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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby ~ Trigger » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:48 pm

Heart of a Tsunami
▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅

Username: ~ Trigger
LoC: #07
Name: Astrapi
Gender: Female
Element: Lightning + Wind
Age: 100+ years
Rank Wanted: Support







Once Upon A Dream

I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you,
that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true
that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once,
the way you did once upon a dream

But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream

I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you,
that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true
that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once,
the way you did once upon a dream


✔ Grass plains
✔ Silence
✔ Star gazing
✔ Cool breezes
✔ Cloudy days
✔ Play fighting


✖ Hypocrisy
✖ Bloodshed
✖ Fighting
✖ Liars
✖ Betrayal
✖ Swimming


【In the storm】

Who are thee that dare to travel the sea? Who would dare to travel through the storm? There’s a creature that lurks in the deep, calling upon the rage of the storm and wind. Though is it what it truly seems? When the storms are only the acts of nature? Could we blame this beast for keeping the world, our world in such balance? With the outrage of war, one must blame something or someone for the cause; whether it’s true or not.
What does this have to deal with a small lioness of the sea? Her very existence is no more important than others. Such pressure and fear in this civil war, many are blinded to the truth. Is the peace we had truly peace? When there are those who say that war is peace. Such questionable thoughts indeed, but what peace is will be decided upon the acts of the world.
They call me Astrapi, but I can’t be sure if that’s my given name at birth. Astrapi originates from Greek, it means lightning. Astrapi is quite fitting for my background, and abilities. All call me by my full name for I do not appreciate nicknames. Although, I do often get called Astra by those I’m close to. I never find it intriguing, but who can stop them? Even so, it annoys me the most when my brother starts using it as if I was a cub. I may be younger, but I sure can handle myself.

【there is absolute fear】

Elements are given to keep balance to the natural world. With such power comes with great responsibility. Some use it for the good of the world, while others abuse it. What we do with our gift is up to our own destiny.
Lightning it my first and most defensive ability of the two. Despite it being a strong element, I’ve learned to use its power for defense. Besides, it’s a lot easier to use it offensively when I have someone with the ability of thunder. Such power that circuit between the two.
Stun – This trick is used for both engaging and disengaging battles. It takes perfect strategy to use it successfully, because one mistake can take all unprepared. Stun strikes a target or more if others are around. It leaves the targets unable to move, removing any movement of the body or muscle for a short time period. Depending on the strength of the target, the duration may be shorter.
Electric Pull – This skill can be used offensively or defensively. Electric pull is used to carry objects, pull towards, or throw. It’s limited on how much the object weighs, and highly depends on the strength of Astrapi herself.
Force Field – Astrapi’s most defensive item is her force field. It’s used to keep danger from getting into physical contact. It can protect from light attacks, but will be destroyed with heavier attacks. The force field can only protect two per use. The more it’s used, the more Astrapi will lose energy.

Wind is my strongest and most feared ability. I never use it aggressively, but it will be used to warn you to back off. Respective to the possible outcome to stronger elements, Astrapi prefers to converse before battling. Hopefully to be able to wit her way around a fight, knowing that she will most likely lose.
Storm – Strongest, yet the most dangerous is Astrapi’s storm ability. With the help of her wind element, she can create hurricanes, tornadoes, and just large blasts of wind. Due to the damage it can cause, Astrapi never uses it unless it’s for full self-defense. Not only does bring chaos to the world, but it also can kill herself if she’s not careful.
Dash – A simple skill of Astrapi’s, and uses it for movement advantages. Dash is just a sudden quick movement to a targeted area. Agility is her main key when winning fights. Exhausting her opponents before striking is her strategy.
Enhanced senses – Hearing and smelling are important to the body, and life would be difficult without it. With the help of her wind, Astrapi’s auditory and scent is twice as strong compared to majority of the other lions. She is able to sense danger, or other life forms miles away from her position.

【never to be tamed】

Personality tells everything about a character. Lies and deceit play with your mind, and you will never know about it. Those who use such acts are those that are hiding behind a mask. Uncover the truth, and you will find who they really are. Like everyone, we all have a personality. That’s who we are, and how this world interacts. We all have the positives, and we all have the negatives. No one is perfect, and we can’t fix what we are unable to.

(Positive) Caring, respectful, tolerant, wise, loyal, and blissful.

Caring – Despite Astrapi being distant with a large mass of the lions, she still will care for those who deserve her recognition. If she hates you, don’t expect her to give you all her respect. It’s true that she may hate you, but she can still care for you; even though she despises it. There needs to be a bit of love, for it seems that this civil war has scattered all far and wide. Distrust has caused us to no longer live in harmony.
Respectful – Differences are one of the largest causes of hatred, but no matter where you come from, Astrapi will give your deserved respect. Even the worst of us still deserve some thought. To elders and of those of high rank always earn her respect. Not because they are of higher class, but because of the effort they put into their duty. Some may not be as great as others, but they help keep the pride from falling any further. The world is already crumbling; we can’t make it any worse.
Tolerant- Impossible it seems to tolerate the foolish choices everyone makes. To accept the fact that things may never change, and to accept the possible changes that we will face. Astrapi has taught herself to just accept the possible outcomes of the world and others. Pride, war, and death have just become a regular life to Astrapi.
Wise – Her age can be deceitful, but she is wise beyond her age. Astrapi acts and speaks as if she was an elder. Making choices that are impossible, and to understand the ways of war. Sacrifices must be made, and she can’t hide the fact that sometimes those sacrifices can’t be stopped.
Loyal – To her friends and family, she stays loyal to them no matter the cost. Not fully loyal to the pride, Astrapi tends to just lurk among the shadows of the land. She is unwilling to fight, or to even be included in the pride at times. Though, with the current status of the war, she will have to fight one day. She will offer her last breath to protect her family and friends.
Blissful – Happiness was destroyed when the civil war began. With peace destroyed after so long, seems everyone gave up their will to be in joy. Scarred by the brutality that this war has brought, Astrapi only wishes to make those she’s around as happy as her.

(Negative) Snappy, strict, short tempered, motherly, and over protective.

Snappy – Astrapi can, and will be harsh towards those who think less of her. Astrapi expects the same respect as she gives them, but of course she hardly respects others that think so lowly of her. She is not afraid to stand up for herself, and give a quick snap of words. To think of her as only a cub will only get you into a nasty situation.
Strict – The world never listens to what a cub has to say, for they only think of them as younglings. They don’t know any better than the adults. Shouldn’t we be more careful? Cubs know a lot more than what we expect. With such distasteful thoughts of adults, she tends to be strict to show her dominance. Astrapi has gotten into a lot of trouble when she doesn’t hold back her tongue.
Short Tempered – Astrapi is very impatient when others start to annoy her, or trying to prove themselves to her. Whether if they are trying to show they're stronger, smarter, or faster. She never cared, and will get into a feisty mood when others try to test her and her patience.
Motherly – You’re way too young to be a mother, young Astrapi. But yet, here you are treating everyone as if they’re your own. Don’t grow up too fast my dear, for you’ll forget how to be a young one. War may have impacted your life, but you can still enjoy life to the fullest. Stop worrying about others, nagging them, and being bossy.
Over Protective – With war on a rampage, it’s Astrapi’s duty to protect her family, friends, and the innocent. To spill blood she must, but war is not clean. Already she has lost her faith in the alphas, the ancestors, and herself. If there’s one thing she must do on this world, it will be to keep her family safe.

【but in the heart】

They say, on the day of my appearance, a great storm was washing upon the land. They say that I was born from the hate and rage of war. I truly do not believe them, but could they be right? Could it be true? For I have lost my memory of the past. I do not wish for it to be so, because I can still remember that day as if it just happened… Never did I realize that I’ve already fought in this war, and is long forgotten.
The waves crashed over me as I plead the gods for mercy. My claws ravaged against the water to swim. The closer I got above the water, the further the waves threw me down. I knew I would never survive, for I felt my struggle to live began to decrease. Beginning to lose my strength, I closed my eyes to savor my last breath before death.
It was dark and lonely, and I feared death itself. Before I knew it, the sea spit me out onto the shore as if they heard my plea. They gave me a second chance, and I was forever grateful. I dug my claws into the sand, dragging myself up the shore to distant myself from the gripping water. My body was numb, and I myself felt drowsy. Breathing heavily to gain back my breath, I looked up to the rumbling skies.
Something felt odd, and I didn’t know how to explain it. Even though my body was motionless with exhaustion, I felt so much pain and hatred. The waves continued to clash behind me, and I could hear roars of war, and screams of fear. It was so unbearable, that I myself began to scream with agony. Why was I feeling the horror of thousands of souls? I blacked out for my body finally exhausted to sleep.
Resting upon the sand, I was awoken to the bright rays of the stars. Opening my eyes, they widened with awe. Such beauty could this be? It was beyond anything I have ever seen, and they glittered like thousands of diamonds. The storm was calm, and there was only the sound of the calm waters. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the sky. It called me, it must be calling me. They gave me a second chance, and I must find out why. The ancestors must have given me a reason to live once more.
I began to travel across the unknown land that I was put onto. For many days I wandered alone, but never gave up hope. Step by step I took upon, waiting for my time to come to shine. Never did I know that I have wandered into a land of misfortune. A land where many lost their lives to a war, even though the land was empty. One step, I could already hear those same shrieks. Why, why were they in my head? I fell to the ground with tears in my eyes. Will I ever find my destiny?
Nothing scared me more than feeling lost. Lost I may have been, but the stars led me. The stars continued to remind me that I was never alone, and I'm always being watched over. It made me smile with joy knowing that I was never alone. Later through the years, I happen to find myself between the pride and the rebellions. I couldn't help myself but to question which purpose was greater. I couldn't decide who to fight for, and I struggled to find my place. I'm currently taking my place with the pride as a (support?), but I tend to fallow my blood brother. Where he goes, I shall fallow.

【mercy is what you seek】

Tobias – Blood Brother (Relationship)
With such a cloudy past, I couldn’t ask for anything to change. I met someone who changed my life, but was it for the better? He found me alone in this world, tears pouring from my eyes. He looked at me with passionate eyes. My tears stopped as I stared back at him.
Being found by him was a blessing, and I owe him my life. We fell into a deep connection, becoming blood siblings. His name is Tobias, a young lion who has been by my side for many years. We definitely had a lot of trial and error, but our love is unbreakable.
We tend to have a large amount of arguments and disagreements. Due to both of us being the over protective types, we just can’t agree. My motherly, nagging side really breaks his patience. Plus, he is always unable to cooperate with me. It’s so frustrating dealing with him, and how he treats me as the youngling. Sometimes I wish he would, just for once, listen to me.
The only topic I want him to understand is our powers combined. We will be an unstoppable force together! With my electricity and his water, together we'll terminate this war. I don't know why he can't get that through his head, he's holding back for some reason. Is it because it's dangerous, or is he afraid? I can't tell, but he's not telling me everything. I'll make him listen one day.
Sometimes our arguments can really get out of control, which always lead to hatred for one another. It doesn’t last long, because we always end up back together after some time was given to think. I do have to agree though, I can be quite annoying when I’m always mothering Tobias.
We’ve been through thick and thin ever since we met. War has really impacted my life, his, and everyone else. We have many differences, but our opposites attract. I can’t say my relation with Tobias is perfect, but I sure will say that he’s the only one in this world that is important to me. We will always be together, even after death.

Artemis – Friend or Enemy? (Relationship)
Artemis isn't well known to Astrapi, but she is familiar with Tobias's relation with her. Hearing stories about Artemis from her blood brother, she found her as an unsure enemy. From the stories, she sounds awful, but could it be true? Astrapi herself wasn't sure, but she has been keeping a good eye out.
Trustworthy or not, as long as she's an enemy to her brother; Artemis is an enemy to Astrapi. Not a strong hatred to Artemis, because she doesn't know the lioness well enough to hate her so strongly. Perhaps one day, if she meets her, she'll understand the history between Tobias and Artemis. Despite the stories that were told by her brother, she's heard some miraculous stories from others. An honorable warrior, daughter of a great leader. Artemis sounds like someone you would look up to, and she has a family of her own. Nah, she couldn't be bad as Tobias says....But, that could just be a mask of lies...
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby Tundra » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:59 pm

I really should mark this thread. HOPEFULLY I can get one of these darlings..but I also hope for..Bones...BONES! *walks away*
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby Suchgo » Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:22 pm

Username: Suchgo
Cub Applying For: #8
Gender: Male
Element: Earth + Light
The day of their birth (from their point of view):

Sullivan: Christian - vegan - ISFJ - ace - sphinx - sleuthsphinx

RP Tracker

pkmn detectives & thieves - Espirix & Artemis.
keep your enemies closer - Gigi & ???.
barking up the wrong tree - Mallory & Adonis.
sig chibi avatar

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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby ChickenPopper » Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:09 am

Username: ChickenPopper
Cub Applying For: #03
Gender: Female
Element: Light + Darkness
The day of their birth (from their point of view):

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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby .The Bootless Box. » Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:01 pm


▰ ▰ ▰ ▰

------- .The Bootless Box.
-------name Elysia (Ἠλύσια)
-------number #007
-------gender female

---[ name meaning ]
- From Greek Pedion Elysion, the name of the heavenly
fields of Elysia, a section of the Underworld mentioned in
Greek mythology. The mythological place name may have
evolved from the designation of a place, or person,struck
by lightning (enelysion, enelysios); "lightning-struck."



xxx like ; finding items
xxx dislike ; water
xxx like ; storms
xxx dislike ; rain

xxx like ; knowledge
xxx dislike ; ignorance
xxx like ; stars
xxx dislike ; hunting

elements --> Lightening & Air
Elysia is definitely not in control of her powers yet, they are very dangerous to her and she is very emotion-based with them. Although born with already significant powers, she despises them. They make her feel out of control and too reckless. Regardless she knows if she trains and learns to use her abilities, she will be in control. She also somewhat fears her powers and is very cautious when using them. As of now she only knows a few things with her powers, her stripe on her pelt will turn blue and her eyes emit sparks as well as the stripe when she uses her power or when she gets upset. She can make lightening bolts and with her two powers combined, one day will be able to control small weather patterns, push a storm in a different direction, redirect lightening, make a bit of a pseudo-storm. Elysia is already more skilled with her lightening than air. Eyal has shown her how to make small water bubbles float, but that's pretty much the extent of her air powers, she is not strong enough with it to blow someone back yet.



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DICTATORIAL- definition 3/ bossy
ORGANIZED- definition/ neat
PASSIONATE- definition 3/ emotional
IMPULSIVE- definition 1/ rash
DEFIANT- definition/ rebellious
INQUISITIVE- definition/ curious
CORDIAL- definition 3 / friendly
NAIVE- definition 2 / innocent
APPREHENSIVE- definition 1/ cautious
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I'm unpredictable, I never know
where I'm going until I get there,
I'm so random, I'm always growing,
learning, changing, I'm never the
same person twice. But one thing you
can be sure of about me; is I will
always do exactly what I want to do.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
text text
Elysia worries a lot and that makes her want to take control of most situations, and even when she doesn't have confidence she's usually pretty good at faking it. She isn't the most knowledgeable, however, and can be very ignorant and naive.That makes her feel like she needs to take control and she usually acts on her feeling as she's pretty impulsive. Even though she's impulsive and controlling it's mostly due to her being so caring and worrisome of everyone, she is somewhat paranoid and doesn't want anyone to get hurt, so often she feels if she takes control instead of anyone else getting hurt she will.

Elysia tries to be honorable and fair and with that she often questions the authority of others above her, if she feels she has ground to. She can be quite the rebel, but first; she tries to find good grounds to do so, like she won't take "because i said so" or "because they were wrong", she wants to know why and how.

Since she arrived on the beach though; she's been jumpy and scared, she doesn't like the unknown and fears it, which is what drives her towards order and control so often. Her mind and body are still trying to comprehend and make practical sense of everything.

She's still got a lot to learn and much to learn but she knows that and tries to be a bit more open-minded. She does have good-intentions, and tries to be friendly and polite. Although if you make her mad or upset she is rather reactive to her emotions and does not have good control over them, its one of her flaws she already sees very clearly and dislikes greatly.



Help Me, I'm Drowning In Fear
    The light was fading in and out around me..... I could feel m lungs start to give up as I flailed and struggled, my powers failing me, and my vision went in and out... ............help................ me.... my last breaths were little bubbles my eyes focused on all went black

    Until.... my vision returned white and dark swirling waves moved around my body... the light came..... then gray... .and black. ...... all of the sudden I felt a force move me i could only see white lights and some grey waters.... drowning me ..... my body limp... no air bubbles moved about... only the waves the horrid waves... they made my lungs burn it seemed... then the lights faded and my vision black as a force pushed me once more but now it was more....

    All of the sudden i was on ground, and something seized me , filling and electrifying every cell every...... fiber, it was so painful... the light was so bright.. too bright .... so... bright the pain intensified as I felt my lungs again.... and ground... it nestled against my body again... confusion.. what? I stubble forward eyes blinded... legs wobbly...

    where am I? I tried to see to move, I ran into something and it moved, making me turn and shrink way, touching the water
    Water!? it's so dangerous... i'm gonna die! I run forward and fall. Upset I feel the air and electricity moved through and around me.... how?.... what's wrong with me!?.. what's going on!?.... Why can't I see!?...
    ..... My ears!? What's wrong!?.... Help.... please... i'm drowning...
    my.. lungs... my lungs!!

    My vision went black.. When I came to I could see but I was breathing so hard...... Sparks began to fly off my pelt and it scared me, terrified me. I got up and looked up, only to see so many around me. Who are they!? I felt like I couldn't breath again. I'm drowning I'm drowning! I close my eyes and try to calm down but my lungs burn and all of the sudden lightening hits nearby,.... too close too close!!! I ran my vision blurry more booms of bright light terrified me, as i ran they seemed to chase me, too close to my eyes!!!..... My lungs burned everything burned... please.... someone... help!!! ......I- I.... Keep running keep running!!! .... I swung my head to see if I got away from the lightening, barely breathing. The light begins to fade in and out again.... help... me.. BOOM... lightening... smack! I ran into a rock.... My lungs burn again and I see another coming closer and closer.. I'm crying... so scared...

    "help me!! PLEASE!!" I squall, and he did.. I could breath... He said he was just like me.. the same happened to him.. He asked me my name.. what is it?.... "I'm Eyal." his name. ... it came to me... slowly... it sounded familiar... like... home?

    "I think it's Elysia?"

    small summary
    (I know that this is somewhat hard to follow but I hope you enjoyed it. It's from her point of view. So here is a small 3rd person pov )

    Elysia's death, she doesn't know how she got there or much besides that she's drowning, and then the light fades from her as her last breaths float by her, and her lungs fill with water, burning like fire.
    Then briefly her eyes open and she sees the lake's murky, upset, swirling waters, but she's got no heartbeat or breath.. and a light is surrounding her, blinding her.. then she goes limp and dark as the lake lays her out on the ground. As the light appears and lifts her up, the shock is painful, awakening every muscle that had been strained in death and transformed by the lake, and healed. The light is so bright, painfully even, as pain flows through her, then it lays them on the ground and she tries to get up, stumbling into the lion who found her and who tries to calm the cub, but she cannot hear or see them yet and she runs the other way, hitting water, and water is a killer a awful thing, terrifying, even touching it triggers panic to her so she thinks she's drowning again and hyperventilates into passing out.
    When she wakens everyone has crowded around the freak accidents of cubs and she is unable to control her powers and has no idea about them, so it scares her too, making her panic and then the lions all crowding them, she doesn't know them or who she is or what she or them are, so she is naturally terrified, thinking the worst. As she panics her lightening abilities grow tense and build up then releasing a shock that hits nearby and scares her into running away, each new bolt scaring her more. She's got no idea they are caused by her then and runs into a rock, and cowers beneath it, shaking, crying, and terrified. She hyperventilates again thinking she's drowning and calls for help.
    Eyal has seen her run off, terrified, and goes to talk to her, maybe she knows what's happened to them. He is glad to help and his presence calms her, she knows the same thing must have happened to him because he was being stared at too. then he asks her name and she remembers it but nothing else.


eyal male cubbest friend apricotflyer (in form)

Eyal was the first to care how she was and help her calm down,
Elysia appreciates that with all of her heart and cares for him. It
meant a lot to the cub that he was willing to do so. She loves
spending time with him and he has already shown her so much.
He's began to help her fear of water, she still won't touch it, but
they've combined their powers, which is helping her strengthen
her air abilities, and they make bubbles. He makes the little
spheres of water and she uses her gust of air to push them up.
vashti female adultacquaintance me

Vashti is very sensitive to strong emotions, so when she felt so
much emotion and turmoil she came to the beach to see what
was going on. She first saw the little winged cub and then Elysia.
She wanted to help the poor souls and help sort out all the pain
they must have gone through, something in her related to that.
Elysia came to her one day after and asked her name, that she'd
seen her that day and wanted to know her name. Then she had
a few questions about what happened, Vashti happy answered.


xochipilli male cubfriend ~Willow

Xochi and Elysia are kindred spirits, and Elysia finds him a
wonderful kind of friend. He's very interesting and she likes to
talk with him about the wonders of the world, things neither of
them quite understand. In time they will confide in each other;
her frustrations at them not growing, how he likes being a cub
and doesn't want to, and how she finds their re-birth a waste if
they can never achieve they great things, family, fighting, and
being able to become an adult. But who knows how they'll change?
ecko male adultacquaintance starry-night

Elysia has heard that he was the first to emerge from the lake.
She's seen him but hasn't had much of a conversation with him.
Her questions for him are long. Does he fear water? Drowning?
Does he still have a connection to the lake? What happened to
him? And so many more. She wants to ask him all this but she is
only now putting a face to the name. She asked as subtly as she
can about the lake and what it means and who she could have
been. She sometimes wonders if she was good or bad, and why?




daenerys female cubfriend-ish Mortikat (in form)

Elysia enjoys Rys cheerful and somewhat carefree manners, it
makes her laugh, and she likes that. They've become friends
but Rys has this habit of taking advantage of others and too
often Elysia doesn't even know that she's been wronged. When
she does figure it out, she feels bitter and betrayed and that's
where the friend"-ish" comes in. Elysia will yell and accuse her
and become very upset, yet somehow her and rys always end up
okay again, but there may come a time when they won't.
phycodurus female cubfriend ~Willow (in form)

Elysia has a lot of curiosity about her, as she's so shy, Elysia
thinks of her like a mystery, but with everything that's happened
to them she really does try not to pry when talking to Phy. She
feels really protective of her, like a sister. Elysia doesn't have
quite the best grasp on family, but she figures by terminology,
that's what the other cubs are and she thinks Phycodurus fits
the term best. She also relates to the cub's lack of courage. All
of her fears seem to affect her the same sometimes.


kilan male adultstranger Tundra

As curiosity killed the cat, or in this case the lioness, Elysia
wonders what this large lion could possibly want with all these
trinkets? Part of her is too scared to wonder, and yet her
mind gives her all the worst possibilities. So she has a bit of a
fear of kilan. Part of her wants to prove she's strong like him,
and the rest of her is super scared of him and his size. She is
fine with being curious from afar towards him with all the odd
things she wants to know, is he mean? does he collect dead stuff?
Ailé female cubstranger FandomKitsune(in form)

Since they were the some of the last to be born that day, Aile
and Elysia were closer together than some of the others. She
was one of the first Elysia happened to see before she became
upset and panicked, and in that moment, she had seen that
both of them were in the same situation, both confused and
lost. Although she only saw her that brief moment she considers
the other cub family, as they were born the same time, and hopes
her outburst had not affected Aile. She hasn't had a chance to ask.


    (left to right)
    Sparks fly by me
    sleepy time by Cyren
    smoll chibi by me
    eyal and elysia by me

    worried cub by Tundra



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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby T h e M a r t i a n » Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:24 pm

Aggie Grad

Cub Applying For:



Flight + Sonic Waves

Playful :: Wise :: Compassionate :: Daring :: Patient

The day of their birth:

Darkness. It surrounded the small cub, craddling it tenderly. Not a single movenent arose from the cub after being washed ashore. It's ivory coat shone slightly, due to the water locked inside. It's wings lay sprawled across the rock beneath it's frail body, forepaws pushed underneath the small creature, reaching for it's waist. It's back legs were curved out to it's right side, showing it had been pushed upon the shore.

No sooner than the cub had appeared, a light, bright as the sun, arose from the water, hovering there for a moment. Though, a wave pulsated from the orb, hitting the cub, whose eyes snapped open, bright, and pure white. He was lifted from the rock, and held there for a short moment. Then, he fell back to his paws, coughing.

"W-where am I?" She small cub inquired, searching for any possible explanation for his sudden awakening on this beach. He saw a larger lion before him, and paused, studiying the larger creature for a few moments time. He glanced around, spotting others as small as himself. *who are they?* He thought to himself, a perplexed look to his face, before returning to his gaze towards the older lion once again.

My gosh!! Massive WIP
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby bears » Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:14 pm

Username ; winter bear
Cub Applying For ; #002
Name ;
Gender ; biologically male
Element ; Water + Galactic Plasma
Personality ;
Relationships ;
Likes/Dislikes ;
The day of their birth ;
Extras ;
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby renboo » Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:08 pm

Username: renboo
Cub Applying For: LOC #4
Name: Soarette
Gender: Female
Element: Flight + Psychic
Personality: Daring, loyal, spunky, has a colorful personality
Relationships: connects real well with the world and nature (Spiritually)
Likes/Dislikes: loves flying and animals,
The day of their birth (from their point of view): April 17
Extras: please PM me if you make this awesome "lion from the sea", can you make it have wings? If not, change it to #6. Please make it colorful!!! (like rainbow :D ) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Ultimate Dreamie: Shima Longtail
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby Blumoonwolf » Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:07 am


Wʜɪᴄʜ Cᴜʙ?




Flight + Sonic Waves


Aeyris is playful, loving to bound and leap, and fly with her wings.
Almost anyone who sees her can see that the air is like a second home to her, as well as anything high up, that may cause others to stumble. More often than not, she'll tease her friends in the light-hearted way she always does.

She's clever, and always has been since that fateful day on the beach.
Aris has always known more than any other cub should know at her age, and because of it others might test her knowledge with a joust, or some other foolish thing she enjoys with a smile.
She's always been intrigued with puzzles and secrets, and she can usually solve them very quickly, if her mind or heart is set on it.

She's deathly loyal to anyone she really knows- which is just basically her family of close ones, (the other event lions if allowed.)
The reason why I listed this inbetween her 'good' traits, and her 'bad' traits, is because really it's a crossroads.
Because she loves them, she'd be willing to sacrifice everything for them, and that could be used as
leverage for the wrong person. Buuuuuut, it also means that she'd never turn her back, even if her friends fought and bickered.

Aris is also very rash, because of her wings and unusual powers, and her odd stealth and cleverness,she imagines she can escape any danger by flying away. This can cause her to be reckless with decision making, and because of her curiosity, she's like a wrecking ball that can't be stopped. Unfortunately, this can hurt a lot of lions if she doesn't learn to be more careful.

Lastly, Aris is as stubborn a moon around a planet.
When she's determined, she's unbelievably stubborn, and nothing can change her mind.
She believes that everyone's voice should be heard (including hers) and so she'll speak for anyone... even if it's not what they
had in mind. More often than not, she'll be the one to gently push others into making a decision- but unlike others she's fully ready to claim responsibility for it as well.
There's not much more to say about this -famous- trait of hers, it's almost impossible for her to waver if she's set on it.

Despite all of this, Aeyris often tries to hide her doubts and worries by her sarcasm and brash decisions.

Pride- Sadly, she's indifferent to the pride, she'd protect them and provide for them, but beyond that she doesn't like talking or training with others. Aris gets upset and anxious when around them, because she knows she's different- a bad different and shedoesn't like it. However, she is getting more used to them as the years pass by. In a way, she's being selectively silent around them.

Pride Cubs- Aris loves acting like a mentor around the Pride's little ones... she'll teach them battle moves and sometimes spoil them with stories she'll usually only tell the other Lake Cubs or Inna. Aeyris also adores playing and tumbling with them- so unlike with older pride members, she will talk to them.

Event Cubs- Aris feels a fierce loyalty to the other cubs, they experienced the same thing and made it out alive together, and she really can't ask for more than that. She loves talking with the other cubs, as well as telling them stories and 'exploring' together.
She feels a close bond with them, even if they don't share that feeling. Despite all of their personality differences, and maybe even past lives, the first few years of their 'new' lives were the closest spent together.

Inna- Aris adores this lion, and she's closer to him than just a mentor/student relationship.
She'll often confide in him for any problems, and she knows she can trust him with her life, and in her eyes, he's the perfect, loving father she could ever hope to have, even if he isn't biologically her father.

Likes- Meterology, Stars, and Stories
Aris loves to explore the odd weather patterns, and watching how storms work.
She has quite the advantage to seeing them up-close with her wings, as well.
Along with her strange fascination with weather, she adores the stars, and dreams of being a head scout to explore unknown
territory and lead others who believe in her to see them through it.
Lastly, Aris falls fast for stories. It can be literally anything, and she'll listen closely, as if she feels like she really is in the story, where anything can happen, even if it is just another memory of someone else. Because of this fascination, she can also
tell vivid stories, and she loves to, but only on a dark, clear-sky night...

Crowds, Sand, and Heat
Aris has never liked being crowded, and drowning in water did not help her claustrophobia.

To be honest, she only really trusts the few who came out of that lake with her, and almost no one else beyond that. Luckily for her, her wings are a means of escape, so she often wanders her thoughts as scattered as her travels.
Another thing she hates is sand.
When she first blinked open her eyes on that beach, she felt like she was surrounded, and the sand was caught in her fur, rubbing painfully between her paws, and she almost choked on a mouthful of it. Maybe you can see why she hates it? It feels un natural for her, and too foreign to really appreciate.
Lastly, Aris is used to flying at sonic speeds and looping through the open air, to her, heat feels clammy and awkward, crippling and it also brings out her claustrophobia in some cases, making her feel awkward and nauseous.

Aeyris has quite a few odd quirks, and while most of them are endearing, some of them are a bit... questionable.
She, for instance, has a quirky, lopsided smile, and while most of the time she'll carry her sacred black feather around in her mouth, or tucked between her own feathers, she may balance it on her head or on the top of her paw, and walk around trying to see how long it takes before someone mentions it. She carries that feather basically everywhere, so most of the time others ignore her playful yet obnoxious games with it.
But what about her odd behaviour of flicking her ear/tail quite frequently, or how she'll shuffle her left paw when she's anxious and her right paw when she's lying.
She has many more quirks, but if you really know her, you can read Aeyris almost like a book, and that helps when she's having trouble talking.

The Feather & Before:
(Aris only remembers parts and pieces of this story, but she knows the feather is important enough to never be lost.)
Today was the day.
I was finally going to see the lake, and my older sister was going to do some tricks with her wings, too.
I guess I was kind of jealous, afterall, I had been crippled after falling from a tree when we lived as rogues, the bone hadn't sat right. And she got to fly. It didn't matter though, I had waited fifty years to be able to see the lake, and since the Pride welcomed us now, that wouldn't be a problem any longer.

It was so much easier now too, though I always felt restless among the Pride. I was... my whole family are still outcasts, but it's nice to not have to hunt for food daily, and too see a smiling face everyday. I always felt a sense of guilt though, like I could never really provide much help with my crippled leg. At best, it was possible I could be trained as a cub-trainer, though it was much more likely they'd cast me out by that time if I wasn't able to help.

Limping behind my sister, who had the lovely name of Taysha, she briefly turned around and flicked her tail against my shoulder. A challenge. Well, well, well. I could do that. Taysha whipped around and danced in front of me, playful hopping to and fro, dodging just out of my reach every single time. I always played strategically, placing my glancing blows when I know I could hit.

Finally, with a small battle cry- I lept forward, feeling dizzy and tired, but I made contact with her and we both rolled forward, not caring that we were nearing the cliff edge. I swiped at her head, but she evaded only slightly, my paws scuffing her feathers and sending a beautiful black one floating gently to the ground.
Huffing, she flashed me a smile and tucked the feather into my fur, and thanks to the annoying thickness of it, it stayed. Silently, she pointed her tail forward, to the edge of the cliff, nodding in encouragement.

Grinning, I sheepishly stalked towards the edge, preparing myself for what the lake would look like based on the countless stories I had been told.

None of them were the least bit right.

The lake shone a deep turquoise blue, it's depths unknown, and with the light hitting it, the surface sparkled and glimmered like jewels. Just below the surface I thought I saw the faint shape of lions roaring and battling, playing and teasing before they seemed to fade away.
"Taysha! Please come look."
"I've already seen it, Ari. Anyways, I don't like the..." She drifted off, not wanting to ruin her own pride I guess.

"A winger who's afraid of heights? Oh how funny." A raspy voice rumbled, voice thick with menace that sent chills up my spine.. Turning around stiff-legged, I glared at the lion who had once been the leader of our small group, an ambitious and revengeful lion who dislike the Pride more than anything. Before my father had led us away, he had haunted my every waking moment. Taysha snarled, but was soon hushed as he strode past.

"And the small little cub, how horribly sad that you disliked me enough to run away with your coward of a father." His icy eyes stared right through me into my very core, and I fought to hold his gaze, though I said nothing.
"Get away from her." Taysha growls, leaping, but she is thrown to the side with his air elemental power.

"But you raided the supplies as a thank-you gift as well." He paused. "Maybe I should return the favor. You only held them back anyways."

I had less than a moment to process what he said before he bowled into my side, sending me flying over the edge of the cliff. Taysha, sprang after me, without a single pause, she sailed off the cliff, wings snapping open as she stretched her paws to snatch me.

It was all happening slowly now, the blackness at the edge of my vision, the lack of ground.. anything underneath me and gthe fear of what was inevitable.

The lake's water burned like what I imagine a sun would, searing into my fur and blinding me as I reached for Taysha. It was odd, they said the lake was ice cold, and I thought this as I slowly sank lower and lower, random things flying through my mind. Memories- like the time Taysha had shown me how she glided through the air, the last time I saw Mother. Taysha... she was still above the surface. Would she miss me? Would she turn hard and cold or as revengeful as the rogue leader?

She hung desperately over the surface, scanning for me as I sank deeper, the splashed water from my fall had already singed some of her flight feathers. Muted and muffled, I heard her scream for me, and with a feeble attempt, I tried swimming upwards as the colors of the water blurred before me, pulling me down down down.
The last thing I saw before I went under was Taysha's feather, caught in a current, and with my last breath, I stretched up and caught it between my paws, closing my eyes.

Tʜᴇ Aᴡᴀᴋᴇɴɪɴɢ
(Oʀ ᴍʏ Bɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ, ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʀᴇғᴇʀ)

Water swirled around my paws, and instinctively I started paddling, swimming upward even as my fur dragged me down.
It felt as if many lions were tugging, staring at me with shallow anger, as if they despised me for even trying to reach the surface.
It was a battle, and I was winning, with only a few more paw-strokes I would reach the surface...
It was inevitable, though, soon my paws grew weary, and every flick of them was like pulling a dead anchor around my legs,
and the flickering shades of blue around me combined into one inky dark mass, I closed my eyes, waiting to be drawn into the abyss...


Blinking open my eyes, when I realized I could breathe, I saw a blindingly bright light.
It was too bright, too wild, too perfect.
I saw a cub of a past life in the flames- maybe even my own, small and crippled, desperately trying to grab onto any perch
as it fell through the air, and I recognized the lake below. This cub had no wings, though they were not alone, an older sibling, maybe even a sister was calling out to them- with such a fierce love and.. fear.
I tried moving, to yell out, to help, but I was mute and frozen as I watched the scene unfold.
That light-that flame- it was still there, like an option, a choice, that I could take, or that I could refuse.
I peered closer, the sister was crying, calling out to the falling cub before they hit the surface of the water.
Maybe it was possible to save that cub if I had welcomed the flame- maybe not.

Hesitantly, I closed my eyes and turned away.
I would not be that cub, with a family I didn't remember, faces who were blank, but loving and not alone like I was now, but somewhere deep inside my heart, I know I would always bear the guilt of not welcoming that life, of not saving that child...
The fire burned brighter still behind my closed eyes, but this time it was lifting me up, giving me a fierce determination.
Even with my eyes closed, I knew it was giving me a spark, kindling a flame inside.
The subtle cold that nipped my paws and ears was fading, and I felt curiously weightless, like I could fly.


Taking in a deep, shuddering breath, I blinked open my eyes, into an unfamiliar place, dark and cold, with grainy sand rubbing into my fur and scratching my pawpads painfully. I coughed, and my breathing was ragged and loud, and I had to take shallow breaths to keep that lurking darkness at bay, as if I was about to pass out.
I was surrounded in a loose loop of other lions, faces showing emotions of distress to wonder- to fear.
Raising my head, I caught the eyes of other cubs, all in the same, confused state I was in, soaking wet with- water.
Most of them had bright colors, but I noticed all of them were... different. Though we all instinctively backed towards each other, as if looking for support. That was the moment I made up my mind.
These would be my own siblings I would protect- we would never be alone.

The extras are pretty much scattered everywhere in my form, I apologize for that!

This is actually only my second form for a LOC, so when I saw this dream character, I knew I had to try out.

What would I do with this pretty girl? Bring on the roleplays. I'd love to join the fanclub and be active within the community- as well as create a more in-depth personality and connection to the other Event Cub owners depending on personalities, hopefully an even greater history.

I'd probably freak out for a few days straight as well. Aeyris has been one of my dream characters from the moment I saw her. I regret not having more time to develop her, but I hope you'll forgive me for that <3
I hope that whoever wins this pretty LOC takes care of them, and thank you for reading my form!~

Hopefully I can ask a friend for help with coding and see if I can organize this mess, sorry for all the forum space taken.
Art was ordered but put on hold due to an injury.

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9:40 CST
Last edited by Blumoonwolf on Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:41 pm, edited 9 times in total.
    I hope you have a lovely day/night <3
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby *Shiveren* » Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:20 pm

Username: *Shiveren*
Cub Applying For: #8
Name: Azog
Gender: Male
Element: Earth + Light
Personality: Very serene, closed minded, calm, collected, elegant, cute
Relationships: No relationship with his parents but adores all females. That is one of his quirks, he adores to spend time with females and he is often teased for it.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: water, sun, joy, Christmas, light, Girls Dislikes: Night, darkness, depression, loud noises, large insects
The day of their birth (from their point of view): wip
Last edited by *Shiveren* on Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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