LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby demonthief. » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:21 pm


    Name: Aofie
    Pronounced : EE-fya
    Nickname: Very rarely will she respond to nicknames, Miss/Ma'am/ General suffice in her book.
    Meaning: Means "beauty" from the Gaelic word aoibh.
    Age: 600
    Gender: Female
    Rank: Oasis General
    Oasis General - Trains and commands the knights and guards under the watchful
    eye and expertise of the council.

    Allegiance: Strongly to the Oasis
    Element: Tar -

    A lion with the gift of Tar can: create traps of the black ooze to subdue and trap enemies.
    Often used to blind by throwing into the eyes of an opponent or to cripple limbs
    from usage in battle.
    Taken from the LOC information site.


        + DETAILS:
    Build, Looks + Mannerisms: Nothing is known about how Aofie looked like as a young cub, the fiery lioness appearing out of nowhere. Some have whispered behind paws that she would have been a grumpy ball of fluff but are quickly hushed with her hard stare. The lioness is large, 13 ft with her tall, spiralling horns only added to her tall figure. And intimidation factor. Her eyes are a glassy white, with four, sharp but small horns on the bridge of her nose. Tall, tracker ears poke out of her very fluffy coat, the areas around her cheeks, neck and rump being the most fluffy.
    Due to this fluffiness, the bottom of her paws are incredibly fluffy which made it very hard for her to walk on smooth surfaces. This fluff is very thick and dense, can be compared to an earth ragdoll cat. While it is soft, it sheds often so most evenings are spent grooming to decrease the embarrassing level of strands of loose hair left in her wake after a training session. Aofie walks with strong but prowling steps, that demands respect as her head is held high. To describe her running, one tends to envision a rhino charging across a flat plain, a heavy, solid body with strong legs pounding against the earth to propel herself forward. Tends to tap her front paw when she is impatient, but is especially prevalent when she thinks/knows that someone is lying to her.
    Voice: It is low but modulated, controlled with a pleasant tone. When angered however it does become husky, coming deep from her throat and has a tendency to use large words that are often misused in her fury. It is truly a sight to see her smile, especially to laugh which occurs in rare but clear, short bursts. Aofie is embarrassed by this, so tries not to do it often as it messes with her 'tough' persona.
    Scent: a sickly sweet scent that can change to become rather sour when the General is in a bad mood.

    by demonthief.


      Mother: unknown [it is unclear if she ever had a mother]
      Father: unknown [it is unclear if she ever had a father]
    Partner: None.
    Past Love(s): None.
    Children: None.


        + PERSONALITY:

      Authoritative, Strict, Blunt + Intimidating
    This lioness is rather large, usually taller than most males and with milky white eyes staring down a horned nose usually can't be described as anything other than intimating. Her lack of social prowess doesn't give her the label of being easy to talk too, her answers usually short and blunt. But those who know her know that in such 'honest' moments, Aofie doesn't say those things to hurt others or intend harm in anyway , she just says what she believes needs to be said and what is true. She teaches her students with a firm and domineering hand. And while she isn't as warm as a summer's day, Aofie can be trusted to tell accurate/ true information to anyone who asks. Strict with her students, she's honest about what she expects, nothing but their 100 percent participation and dedication to their training and rank and in turn, they will receive her full support.

      Focused, Controlled, Violent + Lethal
    Aofie never grew up with a the soft touch of a mother or the reassuring presence of a father figure in her life, she just simply, appeared in a world fuelled by turmoil and with an strong hunger for what the lioness can only describe as rage. She exhibits a fierce tenacity in which failure is never an option, especially when it comes to defending her home or fellow lions. While the blood moon fuels a certain rage in her blood, Aofie prides herself that she is able to focus this energy to never lose control of herself, and her purpose. On the battlefield, the General doesn't fight to toy with opponents or to place oneself in dangerous situations that could be avoided, Aofie fights to kill. Deaths from the Blood Moon lion are usually swift and deadly but in times of somewhat misjudged sense of 'revenge' for attacking her students on the battlefield, her method tends to change to be a little more violent. This demeanour is reserved only for the battlefield, if one had never seen her fighting such actions would seems incredible uncharacteristic.

    The lioness spent a large portion of her life on her own, surviving in a world that she had been was thrust in. She made plenty of mistakes, evident by the scars on her body and even now being in an environment where she is protected, Aofie still believes of the importance of being about to survive without the use of outside means, meaning to rely on your own ability and no one else's. Learning how to hunt, fight and survive. This is one of the things she is adamant that needs to be taught to her students, especially when they are sent out of the protection of the Oasis. Is always preparing herself for the event of the Oasis cracking, especially in these times of unrest.

      Serious, Abrasive + Mature
    She is very serious and stoic when engaged in work but to be completely honest, she isn't any different outside of work. Harmless pranks, jokes and even the most elaborate or cunning of puns are lost on her, Aofie's brain is just simply not wired in that way. A mature lady who is comfortable enough to chat about any topic in her usually deadpan voice, there isn't much that can embarrass her conversational topic wise. However, the way she speaks at times, especially to her students can be very abrasive, at times unexpected, especially when she catches her students mucking around or making a mistake that would cost their life or those of others. In her mind, that isn't a joking manner and needs to be stopped before such reckless actions turn into a habit.

      Protective, Workaholic + Invested
    She arrived in the Oasis with no memory and no purpose, so she takes her role as a General very seriously, her intense dedication to her job makes her consider herself a soldier first and lioness second. Works as hard as possible to ensure that her warriors are strong enough to protect the Oasis but most importantly, themselves. While her brash nature may not seem like it but she truly is invested in the wellbeing. On the battlefield, her white eyes can't help look for her past and recent students, indirectly helping anyway she can. This all stems from the fact that she lacked any stable figure at the beginning of her life. When she was given her general rank she believes that the role also gives a lion the opportunity to guides souls that were as lost as she was. Reliable as any good solider to get done what is asked of her. She has a strict sense of duty and professionalism.

      Relationship anxiety, Scared + Questioning
    The lionesses 'tough' persona stems from many things but the root of it her deep rooted anxiety towards creating deep relationships with others. Aofie constantly doubts that her presence is truly welcome, especially knowing the thick stigma associated with Blood Moon lions. After relying so long on only herself, she is truly scared of how attached she can become towards certain lions, scared of the affections friendship can bring to a lioness who has never felt such things before. Aofie has a hard time understanding her own emotions and so, often locks them away, scared to show how she truly feels. Also believes that a General doesn't need to have friends, that her work is too important, training the guards and warriors of tomorrow to worry about personal relations. Due to the rare nature of her 'birth', she is constantly trying to find out more about her 'kind'. How they cope with the stigma paired with being a Blood Moon lion, do they feel the rage and if there are even more than just her?



      + HISTORY:

    The earth was hard under her paws, Aofie remembered nothing before the bright flash of blinding light and the smoke that curled around her as she slowly brought herself to her feet. There was no-one around, Aofie was alone, other than the pulsating red moon above her. Her vision was blurred, a loud ringing in her ears and a sharp copper taste in her mouth. All she felt was rage, fire running through her veins and with an anguished roar, the ground below her bubbled and darkened as a thick tar poured from the sole of her paws. As her vision and mind cleared, Aofie looked around her. Tar had flooded the plain she was standing in, the thick liquid bubbling and threating to grip and drag down anything that dared to step too close. She had no idea what to think, what to do, but felt like she needed to move, so that is what she did, and travelled to wherever her paws took her.

    The first year of life was difficult, trying to understand how to survive in this hostile land and to try to control a power that was as volatile as her personality. The lioness worked hard to control her emotions which in turn gave her control over her element that became stronger every day the light shifted in the sky.

    The lioness made her best effort to make unknown lands her home, the lioness finding an abandoned Auracoatl den craved deep into the side of a crumbling ravine. The lioness actively avoided other lions, not understanding that they were even of the same species as she was as the ones she encountered lacked the twirling horns, fluff and ears that she had. Many of those lions were also very hostile, violence strongly bonded to their souls. This also stems from experience of encountering other species, the bulky Caffer's with their thick hides and the quick species like the Taxon and Amani that could be dangerous in their own ways. In her short time on Lochern, her hide was littered with scars, wounds and bruises as she stumbled her way through life, learning by doing.

    She was still unnamed, the lioness had no creativity to create a name of her own nor any reason to introduce herself to anyone. One day she was stalking through the ravines, long body low to the ground as she hunted for Amani. Whispering floated up from below her and the lioness paused, tracker ears able to clearly make out the hushed whispering. Peering over the edge, there was a lion couple curled up together, the female obviously heavily pregnant. The pair chatted about potential cub names, the female seemed to have a long list of names while the male chuckled at a few of them before insisting on the same name that he obviously was determined to name one of the cubs. A rare smile formed on the Blood Moon lioness' face, chin resting over the edge as listened for what seems like hours to the couple trading names for their unborn. Then the female suggested a name to her mate, Aofie. The blood moon lioness' eyes widened and she sat up, saying the name over and over again while the couple laughed below her. So after 350 years alive, Aofie finally had a name.

    Living on her own was hard, Aofie's once solid, bulky body had become thin; thick, soft fur had become thin and oily and the lioness found herself having trouble waking up each morning. While her element helped her trap her prey more easily than most, making the killing blow was becoming harder and harder as she started to lack the energy.

    After a horrible tussle with a strange lion, fighting her for the prey she had caught, Aofie was badly injured as the lion had torn up her back only adding to the poison he had injected into her veins. In a blurred haze, she stumbled over the hard ground before collapsing, her white eyes looking up at the Blood Moon that had given her life one last time before her vision went black.

    Suddenly she woke up to have a face peering down at her, Aofie growled and tried to jump to her feet but howled in pain instead. The healer, after a few long minutes of explaining and soothing told Aofie that she was recused by a Wanderer of the Oasis, that she was safe. That word was so foreign to Aofie. Safe. She had spent so much of her life fighting and struggling to survive that she had never before felt 'safe'. It was a hard adjustment period as Aofie learnt how to interact with other lions, learn the history of the world that she had inhabited for 380 years without any knowledge, learning about all her home had to offer. Everything was going well until she was training with a guard, the rank she had been sorted into due to her strength and dedication to her new home, and she used her element, thick tar travelling up the fellow guards body to freeze him in place. Spectators gasped and what was once cheering quickly shifted to hushed whispering, the same words over and over. "Blood Moon lion"

    Aofie studied what she could about the Blood Moon lions, while the Oasis had a good library of knowledge through the ancient lions that lived within the Oasis walls, there was only so much she could learn. Blood lions had special, rare elements. Blood, Tar, Lava & Reflection, elements that only highlighted the lion's origin. She worked hard to ignore such a stigma, that the lioness was just a curse, bringing more danger and uncertainty. Controlling the rage that she felt, saving such things for the battlefield, where it was needed and worked on being a great guard. Her efforts were recognised by the council members and the lioness became a General, one of the proudest moments of her life.
    Aofie had made her name as the tough, no nonsense general and worked hard to teach her students in a strict, professional manner. It is a difficult job but the lioness loved every moment of it and took it as an opportunity to be a guiding hand to young guards and knights but would deny that she had any special 'nurturing' feelings towards her students. In her mind, she had colleagues and students, the only relations she allows herself to have (or are comfortable having).

    When the Pride entered the Oasis, Aofie was interested in this new group of lions but was weary of the threat they posed to her home. Most of their warriors seemed polite, in awe of the new surroundings but there was tenseness in the air that was a change to the usual Oasis peacefulness. But among them there was a lion, red as the moon that gave Aofie life and with a rare element just like hers, the element of reflection. She had never met another Blood Moon lion and was eager to learn all she could from him, as soon as she was confident that her home was safe.




      + TRIVIA:
    - Has developed that habit of talking to the moon before she falls asleep, as she feels as if she was born from the moon and has a special connection to it.
    - The horns on her nose make for amazing scratches.
    - Hasn't met many Blood Moon lions, but feels like she has a connection with them.
    - When she was first taken in by the Oasis healers, they thought she was blind due to her milky white eyes. But she can see perfectly well.
    - Is rather fond of music, especially with her excellent hearing but doesn't have the vocal cords for singing however.
    - Often blunts the horns on her nose but they have a surprising growth rate, so in 2 days they are back to their peak sharpness.
Last edited by demonthief. on Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:46 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Dead account 01 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:22 pm

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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby CCrow » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:32 pm


Basic Information wrote:Username - CCrow
Name - Araru "without mercy"
Gender - Male
Element(s) - life & air
Age - 500 Years
Rank - Oasis Knight
Build and Demeanor wrote:
15ft tall and strong built. His mane, horns, and sheer fluff can make his size even more intimidating. Araru has a build meant to take a good beating- and to deal one of its own. He's not the fastest, but his charges and strikes are powered by the sheer amount of force he can supply. His long, soft fur keeps him well-heated or cooled depending on the temperature. Despite its ability to insulate his body heat, when soaked, the weight and texture of his fur can become very bothersome to him. Araru's horns sometimes bother him as well, for he has to pay them extra attention so they don't get caught between anything. At least he has strong neck muscles from carrying around the weight of his mane and horns all day.

Despite his powerful build, Araru outward behavior does not exude power like one might expect. Instead, he prefers to keep a friendly, gentle way of presenting himself. He can at times come off as ashy, especially when he was a cub. And he is shy at times, but he can handle polite talk and he has his moments where he appears outgoing to individuals. He will never speak loudly or act out in front of large groups though. Even with friends, he prefers to keep his movements small and unexaggerated. When angered, he will not lash out or yell, but he will try to reason with whoever he is arguing before walking away from the fight and then later pretending nothing happened.
Allegiance wrote:
Araru is loyal to the Oasis all the way to his core. He puts the safety of his pride-members before himself. The only ones who take priority above the rest of the Oasis are his close friends and family. Although tempted to stray from the Oasis, he would never follow through with the idea
Personality wrote:Self-Conscious
feeling undue awareness of oneself, one's appearance, or one's actions.
Being an only cub, abandoned by both parents and by other lions his age, Araru grew to be very self-conscience. He began to fear that something about who he was or how he acted was driving others away. This causes him to begin to dread interactions with others and he becomes more reserved in expressing himself around others. His self-consciousness is a disorder that cannot be helped, and it brings him great anxiety and stress.

having a kind and sympathetic nature.
Araru is one of the kindest lions one can meet. It's a wonder he's a knight- his personality just doesn't strike one as capable of killing. He will go out of his way to help others, even if he'll be embarrassed afterwards. There's a little bit of empathy in his heart for everyone, no matter their age, rank, allegiance, etc.

inhibiting or restraining the freedom of a person, inhibiting or preventing the awareness of certain thoughts or feelings.
He doesn't like telling others his feelings, or even letting them see what is on his mind unless the thoughts or feelings are positive. While he doesn't mind others telling him about their troubles, he himself doesn't want to put his burden on others. The more negative part of his mind often worries that others will think he whines too much if he tells them about what is bothering him. He does not think so with those he is close to, but again, he does not wish to worry his friends or family. It was because of his repressiveness that he does not tell others about the encounter with the undead lion that left him traumatized.

free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.
The large lion enjoys to be on his own. He's grown used to his solitude that too many lions trying to talk with him makes him agitated, let alone trying to work with him. Araru would also rather not have to worry about anyone else while fighting, as he feels he is warrior that is fully capable of protecting himself. Although he is not the most calculative of lions, he has good common sense and he doesn't miss much. He is well suited to deal with situations on his own, just don't give him any leadership roles.

a person who is unpractical or idealistic.
Much to the amusement of the lions in his life, Araru is a dreamer and a romantic. He spends hours a day daydreaming about random plots and storylines, mainly starring him. He entertains himself with tragedy and fantasies of war and love. Despite him liking the idea of battling, he doesn't really like bloodshed. He doesn't want lions to die or get hurt, but he can only imagine such a world. He knows that many of his ideas are silly, but he can't help it. His biggest dream, though, is to leave the Oasis. This dream has faded over the years, especially when he decided to become a knight. He's resigned to his life in the Oasis protecting his friends, but sometimes, just sometimes, he lets his mind wander.

suffering patiently.
Although Araru struggles with his emotions and his thoughts, he is ever enduring. Whatever the motivation may be, or lack of, he is sure to press forward. He does not give up easily and will fight to his last whim if he must. He always has hope for the future.

ready and willing to forgive, easy or safe to deal with.
He's a bit of a softie on the aspect of forgiveness. He feels guilty holding grudges, so after an apology or two he'll usually overlook any qualms. Sometimes, he'll forgive another without them apologizing no matter who is more at fault. Perhaps his naivety comes into play in how forgiving he is, for he always seeks a reason to justify others' actions.

easily damaged, injured, or distressed by slight changes. having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others' feelings. easily offended or upset.
Araru doesn't always show it, rarely in fact, but he takes almost everything to heart. His feelings are hurt relatively easily, even if he won't admit it to himself. He also responds well to praise and other behavior. The gentle-souled lion is also sensitive in the sense that he is extremely aware of others feelings and reacts well to them.

careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
The strong male isn't the type to take risks. In fact, he'd much rather stay in the comfort of his home. Despite wanting to venture out of the Oasis, he likes the feeling of security that he feels in his home and with the lions he has grown up with. Araru would rather not engage in a fight or any potential danger unless he absolutely has to. Even then, he will attempt to search thoroughly for risks or even better, a way out of the situation.

showing or tending to have a belief in a person's honesty or sincerity; not suspicious.
Araru is a bit naive. He is very trusting towards other lions and he typically doesn't find any reason to not trust a lion until they wrong him. After a lion wrongs him, there is still a chance he'll forgive them and allow them to repeat their betrayal. He wants to trust others. He'll sooner trust a leader's or and elder's opinion over his own as well, which can lead to him committing actions that he otherwise would not.

lacking courage.
The big, monstrous warrior has a rather faint heart for his size and rank. Before battle, he'll often get wobbly kneed and he'll become very anxious. It is only with his knight training that he is able to get a hold of his mind and actions and act "brave." Adding onto his cowardliness, Araru does not like confrontation. He would rather not say anything and act like nothing happened rather than talk out a problem. If he is confronted, he will admit to anything he did wrong, but he will not take another's blame.

not having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.
Araru is terrible at making quick decisions. His indecisive is his fatal flaw. He would rather let another make a decision, but he will not blindly follow an order.

extremely and uncritically fond of someone; adoring.
Large, fluffy, and full of love. Araru loves to dote on his friends and family and he'll do absolutely anything for them. At times his affections can be taken the wrong way if one is not aware of his tendency to show his love or fondness for his friends.

giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
The last lions Araru will betray are his friends, family, or the lions of the Oasis. He is extremely supportive of those he has accepted into his life and of the place he calls his home. Sometimes he becomes fed up with one or the other, but he would never intentionally do something to bring harm their way.

free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.morally correct or virtuous.
He will never tell a lie unless it involves his feelings. To him, honesty is everything, even if it hurts another, though he still refuses to let others worry about him. He doesn't see other's not knowing of his negative feelings as hurting them. At times, he can appear blunt, but he doesn't mind the reactions he gets as long as feels no long-term negative affect will occur.

careful and thorough. Having reached an advanced stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult. Or maybe not...
Araru is mature most of the time, but he has his moments of acting like a cub. While alone or with strangers, he is very serious and kept, preferring to portray himself as he feels a full-grown lion should. When he is with friends is another story. He can seem very goofy when he is with friends and he doesn't mind his words as much. The dumbest things he'll say and do happen when he's with those he loves.

Imageart by Morti
History wrote:The world has little mercy. Many are beaten down by its cruel nature, and cast aside by the others that inhabit it. There is not a lion on Lochen that has not experienced the ruthlessness and tragedy that comes with life, and that includes the lions of the Oasis.


Araru's parents were young, adventurous lions. Their minds were bright and alive, always seeking to discover the world. His mother, Minu, especially craved excitement and mystery. They planned to run away from the Oasis before they were too old, but for whatever reason, Badram, who was his father, argued against the idea. After the idea was brought up, the two began to fight. They sought counseling from Arabella, but nothing could seem to be done for the doomed pairing. Their love for one another withered away slowly but surely. Although their hearts were not in it, the pair was stubborn to give up the dreams they once shared together. Badram was especially reluctant to break, for he sensed something that Araru's mother did not... life. She was pregnant, though she had yet to show signs or realize the fact herself. And so it was out of a sense of commitment that Araru's father fought to remain with his partner, and with a sense of contempt that he failed.

Minu gave birth to three cubs: one living, the other two drained of any sliver of life. She was absolutely distraught by the loss of her cubs. In a rush of anguish, she rejected her still living cub- a large orange male, with the smallest of stubs already peaking their way between his ears. She screamed until her voice was hoarse, that her only cub had leeched the life away from his siblings. Badram was in disarray as well, and at the time he too blamed his cub. The logic behind their accusations were left unregarded until a while after the chaos had passed. Araru's father was the one to suggest his name, a horrible name that the mother and father hoped would leave a burden upon their son's shoulders. It was a spiteful decision, one that they might later come to regret.

Araru's mother left the Oasis a few weeks after the birthing. She had calmed considerably in the time that she remained with her pride, no longer holding her son accountable for the deaths of the other cubs. After a while, so did Badram. Araru was a life elemental after all. Weren't they supposed to give life to lions? Not take it away... Minu had always been quick to forgive, but even the most forgiving find it difficult to forget. So she left, hoping to escape her problems and seek comfort in the unknown. Her partner was heartbroken. Badram could not cope with the destruction of the family, and he quickly fell into a cycle of denial and depression. Unwilling to raise Araru, he shunned his newborn cub, and instead abandoned him at the paws of council member Arabella.


Arabella accepted the young cub with a welcome heart and tender care. She had not expected to receive him, for she and his father had not been very close, but nonetheless she took him under her wing.

Despite becoming the prominent adult figure in his life, Araru would never consider Arabella as a mother. Instead, he called her 'Grandmother,' as did many other lions. She treated him well- perhaps not like a cub of her own, but she gave him as much love and attention as she possibly could. She never shielded him from the life that he came from. She felt that he needed to understand the hardship from which he originated so that he may continue on and not be hindered by his past when he was older. Araru did not take his history to heart, but he was undeniably quieter after learning about his family story. He was overall a very mellow cub and he was easy to take care of. He hardly needed any attention either. The large orange cub always followed the rules of his elders and he seldom sought to stir trouble like many other mischievous cubs his age. For a while, some of the older lions thought something was wrong with him and told Arabella to have him treated. She refused their advice, believing that nothing was wrong with him. The other cubs, however, did not see him that way. They left Araru alone, not bullying him but instead rendering him lonely and without any friends.

Araru tried to reach out and befriend others, but he was rejected time after time. Growing withdrawn, he began to venture out on his own and hang out around the older lions. Surprisingly, many took to him very quickly. They reveled at how polite he was, and adored his shy personality. It didn't bother Araru that they did not respect him. He was just glad that he had finally found some "friends." Still, he felt extremely lonely. The thought of his parents was always at the back of his mind. What would his life be like if he wasn't abandoned? What kind of lion would he be? What kind of lions were they? His questions continued to build up and self-doubt began to form. He was overly aware of how awkward and shy he was, and he began to develop a form of social anxiety. Interactions with others became extremely stressful to Araru, and he even began to shy from the adults whom he had befriended. At that point, his adoptive guardian became worried for the cub who she had raised, and urged him to meet others. Yet, there would be no change until he began his training.

Araru made his first friend on the very first class of his basic training. There were roughly eighteen other cubs, all excited and eager to begin to learn. That is, except for he and the rather loose-skinned cub across the room. They were both extremely nervous and they dreaded the beginning of the training. The two had immediately taken notice of each other and recognized each other's anxiety, but neither were brave enough to approach the other. Araru made her come close to tears when he ignored her of fear of being judged. However, their fates were intertwined when their guide decided to partner them up for the entirety of their training. The cub introduced herself as Naja, a poison and light elemental. She was awkward and lonely like Araru, and the two struggled to get along. Yet, the two began to warm up to each other after realizing they had some things in common. Although they weren't immediate friends, the two would grow extremely close over the years as they completed their basic training. It was because of Naja that he would be able to fully come to terms and begin to appreciate the elements that he had.

With his first and only friend, Araru felt a little less lonely. He began to open up a bit more to other cubs, including a rather peculiar cub name Vanya. He had witnessed a rather odd sight one day returning from training: a very elegant and regal looking cub rushing to her next destination when suddenly she tripped over her long fur and was sent tumbling onto the floor. Araru immediately rushed to see if she was okay, to be met with embarrassed laughter. The cub had a cheerful gleam in her eye as she joked about how clumsy she was. Araru was rather taken aback by her response, as well as by how friendly she was. She left him soon afterwards, but they would acknowledge each other whenever they saw each other. Or at least Vanya would. Araru was often too self-conscious to go out of his way to greet her. Eventually, however, and rather quickly in fact, Araru warmed up to the more extroverted cub and the two became friends. Vanya was very self-driven, for which he respected her. She helped Araru in his studies and she became someone that he felt he could depend on when he needed somebody. And so Araru was able to complete his training under his guide with the support and help of his two friends.

On the last day of his training, his life changed. A large, white lion with broken, white horns approached him after he had finished training with his mentor for the day. Araru immediately recognized the lion from when Arabella had pointed him out to him long ago: it was his father. His father, Badram was a poor, weak looking thing. Not at all the youthful adventurer that he imagined him to be. His eyes were still clear of the diamond pupil, yet Araru knew that it wouldn't be long until he reached the age that his clear eyes would be marred by the symbol. The cub, who to any onlooker looked like the lion before him, was absolutely overwhelmed. He was frozen to the ground, unable to react as the lion swept his solemn gaze over his son. It was in silence that he listened as his father held a monologue, praising his son for "the lion he had become". Araru couldn't help but wonder what son his father knew. And it was in silence that his father grew upset as his son refused to answer his questions. Araru did not feel angry that his father had approached him after being quiet for so long, but it was only right to him that he should experience the same silence that he had heard his entire life.


Araru was actually relieved when his time came to become the center of the Dawning of Light ceremony. He would get to seek himself on a journey outside the Oasis, something that he craved to do since he was young. Somehow he believed that he would reinvent himself on this adventure. Like his parents, the large, long-furred cub had long dreamed of exploring the world outside of the Oasis. There had been a slight tension amongst the Oasis members due to the growing hostility between the Pride and the Rebellion, and Araru was relieved that he had been given the opportunity to set out on his own. That being said, he was very fearful of the dangers that lied ahead of him. Yet, he would get to see Naja and Vanya once again. The notion of seeing his friends once more and getting to survive with them sounded exhilarating.

Just before he was meant to leave, his father approached him to bid him farewell and to tell him to look out for his mother while he was way. When he finally was on his way on the journey, he did not find Naja nor Vanya. Both had disappeared during the parting ceremony, as did the other cubs. He was confused by how quickly the others had disappeared, and so he tried to run in the direction he smelled them only to find nothing. Part of his mind was hurt that they had not waited for him, but the other accepted the fact that he was alone.

Araru drifted far from the Oasis, taking in as much of the world as he so dared to. He walked within a few hundred feet of the pride lands and visited some of the rivers connecting to the Lake of Eternity, things he had always heard of as a cub. He would always return though, too afraid to wander too far from the Oasis portal. Yet, his decision to stay close to home would haunt him. He had been warned not to remain too close to the portal. On one of the final days of the journey, a gross smell pervaded the air while he was lurking near the portals. The scent clogged his senses and gave him a terrible feeling, like the opposite feeling he would get when he exerted his control over life. Something didn't feel right... Like something there was something very wrong in the world at that moment. Araru continued on a few feet, figuring that the wind had caught something. The fur on his neck raised on its own accord and a certain nervousness settled within him. Becoming uncertain, he began to slow down and taste the air. Then something snapped behind him, and as he turned in his panic, his half-grown horns caught onto something. Something soft. The sudden contact sent the frightened cub tearing his head away and spinning the rest of his body around in fright. There was a disturbing ripping sound as whatever his horn had caught on was shredded along with his movement. A deep, snarly groan filled the air.

A figure merged into his view, its breath causing a warm heat upon Araru's nose. Back peddling, he fought to make out the lion's face obscured by the shadow from its body against the bright light of the stars above. One thing was clear though- this lion was not normal. Yellow marks glowed upon it's dark skin- or should he say lack of skin. Araru had a moment to contemplate his life decisions before the lion leapt at him, snapping it's misty jaws. In the second that it leapt, the shadows fell away from the body to reveal a very dead lion. If one could call it a lion. What he saw left questions flooding his mind, and in the moment he was not sure what exactly his attacker was. There was a sharp snap as teeth clamped onto the long orange locks of the surprised boy. Staggering backwards, Araru nearly tripped on his own paws. He didn't have even a second before a mass slammed into him, causing him to grunt from the impact. The lion was rather light and weak, which would've dumbfounded the cub who prided himself on his common-sense. Something clamped down onto his right horn, forcing his head to slightly jerk to the side as the undead lion tugged at it. Araru fought down his panic to the best of his ability, and with wild eyes, his mind searched rapidly for a solution. Before he could properly think out his idea, he sent a gust of air into the lion's mouth, pushing its jaws apart and unlatching its fangs from the horns of his head. He was given the opportunity to roll out of the way, but the lion remained unwavering. It continued to lunge at him, to which Araru could only respond by head-butting his attacker. It lurched backwards, as if stunned by his strike. By now, the young cub had gotten a slight hold of his actions. Preparing for the onslaught of his enemy, he braced himself and let out the deepest snarl he could muster-which really was quite pathetic.

He was almost about to launch an attack of his own when a purple blur entered his peripheral vision. The sight of the new lion stunned him. Even as they came within a few feet of him, there was no sound coming from them. And when the lion opened his mouth as if to release a roar, Araru heard absolutely nothing. He watched in utter confusion as the undead lion was hurtled back multiple feet, and with a slight bit of concern as the purple male pounded the undead until it was little more than a pile of bones. He was shook. What felt like a few seconds was actually much longer, but the cub was too traumatized to think otherwise. Finally out of danger, Araru's eyes began closed to darkness and his legs crumpled before him. The last thing he saw were two paws and the muffled muttering of his savior.


The disgruntled cub awoke to find himself back in the Oasis with Arabella peering at him in concern. Except he wasn't a cub anymore. While unconscious, he had passed through the gate and the power of the golden dust transformed him into his adult form. Araru had never felt more alienated. He had been attacked by that strange thing, that creature, and had nearly lost his life. And now he had missed the time in his life that he would change forms. He had missed the glory and happiness that he imagined he'd experienced as he walked through the arch with his friends and pride-members. To say he was put-out would be an understatement.

Arabella seemed aware that he was in no mood to answer questions even though he had been in isolation for a year. Araru almost expect the older lions to lie about what he experienced, but instead, she told him the truth: that one of Arknon's undead had made it through the portal and had attacked him. A guard, Bahram, had witnessed the event taking place and had come to his rescue. The council had decided to keep everything secret out of fear of the reaction of the lions. Yet, Araru did not care. He was very content in forgetting the world and his problems. So for three more days he hid away, up until the time came for the rest of the cubs to return from the journey.

Despite his depressed state, the now fully-grown lion left his place of solitude to welcome back his friends. Seeing Naja and Vanya emerge from the arch was an eerie sight, especially now that he was an adult. The golden dust wasted no time to engulf them, however, and soon the young male was filled with a sense of awe as he witnessed the magic of the Oasis. He made eye contact with Naja, who in her excitement beckoned him to join her. And he did, albeit hesitantly. She unleashed a stomach full of questions, which Araru waved off with a nonchalant laugh and a shrug. Her mind already moving on, she urged him to come with her and the others to seek the council's appraisal. Not wanting to upset her or cause her to question him, he went along with the rest of the group.

Nothing special happened, at least nothing that Araru considered special. Everything that week almost felt boring compared to what happened to him on his final day in the Oasis. He would later tell Naja what happened, unable to keep the story to himself. He would not tell Vanya, though, or anyone else. All he wanted to do was tell one other lion, so that he himself could forget.


The time to choose a rank was upon him before he knew it. Araru was much larger than many of the other lions his age. He was strong-built and had a height that emphasized his sheer mass, not to mention his large ram-like horns. Araru's mentor noticed his potential and began to encourage his student to take on a more physical rank. Araru, however, wanted to be a wanderer despite what he had faced on his journey on self-seeking. In fact, he wanted to get as far from the Oasis as possible. He had a natural desire as well-even stronger than most- to set out and see the world with his own eyes. He had often dreamed of meeting the pride lions, and although he was not proud of it, he had dreamed of the honor and glory that he imagined to come with fighting in a war. Becoming a wanderer would not offer him those opportunities, but Araru enjoyed letting his mind think otherwise. Even at a young age, he was always a dreamer and a romantic. Naja often teased Araru after he once admitted to his fantasies of setting out and finding his "true love" as his friend had put it. He didn't believe in true love, but he couldn't drop the idea. Despite his ideals, he had begun to develop feelings for the tri-horned lioness since the day they met. It took him a while, but Araru eventually figured that if he could not become a wanderer, then he would become a guard with Naja. He did not at all want to become a guard, no, he hated the idea. He didn't want the expectation of having fight off the undead or remain near the arch. He would've done it for Naja, though, had she not rejected him when he hinted that he had been considering becoming a guard. She knew that he would suffer under such a rank, and instead insisted that he follow his heart and become a wanderer. She made him promise that he would not join the guard with her, and Araru kept the promise, but he would not take on the rank he had aspired to become.

Vanya's decision was the last straw for the hesitant male. She told him that she would become a knight, and although she did not outright tell him to join her, her ramblings would persuade him that becoming a knight was a great idea. The rank would fulfill his desire for honor, though in reality, Araru was not sure he was mentally built for such a thing. He didn't like death- especial not for what it did to his family. But it was with a sort of blue understanding that he felt that death was inevitable and should not be feared for 24/7. And what if he encountered another undead? Of course, he would not be as like to face them as a guard would. That being said, he was a gentle soul and hoped to save as many lives as he could, not end them. When Vanya told him of her decision, he expressed his concern for her, worrying for how she would withstand such levels of physical work. In his mind, he felt that he should become a knight to watch her back, though really he was only making excuses for himself. Vanya became angry and hurt by his words, thinking that he doubted her and her abilities like many others did. In a way he did doubt her, and it would be a mindset that he would later come to regret.

Arabella comforted him in his decision to become a wanderer, she also assured him that becoming a knight wouldn't be a terrible idea. Araru came to learn that being a knight didn't just mean killing lions. It meant protecting the ones who can't protect themselves. She told him what she believed. That he could learn from his experiences and learn to do better. That if he became a knight, he could protect lions like him from having to face something as horrible as an undead lion. She left the decision up to him, and in the end, Araru decided to become a knight. When Naja confronted him after he told her of his decision, he told her that it was what he wanted. A deeper reality was that he didn't want to leave his friends or Arabella behind. Even deeper, he had a small, irrational fear that he would run into his mother. Araru could at least avoid his father. He felt he'd be more quick to forgive his father though, rather than his mother who abandoned him and the Oasis altogether. So Araru gave up his dream and pledged himself to the life of a knight.

Araru felt inspired to approach Badram after coming to terms with his rank. Araru wandered on the topic of forgiveness before finally expressing his feelings to his father. He didn't really forgive him. He didn't think he could, but he lied and said he did anyways. His father expressed his own guilt and told him that he supported his decision to become a knight. He completely ignored Araru when he mentioned wanting to be come a wanderer though, which brought sorrow to his son. Badram mentioned wanted to kindle a relationship, even if it wasn't a father to son one. Always quick to forgive or accept, Araru allowed his father back into his life. With the support of his father, the hopeless lion gained back just a little more hope for the future. His destiny became just a little less meaningless, and Araru finally felt like he could take on just a little piece of what life threw at him.


Araru's mentor was a very stoic, hard-working lioness. She was regal in all right and constantly demanded respect from her apprentice. To say Araru was frightened by her would be an understatement. Her training methods were very tedious and as he liked to tell his friends, "soul-wrenching." Unlike any of his training before, she honed in on his elements and his fighting skill. He learned both the good things he could do with his control over light and air, as well as the horrible tricks and pain he could cause if he had to. The beastly lion soon realized that he was a lot more capable of destruction than he had thought. And he was scared. He never imagined how much control he had over the lives and emotions of victims and their families. With one decision, he could let a soul drift away and let a family hate him until the day their souls followed suit.

He was extremely powerful physically as well. When paired up against his peers in non-element fighting, he was able to dominate those smaller than he. he could even best some of the lions that were more advanced than he in fighting. Nonetheless, Araru would quickly learn his place after facing off against a few individuals more skilled than he. His friend, Vanya, was one of the one who bested him the easiest. He was only able to defeat during their earlier classes, before she began to excel ahead of him in terms of picking up moves and tactics. His mentor quickly realized that the young male was no strategist, and began to focus on training him to be the ideal soldier rather than a leader in combat. She expressed her disappointment that he was not built to be a general like she had hoped. Araru was absolutely distraught and humiliated by her opinion, and his self-doubt skyrocketed. Vanya had begun to drift away from him as well after he expressed his worry for her on the topic of her rank, which only worsened his mental condition. Naja took notice of her friend's decreasing mood and attempted to console him, but Araru sensed her drifting away as well as her apprenticeship began to take up her time and transform her character.

Alone once more, Araru had nothing left but to devote everything into becoming the best knight he could. He immediately began to see an improvement in his skill level and he began to hone his elements to an even greater level. Yet, with all skill comes a great loss. Slowly one by one, his dreams of adventure and glory burned away until all he saw at the end of the tunnel was the endless, empty dunes. Araru's daily life slowly turned into an endless cycle of training, sleeping, and unspoken thoughts.
Relationships wrote:


"My father... I have mixed feelings, I'll admit. He left me when I was a newborn, he didn't even give himself the chance to know me. How can I forgive someone for that? I have to give him credit for reaching out to me, and for letting me come to him when I was ready. Maybe we can form some bond... but I just don't know."



"My mother. She's not a part of my life, and I'm not sure I'd be ready to accept her back even if she came crawling to me. Who am I kidding, I probably would forgive her. That's just the kind of lion I am. I want to hate her for leaving me and Badram. Maybe if she stayed, my life wouldn't have turned out the way it did. Maybe I would've been happier... No, there's no use of betting my happiness on 'what ifs'."


Arabella [deceased]

"I miss her. She was the closest thing to a mother that I could imagine. She helped guide me on my path and come to terms with my future. Thinking of her makes me sad, but remembering her makes me feel a little bit better. She always believed in me, never thought anything wrong of me. I want to be like her someday. I know if she heard that, she'd tell me I could be better than her. I think I'd have to call her out on that one.



"Naja is my best friend. For a while, I thought her something more, but I think I'm getting over her. We'd grown apart over the years actually. She's a lot more serious now. When we were cubs, she used to tease me all the time. Now that I think about it, I don't think she was much of a good influence on me. Whenever we were together, we would get up to no good. On my behalf, she was the one plotting and urging me to help her carry out pranks! I just went a long with it.
I really wish we never grew apart...
When I heard she was attacked, I shut down. I thought she was dead! Never before had I wanted to hurt someone, let alone kill another lion... But I'd decided that as soon as the murderer was discovered, I'd commit my own crime. I was relieved when it turned out she had survived, but still. I don't ever want to let her out of my sight again. We've started to talk again since the attack, but I don't think she plans to stick around. I wonder when she'll tell me she's going to leave."



"She was one of my other good friends. She was a great inspiration to me, a role model to set my standards to. She's the same age as me, so seeing someone as driven as her helped me a lot as a cub and even a young adult. She used to help me all the time during basic-training. She was really easy to understand, and I still think she'd make a great guide. She's still upset at me for doubting her back when she decided to become a knight... I now know how capable she is, but at the time I couldn't help but worry for her. She isn't exactly the sturdiest. But she turned out to be a great general. There is no one else who I would rather serve under and give my life for. I just hope that someday we can make amends. I miss her."


"Ah Bahram, the lion that saved my life. I did end up thanking him for that, though he tried to play it off. I learned that he's a sound elemental, so it's no wonder he was so silent that day. At the time, I thought it was my adrenaline that blocked out the noise. It's a bit reassuring to know that I didn't totally lose my head like I thought I did. Either way, I owe my life to him. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him. That I am sure of. If he ever needs help, I'll be sure to be the first to volunteer."



"Malachi... he's a character. Tried to pick a fight with me once. He must see me as a threat then, and I surely made an enemy of him after I refused to fight him. He's very arrogant... I hate him. I want him to stay far away from me and Naja. Usually I'd want to think there is more to him than a conceited guard, but even my naivety is having trouble finding me an excuse for his actions. I should be careful though. He's the one lion other than the lions who attempted to murder Naja, that can truly bring out my anger.
Some of my dislike for him may also stem from his feelings for Naja. I'd have to be blind to not see his infatuation with her. I never told her, I mean because we had grown so far, but I used to see him looking in her direction from time to time. It really bothers me. I probably just exposed myself for keeping too close an eye on my old friend... Enough about them! Let's move on."


"This lioness... I've never seen anything quite like her. She's different than the other Pride lions that ventured here. Might I even say mysterious. Something about her makes me want to learn more about her, to get to see what kind of lion she is. On the night we met, I couldn't help but sense a sort of longing in her. Or maybe that was me. But I don't think she was watching me for five minutes because she wanted directions. Maybe she was lonely... I know those nights: when all you want is a friend to talk to. I know how torturous those nights can be. I just hope that I was able to provide her some comfort in those few moments that we spoke.
I want to gather my courage before they leave. I asked Vanya what she thought. If she's right, then I have a few more weeks before the Oasis comes to a decision and the Pride leaves with or without our aid. No matter what, I don't think I can let this lioness leave without talking to her one more time. Call it curiosity."
Armor wrote:
Image Armor by Alaric <3

"My armor was crafted for me by a blacksmith named Ishnifus. I didn't order the armor myself, but rather Grandmother had it custom designed for me as a gift for when I completed my knight training. It's the only thing left that I have from her."
Short Story wrote:
A Lost Bird

There were so many unusual faces among the usual crowd of the city as of recently. Gaunt, solution-seeking faces. I'd been approached by few of them already, but I could tell that not many were interested in befriending an Oasis lion like me. They all asked questions, to which I replied to the best of my ability. After a few days of these endless questions though and you start to question your own sanity. I know it's not good manners, but I started to hide from our guests. They made me uncomfortable with all of their impersonal greetings and interactions, not to mention I don't like meeting so many strange new lions in such a short span of time. No, I think I'd much rather hide in my den until they left. Turns out that it's a bit more difficult than that.
While heading back to my den one night after the daily knight training routine, I noticed a pair of silver-blue eyes watching me from the dark. They were beautifully exotic, something that I had never before seen. And the intelligence behind them left me intrigued. I had paused in my step to allow the onlooker to approach me. They seemed to hesitate, just for a moment, before gliding out from the shadows to reveal a very dark, very beautiful lioness. There was a powerful grace within her steps, and a commanding tone in her gaze that made the knight in me want to bow my head to her. Instead, I opted to dip my head in respect, the way Grandmother had taught me to greet a stranger. The lioness padded forward until she was a few feet ahead of me, and then stopped and nodded her head to me.
"Greetings," an elegant voice spoke in my head. Surprised, I backed up an inch or two.
"Ah forgive me," the voice interrupted, "I did not mean to scare you." Scare me? I had nearly shed my horns in fright! A quiet huffing sound escaped the blue-eyed lioness, as if she were amused by something. I realized she was a telepathic.
"Excuse me, ma'am. Who are you? What are you doing out so late?" When I asked, she gave a slight shrug. There was a strange look on her face that suggested that maybe she really did not know.
"Khaalida," she answered my question simply. "And you?" The beauty of her voice resonated within me for a moment. So long that I almost didn't want to tell her my own name.
"Araru." My name, pronounced like a growl, sounded harsh against the silence of the lioness. Khaalida seemed to ponder my name for a moment before giving me a knowing look.
"Your accent is adorable," her voice suddenly purred in my mind. That had an affect on me.
"What? My wha- my accent? Uh..." She laughed at how easily flustered I was. The iridescent black feathers on her neck ruffled slightly as she laughed, causing the light on her body to shift ever so slightly.
"Ahh... thank you I suppose." I could feel myself becoming awkward. Is she flirting with me? The moment this thought crossed my mind, the lioness' expression dropped.
"Forgive me. I guess the lateness of the day is finally getting to me." I immediately felt guilty, for what I don't know.
"Will you direct me to Ishnifus's forge?" Is that what she wanted? I couldn't help but feel like that it wasn't, but nonetheless I told her I would. After giving her the directions, she thanked me and we bid each other farewell. Watching as her black pelt melted into the night, I couldn't explain the feeling of melancholy that suddenly overcame me. Just before she disappeared, her silver-blue eyes peered back at me one last time, as if to say "see you again."
Short Story wrote:
Longing gripped my heart as a young, wrinkled lioness wavered in my view. She laughed at something a grey lion said, and I couldn't help but wish that I could be like that with her again. My heart urged me to approach her and mend our relationship, but the nervous, thinking part of me persuaded me that she did not need me anymore. As I turned to walk away, my eyes met the yellow eyes of Malachi- Naja's stalker. He seemed to see me as well, for he began prowling his way towards me in that usually haughty way. The look he gave me made me want to leave as fast as my paws would let me, but the suddenness of his approach had me anchored to the ground.
"Who're you looking at?" he growled as he reached me. He wasn't in a very good mood.
"Ah..." I began. Uneasiness spread through me like a parasite.
"That was a rheorical question. Keep your eyes of me, and keep them the hell away from Naja." The tone of his voice caused me to wince. I didn't want a fight, but who was he to tell me where to keep my gaze? To protect Naja from me?
"I know about you two." He attempted to leer over me, but instead opted to glare into my eyes as he discovered that trying to beat me in a battle of heights was a losing battle. Meeting his glare with a brave face, I used the three seconds before his next sentence to try and think of a way to escape. I never was a strategist.
"So get lost, kid. You're not her type, she's moved on." He stepped into my personal right then, forcing me to step back to avoid getting bumped. I was really getting anxious then.
"Look, please relax, I-" Then he shoved me. There was a look of rage on his face as he began spewing taunts at me, trying to get me to do something. Realizing my mistake, I began to fumble with my words. Nothing could seem to form properly until finally I was able to spew out a simple "stop." As I expected, he refused to cease his verbal assault. I could feel the stares of the general public dig deep into my flesh as lions began to wonder what was going on. My gaze drifted over Malachi's shoulder until they caught onto Naja's brilliant pink eyes. In that moment, a wave of embarrassment ceased control of me and my actions. Without a thought, a look of savage panic crossed my face and I drive my horns into Malachi's chest. There was a gasp of breath in my ears before I turned and fled through the crowds of onlookers. And I kept running until I was long gone. Maybe I would face punishment later on, but I did not care. Instead I hid away, forever cringing at the events that had passed.

Please excuse my form for its lack of art. My mouse disconnects every 5 minutes, making it impossible to for me to do art without shoving my fist through the screen ^^
Last edited by CCrow on Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:33 pm, edited 256 times in total.

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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Mortikat » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:41 pm

#13 Designed by Rohan. ||Gender - Female || Element - Sound & Water || Rank - Owner Decides! || (Lake Cub)




Named after the Greek god of desire
Sound and Water
Theme song ;;
In Regards to Love ; Eros


physical build;;

While still maintaining her build of a younger lioness, being a Lake Cub and all, Eros is generally on the taller side of the cub spectrum. Its almost as if she were on the cusp of turning into an adolescent or adult almost, but of course, she is capped in her growth. She is thinner, and lankier, helping her to fit into tiny spaces and to help her get away from things if need be, such as an angry Oasis lion she might have angered with her attitude problem. Her paws are small, unlike most cubs whose paws have outgrown themselves and look almost comical in proportion.


-When worked up or embarrassed, a couple of small things that will happen is that she'll either stammer and stutter, hide her muzzle underneath her paw and leg hair, or both.

-While her element is sound, she ends up using said element to silence certain sounds that cause her irritation or sensory overload. An example of such noises would be overly loud chatter, as her ears are sensitive, or the sound of another lion chewing loudly or rattling something small like a bag of tokens or a pile of gems.

-As another quirk with her element, one thing she often does is uses her "sneak" ability without realizing it, causing her to walk silently and accidentally sneak up on others when she's honestly not intending to.



"A lion with the gift of Sound can: create high and low frequencies to harm or kill enemies. Used like echo location to see enemies in dark places. Can manipulate nearby sound to mask movement or create movement somewhere else."

Eros shrieks with a super high frequency, with the intent of either stunning her foe or popping their ear drums to temporarily deafen them. It started as something she would use to stun her deadlier foes before making her escape, ensuring her survival, but she's learned that it has many more uses.

When faced with a potential threat or trying not to be found out in her shenanigans, she'll "throw" sounds by creating a sound for distraction far away, thus drawing attention away from her or her hiding spot while she makes her escape. While meant as a means of escape, she's learned to use it to confuse other lions, or even freak them out, and she finds it rather humorous sometimes to mess with the others.

This little ability of hers is simple. All she does is simply uses her element to deafen her paw steps or any noise she makes. While at first it was insanely difficult for her to keep up over time, she's practiced it so much that she now sometimes uses it without realizing she is, causing her to walk silently, and sometimes scare other lions at her "sudden" appearance.


"A lion with the gift of water can: Move major amounts of water, pull water out from the ground, manipulate it's shape, thrust it with great force. (Must have water nearby to use abilities)"

-Tide Pool-
Eros developed this little trick while helping Ishnifus. Sometimes, he needs to cool his metal, so she'll sit there, having drawn up a pool of water from the ground, hovering it, while he plunges his creations into it. It's not a very battle oriented trick, but she hopes to some day shape it into a battle ability should the need ever arise.

She calls this ability Hurricane, but to be honest, its not much more than a simple parlour trick to make it rain heavily. Her initial thought was to literally make a strong hurricane out of her abilities, but she lacks the air force, lightning and thunder needed to make it work correctly as intended.

Eros will pull the water up and into a fast moving cylinder, intending it to be a sort of cyclone or water tornado. She's still mastering this ability, as it takes a great amount of concentration for her to do, but she strives to one day make it a deadly force. She might be an Ambassador, but that doesn't stop her from wanting to be a force to be reckoned with when it comes to her abilities.




Eros is fully devoted to the Oasis. While she is a cub, she still has outgrown the lifespan of a cub, and therefore, knows more than what she should. While she's loyal to the Oasis, she may still question certain decisions or certain occurrences. She does not follow them blindly, but would rather obtain the knowledge she needs to follow Mitus and the Council as full of knowledge as she possibly can. An informed decision is much better than following in blind ignorance.


She is wary of the Pride Lions, and rightfully so. Ever since her Awakening Day, as she refers to it, she's always hat this odd gut feeling about the Pride. While she does not distrust them, she certainly doesn't give them her trust willingly either. She's trying to keep her paws out of this whole mess to keep a neutral view and gain a better understanding of whats happening, and what will happen in the future.


Not having had much dealings with the so-called Rebels, Eros doesn't really have a very formed opinion about them. She knows that they are fighting with the pride, but doesn't fully understand for what reason. So while she's trying not to be biased about things,
she kind of slightly just wants to ignore the problem and stay in the Oasis, being a vulnerable wanna-be Ambassador and all,
seeing as she'll never grow up and be able to protect her own self unlike other Ambassadors.

By Alaric


Independent l Childish l Daring l Ambitious l Jealous

For as much as she required help from others on her journey before the Oasis, she likes to think that she has turned into a fairly independent being now that she has more of a knowledge of life, herself, and her elements. While she does have her moments of needing to rely on others, she strives to be as independent and self-sufficient as she can.


As part of being a cub forever, Eros has taken an unfortunate turn with continuing to be a bit childish and mischievous even though she should have outgrown these qualities long ago. This part of her often gets her into trouble with others, since she likes to play tricks and try to make herself seem more like an adult, even though it often back fires and causes her to lose credibility or reputation and she must start from square one all over again.


Eros likes to take chances. She’s always liked to push her limits, whether it be with her elements, her abilities as an Ambassador, or even just with other lions. This daring attitude sometimes ends in failure, but also in success. This nature of hers has led her to learn lessons she’s needed to learn, even if she hasn’t learned quite all of them yet.


Despite her lack of maturity, the little lady has a drive and a desire to become a better version of herself later down the road. She wants to get better at using her elements, she wants to get better at personal relationships, and most of all, she wants to get better at her rank. She looks up to Lions like Mitus and Vanya and has an intense desire to be at least somewhat like them some day.


In tandem with her child-like behavior, one thing that many will notice about Eros is her struggle with jealousy. She holds her dear friend Ishnifus close to her heart, and part of the reason she detests Daenerys is because of the friendship the mute lioness and her friend started. Another part of her jealousy, is that she’s envious of all the other cubs she gets to see be born and then grow into adulthood. Being forever a cub comes with both its advantages and disadvantages, one such disadvantage being that she’ll never be able to experience life the way a normal lion or lioness would.

By Alaric


Her Awakening

That's how she began. Laying limp on the banks of the Lake of Eternity, her coat was dark enough that those of the Pride did not see her body, with her tail being tugged at by the soul-filled waters. Her body was covered in wet dirt, hiding her irridescent scales, and it held no life. While the lions of the Pride looked upon the other cubs that had emerged from the Lake closer to them, her body went unnoticed.

When the light rose from the Lake, the spark inside her began to ignite. It started roughly, a searing pain that coursed through her entire body, before fading into the warmth of life as she drew her first breath into her lungs. She coughed a few times, letting her eyes roll open as she tried to normalize the rythym of her life force. Although her mind was sharp and almost instantly alert, her body was a little weak and shakey. The black-pelted cub managed to stand, her heart pounding with the effort. Her yellow eyes flashed in the darkness as she turned her face to look at the spectacle on the far bank. There were other cubs there, all coming into life much in the same way she had, with multiple Lions tending to them, as if they were frail, helpless...
Helpless she was not.

The little lioness furrowed her eyebrows before standing tall, shaking the water from her pelt, sending droplets shimmering down to the peat earth beneath her. Her tail swished from side to side in a quick, determined motion as she felt the agitation build as she watched the others moving about. It seemed to her as if these Lions on the far bank of the Lake intended to take the cubs around them with them, but where to? The scaled child lifted a lip, partly out of pity, but also partly out of hidden fear. She did not wish to be captured so easily and forced into a life that was chosen for her. She wanted her own way, her own story...

The little lady paused for a moment to consider something, bringing a paw up to cover her nose , almost as if trying to hide herself longer so she could make her escape. The gears in her mind were turning for a few long moments before she knew what she wanted to do. She turned away from the scene before her and started off, carefully slinking through the shadows. Every few steps she would stop and turn, her yellow eyes flashing over her shoulder, to make sure she wasn't being followed. While she didn't know exactly where she was going, or even how to get out of this place, pride swelled inside of her and she knew one thing for sure:

She was Eros, and she certainly did not wish to be swaddled away like some helpless newborn!


Her Journey

After her escape from the Pride’s territory, it didn’t take long for Eros to realize that she was so far in over her head. The little cub was in dangerous territory, with no form of protection whatsoever. She had an idea of her element, but she wasn’t sure how to implement it when she needed to. She also had no idea of where she was heading, so she ended up wandering in circles for a couple of days before she got her bearings.

Thankfully, there were quite a few nomadic Lions who would feed and shelter her for a day or two before she would take off again. She was quite grateful to these lions who helped her, but she always felt like she needed to press on. Where she was going, she still had little to no idea. She just knew that the Pride wasn’t for her, especially after they were taking all those cubs under their protection without so much as even asking them first.

On the flip side of the good lions though, she also came across a few bad apples. These lions, she later learned, were possibly part of the Rebellion. Some simply wanted to take her back to the Rebels, almost like the Pride had done the other cubs, and others were far more violent and sadistic in nature. It was in an encounter with one of these lions that she first learned how to use her Sound element to throw sound as a distraction. Learning to manifest that ability led to a far easier journey for her, and she started to play with it, by deadening her foot steps and being completely silent, and to yell really loudly with a high frequency to easily disable the threats she faced so she could escape.

Quite a way into her quest, Eros came across a lion who seemed… different, then all the others she had met yet. He said he was from a wonderful place, but refused to tell her where or what that place was. He seemed perplexed at the fact that she was older than a cub, but had not yet grown into adulthood. Due to a mutual curiosity, they decided to stick together for a bit.

After a long while, and a lot of trust building between the two, her companion told her where he was from. A place called the Oasis. He proceeded to give her bits of info the longer they traveled together, telling her about his home, about the artisans and markets, about the prey and culture... A long while after he had told her about the Oasis, Eros asked if he could take her there when he returned. After much arguing between the two, her companion relented, and back to the Oasis they started to go.

Once they reached the gates, Eros was understandably uneasy. Between the way that the bridge was extended and how the Oasis ran its affairs, it took her awhile to get used to. One of the first things that happened was that her traveling companion took her to a Council Member named Gaia, and from then on, she has yet to see her traveling companion again. Gaia helped her find a spot for herself in the Oasis, and that’s where Eros decided to spend the rest of her days.


Her New Home

Eros settled in well, finding multiple lions that she enjoyed the company of. One such lion was an Artisan whose name was Ishnifus. He was a large, burly male, but he had a heart of gold. When one could not find Eros, all they would have to do is find Ishnifus and she would be there with him. Often, you’d see the dark colored, scaled cub riding on his back, nestled in the little spot he had put in his armor for her to ride on.

After spending many years of learning about her elements, their uses, and Oasis life, Eros came to realize that she would never grow up like other cubs do. She watched as the others made their way out into Lochren and came back to the praises of their pride. Many speculated that, being a cub forever, it would be unsafe for her to make her journey out into the Lochren as the others all did, so she never got to experience that particular part of Oasis life. The little lady did, however, get to choose a calling. While she aspired to be like Vanya and other Generals and Council Members, Eros knew it would never be. While she's working to master her elements, she'll never grow up, so it was deemed that her trying to become a General or a Knight would be far to dangerous, the same as becoming a Wanderer. So, she chose something that still allowed her to do something similar while keeping her out of harm’s way; She chose to be an Ambassador. While this did not guarantee her full safety, it was a safer option than her others, and as an Ambassador, she would be able to have other grown Lions with her should she ever need to leave the Oasis to fulfill her duties.

Her current behavior and attitude problems, however, keep her from fulfilling her duties completely, while also keeping her from being taken seriously a lot of the time. This is where she ends up stuck in an odd loop. On one paw, she takes the liberty of staying a cub far to generously, but on the other paw, she strives to improve herself and prove to others than she can do what needs done, even if she isn’t a full-grown lioness.
One day, Eros hopes to outgrow her child-like attitude, even if she doesn’t grow out of her child-like appearance. Even though that day isn’t today, the little cub is sure it will come to pass eventually. She knows that she can’t get away with her antics forever, and that at some point the others will grow tired of her outbursts.

For now though, she still enjoys acting like a child as much as she can get away with.


Relationships ;;

ImageMitus (Owned by Starry-Knight) - Oasis Leader [Role Model]
Eros has only spoken to Mitus a handful of times, however, that does not stop her from admiring the Oasis Leader. For the most part, she finds him being something she strives to be ; Confident, a leader, kind... There are multiple things that she could say about him, but simply put, she looks up to Mitus as a role model. She is a little disappointed though, that she doesn't know the captivating male on a more personal level, him being the Leader of the Oasis and all.

ImageEthereal (Owned by Starry-Knight) - Pride Leader [A Curiosity]
While she remains wary of Ethereal and the Pride Members he brought along, Eros still holds a certain curiosity about him. He wants to save his people and do whats right for them in this whole War situation, even if it means taking a chance, like he did with coming to the Oasis and asking their help in the first place. She admires him for that, and even though she has yet to speak with him, she does wish to understand his point of view more thoroughly.

ImageTimaeus (owned by Hobbit Geek) - Council Member [Confidant]
the little lady has always had a certain comfort around Timaeus. She comes to him a lot with questions of the council or the daily happenings of the Oasis. She wants to know more, and Timaeus never ceases her thirst or ambition. While he tolerates her antics and childish behavior to a point, after its gone so far, he will certainly not hesitate to say something to her about correcting her attitude. He shares the same view a lot of the other council members do, that she sometimes does not behave the way an Ambassador should.

ImageIshnifus (#7, being tried out for by Alaric)- Artisan [Best Friend]
While it took her awhile to originally start opening up to Ishnifus upon her arrival to the Oasis, the little lady and the Artisan have become almost inseparable friends. There will be many occasions where Eros is simply hanging out in Ishnifus' living place, almost as if she were using it as her own as well. One thing they often do is play a battle game, where she hops onto her friend's back and "rides him into battle" as it were. Eros holds only love for Ishnifus, and she hopes that her childish habits and ways do not cause him to tire of her presence.

ImageDanaerys - Pride Field Healer [Despises Her]
Eros can't quite place what or why she has come to detest the Pride Healer. She remembers her vividly, as she was one of the cubs that awoke on the edge of the Lake that fateful day, but something in her gut makes Eros despise Daenerys. It could possibly be the strange fascination that the Healer and Ishnifus have with each other, call it jealousy if you would, or even the fact that Rys has similar scales to Eros, and is an image of what might never be in the cub's head; Eros in Adulthood. Of course Rys and Eros don't look like twins, but it still gives Eros an idea and it makes her uncomfortable to think about. Between the jealousy and uneasiness,
Eros has felt it would be best if she kept her distance from the grown Lake Cub.

ImageGaia (Owned by Dragoncool) - Council Member [Mother Figure]
When Eros first came to the Oasis, following in the protection of a Wanderer, she was introduced to Gaia. Over the years, a strange bond has formed between the two. Eros has come to see Gaia as a mother she never had before, and Gaia dotes upon her and allows her childish behavior more than she should. Eros is forever a cub, and Gaia seems to love the idea of never having one of her precious children actually grow up and 'leave the nest' so to speak. even with age though, came responsibility, as Eros' size meant that she could easily hide or fit into places others couldn't, or even hear and see more than others think someone did, and she gives this info back to Gaia if requested to.

ImageNox (Owned by Mechanic Drone) - Council Member [Friend]
After coming under Gaia's wing of motherhood, it wasn't long before Eros ended up meeting Nox. The two are quite well acquainted with each other, and Eros is quite happy to consider Nox a friend. Nox is a sweet lioness, who also happens to allow Eros' antics to go a little to far sometimes before finally saying something to her about it, usually after the fact.

ImageOryx (Owned by Vraska) - Council Member [Tormentor]
Most of the time, Oryx is someone that Eros doesn't mind being around. However, he is also the least likely to let her get away with her rude, childish behavior that she still exhibits. He's the quickest to cuff her over the ears or give her a stern warning... Or multiple. So while its a needed thing, and she doesn't usually mind being around Oryx, she feels slightly tormented by him. She's going to be a cub forever, so why should she completely grow up in attitude? Oh yeah, cause that's "not how an Ambassador acts."

ImageVanya (#5, being tried out for by MD) - General [Role Model]
There are very few lions that Eros strives to be better because of, and Vanya us one of those few. One might say that the little lady looks up to Vanya even more than she does Mitus. I mean, why shouldn't she? Vanya is beautiful, strong, proud, and ambitious!
Eros doesn't get to talk to her nearly as much as she'd like, but she always has a way to keep tabs on the lioness. She tries to soak in the way that the woman acts and speaks, because if someday she ever DOES grow into adulthood, she would adore to become at least a little bit like Vanya.

ImageArabella (Owned by Willow) - Council Member [Mentor]
While Gaia is her mother figure, Mitus her role model, and Oryx a tormentor to her, Arabella somehow manages to be all three thrown into one. The lioness has an odd knack for being able love Eros, give her an example of what she should be, and discipline her all at the same time. The little lady isn't quite sure how she manages to find such a balance in trying to lead Eros down the path she has chosen, but one day, she hopes to know.


Headshot and Tongue Blep by Me
Playful and riding art by Alaric
Alaric for helping me a lot
Everyone who let me use their lions
Mechanic Drone for their graphics!
Keen for helping me with grammar and proofreading
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Aravel » Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:02 pm

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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Medd-Lee » Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:37 pm

The Colorful
Username - [Missing] ○ Name - Aharon ○ Meaning - Lofty; exalted; high mountain.
Age - 5,592 ○ Gender - Female ○ Rank - Artizan
Disclaimer: Relationships are in history The character has a hard time with staying on task, so the relationships are better explained that way.

A lion with the gift of Teleportation can: move from one
space to another location a small distance away upon
will of thought. Can only move to a place they can
physically see before Teleporting.

My teleportation element is a bit sporadic and sometimes
I teleport without thinking. It comes from years
of practice - I'm not all that in control of when I
jump anymore, it's become an automatic thought
to do so. I tend to do it when surprised, or when
curious. Often when in sensory overload, this can
be a lot worse. I've been doing this for so long I
don't really take a lot of energy to move short
distances, but anything over 4 or so taillengths
can be tiring. I also have trouble teleporting
when someone else is touching me.
A lion with the gift of color has: no real battle
quality uses. However, a lion with such a gift
can take away or add color as they so choose.
Painting the world how they would like to
see it.
My color element helps me in my shop mostly,
but it's useful in other ways, too! I find it most
useful when I'm trying not to let sensory overload
take hold. I can change my world to reflect how
I see it instead of just feeling it one way or another.
I am a synthesate, and associate sounds with color,
so I use my element to express myself to others
visually! It's actually really fun to explain things
to people about my element and synthesia, but...
annoying when they ask for their colors.

Allegiance wrote:I am aligned with the oasis. I have lived here since I was a cub, and I don't intend to go back to the outside world. I love it here. The community isn't too big, and I can still learn from the wanderers without going out myself.
Let alone that if I left I'd die... and I like living... And I'm not able to open the bridge...
But that's beside the point. I love my shop, and I refuse to move it, so boo-hoo I'm here to stay ;)



Aharon is very creative and will most often be found with a piece of fabric and some little metal bits trying to force them onto the cloth. She's always coming up with new color combos and happy to argue about old ones. She's always up to date on the latest fashion trends and can give them to you like a weather report. She's usually very concerned about the resurgence of rings, though, as she's not a fan... (Granted, she got her toe stuck in one as a youngster, but probably doesn't remember.)
Additionally, Aharon is a Synthesiate - Specifically an audio-chromatic synthesiate. She associates sounds with colors, Making them her world. In conjunction with her color element, she often finds it helpful to deal with a surge of color by changing the color her eyes glow. She has a tendency to tell others that she doesn't like the color of their voice, or that she doesn't think their accessory matches their voice color, and things like that. It can be very confusing if you aren't a synthesiate or don't know her well.
She has a very, very artsy organisational habit, leaving things everywhere and being surprised when she can find them all of the sudden. She leaves color splotches everywhere when 'In the zone" which she often forgets to clean up.

Poor Memory || Sweet || Ever so slightly senile
Aharon is a true sweet old lady at heart. She'll give anyone a hug or find them something pretty to wear any day. She adores making others smile and often volunteers to watch young cubs. Even still, she has a hard time with names and sometimes faces. Although not great with those, She does remember voices very well and often identifies lions by color if she just can't get their name. She calls people "dear" and Sweetheart" a lot, and if she doesn't call you by it or bestow gifts upon you, you probably insulted someone and she heard about it. Just wait a week and she'll forget about it, no worries.

Confused||Cautious|| Easily Overwhelmed
Aharon spends her time avoiding large crowds when the newcomers arrive and very seldom travels outside of her safe areas such as under her stand or behind the furs. She usually keeps a friend nearby to be sure she isn't going to go into shock from exposure, and she often just skips events altogether when the whole of the oasis comes. She simply doesn't like all of the colors flying, and how they look together. She can start crying after too long, and even become unresponsive. She's woken up from passing out from being overwhelmed more than once, and gets kinda sad and distant for a few days before returning to her old self.

All those years of dealing with customers has made Aharon quick to develop a response to anything. She'll expertly deal with a customer and even send them on their way giggling if she can. She has centuries of jokes lined up, and are the one thing she remembers. She often asks wanderers if they've heard any good ones when they return, and asked so many pride members for some that they started calling her the 'joke lady". She takes this nickname in stride, and as she becomes accustomed to the pride's presence, she tries to introduce herself to others with a joke. Some of them don't appreciate them as much as others, but her wit can make just about anyone smile if she tries hard enough. She's bright and often bouncing round, but she can be very confusing to talk to when excited. She teleports constantly from place to place, and sometimes it's an emotional response rather than a conscious thought. If she disappears a moment, she likely got too excited and will be back in a moment. Patience is key with her.
She can't keep on one train of thought for too long, her mind moving just like her element. Tryiing to get a straigt answer out of her is often hard, and some just know they'll have a hard time with it. She's constantly interrupting herself and loosing her train of thought.


There was never a quiet moment in my childhood. As a cub, we lived in the unknown lands, moving around and going on adventures. I don't remember it well, but I do have a few stories to share still.

The Runaway Amani

I was focused - so focused. I crouched in the bushes, watching the amani. I hadn't moved in what felt like eons - My breath came and went without me even hearing it. The Amani had become relaxed long before, but I knew better than to pounce before it was ready. I waited - just long enough for the Amani to have taken a bath.
Now - I know I sound very focused here, but I assure you I'm nothing like I was as a cub. I mean, you don't think this flashy teleporting I've got was jut natural, do you? Ha! Oh, sorry, back to the story... -
When I was good and ready, I told my element to take me to the Amani, on top of it. Because I had been focusing for so long,
it was easy, but the Amani was slippery and slipped out of my tiny paws.
Cursing my luck, I chased after it as best I could. I was always so close - and then it would move away again.
Mother said I looked mad enough to take down a caffer when it finally did get away. And - how cute it was.
I think the only reason I remember this is because it wasn't long before I came here.
I remember my mother telling my father about it as we went to meet up with our group, and me being grumpy about my predicament.
There was an explosion of unfamiliar color at the meeting spot, giving me a tight feeling in my chest and a numbness in my paws.
My father went to investigate, while Mother held me and drowned out their colors with her voice. I pressed myself into her chest, straight ear leaned up against her chest as she bathed me in a sea of relaxing orange, the color her voice always was when singing. She looked up after a time and spoke to my father. I looked up, too, to see who it was that had come. Father said they were wanderers from a refuge - a place where we could hide.
At the time, I had no idea what we were hiding from, but I understand now. When I was a cub, we were among the last remaining rebels in or around the pride. We were being hunted, and needed refuge. The Oasis seemed perfect, so my parents asked them to take me without knowing what it really was. They asked that I be taken care of - and the lions agreed.
So I went with them.
Honestly now I wouldn't have done it, but I was only 30, I didn't understand that I would never see my parents again. I wish I had said more to them - this is my biggest regret. That, and that fermented Amani last wee- sorry.
Anyway, That's how I got here. That's the story I was telling, right?

The orphaned cub

I remember the first thing I thought of when I saw the oasis was the color of my father's voice - the bright stone and clear waters. I was lost, and the lions who had brought me had decided I'd live with them until I could take my journey. I followed the green-voiced one into a deeper part of the new land, curious but not yet bold. He asked me my name and several other things. I told him his voice sounded green(which is quite a compliment, let me say), and he gave me the weirdest look. I padded after him for a long while, until my paws hurt. I started to move about with my element, giving my companion quite a spook. It was funny to me.
I explained it to him, but he didn't seem to understand.
As we talked, I learned his name was Claudiu, and he was an Oasis Knight. I asked a million questions and found out...
I didn't want to be one, haha! Much to his disappointment, but I really don't care. I wanted to make things! I wanted pretty things!
I found the market and absolutely fell in love, popping all over the place and running away from Claudiu.
Claudiu was very exasperated with my antics, but seemed to be trying to be serious rather than actually being so. My fun quickly ended as I ran very near to a mass of color. The day was just starting and the market was filling with lions, all chattering and bouncing shapes all across my vision. I remember hearing myself scream and the mess of teardrops and triangles that clattered accross the ground when I saw the spot again days later - I cleaned them up sheepishly, under the instruction of Claudiu, but I was very, very upset by the experience. Claudiu tried to get me out and about for days afterwards but I refused. I was deeply and horribly terrified of being caught in a place like that again, and I just needed some quiet. When he wouldn't leave me alone, I ran off.
Poor old Claudiu wasn't sure what to do with that, as it wasn't common in the oasis to run off, but he knew I wold return, so he waited.
When I did indeed come back, head low and tails tucked, neatly resting on the ground without dragging, he welcomed me back with a quiet, and very long sigh. I knew he was confused, but I couldn't talk to him yet so I hid in the back of the den. He tried to comfort me but he was sorely futile in his attempts (oh, look at me! Using big words haha!). I was too overwhelmed still to accept it, and too upset to tell him about it.
After a few days of this, I began to come out of my shell more and even wandering from the den. Claudiu came with me, though he kept his didtance until I began to talk again. He made sure I was okay and gave me a hug. I told him about the shapes and colors exploding from the crowd and although he didn't understand the feeling, he at least understood the problem. He did his best to keep me away from the crowds, but that also meant staying out of the hustle and bustle of the market. I wasn't sure I liked that very much, and I still think I should have faced my fears earlier.
Claudiu is an NPC

Troublemakers wrote:The thing is - as a cub in the oasis I was really, really mischievous. I know, right? Totally out of character for me! Yes it is! Stop denying it okay, I'm very pleasant now - What's with all these lions wearing rings... did I ever tell you about that? We'll get there.
First things first, I wasn't the only cub that was raised by Claudiu - another cub came along later and became my little sister.
Her name was Feige - she told me her name meant bird on earth and I could see why she was named that. She had a voice that was a bright red and caused chirps of stripes across my vision. She was a spitfire - always off doing something and usually in trouble over it. Conversations between us sounded like either random sentences or absolute silence, there was no in between. She was the yin to my yang, the day to my night. There was nothing that could separate us.
Actually, you should probably blame her for my inability to focus.
Don't tell her that though, haha
I mean... if you find her...

And we even took our journey together.
I couldn't really handle the outside of the oasis, and cut my journey short - she, however, decided to stay out there. I remember a mass of bright colors from the strangeness of just the ambiance of the world. When I couldn't sleep because of it, I had to go home.
I didn't think it would affect me so much, but when Claudiu noticed that I was going back into sensory overload, and he decided to send me back. Feige wanted to stay, so she stayed with the group.

When her group returned, I was devastated to find she didn't return with them.
Traumatized by my initial experience, I tried everything to not go outside to look for her. Claudiu, however went searching immediately. He returned almost a year later, defeated and confused. I had grown by then, and poor Claudiu was really sad he missed it. After another six months, he left, too. I think this is the only real problem I remember clearly in my life - at least before the pride came.
Feige is an NPC


A return to the market wrote:Before the pride came, and probably 3,000 years ago, I set up shop in the marketplace. I had avoided this place in the past, but had recently become curious once again. At the time, I was a Guide and had been for a few years. I had taught cubs, but they don't happen very often here, so I had time between training. I don't really remember teaching anymore - and sometimes a former student comes to me, and I feel bad - cough, anyway, back to the story On one of my breaks, I was taking a walk and found myself in the marketplace. I was used to cubs at this time, all their voices and varying attempts at talking over each other eventually dulled to a manageable level for me. I knew I could handle this.
So, I stepped in.
It was the middle of the day, the city was abustle with lions of all colors. It was beautiful, truly. I talked to a few merchants and I grew to be very in love with the idea of making things. I came back several days in a row - I became familiar with the area, and I was starting to look for empty stands or spaces, and I eventually found the perfect one.
it wasn't too big - but not too small, either. I loved it at first sight. It was empty when I first took over, but now it's all my own.
At any given time it's piled with noise-dampening furs and pieces of cloth everywhere. I'm not very organised - but I know what I'm up to most days. I'm sure other lions are confused by it, though? I really don't care if they do, though - I'm not worried, haha. At least it's soft!


A cub's song wrote:Well, I suppose one thing about my stand I'll never forget is finding Naja.

I don’t know what drew me to go back to my stand that night, but I’m glad I did, for bundled up in the furs under the counter was a small, hairless cub. She was maybe 30. Only a small little thing. She looked cold, even in the furs and I felt bad. I figured if her parents came looking, they’d rather find her in good health. I picked her up, careful not to scare her, and took her back to my den. When she awoke, she was groggy and confused, but I got her to calm down enough to tell me her name and a little about her. Her name was Naja, she had been wandering the city for awhile looking for her parents, but couldn’t describe them. Feeling pity for the small creature, I asked her if she wanted to stay with me until we could find them. And she agreed.
Naja was a serious but good cub- she came with me to work and sometimes enjoyed conversation with the customers.
Naja was a fairly antisocial cub. She'd had a friend when she was younger, though, named Araru(see ccrow's form above ^^^). He was a sweet little lad, I remember. I think he and Naja started to stop seeing each other when they were adults, though. I invited him over several times and Araru seemed shy...
Not sure what that was about, anyway.

As we got to know each other, I learned that Naja saw me as her mother. When she told me this, I was absolutely overjoyed!
I had never taken care of my own cubs, and even when I'd had them as a younger lioness - with a lion I'd fallen in love with for a short time. His name was Nazar, and he was a pride lion. We had a short romance, but it was sweet. Alas, I had to return, and he had to as well... he took the cubs and I took the sorrow.
Anyway, Naja saw me as her mother - and I asked if she'd like to call me that. Naja was absolutely overjoyed to have someone to call Mama - and every time she says it I feel my heart soar.
When she was old enough to train, Naja told me she wanted to be a Guard. Although I trained cubs once, I had not done it in so long that I had to ask a friend to take her to training. I felt somewhat bad, as Naja had been very reserved at that point and needed a softer paw to guide her. But I trusted my friend and hoped she'd do well.

When Naja grew up and became a guard like she wanted to be, I got very excited. I went to her Ceremony of The Guided and was the first to greet her. I celebrated with her afterwards, and gave her an extra adornment to her armor, which she appreciated.
Her fist few years, I'd come in and check on her from time to time. She'd get a little exasperated, but I came anyway because I worried. Soon, she grew accustomed to her job and I gave her space and stopped worrying so much.
When the pride came,I went to see Naja again to see if she was okay. She was, and I relaxed. Teleporting every few paces, I gave her space.
When I learned of her murder... I broke. At first, I wasn't sure who had died, but when a fellow artisan came running up to me, my worst fears were confirmed. I immediately ran to Mitus to beg to see her one last time, but when I was denied, I nearly lashed out in anger. Instead, I teleported past him and down the tunnel towards the murder site to examine it myself. I sent all four long days searching for clues, losing friends, grieving, but mostly seeking justice. I didn't get angry often, but right then I was almost sure the ride had been to blame. I wanted them out - and I think it was obvious. I often botched up designs and gave lions the wrong order when they were here, and I think I growled too much. I couldn't think straight and I found it hard to keep standing in one spot, as well. I went through a very blue period, if you know what I mean...
When the murderers were found, I was happy - but when Naja emerged from the tunnels after being dead... I didn't know what to do. I immediately teleported over to her, but I was so speechless at her being alive that I couldn't help but to hug her and make her very uncomfortable. She was back from the dead...
I sobbed into her shoulder for a long time, or at least a few minutes. I was so happy she was alive that I refusedto leave her side for a few days. She got very uncomfortable, though, so I tried to keep my distance and return to my shop. However, I wasn't sure I was ready to really let her go, so I checked in often and brought her gifts, which she seemed to appreciate.
I remember once.. or twice... maybe more... she had to stop me from doing it multiple times.
I walked to her den, giving a soft tap to the doorframe with my claws before entering. Naja was inside watching, as if waiting for me with a slight amusement. "Hey! I brought you a cheer-up gift!" I pulled out a piece of cloth, one I thought she'd like for her pillow collection.
She too it with a shy clearing of her throat. "Mom, I appreciate all the gifts, but you've brought me three already today and..."
"I have? But this is the first one?"
"No, Mom," Naja purred patiently, indicating 2 more cloths which I recognized, "you brought me some today"
"Oh. Well... I just love you and want you to know that. And - before I forget, here's this," I handed her another cloth that I thought looked good with the previous ones and touched her nose with mine. "I love you, Naja," I said.
With a soft chuckle, Naja saw me out. "Have a nice day, mother!"
"Stay safe, you hear?" I touched her nose and went back to my shop.

Naja is owned by Keen



the arrival wrote:I noticed a commotion at the gates and began to get nervous. I could tell that thee were new lions arriving, but from the sound of it there were tens of them, even hundreds...
I let a surprised green push into my eyes and piled up the furs in my stand to hide behind. I was concerned that they had finally found us - that it was an attack, but there were no angry hues among them. Still, I didn't like the sudden explosion of colors. I was very overwhelmed at first, but soon I was able to step out and watch as they wandered arond and looked rather nervous. Some were almost drooling at the beauty of the oasis.
Around the back of the pack was a lion I recognized - Bran, but all grown up! The tiny male was leading several lions through the marketplace, straight towards me. Excited, I stepped out from behind my stand to greet him. Or, well, I flickered a little too close.
Bran, forever okay with everything, met me halfway and greeted, "Aharon! Long time no see!"
His golden tones bled into my eye glow for a moment before I answered, "Bran! Good to see you - I can't believe it's been so long!
Who's this?" I smiled at the one standing closest to me, a merle male.
"This is my daughter, Aithea," he indicated the merle - who I was embarrassed to have misgendered.
Aithea let out a squeak as if she wasn't able to hold it in anymore and asked, "Can I.. Can I touch your mane?"
I teleported a few feet to the right in surprise, then back again. "I mean... sure! Only if.. only if I can touch yours."
She nodded and we had a totally rocking reach and pet for a few moments until Bran interrupted with a happy introduction.
"This is Aharon, she's been here longer than I've been alive."
I retracted my paws from her mane and laughed slightly, looking at ran. "Way longer, young one! How has life outside been treating you? I mean, aside from this lovely lioness being your daughter!" I smiled at her and she looked enamored.
Bran and I chatted for a bit longer, but he eventually had to go. I waved him goodbye, but was immediately called to attention by another male, this one yellow and covered in roses. He looked rather lost, but not unconfident.
"Um, hi," he looked around. "I'm Beauregard from the pride and I was wondering what is um... happening here?"
I was rather excited to meet a pride lion, so I teleported a few feet closer, around him, and then back to where I had been. "Hi!
I'm Aharon - nice to meet you, young'un!"
The lion turned out to be a warrior, but after some talking, I discovered he wanted to be an Artizan. I took him to my shop and showed him what I do, giving him a cloth sample as well. He looked super excited to learn about it, even asking questions about how it all worked. We talked for quite awhile, and I even showed him around the city. I thought he was super cool, and gave him a soft tail tap when he left for luck.
I had decided then that the pride was good, but as I mentioned before, I had a change of heart when I found out my daughter had been murdered.
When I finally got to see her again I had to reevaluate my standings on the pride. I now consider them to be a force in need of help rather than a group of lions looking to make war. However, I still am wary around them or Naja's fellow guards. I tried not to,
but my mind always goes back to when I first found out. I was glad the pride looked for clues, though. Perhaps not all of them are bad.
Bran is owned by Dragoncool 97
Aithea is owned by [Missing]
Beau is owned by [Missing]


Anyway - You asked about me! I hope I explained well enough, and if you have any questions feel free to ask - My shop is open most days and I expect to hear some new colors from you soon! Have a great stay in the oasis, and if you see my daughter,
tell her I send my love.

Credits wrote:First piece is by Squirrelspirit
Banners by [missing]
Shop art by Alaric Glockner
Watercolor(s) by [missing]

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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Chromium » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:03 pm

The Siren”
Known by all in oasis Freyja packs more than a beautiful face in that thin frame of hers. she is a master manipulator and intelligent to boot, creating a fearsome lioness to foes and allies alike.

AGE: 622
Rank: Oasis General
Elements: Darkness and poison




BODY TYPE: Svelte and taller then your normal lioness, however still not as tall as a male. Firm body but not too muscular, and a finely brushed coat with a glimmering sheen.

VOICE: A low husky drawl that strangely has a lilting accent, can woo males and females alike with only a few words. Commonly uses the term s” dear”, “Darling,” and “love” when referring to others. Calls lovers “my darling” or “my love”. Her laugh is a low husky chuckle that makes females swoon into her forelegs and males turn 30 shades of red to the tip of their tails.

-Has a cute habit of crinkling her nose and eyes while folding ear ears back when happily embarrassed.
- When not training guards she makes it a habit to go around oasis to flirt with as many lions as she can, extra points to her if she can embarrass them into a new shade of red, currently she has recorded a record of 18 shades in her blush journal.
- Flighty and has a thing for flings, she finds the company of both males and females enjoyable alike, yet is scared of forming prolonged romantic attachments or falling deeply in love.
- She is a die hard romantic and prefers stories with a good cheesy love plot. Any good ol’ fashioned romance inspired actions will guarantee her turning into a blushing, giggling school cub.
- Has a soft spot for jewelry and pretty clothing as seen in the outfits she wears along with her armour.
- Adores cubs and loves to play with them in her free time.
- Good at art and can make breathtaking maps and strategy plans.



Freyja is mostly involved in creating battle/strategy plans and the teaching of subterfuge and deception. Due to her thin and rather weak body type freyja is best suited to be a flanker to break the lines and cause chaos or use her skills in manipulation to spy and gather information to be used by the council. She excels in her area of subterfuge because of her hidden intelligence behind the mask of beauty and her elemental abilities. She has a fairly low energy pool to draw from leaving her the option of a wide variety of low level abilities and higher ones that will take more out of her. In skirmishes she is a fan of the “stick and poke” method that being going in causing quick damage to the enemy lines before retreating, this continues until the enemy is sufficiently distracted for the front line to move in. Freja quickly loses battles in paw to paw combat and requires her element abilities to escape if she can’t dodge the attacks quick enough. As a general she is well loved by her students and guards because of her loyalty in them and her desire for them to succeed. She would gladly lay down her life for any of her brethren or her oasis.

Arrogant | Suspicious | Dramatic | Overbearing | Gossip | Manipulative | Perfectionist |

|Intelligent| Beautiful | Loyal | Extrovert | Wordsmith | Amorous | Generous|



Freyja is a lioness that knows everyone and everyone knows her. She is possibly the most dramatic lion you will ever meet and a shameless gossip. However behind her pretty face she possesses a sharp wit and a cunning mind most would kill for. Excelling at creating battle strategies and plans she is a crucial part in the network of generals at the councils disposal. Willing to put her life down at a moment's notice for not only oasis but for the lions under command makes her a favorite among the leaders to serve over. Yet if she was to go to battle you would not see her at the head of the charge, adversely you would see her at the flanks of the battle; infiltrating the enemy lions and creating chaos for her allies to move on. Freyja excels in poking and running from the sides of enemy lines or going in and using manipulation to weasel out information from enemies using her charm and wit. She is not meant for paw to paw combat and can easily be overpowered by a foe due to her weak magic attacks and thin physique.

Her magical prowess is lackluster at best even though she has a wide variety of moves to choose from. Most of these being distracting in nature or providing beneficial actions to help in manipulation or spying. That being said she has a few moves that can be deadly if they have enough magical force behind it, however it has a heavy price on her as well. Interestingly enough freyja is well versed in being a field medic if the need arises, knowing basic medical knowledge and the ability to purge small amounts of poison from a lion or more in life threatening situations. Freyja is more well versed in her poison abilities and prefers to use them over darkness, this also allows her to use them more freely and without as much energy usage.

It's also known that Freja is a major femme fatale within oasis. Males and Females alike hold interest in her tall selvete frame, made even more seductive by her low drawl that can capture even the most focused individual. Freyja is prominently aware of this fact and uses it to her advantage immensely. Whether it's to shamelessly flirt with poor unsuspecting lions or to snag flings, freyja is not above using her looks to her advantage. Even though she is a shining example of a social butterfly Freya sometimes prefers to be alone and coops herself into her home for hours to days at a time. This being because of her bouts of needing everything to be absolutely perfect , these episodes have increasingly gotten better since her youth but there are instances where they can reappear. She can usually snap out of it pretty quickly if she has someone to help bring her back down and realize everything's ok. Its speculated that this is a form of PTSD from a traumatic experience in her cubhood. She's also developed a penchant for suspicion over the years from past experiences and the increasingly threatening presence of the Pride and Rebels war outside their peaceful home.


Freyja began her life in a small nomadic tribe that wandered the land to find the mythical oasis, and in the end they did find it. Just nobody was alive to see it. Within this tiny group was a mother that gave birth to a sickly male and a healthy female. She loved her daughter immensely and tried her best to let freyja live a happy cubhood unburdened by the harsh realities of life. Sadly this was to end after a raid upon the unaware group leaving all but freyja dead. She was found by a squad of guards looking into some suspicious activity reported and was promptly taken to oasis to heal. She spent most of her younger years near Mitus, finding solace in the council members presence. Freyja would have nightmares and would suffer bouts of OCD like tendencies, as she got older she grew out of them both in severity and numbers but rarely they still do happen. It took her roughly 2 months before speaking in full sentences and conversations, up until then preferring silence. Seeing all the beautiful lionesses in oasis made her want to be just like them, leading her to cultivate the persona she wields today.



Freyja has a deep respect for mitus that runs to her cub hood, he is one of the first to welcome her into oasis and the first she'd die fighting for.


Not the closest to the lovely council member but enjoys her company all the same. Freyja immensely enjoys flustering the poor dear
anytime she gets.


One of Freyjas closest friends, Oryx is one of the few lions that she respects for their sharp wit and personality.


This male instantly caught her eye, he seemed to be quite the charmer and a lion after her own romantic heart. Too bad hes a pride member though.


Shes not really sure about this lioness, she seems harmless enough. Although her curiosity about oasis and keen eyes roaming around makes freyja's hair stand on end.


Nothing really puts her off about this male, he just seems to be there. He seems kinds enough.


Sensing a easy target in the pride male she continuously makes flirtatious moves and quips to the lion, leaving him a blushing mess.
She has enjoyed the few conversations between the two, finding him to be quite charming in a cute sort of way.

Five Short Anecdotes from the eyes of Freyja



The First Fight:
Freyja once again hit the hard ground, her ribs groaning at the rough impact. She was sparring with a much larger male that was as green as she was but had the advantage over her small frame. The activity they were going over focused on physical combat with no elemental influences and it was becoming more and more apparent that she sucked at it.

Huffing, the slim lioness got back onto her paws and shook the dust from her fur. The overseeing general looked over with a disappointed frown, moving on to the next lion. She felt the old dredges of self depreciation slithering back up her throat and burning at the corner of her eyes

. All at once she felt her head slam into the ground and the tell tale feeling of sticky blood running down her throbbing muzzle. Something in freya snapped and with a screeching howl she went at her partner. Something deep inside her seemed to whisper how to take down this much larger foe, feints and quick jabs being her main strategy.

After several minutes of cat and prey the large male was huffing and puffing from exertion while freya had the thrill of adrenaline still coursing through her veins, with a final mighty lunge she took the lions soft under throat in her maw and held on, signaling her dominance in the fight.

The grounds were silent as she finally snapped out of the feral trance she was locked in and looked to see quite a few lions looking over with surprise. Realizing she still held the poor lion freyja quickly dropped him so he could have thee chance to slink off to lick his wounds on both his body and pride.

Feeling a paw on her shoulder the young lioness looked up to see her general looking at her with a shine of pride in their eyes and a soft smile on their muzzle. She returned the sentiment before sauntering to the healers, a new view on fighting in her head and a new fire burning in her heart.

The Plan:
The lioness sputtered; "But these plans need to be perfect! If not then the trainees will not learn the appropriate skills needed in the field and will be killed!" The other commander huffed with annoyance while the lioness paced back and forth, levitating a brush and tapping it against her chin.

" Freyja really, you and them will be fine. Oasis is a place of peace, just teach them what you know and they will be fine. I know a better lioness fit for the job. We all know you care for these lions as if they were your own blood, you wouldn't let anything have the chance to harm them. “ She shook her head before shooting a predatory grin towards freyja and flippantly added; “ I know you strive to reach my level, but darling you must stop putting yourself down!”

The panicked lioness looked over to her companion with a deadpan expression and a eyeroll for good measure. “ we both know I am the superior one of use both and I do not appreciate you mocking my speech, really it's sad how much you wish to be me.” Freyja said with her own smirk. For the time being she supposed she could push her worries to the back of her mind, but a slight twinge of uncertainty still remained waiting for her to vulnerable to attack once more.

The Teacher:
Freyja listened to the sounds of a mock battle filling the air, the thwump, thwump of sheathed paws hitting flesh echoed across the training grounds. She watched her pupils with hooded eyes, todays lesson being more self defense then the regular espionage. To an outsider she would seem uninterested but under her smoldering gaze layed calculating eyes.

Each movement of her wards were being taken in and looked over for flaws and mistakes. Every sparring lion was mentally sorted and given notes to improve, tips to be used and executed. Freyja prides herself on appearing aloof to put the guards looking over no real idea on who she's looking at, finding an indirect approach works best.

She slowly began to get up and took her time stretching out her body, all the while gathering the appreciative glances of those nearby. Sauntering over her trainees freyja began to give instructions and carefully correct their mistakes while making sure they understood what they were doing. She found that when teaching if she asks the lion what they are doing, why and how to do it again they learn the moves quicker and with a more sound execution.

The Information:
Freyja looked up at the sputtering male, cheeks aflame with embarrassment and pleasure. " so I've heard that you're in a certain group against the core principles of oasis" she purred, gently bumping her head under his chin, mindful of her horn of course. The young male stuttered, "w-well I---" The slender lioness giggled and traced his cheek with a single claw before pecking it with a kiss, " Don't worry dear, you can trust me~"

With a confident swagger Freyja continued her quest to find Mitus, the information gathered from the young male still fresh in her mind. However on her way a sight caught her eye, a pretty lioness seemed to be in distress near a market stall. Deciding her message could wait just a few minutes she began to make her way over to the female.

After a fairly long time helping the lioness with her problem ( Like a good patron of oasis, mind you) and maybe just a little more time spent on flirting and some cuddling Freyja made her way to find the council. She was sure it was fine, they would understand the quick stop was for the good of oasis and some silly information about possible traitors could wait.

The Arrival:
Freyja looked across the city, watching the newcomers waltz into her home. "This is a horrible idea" she muttered. The lioness beside her frowned and looked towards the sullen being beside her. " Freyja, don't you think this is a bit much? They’re just looking for help."

Freyja snorted and tossed her head " If they wouldn't have brought death and destruction to their own land they would not need our help." she crossed her paws before adding quite tersely " I refuse to send my soldiers to fight and die for them, " her eyes softened before continuing " I don't want anyone else dying for their damned war, it's taken too much from me already."

Her companion looked over sadly before getting up to leave. " If you wish to join us we will be in the city square" she jumped down, leaving a brooding Freya to mull and watch the newcomers infest her precious oasis.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. If these pests were going to come and infect her home the least they can do is offer her some entertainment. A wicked grin curled on freyja's muzzle, the prospect of new victims to harass with her flirting out weighing the discontent of her situation for now.

The Perfect Trilogy


“Freyja dear, I want us to play a little game.” The cub in question looked up at her mother and smiled a crooked grin. “ Okay mommie! What kind of game?” the older lioness looked at her thin daughter and leaned down to conspicuously whisper “ we’re going to play the perfect game” The young cub gasped excitedly and began to jump around and belted out thrilled yowls and growls, earning freyja and her mother scalding glares and snarls.

Fönn frowned and looked down to the cub who was bouncing up and down on her rump, excited at the new prospect of a game to play. Leaning down once again she began to whisper the very important instructions; “ In the perfect game you have to be absolutely, positively perfect. That means you have to be as quiet and still as you can be until the leader says stop, if you don't follow the rules you lose the game and very bad things will happen to the players. Freyja's eyes widened and gasped, she quickly spun around to Sprint off and tell her friends about the new game she wanted to play.

Sighing, her mother watched the cub go and then trotted to the makeshift den she's taken residence in. It was a cold, dank thing. A hollowed out hole left by who knows what and the musty feeling inside gave the impression that nobody's lived there for a long time, not that she had much of a choice in her abodes appearance. Peering inside she saw her second born’s sides slowly rising and falling with a wheezy whisper. She knew the young cub was dying and had few days to live but she shuddered more at the thought of explaining to her darling freyja why her brother could no longer be with them. Sighing, she laid down in the tiny den with her son. Ears pricked for the first signs of danger that could strike at any moment.


The guards knew something was wrong as soon as they reached the northern boundary of the territory. The smell of used magic filled the air while the metallic tang of blood settled upon their tongues. What was once a quick scout around the oasis perimeter for the suspicious activity reported by their wanderers turned to be a gruesome acknowledgement of what seemed to be a massacre upon their outskirts.

Bodies of males littered the ground, torn open and weeping blood on the open field. It seemed to be the work of some particularly savage rogues that were spotted once or twice by the wanderers, sadly it seemed they found this band of nomads off guard. The group was about to head back to oasis to share what they found when they heard what sounded like loud roars. Rallying the others the lead guard loped along a path making sure to keep an eye out for any rogues, and what he saw shook him to his bones.

A small band of savage lions chased around a collection of cubs, and what looked to be their mothers bodies tossed off to the side. This must have been the other part of the nomads they deduced and agreed these lions must be stopped. Charging, the group of guards made contact with the savages, attacking with ferocity and anger at their disregard for life. The squadron made quick work of the enemy's with only small wounds acquired in the tussle, however in the swell of the fight they failed to notice one lion slip away and kill the remaining cubs.
A heavy silence fell over the group and the thick pride over their victory was quickly forgotten. In the silence tiny sobs were heard and the group hurriedly spread out to find the lone survivor of the massacre.

The guard leader finally came upon a dead lioness and found a small shaking cub curled next to her head, it's litter mate slain nearby. Quietly the guard approached and gently put a paw on the cubs back. " what is your name little one?" They asked. The small cub looked up with tearful eyes and quietly said "Freyja".


Mitu’s lips peeled back in disgust at the thought of those sick monsters, the terrors they afflicted on this young lionesses life and mind making his blood boil. The stories his guards brought back from a scout mission turned bad made him sick. The absolute brutality carried out by these lions only reminded him of the oily evil that was constricting the very life out of their species now. He looked over to the cub once again, sitting curled up and idly moving a claw through the dirt.
She was a tiny thing, thin and starving with hollow eyes that held horrors no cub should bear within them.

He was no stranger to cubs, having met and played with plenty in his long life but never had he needed to provide comfort of this scale. Few knew how to receive the news that such an attack had happened so close to the border of oasis. And clamoured for answers. However his attention needed to be focused on this cub and her needs.

Mitus walked up to the little female and gently lowered himself to the dusty ground beside her, careful not to startle her with his bulk. From what his guard told him her name was freyja and a reclusive thing, not talking and barely even breathing on the short journey inside the oasis walls.

Taking a breath he began the plunge.“ Hello little one. I've been told your name is freyja, is this true?” She looked up from what she was drawing in the dust and gave the tiniest of nods, seeing this as a good sign he continued; “That's a very pretty name. May I see what your drawing?” Freyja turned her head, letting him see what the cub was working on. Few things have ever made his throat close up in sympathy and the crude drawing of what looked to be a lioness with her two cubs sent a lance through his old heart. With wide watery eyes the cub looked at him and with a shaky paw started to scratch words with a single trembling claw. Mitus looked at the two simple words and with horror watched her mouth them with tears running down her sunken cheeks, “MY FAULT”



WIDOW'S KISS: This ability lets its user create poisoned saliva sor a short period of time.In order to work it must be applied on the neck or head in order for the venom to seep into the blood supply. Applying to open wounds is also an available option but to little or no effect. After application this ability can create temporary nausea or headaches in the victim.

DEATH'S EMBRACE: This Ability can allow the user to apply a thin layer of poisonous gas or film over their body. When in direct contact contact with the user the victim will develop small sores or itchiness. This ability takes very little energy from the user and is normally used as an escape ability when held down due to its close proximity nature.

FEMME FATALE: This ability allows the user to secrete poisonous toxins from the crown of the head and cheeks. When in contact with a victims head they can become inebriated and easier to control and manipulate through words and actions. This takes very little energy from the user but can lead to adverse side effects in the victim. Examples include increased aggression, Sadness, strength, happiness etc. based on the victims personality and state of mind.

VENOM: By far the most used ability in combat, venom allows the user to secrete a poisonous coating of venom to a lions claws or fangs. The user is able to deal small amounts of poison through scratches or bites for minimal sickness to the victim for little energy. However the user is able to increase potency of the venom to higher affecting levels or lethality for greater energy use.

POISONERS VALKYRIE: This ability has two levels for a user to apply to an ally, purging ow amounts of poison from the body to resuscitation.

Low: The low level of this ability allows the user to relieve minor afflictions caused by venom in the body, such as sores, nausea, or weakness. This requires little energy for the user to perform, however the more afflictions a lion has the more draining.

High: The high level of this ability allows the user to take out lethal doses of poison in an ally's body. This requires the user to physically bite the afflicted lion in a vein to suck the poison out and recycle it into their own body.Usually used as a last ditch effort, the lion that is being resuscitated has a 70/ 30 chance of surviving. This ability takes high energy to perform and leaves the user weakened and sickened until the un familiar poison is recycled into their own body.


SHADOW STEP : This allows users to bend shadows around them to their will. Used to make the user seem invisible in the shadows or travel short distances through Dark areas. It only works in areas of low light and can be interrupted by any light source falling on it. If the darkness is broken while the user is in the glamour or traveling they will immediately stop and be visible to the eye, it also leaves the user disoriented for a few seconds. This ability uses medium to high energy depending on the length of use.

MIND SWIPE: This ability allows the user to manipulate a foe to hear sounds or become discombobulated for a short period of time. This ability requires little energy if focused, not being focused can create backlash onto the user such as dizziness.

Pitch Cover: This Ability allows the user to cover a wide area in darkness over a short period of time. Using this ability leaves the caster vulnerable to attacks and requires intense concentration. The user can experience dizziness and extreme nausea the longer held. This ability requires high energy usage from the user.

OVERCOVER: This ability allows the user to hold their shadow into another creature. The user must have a general idea of the appearance of whatever they are trying to mimic. This ability requires low to medium energy usage depending on the size of creature and the users knowledge to its appearance.



Due to Her love of anything beautiful freyja prefers her armor to have artistic flair, as seen with the colorful ribbons adorning the sides. However she is no stranger to the concept of safety and has strong lightweight armor pieces fashioned out of gold along with dark under leathers to prevent chafing. Interestingly enough Freja prefers to have thin leather gloves covering her paws to keep her pads from cracking, A leather skirt is also part of her leather ensemble but not as much for protection then for appearance.

Freja's Blush Book

Needing lions for reactions!

I felt especially bold today and set the bar high and decided to smooch a wandering council member. Lucky me our fair lady nox was out and about today, one tiny peck later and the poor girl basically turned red! I would have felt bad for the lioness but she was just too cute.
Used lion: Nox Owner: Mechanic Drone

This one didn't take to any of my advances! Not even a small splash of color. hmph. Well I suppose the pride lions have no appreciation for beauty either, especially this brute.
Lion Used: Klay Lion Owner: Mechanic Drone

"My first victim was a sweet looking male on the side of the market, a quick peck on the cheek made him light up most spectacularly! He seemed to like it though?
Lion Used: Farren Owner: StoneFly


will be adding the images and stories soon!
Last edited by Chromium on Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:22 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby Keen » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:28 pm

Personality/History up by the 6th
Extras up by the 9th-ish


Username - Keen
Name - Malachi
-Means "My Angel" as his mother was enamored of her new cub.
Others now whisper that he is an Angel of Death and nothing more.
Gender - Male
Element(s) - Ice and Death
Rank - Oasis Council Guard (Nox)

What Hurts the Most - Rascal Flatts
Only The Strong Survive - Elvis Presley

And unfortunately any songs I felt fit him about fighting or death just wouldn't be CS appropriate. Sorry XD


Malachi demands much of himself, both in his professional life as a guard, and in his personal life with friends and family. However, he is also demanding with those friends and family, and if he does not keep it in check he can alienate them and drive them away.

Tending to be easily offended, Malachi often finds himself on the defensive. He almost always assumes that lions are talking about him when he overhears them in private conversation. This presents a cold, short exterior to lions who might otherwise be interested in befriending him, which tends to drive them away.

Although he is able to keep his anger in check most of the time, Malachi has a rage inside of him. He may rarely raise his voice, but that only masks the deep fury that mounts continually inside of him until it explodes outward, usually along with the death element that he -- usually -- controls. These outbursts generally end with him being deflated and regretful, especially if he wounded a lion that was not his enemy.

Great Capacity for Love
Alongside the powerful negative emotions though, Malachi has a powerful love as well. His family and friends are very dear to him and he would give his life to protect them, even if he cannot always protect them from himself. His love is stronger than most lions can bear, however, and if they cannot reciprocate they tend to be intimidated by him. This usually ends in disaster.

Outspoken but Close-minded
Malachi feels no need to keep his thoughts to himself, as long as it does not pertain to his own life. He is quick to offer "advice" to others but rarely accepts it when others do the same. He feels that he has a good mind for what other lions should do with their lives, and it does not matter how vain or intrusive others think him because of it.

Once his path leads him to a certain task, Malachi pursues it with all of his might. His charge, the Counselor Nox, is the main focus of his life. He spends the vast majority of his time with her, defending her against any threats that may arise -- not that she needs it, much to his annoyance.

In matters concerning physical danger, Malachi is quite daring and not afraid to take chances. He looks at each new challenge as an opportunity to prove himself as the stronger lion. This is not the case when it comes to matters of the heart however, where he is as timid as any shy lion.

Malachi suffers from one vice that many powerful lions -- whether they are truly powerful or only perceive that they are -- share: Vanity. He is not only convinced that he is an exceptionally good-looking lion, but he is also greatly aware of the effect that his physical stature, and his elements, have on those around him. He strives to cultivate this further.


Moveset and His Feelings on the Matter
Malachi loves the powerful feeling his elements give him. Knowing that he can kill at a touch though sometimes make him cocky, which can lead to mistakes. He shies away from anything like spirits and never intentionally seeks them out. Sometimes though, they seek an audience with him and he cannot deny them.

Marked for Death
Starts a slow mortification from inside the target. Could take days or weeks to kill, and is extremely painful. Is not noticeable at first though, so by the time it is advanced enough to be felt, nothing can be done to stop it. Too much damage would have been done internally. This move is extremely demanding of Malachi's energy reserves and requires huge concentration as well. Generally only used outside of actual combat.

Waste Away
Similar to Marked for Death, but much faster and more visible. Essentially rots the opponent from the outside, very quickly and painfully. Appears first as a spreading blackness, with the blackened areas then beginning to disintegrate. This move is almost involuntary and requires little energy or concentration. It is much more likely to happen when Malachi's negative emotions are high.

Targeting a specific area of the opponents body, he can cause it to become useless to the foe. For example, cause a paw to fall useless and unable to bear weight, rendering his opponent handicapped. Requires a small amount of concentration and a fair amount of energy. Most of the energy usage goes to limit the effects of the element as it tends to want to cover a wider range. Very useful in battle and one of his favorite moves.

Deadly Ice
Creates spears or daggers of ice that can act as a long-range conduit for his death element, inflicting a spreading mortification on impact. Tipping the ice in death requires more energy than the ice itself does. He can prepare the projectiles in advance but it requires too much concentration to do on the fly in the midst of battle.

Ice Form
Spreads the ice from his armor to cover more of himself, creating a rock-hard surface that the claws and teeth of his opponents cannot penetrate. Must be done before he is actually embroiled in a fight as it requires a fair amount of focus, although consuming little energy.

Stops an individual or group by wrapping their legs and paws in ice and freezing them to the ground. This is another move that is nearly instinctive and only minorly draining.

Ice Barrier
He creates a translucent shield in front of an individual or group. It is thin but very strong. As long as he can put energy into it, it will not be broken. If he must remove his energy support though, the shield is very easy to shatter. Can be erected at a moment's notice.

Rain of Glass
This move is one of his most devastating. He pulls the very moisture from the ground and air and creates thousands of tiny blades of razor sharp ice. He can hold them suspended over a massive area for a short while before he must release them. When Malachi does release them, they shoot toward the ground at an amazing rate of speed. Their edges are so sharp that simply laying one gently on your paw would cut you, so the massive damage they do to a large group of enemies is absolutely brutal. Although the ice cannot penetrate thick metal armor, anything less than that will be punctured. Any fabric or hide, even thin metals, leave the lion vulnerable. Fortunately for those on the battlefield, this is a seriously draining move that requires a massive amount of energy.


Into the Unknown
The young lion stood with his parents and the rest of the Oasis at the foot of the bridge. He and a few others were to begin their journey into the unknown (at least to them) world of Lochren. Malachi felt no nervousness or fear at the prospect. In fact his stomach roiled with the excited energy of a lion about to depart on a great adventure. He shot a look back at his parents, both of whom beamed with pride at their son, and then he turned his face toward the bridge. He watched as the sentinels lowered the moving path to allow passage. The lower the bridge moved, the more excited he became. His mind whirled with thoughts about how he pictured Lochren to be: a place of grand adventure and rich landscape. The bridge settled into place and the black and blue lion lifted his head and puffed out his chest in pride. He stepped forward, wanting to be the first of the group to cross. He passed through a portal and found himself above the great chasm that held the writhing, dark shapes of lions long gone. He stopped and looked down, mesmerized by the horrifying sight. He could feel himself being drawn to the spirits below, his heart pounding and mind going numb. One of the other young lions poked him with a horn in his rump. "Move!" came this hiss from behind him. He jerked back into reality and shot a glare at the impatient lion over his shoulder, but then moved on across the bridge.

Stepping through the second portal, Malachi caught his breath. He looked around him at the land known as Lochren. It was not... Quite as he had imagined it, but it was still grand. A vast mountain range reared up in the distance, and stands of strange trees glowed softly in the darkness. He had learned about all of this from his mentor, but seeing it for himself was another matter entirely. He found himself walking away from the huddled group of cubs and moving off on his own. He had no time for the others to collect their bearings, he wanted to go now! He picked up his pace into a trot and never let his eyes stop moving, never let his senses stop taking in information. The mountain range was his goal he decided, since he knew from his mentor's teaching that the Pride resided there. He traveled for a long while, several days by his reckoning, before he heard a sound that stopped him in his tracks. A long, eerie wail filled his ears as the wind carried the sound to him. He had never heard such a sound, except for once.
When he was much younger, a similar sound had broken over him one night as he wandered through a grassy field. His heart had quavered then as it did now, because before his tiny frame appeared a spirit of a long-dead warrior. He had turned and ran then,
but he refused to now, no matter what appeared before him. He straightened his small body and pushed away memories of fear and spirits. Let the spirits come if they would. He would not be frightened away like an infant again. However, nothing appeared before him as he stood bravely with his feet planted firmly on the dusty ground.
The sound continued though, and his curiosity got the better of him. He moved toward where he thought the wailing was coming from and stopped when he stood at the edge of a river. The sound seemed to be coming from the tall purple tubes that grew from the bank of the river. The noise grew louder with the force of the wind, and he nodded to himself, convinced of the fact then.
He was about to step into the river to cross it when he remembered something. Although in the Oasis, back home, he could swim in the water, his mentor had impressed on him that the same was not true for Lochren. Something about the water and spirits and pain... He shuddered and placed his paw back on the ground. Another memory surfaced then, of the knowledge that the rivers flowed into the great body of water knows as the Lake of... Immortality. Or something. But which direction would lead him there? He took in a breath to quell the nervous tremble he had begun to feel in his legs. He turned left and began to follow the river,
with the flowing waters to his right.
As he continued he became aware of yet another problem. His stomach rumbled so loudly in the silent air that he spun around in a defensive whirl, throwing up a shield of ice in front of him. When he realized that no one was actually there, and then heard the rumble again, he bent his head down and under himself to look at his belly. Utter confusion wrapped his mind in its grip until yet again his mentor's voice came to memory. He was hungry. He looked around him, wondering how to find the animals here to fill his belly. To his pleasure, he spotted a small, rather brightly colored fluff of fur poking out from behind a stone and knew that an amani hid there. He moved into a stalking position and crept closer to the small creature. When he was within pouncing distance, he brought his hind legs underneath him and stamped his rear paws one after another to insure good footing. Then he leaped forward and slapped a paw over the fluff of fur. The squeaking protests of the little rodent was music to Malachi's ears. His first catch. He thought about killing the thing with his element but quickly decided against it. Having a puddle of rotten goo in his paws is not quite as appealing as it sounds.

After following the river for quite a long time, Malachi crested a ridge to come face to face with one of the most hauntingly beautiful scenes he would ever see. A great glowing lake sprawled before him, setting off the landscape around it in a shimmering glory. There was tall, green grass around the banks, shimmering as well in the starlight. Awe froze him in place as he took in the incredible sight before him. The emotion that built inside of him nearly choked him and he swallowed hard. He slowly walked down to the water's edge and looked into the lake. And was horrified. Spirits moved and writhed in the water, calling to him and
seeming to know that he could see them. But he did not want to see them! He scrambled backward and his feet became tangled in something. Terror gripped him as he stumbled to the ground, face planting into the dirt and foliage. He was sure in his young, frightened mind that his feet had gotten tangled in a corpse or some other monstrosity bent on ending his sanity. He spun around only to find that he had gotten entwined with a tangle of roots that belonged to the tree nearby. The tree? He looked up at the gleaming leaves of the tall plant, then down at the glowing fruit at its base. A fine mist surrounded him, clouding his vision briefly,
but then his eyes became so much more clear. Around him, all around the banks of the lake, horrible dripping souls left the water and moved toward him. Their faces were grotesque and their flesh dripped from their bodies. Absolute horror clutched at him and nearly stopped his heart. A scream tore from his chest and clawed its way out of his mouth. He scrambled to release himself from the tangle of roots so that he could get away. The nearest of the rotted beings was nearly upon him when he managed to break away. He tore off running in the direction of the mountain, screams still ripping themselves from his throat. He ran blindly, tears filling his eyes and streaming down his face. He suddenly felt his feet catch on stones and he went flying through the air, his momentum carrying him fast and slamming his head into a boulder, hard. Blackness took him and he knew nothing more.

Into the Known
Standing firm in his position, with Nox just a short distance away, Malachi's brow furrowed at the memories that assailed him. He shook his head, trying to dispel the flashes of scenes from hundreds of years before. He could almost feel the pain in the side of his head from the boulder, could feel the terror that had gripped his tiny heart. Whispers of memories echoed in this mind and the voices of the Pride lions that found him rang in his ears. A hallucination. The tree, the lake, the spirits. Everything jumbled together into a mass of writhing, horrible memories. He had never been the same. No matter how many times they told him it wasn't real, that the spirits weren't real, he would still wake up screaming. Even now, as an adult back in the Oasis, he still woke in a cold sweat from nightmares of the incident. It didn't matter if it was a tree that caused it, it was real to him. Being a death elemental, spirits should be a common sight to him, but he has never once called upon a lion that had passed from life into that cold embrace of death. Ever since that experience he'd had as an impressionable young lion, he wanted nothing to do with the afterlife. He would instead focus on his part in sending other lions there.
"Malachi!" His mind was jerked roughly back to the present as Nox impatiently called his name. Again. "What are you thinking about so hard?" He just shook his head. There was no way he was telling anyone about that time in his life. "Well, we have to get back now, so let's go." The beautiful lioness moved off without waiting for a reply, forcing Malachi to fall in behind her.

Later, once he had been relieved of his duties to Nox for the day, Malachi found his way to the marketplace. He thought about the lioness that he wanted to visit, but knew he never would. He was so frustrated with himself that he could face down a dozen enemies, but couldn't face Naja to tell her how he felt about her. For years he had a deep, growing love for the three-horned lioness, so much that it caused him physical pain when he saw her, but he had never successfully spoken with her about how he felt. Sure, many times he started a conversation but he always ended up feeling foolish. He sighed. Without much thought to where he was going, he walked slowly through the crush of bodies to the stall of his friend, Ishnifus. He didn't see the metal-worker there though, so he went in to wait for him. As he entered the stall, a familiar, somewhat annoying voice sounded in his ears.
"Watch where you are putting your great, big feet!" He turned his huge head toward the sound and saw a small black, scaled cub nearby.
"What do you want, Eros?" he grumbled. The cub rolled her eyes, bounced over, and tried to push him backwards, which was of course ineffective. "You are stepping on my armor that I am decorating! Move!" He looked down. He was indeed standing on a small plate of metal that the cub was tugging on. He lifted his foot and both the cub and the armor went rolling backwards into the stall.
Malachi placed his foot back down and asked, "Where is Ish?"
Eros just scowled at him from her awkward, upside down position.
"Hey Malachi, I thought you might come by... I'm really sorry." A voice came from behind him.
Stepping sideways to make room for the other lion, Malachi had a confused look on his face. "Sorry? About what?" A cloud of worry began to fill his mind as he noticed the expression on his friend's face.
Ishnifus looked blank for a moment, then started to backtrack. "I- sorry, Mal, I thought you would have heard, I-"
He backed away from Malachi, as if afraid. Shooting a glance at the cub, the blue-maned lion saw a similar reaction in her. They were afraid. Of what??
"Ish! Tell me what is going on!" His voice was low but very nearly threatening. "What did you think I would have heard?"
Swallowing hard, he slowly said, "Well... Naja--"
"What about her??" Malachi interrupted, worry and fear beginning to rise in him. Plants nearby shriveled and died. Ish looked nervously at his volatile friend. "Mal, please..."
Malachi could feel that his friend was really concerned. He tried so hard to push his emotions down, to quiet the building fear.
"Okay, sorry Ish. Now, please tell me what is going on." His voice was quiet and much steadier than he felt. His mind raced and his heart pounded.
"Naja, well, she..." Sighing, Ishnifus almost blurted out the rest of his words. "She was found this morning... In the tunnels. Someone had attacked her... She-- They couldn't do anything for her, Mal. I-- I'm sorry..."
His head swam in black fog and his vision turned red. His senses were blocked by a deep muffling rage that filled his being. Screams of pain filled his ears from outside of the stall, and the small cub rushed at him and began to bite at his legs.
"Stop it! You're going to kill them!" Her voice rang through and pierced his mind and he knocked her away. Fury burned in his eyes as he ran from the stall and out into the marketplace. He saw several lions writhing on the ground in pain and he knew it was his doing. He could feel the drain on his energy. He released them from death's icy grip and ran. He ran through the streets of the Oasis until he got to the outskirts of town. He did not stop there though and continued running until the city was out of his sight. She was gone... His love, the sweet, gentle lioness that he adored was dead. His head snapped up. She was... Murdered. His eyes narrowed to slits and a deadly resolve came into his mind and heart. He would avenge her. He would find her killers and return life for life.

Into Life, Into Death
Frustration. That is the only fruit he had from his week-long search. No one seemed to know anything at all. He had even asked Mitus but received only vague replies of sympathy from the golden lion. He closed his eyes and fought to contain his emotion. He was again standing where he had been when he had made his vow to find the murderers. He could not contain his rage and frustration any longer and let out a massive roar that echoed back to him. A wave of death rushed out in a circle around him and plants and small animals blackened and died. He did not care. All he wanted was to find the one responsible for Naja's death and return the act.

Malachi later found himself wandering back into the marketplace square rather aimlessly. He hadn't even realized he had left the field. The only sensation he could recognize was the pain in his heart. Why did it take him losing her to realize how important it was to tell Naja how he felt? He had grown complacent in the fact that she had never shown interest in anyone else, really in anything but her work as a guard. His brow darkened. Her work as a guard is what had brought about her death though, he knew. He stopped under a shadowy arch and leaned heavily against a wall, closing his eyes. He didn't know how he would live through losing her. He could almost hear her voice still...

His eyes snapped open. He did hear her voice! He looked around frantically but did not see her. His chest tightened and he had trouble breathing. Was his mind playing a cruel trick? But no, his eyes finally fell onto her form in the bright morning light. She was alive... Tears blurred his vision as he looked at her, so beautiful... His face set into an expression of intense relief and resolve, he started toward her at a trot. He would finally tell her how he felt, and ask her to consider him as a suitor. Joy rang out in his heart as he felt that he could soar like a winged lion!

His eyes never left the purple lioness. He watched her step sideways and a large gray male came up beside her and poked her with his nose. She laughed in a way that Malachi had never heard before. He stopped short, as if his feet were suddenly frozen to the ground. His face showed first the confusion, and then the denial that he felt. He had never seen the gray male before, but Naja seemed so attentive to him... Pain grabbed at his throat and suddenly an emotion more powerful than any he had ever felt rushed through him and nearly knocked him off of his feet. Jealousy. Raging jealousy and a sudden, overwhelming hatred of the large lion moving alongside Naja. His lioness!
A low growl began deep in his chest. He thought quickly. What should he do? He couldn't just leave at the first sign of trouble. He was better than that. He set his jaw in determination and approached Naja. He met her glowing purple gaze and smiled at her. He could see from her polite but distracted expression that she was not sure she knew him. His heart sank. Surely she remembered him? He had seen her, had even spoken to her, several times before. Was he that invisible to her? His face fell and he fought to think of something to say.
"Naja..." was all that came out of his mouth.
The lioness cocked her head to the side, the sunlight gleaming off of her horns. Her eyes blinked and her brow furrowed, as if in thought.
"Hi... do I know you from somewhere? You seem familiar, but..." Her voice was low and silky smooth and it rolled over him like a wave of fresh air. He frowned when he saw the fresh scars on her face and neck.
"So it is true? You were attacked?" His voice shook slightly as he thought about the pain that had been inflicted on her.
A dark shadow crossed her face, but she did not reply. The male beside her leaned over and murmured, "Hey, it's okay. We can go if you want. You don't need to put yourself through more than you are ready for."
Naja looked at him gratefully, but said, "Thank you, Klay, but--"
Malachi instantly went on offense. "Look, Klay, I don't know who you are, or who you think you are, but butt out. Pride lions are not welcome here. There has been nothing but trouble since you arrived." He could feel his anger boiling inside of him but fought to suppress it.
Klay stepped back at Malachi's outburst, surprised by the sudden hostility. "Last time I checked it was fellow Oasis lions that had attacked her, so I politely ask you to back off." He stood up to his full fifteen feet of height as he spoke, annoyance clearly displayed on his face.
Malachi's eyes blazed in fury. How dare he?? He comes into the Oasis and tries to steal away the one lion I love... His eyes narrowed dangerously as his body nearly vibrated with contained adrenaline and rage. He would not have it. He released a savage snarl and raised a blackened paw as if to strike the lion he saw as an intruder. Beside them was a strip of vegetation and Malachi could not resist withering a plant or two to show his power.
Seeing the motion and guessing the intention of the volatile lion, Klay raised his own blackened paw. The remaining plants in the area blackened and turned to dust. His voice was low and menacing as he leveled his gaze on the black and blue lion.
"Do it."
Malachi glared at the dry plant dust that now blew around his feet. Typical. Figures this... lion... would also be a death elemental. Naja stepped between them.
"Klay," she turned to look at Malachi. "Whoever you are, just, stop!"
Malachi then noticed a movement at the edge of his vision. He turned his head slightly to see Nox coming toward him. He lowered his own paw back to the ground and growled, "This isn't over. Watch your back." Then he turned and stalked away.

Art By Mortikat



Nox | Oasis Council Member | Respected Superior and Friend

As Nox's guard, Malachi respects her immensely. Sometimes he wonders though
why she even keeps a guard, as she is more than capable of taking care of her-
self. He generally feels arbitrary when around her, though he still enjoys his
work. Nox is a very interesting lioness and Malachi is often on the receiving end
of her quips and pranks. He is around her so much that she has begun to feel
like family to him, which has made his desire to keep her safe even stronger.


Ishnifus | Oasis Artisan (Metalworker) | Closest Friend
Malachi and Ish met when Malachi needed some armor made for his brand new
rank of Oasis Sentinel. Over discussions about the proper fit and design, Malachi
discovered that Ishnifus was a pleasant lion to be around and would visit his
stall just to have a conversation. They have developed a strong friendship that
he is grateful for, as sometimes Ish's voice of reason is the only one that pene-
trates his mind.



Eros | Cub - Oasis | Tolerated Annoyance
Finding the small black cub to be rather annoying, Malachi only associates with
her because Ishnifus hangs around with her for some inexplicable reason. Deep
down, he does care for the cub, if only because she has the appearance of a
helpless youngster. He knows though that she is really much older than she
seems and this unnerves him more than he likes to admit.


Naja | Oasis Guard | Unrequited Love
Malachi's feelings for the purple lioness are stronger than any emotion he has
ever felt, from his greatest rage to his deepest sorrow. However his inability
to actually talk with the lioness eventually led to him losing her to another.
He now walks a fine line between love and hate for her, but he knows that if
he ever got the chance again, he would not hold his feelings back.


Klay | Pride Tank | Bitter Enemy and Rival
Although no one ever came out and said that Klay and Naja were a couple,
and Malachi certainly had no proof of this, he thinks of Klay as his most bitter
rival and most hated enemy. He feels as if the Pride lion had stolen his love
away from him, when in truth any chance he had was destroyed with his out-
burst upon finding the lioness with Klay at the first. He has sworn revenge
for this perceived wrong and would take any opportunity to try to remove him.


Allegiances and Prejudices

The Oasis
Fiercely loyal to the Oasis and its leaders, Malachi has devoted his life to helping to defend it, specifically by guarding the Councilor Nox. He will do the bidding of his superiors with unflagging loyalty and unquestioning obedience. In his mind, the Oasis and the lions who live there are the only ones that truly matter.

The Pride
To Malachi, Pride lions are too deep in their own lies to even catch a glimpse of the truth. They all think their war started out of a desire of revenge for their fallen leader Aeon, but he believes that if any of them had any wits they would see the truth. So many Pride lions defected that he was disgusted with Ethereal for not doing something about it. He had heard the lions talking while he was there on his journey as a cub. Lions being forced into ranks because of their physical features. Archaic.

The Rebellion
Now there are some lions that Malachi can respect. They know what they want and they take it. The rebels do not just sit by while their lives are shaped by tradition. He feels that if he ever left the Oasis, as unimaginable as that might be, he would join up with them. He even had grand visions of Arknon himself having heard of him and taking him in to his closest circle.

The War
Malachi has rather mixed feelings about the war. He wants nothing to do with it, although he knows he would follow Mitus and Nox anywhere. He feels that the Pride is fighting for a lie, and the rebels are fighting for freedom. What would the Oasis fight for? He wanted none of it. It could only lead to pain and death for his home.


The armor that Malachi wears was chosen very deliberately. He is quite vain and wants others to see him on his own terms. He had Ishnifus etch symbols onto the various pieces to represent certain personal things, and even Ish did not know what they meant. He had tried to get Mal to share the meaning but his friend refused. They were too personal. He allowed Ish a bit of creative license with the accent, and he is glad he did. Lions certainly notice the flash of color as he walks by. The ice spikes are of Malachi's own making. They have a dual purpose, as he can use them in a pinch if no water is nearby and he has no time to gather moisture from the air, and he feels they also impart a nice amount of intimidation factor. He prefers to meet his opponents head-on, and any lion in a battle who tries to take him from above or behind will have to contend with the razor-sharp blades.

With Friends like These...
Malachi entered the room behind the stall and flopped down on a low pile of cushions. Ishnifus glanced over at him before going back to his work.
"Please, come in, make yourself at home!" He said sarcastically, squinting at the armor he was making.
"I did," Mal retorted. He stretched and sighed, then poked the cub who lay nearby. "Hey, go get me that pillow over there." He gestured to a large red pillow on the other side of the room.
Eros looked at him with annoyance. "Get it yourself." She got up and stalked out of the room. Malachi tossed a small cushion in her direction as she left, and she turned and snarled, then stuck out her tongue and bounded away.
Malachi rolled his eyes. "Why do you hang out with that brat, Ish?"
The light colored lion shot him a brief look. "She isn't such a brat when you're not a jerk to her, Mal. I like her company. It's refreshing to have someone like her around." He glanced at his black and blue friend again. "Most of the time she's better company than you are anyway."
Malachi ignored the jibe and rolled onto his back. His mind wandered as he thought about his most recent "trip" with Nox, his "charge" so to speak. She was all over the place, as usual. He sighed. Nox was a little sporadic, which made guarding her more than a little difficult. She would portal herself here and there while Malachi just stood motionless, knowing he couldn't keep up with her. He sighed again, louder and more pronounced this time.
Ishnifus also sighed and pushed the armor away from him. "What is it, Malachi? You seem bothered by something," he said, pretending as though Mal had been more subtle than he had.
Malachi flopped over onto his side again, blue mane waving around with the motion. "Why does Nox even have a guard? It's not like she actually allows me to protect her."
Ish smiled inwardly. He had heard all this before. "Maybe she doesn't really need one, but the council wanted her to have one. They didn't want to waste a good, talented lion on such a post, so they picked you." He grinned, back turned to Malachi, waiting for the outburst he knew was coming.
It came.
Leaping off of the cushions like lightning, the large dark lion was in front of Ish in a heartbeat. "What do you even know about it?" he growled hotly, then he stormed out of the stall, kicking over the armor near the door on his way out. Luckily for Malachi's pride, he did not hear Ishnifus's laughter as he stalked off.

Art: Mortikat
Armor: Alaric
GIMP Brushes: here & here
Relationship Bubbles and Quotes: By Keen

Thank you to Mortikat, Alaric, and Mechanic Drone for the use of your lions/tryouts ^-^
And also thanks to Pengu for designing such an intriguing boy >:D

I am aware that my form looks wonky on some browsers/screen resolutions, but I can't do anything about that unfortunately.
It was formatted using chrome and a large screen, so I apologize if it appears off to anyone. I cannot "fix" it because it looks normal on my end.
Last edited by Keen on Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:15 am, edited 54 times in total.
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== Aldebaran == Provider of Light ==

Postby ophanimera » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:44 pm


Username - bat-ty
Name - Aldebaran, meaning "the follower". This star is said to provide its light to the Pleiades.
Gender - Male
Age - 3,700 years
Element(s) - Earth and Light
Build; 15 ft tall; Lean and muscular, but not visibly malnourished

Elemental Abilities


Light Element Appearance: Aldebaran's light is often red, unless he is specifically channeling a color of light for purposes of Blessing. Most of his blessed items radiate pure white light, or the red of his eyes, if there is a need for dark vision. Gold and blue are also possible colors, as well as a strange dark red light, reminiscent of brown dwarf stars. See this page for a diagram showing all possible colors of light.

Stone Wall
-- The lion is able to create earthen walls, either vertically straight or with concavity, in order for use in self-protection. Once the wall has been created, it stands until destroyed or disassembled with earth magic. Temporary shields can also be created which return to earth once the lion's elemental hold has been released on the shield.
Requires light concentration for small shields/walls, moderate for shields/walls of the lion's height/width, and extreme concentration for shields which extend beyond the lion's direct range of contact. Energy expenditure depends on the level of concentration and duration of the shield or wall.

-- The lion is able to use the earth surrounding them to create spikes jutting out of the sides of the earth face. This works especially well within the Oasis' tunnel system for self-protection, in the advent that it is ever required. Can be used to create a path of spikes, to stab another lion from underneath/above or a complete obstruction of a tunnel path, if need be. Only used in dire circumstances, as it requires an extreme amount of energy and focus and often results in high injury to others. Can be lethal to non-armored lions and pierces through any cloth or thin leather. Not useful outside of combat. Can only be used once before Aldebaran needs to recharge energy reserves by rest, et cetera.

-- The lion is able to use their light elemental powers to blind another lion. The blinding only lasts for a short instant, as a flash of bright light is emanated from the lion doing the blinding. This is primarily used for self-defense or to protect another lion. Can slightly damage the lions retinas if they are blinded for an extended amount of time. If uncontrolled or done when not focused, can result in accidental self-blinding. Requires moderate energy consumption and moderate focus.

-- The lion is able to use their light elemental powers to create a projection of light from themself, so long as they are able to see it. The projection must be within the range of motion and the concentration/energy requirement scales to the distance away from the lion. The further away the projection, the more energy and focus it takes to control.

Imbibe - keystone ability of a Bard
- The lion acts as a vessel for starlight, harnessing their light-elemental properties to bless items with it. Once an item has been blessed with star light, it will fulfill its blessing indefinitely without any additional energy requirement.
Requires light to extreme focus/concentration, eye and physical contact during the process // Energy expenditure depends on the item and level of brightness/duration of the intended glow

Rank - Oasis Bard

The Guide's Notes

    Aldebaran is well-tempered and disciplined, although he does get frustrated at his own imperfections. His highly self-critical quality is his main driving force to succeed, although it takes a toll on his mental health. Anyone who tries to irritate him usually fails to succeed at breaking his focus unless they insult him about personal qualities, such as taunting him about his helpfulness or respect of elders.

    Aldebaran has always had high predisposition to this role as a Light elemental. With intense training regimen, he was able to succeed and achieve his desired position. He could have also easily become a Wanderer, with his history as a cub and due to parental and Wanderer family's encouragement.

    Aldebaran excels at blessing items above all else, wields Light element with much more ease and grace than his Earth element. He is capable of performing other minor skills with his element, as comes with practice, but his primary training was for harnessing starlight and using it to bless items.

    When regurgitating stories as a final test to determine suitability for becoming a Wanderer, details of the story were often inaccurate or falsified when he could not remember the true occurrence, which makes him ineligible to become an efficient Wanderer... I wondered if this was intentional to avoid being sorted with the Wanderers as a cub or just due to his wild imagination.


Formalist // Inflexible \\ Disciplined

First and foremost, the part of Aldebaran's perspective which shapes all his relationships is his age in comparison to those around him. As he has aged in the Oasis and learned the history of all lions since the dawn of the species, he has gained immense respect for his elders, and will go out of his way to appease them. His politeness is nearly unsurpassed and often garners mockery from his peers, being perceived as brown-nosing. If the a lion's age is within the millennia of his age (3,000 to 4,000), he will treat them as his peer and equal. These are the individuals that he will seek out for friendship, companionship, and any sort of romantic relationships. If the lion is slightly older, he will be slightly hesitant to form close relationships with them but will still seek out their favor.

Anyone younger than him but older than 1,600, he will treat them as his juniors, still deserving of a moderate amount of respect but more inexperienced than he is in certain areas. With them, he will often take the lead or try to serve a tutorial role in their lives. He is never outright rude to them, but will snub all attempts at courtship and the like.

He typically tries to avoid forming friendships with lions under the immortality gap (1,600 years) because he is so used to tragedy happening during those formative years that he doesn't see much point in becoming attached to someone you might lose. Besides, his job doesn't require that much social interaction with outsiders, young adults, or cubs, so he has no reason to entertain them outside of storytelling. While he will not become friends with them, he doesn't outright disrespect any of these individuals, as he believes everyone is deserving of respect until they direly wrong him.

Tactful, People-Pleaser // Somewhat Immoral // Loyal

Aldebaran chooses his words well and with great thought and emphasis, making him a tactful and eloquent speaker. With some successful persuasion, it takes little effort on his part to garner another lion’s favor towards himself. He is, unfortunately a crowd-pleaser and will do anything to be viewed positively in the eyes of others, even if the means are morally dubious.

He is loyal to the Oasis and loyal to his close companions, with unwavering emotion in that regard. It would take a great disaster, either personal or overall to change his mind about someone or about the Oasis. He is distrustful of outsiders, although he is fairly good at faking niceties, as does warrant his several millennia of practice in this regard. He usually will only offer his services as a Bard to Oasis natives, as glowing keepsakes could betray the secrecy of the Oasis’ existence and lead those who wish ill to the Oasis nearer to it.

Hypersensitive // Too Selfless // Conflict-averse, Evasive

Aldebaran will do most anything to avoid a conflict with another lion. He will even go as far to avoid constant contact with lions who are notorious for starting conflict, be it with their words or actions. Most often, Aldebaran avoids blunt or abrasive lions, preferring those who are similarly conflict-averse and try to avoid outright instigating conflict by dodging the bullet, so to speak.

He overextends himself when trying to be helpful and takes it personally when someone refuses his assistance. He is extremely self-critical and hyper-aware of his mistakes, working to achieve perfection in his interpersonal life. While he isn't pushy in trying to assist others, he will often find opportunities and seize them where possible, or try to be the first lion to jump at the opportunity presented by someone else.

Imaginative (Storyteller)

Using his earth and light elements, when not fulfilling his role as Bard for the Oasis, he can be found entertaining others through his gift of story-telling. He is imaginative and inventive, creating new plotlines and characters of his own for use in his stories. He is also capable of telling stories of historical nature, although he prefers those of fantasy. After all, history stories is what the Oasis has the Council for. Fantastical stories of Earth brought back by the Wanderers help fuel his stories and the imaginations of Oasis lions alike.


My parents are Wanderers, both dual-element wielding. My father wields light and ice, my mother wields earth and psychic. I was the blend of their elements, earth and light. I was born in the Oasis when they aged beyond their first millennia, each of them only within one hundred years of the other’s age. That makes them both around 4,800 now. I was raised surrounded by their stories, and by the stories that they played a part in the legacy of keeping. While my parents were away on a mission, the Wanderers that stayed behind acted as my surrogate mothers and fathers.

As I grew older, I studied the history of our species, learning the history of the approximately four thousand years to come before my time. My parents expected me to become a Wanderer, and while stories appealed to me, I didn't want to carry the burden of others' stories for a living. As a cub, I gained respect for the powerful names of my elders in the Oasis, our predecessors as a species outside the Oasis, and those council members who served to educate us and preserve the history of our species. Millennia were held in the minds and mouths of so few, and yet the stories were eternal. As are we, I suppose. Three more council members would be selected over the course of my life, and with their title came respect. Their age became unimportant once they attained that rank. I kept my eyes open for opportunities to prove myself, even though I was only a cub.

The Guide watched over my training, evaluating my potential, temperament, and performance. My light elemental capabilities made me predisposed to becoming a Bard, and my determination ensured that I was chosen for such a role. Lying about certain story qualities, exaggerating them with my talent in storycrafting, I would be able to thwart my parent’s aspirations and live out my life as I sought to. Soon, I would find myself tasked with the responsibility of uncovering my true potential in harnessing starlight for use in blessing items.

The physical demands were intense, as I sat vigil for many a night, silently attuning myself to the cosmos. I reached out to the stars, eventually finding their energy resonating within myself, within my inner light. I tried to bless a number of small objects at first, honing my energy until they shone like the stars. Dim red light energy coursed through a handful of stones, lasting for about a day each before blinking out. I thought myself ready to move on to larger trials, but my true skill wouldn’t be unlocked until adulthood. While I was able to achieve proficiency as a cub, I wouldn't be able to excel until I practiced for several hundred years, if not millennia while in the Oasis.

I spent my year outside the Oasis at the age of ninety-nine, as all lions of our pride do. I met a good number of lions exploring, as well as those who opposed them... Those of the Pride, loyal to the current Alpha, and those of the Rebels, loyal to Arknon or perhaps only to themself. In this year, I gathered some material for my stories, a stranger to all I met and my history and future a secret to them. Despite these experiences, my loyalty to the Oasis was unfettered.

I returned, a newly grown lion and an official Bard. Over the last 3,600 years, my life has unfolded brilliantly behind me. Despite this, immortality weighs a heavy burden on my heart. Should I choose to take a mate, our family will be cub-less for all eternity. I think often back to my year outside the Oasis and all of the happily mated couples that exist in our world and in Lochren. A deep-seated emptiness fills my being. Even if I am unable to mate, I look for a partner in the hopes that one day, I too can find that happiness.


1 - Dragontrix - Araxie
    Araxie is a very young lion, just barely beyond cub-hood. During my performances as a Storyteller during my free time, she could be found in the front row of every single one. She seemingly took notes, and despite her age, I admire her dedication to the craft of storytelling.
5 - NARANDA - Fereshteh
    Aldebaran respects Fereshteh highly, as her role plays a vital part in the Oasis’s safety. Her hard work and steadfast loyalty to the Oasis are admirable traits, and despite her young age, Aldebaran looks to her for inspiration in these areas. He appreciates her blunt honesty in the long-term but ultimately tries to avoid entering in the mix of conflict created as much as possible. His primary interactions with her revolve around his job and blessing items for her and her squadron of knights. When in need of something being blessed, Aldebaran is Fereshteh's preferred Bard.
8 - NizoLuv - Bahram
    Aldebaran has seen Bahram, clearly admiring Fereshteh from afar. At 3,700, nothing really slips by you, especially not when someone as stoic as Bahram breaks their calm. Because of their age difference, Aldebaran doesn't really view Bahram as friend material, but his drive to success as a Guard and potentally a future Knight is worthy of respect. Given that Aldebaran has a good working relationship with Fereshteh, Aldebaran might be inclined to talk to Bahram about the details of current events regarding Fereshteh, so long as he's not breaching some sort of law or privacy requirement as a Bard.
14 - [Missing] - Aharon
    Aldebaran respects her as an elder and offers his services where able. If she needs something blessed that she's likely to lose, he is happy to help. He likes to keep occasional company with her when he's not busy telling stories or doing his job as a Bard. Above all else, he views her as an elder lion, worthy of respect due to her age status. He tries to keep a formally polite attitude at all times around her, squelching any annoyed feelings he may have at her immature disposition. Her infrequent company adds a bit of colorful variety into his life when he needs it most.
Last edited by ophanimera on Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:22 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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Re: LOC Event || The Oasis || Event Lions

Postby NizoLuv » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:53 pm

    Username ; NizoLuv
    Name ; Bahram
    Meaning ;"Victory Over Resistance"

    Gender ; Male
    Age: 650 Years old
    Status ; Complicated

    Frame ; Thick, well built. Muscular and toned.
    Height ; 14 feet 7 inches.


    Element(s) ; - Sound
    "A lion with the gift of Sound can: create high and low frequencies to harm or kill enemies. Used like echo location to see enemies in dark places. Can manipulate nearby sound to mask movement or create movement somewhere else. "

    He's not aware of it himself, but he's constantly using his element in his day to day life. He mutes his movements, causing him to never make a sound. This has gotten him into a little bit of trouble, confusing on his part, that has left him with a few tiny scars here and there. He often "sneaks" up on others and startles them.

    He also isn't very talkative but when he does talk, his voices carries well around them, though no one is sure if its because of his element or not. His voice is crisp and clear, flowing in the air like water. His voice rarely cracks, only at times when he's speaking to a certain someone. When he means business, his voice thunders, vibrates, and echoes in the air around him, giving off a verbal and physical warning.

    Offensive Skills:
    • Expanding Sound Bolts | The user is able to launch bolts of sound that are able to rapidly expand on contact with the target lion or area.
    • Sound Wave | Send out a wave of sound in all directions. Strength varies depending on the user's will.
    • Sonic Scream | Emit sound of a high amplitude from one's mouth.
    • Sonic Wave Emission | User can release waves, spirals, rings, pulse, blasts, balls, and bursts of sound and use them to damage, push, bind and/or paralyze targets. They are able to send sound through any form of matter creating ruptures, and create a pulse sound that can go through anything, and depending on what the user want it can either be harmful or harmless.
    • Wave Motion Blast | User can emit/release an enormous and destructive wave of energy at a desired target and most likely destroy the surrounding area to a degree.

    Defensive Skills:
    • Dismay Shout |The user can use a scream that causes shocking fear in others.
    • Sonic Breath | Discharge sound blasts from mouth. Often used to stun or push targets back.
    • Sonic Wave Emission | Send out a wave of sound that repels everything.
    • Enhanced Roar | The user is able to shout so loud that the user can blow away objects or break objects with their ferocious vocal cords which can cause vibrations. They may also be able to emit a roar strong enough to damage hearing, cause fear, or paralyze. The force caused by the roar may even cancel out opposing attacks. It can also be used to alert someone of the user's location.

    General Skills:
    • Silencing | The user can negate sound and any sound-using attacks, ignoring their effects.
    • Inaudibility | Users become inaudible, with some being able to be completely silent or allow themselves to only be heard by certain individuals or make things around them inaudible too. (Time limitation)
    • Muting|User can remove targets ability to speak or vocally communicate temporarily or permanently, which can severely limit an opponent's ability to relay information.
    • Echolocation | The ability to determine the location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves.
    • Lie Detection | The user can sense when they are lied to by hearing the heartbeat increase. May not differentiate between a white lie or a secret.
    • Charmspeaking | The user can compel people by speaking, the victims are unable to disobey; the seemingly cogent commandment is far too compelling. At high level, user can even flip around sense of logic, but can never cause victims to achieve what they are not capable of. Someone with high intelligence can be resistant to it. Anything that prevents the user from speaking or target from hearing blocks this power.
    • Vertigo Inducement | User can give the target vertigo, causing confusion, disorientation and/or nausea, possibly even unconsciousness. May be able to affect a limited amount of targets.

    Fighting Style:
    Young Bahram was rash in his younger days, quick, impatient, and ready to fight. He used his brute strength more than he did his element, but soon realized physical strength can only do so much. He wasn't sure what exactly he could even do with his powers at first, but with practice and a bit of experimenting, he saw a glimmer of inspiration. He started brushing up and improving his overall physical condition, as well as training and improving his skills with his element.

    Now Now that Bahram is older and much more experienced, he no longer relies on one over the other. He has found balance between himself and his powers and uses them hand in hand. He uses his element well in battle, having various skills to stall his enemies as well as attacks and defensive moves. Attacking isn't usually his first moves, he will try to intimidate the opponent or give them the option of giving up before it gets more intense. If the intimidation or trying to talk them down doesn't work, he'll keep them at a distance or at bay until he knows what element(s) they carry. He won't let them get close to himself, or his allies until they can assess the situation so they can know what the best way or moving and attacking would be.

    Rank ; Oasis Guard
    "protect the Oasis from outward dangers potentially, protect the citizens within, protect those sent outside of the Oasis (rare), are additionally trained for fighting in wars if needed."

    Bahram takes his duties seriously, training and honing his skills with his element and physical attacks. Not only for his job as a Guard, but he trains in his free time because wishes to be of more use to the Oasis, as a knight or something more. He feels like he could offer more if he could prove himself to be useful elsewhere. Of course, that doesn't mean he slacks off on his Guard duties. He hates those that slack or goof off on duty more than anything.

    Personality ;

    Reserved - Quiet - Stoic

    Bahram sports a seemingly emotionless face. He keeps to himself, never truly showing interest in socializing or befriending others. He isn't completely asocial, though others may see him as cold and aloof. Bahram mostly sees a need to speak when something needs to be said. He isn't great with small talk or gossip. Never really knowing what to respond back to or how to contribute to the conversation. Even with those he's close to, his closed lipped and prefers to watch on the side lines. However, he will voice his mind and when he does speak, he can be blunt and a bit cynical in nature with his words. Most of the time, he means no ill-will. Bahram has a hard face to read, his true thoughts rarely shine through. There are, of course, some exceptions to it, and he never truly notices it himself.

    With his sound element, it doesn't help that he's just naturally a silent kind of guy. He moves with ease and careful steps, even if he wasn't using his element, he'd be hard to notice right away. The same could be said about his speak. His voice is low, but travels well without him having to raise his voice. The times he does speak up loudly, he speaks in what seems like a roar, his words vibrating and echoing in the air around him. He's hard to ignore when he demands to be heard.

    Bahram isn't the type to share his hardships with just anyone. He keeps his troubles and worries to himself, for his privacy and to keep those near him from worrying about him or even potentially finding something to use against him. He's a private kind of guy, wanting to keep anything he can to himself, even something as small as his feelings. Though, again, he seems to fail in some aspects... He's not completely emotionless though, he does care about others and he does feel things. In his mind, its safer for him to keep things to himself than to let others know.

    Calm - Practical - Insensitive

    Bahram takes things slowly, making sure to take the time to analyze the situation before reacting.He takes things in stride, usually won't act rashly or jump to action without first thinking it through and making sure its the best option out there. He does stress out about things, but usually not for long. Everything happens for some reason, he just needs to take the time to find it. He also knows acting rashly in a dangerous situation, and in such a rank he's in, would cost him too much. He keeps a level head for the sake of himself but more so for the sake of the Oasis.

    Bah likes to plan ahead for the most part, making sure he knows what he needs to do and how to get it done. He doesn't like to rely on others if he doesn't need to, but also knows there's some things he can't do without the help of others. He will sometimes get together with the other Guards or even the other ranks to discuss rotations and the likes, sometimes even just to double check and make sure he has the correct information if he ever questions himself about something.

    Bahram is unapologetically blunt and can be a bit insensitive with his words at times. He doesn't care for others feelings or what their thoughts or situations are most of the times, especially if they're from outside the Oasis or cause the Oasis trouble. He's a bit selfish in the sense, as he only cares about his goals and the Oasis. As a result, he may have a few enemies within the very place he guards.

    Dutiful - Hardworking - Judgemental

    If there's one thing Bahram takes seriously, with everything he has, its his work. He was given a task to do, and he will do it with everything he has. Bahram hasn't settled on his rank, Oasis Guard isn't his goal in life, but that doesn't mean he'll slack off. He does his job as if it was something he's wished to do his whole life. He never complains but still yearns for what he truly wants. His dreams make no dents in his results and he feels proud of that fact.

    Even though Bahram works hard as a Guard, he still finds time to train, condition, and improve his skills whenever he can. He can be found running around the Oasis or practicing his skills on inanimate objects. If he's lucky enough, he can join some groups and spar with others or his mentor. Some days he may even test his skills out on prey. He never gives up on his goals to obtain a higher rank and doesn't settle for what he has. He knows he can improve and he works hard to get there both at his job and his training.

    Now, for those that don't do the same, Bahram lets them know of his disdain. He can't stand those that don't take themselves, life, or their duties to the Oasis (or anything really) seriously and with pride. He's quick to judge others based on how they work or view their job and tasks. He can't stand those that slack off on the job, which could cost the Oasis more than that lion could afford. First impressions for Bahram are important, if he sees a lion doing poorly or working lazily, the idea of that lion being untrustworthy gets sketched into his head. It isn't impossible to change his views but it will require effort.

    Though Bahram is a workaholic, he also judges others on how they treat the lions around them. He believes the Oasis shouldn't have any inner conflict if those within its protection respect themselves and the Oasis and the land as a whole. Though, if they deserve his individual respect is ironically another matter altogether.

    Honest - Dependable - Stubborn

    Bahram is a man of his word, if he lies, then its for the best interest of the other person. However, if he ever has to lie, it must be of some great importance and shouldn't be pressed any further. Bahram is an honesty and straightforward guy, blunt and to the point. He won't sugar coat things and tells it how it is, even to cubs. He doesn't find it fair to withhold the things another lion has every right to know, unless of course, they don't need to. At that point, he just won't say anything instead of giving them a false answer. In the same sense, he isn't easily hurt by what others say or tell him. He appreciates and encourages others, to his best ability (which, honestly, might not be that great lol) to be truthful and bold with him. To the Oasis and those he holds close, he can be trusted with nearly anything. If its within his abilities, he will help out with what he can with confidence. He won't take on jobs or tasks he feels are too much for himself, especially alone. There is never a task too little but there are tasks too grand. He may be stubborn, but he does know his own limitations.

    Speaking of, Bahram refuses to let his rank of Guard limit what he can do. He has his goals in sight and works towards them eagerly without complaint. He doesn't care to hear what others may or may not have to say about his decisions and/or actions or how much he trains and works. Once he sets his mind to something, it stays. He's a hard guy to convince and change his mind, even more so on something he's been working towards for so long.

    Conservative - Awkward - Obsessive

    Bahram is cautious about a lot of things, as is the nature of his work. He likes things to stay familiar and unchanged as much as they can be. Now, he isn't completely against change, if its something that can be undeniable and beneficial to the Oasis and the lions within it, however if its something that could potentially bring the down fall of the Oasis and endanger the population (*coughcough*ThePride*coughcough*), he's very obviously against it. He likes to keep things simple. The Oasis has survived so long without getting involved for a reason after all.

    Bahram prefers to stay under the radar as much as he can, which could be one reason he is completely silent as he moves about. He doesn't know how to interact with other lions very well outside of sparring or training sessions. He can be awkward to be around, as he doesn't notice how silence can be unnerving or uncomfortable for others.

    Bahram is socially inept, mostly due to his upbringing and self isolation as a cub. He can be extremely awkward in social situations, replying off cue or questioning certain, normal actions or behaviors out of nowhere. He doesn't understand a lot of normal emotions or actions like others might, but he's slowly improving over time as he meets and learns.

    In the same breath, when Bahram is interested in something, he dedicates his whole being to it. He may not notice his feelings for others but he does know when he likes or admires something or someone. His obsession, loyalty and dedication to the Oasis is one thing, he'd give his life to protect his land and his people without hesitation, or at least, that's how it used to be. Now that he has an interest in another lion, he isn't so sure.


    History ;


    Bahram's parents were immortal, though they had never told their only child. They were a strange, if not a little off putting, couple. Keeping to themselves and speaking in hushed murmurs when they were around others. Bahram had been kept away from the rest of the population a good amount of his youth. Only being able to sneak peaks at the world around him and occasionally see the others if his parents decided to bring him with them. He admired the adults, being able to roam the Oasis as they pleased, having large strong bodies and no need to hide from each other.

    His parents had always told him the world was dangerous and that other's shouldn't be trusted, not even those within their realm. And thats why they kept him close, and why he had never questioned their actions or protectiveness. Being a curious cub, however, didn't stop him from wanting to see more of the world he was born in, and he often slipped out to watch the adults train. He admired the Knights and Generals, and what glimpses of the council members and their sentinels he could get.

    If he was lucky, some of the adult lions would notice him and allow him to join in their training for a bit, curious about his element and what he could do. They'd share stories about the Oasis' past and the dangers of the outside world. Bahram listened curiously, never hearing anything about those topics from his parents.

    No one knew what was going through the minds of his parents and none really pushed it further when Bahram answered their questions with shrugs. Bahram wasn't close to his parents like most cubs were, but he also didn't hate them. They were odd and restrictive, sure, but that was all he knew. He only started to question them when he ventured out more often.

    It didnt take long for his parents to notice the change in their son, but instead of punishing him, they cried. Blaming themselves. "How could this happen?" over and over, he heard those words between mumbled between them again and again. Bahram watched them fall farther and farther away. Bahram wasn't sure to do, or really, if he needed to do anything. Their behavior wasn't too different from normal. Only that they no longer left and kept a closer eye on him.

    Bahram was getting older, and in a few years it would be time for him to take a journey for himself, just like the others told him. One day, he has asked his parents about it, only to be meet with large fearful eyes. They bombarded him with questions, demanding he tell them where he learned that from and who he had been speaking to behind their backs.

    Months had went by after that, he had barely seen his parents in the meantime, they hid themselves away from him...only to resurface from their den, ignoring Bahram and leaving. Bahram followed them, a bit concerned about the blank look on their face. The family was headed for the gates, the pair moving steadily without caring if Bahram was behind them or not. Bahram called to them, only to be ignored. His voice gained the attention of the Guards but none moved towards them, only watching to see what was happening.

    Bahram's parents looked back at the Oasis, what looked like fear and hate mixed into their faces before they turned back and walked into the gate, Bahram calling out to them, racing after. The moment they disappeared, the Guards moved, grabbing Bahram, who was half way through. They weren't quick enough though. What seemed like minutes were only seconds, but in those moments Bahram witnessed his parents vanish, turning into dust and disappearing instantly. Bahram didn't say anything when he was pulled back, the Guards speaking quickly to him, but their voices were hushed and soon muted all together.

    It was a shock. He had never known he's parents carried such a fate if they ever left. But did he have the right to mourn them? He didn't think they needed to be mourned. It was a shock to the others that had questions him about what had happened but he didn't feel grief for them after learning that they themselves knew what fate would befall them if they left. And they still did it. It was their decision to do and he refused to feel bad about it.

    Until the time for his trek, he isolated himself from the others, going over what training and skills he was taught on his little ventures out around the Oasis behind his parents backs. Bah kept to himself the remaining years, until it was time for his departure to Lochren.

    He wasn't looking forward to it, and honestly wasn't all that interested in seeing the other realm, especially not that whole incident. But Tradition was tradition and he followed suit. The group he was in was small, though he didn't know any of their names. He separated from them earlier on, hoping to keep clear of any unnecessary issues. Unfortunately for him, he ventured off closer to the Pride's territory than the others. He saw the hardships the lions here faced and the dangers of the outside world.

    When Bahram returned, he had a greater appreciation and respect for the Oasis and those that protect it. He grew, and joined the ranks as a Guard. He was a bit disappointed in himself for that, but he strives to work hard and rank up in the future to be a bigger asset for the Oasis and to maintain their way of life.

    Personal Views

      To Bahram, the Oasis is nearly everything. He respects and maybe even fears his homeland. He's loyal, and though he may question some decisions the leader or council may make, he will carry out and follow them. He does what he does for the sake of the Oasis and nothing else. His desire to become something more than a Guard is fueled by his desire to be of more use to his home and his people. He works hard so the amount of threats to them all is lessened as much as he can.


      He cared little of the Pride before their arrival. He had no interest in them or their lands, even as a cub. But now, they that come into his home, carrying their burdens with them, he wants them gone. He doesn't want the Oasis to get involved in another groups personal problems, especially if it could potentially cause harm to them in the long run. The Pride started this mess, and they should be the ones to deal with it.


      Bahram doesn't know much about the rebels, other than what he has heard from the Pride lions. He honestly doesn't care one way or another about what the Rebels do and how big of a threat they are to the Pride. As long as they keep their paws away from his loved ones and the Oasis, he couldn't care less about what they do to the Pride or how they do it. He still thinks they're stupid though, but he thinks that of the Pride as well....


      It's stupid, thats all he can really say about it. It'd obvious Traditions are important and should be kept but to go about it in the way they are is nonsense. He can't fathom how killing and attacking the thing they're fighting for is a good idea. Surely, there could have been better ways to go about it, but since its been going on for so long, maybe they simply don't care. Bahram wonders if they were just looking for a reason to start a war and fight at this point. He prays the Oasis will refuse the Pride's calls for aid and sends them all back to their land.

    Relationships ;

      Oasis Lions;

        Fereshteh / NARANDA / Try out / Complicated feelings.
          "I have always looked up to and admired Fereshteh, mostly from afar. Now that we're close, im not sure about my feelings towards her. We have so many things in common, and we push and pull each other to improve and do our best. She had helped me with so much, im not sure how to thank her... But for her to confess to me? I feel bad for not knowing how to answer her. She's done so many things and me? I'm just a Guard. I have nothing to offer her and nothing to drag about. It wouldn't be right for me to feel more for her than i do.....wouldn't it? There are surely others here that would suit her better than i ever could.....I'm just not sure how i'd feel about that yet.

        Araru / CCrow / Tryout / Sparring partner and acquaintance.
          " I remember Araru from when he was a cub. Our first meeting was probably something neither of us will forget in our lifetime. We hadn't talked much since then, but from time to time we'd meet up to spar and train. One could say i was surprised to see him as a Knight, but another part of me wasn't. He was brave as a cub and his elements suit him well. He'll serve the Oasis well.

        Aldebaran / Bat-ty / Tryout / Work relationship. Respects.
          "I usually only see him with Fereshteh, blessing her armor or head gear from time to time. I have no real interest in the other, though i do respect him and his job. I may seek him out for help about some things, mostly about Fere...

      Pride Lions;

        Ethereal / starry--knight / Pride's Leader / Distrusts and dislikes
          "I've only seen him a few times, and never once spoke with the other Leader. I want him, and his Pride, to leave the Oasis as soon as possible. And hopefully by themselves.

    Future Plot Ideas:
    • Could his loyalty to the Oasis be tested? What would be choose, his home or his love?
    • Love Rival? Hesitated too long and another could be sneaking their way in between them. Or it could just be his imagination.
    • What even are cubs. Bahram day care, he just couldn't refuse the higher ups. Has to watch and possibly train a group of cubs. Maybe he gets some much needed help?
    • Face to face with the Rebellion. Meets the Pride's enemy. They couldn't be all bad, could they? (ooh plot twist. he doesnt know.)
    • Cubs aren't so bad....oh...oh no. yes they are. Possibly has to watch another cub or two again. maybe pride cubs? They're bad. Bahram isn't sure he could do this.

    Items: Image
      Bahram wears bells for a few reasons. For one, its to notify others of his presence since he mutes his own movements. He's not aware of it himself, so making himself known by the use of items was the best idea he had.

      Another use of his bells, are to give him another source of noise for his attacks. He can amplify the chimes for various skills more as they have a certain frequency and vibration than other sounds available around him.

    N O T E S

  • Obsesses over?? suPer attached to??? a certain lion. Their word is law, other than what the Oasis wishes for. Will listen to them before anything else/seek their approval/ect??????
  • Kinda likes cubs, tho they probably don't feel the same about him. super awkward and unnervingly quiet. Honestly just likes to watch them from the side lines or act as a "prop" in their play. aka "lets climb all over him and chew him !" no regerts.

  • Has a cute side if you can overlook the bland everything. Gotta dig deEP. Or maybe only shows it to the lion he's loyal to?
Last edited by NizoLuv on Tue Mar 13, 2018 6:16 pm, edited 47 times in total.
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