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Technology Marumi!


Traits List: Ear & Tail Edits & Hair [Common] | Glow [Uncommon]

A purely self-indulgent Maru for me but I had a blast designing this lil guy. Self claiming.

BlueEyedKite @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:41 am

Ooooooh! I love :clap: congrats on your maru

Mrithfaera @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:46 am

BlueEyedKite wrote:Ooooooh! I love :clap: congrats on your maru

Aaah thank you so much! <3

jinkori @ Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:15 am


Spicy Entries 1 based on this drawing by twilispark
by smallspicy @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:35 pm [Reply]

first entry ! just a simple palette and small edits for my first design :3


C - small horns, ear edits
UC - plant growths

seal bay based on this drawing by iStarz & Everly
by iStarz & Everly @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 4:25 pm [Reply]

seal bay

Ee nAt

Off Oekaki Artist Entry based on this drawing by twilispark
by Kurai. @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:18 pm [Reply]

Artist entry number 1 KONPEITO SHARK


common: fur, tail, ears, hair, fangs
uncommon: halo, glow (the cheeks on the shark face markings glow), antennae

BlueEyedKite @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:20 pm

What a cute combo :clap: an absolute delight! ^^ good luck to you <3

Ucanthandleme @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:23 pm

Is this perhaps open for claims, it's gorgeous!

shadow~wolf @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:26 pm


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Marumi entry #1 based on this drawing by twilispark
by Loelya @ Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:57 pm [Reply]

hee hoo I rly like these critters

jaznoodle @ Wed Aug 21, 2024 4:03 pm

They're so cute!! I love <3

Loelya @ Wed Aug 21, 2024 4:44 pm

jaznoodle wrote:They're so cute!! I love <3

thank you so much ^o^

BlueEyedKite @ Thu Aug 22, 2024 12:26 am

These are designs I want to see. Look at those gorgeous orange hues :clap: and that tail edit! Fabulous!

9 replies not shown, show all

Thova's Entries based on this drawing by twilispark
by Thovatos @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:41 pm [Reply]

I decided to do some on and off the oekaki~ This is the mainpage~ Stay tuned.

The category is being fixed~ Please do not create drawings on this! Thank you!

marumi artist entry #4 based on this drawing by twilispark
by moonland @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:51 am [Reply]

Based on red snow (the phenomenon, not the movie lmao). There's something about when ice dragons have dark palettes, not sure what, but I love it

Claimed by L1V1D !

nr- eye edit, expression
c- ice powers (icicles and accessories), fur edit, ear and tail edit, small horns, extra scales
uc- multiple horns, small wings

marumi artist entry #4 based on this drawing by twilispark
by moonland @ Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:54 pm [Reply]

First try at a more complex design! I usually do a lot of simple palettes so decided to mix some things up.
Also wanted to experiment a little bit with gradients, to give this one a more shiny/iridescent look! The lighter blue markings are intended to glow.
Loosely inspired on a Japanese temple/praying bells.

nr- eye edit, tongue edit, accessories
c- ears/tail edit, fur edit, water powers (clouds)
uc- small wings, glow (light blue markings)

Vanrouge @ Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:55 pm

They are so beautiful?? Would they happen to be open to claims? o:

moonland @ Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:56 pm

Ty! :D
Feel free to claim!

twilispark @ Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:59 am

if that claim falls thru . grabby hands omg omg

(or alternatively . would you be open for ... a custom maru trade?)

9 replies not shown, show all

marumi artist entry #3 based on this drawing by twilispark
by moonland @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:27 am [Reply]

More line edits! :-D

I went back in and changed a few things since I thought it was a looking a bit flat. Feels way fresher now (:

nr- eye edit
c- small horns, fur edit, fangs
rare- extra ears, extra tail

Aldersnap @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:30 am

Oo so cute! 🧡

moonland @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:32 am

ty!! <3

bugzybunni @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:32 am

    oh what a stinkin cutie

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aktego entry 2 based on this drawing by Archaeopteryx.
by I Like Bees @ Fri Sep 06, 2024 1:58 pm [Reply]

    Username; I Like Bees
    Blurb; obligatory bee creature

    Eye Color; my rage filled eyes as someone be(e)gins reading the bee movie script
    Phenotype; Black dun smoke red panda okapi radioactive frog wasp longhaired orbtail
    Genotype; ll Cucu ShSh HrHr tott Bbl Dd DnDn csca okpokp ww BrBr Frfr leoleo owlowl radrad rdprdp stst wpwp

    Previous entries; 1

aktego entry 1 based on this drawing by Archaeopteryx.
by I Like Bees @ Fri Sep 06, 2024 1:57 pm [Reply]

    Username; I Like Bees
    Blurb; hi arc. you know what's really awesome and cool. making a closed species/community using your own creative energy and talent instead of copying 80% of your content from someone else. thank you for doing that :)
    also these lines and genetics are really cool and much less intimidating when actually using them DFJH the timer is a lie

    Eye Color; Fire(d all my friends from offering color suggestions anymore)
    Phenotype; Dusk sooty mackerel brindle cat-tracked piebald radioactive owl frog wasp shorthaired frilled thintail
    Genotype; Ll Cucu ShSh HrHr tttt bbl dd dndn Ccs OkpOkp wsw brmbrt Frfr leoleo Owlowl radrad RdpRdp Ststc wpwp +temp dilute +cat tracks +frills

    Previous entries; n/a

Entry two for Gemcats.

Entry one for Gemcats.

GemcatEntries based on this drawing by WinterWolf12
by FeatherDaCannible @ Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:22 am [Reply]

Kiittyy! I freaking love the design and thought put into these guys, their so cute <3

Marumi artist entries based on this drawing by twilispark
by snowdrake @ Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:38 pm [Reply]

    will be listing all my entries below, as they will be off oekaki aaah </3

    feel free to leave comments or ask about claims if nothing is listed directly on the maru design! all entries will be linked on this first post :D

snowdrake @ Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:39 pm

not for claims, sorry! will likely be raffled off if that is a thing that's allowed :0

    [common] fur, extra scales, tail, ears, spines, fangs (?), claws (?), pupil (?)
    [uncommon] fins (I think they count as fins? the thingues below the wings)
    [rare] large wings + 1 set of small wings

Username + ID: LavenderRain + 829208
Previous Entries: First Entry + Second Entry

Coat Description: Blue tortie shorthair with high white and heterochromia pink and purple eyes (aka blue-cream tortie/dilute tortie/dilute calico)
[NR] Short-furred base - Accessories (flowers) - Eyelash edit
[C] Heterochromia
[UC] Shorter tail edit - Muzzle edit - Unnatural eye color edit - Short ear edit


ArithMedic @ Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:05 am

They look so soft!! I love how you did the short ears and short tail as well :3

houndspack @ Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:00 am

LavenderRain wrote:Username + ID: LavenderRain + 829208
Previous Entries: First Entry + Second Entry

Coat Description: Blue tortie shorthair with high white and heterochromia pink and purple eyes (aka blue-cream tortie/dilute tortie/dilute calico)
[NR] Short-furred base - Accessories (flowers) - Eyelash edit
[C] Heterochromia
[UC] Shorter tail edit - Muzzle edit - Unnatural eye color edit - Short ear edit

Open for claim! Not available to be claimed until MYO and Shop to buy myo tickets open up!

may I preclaim? I'd love to have her at somepoint :)

LavenderRain @ Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:45 pm

houndspack wrote:may I preclaim? I'd love to have her at somepoint :)

Absolutely! I'll mark her as on hold in the meantime! ^^

more maru entries! but this time ,offsite c;


pls ignore the size difference i put them on the same canvas but i didnt adjust the size 😭

traits for left - sad maru :c

[c] fangs
traits for right - SANDWICH
[c] small SWISS CHEESE horns
[uc] small TOMATO wings, plant growth (lettuce tail/mane)

uh and thats it i think . i will make more soon c:<

Artist Entry 1 based on this drawing by twilispark
by RainbyDerp @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:43 pm [Reply]

It's supposed to look like an aurora borealis.

Made on mobile device.
May edit later

artist entry #3 based on this drawing by bugzybunni
by bugzybunni @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:56 pm [Reply]

    surpisingly, i did the flower doodle on my ipad lmao.

    uhhh this maru took an incredibly long time. like. 6+ hours. i went back and forth on adding the crystal, and i originally did a whole different color pal and pattern. this maru went through a bunch of changes, but im super happy with how they turned out.

traits list
[c] fur edits, ear edits, tail edits, hair edits
[uc] large horns, plant growth
[r] elongated body, hooves, crystal growth

claimed by Melon123


Melon123 @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:39 pm

I’ll definitely yoink this dude up if you don’t!
Its looks amazing!

bugzybunni @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:45 pm

Melon123 wrote:I’ll definitely yoink this dude up if you don’t!
Its looks amazing!

    thank you! ill let you know if i decide not to!

bugzybunni @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:00 pm

Melon123 wrote:I’ll definitely yoink this dude up if you don’t!
Its looks amazing!

    you can take em if you'd like!

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runaways artist entry 3! based on this drawing by ArithMedic
by riverotter @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:59 pm [Reply]

i changed the background again. it's pink now! i love pink
wanted to try a simple design cuz i never make them idk why. i don't even think ive ever drawn a self before?? huh???
Username + ID: riverotter 1048644
Previous Entries: 1 2

Coat Description: blue-based caramel self with medium topaz white
Edits: [nr] Expression
[c] Minimal Fur

ArithMedic @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 1:44 pm

dreamscape vibes :0 i love their little head tuft!!

i tried messing with the background a bit & adding a blur around the lines for funzies :P
Username + ID: riverotter 1048644
Previous Entries: 1

Coat Description: black silver ticked tortie [spotted breakthrough] with low white
Edits: [nr] Eyelash Edit, Expression
[c] Colored Sclera, Pointed Ears, Minimal Fur

no preclaims this time i'm keeping this friend!

nimmy @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:24 pm

this babe is a cutie as well!

ArithMedic @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:34 pm

They look so cool!!!

Username + ID: houndspack 1105345
Previous Entries: x x

Coat Description: Diluted classic tabby with no white
nr: long fur base, blind in one eye, visible fangs
c: ear tufts

where do visible claws go on the list lol

ArithMedic @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:34 pm

visible claws have been added as an edit, thank you for catching that!!

They're so skrunkly <3

marumi artist entry #2 based on this drawing by twilispark
by moonland @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:59 am [Reply]

Not too happy with this one, but wanted to try a few different line edits =v=

nr- eye edit
c- short horns, fur edit, extra scales (skin is a scaly texture)
uc- dragon claws

LotusSilver @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:59 am

is this up for claims? its so pretty!

moonland @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 2:00 am

Feel free to claim! Ty <3

tawnycatz @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 2:02 am

ooh, nice, nice

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what a guy

Username + ID: houndspack 1105345
Previous Entries: x

Coat Description: tortoiseshell with gloved white
Edits: none this time, just a little guy

ArithMedic @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:33 pm

lil cutie!!

Artist Search #6 based on this drawing by Mythz
by espen. @ Mon Sep 02, 2024 10:05 am [Reply]

Coat Description: chocolate-red tortie(?) with med white and blue eyes
nr - expression, accessories
c - whiskers, teeth, eye shape, eyelashes, sclera color, ear tufts, min fur
uc - muzzle edit
Previous Entries: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat telemachus cat

he has an owl design on his torso, a sword on his back left leg, and a smiley face on his back right leg :) and an owl on his cloth clip thing for his toga/robes

espen. @ Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:48 am

greetings stars admins (hi bees c:) i would like to claim this artist search entry and use my UC MYO to make telemachus cat real c:

I Like Bees @ Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:19 pm


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