1994 in the town of Herajuku, Japan. Her mother was American, her father Japanese. She was born with a strange gene that one in every other generation had...animal ears. She was born with cat ears, a common type. In Harajuku, she fit in well. With the cosplayers and dress ups on Sunday (XD). One day, her family decided to move to the mother’s home in America. Aiko was twelve then. They did move, but didn’t know Aiko would be mistreated. Aiko was home schooled, and learned to speak more English.
Personality: Aiko is slightly solitary and quiet, but wishes she could have friends. Sometimes she reacts like a cat; hissing, meowing, snarling. She can usually land on her feet and hates water. She has a favouring of sushi...but not Takoyaki (octopus battered in dough...). She does not yet like boys.
Other: The genes in her are stronger, so her children will have neko ears. Also, her favorite song is Caramelldansen(spelling) and she always dances to it XD
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

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Toph Beifong: Sounds to me like you're scared, Boulder!
The Boulder, Earth Bending Wrestler: The Boulder's over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-a-lanche!
Toph Beifong: Whenever you're ready- The Pebble!

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