Hiatus Notice:
Lambicorns is going on an INDEFINITE HIATUS (meaning we aren't sure when it's going to become active again, but hopefully not too far from now). The reason? Us admins are simply too busy to keep up with things, and we aren't in a spot where we can appoint anyone as a fourth admin as we don't have time to supervise them.
So, what does that mean for adopts, artists, and the like?
Adopts & important artist notes
- Artists are still allowed to make adopts, for free/sale, but it is purely on a voluntary basis as they will not be paid monthly anymore during this time (due to personal inactivity).
- Artists can still make Customs like usual, but on a commission basis only, and get UNIque approval by me in the staff-approval channel on the Discord.
- Staff-Board channel will still be used to do Off-Oekaki Custom commissions.
- The shop is closed during the hiatus. MYO token purchases will not be available.
- The nursery is closed during the hiatus. You can’t make growths or dreamfusions.
- We are not accepting any guest artists during this time.
Anything marked with “(Hiatus)” is closed temporarily until Kittiehh says otherwise. Please do not post on Lambicorn threads in CS if it has this status on it.
Welcome to the Lambicorns Artist Search!
Interested in becoming a guest artist, full artist, or a lambicorns staff member?
Or just want to make some lambie designs? Great! Just a few guidelines to follow, read on!
Do not remove the signature or FAKE tag.
Must make at least 2 or more Lambicorns for any level of consideration.
You may make as many entries as you like!
Must include the form below with each entry you make!
No covers; entries must be individually completed.
Entries may ONLY be on-oekaki, no off-oekaki entries are accepted.
Lambies are highly creative & open-ended, but are meant to be fun and lovable adopts, too.
Keep in mind the spirit of our adopts in your designs!
Entries may be claimed (as long as they are legal & approved by an artist) as an MYO with appropriate token. If you make an entry and don't want someone trying to claim it, make sure to note accordingly! If you are making an MYO using a token, please create them under Customs/MYOs.
Entries are not an adoptable, you have to be accepted as an artist to make or sell a Lambicorn adopt.
Making 2 or more entries does NOT guarantee you a GA or Artist spot.
We are looking for specific sorts of people to join our team, and it's not always about "artistic ability." We also take into consideration our interactions with applicants and their personality within the community!
Do not badger or guilt the staff if it seems like you've been "skipped." This won't help your chances! We do not always consider entries in order, and to reiterate the above, two entries does NOT guarantee you this or that! If we feel you're a good GA or staff hire when we need to fill a spot, we will approach you!
You may make entries here without intending to join the team! (We agree, making lambies is simply just FUN!)
If you are NOT interested in an guest or full artist position, please note it on your entry as **Not interested in a position!** or something similar so we will know! Include a form as well, but put N/A for anything non-applicable.
Make sure to read through our species info.
We are a little different than most species as far as traits & restrictions go!
Feel free to PM kittiehh or ketsup if you have any questions!
Make sure to review the Species Info so you can properly label your entries!
- Code: Select all
[b]Traits/Edit List:[/b]
[b]How often are you active?:[/b]
[b]Can you meet the 2-a-month minimum?:[/b]
[b]Have you had previous experience with designing adopts?:[/b]
[b]What do you think of Lambicorns? (feedback is appreciated!):[/b]
[b]What is your favorite thing about the species?:[/b]
[b]Are you able to help out with events in the future?:[/b]