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For roleplaying regular/real-world species with real-world limitations, e.g. cats, dogs, wolves, lions, bears.

What should happen next?

There was another sibling of Stardust's and she has come to start a new pack.
There is a new wolf who wants to start a new pack and it is causing a ruckus throughout the forest.
Hunters come to the forest.
A series of natural disasters.
A new pack rises and they are EVILLL and want to take over the forest.
The Idea on pg 16 that is on posts 3 and 7
Pm'ing an idea
Total votes : 35

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Postby wolfie. » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:08 pm

There was a time when the forest was at peace. All the wolves lived in one pack, Paradise Pack. Every animal was happy, going about there own business. But the alpha's pups started disappearing. Forst one, the oldest of the litter. He disappeared one night, and was never seen again. Then, another, the second oldest. He too disappeared one night, but the next day, his bloody remains lay at the alpha's den, haunting them. Out of fear for their last pup, Stardust, the Alpha's took there pup far from home, to an old family friend. The alphas left her there, hoping she would stay safe. The alpha's could no longer breed, because they were too old, and if the pup didn't survive, the throne could fall into the wrong paws. Life went on without the pup, and eventually, the alpha male died of sickness and old age. The loss was so hard on the alpha fae, that she stopped eating, and eventually, she died too. Two years had passed since the alphas took Stardust away, and now, was the time their family friend, Silver, would send her on her journey home. But in the time it took her to get there, three wolves , siblings, fought over he throne. The first, Storm Bird. Second, Indigo Moon. Third, Faded Rose. The bickering continued for about a month, when a wolf appeared at camp. She called herself Star, and told everyone she was a loner from far away. But Indigo was suspisious. She was sure this fae was hiding something, and eventually, she got Storm and Rose to beleive her too. But their suspisciouns were discarded by much of the pack. Somehow, all the pack felt a connection with Star. Star stayed with them for a while, making friends with the pack, but some of the wolves gave her nasty looks and felt it as a punishment to do anything with her. Eventually, Star revealed herself to her closest friend, Mist. She told her everything, including her full name, Lost Stardust. Word spread, and when it got to the three siblings, orders were issued to the most loyal members to have Star destroyed. But uch of the pack defended Star, and a battle broke out. Eventually, the Paradise pack split in two, Storm, Indigo, and Rose, leading them away. Mist was killed in battle, and many were injured badly. Stardust became the leader of Paradise Pack, and its name changed to Lost Star. As for Rose, Storm, and Indigo, they still bickered over who would be leader, and eventually the three went there own ways, each with a group of wolves loyal to them. Sotrm became the leader of Thunder Valley Pack. Indigo became the leader of the Indigo Moon Pack. And Rose became the leader of Fading Rose pack.



Lost Star Pack

Alpha Fae:: Lost Stardust (Star)- rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~
Alpha Male::

Beta Fae:: Ravenheart (Raven)- rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~
Beta Male::

Delta Fae:: Crow Dancer (Crow) - rp'ed by mackstarr
Delta Male::

Gamma Fae::
Gamma Male::

Medicine Wolf::

Lead Warrior:: Daggerclaw (Dagger) - rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~
Warriors::Tundra - rp'ed by Welunmitne
Lunarlight - rp'ed by

Lead Hunter::

Lead Scout::


Litters of Pups

Thunder Valley Pack

Alpha Fae::
Alpha Male:: Raging Stormbird (Storm)- rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~

Beta Fae:: Jagger (Jags) - rp'ed by Purple Applesauce
Beta Male::

Delta Fae::
Delta Male::

Gamma Fae::
Gamma Male::

Medicine Wolf:: Catara

Lead Warrior:: Crying Eagle (Cry) - rp'ed by mackstarr
Warriors:: Shadowheart (Shadow)- rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~

Lead Hunter:: Lacey - rp'ed by ♫♪Ƨнσωʝʋмρɛя♪♫

Lead Scout::


Litters of Pups

Indigo Moon Pack

Alpha Fae:: Indigo Moon (Indigo)- rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~
Alpha Male::

Beta Fae::
Beta Male::

Delta Fae::
Delta Male::

Gamma Fae::
Gamma Male::

Medicine Wolf::

Lead Warrior:: Vector - rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~
Warriors:: Ravaged Songs (Rav) - rp'ed by mackstarr

Lead Hunter::
Hunters:: Victoria's Heart (Victoria)- rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~

Lead Scout::


Litters of Pups

Fading Rose Pack

Alpha Fae:: Faded Rose - rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~
Alpha Male::

Beta Fae::
Beta Male::

Delta Fae::
Delta Male::

Gamma Fae::
Gamma Male::

Medicine Wolf::

Lead Warrior:: Death - rp'ed by tornadofan
Warriors::Flashback (Flash) - rp'ed by ~SugarHeart~

Lead Hunter::
Hunters::[Lilac Smoke (Lilac) - rp'ed by mackstarr

Lead Scout::


Litters of Pups

Fang - rp'ed by black-bleeding-rose
Alex - rp'ed by black-bleeding-rose

.:The Lead Warrior, Hunter, and Scout, are the ones to teach the apprentices in their groups. Also, the Medicine Wolf will train an apprentice. And the Alphas, Betas, Deltas, and Gammas, will also have apprentices for their ranking.
.:No roleplaying until I accept you.
.:Then names for the wolve can get confusing, so here is an example.
Pup: 'Ravenpup'
Apprentice: 'Ravenpaw'
Adult: 'Ravenheart' or just 'Raven'
.:.New Rule: You may only create a dog if you have already used your other wolves for a few days and are very aqcuainted with the other wolves.
.:.No detailed mating/birthing.
.:.No force mating or killing another persons wolf withput ehir specific permission.
.:.Use (), (()),{},[], ect., ect. when OOC.
.:.No cussing or rude remarks out of RP.
.:.Drama is encouraged, but not on every post.
.:.I prefer you use a CS pet for the picture, but if you don't have a pet you like, I am ok with another pic every now and then.
.:.Strange colors ansd marking ARE allowed.
.:.Try to use correct grammar, spelling, and write at least 2 or 3 sentences (I understand Writers Block)

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Last edited by wolfie. on Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:50 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby wolfie. » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:08 pm

My Lost Stardust Wolves

Pic:: Image
Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Lost Stardust - Star
Age:: 2 1/2 years
Gender:: Fae
Pack:: Lost Stardust
Rank:: Alpha Female
History:: Read the plot!
Personality:: She is a calm, mysterious, kind fae. She reveals her secrets only to her closest friends, and even if she is madly in love with someone, she covers her feelings and acts like it is perfectly fine when he is with another fae.
Crush:: She's open!
Other:: Nope.

Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Daggerclaw - Dagger
Age:: 3 years
Gender:: Male
Pack:: Lost Stardust
Rank:: Lead Warrior
History:: He grew up in the pack and was severly injured during the battle when the pack split up. He has scars running all over his body.
Personality:: I am still undecided about his personality, so we'll see how it goes.
Crush:: Not yet.
Other:: -

Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Ravenheart - Raven
Age:: 3 years
Gender:: Fae
Pack:: Lost Stardust
Rank:: Beta Fae
History:: She has dark history, but Star's kindness towards her has taught her to open up and let the light in.
Personality:: She is still learning to be kind, but she sometimes will have outbursts of anger, and she can be very offensive at times. Even violent.
Crush:: Ugh. No way.

My Thunder Valley Wolves

Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Raging Stormbird - Storm
Age:: 4 years
Gender:: Male
Pack:: Thunder Valley
Rank:: Alpha Male
History:: Read the plot.
Personality:: He is a calm, cunning wolf. He was once ambitious and cruel, but now that he is alpha, he as set his mind to making his pack well.
Crush:: None at th moment.

Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Shadowheart - Shadow
Age:: 2 1/2 years
Gender:: Fae
Pack:: Thunder Valley
History:: She has always been a loyal Paradise pack wolf, but she was close friends with Stormbird, so when he left, she couldn't imagine life without him, so she left too. It hurt her somuch inside to leave Lost Stardust pack, and she made it clear to Star that she still wanted to be friends.
Personality:: She is a sweet wolf with a caring heart that tor e in two wen she left the Lost Sstar pack. But she has been building off of that ever since, and she is very firendly and loyal to her pack.
Crush:: None.

My Indigo Moon Wolves

Pic:: Image
Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Indigo Moon - Indigo
Age:: 4 years
Gender:: Fae
Pack::Indigo Moon
Rank:: Alpha Fae
History:: Read the Plot
Personality:: She is kind and forgiving. She realizes her mistakes when she was a Paradise Pack wolf, and sometimes wishes she could go back and change how she acted. It hurts her more than ever to see how much she hurt oters. But now that there is nothing she can do about it, her main priorit is being the best leader she can be.
Crush:: None.

Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Vector
Age:: 3 years
Gender:: Brute
Pack:: Indigo Moon
Rank:: Lead Warrior
History:: It doesn't concern you.
Personality:: Defensive and rude, but sometimes he does open up.
Crush:: None.

Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Victoria's Heart (Victoria)
Age:: 2 years
Gender:: Fae
Pack:: Indigo Moon
Rank:: Hunter
History:: What does it matter to you?
Personality::She can be snobby, and sometimes is really flirty. But really, she is a cheerful wolf with a huge heart.
Crush:: None

My Fading Rose Wolves

Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Faded Rose
Age:: 4 years
Gender:: Fae
Pack:: Fading Rose
Rank:: Alpha Fae
History:: Read the plot and find out!
Personality:: She is a calm but rather evil wolf. She is beautigul and she knows it. She has a calm evil about her,she can smile an evil smile, and laugh as if she were your best friend. She is a great actor and looks beautifu no matter what she is doing.
Crush:: She's open!

Username: ~SugarHeart~
Name:: Flashback (Flash)
Age:: 3 years
Gender:: Male
Pack:: Fading Rose
Rank:: Warrior
History:: He became close friends with Rose, which constantly bothers other brutes because he spends so much time with her.
Personality::He is a calm and gentle wolf. But when on defense, he is almost impossible to take down.
Crush:: Rose

More Characters
Purple Applesauce wrote:[center]Image
Purple Applesauce
4 Years||Four Years
||Rank Wanted||
This is an Up-Tight Female, she isn't like normal females, when all they do is flirt with brutes||Males|| Jagger is a very smart wolf, she is always in a fight, if it is from showing how dominant she is, or if she just wants to fight, which always happens. Having her left ear torn off, her tail as well, a long, large scar going down from her left {missing} ear, over her right eye, and soon down to her noes. She always has many battle scars, the scar along her right eye made her blind forever, her right leg has a huge gash in it, with a small limp. Having scars all along the bottom of her stomach to her chin, and her once beautiful black, is now covered in stained blood, battle scars, is now. Just a mess. And having that being all said, that gives her the worst personality, rough mean, just pure-evil! She was born the daughter of an evil wolf, by the name of Death Survives, he was an immortal wolf, which Jags does not have an powers from. Jagger, has gotten into so many fights, she doesn't feel pain any more. This is just her personality, wait until you hear her history.




I'll make a brute when needed. When i first start i tend to leave him out a lot... Just added a couple things. I don't have a CS pet pic i like for her...

mackstarr wrote:

Pic:: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2 ... 1dqj1c.jpg
Username: mackstarr
Name:: Crow Dancer (Crow)
Age:: 3 years
Gender:: female
Pack:: Lost Star
Rank:: Delta fae
History:: will rp out
Personality:: cheerful and sweet, doesnt like to fight
Crush:: none yet

Pic:: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/ ... 2xgf9s.png
(the rest of his body is white accept for one black paw and black tail)
Username: mackstarr
Name:: Ravaged Songs (Rav)
Age:: 7 years
Gender:: male
Pack:: Indigo
Rank:: alpha male
History:: will rp out
Personality:: feirce and strong, is mean-spirited and the only one he has ever loved is indigo

Pic:: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/ ... yhusky.png
Username: mackstarr
Name:: Crying Eagle (Cry)
Age:: 4 years
Gender:: female
Pack:: Thunder
Rank:: lead fighter
History:: will rp out
Personality:: average, is an exceptional fighter and very agile
Crush:: none yet

Pic:: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs23/PRE/i/2 ... ionary.jpg
Username: mackstarr
Name:: Lilac Smoke (lilac)
Age:: 2 and 1/2 years
Gender:: male
Pack:: fading rose
Rank:: hunter
History:: will rp out
Personality:: quiet and shy, has a huge heart, very fast
Crush:: Fading Rose
Other:: Thanks!!!

♫♪Ƨнσωʝʋмρɛя♪♫ wrote:

Pic:: Image
[b]Pet's name:
Lacey, R.I.P my beautiful dog!
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Username: dogs/wolvesRULE
Name:: Lacey
Age:: 3 years
Gender:: Fea
Pack:: Thunder Valley
Rank:: I don't care
Personality:: Find out
Crush:: Storm

black-bleeding-rose wrote:

Pic:: Image
[b]Pet's name:
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Username: Black-Bleeding-Rose
Name:: Alex
Age:: 2 years
Gender:: Fae
Pack:: Loner
Rank:: Loner
History:: That is for me to know me to know and you to find out.
Personality:: She is sweet and caring, selfless and kind, but also very closed in and shy.
Crush:: None, yet.
Other:: None Yet

Pic:: Image
[b]Pet's name:
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Name:: Fang
Age:: 2 years
Gender:: Brute
Pack:: Loner
Rank:: Loner
History:: ...
Personality:: He is quiet and talks rarely to anybody.
Crush:: None
Other:: None

hoglolly wrote:

Pic:: Image
Username: hoglolly
Name:: Scorched Ash (Scorch)
Age:: young adult
Gender:: Male
Pack:: Lost star
Rank:: Alpha(preferably) or Beta
History:: rp out
Personality:: Scorch is a big sweet-heart and is very playful, but he also gets overly-angered if you make him mad and will get violent and controlling.
Crush:: none

Pic:: Image
Username: hoglolly
Name:: Winter Chameleon (Winter)
Age:: young
Gender:: Female
Pack:: Thunder Valley
Rank:: apprentice (preferably hunter or scout)
History:: rp out
Personality:: Winter is focused and always tries her best. When something needs to be done Winter will do it quickly without hesitation or distraction but when the task is done she becomes very hyper and excited.
Crush:: none

Pic:: Image
Username: hoglolly
Name:: River Fish (River)
Age:: adult
Gender:: Male
Pack:: Indigo Moon
Rank:: Medicine wolf
History:: rp out
Personality:: River is loyal to his pack, as he was told to be his whole life. He does what he is asked and rarely thinks for himself or offers opinions.
Crush:: none

Pic:: Image
Username: hoglolly
Name:: Cursed Soul (Soul)
Age:: adult
Gender:: Male
Pack:: Fading Rose
Rank:: Guard
History:: rp out
Personality:: Soul is in some ways week. He gets attached to others easily so he isolates himself. Being emotionally unstable, Soul pours himself into his work and avoids getting close to anybody.
Crush:: none

Pic:: Image
Username: hoglolly
Name:: Dreamers Nightmare (Nightmare)
Age:: adult
Gender:: female
Pack:: Fading Rose
Rank:: Warrior
History:: rp out
Personality:: Nightmare is devious and cruel. She enjoys inflicting pain and watching others suffer. Still, if the chances of her losing a fight are high she acts like a big coward and runs away.
Crush:: none

igoldenbleu wrote:

Pic:: Image
Username:: igoldenbleu
Name:: Bluegi
Age:: 3 (matable)
Gender:: Male (A-durr)
Pack:: Indigo Moon Pack
Rank:: Alpha Male
History:: N/A
Personality:: Nice, territorial, and can be mean.
Crush:: Hmm....
Other:: N/A

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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby apathy, » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:25 pm

Purple Applesauce
4 Years||Four Years
||Rank Wanted||
This is an Up-Tight Female, she isn't like normal females, when all they do is flirt with brutes||Males|| Jagger is a very smart wolf, she is always in a fight, if it is from showing how dominant she is, or if she just wants to fight, which always happens. Having her left ear torn off, her tail as well, a long, large scar going down from her left {missing} ear, over her right eye, and soon down to her noes. She always has many battle scars, the scar along her right eye made her blind forever, her right leg has a huge gash in it, with a small limp. Having scars all along the bottom of her stomach to her chin, and her once beautiful black, is now covered in stained blood, battle scars, is now. Just a mess. And having that being all said, that gives her the worst personality, rough mean, just pure-evil! She was born the daughter of an evil wolf, by the name of Death Survives, he was an immortal wolf, which Jags does not have an powers from. Jagger, has gotten into so many fights, she doesn't feel pain any more. This is just her personality, wait until you hear her history.




I'll make a brute when needed. When i first start i tend to leave him out a lot... Just added a couple things. I don't have a CS pet pic i like for her...
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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby mackstarr » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:42 pm

Pic:: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2 ... 1dqj1c.jpg
Username: mackstarr
Name:: Crow Dancer (Crow)
Age:: 3 years
Gender:: female
Pack:: Lost Star
Rank:: Delta fae
History:: will rp out
Personality:: cheerful and sweet, doesnt like to fight
Crush:: none yet

Pic:: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/ ... 2xgf9s.png
(the rest of his body is white accept for one black paw and black tail)
Username: mackstarr
Name:: Ravaged Songs (Rav)
Age:: 7 years
Gender:: male
Pack:: Indigo
Rank:: alpha male
History:: will rp out
Personality:: feirce and strong, is mean-spirited and the only one he has ever loved is indigo

Pic:: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/ ... yhusky.png
Username: mackstarr
Name:: Crying Eagle (Cry)
Age:: 4 years
Gender:: female
Pack:: Thunder
Rank:: lead fighter
History:: will rp out
Personality:: average, is an exceptional fighter and very agile
Crush:: none yet

Pic:: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs23/PRE/i/2 ... ionary.jpg
Username: mackstarr
Name:: Lilac Smoke (lilac)
Age:: 2 and 1/2 years
Gender:: male
Pack:: fading rose
Rank:: hunter
History:: will rp out
Personality:: quiet and shy, has a huge heart, very fast
Crush:: Fading Rose
Other:: Thanks!!!

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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby wolfie. » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:13 am

(Purple Applesauce, Accepted! mackstarr, either you didn't read the rules, or you just didn't let me know that you don't have CS pets you would like to use for the pictures...I understand how the picture for Crow matches her perfectly, and so does the picture fpr Rav. As for the others...)
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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby mackstarr » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:45 am

why a cs pet? i found the pictures that matched them...)))

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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby wolfie. » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:03 am

(It's fine, I just thought it would be cool, and I didn't want a HUGE mix of both CS pets and other pics...but like i said, I only pereferred if you did that, its fine if not)
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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby hachi. » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:09 am

Pic:: Image
[b]Pet's name:
Lacey, R.I.P my beautiful dog!
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Username: dogs/wolvesRULE
Name:: Lacey
Age:: 3 years
Gender:: Fea
Pack:: Thunder Valley
Rank:: I don't care
Personality:: Find out
Crush:: Storm
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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby mackstarr » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:28 am

ok thanks i just prefer pics that perfectly fit the idea i had for them :) )))

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Re: || Lost Star || A Wolf RP || New ||

Postby wolfie. » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:52 am

(ok, mackstarr, all of them are accepted except for Rav. he can't be alpha male right away. He has to earn the spot. So what rank will he have for now? As for dogs/wolvesRULE, accepted as a hunter)
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