Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:14 am

Having deposited his necklace safely inside his den for the time being, Saber now rested just outside the mouth of his sleeping place. He had lowered himself from a seated position onto his belly, the thick barrel of his chest resting against the ground while his forelegs stretched out in front of him. He was admittedly tired, and hazy from the dosage of poppy seeds, but still he resisted sleep. Instead, he blinked against the warmth of angled sunlight, minding his own business for the most part while keeping a casual but watchful eye on the two newcomers near the moose kill that he and Ruby had brought down.
If not for the sluggish effect that the medicine had on his senses, Saber might have been more attuned to the faint rustling that came from the long grass a few feet behind him. Instead, he was only vaguely, distantly aware of it – ears flicking backwards only slightly even as the quiet dancing notes of a stifled snicker betrayed the presence of another so close.
More rustling finally had Saber beginning to turn his head just as a little figure pounced from the cover of the underbrush at the edge of camp, making her way to his shoulder in just a few quick bounds. The suddenness of the little pup’s appearance, coupled with a playful
“Boo!” gave the sluggish baron cause to startle, eyes widening for a moment as he shifted faintly away before settling back to his original position as alarm dissipated into recognition.

“Hello, Skye,” Saber rumbled once his pulse had slowed again to normal, the tones of his voice low and thick with his fatigue, though not unfriendly. The pup had found the pack a few weeks ago, and though she was still relatively new she had wasted no time in making herself familiar to everyone. Saber was already plenty accustomed to her playful energy and had grown warmly tolerant of it more easily than most. Even tired and bloody, Saber didn't have the heart to turn her away.

A victorious giggle rose from the pup in reply. “I gotcha that time!” She declared, short tail wagging in figure eights. The young wolf craned her neck to look up at the baron’s face; even laying down, Saber was taller than she could hope to stretch simply by keeping his head raised. But his size did not intimidate her, nor did the gravelly timber of his voice. In fact, Saber was one of her favorite adult wolves in the pack – one day, she wanted to be as big and strong as he was.

“You did,” Saber admitted, side-eyeing the pup with a single metallic blink. She looked plenty pleased with herself, kaleidoscope eyes twinkling mischievously as tiny pearly fangs flashed in a grin.

As soon as the metallic amber of the brute’s eye met the youthful yellow-blue speckling of her gaze, Skye took this as invitation, jumping over one of Saber’s extended forelegs to settle herself against his chest, beneath his chin. “Are you tired?” she asked, seeing the way he blinked slowly as she peered up at him.

“Just a little groggy, it’ll wear off.”

“Too tired to play?” The pup whined a little, letting one of her paws comb through the thick fur of Saber’s chest, matted a bit with mud and blood.

Saber pulled his paws closer to him and lowered his head, resting his chin on his forelegs and effectively squishing the young fae into the little pocket of space that was created under his neck. “I’m afraid so.” Although Saber was tired, his tone remained warm for Skye’s sake, never dismissive.

A muffled giggle came from beneath Saber’s chin as Skye wriggled about to try to escape the tiny pocket of space. Two back legs emerged on one side of Saber’s face as she rolled onto her back. The pup’s head popped out on the opposite side, back legs visibly wriggling as she struggled. “I’m stuck!” She giggled, and nipped at the thick fur of Saber’s cheek, the only part of him within reach.

“Oh no,” Saber replied flatly, voice drawing out the syllables in faux dismay without any of the proper intonation to express real sympathy. The corners of his mouth curled up faintly in soft amusement, the deep tones of his voice giving off muffled vibrations against Skye's round belly as she squirmed and laughed.

((Just a warm up, both Saber and Skye are free to interact with others whenever))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:33 am

((I've been staring at these way too long bllaaagh))

The electricity in his eyes sparked across the distance between them, compelling her to mirror his step forwards, drawing herself closer to this tall baron she'd only just met. Though they still weren't in any sort of close proximity to one another, the new perspective only served to further display their height differences, which amused her in a very true-to-form Katrinalike fashion. Both wolves warm of coat and blue of eye, but so different in build. Katrina found she was tilting her chin upwards slightly to continue matching his burning gaze, but she was used to looking up at wolves who were taller than her, and it didn't bother her in the slightest.
A self-protective flash of irritation beat against her ribs at his question, her mind instinctively shying away from the suggestion that technically, she could leave. It flickered in her eyes as she frowned to herself, her gaze dropping downwards with the instinctive intent of deflecting. Because if she hadn't felt those merest brushes of anger, she would have felt fear. It was one of the few things Katrina did hide: fear. Not rebellion, not opinion, and certainly not happiness; but fear.
Katrina looked at Beau oddly, her bright blues startlingly honest, considering the secretive tenor of most of the shores pack. "I could leave, but my life is here, my craft is here, and most importantly, my pack is here. My friends, my family. If I left, where would I go? I'd be alone." A rare, merest brush of sadness courted her expression as she gazed at him, the flicker of seriousness seeming as out of place on her finely featured face as open joy did on the wolves of the upper ranks. The sincerity that emanated from her so easily was not uncommon; she opened up readily to other wolves when asked, not seeing a reason to hide the most of who she was. Whatever shade of ruefulness she carried was erased as she again gave a single brief shrug of her shoulders, letting out a silky laugh to ease the slight tension that had risen in her. Just like that, in a breath she was herself again. "I'm too extroverted to gallivant around alone, anyways. Who would be forced to withstand my bad sense of humor?"


Quinn's white teeth flashed in a quick grimace as Dovev began applying the poultice he'd made to her wounds. It stung briefly before smoothing out into a cooler sensation against the heat of her torn skin. The herbs that he used, mysterious to her, filled her nose with their tangy scent, a scent distinctive and one that she couldn't quite tell if she liked or not. Dovev's lighthearted comment made her snort with amusement before she could help herself. "No no- if Lilu's the only full-time healer left, the entire forest will be doomed," Quinn laughed in her characteristic fall of bubbling notes, her green eyes crinkling shut for a moment. She tilted her head as the tall shaman began applying bandages and cobwebs, trying to follow with her bright gaze the work he was doing, but the poppy seeds still beat a soothing rhythm in the back of her mind, and eventually she simply rested her head on her forepaws as he went around checking the bandages.
"Can I stay here while the poultices set?" came her straightforward response as she lifted her head briefly to match his eyes. "Lilu's den is kinda crowded, and it just feels real good to be off my paws." At his final words, another bout of laughter spilled a couple notes from her scratched-feeling throat. "'Haven't been killed yet, have I?" she shot back without thinking, amusement shining from her foxish face. "We'll see about that, though," she admitted after a second, "the wolverine did get my side pretty good. I hope it heals quickly though, I'd hate to be in a tough spot for when the packs all meet."

Clarence's calm, vivid blue gaze met Jesse's smooth grey one and then n'Obi's shimmering gold in turn as they murmured gratitude, dipping his chin downwards in acknowledgement, an expression that was accompanied with a slight raise of his dark eyebrows in a look to encourage his continued availability for questions at some hypothetical point in the future.
Knowing his own tendency to hyperfocus, Clarence retook stock of his surroundings as Ruby and Gemini came padding back from the alpha's den, letting his attention sweep across the wolves surrounding him, his proudly arched neck curving somewhat as he did so; n'Obi, Jesse, Gemini, Ruby. In his peripheral vision he was aware of Saber's solid, unerringly polite presence, taking note of the fact that the warrior had evidently been treated and released from the medicine den.
He flashed a warm look to Ruby and Gemini, then dipped his head again respectfully to the group. "I'll take my leave now, though again, you are welcome to seek me out if there is anything you need," he rumbled.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Sun Nov 06, 2016 12:09 pm

The enigmatic dove drew nearer to him in mirror of his own step forward; Beau’s grin remained as his chin tilted down just slightly as hers angled up, the two wolves leveling their gazes at one another. Though he was plenty taller than she, and though his energy was intense and confident, his presence was neither stifling nor mocking – his ample height above her did not make him feel powerful or smug, and he never appeared to take any kind of amusement or pleasure in being so much taller. As Katrina was used to looking up at others, Beau and his like-bodied brother were accustomed to looking down.
Then there was an unexpected brush of irritation that shaded the dove’s face anew. Beau had not anticipated such a reaction, and it gave him pause, eyes narrowing just faintly to focus on Katrina more acutely. He wanted to understand where her anger came from.

And then she fixed her gaze to his and began to speak, and the half-buried ghosts in his heart began to wail. My pack. My friends. My family. The ache in Beau's chest grew to a sickening twist, the wailing in his head was a cacophonous mélange of wild shrieks and crashing waves and broken howling. The steaming confidence of his character faltered, cooling dramatically as the volume of his grin visibly deflated, though never quite disappeared. Despite the searing pain that had risen in him, Beau’s grin remained, and if not for the sudden hollow look in his eyes, he would simply appear to be sobering in appropriate response to her honesty. And yet, there were his eyes – like broken neon signs, struggling to emit that persistent electric glow but still flickering, failing.


With the ease of letting wind skim over her shoulders, Katrina seemed to return to the lightheartedness that had previously dominated their conversation, but Beau was left stranded in a ravine of memory. Nevertheless, his smile returned, semi-automatic. His answering chuckle was just a little too luxurious, deep and husky with the heart-sick tightening of his throat. A shock of adrenaline had coursed through him at her words, and now it burned in his legs as he itched to run – he was always running away. His long legs shifted, restless, though not impatient. It was in character for him to be energetic, after all.
“I’d be awfully glad to.” He admitted smoothly in response to her question without much forethought, mind all aflutter with the need to say or do anything to escape his memories. He had looked away to raise his eyes to the sky briefly, seeking the calming relief of an open horizon, but lowered his gaze to Katrina again and seemed to remember himself with an airy chuckle.
“I mean,” he adjusted quickly, his smile returned nearly to its original brightness and eyes steady again in their light, though he gave a pause, remembering the faint but earnest look of sadness that had creased the intriguing dove's features just a moment prior, “You can be in a city full of other wolves and still be alone. Can’t be afraid to be alone, Katrina. Some things are worse." Perhaps he was overstepping his bounds with these words, but in truth the rush of unspent adrenaline was making him feel a touch lightheaded - though he'd rather chalk it up to being caught up in this dove's strangely magnetic presence than admit that the cause might lie within his own problematic heart.

(Beau fought me so hard on this one. Please give him a hug)

Back feet flailing, Skye let loose another giggle as she nipped at Saber’s fur in vain, finding no purchase with her tiny teeth. The young pup huffed and let her head lean back, neck resting over Saber’s ankle while her ears just brushed the ground – she was seeing upside down, still laying on her back beneath Saber’s chin.
Viewing the camp flipped on its head, Skye blinked curiously as a set of dark paws pulled away from the small group that had gathered near the fresh kill. Tilting her head at an angle in an effort to make sense of the image, Skye spotted the regal figure of the pack’s beta. “Clarence!” She cried in automatic enthusiasm, drawing Saber’s attention in the beta’s direction as well.

Saber’s amber gaze lifted reflexively toward the beta with the pup’s calling of his name, brows lifting in welcome and the corner of his mouth twitching up in a hint of mild bashfulness at being caught at play. The hunter lifted his head, releasing Skye who tumbled out of his paws and sprang up readily, facing Clarence but remaining beside Saber.
She fixed the beta with a shameless grin, the ‘mohawk’ of adult fur up her neck all ruffled and mussed from her tussle with the head hunter. “I scared Saber,” she announced proudly to the beta without waiting for any return response from her original call. “I was in the bushes and I pounced on him and he didn’t see me coming.”
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:41 am

Beau's eyes burned into her with his change in expression. Katrina felt pierced through, pinned into place by some hidden, agonized mystery she could only begin to sense the tip of. Her eyes narrowed slightly in an unconscious shift of expression that whispered of her recognizing the change in tone of their previous lighthearted conversation. She had touched a nerve in him, it seemed, mirroring the way his words had touched a nerve in her own chest.
Her gazed skimmed away from his briefly, relieving her momentarily from the intense weight of his complex gaze as her attention was drawn to the movement of his long, tawny legs. Katrina thought of Anna: gentle, soft Anna whose gaze welled with compassion at the slightest hint of emotion from another, Anna who would not only have recognized the, the something, that Katrina's words had brought up in Beau, but would also have known what to say. Katrina knew only how to be herself. The tall loner's expression seemed subtly torn between hints of true emotion and well-enforced pretenses, an expression that the young lady of the Eastern Shores pack knew all too well.
"Awfully glad, huh?" Katrina filled in, the thoughts that had occupied her mind for the last moment showing only in a deliberate releasing of the tension that had cropped up around her eyes. "A little forwards, seeing as we've only just met," the words unfurling from her mouth were accompanied by a teasing chuckle of sorts rising from her throat. As Beau's gaze came back down from the sky and Katrina's came back up from the earth, blue matched against blue and her resident crooked little grin found it easy to return to her mouth with a flash of pearly teeth against dark lips.
His last words caught her admittedly by surprise. Such frankness was often squashed in a society as strict as the shores, that prized those who conformed and kept their mouths calculatedly shut. "I don't doubt you," she returned after a slight pause, her brows knitting together slightly, "But without the presence of other wolves impacting my life, I'm sure I would not have become who I am today. And I like this version of me, for better or for worse."

((Clarence when I can!))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:06 am

Jesse dipped his chin nearer to his chest in a small nod of acknowledgement as Clarence dismissed himself, the even grey of his irises drifting to the corner of his eyes as the brute let his gaze follow the beta’s retreating form for a beat before turning his attention toward Gemini and the unfamiliar fae. Jesse’s brows lifted a bit automatically, coupling with the minute raise of his muzzle to signal a mute greeting to the alpha, though he paid as little attention to the fae as she had to him in their earlier encounter. The ache of hunger in Jesse’s stomach still persisted after such a long journey, so he turned again to the fresh prey and allowed himself a few more bites, muscular neck and shoulders flexing easily to pull flesh from bone. He didn’t want to take more than his share, though, knowing himself to be only a guest. He stepped back, pink tongue cleaning his muzzle in a few swipes, and stood roughly parallel to n’Obi, whose warm eyes and easy calm gave him both a gentleness and confidence that made him seem readily inviting. Jesse let his gaze sweep from the well-built baron to Gemini again, then glancing to the long-furred fae who had approached alongside the alpha.


Beau was managing to find a handle on his stuttering heart now, weight shifting to one side as he regarded the graceful dove with one brow lightly raised, fixing her with a pensive look as her words settled on him. An easy little half-grin lingered on his maw as it nearly always did. “Then I congratulate you on being very brave,” he replied after his thoughtful pause, his tone light. Though, especially in his own case, bravery was often muddled with naiveté. Beau didn’t want to disrespect Katrina for settling for the life that she had, disadvantages and all. Maybe it really was brave. Maybe he was the weaker one for running away. Or maybe she’s just very lucky, Beau added to himself after a moment. Lucky that the shaping factors of her life had not entirely ruined her yet.
The loner gave a little shake of his head then, raising a paw pad-side up in a motion of peace-offering as he admonished, “Maybe I’m just wild.” Tropical eyes met hers evenly again. “I’ve been here all of a few hours and the constraints of this place have me sweating. A girl like you?” Beau fixed the enigmatic dove with another electric look, eyes anchored briefly to hers before he blinked, “You look like a bird in a cage to me.”
Never the best at keeping himself from being too forward, it would seem. Maybe he ought to dismiss himself before he pissed her off completely. His gaze was flickering across her form again, curious, and he quickly gave a self-deprecating chuckle because he knew his eyes were not subtle. “A beautiful bird, but in a cage nonetheless.” His words acknowledged his own wandering eyes, and his self-directed laugh was accompanied by a scrunching of his nose as he forced himself to shut his eyes and stop checking her out – she seemed to be a confident dove, strong, and probably would only tolerate his staring for so long. At the same time, the music of his easy laughter was like an eraser to the leftover tension within him, warm ease returning in full to his shoulders when he opened his eyes again, their blue depths bright and twinkling and halfway apologetic.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby galaxy cat. » Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:28 pm

Dovev gave an amused snort at her first comment. Then, she asked if she could stay as the poultices set, lifting her head so that her rich, jade gaze met his own honey golden gaze. For a second, he was held speechless, mouth halfway open as he paused. Her eyes, her scent, her everything was absolutely enchanting. After two seconds, he reverted from his euphoria into harsh reality, replying, "Of course, stay as long as you please. I don't get company often." An amicable smile concealed his inward agony, though Quinn could probably comprehend it, considering his guard was completely lowered around her. She laughed, like a tumbling brook, a clear but ataractic sound, teeming with elation and delight. It was truly intoxicating, urging him to leap out of the train that was his own self pity and guilt. So far, Dovev didn't seem ready to leap, as much as the adrenaline persuaded him. "Haven't killed myself yet, have I?" Quinn said, joy radiating from her lovely features. "We'll see about that, though. The wolverine did get my side pretty good. I hope it heals quickly though, I'd hate to be in a tough spot for when the packs all meet."

Dovev's once joyful smile visibly tightened, his teeth locking together silently as he gritted them when she mentioned the traditional pack meetings held every winter. The shaman was notorious for his bitterness toward the Southern Camp, greatly because of the rumors circulating about him. Surely she didn't imply the sensitive subject with Dovev deliberately. Feigning contentment with the topic, Dovev passively sat beside her.

"If you don't run into anything else, you should be fine. You're young and your body is b - full of vigor," he said, catching himself before he could turn the situation into an awkward disaster.
Last edited by galaxy cat. on Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby CommunalMold27 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:34 pm

Player name:CommunalMold27
Pack:Northern Mountains
Scent:Aster has a destination aroma of burned leaves mixed with the tangy spark of an orange, ultimately creating a scent that isn't pleasant, but also not undesirable.
Body Type:Aster is lean, with especially toned forelegs and a strong neck
Pelt color:Aster's pelt is dark gray, with his lower LEDs the tone of smokey quarts, he has a white striped muzzle, His ears resemble that of a snow capped mountain, same goes for his tail, as well as a smoke quarts colored stripe running in between the whit tipped tail.
Markings:behing his left ear he has a white semi circle, the base meeting right where his ear connects to his head
Eye Color:agorgeous sapphire blue
Other Details: (bangs, scars, earrings, necklaces, whatever)a chunk of Aster's right ear was ripped out, his left foreleg, bearing an oblique burn scar, causing a very slight limp
Personality:selfless, couragess, and a little flirtacious, as well as quirky. Aster loves a good challenge, has both a serious, and humorous side.
Likes: friendly debates, dancing, crafting, challenging things
Dislikes:ignorant pack members, hypocrites, isn't a huge fan of the Warriors, but still has respect for them.
Main Talent: (hunting, tracking, socializing, etc.)crafting
Weak Point(s) (at least 3):is prey to the seduction of females, inquiries about his family, public speaking, as well as a minor lactose intolerance.
Fear(s):water Rapids, being in the presence of upper class females/highly respected.
Song: (optional)
History: (optional)to be discovered
Desired Rank:
Current Rank:
Crush:Maia(due to the winter meeting at the Southern Camps
Relatives and Pups: (please specify)none
Pic: (optional)
RP Example: (It is now required that, attached to your sign up, you must also write a paragraph or two of role playing. This is to see if you are literate enough to keep up with this rp, I don't want to see any chat-speak or gruesome grammar/spelling errors!)It was a clear and crisp early morning. Aster, besides stoking the fire of his forge, spent most of his morning loitering around, until finally taking charge and resuming his daily duties and pondered whether or not he should continue one of his larger, more detail attentive projects.He did this all the while suffering from sleep deprivation, due to last nights events. stupid warriors have no respect and proper mealtime etiquette, why are they the ones hosting banquets?! Aster mentally questioned. Clang! Aster jolted, feeling more awake than before. what could have caused such a cacophonous tintinnabulation?! (he has quite the mental rolodex when he chooses to use it, which happens very rarely).
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby CommunalMold27 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:38 pm

Sorry, for got to post this before my application---> 'Deinopius Rocks'
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby CommunalMold27 » Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:42 pm

[color=#008000][color=#008000]Oops, the desired and current ranks are intended to be Crafting, my apologies.[/color][/color]


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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:01 am

((Hey Communal, just some thoughts on your form - when people first sign up, I generally request that you make one male and one female, just to help keep the sexes more balanced. Also, I'm not sure if you meant for Aster to be in the Northern Mountains pack, or the Shores pack, as only shores wolves have kilns? It might be a good idea to read over your form and fix any grammatical and spelling errors as well when you add a second character, as it's a bit messy at the moment))
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