Embark on an EXCITING, DANGEROUS, and REWARDING Quest through the MYSTERIOUS lands of Chicken Smoothie!
Quest Committee Elections
Fill out the ballot below & vote for your favorite candidate!
- Code: Select all
Candidate #:
Post: (Mascot/Treasurer)
Nominate a pet from any group: accounts/viewgroup.php?userid=857203
- Code: Select all
Pet's Name:
Pet ID:
Pet's Group:
Please nominate: accounts/viewgroup.php?userid=857203!
Candidate #1:
"hee hee! vote for me & i wont play tricks on you!"
Pet's name: Plate
Candidate #2:
"Honestly though, stop laughing at my name..."
Pet's name: Gigglesnort
Candidate #3:
"I'm a skunk. What more could you want!?
Pet's name: Skink