[❂] as we walk in fields of gold - ValleyClan - OPEN!

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[❂] thicketwind, i // eden, i

Postby deftonesly » Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:50 pm

age. 30 m . rank. medicine cat . where. medicine cat den . tags. aprilpaw . words. 842
    smoke plumed together in clouds, choking out any intentions of smell or sight.
    indent the world around thicketwind burned, flickering flames licking over hillsides and climbing up aspen trees with vicious fervor, a lust for destruction. everything around the medicine cat was consumed by bright oranges and hissing yellows, the flames emitting heat in waves that made his eyes water and a cough splutter from between his gritted teeth. countless caterwauls from his clanmates clashed with the snapping and crackling of grass and wood, and blurred silhouettes of valleyclanners scurried around like ants whom had just gotten rain doused on them. trees began to sway and topple from left to right, sparks flying through the air like shooting stars and sticking to thicketwind's dark brown tabby coat as if they were pesky burrs. the smoke spilled towards the tom, too thick to see through, swallowing him whole and devouring all means of sight and senses. thicketwind and his clanmates drowned in the fury of the smoke and the flames . . . and his own screams were what woke the medicine cat up.

    indent thicketwind woke with a start, yellow eyes wide and breath coming out in hasty puffs of air; sweat trickled down his neck and made his paws sticky, and his legs were thrown askew in his nest, bedding scattered everywhere. the maine coon's enlarged pupils frantically searched his surroundings for any signs of fire, but he was only met with the dark confines of his den; he expected the smell of smoke but only the comforting smell of herbs filled his nostrils. it was just a nightmare, but the disturbing sense of reality within the horrific scene still haunted thicketwind's mind. everything had been so vivid, one would think he had actually experienced it all . . . or that he would. more and more of these nightmares were occupying the medicine cat's mind at night, mostly consisting of fires like this one──as if one thing would be the downfall of valleyclan, and the cats of the field of stars couldn't decide on what. the nightmares were getting to be more alarming, so thicketwind would soon have to consult ashstar about his suspicions that his nightmares──omens──had to do with starclan and the clan's fate in some way. though, he needed to find the right time to introduce the topic; he didn't want to plummet the clan into panic, especially if it had to do with valleyclan's future. besides, everyone's paws are so full with the fiasco about the loners and their names and what their presence will mean for the already-scarce prey. i shouldn't burden anyone with just yet . . . but as soon as i can get ashstar alone, i must tell her what has been going on.

    indent the large dark brown-and-white brute pushed himself up from his nest and gathered his missing pieces of bedding, scrapping them in a corner of the stone den and replenishing his nest with more lichens and bits of shrubbery. as he worked, he surveyed the den for a moment; pale, hazy lighting spilled in──gray and depressing──to flood the den and illuminate the small, empty nest next to thicketwind's. aprilpaw was awake, which was odd, as the roles were usually reversed. it wasn't that aprilpaw was an awful apprentice by any means──he saw himself in her, and was happy that he'd chosen such a fitting successor──but all apprentices loved their sleep and took as much advantage of it as they could. speaking of aprilpaw, i need to find her so we can go out and stock up on herbs. their storage was most always well-stocked, the valley providing all they needed, but they were running low on feverfew, chamomile, and raspberry leaves on this dreary morning . . . so it looked like he and his apprentice had a busy day ahead of them. thicketwind's belly snapped at him as he arched his back and shook the stiffness from his limbs. he would grab a quick bite to eat before leaving with aprilpaw.

    indent he moved to leave the stony den when a brisk breeze drifted inside, brushing over his dark brown, white-splotched pelt and leaving his skin prickly in its wake. the chill settled in the den, giving the tom a clue to just how cold it would be today . . . if he hadn't already been capable of guessing from the faint white light spilling in that heralded cloudiness. just then, the familiar tinkle of aprilpaw's kittypet collar met his ears, right before the light gray tabby padded into the den, mewing, "thicketwind?"
    indent the male dipped his head to his apprentice and responded curtly, as always leaving no room for small talk and getting straight to business, "aprilpaw, good morning to you. we have some tasks to tend to today, so let's get something from the fresh-kill pile and leave quickly." the maine coon's yellow eyes flashed in the darkness of the den and he said, tufted ears flicking, "herbs will not pluck themselves, after all."

age. 19 m . rank. loner . where. den, heather hollow ; golden valley . tags. sootface . words. 1311
    the snowshoe's icy blue orbs flew open and were met with the bleak, autumnal hues of daybreak sliding across the valley and entering her den.
    indent the warm-furred she-cat blinked back tears as the bright grayish-white lighting swept into her cozy space; her dark brown tail thrashed across the floor as she stretched her paws before her with a groan, spurred into motion by the prospect of a new day. while any other lazy loner would've yawned, turned away from the nasty weather, and tried to go back to sleep . . . eden was instantly wide awake and rearing to get up, up, up and out into the open. her stomach was growling something fierce, and she needed to hunt. the loner staggered to her nimble brown paws, sluggish with sleep, and ran a paw across her masked face, cleansing it of the crustiness slumber had brought about. she kicked the fuzziness out of her limbs by shaking them, yawned, and bowed down in a long, easy stretch with her rump high in the air. eden reveled in every pop and crackle her cramped bones made, and she shook herself, shedding debris from her nest and strands of creamy-white fur. that done, she rolled her shoulders and adjusted her head to its usual high angle, lowering her muzzle downward as if attempting and succeeding to give off the impression that she lorded over all. tail raised and muscles taunt with confidence, the snowshoe padded out of the hole in the ground that was her den, coming out to stand in the shadow the rock above it cast. eden strutted with her usual self-assuredness and serenity out into the early morning, stepping from the shadows and swathing her petite body in the bleak, cloud-obscured light of the sun. she hesitated a moment in the center of her self-claimed clearing, surveying her surroundings with keen blue eyes. the heather hollow was a fine place of residence; it had all eden needed, after all──protection from the swaths of heather, concealment due to it being in the side of a hillside, and even the occasional bite to eat. it was strange to associate the place as "hers". ever since she'd left her humans' household and her mother, colette, eden had never really stayed long enough in a place to call it hers. everything was only temporary──the shelter, food, or company. the young loner was used to that kind of life, you see, like all loners were. unlike clan cats, loners weren't exactly the type to form long, everlasting bonds.

    indent which reminded eden of the "valleyclan" cats she had observed in her short time here. never had she encountered such a strange society in her past moons of travel. the clan was a large one and their territory massive──their reeks and scent-markers stung the air from the hills to the aspens to the river to the mountains for crying out loud──and they had hierarchy and rules, rules, rules galore. at first, eden had turned the other way, knowing that valleyclan was more tolerant of outsiders and that she wouldn't have an issue with the likes of them. but recently, she found herself intrigued. she wondered what it was like to live like that: have consistent friends, food, and a warm nest to snuggle up in each night. but eden was a loner, and she had no time for such foolhardy affairs. and right now, i need to catch some breakfast, the snowshoe thought, lapping the fur of her chest down, stalking across the hollow, and shunting through the heather to the golden hills beyond.

    indent the moment eden left the shelter of the hollow, wind blustered into her pretty maw, making her whiskers fling crazily and blue eyes water. it was very chilly and overcast as all get out, fat gray clouds scudding across the sky and blotting out the sun and leftover stars every once in a while. even without the gauze of the clouds, the sun was weak. autumn had made it tired, and it was starting to relent to its brother, the moon. the warm-colored molly set off, slinking low to the ground and pink nose wriggling, attempting to pick out scents amongst the wind. she had stalked over a few hillsides──through windblown bushes, across small veiny streams──before she caught a promising fragrance on the breeze. rabbit. instantly, eden was alert, pupils narrowing, breath hushing, body flattening to the yellow grasses beneath it. eden moved slowly as the scent became stronger and stronger, one with the earth, sticking to whatever cover or ditches she could. if she was too hasty, the perfect silence around her would be shattered, and she would lose all hope of catching her quarry. if she was impatient, the drive to kill could squander the hunt and her prey would go fleeing. the masked snowshoe took her time. she caught sight of the rabbit from her vantage point behind a thicket, luckily upwind of it, and she watched its dusty brown coat and cotton tail bob temptingly before her. sinking her teeth into such a treat would be a fine change from everything else she had been eating these past few sunrises; mice and lizards were hardly suitable, but a rabbit still retaining its plumpness despite the cold? eden needed this kill.
    indent she put one brown-coated paw before the other, resisting the urge to charge. the lithe snowshoe had never been a very patient molly, so ignoring her heart and belly, which were screaming at her to sprint after the rabbit right away, was painstaking work. closer and closer she inched, until she was only a bound away. eden extended her pale pink claws, heartbeats away from flesh in her maw, when suddenly, another cat leapt out from behind a bush across from her. eden's cold blue eyes widened in surprise and all she could see was a gray mass of fur and yellow eyes before she was knocked to the ground, landing on her back with a resounding thud. there was a throbbing pain where she made impact with the ground and her eyes shut, a hiss of annoyance and pain escaping her lips. the snowshoe waited a beat before blinking her orbs open, only to have them met with those of another. her attacker──a large tom──had his nose practically touching hers and he was really too close for comfort. eden's nose wrinkled and she worked her paws beneath the male's chest, pushing him off and creating some distance between them that was a relief to feel.

    indent "what are you, tom? blind? hasn't your mother ever taught you to keep your eyes forward while you randomly leap over bushes and nearly crush a molly in the process?" eden snapped, getting to her paws and taking a seat, sitting prim and proper before the male with her gaze cold and chest puffed defensively.
    indent now that he wasn't so close, she was allowed a better look at him. handsome was the first thing she thought, but the snowshoe quickly dismissed it, despite its truthfulness. the male was a light gray tabby with large ears that were curled at the tips; his fur was longer than hers and thick, and his eyes . . . he had very nice yellow eyes, all big and moony with round pupils. he also reeked of valleyclan; no doubt he was one of them. but because he hadn't made a move to attack, eden stayed seated. before the stranger could realize that her gaze had been lingering a little too long, she turned her head to the side, displaying aloofness and detachment. in doing so, eden remembered the rabbit she'd been after, and disappointment and malcontent flooded her. it was long gone now, probably in the safety of its burrow . . . thanks to the big oaf opposite her.
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1 :>

Postby Iduna » Sun Nov 12, 2017 4:20 pm

    apprentice + 11 moons + shecat + loc. apprentice's den + tags. open

      Dawnpaw awoke from her dream with a twitch. From the mouth of the den she could see that it was still relatively dark out, but she knew the sun would be up soon. The tabby pondered resting for a few more moments - she was awake ahead of schedule, something that bothered her greatly - but decided against it. She couldn't depend on being awoken by any of the other apprentices and didn't want to disappoint her mentor by being late. For the time being Dawnpaw stretched, gave her stiff tail a shake, and padded silently out of the den while carefully avoiding the other apprentice nests.

      It was chilly outside. One of the chilliest mornings thus far, Dawnpaw wagered. The light breeze smelled of winter - a nostalgic smell for the young apprentice - and the gray sky made it all the more chilly. No sun yet, though a few stars could be spotted lingering in the sky through the small openings in the clouds. Dawnpaw gave her chest a quick lick, studiously straightening out her tail when it began to twitch. Cold weather always tested her focus. Today would be a challenging day. With a sniff, Dawnpaw took stock of the camp: Aprilpaw popped her out of the medicine cat's den for a moment, looked around, and promptly retreated; Nazareth appeared for a moment as well before disappearing down the hill towards the river; although she couldn't see the top of the meeting rock from the apprentice's den, Dawnpaw imagined Ashstar was already up, too. It was a quiet morning, she supposed, one that heralded the forthcoming of winter. Not precisely Dawnpaw's favourite season, but she wouldn't balk. She had things to do. For the time being, though, she sat just outside the apprentice's den, awaiting the rising sun.


    28 moons + tomcat + warrior + loc. river + tags. nazareth/open

      There was a breeze in the warrior's den.

      Owlfang blinked awake and squinted into the darkness of the den, wondering who stirred the air. Unable to account for the missing cat, Owlfang rolled over in his nest and tried to settle once more - to no avail. The chill had quickly crept into his bones, and only a nice old-fashioned sunbath would do away with it. Unfortunate, then, that there was no sun to speak of at the moment. With an annoyed sigh, Owlfang got to his paws and gave his stiff legs a shake, steeling himself to face the morning. Starclan, did he ever hate the cold. And waking up. In fact, he wasn't very partial to being awake at all, really. If he could sleep his entire life away he would be all too happy. With another displeased grunt, he hopped his way out of the den and across the camp, muttering the entire way about how much he'd like to be fast asleep. Thirst drove him to the river, though he found it occupied. Nazareth sat with his back to the camp, eyes skyward, as though watching the stars. Shrugging, Owlfang trod over and settled a respectable distance away, offering a brief nod of acknowledgement to the older tom. He didn't know Nazareth particularly well all told, but understood him to be an experienced warrior. Owlfang then busied himself with lapping at the river.

      Well, the water was freezing. Owlfang gave his head a shake, lips peeled back in discomfort. Too cold and too much all at once. Not the best start to his morning.
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huck (1) | dove (1) | soot (1) | poppy (1)

Postby crash the mode » Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:21 pm

    valleyclan apprentice · where apprentices' den, elders' den · with whiskey · feeling cheerful, as far as that goes

      indentHuck yawned, stretched, and rolled out of his nest without even registering that he'd woken. The young tom was on the cold ground before he knew what hit him, but he was already less than pleased with it. Huck shuffled back into the welcoming warmth of his nest as quickly as he could get his paws under him, but after a minute more of trying to doze back off again he dropped the pretense. It wasn't the gentle, gradual awakening he'd have preferred, but then when had he ever gotten anything like that? With no small amount of impatience Huck tried to groom his fur into order, giving up before he'd even taken a paw to the top of his head. There was nothing in the warrior code about keeping your pelt perfectly flat.

      indentThe apprentice pushed his way out of the den, careful not to wake his fellows, but had to pause as he felt the bite of early winter winds. Hopefully when the sun rose higher the chill would abate, but Huck had to muster up every bit of his willpower not to turn tail and shuffle back into the warm apprentices' den.

      indentIf he were having such an averse reaction to the cold, he'd hate to be a raggedy old elder. Huck's eyes sparkled at the thought, though their light was dissociated wholly from thoughts of the cold now. One of the apprentices' duties was to look after the elders, and while it wasn't a duty Huck hated too terribly it was hardly his favorite. A time-eater, more or less. If he could get this duty out of the way, surely his mentor would take him out earlier. Having made up his mind and resigned himself to being a nuisance to the elderly Huck all but skipped across camp to the fresh-kill pile, where he snuffled about in what remained of yesterday's hunt before pulling a long bird out by the neck. This'll do, he thought, and Huck held his head high (a bit higher than high might usually entail, to compensate for the height of the bird he'd rather not drag) as he raced into the elders' den. His entrance was not quiet, and when he noted that Whiskey was still deep in slumber he wasn't put off his task. Huck dropped the bird before the elder's face and rounded his sleeping form, setting both forepaws on Whiskey's shoulders and giving him a light shake.

      indent "Whiskey, psst." That he was whispering may have implied that Huck knew he was being the worst possible apprentice, "Wake up, Whiskey!"

    valleyclan warrior · where camp · with dawnpaw · feeling content

      indentShe wasn't surprised to see her brother's nest empty when she woke, though she was disappointed as she always was. Dovewind spent little time with Sootface these days, being busy with an apprentice and ambitions he had no interest in. Sootface was content to remain a simple warrior-- and she meant that in the kindest way, her brother's most vicious defender --but Dovewind was destined for greater things. Her ambition couldn't have been in vain. She hadn't trained six extra moons to stand still.

      indentShe put her fur into order and left the warriors' den, making note of the cats she could see preparing for their duties as well as the ones she couldn't. Her apprentice, Dawnpaw, sat outside the apprentices' den watching the sky. Dovewind adored her apprentice, and was happy to see that she was waking early. She excelled in several arenas, but the idea of leaving small kithood pleasures like sleeping in, like being distracted by the way wind played with the wheat, had yet to properly reach Dawnpaw. One of Dovewind's many aspirations was to be the best mentor that she could, and lead Dawnpaw into her brightest future. The warrior knew that she would need to press her harder, but didn't want to cause her undue distress.

      indentEyes bright, Dovewind approached the younger molly. "Good morning, Dawnpaw. I hope that you slept well." Dovewind took a seat just before Dawnpaw, "If Ashstar doesn't need us for anything specific, I've got something exciting planned for us."

    valleyclan warrior · where valley · with eden · feeling a heavy dose of 'why me?'

      indentEarly-morning hunting had never been Sootface's thing so much as it was his father's. Both of his parents had been tireless, but moreso the early-bird Molewhisker who tried, among other wisdoms imparted onto his children, to fit in as much together-time as he could. These hunting lessons, which were so early as to not interfere with the children's training, had only stopped being a regular occurrence after Sootface and his sister became full-fledged warriors. That Dovewind got to spend more time with their father was hardly a cause for jealousy-- if anything, Sootface reveled in his extra sleep. No, what bothered him was that where Dovewind had quickly shaken the habit once Molewhisker had deigned to leave her be, he had no such luck. No longer hunting prey in the early mornings, Sootface woke before the sun and stole away from camp in search of his dear friend Mits, who'd been missing for some half-moon now.

      indentSootface, eyes wide and alert, had caught sight of a white pelt through a thick patch of ground cover. He threw himself through the bushes, having meant to stop before literally meeting this other, but the cat he'd spotted wasn't the one he'd-- foolishly, perhaps --thought that she was, and rather than stop himself Sootface collided straight-on with her. For a moment he was too stunned to move, though he wouldn't say he was grateful when she forcibly pushed him away. Sootface shook his head, following the motion with the rest of his body before he returned his eyes to the stranger.

      indentThe stranger who was staring. His tail-tip twitched. His brain caught up with what she'd snapped at him slowly, and once he'd gotten it all in line Sootface's wide eyes narrowed just slightly. "I could ask you the same!" His retort was weak and he knew it, a self-directed cringe crossing his features before he continued, "I don't jump through bushes at random, I was aiming for you! Not you! I thought that you were somebody else!" An even weaker response. May the Field take him.

    valleyclan queen · where nursery · with open · feeling very asleep

      indentPoppysong slept soundly in the nursery, shielded from the biting wind and most sounds of her clanmates rising. She spent much of her time sleeping, recently.
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[❂] thicketwind, i // eden, ii

Postby deftonesly » Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:46 am

age. 30 m . rank. medicine cat . where. medicine cat den . tags. aprilpaw . words. 842
    smoke plumed together in clouds, choking out any intentions of smell or sight.
    indent the world around thicketwind burned, flickering flames licking over hillsides and climbing up aspen trees with vicious fervor, a lust for destruction. everything around the medicine cat was consumed by bright oranges and hissing yellows, the flames emitting heat in waves that made his eyes water and a cough splutter from between his gritted teeth. countless caterwauls from his clanmates clashed with the snapping and crackling of grass and wood, and blurred silhouettes of valleyclanners scurried around like ants whom had just gotten rain doused on them. trees began to sway and topple from left to right, sparks flying through the air like shooting stars and sticking to thicketwind's dark brown tabby coat as if they were pesky burrs. the smoke spilled towards the tom, too thick to see through, swallowing him whole and devouring all means of sight and senses. thicketwind and his clanmates drowned in the fury of the smoke and the flames . . . and his own screams were what woke the medicine cat up.

    indent thicketwind woke with a start, yellow eyes wide and breath coming out in hasty puffs of air; sweat trickled down his neck and made his paws sticky, and his legs were thrown askew in his nest, bedding scattered everywhere. the maine coon's enlarged pupils frantically searched his surroundings for any signs of fire, but he was only met with the dark confines of his den; he expected the smell of smoke but only the comforting smell of herbs filled his nostrils. it was just a nightmare, but the disturbing sense of reality within the horrific scene still haunted thicketwind's mind. everything had been so vivid, one would think he had actually experienced it all . . . or that he would. more and more of these nightmares were occupying the medicine cat's mind at night, mostly consisting of fires like this one──as if one thing would be the downfall of valleyclan, and the cats of the field of stars couldn't decide on what. the nightmares were getting to be more alarming, so thicketwind would soon have to consult ashstar about his suspicions that his nightmares──omens──had to do with starclan and the clan's fate in some way. though, he needed to find the right time to introduce the topic; he didn't want to plummet the clan into panic, especially if it had to do with valleyclan's future. besides, everyone's paws are so full with the fiasco about the loners and their names and what their presence will mean for the already-scarce prey. i shouldn't burden anyone with just yet . . . but as soon as i can get ashstar alone, i must tell her what has been going on.

    indent the large dark brown-and-white brute pushed himself up from his nest and gathered his missing pieces of bedding, scrapping them in a corner of the stone den and replenishing his nest with more lichens and bits of shrubbery. as he worked, he surveyed the den for a moment; pale, hazy lighting spilled in──gray and depressing──to flood the den and illuminate the small, empty nest next to thicketwind's. aprilpaw was awake, which was odd, as the roles were usually reversed. it wasn't that aprilpaw was an awful apprentice by any means──he saw himself in her, and was happy that he'd chosen such a fitting successor──but all apprentices loved their sleep and took as much advantage of it as they could. speaking of aprilpaw, i need to find her so we can go out and stock up on herbs. their storage was most always well-stocked, the valley providing all they needed, but they were running low on feverfew, chamomile, and raspberry leaves on this dreary morning . . . so it looked like he and his apprentice had a busy day ahead of them. thicketwind's belly snapped at him as he arched his back and shook the stiffness from his limbs. he would grab a quick bite to eat before leaving with aprilpaw.

    indent he moved to leave the stony den when a brisk breeze drifted inside, brushing over his dark brown, white-splotched pelt and leaving his skin prickly in its wake. the chill settled in the den, giving the tom a clue to just how cold it would be today . . . if he hadn't already been capable of guessing from the faint white light spilling in that heralded cloudiness. just then, the familiar tinkle of aprilpaw's kittypet collar met his ears, right before the light gray tabby padded into the den, mewing, "thicketwind?"
    indent the male dipped his head to his apprentice and responded curtly, as always leaving no room for small talk and getting straight to business, "aprilpaw, good morning to you. we have some tasks to tend to today, so let's get something from the fresh-kill pile and leave quickly." the maine coon's yellow eyes flashed in the darkness of the den and he said, tufted ears flicking, "herbs will not pluck themselves, after all."

age. 19 m . rank. loner . where. golden valley . tags. sootface . words. 433
    when the tomcat seemed to process what she'd said, his wide yellow eyes narrowed, and his features changed.
    indent eden watched him warily, assessing his movements and cues. he looked frustrated and bewildered, but not like he'd attack again, which was good. she needed to keep the upper paw by giving off the impression of coolness──by dauntlessly saying, come at me, i'm ready for you if YOU'RE ready for ME. the snowshoe's harsh icy eyes narrowed considerably as well to match the stranger's, and one of her lips twitched in amusement as the big light gray tabby squeaked out, obviously scrabbling for a comeback, "i could ask you the same!" doubt . . . or some sort of self-conscious thing crossed his face, but it passed, making way for more words, "i don't jump though bushes at random, i was aiming for you! not you! i thought you were somebody else!" the valleyclan cat looked so traumatized and kitten-like that eden had to let out a soft snort.

    indent her blue eyes glittered, and her tail twitched from its place across her paws as she mewed, still cold but slightly more teasing, "for a valleyclan cat, someone needs to work on their hunting and stalking. i would've expected better from such a group." the beautiful eden stood, drawing her masked head up, her tail high, and adopting a confident posture with a tinge of arrogance wreathed about it. she came close to him, but not too close, creamy-white fur blowing in the wind and icy blue eyes fixated on the nervous tom before her. oh, eden was so going to take advantage of this. there was nothing like messing with cats . . . plus there was the fact that the light gray tabby was valleyclan, and this was the first of the clan cats she'd met. like she'd said, impressed would be the wrong word . . . rather, intrigued would suit better. perhaps something could come out of their meeting here today. however, the sore wound the rabbit had left in eden's cherished pride still festered, and she had not forgotten about the injustice of her breakfast.
    indent the molly swept on with answering his question, tilting her head, drawing her brows together, and offering the smallest of smirks via upturned lips, "as for me, i was trying to catch the rabbit that you scared off." the snowshoe paused for effect, whisking her tail, then purring, "now, if losing your dignity and tackling a lady was that important, who were you looking for, tom? perhaps i may know he or she."
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Re: [❂] as we walk in fields of gold - ValleyClan - OPEN!

Postby AtlasHyperion » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:34 am

Ashstar - female - 120 moons - leader - location: meeting rock - tags: open
    She sighed again. The tiny calico did that a lot. Her ears perked toward the sound of an eagle's shriek in the distance, but it was much too far to be a concern. She'd be wary of it, though. She chuckled to herself as she watched apprentices prancing about the camp, Huck trying to carry an enormous bird to the elders' den, and Aprilpaw tripping over her own feet, feathers covering her nose as she tried to free a mouse from under a fat thrush. A soft purr started her. She didn't often purr. But still, life in ValleyClan was good at the moment, and it was always best to enjoy the good things in life while they were there. Soon enough she'd have to call a meeting for patrols. In fact, might as well do it now. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the rock for a Clan meeting." Her loud meow rang throughout the camp, hopefully audible enough for the two toms she'd seen going to the river.

Aprilpaw - female - 16 moons - med. cat apprentice - location: fresh-kill pile -> camp - tags: Thicketwind
    She nodded in response to Thicketwind, but he had already turned away. Aprilpaw didn't notice this, however; she was trotting off the fresh-kill pile. Half of a mouse peeked out from under a plump thrush, which the silver tabby tried to pull out from under the fat bird. However much she pulled, though, it didn't budge. The medicine cat apprentice was very small, one of the few cats in camp smaller than Ashstar, and, as she'd never been trained in fighting, she wasn't all that strong, either. She gave another yank to the mouse, but got a mouthful of feathers instead and coughed, tripping over her own paws as she let go of the mouse. She gave the dead thrush a withering glare, but it refused to wither, so she left the mouse and grabbed a small pine marten from the pile, eating it as quickly as she could before looking to Ashstar, who'd just called a Clan meeting.

Nazareth - male - 72 moons - senior warrior - location: river -> - tags: Owlfang, open
    With a long-suffering sigh, he dipped his head back to the river, one ear twitching backwards to hear the sound of an eagle's cry from far off. A gray tabby tom had settled nearby. Nazareth observed his seeming distaste for the cold water, and the cold in general, and was pondering whether to remain pretentious and alone or make conversation when Ashstar's call for a meeting interrupted his thoughts. He muttered something or other about her lack of respect for alone time, but it was not harsh in nature. They were good friends, though Ashstar was always either too brooding or too talkative to be around all the time. The occasional conversation was good, but any more and she'd either dampen the mood too much or meow his ears off. Nevertheless, he stood, stretched, and padded off to camp, tail twitching in the gentle breeze. He settled on one of the lower rocks of the pile, as was customary for senior warriors, but didn't fail to notice the expressions of disdain and disgust. Damn names. Couldn't he just be Nazareth, not Nazareth the barn cat turned loner turned Clan cat with a dark and convoluted history that sent him into bouts of spiraling depression on occasion?

Whiskey - male - 96 moons - elder - location: elder's den - tags: Huck
    Whiskey snorted as he was awoken from his sleep by some insufferable nag shaking him. In his warrior days, he might have clawed at anyone with the gall to wake him so early, but he was an elder, and didn't have that kind of energy or desire anymore. "I'm up, I'm up," he grumbled, dragging himself out of his nest to stretch for a good long while before turning to the aforementioned insufferable nag. "Oh. It's you. Thought it might be someone important." The apprentice probably knew that he didn't mean it; Whiskey was grumpy and condescending to everyone. He took the bird, though, biting off a wing and gulping it down, spitting out a feather before returning his focus to the apprentice, opening his mouth to begin a story about the biggest bird he'd ever seen, when he heard Ashstar's call for a meeting. Alas, he might as well postpone his glorious tale and pop outside for a bit.
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huck (2) | soot (2) | poppy (2)

Postby crash the mode » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:04 am

    valleyclan apprentice · where elders' den, meeting rock · with whiskey, ashstar (ment.) · feeling anticipation

      indentWhiskey's jab at him was taken in stride, Huck offering a crooked, toothy grin and rounding back to the front of the den. He was pleased Whiskey accepted the bird, preparing to settle in for another one of his wild stories before the pair were interrupted by Ashstar's call. Huck pulled a face but made to leave the den alongside the elder just the same. He would rather not hang back at the edge of the meeting, where those more nest-bound ValleyClan cats tended to listen, but knew that he'd brought it upon himself when he brought himself to the elders' den first thing in the morning. It would have been rude to leave, now, and rude as Whiskey could be he couldn't appreciate a little payback every now and again. Huck sat nearby, though he inched just a bit closer before finally settling.

    valleyclan warrior · where valley · with eden · feeling a heavy dose of 'why me?'

      indentThe masked molly seemed less than impressed with him, that was for certain. Sootface, though he knew it was his own fault, couldn't help the annoyance that settled into the furrow of his brow. ValleyClan's laws were clear about the passage of loners through their territory: he couldn't just chase her off and be done with it. Even if he would have liked to.

      indent"I wasn't hunting or stalking! I'd be a poor help to my clan--" Not group, "--If I went crashing through the bushes every time I spotted prey. You surprised me, so I wasn't able to stop." It was obvious this loner thought she had the upper paw, here, and in some respects she did. Sootface was well aware that she couldn't be driven off for hurting his feelings, not even for hunting their prey, but he didn't need to be subtle about the fact that he didn't want her there. He absolutely didn't want to answer to her prying. He'd cost her a rabbit: oh well! Sootface offered her another tentative glare in lieu of an answer.

      indentIt would have been lying to say that he was unintimidated by the cool way she carried herself, and his eyes betrayed the lie easily despite his meager efforts. Dilemmas mounted the longer he considered her question. It was possible she knew where Mits had gone, but he neither knew nor trusted her. What would she assume possessed him that he would share something personal with a stranger? Who was to say he'd even get the truth in return? More convoluted still, what if she should run into a ValleyClan patrol and mention that he were out looking for a loner, himself? He would never know the end of it if word got back to his family.

      indentIn the end, though it was difficult to get out the words all the same, his concern for his friend won out over smaller matters. "Their name is Mits, and they're a friend of mine. They've been missing."

    valleyclan queen · where nursery · with ashstar (ment.), open · feeling groggy

      indentPoppysong woke on her own time, but was drawn from the nursery by the leader's voice. When she'd moved into the nursery just a moon ago Poppysong had been anticipating late mornings and restful days, but with this meeting call all of the late mornings she'd already experienced seemed so far away. 'Lazy days', she'd learned much sooner, were a myth, as even if there were no kits in the nursery there were some tasks warriors just didn't think they were responsible for. 'Sorry, my apprentice can't clean the bedding today, there's some very important walking that needs to be done,' like she wasn't also doing something very important.

      indentShe wasn't angry, but the tired cloud still hung over her thoughts and made everything seem more difficult than it was.

      indentPoppysong sat just outside of the nursery, tail sweeping over the ground in slow, tired movements while she tried to adjust to the cold and the sunlight.
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ebony {001} cloud {001}

Postby i<3you » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:12 am

    ◤ ebonymask ◥
      { rank - warrior } { gender - female } { age - 40 🌙 } { location - meeting rock } {feeling - numb } { tags - open }

        warm yellow sunlight filtered onto brown and white fur. the majority of the milky fur melted into a honey-yellow hue as light spread across the nest. first, it touched her tail tip and the small bits of moss sticking out of the nest, then slowly creeped up her legs, chest, ears, and finally, eyes. green eyes met yellow sunlight, and ebonymask hissed. her eyes turned to slits and her claws dug into the mossy nest. twisting her head to the side, she blinked the brightness away. her brain was slowly waking up, and soon she was ready to get up.

        hearing her leader's call for a meeting, she inwardly cursed herself for being such a late riser. hustling to the other side of the den, she paused at the exit. eyes locked on an empty nest, ebonymask scented the stale smell of her brother. of course, she thought bitterly, you would never stay long enough for me to talk to you, would you, brother?

        feeling her anger turn to numbness, ebonymask flicked a stray stone at her brother's empty nest, then headed out the exit. crossing the camp, her nose twitched as she hit the smell of freshkill. forcing herself to think with her head, and not her stomach, she pulled herself over to the meeting rock. ebonymask settled herself by a flat stone and stared at her paws while she waited for the announcement.

    ◤ cloudwhisker ◥
      { rank - warrior } { gender - male } { age - 40 🌙 } { location - camp } {feeling - prideful } { tags - open }

        silver fur had snuck out during a silver sky. cloudwhisker rose before the sun, but not so early so that he would be asleep on his paws. he had taken a nice walk down to the river, lapped at the cool water, looked at the stars... it was nice. cool air took stabs at his skin, but he was too lost in his own world to notice.

        then, as the sun came back, so did he. he left the river and took a stroll back to camp. he was in no rush, it was still sunrise. on his way back, he had caught a measly mouse, but a mouse nonetheless. he had added it to the freshkill pile. he sat in the shadows of rocks and stones, and watched as the clan came to life. he observed the meetings of friends, mentors and apprentices, siblings, and more. he watched as ebonymask stalked out of the warriors nest, head low. how unlike you. cloudwhisker had grown more than used to the loud and cocky behavior of his sister. maybe she had grown out of that attitude? he wouldn't know. the sibling bond died out a long time ago.

        he sat far back from the meeting rock. he was in range of hearing and seeing, and that was all that mattered. so, as he waited, cloudwhisker did what he always was best at. he observed.
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[❂] thicketwind, ii // eden, iii

Postby deftonesly » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:02 am

age. 30 m . rank. medicine cat . where. med cat den, camp . tags. aprilpaw, clan . words. 241
    aprilpaw nodded and ran off across the rock-dotted grassy camp to the fresh-kill pile, and thicketwind watched her depart for a moment from the entrance to the medicine cats' den. he let out the faintest of snorts at the sight of the light gray tabby struggling with a mouse, which was wedged beneath the fattest thrush he had ever seen. the small she-cat struggled with the bird, ending up with feathers all in her nose and collapsing into a coughing fit, before she eventually relented and selected a pine marten from the pile that was nearly as big as her. right when she was padding off to eat it, ashstar──a miniature, elderly calico with the left side of her face a mess of burns──leapt to the top of the biggest rock in camp and yowled from its ledge.
    indent "let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the rock for a clan meeting!"

    indent thicketwind's large furry ears twitched in interest and he slid out of the stone den, bounding across the smooth rocks of the camp and weaving around cats to reach his apprentice, who had moved to the front of the assembly with her prey. the burly maine coon settled beside her, wrapping his plumy tabby tail over his huge feet and ducking his head to murmur, "mind if we share?" his alluringly bright yellow eyes flashed to the pine marten and back to aprilpaw.

age. 19 m . rank. loner . where. golden valley . tags. sootface . words. 589
    eden was not usually surprised by ferocity or defensiveness from others . . . after all the cats she had met during her moons of travel, she was used to snappy words and baleful glares. but this valleyclan tom seemed intent on having the last word, like he had lost all sense of calmness and was just stabbing at eden because he wanted to, or possibly because she was the only cat around. "i wasn't hunting or stalking! i'd be a poor help to my clan if i went crashing through the bushes every time i spotted prey. you surprised me, so i wasn't able to stop." fair, the snowshoe mused, but why so defensive? someone's got a stick up his butt. why couldn't i run into someone with a bit of humor to them? i'll admit anger was my first reaction when my hunt was ruined and this buffoon nearly flattened me, but now that i'm here, talking to him . . . sheesh!

    indent a glare followed the curly-eared tom's words that brought eden from her thoughts and almost threatened to betray her calm, easygoing façade; who was he to look at her like that? she kept her blue, bitterly cold eyes locked on him and chin at an angle as the light gray tabby spoke on, answering her question after a brief moment of hesitation, "their name is mits, and they're a friend of mine. they've been missing." indecision and nerves betrayed the valleyclanner, as if he wasn't sure he should've answered her inquiry truthfully, as if he was afraid that word of his loner-searching would spread. watching his face, eden nearly failed in suppressing a laugh. she almost said something along the lines of "it's no wonder this mits ran off and left you in the dust. it was probably because you're such a snappy killjoy! i'd have left too!" but she refrained, knowing it was best not to poke the bear before her. it wasn't that she was afraid of the valleyclanner, or any of them, by any means. if she had seen the nameless male coming earlier, she could've easily taken him head-on, she was positive. those big paws surely weren't the fastest when it came to a fight. but she kept her maw shut because she felt pity for the male, and simply didn't want to embarrass him further. besides, none of it was her business anyway; she'd simply asked the question to be neighborly, and it had blown up in her masked face a tad. while eden was fearless and impulsive as all get out, there were some clues even she could understand. the light gray tabby was a ticking time bomb, and she didn't want to be the one to set him off in a rant about this mits cat. besides, eden was starved, and she hated fighting on an empty belly. who knows when i would exit this interaction, then? he'd talk my ears off . . . or claw them!
    indent the petite snowshoe swished her brown tail, rolling her eyes just slightly, and mewed, "relax, love, your secret with this mits character is safe with me. i'm excellent at holding my tongue." she grinned, growling mockingly with a spark in her orbs. "all is forgiven for the rabbit mishap, but when the time comes . . . you owe me one." she blinked, growing a hair more serious, keeping her stance relaxed and confident, "as for mits, the name doesn't ring a bell. wish i could help."
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dawnpaw 2 + owlfang 2

Postby Iduna » Mon Nov 13, 2017 3:41 pm

    apprentice + 11 moons + shecat + loc. apprentice's den + tags. dovewind

      It was a moment more before Dawnpaw noticed her mentor approach, so absorbed she was in the cold, cloudy atmosphere.

      "Morning!" Dawnpaw greeted Dovewind with a respectful nod and hopped down to meet the older cat as she approached. The apprentice was, as usual, eager to get to it. Her tail twitched back and forth despite her best efforts to quell the spasm; her claws flexed momentarily into the ground. "Something exciting?" Dawnpaw echoed, eyes brightening with curiosity. When Dovewind made a promise like that she always delivered. That was one of the reasons Dawnpaw was so grateful to have a cat like Dovewind as her mentor - she was reliable and experienced, never wasted an opportunity to further Dawnpaw's training. The young she-cat was just about to ask what Dovewind had planned for them when Ashstar called for a meeting from above. Dawnpaw tentatively chose to keep her question for later, and instead tagged along behind her mentor to join the rest of the clan at the based of the meeting rock.


    28 moons + tomcat + warrior + loc. river + tags. nazareth, cloudwhisker

      Owlfang raised his head at the sound of Ashstar's voice, a little disappointed he wasn't going to have time for his palate to adjust to the temperature of the water. It was only really satisfying when he didn't practically lose teeth from the cold. Well, whatever. He'd come back later or something. Though he followed Nazareth back to camp, he split off from the older warrior and aimed for an empty spot to sit, far from the meeting rock. He wound up sitting near Cloudwhisker, a slightly older warrior he had little interaction with outside of hunting and the occasional border skirmish. Owlfang nodded anyway, settled with his tail wrapped around his paws, and then looked up to find Ashstar sat on the ledge of the tall rock.
Last edited by Iduna on Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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soot (3)

Postby crash the mode » Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:24 pm

too close
    valleyclan warrior · where valley · with eden · feeling suddenly exhausted

      indentSootface had never seriously considered that Mits would have left him on purpose-- not for any significant amount of time, in any case. They'd been too close for too many moons for him to give the idea any weight. He wasn't about to start now, and to be omniscient for just a moment Eden was smart to keep her thoughts to herself.

      indentAs for what she didn't omit...

      indent"I don't owe you a thing!" Sootface had quickly lost his patience with this loner, who really couldn't be farther from the cat he actually wanted to find at all. The tom bared his teeth, flattened his ears, but at the same time shrunk back several steps. Annoyance rolled off of his flank in waves but Sootface wasn't about to escalate the confrontation. The code was clear. "Run off and catch your rabbit, you haven't helped me at all!"
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