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Zeus 1 | Aphrodite 1 | Hades 1

Postby +Spicey+ » Fri May 27, 2022 7:57 am

❝I am your king!❞
gender; Male/God age; looks to be about 32 species; immortal sexuality; heterosexual
mentions; Hera tagged; Hera

indentationWearing a light purple suit, Zeus sat on his throne waiting for the guests to arrive. Hera, he assumed was still getting ready in the room, buy the gods that woman took forever to get ready. Zeus rolled his eyes and waited, looking at his nails idly. He just needed something to do, so that he wouldn't be bored, Zeus hated being bored, he hated it with a burning passion. He'd rather be drinking and talking among the other gods and goddesses, than sitting on his throne alone and just waiting. Sighing he stood and walked over to the window, watching the street below. There were tons of people out, shopping and going about their daily lives. None of whom had been invited to the party tonight.

He walked out of the ballroom, he knew he shouldn't do this, but he was bored. He walked down the hall and when he reach his room he knocked on the door. You done yet, Hera, My Queen?" Zeus hated calling her this, but she seemed to like it, so he did it usually when he wanted something. Truth be told he didn't care for Hera all that much, she was a little headstrong Zeus knew she only stayed by his side so that she could one day be in power. But he shook this off. He knocked again.


❝Love is the most powerful motivator in the world. It spurs mortals to greatness. Their noblest and bravest acts are done for love.❞
gender; Female/Goddess age; looks to be about 23 species; Immortal sexuality; Bisexual
mentions; Athena tagged; Open

indentationAphrodite opened her closet. UGH! I have nothing to wear tonight. The party will be over before i'm even ready! she thought to herself. She pulled out a blue dress, Holding it against her chest she walked to the mirror and looked herself up and down. She threw the dress onto the bed. Reaching into her closet, this time she pulled out a purple dress. Nope, Not this one. Aphrodite mentally screamed, but on the outside she took a deep breath. She could use her backup, she always had fro these kind of situations, where she couldn't find anything to wear. Making her way back to the closet. Pulling out her silky Royal blue dress. It's strapless and sleeveless. and there is a slit running down the skirt of the dress.

Aphrodite changed and then walked in front of the mirror. She smiled, fantastic. Making her way to the bathroom to do her makeup, not that she needed it. Aphrodite wondered it Athena would be there, she hoped so. Athena was like her only friend, the other's were so boring. Who knows who Zeus and Hera invited, she doubted that Hera was involved in making those decisions but she could be wrong. Finishing her make up, she grabbed her bag and walked out the door.


❝I am your king!❞
gender; Male/God age; looks to be about 25 species; immortal sexuality; heterosexual
mentions; Zeus, Hermes, Melinoe tagged; Melinoe

indentationHades walked through the lower city. Stopping every once in awhile to talk to people on the street. They seemed happy to see him, not resentful like the upper city people seemed when they saw Zeus. Hades strolled down the street, waving and greeting his people as he went. Looking for something to do. Boredom was something that Hades was used to. He was often bored in the lower city. Minding his own business, occasionally going to see his daughter. stopping by to ask questions of some other minor gods. While in the upper city Zeus threw magnificent parties where most people weren't even invited. But this time he had been invited. For some odd reason. Zeus himself had sent him a message, saying that he was invited to this party. But Hades wasn't going to go. Hades didn't want any part of that place.

Hades sighed, Maybe he should go, just to see what Zeus was up to. But on the other hand what if this was a trap. Hades was very cautious when it came to Zeus, never knowing what his brother might do for more power. Hades settled on not going, as he walked through the doors into his penthouse. Hades house was large, and he was very wealthy, but he did not rub it in peoples faces like Zeus did, He gave generously to help people that were in need. Hades sighed and made his way to his daughters room.

Knocking on the door softly he called in a low voice; "Melinoe? May I come in?" He respected his daughter enough to not go barging in on her, so he settled for waiting for a response.
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Re: Welcome to Olympus | Greek Gods Roleplay | O&A

Postby SilverWoes » Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:03 am

Hera |♛| Female | Bisexual | "It's Complicated" | Tags: Zeus | Mentions: Zeus |

Another night, another party. All of Olympus knew how much of a show-off her husband was.. with everything but the parties, those cursed parties were the biggest show-off for the man to primp and preen in front of people who either couldn't care less- or wished they could be him. Not that it was as grand as it seemed, to be King of the Gods. King of the Gods her BUTT, letting the tangent of how she despised the stupid flaunting play through her head, earning a few scoffs and eye rolls as she took her time getting ready. Hera knew how much Zeus hated waiting, even more so hated being bored- so she took great satisfaction in taking her time to make sure that she looked the part of his poor, fabulous wife and tick him off in the process.

Picking out an off-the-shoulder dress from the many choices before her eyes, she began to slowly get ready. Allowing the fabric to slowly cover up her skin as she slowly began to draw in her thoughts and with that, her facial expression became calm, poised- practiced, and almost perfectly somewhat inviting? Not that she wanted to talk to anyone tonight as she felt the slowly increasing throbbing in her skull begin to grow rapidly as she heard knocking at the door. Biting her lip to hold back a sigh as she heard her just most beloved husband call to her, she finished getting on and adjusting the dress as she sent back an answer, trying her best to keep her tone even but letting her lips twitch in a bit of satisfaction as sarcasm crawled its way slowly through her response, "Oh. Have I kept you waiting? I hope it's not too much of an inconvenience, My king, I'd just HATE to keep you here waiting for me.. and even WORSE if you were late, my DEAREST king." she chirped. Gods, if words could kill hers might've. Sighing as she checked and ruffled her hair a bit to make sure it was perfect, Hera walked towards the door grimacing a bit as she prepared to open it to her.. adoring.. husband.. and then bit the bullet figuratively- and opened the door literally and stepped out, giving Zeus a perfectly neutral smile, the type an acquaintance might get as all she could think was how much she loathed this man and what he grew to be.
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Re: Welcome to Olympus | Greek Gods Roleplay | O&A

Postby sandteeth » Wed Jun 08, 2022 12:59 am

he | tags: Open

Apollo sighed, watching the sun trail downward through the windows lining the walls. The domed tower, unlike the rest of his house, was surprisingly bookcase-free, though that hadn't stopped the books from piling up around the room.
He slumped back into his seat, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to shake off the consequences of his singular hour of sleep the previous night, before standing up and grumbling, heading through the door back into the house proper to get ready for Zeus' party.
Of course, he loved his father's parties, bright and festive as they were, though the crowds and noise always made him feel a little on edge. With his head full of wool and fatigue tonight, he'd much rather be home reading.
But he doubted he'd be better off avoiding it- or, for that matter, avoiding anything Zeus was hosting- and he stepped outside, the sun's receding rays painting his un-ironed yellow dress with pink light. He fiddled with the puffy sleeves for a moment, before turning and starting toward the party.

she | tags: Open

Hestia smiled giddily, holding up her hood against the cool evening breeze as she made her way to the party. As frequent as they were, Zeus' parties were always a highlight for her- Her role as goddess of the hearth kept her both busy and bored, and she relished the chance to go enjoy herself.
She wasn't particularly close to her fellow Olympians, and the height of the evening was often time spent with the few mortals allowed in, who she always found intriguing company.
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Re: Zeus 2 | Aphrodite 1 | Hades 1

Postby +Spicey+ » Wed Jun 08, 2022 8:09 am

❝I am your king!❞
gender; Male/God age; looks to be about 32 species; immortal sexuality; heterosexual
mentions; Hera tagged; Hera

indentationZeus rolled his eyes. She had to be like this tonight. Of course. She couldn't just behave for the nights when they had parties. It's not like it was everyday. Well it was almost everyday. He shrugged it off. He was trying to be sweet with this, so that tonight would go as planned. Nice and smooth, no hitches, then Hera had to be all, well, Hera like. Zeus sighed. As she opened the door he rearranged his face to form a smile. He held out his arm to her. "No funny business tonight. Okay? I need this party to go well." Zeus smiled warmly, or well as warmly as he could at this woman. She annoyed him so much sometimes, but he couldn't let that show, he couldn't let her know that. he couldn't show her that she had got to him. Not yet at least. She may be a pain, but she was really pretty, Somehow Zeus couldn't bring himself to let her go just yet.


+Spicey+ wrote:
❝Love is the most powerful motivator in the world. It spurs mortals to greatness. Their noblest and bravest acts are done for love.❞
gender; Female/Goddess age; looks to be about 23 species; Immortal sexuality; Bisexual
mentions; Athena tagged; Open

indentationAphrodite opened her closet. UGH! I have nothing to wear tonight. The party will be over before i'm even ready! she thought to herself. She pulled out a blue dress, Holding it against her chest she walked to the mirror and looked herself up and down. She threw the dress onto the bed. Reaching into her closet, this time she pulled out a purple dress. Nope, Not this one. Aphrodite mentally screamed, but on the outside she took a deep breath. She could use her backup, she always had fro these kind of situations, where she couldn't find anything to wear. Making her way back to the closet. Pulling out her silky Royal blue dress. It's strapless and sleeveless. and there is a slit running down the skirt of the dress.

Aphrodite changed and then walked in front of the mirror. She smiled, fantastic. Making her way to the bathroom to do her makeup, not that she needed it. Aphrodite wondered it Athena would be there, she hoped so. Athena was like her only friend, the other's were so boring. Who knows who Zeus and Hera invited, she doubted that Hera was involved in making those decisions but she could be wrong. Finishing her make up, she grabbed her bag and walked out the door.


❝I am your king!❞
gender; Male/God age; looks to be about 25 species; immortal sexuality; heterosexual
mentions; Zeus, Hermes, Melinoe tagged; Melinoe

indentationHades walked through the lower city. Stopping every once in awhile to talk to people on the street. They seemed happy to see him, not resentful like the upper city people seemed when they saw Zeus. Hades strolled down the street, waving and greeting his people as he went. Looking for something to do. Boredom was something that Hades was used to. He was often bored in the lower city. Minding his own business, occasionally going to see his daughter. stopping by to ask questions of some other minor gods. While in the upper city Zeus threw magnificent parties where most people weren't even invited. But this time he had been invited. For some odd reason. Zeus himself had sent him a message, saying that he was invited to this party. But Hades wasn't going to go. Hades didn't want any part of that place.

Hades sighed, Maybe he should go, just to see what Zeus was up to. But on the other hand what if this was a trap. Hades was very cautious when it came to Zeus, never knowing what his brother might do for more power. Hades settled on not going, as he walked through the doors into his penthouse. Hades house was large, and he was very wealthy, but he did not rub it in peoples faces like Zeus did, He gave generously to help people that were in need. Hades sighed and made his way to his daughters room.

Knocking on the door softly he called in a low voice; "Melinoe? May I come in?" He respected his daughter enough to not go barging in on her, so he settled for waiting for a response.
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thanatos // 1

Postby rheia » Wed Jun 08, 2022 12:01 pm

        -- 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙨
        xxxxxxixxiixxxxxxx [ appears 26 ] [ bisexual ] [ god of death ] [ ment: zeus, hades, nemesis, melinoe tags: open ]

    Another one of Zeus’ extravagant parties. It seemed as though they were never ending, one always cropped up not nearly long enough after the last one. The extension of an invitation remained a reoccurring mystery to the god of death – Thanatos’ disdain for the ‘King of the Gods’ was secret to none. Nevertheless, he had deigned to accept the invite. There were positives to having all the gods in one room, he supposed, and figured it could do no harm to enjoy the night for once. He would see his brother, Nemesis, for one – though, that was both a pro and con. Perhaps a night off from the troubles seeping deep into the cracks of Olympus would be just what they all needed. Or perhaps not. He thought grimly to himself. This unceasing stream of exuberant parties were bound to stir up some trouble sooner or later.

    Still, the god readied himself. An ornate mirror returned his image to him, its frames laden with intricate detailing telling the stories of the gods in a far prettier way than they had truly occurred. Thanatos stood eye to eye with his own reflection, his face stony as ever. Dressed simply in a black suit, the god afforded himself a touch of colour with a rich purple shirt. He had no desire to command much attention. The room around Thanatos painted a scene of indecision; clothes were strewn across the room, many of them shirts in varying colours that he had deemed ‘too much’ or ‘too little’. Figuring he could hardly expect to skirt the edges of the party dressed too simply, he had opted for a happy medium of elegance. Checking the soft middle part of his hair one last time, Thanatos stepped away from the mirror with a deep sigh. Time to go.

    As Thanatos left his home in the lower city, he pondered which of the other gods would be in attendance. Hades had been invited, though his attendance was dubious, and he had no doubts that Melinoe would be there. The god clicked his fingers as a smile threatened the corners of his lips; he would have a friend, at least. Few pleasantries were exchanged as he meandered through the lower city. Thanatos kept to himself from both gods and mortals alike, though it did not stop him from taking his time with the trip – he was in no rush to reach lower Olympus.

    The sun had begun its descent into sleep as he reached Zeus’ palace. Now was the time to get his grimaces out of the way – and he did – before entering the very familiar home.
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Postby jungwonie » Tue Jun 14, 2022 6:19 am

█ ⎯⎯ 𝙃𝙀𝙋𝙃𝘼𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙐𝙎 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⎯ she/her ⎯ god of fire and forges ⎯ location; arriving to the party ⎯ tags; aphrodite
    Hephaestus herself wasn't in the least surprise for the nightly event that Zeus was putting on. It was daily, like clockwork, except this time, she'd opened room in her schedule to actually attend. There was something off about this event, she thought to herself as she zipped up the back of her blazing red dress. There was nothing more stunning on the goddess than her own color, which stood for much more than a zesty orange. It was her whole livelihood and life, to be centered around such an important element. Hephaestus danced around her room, placing gold jewelry around her neck and in her first piercings, pairing her dress with a bold red lipstick and red heels.

    The goddess had no time to waste. If all the major gods of Olympus's council were to be called upon, there was nothing worse than being late to an event thrown by your own parents. A part of Hephaestus's mind believed it may have been a false time or date on the post-card, since her family wasn't the most kind when it came time to be devoted to the goddess of the forge, shown mostly by her mother, Hera, who had thrown her out of Olympus to a nanny instead of being raised here by her own hand.

    A bitter taste filled the woman's mouth as she exited her own home, arriving at the event palace in Olympus. There were many mortals running around, some who stopped and said hello to her. It was always a wonderful experience, in Hephaestus's opinion, meant more than every mortal aspect she could think of. It was about the respect she was shown, most likely. As Hephaestus made her way in, there were some mortals passing out drinks on platters, so Hephaestus made it her duty to find someone to talk to, as well as grab herself a drink.

    Eyes scanned the room around her before reaching for a drink, whom someone else must've reached for as well. Upon the contact of fingers touching, Hephaestus's hand retreated from the glass and looked for the owner of the hand, only for it to be someone who'd she'd wanted the last person to see first. "Aphrodite," the sister seemed to hiss, distastefully shaking her hand free from any Aphrodite-germs (i.e. like a child) and grabbing a different glass. She thanked the help, faking a smile before turning back to her sister, expecting some sort of sly comment or hurtful jab, since Aphrodite had the tendency to be blunt and call out the boring, as Hephaestus had done to her multiple times over the years past.
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Postby jungwonie » Tue Jun 14, 2022 6:30 am

█ ⎯⎯ 𝙈𝙊𝙍𝙊𝙎 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⎯ she/they ⎯ god of doom ⎯ location; arriving to the party ⎯ tags; thantanos, mentions hades, meilnoe
    It was quite the surprise to receive an invitation to Upper Olympus, especially a party thrown by the king of the gods himself. Moros, a minor death god, tended to hang out in the slinkier, yet kinder, walls of Lower Olympus with Lord Hades, acting almost like she was his left-hand woman, though that position was more than likely taken by his own daughter, Meilnoe. Moros thought of who might be at this party, considering that they, of all people, had received an invitation. The purple and black lace dress that clung to their body loosely helped illuminate the goddess in what seemed like smoke, though her own hands were more than likely capable of doing this own action by themselves.

    It'd take quite the walk from Lower to Upper Olympus, but Moros enjoyed the walk nonetheless, applying highlighter and lip gloss and eye shadow as she walked. She needed no mirror any longer, her hands and fingers just seemed to remember where to go by muscle memory. It was something she was used to but, even arriving to the palace that the king and queen called home was enough for Moros to feel as though this party needed a little... chaos.

    Arriving through the closed door, Moros helped herself onto the palace floors, watching a familiar figure also begin to ascend the stairs. "Thantanos," they called out, catching up to their brother with ease. His presence was enough for the goddess to feel even slightly better, but she offered him a tight-lipped smile. "Fancy seeing you here? I'm surprised I'm even invited. Do you know what all this formality is for?" The questions aimed at rapid-fire spit from her mouth as she ascended the stairs with the more well-known of the minor death gods.
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Postby jungwonie » Tue Jun 14, 2022 6:37 am

█ ⎯⎯ 𝙀𝙊𝙎 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⎯ he/him ⎯ goddess of dawn ⎯ location; arriving to the party ⎯ tags; open
    Eos was tripping over himself, half-asleep as he prepared for this event he was invited to. He didn't bother going places when he was not needed for his duties, but he supposed he could be swayed by the idea of something going down tonight. What could possibly go down tonight? Eos had not a single clue, but if there was anything important going on, he was not going to miss it.

    Opening the door to the ballroom, Eos had climbed out of his bed and put on a white tuxedo, paired with a black tie and some white eyeliner to pair and contrast against his hair. He looked descended from the heavens, seaming as he was almost basically was from the heavens, but he seemed more awake upon entering. He wasn't floating lazily among his pet cloud, but rather sauntered around the ballroom in search of a drink, which he most definitely found. Eos took a seat at one of the tables away from the middle of the room, and decided to sit himself inside, waiting and watching as gods, major and minor alike, opened the doors and stepped inside with their elegant dresses and suits and other sorts of formal attire.
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✘ i, ☽ i

Postby bigwig. » Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:10 pm

    malegod of retributionlocation: upper citytags: eos
    The growl of an aggressive guitar thrummed out in a fast, wild rhythm, screeching from the amp loud enough to probably wake half of Olympus. Zeus was throwing another party tonight, and even though he and Nemesis weren't the tightest anymore, the god of revenge wouldn't turn down an opportunity to party. Whether anyone wanted him to or not, he would be there, and he'd inevitably get up and introduce the people to some real music. Practicing was boring, though; the restless god wanted to get on with it already. Picking frenetically over the strings, Nemesis finished with a flourish, his whole body animated as he pointed the neck of the guitar skyward and sunk into a power slide. Ah, a pity nobody was watching.

    Pulling the strap over his head, he rested his guitar against the amp and hopped around his setup (crudely rigged together in the ballroom). Should he really leave his stuff behind? Eh, it wasn't that big of a deal. Most everyone would know who this stuff belonged to, and thus should've known not to mess with it. And if they did, well, he'd teach 'em a lesson. Some guests had arrived already, which was promising, but he hadn't yet seen any of the gods who really brought the party with them. It would be a real shame if Nemesis had to light the metaphorical fire all on his own. Starting a literal fire wasn't off the table, either.

    Shaking out a bit of pent-up energy, Nemesis jogged briskly across the room to go get a drink, which he began downing at a rapid speed. Glancing around the room, the god's green eyes landed on some tall, lanky guy in a white tuxedo - a far cry from Nemesis' fringed leather jacket and ripped t-shirt paired with shredded grey jeans. Yeah, sure, a lot of the gods got done up for Zeus' parties, but Nemesis never bothered. He didn't even own a tuxedo. Anyways, this guy - his face looked familiar, but Nemesis couldn't put a name to it. Kinda cute, though. Worth trying to push his buttons a little?

    Nemesis had never been one for weighing his options thoroughly. Staring over at him, Nemesis smirked. "And who're you supposed to be?" He asked, bluntly and arrogantly, as if he himself were someone worth remembering (not likely). He swiftly downed the rest of his drink and left the glass lying sideways on the table - an improvement from smashing it on the floor, which he thought about doing, but decided it was a bit early for that just yet.

    femalegoddess of ghostslocation: lower citytags: hades
    Being invited to a party was...not something Melinoe had really experienced before. She tended to actively avoid the Upper City when it was lit up in revelry - or, really, she tended to avoid it just in general. She wasn't sure whether her father was going to go, though she was sure he'd been invited; to say that he didn't have the best relationship with his brother Zeus would be putting it mildly. She wasn't sure if she was going to go, either, even though it was supposed to be starting very soon. Not that being late really mattered that much, but...she just didn't really like the atmosphere of a wild party like that. To her, it was little but intimidating. However, this was a very rare opportunity. Could she really just throw it away like that?

    She was still undecided as she got ready. She had never really reveled in the opulence of wealth like some of the gods did - Zeus in particular came to mind - but she did appreciate having so many beautiful clothes. She tried to always look her best, regardless of whether she really needed to. This time she chose a white gown, decorated with gold beading. An elegant look, but at the same time just a bit flashy. It definitely looked like something you'd wear to a party, although she could've just as easily said that she just felt like wearing it. She turned herself around in the mirror a few times, still weighing the thoughts rattling around in her head.

    Trying to clear her head by focusing on something else, Melinoe chose to set about the long process of doing her hair. Sometimes she didn't bother, letting it be more natural, but most often she took a lot of time to straighten it, to braid it, to weave thin ribbons through it or pierce it with dazzling pins. She was still working on her hair when she heard the knock on her door - which she knew was her father even before he spoke. "Yes, daddy." She called back to him in her soft, melodic voice, before turning back towards her vanity to finish her braid. He probably wanted to talk about the party; apparently Zeus had invited a lot of people this time, including many of the Lower City gods who usually avoided his ostentatious get-togethers. How many of them would go? Well, it was anybody's guess. Hades was probably a bit troubled by the decision himself. It could be a chance to try and repair the rift between himself and his brother, but at the same time he undoubtedly suspected Zeus of having an ulterior motive. Though, to be fair, that was quite likely.
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Re: Welcome to Olympus | Greek Gods Roleplay | O&A

Postby sandteeth » Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:52 am

he | tags: Open

Taking one last moment to play with his scruffy hair, Apollo stepped in through the grand doors of Zeus' palace. Eyes fixed on the gaudy, shiny decorations on the walls and ceiling above him, it was a wonder he didn't trip on his way up the stairs.
Guests were already pouring into the hall, and he did his best to hide the troubled frown tugging at his lips. He figured he'd just wander about quietly, looking for some corner to stash himself in until the party was over.
Mentally grumbling at his fatigue, he grabbed a drink and nodded awkwardly to the server, then quickly turned away to find a path around the conglomerating crowd.

she | tags: Zeus, Hera

Striding into the hall, Hestia smiled at the familiar scene, and glanced around for something to take her interest.
She noted her brother Zeus' absence as she investigated, and raised an eyebrow quizically. He'd thrown a party only to not turn up himself, she thought with a chuckle. Hands clasped behind her back, she pranced through the hall cheerfully, heading for the door across the room.
She opened it and peered down the corridoor, smiling and waving happily as she spotted her brother and his wife.
"Good evening lord Zeus, lady Hera!" She approached the two with a sweet smile.
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